
How many grams in an egg yolk. Chicken egg weight depending on category

A chicken egg is a familiar food on our table. Store shelves are full of a huge selection of this product. And it differs not only in the manufacturer and price, but also in the weight category, which basically forms the price. It is useful to know what this category is and what it depends on.

The meaning of egg labeling

According to our standards, any egg produced by a poultry farm has its own marking. The marking stamp consists of two elements: letters and numbers. The letter is responsible for the type of product, and the number or letter for the size (weight). There are two types of letters:

  1. "D" - dietary, a week is allotted for its implementation;
  2. "C" - canteen, must be sold in 25 days.

Important! Importedslightly different markings: S - Small (up to 53 g), M - Medium (53–63 g), L - Large (63 73 g), XL - Very Large (more than 73 g).

By weight, they are divided into the following categories:

  • 3 - the third category, the smallest;
  • 2 - second;
  • 1 - first;
  • About - selective;
  • B is the highest.
Thus, if you see the brand “C1” on the product, it means that it is table, the first category.

Average weight of a chicken egg

Each described variety corresponds to a certain value of the product in grams.


Raw egg without shell

When athletes calculate their daily ration, it also matters to them how much an egg weighs without a shell. To determine the weight of the contents of the product, you need to know what percentage of its total mass is the shell. It accounts for approximately 12%. Based on the above data, you can get the following:


Weight of yolk and white



It is important for supporters of diets and hostesses to know whether the mass of a raw product differs from a boiled one. To understand this issue, you need to delve a little into the anatomy of the egg. Its shell is permeable to air, but it releases it much more slowly than it lets it in. Therefore, no losses occur during cooking. When we remove the shell, the weight of the cooked contents will equal the weight of the raw contents of the shell.

Important! It is necessary to take into account the fact that if the product is stored for a long time, its contents still gradually evaporate, and when you cook it, it may turn out that its mass will not correspond to the one declared by the manufacturer.

Egg weight by breed

Regardless of which direction a chicken from a particular breed belongs to, they all have the ability to rush. True, the size of the demolished product will vary. Most often, meat and egg chickens carry larger ones, and egg ones - small ones. To obtain goods of the highest category, selected laying hens are bred, which are fed according to a special scheme.
The average weight values ​​for the most common breeds look like this:

Breed Egg weight
Rhode Island 56 58 g
New Hampshire 58 59 g
Plymouth Rock 56 60 g
Moscow 56 58 g
60 62 g
60 61 g
56 58 g
Pervomaiskaya 58 63 g

Every farmer who breeds poultry is interested in having chickens of high productivity. In this case, not only the number of eggs is important, but also their quality, for example, size. After all, fromhow much does the resulting chicken egg weigh, depends on which category it falls into and how much you can get for it. Even with a large number of eggs laid, the benefit will be small if they have a small mass. We will talk about how the product is sorted and labeled, as well as how much one egg weighs on average, in this article.

Before the layer product is sent to the store, it is sorted and labelled. This is done in order to make it easier for you and me to understand what is the mass of the egg and how long ago it was laid. Most often, you can find the marking with the letters "C" or "D", which are applied to the surface of the shell or on top of the package.

These letters are deciphered as follows:

  1. D - dietary, as a rule, red marking. A fresh product that has lain from the moment of demolition no more than 7 days.
  2. C - canteen, as a rule, blue marking. The name says that the product is more than 7 days old, but they are sold within 25 days.

Accordingly, an egg labeled "D" that is not sold within the period of its implementation receives the label "C". Knowing how much a chicken egg weighs, its variety is determined, which also has its own marking. To do this, next to the letter value, a number from one to three or the corresponding letter is placed, for example C1, D1, CO, SV, etc.

In order to understand this with a clear example, we have placed the data on the varieties in the table below:

CategoryWeight, grAverage weight, gr
3 35-45 40
2 45-55 50
1 55-65 60
Oh (choice)65-75 70
B (highest category)75 80
double yolk80

From the table it is clear that the weight of a chicken egg with a medium-sized shell is 60 gr. But in culinary recipes, the 3rd grade is most often used, the weight of 1 piece of which is 40 grams on average. A pack of 12 of category C2, which is the most common, weighs about 600-700 grams. And in a kilogram, depending on the variety, it can be from 12 to 25 pieces.

The standards of other countries may differ from ours. So, in the UK, products weighing 50-60 grams are considered average. And Australia recognizes them as very large, because for them the average category is only 43 grams.

Learn more about how chickens are raised and how they rush in large-scale production in an interesting video from the tengrinewtv channel.

without shell

If the farmer is usually interested in the total weight of the product, then the weight of one peeled egg is more important for the consumer. The weight of the hard shell, that is, the shell, is usually 10% by weight of the product. Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate the mass of an egg of any category without a shell.

We entered the finished data into the table:

CategoryShell, grWithout shell, gr
3 5 35
2 6 44
1 7 53
O (Choice)8 62
B (Highest)9 70

The shell of this nutritious product is not as useless as it seems. It is an excellent source of calcium, so it is useful to use it as a dietary supplement. On the farm, it can be added to bird feed, and also find application in the garden: to fertilize the soil in your area.

Raw and boiled

Is the mass different? raw product and waren Wow? This question is often asked by those who are on a diet and scrupulously count calories. Since the egg does not gain moisture during the cooking process and does not evaporate it, it weight remains unchanged. One has only to take into account that the values ​​​​of the mass with a hard shell will be differentand without. Only this will be the difference in weight between boiled and cheese m product.

Breaking down the weight

Since there are several varieties of eggs, then mass of yolks and proteins they have different. Typically as a percentage white accounts for 55% of the total weight, and yolk a - 45%. Some are very afraid of the cholesterol contained in this product, and very much in vain. After all, only a third of it comes from food, and even this third contains cholesterol. yolk occupies a very small share. In addition, the yolk contains many vitamins, phospholipids and useful amino acids: lecithin and choline.

Weight of yolk and white

Now that the common myth has been dispelled, we suggest including healthy boiled, fried or any other form of eggs in your diet more often. And to find out how much protein and yolk are contained in products of different categories, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

CategoryYolk, grProtein, gr
3 12 23
2 16 29
1 19 34
O (Choice)22 40
B (Highest)25 46

A very long time ago, a person domesticated a bird, learned to get highly nutritious eggs and dietary meat from it. Since then, fairy tales have been composed about laying hens, beliefs and rituals have been born. Here are some of the most interesting facts noted in the history of poultry farming:

  • one egg of a meat breed of chickens can reach a mass of 50 to 65 grams;
  • decorative breeds of some chickens are usually laid in medium or very small clutches. So, one egg of the Malaysian serama weighs no more than 10 grams, and in size it is five times smaller than that of a domestic chicken;
  • but one Cuban laying hen can boast of gigantic achievements in the literal sense. One specimen in her clutch weighed about 148 grams;
  • chicken from Papua New Guinea, on the contrary, was demolished by only 9 grams. The farmers, without hesitation, ate the curiosity;
  • in England, a case was recorded when as many as 5 yolks fell on one protein;
  • chicken eggs may differ in color: the color of the shell depends on the breed of the bird and the color of its plumage, and is completely unrelated to its diet. The taste and composition of the products are absolutely identical. Laying hens with white masonry shells are considered the most prolific, so their product can be found on store shelves most often;
  • another fact concerning the color of the shell was noted in America. So the farmers managed to breed a breed that can lay yellow, blue and green eggs.

Video "Categories and terms of storage of the product"

The EdaHTVTelevision channel in this video will tell you in detail about how long eggs can be stored, what useful substances they contain and how to understand their markings.

A chicken egg is a valuable product that should be included in the menu of everyone. It contains all the nutrients a person needs, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. The shell serves as a source of calcium necessary for bones. For those who often cook dishes using them or follow a proper nutrition system, it is very important to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

The largest chicken egg was found in Cuba. It weighed 148 g. The smallest one was laid by a chicken in New Guinea, its weight turned out to be slightly more than 9.7 g. The average weight of a chicken egg is about 50 g. According to GOST (GOST R 52121-2003), there is a division into categories (depending on from mass). So, the weight of one egg:

  • the highest category (B) - 75 g or more;
  • category O (selective) - 65-74.9 g;
  • category 1 - 55-64.9 g;
  • category 2 - 45-54.9 g;
  • category 3 - 35-44.9 g.

The trade network has a special marking. It is placed on each individual copy received at the poultry farm, or on the price tag and general packaging. The marking consists of two characters: C1, C2, SV, D1. In the designation C1, the first character indicates that this is a table product that must be sold in 25 days. The letter D denotes a dietary product. Its implementation period is 7 days.

The second sign marks the category. Some manufacturers give their products distinctive properties, such as a bright yolk or an interesting new taste. This is allowed by the state standard. The price of products is determined by the category. The higher the category, the more expensive the product will be. The mass of the egg depends on how much the chicken weighs.

Egg weight (video)

Varieties of chickens

Currently, over 900 different breeds of chickens are known. A significant proportion of individuals was obtained through the intensive work of breeders. Depending on the purpose, the breeds are divided into the following categories:

  • meat;
  • meat and egg;
  • oviparous.

Purely decorative birds have also been bred, then their representatives are dwarf and fighting. The so-called "homemade" chicken is very common. Its appearance is the result of many years of breeding by crossing different valuable specimens that are beneficial for farms in different regions. Domestic chicken weighs an average of 2-2.5 kg.

But purely egg laying hens have a smaller mass. These include, for example, white highsex. It is grown on large poultry farms. Its mass is not more than 1.5-2 kg. But the eggs obtained from it reach 65 g and even more. Domestic and Spanish holococks are general purpose animals, that is, they are meat and egg. With proper care, you can get a large amount of quality product from them.

Meat chickens include broiler chickens raised on a special diet. Although they are large, they do not differ in high egg production.

By selecting a special large breed and the necessary feeding of chickens, specialists receive large eggs as a result. But a large mass does not always correspond to the best taste. The selection of their quality for food by consumers is carried out according to individual requests and depending on the planned dishes. So, for baking, medium categories are usually recommended, corresponding to a weight of about 40 g.

Quail egg weight (video)

Consumption of the product

When cooking, the product does not decrease, moisture does not evaporate from it. And also there is no absorption of water in which it is cooked. The shell protects from water penetration. Therefore, usually boiled and raw eggs weigh the same.

When cooking, the product does not shrink, moisture does not evaporate from it

Only boiled eggs are eaten, after cleaning them. Then the average weight of the egg without the shell will be important. And the shell makes up about 10% of their total mass. From here you can easily calculate the net weight of the consumed product.

It is known that the protein occupies 55% of the weight of the whole egg, and the yolk - 35%. If the weight of 1 egg is on average 50 g, then by percentage we calculate that the weight of the egg white is 27 g, and the yolk is 18 g. When the testicle is not used immediately, it dries out. It evaporates the moisture contained in the protein. Therefore, the weight of the protein may be less than expected.

For all varieties of eggs, it is the same that after frying they weigh a little less than raw ones. But their calorie content increases.

But do not forget that if the egg has deteriorated due to improper storage, then its mass may remain the same. All the given data and calculations must be known in order to properly prepare food. This is especially important, first of all, for cooks and cooks.

Eggs are eaten not only as an independent product, but also as a component of many dishes of our cuisine and cuisines around the world. But not many people know about it, but it is important to choose the right amount of food for a particular dietary dish, to calculate calories for dietary nutrition.

In the Russian Federation, the weight of eggs is divided according to established legislation. After all, this issue is important not only in the personal households of citizens, but also when selling this product in stores. Depending on the established category of chicken eggs, the weight will also depend.

As for the average indicators, if you do not buy the product in the store, but simply collect what the chicken has laid down, then it will be about 40-65 grams. Most often we are talking about 60 grams. So, it is this weight that can be considered average for a standard chicken egg.

Interesting! It turns out that in one kilogram of eggs, depending on which product category to weigh, there can be from 15 to 25 eggs of medium size. A dozen chicken eggs, respectively, carry about 400-650 grams.

The weight table shown is for an egg in the shell. But it can also highlight the weight of the egg without the shell, as well as separately the weight of the albumen or yolk. Let's take a closer look at this data.

Selected chicken egg: 65-74.9 weight in shell, 59-68 grams weight without shell, 36-41 grams protein weight and 23-26 grams protein weight.

Marking features

It turns out that if you buy a product in a store, you can determine the weight of an egg simply by looking at the markings. It must be applied to poultry farms after sorting. Most often, eggs of the third category are used in cooking, which weigh an average of 40 grams.

Marking is applied to each egg without fail, this is clearly stated in the legislation. By the way, the price also depends on the category. The third category of eggs, of course, is the cheapest. After all, such a product will be the smallest in weight.

Large eggs can only be obtained from elite hens. They differ not only in their size, but also in the conditions of detention and even in the variety of food. But this fact does not mean that large eggs are always tastier than small products. The same can be said about benefits.

Here, rather, the difference is only in the profit of sales. So, what size eggs to buy depends only on the desire of the hostess and financial capabilities: they will all be tasty and healthy.

Interesting! The largest egg in the world was recorded in Cuba. It weighed 148 grams. The smallest egg was laid by a chicken in Papua New Guinea, its weight was only 9.7 grams.

Now you can easily navigate which chicken eggs by weight, depending on the marking, the presence or absence of the shell. This knowledge is extremely useful in maintaining proper dietary nutrition and preparing a variety of dishes.

According to the law in Russia, eggs are supposed to be sold not by weight, but by the piece. Right at the poultry farm, after laying, the eggs are sorted, dividing them into several weight categories, then they are labeled and packaged. Therefore, you can find out the approximate weight of an egg by marking, which is either applied to the surface of the shell, or written on the packaging and price tag. The full list of possible categories is shown in the table below.

Weight table of chicken eggs of various categories
MarkingWeight, gCategoryWeight tolerance, g
40 Third 35 45
50 Second 45 55
60 First 55 65
70 selected 65 75
80 Higher 75 -

What do the numbers and letters mean

Numbers 1 , 2 , 3 and letters ABOUT(choice), IN(highest) indicate the weight category of the eggs.

Letter WITH(table) means an egg with a long shelf life suitable for human consumption.

Letter D(dietary) means a high quality fresh egg, which after 7 days of storage (from the moment of laying) will lose its advantages and move to the rank of a regular table egg.

What kind of eggs to buy for recipes?

In domestic culinary recipes, it is customary to use the smallest chicken eggs of the third category weighing 40 grams.

Why are eggs sold by the piece and not by weight?

In Russia, this is prescribed by law. And there are many.

I weighed the purchased eggs, it turned out that they weigh less. Are we being deceived?

Without a doubt, poultry farms can deceive customers by labeling dishonestly. But, only a special check from Rospotrebnadzor can prove this. However, usually the weight does not match because during storage, the eggs lose weight very quickly due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell.

Do not eat cracked eggs. When buying, feel free to look for packages without cracked eggs.

If you do not trust the store or poultry farm, then check the weight of the eggs right in the store on the control scales.

Wash them with soap before cooking.

Weight of yolk, protein and shell

Most of the eggs are protein. During long-term storage, some of the water from the protein evaporates, as a result of which the total weight of the egg decreases. Often, lost weight can be replenished by adding pure water to the protein, but this is only the case when, according to the recipe, the protein or the whole egg must be shaken.

Weight table for yolk, protein and shell of chicken eggs
Weight, g
Weight of components, g
Third 40 12 23 5
Second 50 16 29 6
First 60 19 34 7
selected 70 22 40 8
Higher 80 25 46 10

Weight of imported eggs by marking

Why eggs are not sold by weight, but by the piece

It is convenient to sell by the piece in packages, it is inconvenient to sell by weight

1. The weight of eggs during storage is significantly reduced due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell. In practice, this will lead to the fact that the trading network will buy from the poultry farm, for example, 1000 kg of eggs, and sell only 950 kg. The weight loss of eggs due to evaporation will have to be included in the sales margin, which will increase the price.

2. Eggs are a fragile product, the more they are handled, the more eggs will break and crack. When weighing during the sale, the amount of broken goods will increase, which will also negatively affect both the price and quality.

3. Eggs must not be sold together with other products due to the possibility of contamination of neighboring products with salmanella. Therefore, in order to provide an opportunity to buy a number of eggs that is not a multiple of 10, the store will have to open a special department for the sale of eggs and an additional workplace. As you understand, the price of eggs will soar to obscene values, and small shops will not be able to afford to sell eggs at all.

Many poultry farmers are interested in the question - how much does a chicken egg weigh? Valery

Egg weight

Raw and boiled eggs are a source of protein and other substances useful for the human body. Every day you need to eat it in order to replenish the reserves of protein and calcium. Compared with the types of eggs of other birds, chicken has a fairly modest average weight - about 55 - 60 grams in each piece. Less than it are only quail eggs - 10 - 12 grams and guinea fowl - 25 grams. For comparison, goose weighs from 180 to 220, duck - from 80 to 100, turkey - from 70 to 80, pheasant - from 60 to 70. It is clear that the mass of the boiled product will be slightly larger.

In addition to the mass, a simple layman is interested in the meaning of the letters printed on the surface of the shell. C - a table product with a long shelf life, can be used for eating and cooking. D - dietary products, fresh, subject to purchase in the first week. If a week has passed, the product automatically moves to group C.

There is a classification into categories, which depends on the variety and average weight. Eggs of the highest grade can have a mass of 75 grams or more. Selected weigh about 65 - 75, and the stamp on the store looks like O, CO, TO. Category 1 products can tighten from 55 to 65 and mark 1, C1 or D1. Category 2 products are capable of weighing somewhere around 45 - 55, on it you will see a mark 2, C2 or D2. There are also category 3 eggs, their weight is rather modest - from 35 to 45, marking 3, D3 or C3 is applied to the surface of the shell. The latter variety is most often found in culinary recipes as the main component of dishes.

In Europe, when packaging, the classification is somewhat different from the usual for our country - it depends on the external and internal characteristics of the product, and the letters A, AA, B are used for marking. As for size, in Europe eggs are also divided into very large, large, medium and small ones.

There are generally accepted standards for the weight of protein, yolk and shell. For top quality products, these figures are 46, 25 and 10 grams. In eggs of a selected species, the protein should weigh 40, yolk 22, shell 8. In the first class, protein has a weight of about 34, yolk - 19, shell 7. For the second class, such indicators are relevant - protein 29, yolk 16, shell 6. The third class has protein weight is about 23, yolk - 12, shell - 5.

Knowing the answer to the question of how much one chicken testicle weighs can help in cooking. Since in almost each of them it is important to comply with certain ingredients, determine the number of calories provided dietary nutrition. For a standard product that anyone can buy in a store, the average weight is 60 grams. It turns out that in one kilogram, depending on the type in the classification that was given above, there may be from 15 to 25 pieces of medium size. A dozen will tighten in weight approximately 400 - 650.

In order to prevent the development of unwanted diseases when using this most valuable product for the human body, it is recommended to use it in food after heat treatment. Experts say that crude protein is only half absorbed by the body, that is, it clogs it with decay products. Before cooking, the products should be washed and dirt removed from the surface of the shell. This is done under a stream of warm water, which creates pressure inside, which will help to avoid the penetration of bacteria and dirty parts. There are many ways to prepare a chicken life product - by frying, boiling, dissolving in hot water, adding to cocktails, salting or pickling, adding to cutlets or croutons, biscuit dough or meringue.

Video "The benefits of chicken eggs"

The recording provides valuable information about how eggs affect our body, their valuable nutritional and energy properties, how to choose, store and cook them properly.


A chicken egg is a valuable product that should be included in the menu of everyone who cares about his health and appearance. It contains all the nutrients a person needs, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. For those who often cook dishes using them or follow a proper nutrition system, it is very important to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

general information

Each of us, when buying a dozen of these delicious components of any diet menu, paid attention to the fact that each of them has different letters and numbers on the shell. It can be C, O, accompanied by a certain numbering. This alphanumeric combination is called marking. Its simplest type will contain at least two characters - for example, C1. There are also more complex variations of stamps, which indicate the manufacturer and other information. In order to easily and independently, without weights, determine the weight of a chicken egg, you should understand the markings and learn to understand it.

The first character indicated in the label will indicate the type of dietary product, then its category is already indicated - it can have an alphabetic or numeric designation. In this case, the scope and expiration date depend on the first part of the stamp. In accordance with this, two types of eggs are distinguished:

  • D - dietary, which have a shelf life of not more than a week (7 days) from the moment the eggs are sorted at the poultry farm. If for a measured period of time they were not realized, then they become canteens;
  • C - canteens that can be stored for up to 25 days.

In general, the dining room is no worse in quality than the dietary one. It's just that the second one will be fresher and will be on the store counter for a shorter period. Such components of the diet menu can be consumed both boiled, fried, and raw, used as a valuable ingredient in the confectionery business, they are suitable for feeding young children.

The mass of the egg, depending on whether it is table or dietary, depends slightly, but it is still worth remembering that during storage of the product for a long time moisture loss occurs due to the process of evaporation through the shell. That is why even eggs of the same category and the same size, but just laid by the hen, will be heavier than those that have been lying on the shelf in the supermarket for some time.

Minimum, average and maximum weight depending on the category

Also, the marking necessarily includes the designation of the category, of which there are only 5. Thanks to these “signs”, it will be possible to determine just what the size and average weight will be. These are 1 - the first, 2 - the second, 3 - the third, B - the highest and O - selective categories. Knowing how much one testicle of a certain type weighs, you can roughly determine its weight.

Thus, it turns out that the average weight is about 50-60 g. Due to the double norm of the yolk content, two-yolk ones weigh, as a rule, from 80 g.

In recipes, the smallest eggs of the 3rd category are always taken as the basis, the mass of which is about 40 g.

By the way, this method of marking is used only in Russia, and it is these values ​​​​of indicators that will be relevant in our country. Abroad, the marking will be completely different, and the average weight standards there are somewhat different from the usual ones. For example, in Europe, the letter designations will be like this - S, M, L, XL - and resemble clothing sizes. And the average weight indicators there vary from 53 to 73 g.

Weight without shell

Each egg has three components - a yolk, white and shell. The share of the last component is equal to 10-11.5% of the total weight. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate how much one egg, peeled from the shell, weighs. And it is important to calculate this indicator for those who eat strictly according to a certain program, and love to cook gourmet dishes according to exact recipes.

The mass of the shell does not depend on its color - it can have any color, and this will rather indicate the breed of the bird than weight.

At the same time, the shell should not be considered an absolutely useless part. It is perfect for use on the farm - it goes as a feed additive for chickens, it can be used to make an excellent fertilizer for flowers. And even children's crafts using crushed shell can decorate the house.

Raw and cooked

Eggs can be eaten in a variety of ways. At the same time, the boiled product is very popular, it is often included in the diet for every day of any person, and can also be used to prepare all kinds of dishes. And for those who strictly monitor their diet, it is especially important to calculate how much a boiled chicken egg weighs to make a menu.

Since the contents of the shell have nowhere to go during the cooking process, and no moisture loss is observed, it is safe to say that the boiled product will weigh as much as the raw one. In both cases, the shell is not taken into account. But after frying, its mass will decrease slightly.

Weight of yolk and white

Sometimes you need to know how much protein is contained in a chicken egg by mass, as well as how much yolk is in it. These indicators can be calculated by knowing the percentage of all components of the product. So, the protein contains about 55-58.5%, and the yolk - 30-35%. Examples can be found in the table.


Knowing how many grams of protein is in one chicken egg is especially important for those who take care of their health, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, and take care of their figure. It is recommended for such people to eat only this part at all, separating the yolk from it.

Interestingly, it is the egg, despite its invaluable usefulness, that is considered a source of cholesterol. And most of this substance is concentrated in the yolk. Therefore, it is important to use chicken eggs with caution. And knowing the weight of the product that chicken gives will help control the amount of cholesterol.

Article content:

Why is it important to know the weight of a chicken egg. their weight classes. Differences between Russian and European categories. Why do they differ in weight.

Not all buyers think about the size and weight of the purchased eggs. If we need a couple for a recipe, we just take them from the fridge. In some cases, for the successful preparation of a dish, for example, for baking, it is necessary to take into account how many grams are in one egg. For culinary purposes, special tables have been developed for converting the number of eggs of one size to the number of another size.

Also, when cooking, it is important to pay attention not only to the mass of the chicken egg, but also to the number of yolks in it. After all, sometimes there are options with two yolks. Manufacturers have learned to manage the reproductive cycles of hens so that they lay just such eggs. By replacing a regular product with one with two yolks, you risk getting a non-standard result.

Weight categories

For the sake of objectivity and convenience, eggs are categorized not by size, but by weight. When purchasing a package, do not think that they are all the same in it. They are formed not according to the individual weight of 1 egg, but according to their average weight in the package. This is due to limitations in automatic egg grading technology. In one package, they may look different in size, but their weight usually fluctuates within a certain range, regulated by the documentation.

  • C3 - third, weight less than 45 grams;
  • C2 - second, 45-55 grams;
  • C1 - first, 55-65 grams;
  • Oh - selected, 65-75 grams;
  • B - the highest category, over 75 grams.

If we take the average weight of an egg equal to 50 grams, then its weight without the shell will be 5 less. The mass of egg white is on average 27 grams, and the yolk is about 18. During cooking, the weight does not change significantly, as does the ratio between yolk and protein.

In the store you can see the imported product. As an approximate analogue, you can use the following correspondences between Russian and European markings:

  • S (Small) correspond to Russian C3 and C2;
  • M-C1;
  • L - O;
  • XL - B.

If you use this product to prepare basic dishes (scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs), then the weight of one chicken egg will not matter much.

In most baking recipes, the ratio between the weight of dry and liquid ingredients and the added volume of yolks and proteins is important. Most of them also use large eggs (that is, the first category).

Volumetric characteristics of one large egg:

  • 3 tablespoons ( 45 ml);
  • 1 egg white = 2 tablespoons ( 30 ml);
  • 1 egg yolk = 1 tablespoon ( 15 ml).

Reason for the weight difference

Growing up, chickens begin to lay ever larger eggs. For the weight of 1 pc. chicken eggs are influenced by the breed of the laying hen, seasonality, feed composition, lighting conditions and a number of other factors. Agricultural producers use these methods to obtain larger specimens.

Among those present on sale, the smallest are quail eggs, weighing only 10-12 grams, and the largest - ostrich ( about 1.5 kilograms).

The exact parameters of a chicken egg are not specified anywhere. We will figure out how much one egg weighs and what are the weight criteria for each category.

Many people read the calorie content of foods, but they don’t think about the parameters. We will calculate the exact weight of this product according to the categories, and also indicate how many grams of protein and yolk are contained. Such information can be useful to cooks or people leading a healthy lifestyle who count the number of calories eaten and the weight of the food consumed.


According to the law of the Russian Federation, all eggs must be labeled according to category. Enrollment in one of the groups occurs during sorting right at the poultry farm - there they are examined, weighed and packaged.

There are five categories in total:

  • third;
  • second;
  • first;
  • selected;
  • higher.

Also, when numbering, the letters "C" and "D" are used. The first designation implies a table egg - such a product can remain fresh longer than the others, the letter “D” is applied to dietary ones, they must be consumed in the first week after demolition. Otherwise, such an egg will become an ordinary table egg, losing all the dietary properties of the yolk and protein.

There is a marking with a combination of letters and numbers, for example, c1 or c0. This means the category awarded and belonging to the dining or dietary species.


The second in the shell - from 45 to 55 g, without the shell no more than 36 grams, the yolk - from 14 to 16, the protein - 25-30.

In the first, the weight of a chicken egg ranges from 55 to 65 grams, and without a protective shell - from 50 to 58 g. The yolk has a weight of 18-24, protein - 30-33.

In the highest, a chicken egg weighs from 75 g or more. Such testicles are considered the largest. The weight of an egg of the highest category without a shell is 67 grams, of which 26-28 yolks and 39-42 proteins.

On average, the weight of one ordinary testicle is equal to 40-50 grams - they are attributed to the third or second category.

Such testicles are in great demand among buyers, so they are mainly presented in supermarkets. Also, the third category is the most common in culinary business - it is used for baking, salads, cocktails, as an ingredient in hot and cold dishes, as an ingredient for an independent dish (scrambled eggs).

Weight of packing

Basically, manufacturers make packages of 10 or 15 pieces, occasionally there are extended versions with 25 or 40 units of goods. Therefore, the average weight of the package is 350-450 g, if we consider the third category and the minimum number of eggs in the package. For the second category, from 450 to 550 g is considered normal, for the first - 550-670, for the selective and highest - at least 650.

However, the weight of the package can vary based on expiration date, so if you come across a dozen testicles in the hypermarket that weigh less than 350 grams, then most likely they have been on the counter for more than one week. It is not recommended to take such a product, it may be unsafe for health.

When choosing a product, also look at the appearance of the product: if they are of different sizes in the package, then several categories can be mixed into one. Thus, poultry farms are trying to sell a product from the third category under the guise of the highest or selective.

The parameters of this product also depend on the laying hen itself - its living conditions, feed, bird health. Some birds carry eggs much more than others: for example, the weight of the largest egg exceeds 140 grams. And there are also birds that produce small testicles: for example, the weight of the smallest is equal to 10 g.
