
Balls with meat from puff pastry. Meatballs - "Balls"

"Meat balls" are cooked in puff pastry with minced meat. An original dish that can be served to any holiday table.


  • 1 kg mince,
  • 250-300 g onions,
  • 1-2 garlic cloves,
  • 100 g cheese
  • 1/2 tsp soda (food)
  • salt, pepper - to taste,
  • puff pastry,
  • egg for lubrication.

How to cook:

  1. Chop the onion very, very finely with a knife. The scrolled onion releases juice, and from this the minced meat becomes liquid.
  2. Pass the garlic through a garlic press.
  3. Mix minced meat with onion, garlic, salt, pepper and soda. Knead well and beat it. To do this, lift the minced meat and throw it into the bowl with force. We will do this for 5-7 minutes. Then cover with cellophane and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  4. Cheese cut into 8-10 cubes.
  5. Defrost puff pastry, divide into 8-10 parts. Then cut each part into thin strips, approximately 1-1.5 cm wide.
  6. We divide the minced meat into 8-10 parts. We roll each part into a ball, in the center of which we put a cube of cheese.
  7. Fry our balls over high heat on all sides for a couple of minutes. Transfer to paper towel and let cool slightly.
  8. Wrap warm balls with puff pastry as if you were winding a thread around a ball.
  9. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour and lay out our balls at a short distance from each other.
  10. We put the baking sheet in a preheated oven to 180 degrees.
  11. After 20-25 minutes, grease our balls with an egg, increase the temperature to 200 and leave until the dough is browned.

Recipe notes:

  • When beating minced meat, you can not add an egg. Personally, I like it better. Due to the beating, the fine fibers of the meat are tangled, and this makes the meat viscous. Due to this viscosity of meat, you can not add an egg to it. Kababs on a spit are also made in this way.
  • Soda makes the meat more tender and very juicy. In the finished dish, it is not felt at all.
  • I didn't bread the balls. Due to the fact that the minced meat was beaten off, they do not stick to the pan.
  • Instead of cheese, put a cube of well-chilled butter.

Helpful advice:

Bon appetit!!!

Greetings to all who have looked at my page!
Once I accidentally came across a recipe for an original meat dish from available products, I took note of it for a long time and periodically cook meat balls in puff pastry in this way.

This dish turns out to be universal, it can be served hot with a side dish as a second dish, cold as an appetizer for any drinks, so you should like it too.

As I mentioned above, we will need affordable products, and then quite a bit:
- minced meat, you can take any one that is, but it will be tastier if it is mixed;
- onion, 1 large piece;
- puff pastry any to your taste, even yeast, even yeast-free, 1 package weighing 500 grams;
- salt and black ground pepper to taste;
- a little flour.

I have mixed minced meat - pork with beef, I always freeze the minced meat in portions, when I need it, I take out the right piece from the freezer in advance and defrost it. At home there was a piece weighing about 700 grams, I used the whole one and as a result 17 meat balls came out.
The puff pastry package must also be taken out in advance and thawed at room temperature for at least 2 hours.

First of all, we clean a large onion and cut it as small as possible, as far as possible with a knife.

Add a little salt and ground black pepper to the defrosted minced meat.

We send chopped onion there.

We clean a large clove of garlic from dry husks and add to the minced meat, passing it through a press.

Now we carefully knead all the components so that the seasonings are evenly distributed throughout the mass.
We beat the minced meat lightly so that it keeps its shape well and the products made from it become even tastier.

Puff pastry, previously defrosted, unfold and roll it lengthwise so that its thickness is 3-4 millimeters.

Then cut lengthwise with a knife into long strips 5-7 mm wide.

We form small balls from minced meat.

Roll them in flour.

Then each resulting ball must be turned into a "ball", that is, you need to wrap it with prepared dough.
We take a strip of dough and gradually wind it around the meat ball in random order.

It takes one and a half to two strips of dough per ball, depending on how you wrap tightly or not.

When all the "balls" are ready, turn on the oven to warm up.

On a suitable baking sheet for the oven, I lay out a baking sleeve, for some time now I have begun to use it instead of parchment and it seemed to me very convenient.
I put the meat preparations on top at a small distance from each other, since the puff pastry will rise slightly during baking.

In order for the appearance of the finished dish to be ruddy and attractive, it must be greased on top to form a golden crust during baking in the oven. For this purpose, we take one chicken egg.

Shake it lightly with a fork.

Then we grease each ball with the resulting egg mass with a brush.

We send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 35-40 minutes, until the dish is ready.

We serve ready-made meat balls in puff pastry in any way that suits you at the moment: as a second course with any vegetable side dish or salad, as an original appetizer on the holiday table for guests.

You can even serve tea instead of pies - just a universal dish, original, tasty and satisfying.

Bon appetit and good mood everyone!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 hour

Due to the fact that puff pastry can be bought at the supermarket, any housewife will be able to please her family with original pastries. Indeed, in fact, it is important not only to cook delicious food, but also to be able to serve it beautifully to the table. Cutlets in puff pastry, decorated as balls of thread, will look very nice on the table and will especially appeal to children, and for a greater effect, the balls can be painted with multi-colored food colors. In this design, you can do the same and. It all depends on the tastes and needs of your family.

Ingredients for meat balls in puff pastry:

  • Pork pulp - 700 gr.;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves .;
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper- 1/3 tsp;
  • Bacon - 70 gr.;
  • Puff pastry - 3 sheets;
  • Vegetable oil- for frying cutlets;
  • Egg - 1 pc;
  • Semolina - 1/2 cup.

For painting balls:

  • Dill or cockerel greens- 10 branches;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tsp;
  • Yolk -1 PC.

How to cook baked meatballs in the oven:

1. Take out the sheet puff pastry to defrost. In parallel with this, grind the meat, bacon, onion and garlic into a meat grinder with a not very large mesh. Add salt and ground pepper to the minced meat. You can add seasonings as desired, but do not overdo it so that the cutlets do not turn out too spicy.
3. In order for the meat balls to turn out juicy, add the yolk and 1/2 cup of semolina to the minced meat.
4. Stir the minced meat very thoroughly with your hands and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then we form balls of medium size.
5. We send round cutlets to a well-heated pan, with the same heated vegetable oil, and fry them until tender.
6. In the meantime, the dough has already defrosted. Lay the sheet on a floured table and lightly roll it out with a rolling pin. Start on one side, cut off thin strips of dough and roll them into a tube. We fasten the resulting tubes of dough together in 3 pieces and wind them around the cutlets like a thread.
7. We prepare our natural colors, because this way baked meat balls in puff pastry will look like real ones. Dilute the tomato with a drop of water, grind the greens in a mortar until smooth, and stir the yolk with a fork.
8. We paint our original cutlets in the dough and send them to bake in the oven. We set the temperature in the oven to 190 degrees, and the baking time is 30 minutes.
Already baked cutlets are served hot to the table. In summer, cold tomato juice is suitable for such buns and


minced meat - 500 gr.,
puff pastry, ready-packed - 500 gr.,
salt, pepper - to taste,
egg yolks - 1-2 pcs.,
onion - 1 pc.,
garlic - 1 clove.


Skip the garlic through the garlic press. Chop the onion very finely. Add garlic and onion to minced meat. Pepper and salt. Form balls from minced meat.
Roll out the dough and cut into thin strips, no more than 0.5 cm wide.
Wrap the dough strips around our balls like a ball of thread.
Beat the yolks with a fork or whisk and grease the finished balls with them. Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour. Then put the balls on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes. at a temperature of 180 degrees.

You can add fried mushrooms, boiled rice to minced meat.
I didn't use onion and garlic.
For minced meat, I took 1 kg of turkey fillet, and one teaspoon each of salt, sweet ground paprika, ground black pepper (I added dry adjika instead of pepper in this recipe) and soda. Yes, it's soda!
First, we scroll the meat twice in a meat grinder with a frequent grate. Better in enamelware. Add salt, paprika, pepper and soda, and thoroughly knead the minced meat. Very carefully, like dough, 15-20 minutes. After that, we slam the minced meat with our hand to release the air, and put it in the refrigerator for at least a day. And better - for two or three days - minced meat will generally be perfect!
I foresee objections - minced meat in the refrigerator will deteriorate for such a time. Nothing like this! It has been tested many times! Only minced meat should be kept in the refrigerator in the cold zone, where the temperature is about zero degrees.
I wish you success!

Meat balls in puff pastry - photos

If you have a good homemade minced meat and you are thinking what to cook for your family, make meat balls in the dough. This dish turns out to be delicious, very satisfying and I would even say festive. After all, such meat balls can even be served on the festive table in the form of a hot dish, or maybe as a cold appetizer. Choose for yourself what you like best.

Today I hasten to tell you how to cook meatballs in puff pastry. Many still call them "balls", "grandmother's balls", "ball of threads", etc. Be sure to cook the meat balls in the dough, especially if your family is no longer surprised by ordinary meatballs. These cutlets in the dough will definitely become adorable and your family will definitely ask you to cook them more than once.


  • Minced meat - 800-900 gr.
  • Puff pastry - 0.5 pack. (250 gr.)
  • Yolk - 1 pc.
  • parchment paper

How to cook meat balls in dough:

I will make a reservation right away, if you need to cook more meat balls in the dough, you take more minced meat and, accordingly, puff pastry. We had about 1 kg of minced meat, so 12 meat balls were prepared and 1/2 pack of puff yeast-free dough was used for the “winding”.

We take homemade minced meat, which was cooked with onions, garlic, salt, pepper (to taste), with the addition of an egg. Mix it well and, if desired, beat it right in the bowl. The “beaten” minced meat becomes more juicy when ready.

We divide the minced meat into equal balls and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Let them cool and start forming balls. For this we need dough. We use ready-made puff.

The dough should melt, then it needs to be cut into ribbons or, as Ekaterina did, she simply cut the dough in a circle in a single strip using a pizza cutting roller.

And now you need to wrap each fried meatball like a ball.

We do this with all the cutlets and put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or smeared with oil. We prefer to line the baking sheet with paper.

Meat balls should be greased with yolk on top and sent to a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Since the meat balls turned out to be not quite large, this time is enough for cooking. Moreover, before baking, we fried them on all sides.

Put the finished meat balls on a large dish and serve homemade with any side dish or fresh vegetables. it will also not be bad if you offer yours to your family, and even.

I think that many will agree with me - our meat balls are very similar to grandmother's balls of yarn. Ekaterina even pierced the “hank” with wooden sticks specifically for greater similarity.

Svetlana and my home site wish everyone a pleasant appetite!

- You will learn from a step-by-step recipe with a photo
