
How to cook carrot casserole. Step-by-step instructions for baking for a multicooker

If a person wants to taste something not only tasty, but also healthy, he should replenish his diet with vegetable casseroles. This dish is especially delicious if the main ingredient is carrots. You will be able to see some of the best recipes for its preparation very soon.

How to cook carrot casserole

This dish is familiar to many since kindergarten. Before you cook a carrot casserole in the oven or slow cooker, grate the vegetable. It is used both raw and pre-boiled in a water bath either in the usual way, or stewed with milk. In addition to carrots, flour or semolina, eggs, soda, sugar, salt are put in the dough. For a better taste, add cottage cheese, nuts, dry and fresh fruits, seasonings. Carrot cake comes out very tasty and bright, looks great in the photo. Take note of a few recommendations regarding the cooking process:

  1. If you add semolina to carrot casserole, then leave it in a baking dish for a short time. She needs to blow up.
  2. It is preferable to boil carrots in their uniforms, and only then peel them. It will be sweeter and juicier.
  3. If you want to make a hearty carrot dish, then add mashed potatoes or chicken fillet.
  4. For cooking in the oven, use a silicone or heat-resistant mold.

Carrot casserole in the oven

Using a conventional oven is the most common cooking method. As a rule, it does not present any difficulties for any hostess. Carrot casserole in the oven is prepared in a form sprinkled with semolina or oiled. The optimum temperature is 180-190 degrees. The duration of baking depends on the size of the dish. As a rule, it is from 35 minutes to one hour.

Carrot casserole in a slow cooker

This modern kitchen appliance, which most housewives are lucky to have today, is an excellent tool for cooking. Carrot casserole in a slow cooker turns out to be no less appetizing and beautiful than in the oven, it bakes evenly. There are many factors that influence cooking rules. As a rule, multicookers of any manufacturer, be it Redmond, Polaris or Philips, have the "Baking" mode. Just on it, you will need to cook a dish from 45 minutes to an hour.

Carrot Casserole - Recipe

The purpose of this dish is determined by the additional components that you put in the dough. You can choose a recipe for a sweet carrot casserole that will be presented for dessert, or hearty, which will become a full-fledged main course. The first option is much more common. Memorize several recipes and you can easily decide which one to choose.

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole

  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2645 kcal.
  • Purpose: breakfast, dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.

Even if you are not a fan of vegetables, the cottage cheese and carrot casserole is sure to please you. It is very nutritious and satisfying. If you want to make a carrot dish healthy, then buy cottage cheese with the lowest fat content in the store. The delicacy should be enjoyed not only by adult family members, but also by children. It is best for them to serve carrot dessert with jam or condensed milk, and for adults - with sour cream.


  • cottage cheese - 670 g;
  • sugar - 135 g;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • starch - 4 tsp;
  • semolina - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • vanillin - a bag;
  • orange peel;
  • carrots - 4 medium;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the carrot coarsely. Pour milk over it, put honey and butter, simmer for 10 minutes until it becomes soft.
  2. Enter semolina. Stir. Cook for a couple more minutes. Remove from stove, add vanilla. The mass must be mixed and cooled.
  3. Grind the curd.
  4. Eggs with sugar must be thoroughly beaten to form a foam. Mix with zest removed from one orange, cinnamon, cottage cheese, starch.
  5. Mix the resulting mass with carrots.
  6. Spread the curd dough in a mold greased with oil. Preheat the oven to 185 degrees and bake the cake there for 35 minutes.

Carrot casserole with semolina - a simple recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 min.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2175 kcal.
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: German.

Culinary beginners should definitely like the simple recipe for carrot casserole with semolina. Millet is added to this dish, giving it the right structure. The taste acquires bright notes due to an interesting combination of ingredients: fried tomatoes in their own juice and coconut flakes. It's incredible, but the carrot casserole tastes incredible.


  • millet - 200 g;
  • semolina - 200 g;
  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes (in their own juice) - 565 g;
  • coconut flakes - 130 g;
  • sweet paprika - a teaspoon without a slide;
  • ginger - 65 g;
  • sugar - 4 tsp;
  • salt - a teaspoon with a slide.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook millet porridge in a volume of water of 0.5 liters.
  2. Peel the carrots and ginger, grate finely.
  3. Mix porridge, semolina, tomatoes, coconut flakes. Add carrots with ginger, paprika, salt and sugar.
  4. Treat the form with oil, sprinkle with a small amount of semolina. Distribute the mass over it. It is better to level the surface immediately. Cover with foil.
  5. In the oven, heated to 175 degrees, cook the dish for 55 minutes.

Carrot apple casserole

  • Cooking time: 70 min.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1935 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Carrot-apple casserole is not just a delicious dish, but a real storehouse of vitamins and other useful substances. Most likely, the kids will not only enjoy this delicacy for breakfast, but will also take a portion with them to have a bite to eat between classes. It is desirable to add sweet and sour apples, with dense pulp. With them, the carrot dessert will have the correct structure, it will not spread.


  • apples - 220 g;
  • boiled carrots - 115 g;
  • semolina - 30 g;
  • sesame - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 35 g;
  • hot water - 45 ml;
  • eggs - 1 whole and 1 yolk;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - two pinches;
  • vanillin - half a bag.

Cooking method:

  1. Coarsely grate boiled carrots and apples. Mix with half semolina, lemon juice, vegetable oil. Leave the mass for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Beat one egg with sugar, vanilla, salt.
  3. Pour the remaining semolina with hot water.
  4. Enter the egg mixture with sugar and steamed porridge into the dough.
  5. Pour the mass into the mold. Bake at 200 degrees in the oven for 50 minutes.

Carrot casserole with cottage cheese

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2675 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If you consider yourself a sweet tooth, then carrot casserole with cottage cheese is the perfect option for you. It is very tasty and nutritious. Oven-cooked cottage cheese and carrot casserole is made with banana, which makes it even sweeter. Every child will love this dish. The fact that the composition includes any vegetables, no one will even guess. Remember how carrot-curd casserole is made.


  • cottage cheese - 375 g;
  • sesame - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • carrot - 300 g;
  • bananas - 1 large or 2 small;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • starch - 1.5 tsp;
  • water - 135 ml;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Coarsely grate the carrots, put in a saucepan. Add butter, water and simmer until all liquid has evaporated.
  2. Using a blender, beat the cottage cheese with sugar and eggs.
  3. Add cooked carrots. Whisk again.
  4. Mix the mass with starch and banana cut into medium cubes.
  5. Pour the dough into a mold, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  6. In an oven heated to 185 degrees, bake for 25-30 minutes.

Carrot casserole like in kindergarten

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2357 kcal.
  • Purpose: children.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A healthy carrot casserole, like in kindergarten, can be given to babies who have reached the age of one. If you have attended such a preschool, you must remember its unique sweet taste. This carrot delicacy is suitable not only for children, but also for adults who have problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, because it contains products that improve digestion.


  • carrot - 0.75 kg;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • cottage cheese - 375 g;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • semolina - 4.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 4.5 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 120 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Grate the carrot finely. Fill it with milk, add two tablespoons of sugar, butter, salt. Simmer for a quarter of an hour under the lid.
  2. Make carrot puree from a boiled vegetable. Enter semolina into the resulting mass. Cook over low heat for at least five minutes.
  3. Separate the egg yolks, beat and add to the carrot puree. Let it cool down.
  4. Grind cottage cheese and sour cream until smooth.
  5. Beat egg whites with sugar until firm.
  6. Combine curd mass with carrots. Gently fold in the whites.
  7. Put the mass in a mold treated with butter. Cook in the oven at 190 degrees for 25 minutes.

Carrot and apple casserole

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

An excellent dish for adherents of a healthy diet is a casserole of carrots and apples. It tastes just amazing. Cottage cheese casserole with carrots and elastic sweet and sour apples will appeal to both adults and children. The products included in its composition are rich in vitamins and useful substances. This delicious carrot dessert is best served chilled with thick homemade sour cream.


  • cottage cheese - 0.9 kg;
  • soda - an incomplete teaspoon;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • semolina - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • apples - 2 medium;
  • carrots - 2 medium.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour semolina with milk and leave to swell.
  2. Clean the carrot. Rub finely. Stew with sugar and a little water.
  3. Grind cottage cheese with eggs.
  4. Peel the apples, grate on a medium grater.
  5. Mix fruits with carrots, semolina, cottage cheese. Add vinegar-slaked soda.
  6. Pour the mixture into a baking dish. Top with sour cream.
  7. In an oven heated to 200 degrees, cook the dish for 40-50 minutes.

Carrot pumpkin casserole

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 2986 kcal.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

If you want to cook something sunny and bright, then be sure to remember the recipe for carrot-pumpkin casserole. It is amazing not only in taste, but also in appearance. Making carrot dessert is very easy. Thanks to the heat treatment, which is carried out in several stages, both types of vegetables become soft, giving the baked goods a delicate and pleasant texture.


  • pumpkin - 255 g;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp;
  • carrots - 255 g;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • semolina - 10.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel vegetables, cut into cubes. Put them in a saucepan and simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Remove from heat, but do not open the lid yet.
  2. Pour semolina with kefir.
  3. Puree the stewed vegetables with a blender. Mix them with semolina, honey, baking powder.
  4. Pour the mass into the mold. Cook in the oven at 160 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Beet and Carrot Casserole

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 min.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1365 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for beetroot and carrot casserole should be remembered by all people who monitor their health and try to eat right. The dish is very simple in execution, each step is intuitively clear. It does not contain sweeteners, for example, sugar or honey, but this does not spoil the taste at all. Be sure to take note of the recipe for this wonderful and very healthy dish.


  • cottage cheese - 0.3 kg;
  • bran - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • beets - 400 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Vegetables must be washed before use. Clean them and grate coarsely.
  2. Grind eggs with cottage cheese with a fork so that the mass is homogeneous.
  3. Introduce vegetables in portions. Add bran, mix thoroughly.
  4. Put the mass into the form, level it.
  5. In the oven, pre-heated to 185 degrees, cook the dish for 45 minutes.

Carrot casserole diet - recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1298 kcal.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Finally, remember the carrot casserole diet recipe, which contains a minimum amount of calories. It includes dried apricots (you can replace with raisins), nuts, so we can safely say that the dish contains a huge amount of vitamins. This carrot cake is amazingly easy to make and takes less than an hour to make. You will remember the taste of this dietary dish for a long time.


  • oatmeal - 0.3 kg;
  • honey - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • carrot - 3 pcs.;
  • walnuts - 10 pcs.;
  • milk - 750 ml;
  • dried apricots - 10 pcs.;
  • ground ginger - 1.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - an incomplete teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Toss the flakes with the cinnamon and ginger.
  2. Grate the carrot. Pour in milk, stir.
  3. Add cereal to vegetables. Stir again.
  4. Peel the nuts from the shell, crush. Finely chop the dried apricots. Add them to the oatmeal-carrot mixture.
  5. Put the dough into the mold. Cook in the oven at 180 degrees carrot casserole for 40 minutes. Don't take it out right away. Let it rest in the oven for another 10 minutes. Serve cut into pieces and drizzle with runny honey.

Video: Carrot Casserole

The carrot casserole recipe is recommended to anyone who wants to eat tasty and healthy. Carrot casserole is a dish of children's cuisine, ideal for children's, dietary and medical nutrition. Cooking in the oven and in the slow cooker - two recipes.

carrot casserole

To prepare two servings of carrot casserole, 200 grams each, you will need the following ingredients:


  • carrots - 380 g;
  • milk 3.2% - 60 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 80 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • semolina - 20 g;
  • egg - 40 g (1 pc);
  • sugar - 20g;
  • wheat crackers - 10 g;
  • salt - 4 g.

How to cook carrot casserole in the oven

  1. Carrots should be thoroughly washed and grated on a coarse grater or chopped with a vegetable cutter. Simmer in milk, diluted with water until half cooked.
  2. Pour semolina in a thin stream with constant stirring into the stewed carrots to avoid the formation of lumps. Continue to simmer until cooked. Before the end of the stewing, pour in a thin stream of semolina, stir well and cook until tender.
  3. Sugar, salt and eggs should be added to the chilled carrot-semolina mixture. Mix the mass and put on a baking sheet, greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs.
  4. Lubricate the carrot mass with sour cream.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven until done - 180 degrees for 30 minutes.
  6. Carrot casserole with melted, sour cream or milk sauce is served at the table. Bon appetit!

How to cook carrot casserole in a slow cooker

  1. Carrots should be thoroughly washed and grated on a fine grater.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar.
  3. Combine the carrot mass and eggs, add milk and semolina, mix until smooth.
  4. Grease the inside of the multicooker pan with a piece of butter.
  5. Put the carrot mixture into a bowl.
  6. Set the multicooker mode: Baking, time 65 minutes.
  7. When ready, open the lid and use the steamer to remove the casserole.
  8. A casserole with sour cream, melted butter is served to the table. Happy tea!

Nutrient content and calories

Proteins - 3.9 g
Fats - 9.02 g
Carbohydrates - 11.6 g
B1 - 0 mg
B2 - 1.22 mg
C - 0 mg
Ca - 135.44 mg
Fe - 8.177 mg

The casserole is very tender and tasty. Portion pieces retain their shape and do not crumble. It has a sweet smell of baked carrots. Use with tea, dairy products, jelly.
Therapeutic nutrition for pancreatitis is an extremely important aspect! Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to it both in the acute period and in the period of remission.
The above recipe contains products that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas. Daily intake of foods rich in calcium, B vitamins, carotene, protein and iron are necessary for the body to function normally. Dishes cooked in the oven and steamed are especially useful. do not contain excess fat.
The pancreas produces a large number of enzymes for the breakdown and digestion of food, the hormone insulin, which is necessary for the normal composition of glucose in the body. But during the period of inflammation (pancreatitis) - enzymatic functions are significantly inhibited and problems with digestion begin (bloating, heaviness in the epigastric region, diarrhea). Therefore, it is very important to start taking treatment and keep a diet on time. In the acute period, hunger, cold and rest are recommended. Because it is necessary to remove the load from the pancreas. After the acute period fades away, then gradually you need to introduce dietary foods and dishes into the diet.
Daily walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, and activities that bring emotional harmony to the soul are also necessary.
Dietary nutrition should be followed constantly. Check out the variety of different diet options on this site.
Be healthy!

How to cook carrot casserole video recipe

Which organ in a modern person suffers the most? Eyes. We have to look through a lot of information every day, and in the evening we also want to watch a movie, read a book. We need a lot of vitamin A to keep our eyesight. Where can I find it? In a carrot. Today we have carrot casserole in the oven on the menu - simple recipes for all occasions.

Simple recipes for carrot casseroles with semolina and cottage cheese

If you have never cooked carrot casseroles before, then I will gladly fill this culinary gap of yours. From this bright vegetable, you can cook a delicious diet dessert for tea, a full dinner, and a healthy lunch for children.

The easiest recipe

This dish is pure minimalism. Minimum effort, products and time. But the most delicious result.

What is necessary:

  • carrot - 400 g;
  • low fat milk - 500 ml;
  • large eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar 75-80 g;
  • butter and flour - 30 g each;
  • salt.

How to cook:

  1. Grate carrots, fry a little in butter. Add water, simmer until soft.
  2. Combine eggs with milk, mix well with a fork.
  3. Mix the cooled carrots with the milk mixture, add flour, granulated sugar, salt.
  4. Put the mixture into a mold. It takes 40 minutes to prepare.

Calories per 100 g: 104 kcal.

Greek yogurt, grated berries with sugar can be used as a sauce.

The video also shows the recipe for carrot-semolina casserole:

Carrot casserole with cottage cheese

I add dried fruits, poppy seeds, dried berries to the dish - it turns out a dessert casserole, more like a pie. It helps a lot when you want sweets, and the scales show that you can not dream of sweets. 🙂

What we need:

  • fine-grained cottage cheese - 370-450 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream 15% - 55-65 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 75-90 g;
  • carrot - 250 g;
  • poppy - 5 g;
  • dried fruits - 50 g;
  • vanillin, a little soda.

How to cook:

  1. Add eggs, vanillin to cottage cheese, mix well.
  2. Combine 15 ml of sour cream with soda, send to cottage cheese.
  3. Beat everything well with a mixer, leave the mass for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Grate peeled carrots. Let's mix all the ingredients.
  5. We grease the form with oil, sprinkle the sides and bottom with oatmeal.
  6. We spread the carrot-curd mass, grease with the rest of the sour cream, send it to the oven.
  7. We will cook at a temperature of 180-190 degrees for about 35 minutes.

Per 100 grams: 122 kcal.

This dessert casserole is delicious both hot and cold. You can pour natural yogurt before serving, sprinkle with nut crumbs on top.

Carrot and semolina casserole recipe

Semolina has recently been criticized from all sides. There are really few useful substances in it. But for casseroles, it is ideal: it helps to make the dish more dense, it will not fall apart, it can be cut into beautiful pieces. If you don’t like semolina at all, replace it with chopped oatmeal.

What is necessary:

  • peeled carrots - 230-250 g;
  • semolina - 75 g;
  • purified water - 150 ml;
  • sugar - 130-140 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • a little salt, lemon zest.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees.
  2. We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, fill it with water, we will cook on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Beat the finished vegetable with a blender.
  4. Add egg yolks, sugar, vanilla and zest to the puree, mix with semolina.
  5. Add a pinch of salt to the proteins, beat them with a mixer into a stable foam.
  6. Gently mix both mixtures, put in a greased form.
  7. We send dessert to the oven for 25 minutes.
  8. The casserole must be completely cool. After that, with a sharp knife, cut it into 2 parts, grease the bottom cake with yogurt, cover with the second part.

Per 100 grams: 146 kcal.

Instead of cutting the casserole, you can pour yogurt on top of it.

Delicious casseroles for little gourmets

Feeding vegetables and cereals to children is not always an easy task. For me, one of the few ways to do this is to make a casserole.

with pumpkin

Pumpkin casserole with carrots will provide the child almost immediately with all the necessary vitamins, help the stomach to work normally. You can quickly prepare such a dish, the recipe is very simple. Both vegetables are quite sweet, so you don't need to add sugar.

What is necessary:

  • pumpkin pulp - 450 g;
  • carrot - 450-550 g;
  • large eggs - 2 pcs.
  • crushed oatmeal - 230-250 g;
  • vanillin.

How to cook:

  1. We cut the vegetables into small pieces, fill with water, cook over low heat until tender. You can cook them in milk, it will even taste better.
  2. We interrupt soft vegetables in a blender, add all other components to the puree.
  3. We heat the oven to 180 degrees, we cover the form with baking paper.
  4. We spread the mass in the form, send it to the oven.

Calories per 100 grams: 102 kcal.

You can serve such a baked dish with berry sauce, sour cream, yogurt.

Rice and carrot casserole recipe

Rice and carrot casserole is a great start to the day. A bright dish with a bunch of useful substances charges with energy and joy.

What we need:

  • rice -170-180 g;
  • peeled carrots - 250-270 g;
  • dried apricots or prunes - 75 g;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • medium eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • milk - 450 ml;
  • vanilla sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Let's prepare thick rice porridge with milk: pour cereal into boiling milk, cook on low heat for about a quarter of an hour.
  2. Grate the carrots, divide the eggs into whites and yolks.
  3. Add carrots, regular and vanilla sugar, soft butter, dried fruits, yolks to the rice.
  4. Whisk the egg whites into a firm foam.
  5. We connect both masses, lay out in the form.
  6. Bake for approximately 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Calories per 100 grams: 174 kcal.

To make the dish more juicy, you can add apples, peaches, fresh berries.

So it's time to say goodbye, goodbye, my dear readers. I look forward to our meetings, I always think to tell you something interesting and useful.

Liked the article? Share it on social networks. Let your friends also know that carrots are not only a healthy vegetable, but also a delicious dessert. 🙂 Subscribe to our updates, share your impressions, recipes, culinary secrets and secrets in the comments. I'm interested in your opinion.


Culinary Etude 24.04.2018

Dear readers, today on the blog we will talk about how to cook carrot casserole. It tastes so much like a good pie! And there are incomparably fewer calories in it, and it is much more beneficial for our health. Do you have a favorite carrot casserole recipe? We will be happy to provide you with our options for a healthy treat today.

Why is carrot casserole so popular with healthy lifestyle followers? We all know that - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. A good root crop is moderately sweet in taste. This property of it allows you to reduce or even completely eliminate sugar from sweet carrot casseroles. So, without denying yourself delicious, you can eat healthy!

Recently, Irina Rybchanskaya, the permanent leading column, introduced the readers of my blog to recipes and. Right now she will share with us interesting recipes for carrot casserole. I give the floor to Irina.

Greetings, dear readers of Irochka Zaitseva's blog! Recently, I have been trying, whenever possible, to cook meals for myself and my husband that are in line with a healthy lifestyle.

In the list of our favorite foods, not the last place is given to carrot casserole in various forms. Any casserole is a varied dish. Just a few new ingredients can change its taste beyond recognition.

Delicious carrot casserole with semolina without sugar

I adapted this carrot casserole recipe based on the needs of my family. It does not contain sugar, salt, fat. The presented photos will guide you step by step through the entire cooking process.


  • Three medium-sized carrots;
  • three tablespoons without a slide of semolina;
  • three large chicken eggs;
  • 125 ml of milk;
  • 50 - 60 g of good light raisins;
  • 50 - 60 g dried apricots.


Wash carrots, peel. Grate half on a coarse grater, the other half on a smaller one.

Put the carrots in a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom, simmer covered for about fifteen minutes.

Add semolina, cook, stirring, for about one minute. Remove from fire. Put washed, finely chopped raisins and dried apricots. Pour in beaten eggs, stir. Put the resulting mass into a ceramic baking dish greased with vegetable oil, level it.

Bake in the oven at 180°C for about fifty minutes (in my oven). Cool in shape.

Cut into slices and transfer to plates with a spatula.

My remarks

  • Those who are not contraindicated in sugar can add a couple of tablespoons when stewing carrots.
  • For flavoring, add a little vanillin, cinnamon, star anise. I didn't add anything.

Carrot casserole with mushrooms and chicken

Do you think that carrot casserole is a simple, everyday dish, and its taste is banal and familiar to you? Below I will give a recipe that completely refutes this opinion.


  • One kilogram of carrots;
  • 15 g dried porcini mushrooms;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 150 g boiled chicken;
  • 80 g semolina;
  • two eggs;
  • two tablespoons of sour cream;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • ground black pepper (optional)
  • salt.


  1. Pour dried mushrooms with hot boiled water.
  2. Wash the carrots with a brush, peel, cut into thick strips, mix with your hands with two tablespoons of olive oil, put in a baking dish, send to the oven. Bake at 200°C for forty minutes.
  3. Cut boiled chicken into small pieces. You can lightly fry it in olive or butter, but this is not necessary.
  4. Throw the mushrooms in a colander to drain the liquid, chop, fry in one tablespoon of olive oil.
  5. We take out the baked carrots from the oven, knead with a fork or a “masher” for potatoes.
  6. Add eggs, semolina, salt, pepper, mushrooms, chicken to it. Mix well.
  7. Lubricate the baking dish with butter or olive oil, put the carrot mass into it.
  8. Put sour cream in a bowl, squeeze peeled garlic cloves into it, stir. Spread the resulting mixture on the future casserole.
  9. Put the mold in the oven, cook the casserole for about 50 minutes at 180 ° C.

My remarks

  • Chicken can be replaced with boiled ham or lean bacon.
  • Cream can be used instead of sour cream.
  • I strongly recommend pre-baking carrots in the oven. The casserole is simply amazing!

Cottage cheese - carrot casserole in the oven

The recipe is very old. Cottage cheese - carrot casserole was the first "dessert" dish that I ever cooked. I have optimized both the composition of the ingredients and the technological process many times.

I present to your court, dear readers of Irina Zaitseva's blog, the last, most successful and appropriate option for a healthy lifestyle.


  • Half a kilo of cottage cheese;
  • two medium carrots;
  • 60 - 80 g of good dried apricots;
  • one large egg;
  • zest of half a medium orange
  • three tablespoons of semolina;
  • a little honey or sugar (I don’t put it, the sweetness of carrots and dried apricots is enough for me).

How to cook cottage cheese and carrot casserole

  1. Soak dried apricots for two hours, then chop with a blender or chop with a knife in the form of small grains.
  2. Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel, grate on a fine grater. Mix with cottage cheese, orange peel, dried apricots, semolina.
  3. Lightly grease the baking dish with butter, send the resulting curd and carrot mass into it.
  4. Cook the casserole in the oven at 180 ° C for about half an hour.
  5. From these ingredients, you can cook a carrot casserole in a slow cooker. The recipe is exactly the same. We cook in the "Baking" mode for 30 - 40 minutes.

My remarks

  • To somewhat optimize the cooking process, you can work the peeled and cut into several parts carrots in a blender along with soaked dried apricots and cottage cheese, and then add all the other ingredients.
  • Carrot casserole with cottage cheese is also good with raisins or finely chopped pitted dates. Other dried fruits can be put both together with dried apricots, and instead of it.
  • Serve the casserole very tasty with apricot jam made with a minimum of sugar and pectin, or simply with apricot puree and honey.

I suggest watching a video recipe for making cottage cheese and carrot casseroles.

Carrot casserole like in kindergarten

When we think of any delicious diet meals, we often say “kindergarten recipe”. This is a kind of "quality mark".

Carrot casserole with semolina and cottage cheese, which we will discuss below, is suitable for diet and baby food. Even kids from one year old can safely eat it.


  • Half a kilo of bright sweet carrots;
  • 300 g of good cottage cheese;
  • three tablespoons of semolina;
  • two large chicken eggs;
  • three tablespoons of sour cream, cream or milk in a carrot-curd mass;
  • a tiny pinch of salt;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 200 ml of milk for stewing carrots;
  • two to three tablespoons of sugar for stewing carrots (less if it is sweet).


  1. Wash the carrots, peel, grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Put in a saucepan with milk, add sugar (one tablespoon), butter. Simmer on a small burner flame for about a quarter of an hour, cool a little, work with a blender.
  3. Pour semolina into the resulting carrot puree, stir, put the mixture in a saucepan, simmer together. Stirring for about five minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, add the yolks mashed with a small pinch of salt, stir, leave to cool (the mass should be slightly warm).
  5. Beat cottage cheese with sour cream in a blender or just mix thoroughly with a whisk.
  6. Whip the egg whites into foam.
  7. Mix the cottage cheese with carrot puree, add the rest of the sugar, enter the gently whipped proteins. Mix very gently, being careful not to crush the egg whites too much.
  8. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, put in it the carrot-curd mass for the casserole. Cook in an oven heated to 200 ° C for 40-45 minutes (baking time depends very much on your oven).

My remarks

  • We cooked carrot - cottage cheese casserole in the oven. If you want to cook curd - carrot, then take 500 g of cottage cheese and 250 g of carrots.
  • I often replace half of a carrot in winter with a sweet, bright nutmeg pumpkin. Carrot - pumpkin casserole is especially good with honey.

Carrot-apple casserole


  • Two large bright carrots;
  • three large apples;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • one glass (250 ml) semolina;
  • 3/4 cup (250 ml) sugar (less if carrots are sweet enough)
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • one teaspoon of baking powder;
  • cinnamon (optional);
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • powdered sugar.

How to cook

  1. Peel the carrots, grate on a fine grater, mix with sugar and semolina - let the sugar melt in the carrot juice, and the semolina will swell a little.
  2. Remove the peel from the washed apples, remove the core, cut into small slices.
  3. Grind the yolks with salt, beat the whites.
  4. Add vegetable oil, apples, baking powder, cinnamon, yolks to carrots, mix, carefully add proteins. Mix gently, being careful not to crush the egg whites too much.
  5. Pour the casserole mixture into an oiled ceramic baking dish or silicone mold.
  6. We send for baking in the oven at 180 ° C. Carrot-apple casserole should be ready in about 40 minutes.
  7. Remove the finished casserole from the oven, wait for it to cool slightly, then remove it from the mold and serve, sprinkled with powdered sugar (if desired).

Cottage cheese - carrot casserole in a slow cooker

I haven't got my multicooker yet. Please watch a good video, which shows in detail how to cook a curd - carrot casserole in a slow cooker.

A simple recipe for carrot casserole with oatmeal and coconut flakes

Usually carrot casserole is prepared with semolina, but in this case I replaced it with ground oatmeal. The recipe is quite simple, but the casserole according to it comes out incredibly fragrant, with an exotic, festive taste.


  • Half a kilo of carrots;
  • 200 g of oatmeal;
  • 50 g sugar or honey
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • a pinch of ground cardamom;
  • 130 ml of odorless vegetable oil;
  • two eggs;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g coconut flakes;
  • 40 - 60 g of raisins;
  • a little cognac, rum or orange liqueur;
  • 200 g thick yogurt;
  • powdered sugar or a little honey.

How to cook

  1. Soak raisins in cognac.
  2. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, mix with baking powder, cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla sugar.
  3. Washed, peeled carrots grate on a coarse grater, mix with coconut flakes.
  4. Beat eggs with vegetable oil and sugar with a mixer or whisk.
  5. Mix carrot-coconut mixture with dry ingredients, add raisins, beaten eggs with vegetable oil and sugar, mix.
  6. Lubricate the form with butter, pour the casserole mixture into it.
  7. Cook in a preheated oven at 200°C for 45 minutes. Let cool completely.
  8. Beat thick yogurt with powdered sugar or honey, pour the carrot casserole with the resulting icing. Put in the refrigerator for 6 - 8 hours.

Dear readers of Irochka Zaitseva's blog! I hope that among the carrot casserole recipes I have given today, you will find those that you like. I will be happy to answer all your questions and give advice on cooking. I would be glad if you share your recipes for cooking carrot casserole.

With all my heart I wish all readers of the blog health and good luck!

Dear readers, if you are interested in other culinary recipes, I invite you to our section "Culinary Etude". You can go to the category by clicking on the button below.

Delicious recipes for the whole family

And for the soul, what are we going to listen to today? Eternal, piercing Balkan sadness in this crystal voice... Karolina Goceva.

Carrot cutlets - the best recipes for health and pleasure

Tender and juicy carrot casseroles prepared according to various recipes are a very tasty and dietary dish. It is suitable for adults and children. Moreover, such dishes can be included in the diet of babies, whose age has not yet reached one year. Also, such delicacies are recommended for inclusion in the menu for people who adhere to the basics of proper nutrition. So the recipes for carrot casseroles, especially with the addition of apples, dried apricots or cottage cheese, can be safely considered a universal solution. They are good as a hearty hearty breakfast, a delicious afternoon snack and a full dinner.

The easiest carrot casserole

Every chef can cook carrot casserole in the oven. Believe me: there is nothing difficult in this.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

The number of servings is 6.


You will need to prepare the following products in advance:

  • boiled carrots without salt - ½ kg;
  • semolina - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp. l. or to taste.

Cooking method

The technology for making carrot casseroles in the oven is elementary simple. Even a schoolboy can understand the essence of creating this culinary delicacy. So let's get down to the preparation of the dish without unnecessary lyrical digressions.

  1. It’s worth starting the preparation of carrot casseroles as in kindergarten by preparing the filling. To do this, break fresh large chicken eggs into a separate bowl.

  1. Pour in some salt. Add granulated sugar.

On a note! Adjust the amount of sweetness depending on the age of the child or for which category of the adult this dish is calculated.

  1. Pour in the semolina. Thoroughly mix the filling mixture.

  1. On a coarse grater, grate the vegetables pre-cooked until cooked, and send the resulting shavings to the filling.

  1. Mix everything properly so that the mass becomes homogeneous. Let the mixture stand for 10-15 minutes. This time will be sufficient for the semolina to swell and be completely ready for further heat treatment.

  1. Prepare a baking dish. Line the bottom with parchment paper. Be sure to oil it. Spread out the resulting mixture. Send carrot casserole with semolina to the oven. The oven must be preheated to 180°. We bake the dish for half an hour.

So our wonderful carrot casserole recipe is ready, just like in kindergarten. But such a deliciously tender and incredibly healthy dish will surely appeal to adults as well.

Carrot casserole with honey and cottage cheese

You can’t even imagine how delicious a carrot casserole with cottage cheese, honey and ground cinnamon is.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

The number of servings is 4.


In order to get an unusually tasty and healthy delicacy without a gram of sugar at the output, you need:

  • boiled carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • liquid honey - 2-3 tbsp. l. or to taste;
  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • large chicken eggs - 1-2 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • refined sunflower oil - for smearing the form.

Cooking method

Appetizing and tender carrot casserole for children is often prepared with cottage cheese. This combination is especially nutritious and beneficial.

  1. Based on the proposed recipe with a photo, let's start cooking a delicious carrot casserole by preparing vegetables. Pre-boiled carrots are rubbed on a grater.

  1. Add cottage cheese to it.

On a note! To make the finished dish especially tender, it is worth taking liquid cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content. If such a product could not be found in the store, you can dilute ordinary cottage cheese with a small amount of pasteurized milk or cream.

  1. Crack fresh eggs into a separate bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Whip them up a little with a fork. Pour the resulting egg mixture into a billet of carrots with cottage cheese.

  1. Sprinkle some ground cinnamon. Add honey.

Note! Since the proposed dietary recipe for carrot casserole, like in kindergarten, does not involve the addition of sugar, it is best to adjust the amount of honey yourself.

  1. Grease the baking tray a little with a refined composition. Pour the mixture into the prepared container. Gently level the top with a spoon.

  1. Send the carrot casserole to the oven, which we cook according to this recipe with a photo, for 35-40 minutes. The optimal baking mode is 170 °.

  1. This is how our carrot casserole recipe with cottage cheese turns out to be ruddy.

Bon appetit!

Carrot casserole with apple

You can cook carrot casserole with semolina according to the recipe with an apple. Such a fresh combination is very tender and tasty. This is an excellent tasty dessert or a full breakfast. If you try not to eat too fatty foods in the evenings, then prepare a dish for dinner. It will not be harmful - it is 100%!

Cooking time - 1 hour.

The number of servings is 8.


To diversify your usual daily diet with a new delicacy that fits perfectly into the format of baby food and the diet of a nursing mother, as well as those who are actively involved in sports and lead an active, healthy lifestyle, you will need products from the following list:

  • fresh raw carrots - ½ kg;
  • green apple - 1 pc.;
  • semolina - 1/3 st.;
  • sour cream - ½ tbsp.;
  • ground cinnamon - ½ tsp;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method

The proposed recipe for carrot casseroles in the oven does not differ in enormous difficulties in implementation. This is a very affordable option that even novice cooks can master without much hassle.

  1. Prepare all the necessary products for the carrot casserole.

  1. How to rinse fresh carrots in running water. Remove the skin from it. Grate vegetables on the smallest grater with "thorns". At the same stage, prepare a green apple (it is optimal to take fruits of sweet and sour varieties so that they give a pleasant freshness and juiciness to our delicacy). Wash it up. Cut off the skin. Remove core. Rub the apple on a fine grater and put the resulting apple mass into the carrot shavings.

  1. Add granulated sugar. Pour in the semolina. Fill with sour cream. Thoroughly mix the resulting workpiece.

  1. Take a separate bowl. Break a fresh raw chicken egg into it. Sprinkle ground cinnamon. Beat the resulting mixture and pour it into a mass of carrots with an apple.

  1. Prepare a baking dish. To make the casserole tender and airy, it is recommended to use a baking sheet. It must be greased with slightly softened butter. Don't feel sorry for him. Otherwise, the finished dish will be difficult to remove. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top. To do this, you can use small crackers, semolina or ordinary flour.

  1. Put the vegetable "dough" on a baking sheet with the addition of an apple and semolina. Align the top well. Arrange in a chaotic manner pieces of butter. Send the carrot casserole according to the recipe, as in kindergarten, into the oven preheated to 180-200 °. Bake the dish for 35-45 minutes.

These are all the secrets of cooking carrot casserole in the oven. As you can see, there is nothing impossible here. Be sure to try to cook a dish that is replete with valuable vitamins and nutrients. Bon appetit!

What can you serve with carrot casserole?

Tender and juicy carrot casserole is delicious on its own. But if you need to feed a little "nehochuha", then in this case you will need to take care of a beautiful and attractive serving of food. As an addition to a similar dish baked in the oven, sour cream is most often used. But you can also take:

  • powdered sugar;
  • chocolate paste;
  • whipped cream;
  • slices of fruit or fresh berries;
  • various toppings;
  • jam;
  • thick homemade jam;
  • confiture.

Here are just a few possible solutions. Experiment!

Video recipes

Cooking a variety of carrot casseroles according to recipes in video format will be easier not only for novice cooks, but also for experienced chefs. After all, frankly, this is not the most popular delicacy. But the videos will reveal to you the whole essence of creating such dishes and clearly prove that it is not at all troublesome and does not take a lot of time:
