
Smoothies with yogurt - new breakfast recipes. The best smoothie recipes from berries and fruits: delicious combinations

What foods can be healthier than vegetables and fruits? Just the right combination of them. It is for the ease of preparation and usefulness for the body that his fans fell in love with this “drink”. And his name is smoothie - lunch in one glass.

Bananas are the main ingredient in many cocktails. They go well not only with milk, but also with cocoa. Excellent taste and benefits can be achieved by mixing bananas with cottage cheese or natural yogurt in a blender. In any case, such a cocktail will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Melt honey (1 tablespoon) to a liquid consistency. Banana (1 pc.) Peel and cut into 5-6 parts. I put them in a blender. Add liquid honey there and pour milk (1 cup). Mix the ingredients until the mass becomes thick and homogeneous.

Banana smoothie with milk and ice cream

Another banana smoothie your kids will love can be made by mixing them in a blender with vanilla ice cream and milk. This cocktail is served in a tall glass with a straw. Milk can be substituted for orange juice in this recipe. It also turns out very tasty and healthy.

Smoothie with banana, strawberry and milk

A mixture of bananas with strawberries is called a classic. Probably so. But, no matter how you call such a cocktail, it always turns out to be very tasty and appetizing. To prepare it, you need to take one banana, strawberries (100 g) and milk (1 cup). And if you add a little vanilla to such a cocktail, it will give it a piquant zest.

Smoothie with banana, kiwi and milk

A banana and kiwi smoothie can be made without adding sugar. But, for this you need to choose very ripe fruits. Especially kiwi. If the stage of ripeness of this fruit does not suit you, just add a little honey to the drink.

To make a kiwi-banana smoothie, you need to take one banana and one kiwi. Peel them from the skin, cut into small pieces and place in a blender bowl. Pour milk (200 g) there and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Orange and blueberry smoothie shakes with sugar or honey

An excellent smoothie shake can be made with orange and blueberries. These products are of great benefit. They are champions in the content of vitamin C. Therefore, this cocktail is perfect for the prevention of viral diseases during a flu epidemic.

To prepare such a smoothie, you need to take freshly squeezed orange juice (4 pcs.) And mix them with blueberries (250 g). If the cocktail turns out to be too sour, then sugar or honey can be added to it.

Fruit smoothie on the water with avocado, pears and herbs

Smoothies can also be made with water. But, here you need to know one nuance. The drinks discussed in this article should be thick. And if you overdo it with water, all the density will go away. And after it, the aesthetics of consuming such a cocktail. Therefore, you should not get carried away with this ingredient. Especially if you plan to use frozen fruits and berries.

We clean the avocado (1 pc.) From the skin and remove the bone. Cut the pulp into large pieces. We clean the pears (2 pcs.) From the skin and seeds. Cut into slices. We put the ingredients in a blender and add chopped herbs (to taste). Mix ingredients until puree. Pour water (1-2 cups) and mix until smooth.

Cherry smoothie with pear and apple

A great summer cocktail can be made with cherries. It must be said right away that this drink may seem sour. So add some powdered sugar to it.

We clean the apple (1 pc.) And the pear (1 pc.) From the skin and seeds. Cut into large pieces. Remove pits from cherries (50 g). Put the ingredients in a blender bowl and add 3-4 ice cubes. Stir, pour the cocktail into a tall glass and garnish with a sprig of mint.

Green smoothie with apple and vegetables

Many nutritionists consider green smoothies a panacea for many ills and recommend eating them at least once a week. Such cocktails will not only fill the body with useful substances and vitamins it needs, but will also be able to cleanse it of toxins.

We wash lettuce leaves (50 g) and cabbage (100 g). After the water drains, cut them and send them to a blender. We clean the apple (1 pc.) From the skin and core. We divide into 4 parts. We cut out the core from bell pepper (1 pc.) And divide it into several parts. Put the ingredients in a blender and mix. Pour the resulting drink into a glass and sprinkle chopped parsley on top.

Strawberry smoothie with melon and cranberries

The following smoothie recipe was named "Pink Panther" for its pleasant color. To prepare it, it is necessary to clean the melon (500 g) from seeds and skins. Cut the pulp into small cubes. Strawberries (150 g) need to be sorted out and washed. Load the above ingredients into a blender and add cranberries (100 g). Mix and serve.

Coconut smoothie with mango, banana and pineapple

Another popular smoothie ingredient is coconut milk. Cocktails prepared on its basis have an original taste. The following drink can be called "Caribbean dream".

To prepare it, you need to peel bananas (2 pcs.) And cut each into 4 parts. Mango (1 pc.) You need to cut into two halves and remove the bone from the fruit. Pineapple (1 pc.) Peel and cut into small pieces. Juice must be squeezed out of mango and pineapple. Pour it into a blender. Put banana slices there and pour coconut milk (200 ml). Whisk until smooth and enjoy.

Raspberry smoothie with strawberries, blueberries and apple juice

The benefits of raspberries are endless. And if you mix it with other berries, you can provide support for your immunity for several days in advance.

To prepare this cocktail, you need to take strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Berries (total amount 200 g) need to be sorted out and washed. We place the berries in a blender (leave a few strawberries or raspberries for decoration). Pour apple juice (150 ml) into the bowl and mix. Crush ice and put it in glasses. Pour in the prepared smoothie and stir. Decorate with the remaining berries.

Tangerine smoothie with apples, banana and kiwi

A cocktail of tangerines is prepared in winter to support the protective functions of the body. But, this citrus fruit can not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve mood. Scientists have long figured out the nature of the interactions of the phytocompounds of this delicious fruit with the hormonal background of our body.

We clean tangerines (500 g) from the skin. Divide into slices and remove the bones. Apples (3-4 pieces) are peeled and cut into small slices. We clean the banana (1 pc.) And divide it into 4 parts. Peel kiwi (1 pc.) From the skin and cut into pieces.

Grind tangerines separately from the rest of the ingredients. After obtaining the puree, put the rest of the ingredients in a blender and mix them until smooth. For sweetness, you can add honey (1 tablespoon). And for a more liquid consistency, pour a little water (150 ml) into the bowl. Mix again and serve.

Apple smoothie with kiwi and green tea

To prepare a refreshing apple smoothie, you need to peel and core one fruit. We squeeze juice out of it. We clean the kiwi (2 pcs.) From the skin. If the fruit is ripe, then it is not necessary to cut it into pieces. Put the kiwi pulp in a blender and beat until puree. Add apple juice and chilled green tea (200 ml). Mix until smooth.

Berry smoothie from banana, blueberry, lemon, celery on the water

Almost any berry can be used to make healthy cocktails. For example, blueberries. This berry makes a delicious and healthy cocktail. The version of such a drink proposed below, for its pleasant pink-purple hue, will appeal to every child.

To prepare it, you need to mix bananas (2 pcs.), Blueberries (3 tablespoons), juice of a third of a lemon, celery (1-2 stalks) and water (1 cup).

Orange, lime and passion fruit smoothie

Fruits were the first ingredients used to make smoothies. It was only later that vegetables, herbs and other products began to be used in the preparation of these drinks. There are a lot of fruit smoothie recipes. But, if you want to surprise your guests, prepare a passion fruit and citrus cocktail for them.

We clean the orange from the peel. Divide into slices and separate the seeds. Peel the lime and divide it into two parts. We divide the passion fruit into two parts and extract the pulp. Crush ice until crumbly. Squeeze juice from orange and lime. Whisk passion fruit pulp in a blender. Pour the juice into the bowl and mix everything again until smooth. Pour the crushed ice into glasses and fill with the contents of the blender.

Currant smoothie with milk

Blackcurrant is a storehouse of nutrients. But, her sour skin is not very popular not only with children, but also with adults. In order to minimize the discomfort from eating this berry, you can prepare a delicious cocktail.

Prepare such a smoothie in the traditional way for this. In a blender, blackcurrant berries, (300 g) milk (100 ml), fermented baked milk (250 ml), honey (80 g) and walnuts (a handful) are mixed until smooth. It is better to grind the last ingredient before loading the rest of the products.

Persimmon smoothie with pumpkin and cinnamon

Persimmon smoothie is a very healthy and bright drink. Such a vitamin dessert can saturate the body with useful substances and fiber. Persimmon contains substances that can remove radionuclides from the body. Everyone should take advantage of such a miracle of nature.

Persimmons need to be washed, dried and cut into small pieces. If there are bones, then they need to be removed. Cut the skin off the pumpkin and cut the flesh into cubes. Put the ingredients in the blender container. Pour in the cinnamon and beat at low speed, gradually increasing it.

Orange smoothie with yogurt

You can prepare a vitaminized refreshing drink from oranges and low-fat yogurt. To do this, peel the oranges (2 pcs.) From the skin and seeds. Add yogurt (2 tablespoons), a few ice cubes and a pinch of vanilla to the blender. Blend until smooth and pour into tall glasses.

Pear smoothie with orange, mint and milk

An excellent cocktail can be made by mixing 2 pears, peeled and sliced ​​orange, mint leaves (to taste) and milk (1 cup) in a blender. If you like citrus fruits, then the number of oranges can be increased or the appropriate syrup can be added to the cocktail. Pear can be used both fresh and frozen. If a fresh pear is selected, then a couple of ice cubes should be added to the blender.

Frozen Berry Smoothie

Many of us freeze berries for the winter. Such "reserves" allow us to fill the needs of our body for vitamins in the cold season. Frozen berries can be used to make delicious cocktails.

To prepare this recipe, you can take any frozen berries (100 g). Before mixing in a blender with other ingredients, they must be thawed. Add banana (1 pc.) to them and beat in a blender until smooth. If the drink is too thick, you can add a little mineral water.

Kiwi smoothie with lemon juice, parsley, mint, honey

Kiwi is one of the record holders for the content of vitamin C. Eating this fruit (berry) can help survive the exacerbation of respiratory infections. But, not everyone loves kiwi in its purest form. For such people, smoothies from this fruit will be useful.

We clean the kiwi from the skin, cut into small cubes and place in the blender bowl. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice (1 pc.), Parsley (7 sprigs), mint (7 leaves), honey (to taste) and water (100 ml) there. Mix all the ingredients and enjoy a healthy drink.

Mango smoothie with pear and banana

Fresh mango is a sweet fruit with an unusual taste. It is very useful for vision and protection of the genitourinary system from infections. In addition, mango is an excellent immune activator. To make a smoothie from this fruit, you need to peel it from the skin. Rinse the pear, divide into several parts and remove the seeds.

We put in a blender chopped mango (1 pc.), Pear (1 pc.), Banana (1 pc.) And ice cubes. Pour in coconut milk (1/2 cup) and stir until smooth.

Pineapple smoothie with apricots or peaches and yogurt

A very tasty and healthy drink can be made from pineapple. To do this, it (1 pc.) Must be peeled and cut into small pieces. Then we clean the apricots (2 pcs.) from the skins and remove the seeds. Put the ingredients in a blender and mix at low speed. Add pineapple juice (125 ml) and peach or apricot yogurt (50 g) to the bowl. Mix everything again.

Smoothie with grapefruit, blueberries and carrot juice

A very interesting combination of flavors has a smoothie with grapefruit and blueberries. Blueberries can be used either fresh or frozen. First you need to squeeze the juice from grapefruit (3 pcs.) And carrots (300 g). Then the resulting juice should be poured into a blender and mixed with blueberries (1/2 cup).

Pineapple Banana Ginger Smoothie

Ginger has a beneficial effect on the entire body. If you have problems with the digestive system, then with the help of this spicy root, this problem can be significantly corrected. Useful ginger in the composition of vitamin drinks.

Peel the banana and pineapple. Cut fruit into small pieces. Put them in a blender. Pour almond milk (175 ml), candied ginger (a small piece) and a few drops of almond extract there.

Smoothie with cranberries, dates and orange juice

If you want to make an energy drink with your blender, then mix orange juice (175 ml), pitted dates (50 g), cranberries (50 g) and a chopped apple in it.

Smoothie with lemon and tangerine

Lemon is considered one of the healthiest fruits. And although many foods today dispute its primacy among the leaders in the content of vitamin C, lemon has other useful qualities. And like many citrus fruits, it can be used to make vitamin smoothies.

We clean the tangerines (2 pcs.) From the skin and bones. We extract the seeds from the grapes (250 g) and place the ingredients in a blender. Pour lemon juice (2 tablespoons) and tangerine (125 g). Mix and enjoy the pleasant taste.

Smoothie with berries and honey

Honey is added to smoothies for more than just making them sweet. But also to increase useful qualities. Honey has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it will be very useful in the cocktail below.

Peel the banana and cut into four pieces. We put blackcurrant berries (125 g), pineapple juice (125 ml), raspberries (125 g), blueberries (125 g) and banana pieces in a blender. Add honey (2 tablespoons) and mix.

Smoothie with blueberries and yogurt

Blueberry smoothies are very popular with children. And if such blueberries are also crispy, then this will add a special piquancy to this smoothie recipe.

Place frozen blueberries (1/3 cup), chopped peaches (1 cup), chopped nuts (1/4 cup), milk (1/2 cup) and vanilla yogurt (3/4 cup) in a blender. Add sugar, salt and vanilla for taste. Mix everything and serve in transparent cups.

Smoothies with raspberries and melons

From raspberries you can make a very tasty cocktail with a bright beautiful shade. To prepare it, we clean the melon (1/4 part) from the skin and seeds. Cut its flesh into small pieces. We place frozen raspberries (50 g), melon slices, cranberry puree (50 g) and grapefruit juice (175 ml) in a blender. Stir and serve in tall glasses with a straw.

Smoothie with peach, tofu and condensed milk

Peaches are very popular with children. Therefore, this cocktail can be served at the table during children's matinees, birthday celebrations and other similar events.

Drain the liquid from canned peaches (400 g). Mix the contents of the jar into a blender bowl. We also put soft tofu cheese (50 g), a few frozen peaches (125 g), condensed milk (125 ml) and a quarter of a cup of almond extract there. Mix the ingredients and enjoy the cocktail.

Fruit smoothies for children: recipe with ice cream, cocoa, chocolate

Children love fruit smoothies. Especially if you add ice cream, cocoa or chocolate to them. When preparing such children's smoothies, not only the taste of cocktails is important, but also the benefits that they bring.

Smoothie with ice cream

The easiest ice cream cocktail is prepared as follows. Bananas (2 pcs.), Ice cream (half of the package) and milk (1/2 cup) are poured into the blender bowl. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, a very tasty drink is obtained. For its preparation, you can take both ordinary vanilla ice cream and ice cream.

Cocoa in a smoothie adds notes of chocolate to such a smoothie. You can mix cocoa with various ingredients. A classic is a mixture of cocoa and nuts.

We clean the pineapple (1 pc.) From the peel and core. Cut it up and put it in a blender. Pour in almond milk (175 ml), frozen peach (125 g) and cocoa powder (1 tablespoon). You can add a few ice cubes. Mix and serve.

chocolate smoothie

This chocolate cocktail will appeal to all children without exception. To prepare it, you need to mix chocolate milk (250 ml), cocoa powder (1 tablespoon), honey (1 tablespoon) and frozen chocolate yogurt (250 g). The last ingredient can be replaced with chocolate ice cream.

Milk smoothies with fruits for breakfast

This fruit and apple smoothie recipe is perfect for breakfast. To prepare it, you need to mix milk (1 cup), banana (1 pc.), Blueberries (1 cup), honey (1 teaspoon) and muesli (1 tablespoon).

Oatmeal smoothie with fruit

Oatmeal is an essential ingredient in cocktails that are aimed at normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The main secret of such drinks is the soaking of oatmeal before placing them in a blender. Before cooking, oatmeal should be poured with boiling water for a few minutes.

In a blender bowl, mix bananas (1 pc.), Kiwi (1 pc.), Honey (1 teaspoon), apple (half), kefir (100 ml), ground cinnamon (a pinch) and steamed oatmeal (2 tbsp. spoons).

Coffee smoothie with yogurt, banana and cocoa

Caffeine has many beneficial properties. And the most important thing is, of course, increasing efficiency. That is why this cocktail can be prepared when it is necessary to accumulate the resources of the body and finish the work that has been started, for which there is no strength left.

To make a coffee smoothie, combine chilled espresso (250 ml), fat-free yogurt (250 ml), a small banana and cocoa powder (1/2 tbsp) in a blender. As additional ingredients, you can add a small handful of berries to the cocktail or season with cinnamon.

Smoothie without milk with grapes, watermelon, melon and fruits

Many fruit smoothies are prepared without milk. They are based on fruit juices mixed in a blender. You can make this delicious milk-free smoothie by mixing pitted grapes (2 cups), watermelon (1 cup), melon (1/2 cup) de-seeded, half a banana, frozen strawberries (1/2 cup), papaya (half a fruit) and a few ice cubes.

Allah. Do not mix ingredients of contrasting colors. For example, a mixture of strawberries and spinach will make the cocktail not very pretty. No one wants to drink a gray-brown-raspberry mass. It is better to use products of the same color range. Experiment to make smoothies not only tasty, but also beautiful.

Ksenia.For the perfect taste of a smoothie, you need to make 2-3 ingredients. And don't mix any you're not sure about. The strength of this dish is in its simplicity.

Video: Well, very tasty - Fruit and Berry Smoothie!

Is there anything healthier than fruits and vegetables? But just eating them is not very interesting, so you can make smoothies. If you eat right or are just thinking of changing your lifestyle and switching to a healthy diet, then this drink is the perfect solution. It is for the huge benefits for the body and, of course, the speed of preparation that people love smoothies so much.

This smoothie is a great replacement for breakfast, snacks, dinner, and even lunch. The proposed smoothie recipes will help you improve your health and switch to a healthy diet painlessly. You don't have to eat tasteless spinach and steamed broccoli. But, you see, this is what first comes to mind. Smoothies will make your meals bright, tasty and extremely appetizing. Many recipes call for milk, but some cannot drink it for certain reasons. By the way, for the purpose of losing weight, it is also better not to add this product to smoothies, it is better to replace it with kefir or yogurt with a low percentage of fat content. In general, there are a lot of options, you can use fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas, etc. In general, smoothies are also wonderful because they open up a large field for experimentation. We bring to your attention proven milk-free smoothie recipes that can be easily modified and supplemented to your liking.

Strawberry Banana Smoothie

This classic combination will not leave you indifferent. A great way to start your day right.


  • banana - 0.5 pcs.
  • strawberries - 4 pcs.
  • orange juice - 100 ml
  • low-fat yogurt - 3 table. spoons
  • flax seeds - 1 tsp. spoon
  • cinnamon - 2 pinches

Blend banana with strawberries, orange juice and yogurt in a blender. Then add flax seeds and season with cinnamon. Instead of orange juice, you can add cocoa and get wonderful.

Vegetable smoothie with avocado

This dish is simply overflowing with vitamins and nutrients. Replace them with lunch or dinner, and the result will not be long in coming. With its help, in just a week, you will be able to get rid of the hated kilograms.


  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • lemon juice - 1 table. spoon
  • cilantro - 0.5 bunch
  • ice or mineral water - to taste

Beat the avocado with celery, cilantro and lemon juice until smooth. Dilute with mineral water or ice to taste. We pay attention to others.

Spicy pumpkin smoothie

Such a sunny and so healthy smoothie with a pleasant spicy taste should definitely be in your diet.


  • pumpkin puree - 0.5 cups
  • low-fat yogurt - 50 ml
  • banana - 0.5 pcs.
  • ginger - 2 pinches
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp
  • cinnamon - 5 g
  • vanilla - 2 g
  • nuts - 10 g

Beat the banana with pumpkin puree and yogurt, season with all the spices. We crush the nuts and sprinkle them with the finished drink. You can experiment and add from walnuts to cashews and cedar.

Banana Chamomile Smoothie


  • brewed chamomile - 0.5 cups
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • unsweetened yogurt - 100 g
  • maple syrup - 1 tsp. spoon
  • cinnamon - a pinch

Beat all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained, eat in the morning.

Mango smoothie with mint

Required products:

  • mango - 1 pc.
  • carrot juice - 150 ml
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • mint - 5 leaves

Cut the mango and orange into pieces, beat with a blender with mint leaves and carrot juice.

Green apple smoothie


  • green apples - 2 pcs.
  • spinach - 10 g
  • yogurt - 100 g
  • banana - 0.5 pcs.
  • vanilla - 2 pinches

Whisk the pieces of apples, banana and spinach with yogurt until smooth, add a little vanilla.

Fragrant winter smoothie

With this wonderful smoothie, you will cheer yourself up and recharge your batteries on a frosty day.


  • banana - 1 pc.
  • tangerine - 2 pcs.
  • kefir or yogurt - 100 ml
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp. spoons
  • ginger - 2 g
  • honey - to taste

Beat the tangerines and banana well, then pour in the fermented milk product and beat again. Season with ginger and cinnamon and add honey to taste.

Orange blueberry smoothie

It's a delicious way to fight the flu and colds.


  • freshly squeezed orange juice - 150 ml
  • blueberries - 1 cup
  • honey - 1 tsp. spoon
  • grated ginger - 3 g

We mix all the products on a blender and enjoy the rich taste of such a healthy smoothie.

Pear smoothie with avocado


  • avocado - 1 pc.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • mint and basil - 5-10 g each
  • water - 100-150 ml

First, beat the avocado pulp with pear, mint and basil with a blender, then slowly add water so as not to overdo it. After all, remember that smoothies should be thick.

There is nothing better than starting or ending your day with a great, light yet nutritious smoothie or milkshake. Smoothies are a versatile drink and everyone will like it if you choose a combination of ingredients to your taste. Also try this smoothie with cookies. Surely you will like it.

Cookies are often perceived as a light delicacy-snack served with milk, fermented baked milk, kefir or yogurt. It is very tasty, while the dairy product refreshes the sweetness of the cookies, softening and complementing their taste. And that's what lies at the heart of the recipe for a banana smoothie with cookies. Everyone has tried biscuits with milk or yogurt, but now why not combine these products into one drink? In addition, these two products are wonderfully complemented by the sweet and delicate taste of the healthiest banana.

Thanks to the liver and banana, the smoothie is quite thick in texture, but it is drinkable. If you like, you can make it a little thinner or even thicker so that you can eat it with a spoon like a yogurt dessert. You just need to increase or decrease the amount of cookies. In addition, you can experiment with the type of biscuits that underlie the drink: choose options from dietary and biscuit types to shortbread, chocolate or types with all kinds of fillings.

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • 300 grams natural unflavored yogurt
  • 70 grams of cookies
  • 1 small banana
  • 2 teaspoons boiled condensed milk

Banana smoothie recipe with yogurt and cookies

To begin, peel and cut the banana into arbitrary small pieces. A well-ripened banana is best, as the fruit is very soft and easily crushed, giving a creamy texture to the drink.

Send the banana to the blender. Send broken cookies into pieces there.

Then add yogurt and boiled condensed milk to the blender.

Beat the smoothie on high speed until all the ingredients are finely chopped and turn into a single mass.

Serve your drink immediately.

We suggest preparing a yogurt smoothie with oatmeal and fruit. This amazingly healthy and delicious breakfast with our recipe is prepared in just 5-7 minutes. There is nothing better than starting the day with a serving of fresh fruit, oatmeal, or a glass of natural homemade yogurt. A thick smoothie drink allows you to combine these three ingredients. It turns out a full-fledged nutritious breakfast, the taste of which will appeal to both adults and children. Last time we cooked less healthy but very tasty.

An oatmeal smoothie has one feature: freshly made, it looks more like a drink, but if you leave it for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, the oatmeal swells and the smoothie becomes like a dessert, you can only eat it with a spoon, it becomes so thick.
Don't worry about oatmeal - you don't feel it at all in the finished smoothie, it just adds thickness and, of course, benefits.

You can take any fruits for smoothies with oatmeal, as long as they are juicy. For example, pears and melons are great. Sweet fruits allow you to additionally not sweeten your breakfast.

- 1 glass of natural yogurt,
- 2 pears,
- 1 banana,
- 1 small melon
- 3 tablespoons hercules.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We prepare the ingredients: ripe sweet banana, pears and natural yogurt without sweeteners. It is better if it is homemade yogurt prepared the day before. Fatness doesn't matter.

Peel the pears, cut out the cores, cut randomly.

Cut a small melon in half, take out the seeds with fibers from the center. Cut the pulp of the melon into pieces.

Pour yogurt into a blender, then lay out pieces of fruit. A banana can simply be broken into several pieces. To facilitate the work of the blender, you can slightly press down the pieces of melon and pear so that they release the juice.

Beat all the ingredients at low speed until you get a homogeneous mixture.

Now you can add dry oatmeal. There is no need to soak or prepare them in advance. Dry oatmeal blends perfectly in a blender with juicy fruits.
Beat all the ingredients again, but now at maximum speed, in order to properly chop the oatmeal.

Pour the finished smoothie into glasses and serve immediately as a drink or after refrigeration for a couple of hours as a thick dessert.
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Hello friends! 🙋🏻

Despite the fact that this recipe is quite simple, the smoothie with apple and yogurt is very tender and tasty. It improves digestion, normalizes metabolic processes in the body and improves immunity.

It is important that apples 🍎 should be consumed daily by absolutely everyone - both healthy people and those suffering from various diseases. Please note that the longer the fruit is stored, the less vitamins and nutrients remain in them. Therefore, it is important to consume as fresh fruits as possible and, of course, eat them raw. That way you get the most out of them.


(for 2-3 servings)

  • 2 sweet red apples
  • 300 ml. natural yogurt (can be replaced with soy)
  • 1 st. l. honey or
  • 0.5 tsp ground cinnamon

How to cook

  1. Preparing apples. First, wash the fruit thoroughly. Peel them off. Remove the stem. By the way, you can leave the seeds and add them to a smoothie, so it will turn out even more useful. For convenience, cut the apples into arbitrary pieces.
  2. Mix the ingredients and grind them in a blender. Pour the apple slices into a blender. Add some ground cinnamon for flavor and a spoonful of runny honey for sweetness. It is necessary to act quickly so that the fruit does not darken. Grind all the ingredients for the apple smoothie into a puree mass.
  3. Add yogurt. Now open the lid and pour natural yogurt into the resulting mixture. I prefer to cook it myself from a special sourdough. However, regular classic or Greek yogurt from a trusted manufacturer that you are sure of is suitable for this recipe.
  4. Whisk the ingredients together. Beat again until smooth and soft texture. It is necessary that the pieces of fruit are completely crushed and combined with the rest of the products.
  5. We serve and taste. Immediately after preparing the apple smoothie, pour into a suitable dish. Add straws to make the cocktail easier to drink. You can garnish the glass with mint leaves, a cinnamon stick, or an apple wedge sprinkled with lemon juice to keep it from turning black.

Bon appetit and good mood! ☺️
