
Nut pie in a slow cooker without flour. Chocolate and coffee cake with walnuts in a slow cooker


  • 120 gr butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml strong coffee
  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 1 cup peeled walnuts
  • 5 tbsp Sahara
  • 70 gr dark chocolate
  • 1 tsp baking powder dough

Almost everyone loves chocolate cake. Even regular pie made on the basis of chocolate or with the addition of cocoa, you can not be afraid to apply for festive table. Chocolate taste is self-sufficient, but you always want something new, unusual. The combination of coffee and chocolate is very advantageous in this regard. And if there are still pieces of walnuts in the pie, it will be just a bomb!

This is exactly how I came out chocolate pie with nuts in a slow cooker. The pastries turned out to be very tender, despite the presence of butter, the cake is crumbly, but at the same time a little moist, it just melts in your mouth. For lovers of a strong coffee flavor, you can pour granules instant coffee directly into the dough, the amount - to your taste. Conveniently, you can easily adjust the taste of the cake, making it more coffee or chocolate taste. Instead of walnuts, it is good to use peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews. But it is better not to replace chocolate with cocoa, since the powder will not give such a rich taste.

Your chocolate coffee cake I cooked in a multicooker VES Electric SK-A12. I recommend that readers of the site definitely try to bake a pie according to this recipe, it is worthy of attention!

Cooking method

  1. Prepare necessary products. Brew coffee with boiling water. If you use insoluble, it is best to cook it in a Turk. Take the butter and eggs out of the fridge ahead of time. If necessary, peel the walnuts.

  2. Pour the nuts into the multicooker, set the Frying program and fry, stirring for 6-7 minutes, then turn off the saucepan and put the nuts in the cooling multicooker, stirring occasionally. Do not close the lid.

  3. Beat the butter with sugar with a mixer until light and fluffy. Crack one egg, beat well again. Do the same with the second egg.

  4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or microwave oven. The microwave will do this in 1-1.5 minutes, but you need to open it every 15-20 seconds and make sure that the chocolate does not burn out from excessive temperature.

  5. Add coffee to the dough and stir.

  6. With walnuts, it is advisable to try to remove the skin, which is very easy to peel if they are well roasted. Cut with a knife, but not too finely, large pieces should come across in the dessert.

  7. Pour the baking powder and flour (you can not sift).

  8. Mix everything until you get a dough that resembles softened butter in consistency. Put it in a greased vegetable oil multicooker bowl, level the surface. Turn on the Baking mode, time 40 minutes.

  9. Cook with the lid closed until you hear a beep. Then carefully remove the chocolate coffee cake from walnuts from the multicooker using the steamer grate.

  10. Serve immediately, while the pastry is still hot or warm, sprinkled with powdered sugar and garnished with walnut halves. In addition, you can offer coffee, tea, cocoa, warm

In the DEX multicooker it works very well sweet pastries. For example, walnut pie. It can be baked in various options. Today we will bake a chocolate pie with nuts in a slow cooker. To cook this pie, you need to crack nuts for a very long time ... Or buy them ready by weight. But in any case, before you send the nuts to the dough, they need to be fried. And the purchased ones should also be carefully sorted out, because in walnuts by weight, in whatever supermarket they are sold, there is almost always great amount shells, which certainly will not decorate the cake.

You will need:

  • walnuts - 150 g (this is about 2.5 multi-cups),
  • flour - one and a half multi-cups,
  • sugar - 1 multi-glass (with a large slide),
  • chicken eggs- 2 pieces,
  • butter - 100 g (that is, exactly half of a standard pack),
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon (with a small slide),
  • cocoa - 2 tablespoons,
  • vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking chocolate pie with nuts

1. Let's start with nuts. I used to fry them in a skillet, but they almost always burnt, no matter what fire I made. But the slow cooker has much "ennobled" this process. So what I do now is I pour the nuts into the bowl, turn on the "Fry" program (my "cartoon" model allows you to choose the frying temperature, so I press "Fry-Fish", that is, the lowest one) for five to seven minutes. After that, I turn off the device and leave the nuts for half an hour in a heated bowl. They dry very well and are slightly fried.

2. Immediately after turning off the multicooker, add butter to the nuts - for this recipe it needs to be melted, and in a preheated multicooker it will melt perfectly, but will not start to boil. Just what you need!

3. Now you need to chop the nuts. Of course, this can be achieved with a knife, but a blender will do it much faster and better - in just three seconds. You don’t need to beat them longer - we need nut pieces, but not flour.

4. Now pour the flour and baking powder to the nuts and stir - yes, you can do this with a spoon right in the blender so as not to stain other dishes.

5. Eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar beat with a mixer - that's just a minute, no more.

6. Little by little (about three times) add to the eggs nut mix, whip.

7. At the end, do not forget to add cocoa, which should be sifted through a sieve. And send the dough to the multicooker! If the bowl is Teflon, it does not need to be oiled or lined with parchment.

8. The pie is being prepared on the “Baking” program for exactly 45 minutes.

9. To decorate our yummy, you can simply melt chocolate with butter (20 g of butter per 100-gram bar) or cook fudge.

Fondant Ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons fresh milk
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 20-30 g of oil.

On a low heat, bring the mixture of milk, cocoa and sugar to a boil (so that the sugar melts), then turn off the heat and throw butter into the fudge. If you use a multicooker for this, the best program- this is "Frying" or the already mentioned "Baking".

Here's a pie! Bon appetit!

Chocolate pie with nuts cooked in a multicooker DEX DMC 50.

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Total comments 28:

    I got it VERY hard. barely cut with a knife

    I stumbled across this site by accident and followed the recipe exactly. Very wonderful pie turned out: delicious and beautiful. I have chosen a few more recipes. Thank you very much!!! It was like visiting a girlfriend - such a pleasant description of each recipe: not dry, but with love, from the bottom of my heart! I wish you and your students continued success!!!

    I got it :-) delicious, thanks for the recipe. The truth crumbles, and vice versa soft


    It tastes good, but crumb inside. Can you add eggs?

    Excuse me, what kind of oil do we add in point 6? The one that was added to the nuts in paragraph 2?!

    What is a multiglass equal to? This is for those who lost it. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    • The volume of the multi-glass for the Dex multicooker is 160 ml. As for the oil, thanks for telling me. Point 6 was wrong.

      • Svetlana:

        Is it possible without baking powder?

        • No, it won't rise.

    But. You need to adapt the recipe to each one for your multicooker, they cook in different ways. For example, I added water to the dough, bringing it to the state thick sour cream. As described in the recipe - it turns out very thick.


    Great cake, turned out first time! baked, risen, mmm ... melted in your mouth. I barely pulled my husband away! Thanks for the recipe!

    Thank you for the review, the cake turned out very tasty delicious)

    Hello, my name is Artyom. I have been cooking all the time for 12 years, I recently purchased a slow cooker. It made my cooking so much easier. This is the second pie I have made in the slow cooker. It turned out very tasty, soft and smooth! Very beautiful and delicious. Thanks for the recipe! Instead of chocolate, I sprinkled powdered cocoa on top. Who doubts this recipe, cook URGENTLY!!! Quick, easy, delicious! Thanks again for the owner of the recipe!

    Very tasty thanks for the recipe

    Girls, I did it yesterday, it turned out awesome. Thanks a lot for the recipe. The only thing I was too lazy to fry the nuts and I chopped them raw and, after reading the comments, added half a glass of milk, I think it tastes better.

    The pie is just great. The dough was really thick. Added milk. I have a multicooker-pressure cooker Maxwell cooking time was 30 minutes. Daughter really liked it. Thanks for the recipe.

    Thanks for the recipe! Delicious.
    I also changed a little, added a little milk. It's like who gets it)))
    Yes, it depends on the multicooker. In our bake faster.
    Thank you! Everything is wonderful and without much expense and time and ingredients.

    Hello. I did everything according to the recipe, but for some reason it didn’t rise well. Why can this happen? Thank you

    • In full screen

      In full screen

      Add poppy seeds (in dry form) and nuts to the flour, mix all the dry ingredients. Add the sour cream-egg mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The dough is ready. I decided to try baking a pie in a slow cooker. I had one sad experience when I had to bake in the oven. This time I decided that I would bake to the last until the cake was ready. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with odorless vegetable oil. I also added two strips of baking paper to make sure the cake didn't stick. Lay out the dough.

      In full screen

      We set the program "Baking" and time. I originally planned 65 minutes, but my slow cooker did not have enough time, it took another 30 extra minutes. In the oven, the cake will bake for 30-40 minutes at 180°C. We check for a dry splinter. Cool, decorate as desired or without decorations. We cut into portions and call everyone for tea.

      In full screen

      like this simple pie You can treat your family on Valentine's Day. I will continue to bake this cake in a slow cooker, the experiment was a success.

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      The recipe for this pie was just a godsend for me. Of course, I am madly in love with chocolate and pastries, but I try to limit its amount to the maximum. Of course, this is very difficult, especially when others, especially the husband, crush pies, pies, cookies, sweets on both cheeks ...

      Willpower, however, helps up to a certain point, so when it's really hard, I look for a compromise between sweet and tasty and harmless. Here is a cake just from this opera. There is absolutely no flour and fat (margarine, butter) in it. Sugar can be replaced with honey.


      • Nuts - 230 grams;
      • Chicken egg - 3 pieces;
      • Sugar (or honey in a slightly smaller amount) - 5 tablespoons;
      • Baking powder for dough (or 0.5 teaspoon of soda + vinegar for extinguishing) - 1 teaspoon.


      The photo shows the ingredients needed to make a diet nut cake in a slow cooker: nuts (any: almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews, seeds ...), chicken eggs, sugar (or honey), baking powder for dough (or soda).

      Place the nuts in the bowl of a food processor or in a meat grinder and grind into crumbs. There is absolutely no need for pain. Personally, I have not used a meat grinder, but I think that it needs to be twisted several times in order to chop enough.

      Beat the eggs with sugar with a whisk until foamy.

      Add nuts, baking powder (and honey, if baking with it). Mix well.

      Lubricate the multicooker pan with vegetable oil and sprinkle with semolina. Then pour out the dough. Select the "Baking" mode, set the time to 1 hour.

      So smooth ready pie. Let it cool slightly and take it out of the mold with the help of a double boiler nozzle. We decorate at will.
