
Opening our own beer production: a business idea. Brewery opening Beer production equipment

For many people, beer has been and remains a favorite drink. It is in demand regardless of the season, so its production is a highly profitable business. An intoxicating drink brewed according to traditional recipes and strict implementation of technology will allow you to get over 150% profit.

The main advantages of opening a mini brewery:

  • relatively small investment;
  • the possibility of sales forecasting;
  • minimal risk of failure.

What is the best beer to make?

Light live beer is especially popular. But for the successful implementation of the project, several types of beer should be brewed: dark, light, with different aromatic additives. Hoppy drink is divided by concentration into weak -5%, medium - up to 12% and strong - over 14% of the wort. It is also possible to produce bottom and top fermented beer, filtered and unfiltered.

In the United States, Lager beer is very popular - a drink that undergoes primary fermentation and is stored at a low temperature. The technology allows it to ripen naturally. In Russia, low-calorie beer, ale, and porter have recently gained popularity.

It is worth starting a brewing business with unfiltered live beer, which is made using a simple technology. In the future, consumers should be offered other types of drink, allowing them to enjoy new tastes.

The classic recipe for unfiltered live beer:

  • prepare syrup from 1 kg of sugar and 200 g of honey;
  • add: 2 kg of wort, 100 g of hops, 20 liters of soft water, brewer's yeast.

By experimenting with the amount of hops and flavorings, a unique recipe for a hoppy drink is compiled, which will bring recognition to the company.

How to set up beer production

Anyone can set up beer production. It is worth remembering that great competition makes it possible to "survive" only those entrepreneurs who brew original and high-quality beer. You can organize a mini workshop in your own garage or utility room, performing repairs in accordance with hygiene standards. When opening a larger business, you need to rent a room.

Before starting production, it is worth deciding on the volumes:

  • home mini brewery is capable of brewing up to 50 l / day. Organization costs amount to 25-35 thousand rubles;
  • microbrewery will allow to produce up to 500 liters per shift. It requires a room of up to 40 square meters. m. Investments - 250-500 thousand rubles;
  • mini breweries will need a workshop of 100 sq. m. It will allow you to get from 500 liters of intoxicating drink. Primary investment - from 1.5 million rubles.

How best to sell products

Realization of beer occupies a leading position among alcoholic beverages. Inexpensive cost and pleasant taste quickly win fans. But still, it is worth worrying about the sale of an intoxicating drink in advance by concluding supply contracts with local pubs and pubs.

Important! Live beer has a short shelf life. It is worth brewing it in small batches, increasing production as demand grows. The guarantor of the sale of the drink is the conclusion of contracts with local outlets.

How much can you earn

A small brewery pays off in the first six months of operation. At the same time, you should not count on receiving income in the first 2 months of work.

The average cost of a mug of beer is 150 rubles. In the manufacture of 100 liters of drink per day, earnings will be 300 thousand rubles. Such indicators of profitability should be expected after the establishment of a sales market for products.

The source of additional income for the brewery is the sale of waste. It is worth offering them to livestock farms.

How much money do you need to start a business

Cost items for organizing a mini brewery:

  • equipment. Cost depends on performance. A small line that produces about 100 liters of beer per day can be bought for 200 thousand rubles. a full cycle system will cost 1.5 million rubles;
  • raw materials. Malt and hops are best purchased from foreign producers. For example, 50 tons of malt from Germany will cost 50 rubles. per kg, but you can buy it only in a large batch. As an option, you can organize independent malt production - a business that accompanies brewing.

The business plan should include the costs of obtaining permits - 20 thousand rubles, advertising and creating a business card website - 50 thousand rubles, salaries of employees (when using hired labor) - 200 thousand rubles.

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini brewery

The production organization technology involves the implementation of several stages:

  • conducting a marketing research of the region for the presence of competitors and the sales market;
  • drawing up a business plan;
  • registration of activities, obtaining permits for the production of intoxicating drink;
  • arrangement of the premises and obtaining permission to use it as a workshop;
  • purchase and installation of equipment;
  • conclusion of sales contracts.

Regulatory framework

To organize a mini brewery, registration with the tax office, SES is required. First, a decision is made on the legal form of the company. For a small workshop, it is advisable to register an individual entrepreneurship by providing a photocopy of the passport to the tax service, paying the state duty and writing an application in the prescribed form.

Do I need permission to open a mini brewery

In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, the production of beer is not a licensed activity. Permission must be obtained from the SES for product compliance with the declared recipe. The hygiene certificate is a document confirming the quality of products. The fire inspectorate must also issue a special permit for the use of the premises in which the intoxicating drink will be brewed.

Which OKVED to indicate for the sale of products

In accordance with the all-Russian classifier, when registering activities, the OKVD code 11.05 is indicated.

Which taxation system to choose for registration of activities

The best option for choosing the method of paying taxes is a simplified taxation system. To apply, you must write an application to the tax office. The tax rate can be 6% (calculated on the amount of income received) or 15% (calculated on the amount of net profit).

Brewery organization technology

The process of preparing a low-alcohol drink is complex and requires high professionalism. Live beer is considered the easiest to prepare, since the brewing technology does not provide for the filtration and heat treatment process. This drink does not contain preservatives, and brewer's yeast cells remain alive. The shelf life of live beer is no more than 5 days.

Purchase of raw materials

The components of beer - water, malt, hops and yeast must be of high quality. It is best to use soft water, which is the basis of the drink. The choice of water should be approached especially responsibly, since its taste qualities depend on it. If hard water is used, additional filtration is required.

Malt and hops of foreign origin are considered the best in quality. Therefore, it is worth thinking about concluding contracts for the purchase of raw materials with large factories.

Creation of a mini workshop

A mini brewery can be placed in the basement, garage or utility room. The requirements put forward by the SES and the fire inspection are minimal:

  • wall decoration - ceramic tiles at a height of 2 meters;
  • ceilings - painted with water-based paint;
  • floor - covered with ceramic tiles or reinforced concrete panels;
  • the presence of heating;
  • equipped ventilation.

All surfaces in the workshop should be easy to clean and disinfect.

The choice of equipment for the preparation of products

The minimum list of equipment for creating a mini brewery is:

  • containers for fermentation and fermentation of the drink;
  • fridge;
  • filters for water;
  • scales for determining the amount of raw materials;
  • container for sterilizing containers.

Equipment is selected depending on the scale of production. Full-cycle lines allow brewing up to 2,000 liters per shift. The equipment of domestic and foreign manufacturers is presented on the market, the cost of which depends on the performance. For example, the ZAO Moscon line will cost 1 ml. 200 thousand rubles, German Inyegral-Geha - 2 million 500 thousand rubles, Czech Technoexport - about 2 million rubles. For a beginner, it is optimal to purchase a small line that will allow you to get up to 100 liters of beer per shift. Such equipment will cost 200-400 thousand rubles.

Features of business promotion

For the success of the activity, it is extremely important to promote the business, the main purpose of which is to stimulate consumer demand and improve the image of the company. It is also very important to create a memorable image of a mini-brewery.

The main directions of promotion are:

  • conducting a competent advertising campaign;
  • creating your own Internet resource;
  • sales promotion through promotions, discounts;
  • sponsorship of social events.

Beer should be advertised at all stages of the work of the mini-shop, even after the drink has gained recognition and won its consumer. Holding tastings will help attract more fans, and, accordingly, increase the profitability of the activity.

One of the most popular types of entrepreneurial activity can be safely called the production of a foamy intoxicating drink. Only on the territory of Russia there are more than a hundred large enterprises for the production of beer, about 300 medium-sized breweries and thousands of productions of minimum volumes. In this article, we will talk about how to open your own beer production business.

Features of doing business

Entrepreneurs who decide to open their own modest production of a foamy drink should know all the features of this kind of business.

First of all, you should decide on the type of organization, because in this small segment of the market there are two main types:

  1. Microbrewery, whose production volume is only 50-500 liters of intoxicating drink per 24 hours.
  2. - an enterprise with a production volume of 500-15,000 liters of finished product per day. It is these enterprises that usually specialize in the production of live unfiltered beer. There are several classifications of mini-sized breweries.

Depending on the type of production activity, such organizations can be divided into:

  1. Restaurant type brewery, based on catering establishments.
  2. Production type brewery, individual or individual production.

Depending on the technology by which the drink is brewed and the raw materials used, we can distinguish:

  1. Full cycle brewing production.
  2. Short cycle brewing production.

When organizing a mini-brewery, an entrepreneur should choose a full-cycle production technology only if he already has some agreements, verbal or on paper, with restaurants or beer bars. The use of a shortened technology is a more economical solution, since its implementation will require the rental of a smaller area, and it will also be possible to save on equipment and filtration devices. This type of production involves the use of malt extracts, which are a highly reduced type of substance and a hopped beer wort ready for fermentation.


Organization of this type of activity

Setting up your own brewing business is a rather interesting idea, requiring a creative approach and attention to every detail from the entrepreneur. The profitability of this business is associated with the unique taste of a freshly brewed drink, which is simply incomparable to the taste of a store-bought bottled drink with a long shelf life. If beer from local producers is of good quality, then it will certainly be in demand by the population, which means that various bars, cafes and restaurants will buy it both at retail and wholesale.

Registration of hop production

To open your own business, the future brewer needs to register the organization legally. In order to go through this procedure, you must submit the necessary package of documents to the tax office and choose the substantive form of business, usually an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

It is important that the certificate of registration or the charter of the enterprise itself mention that the organization will be engaged in the production and retail sale of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

According to the current legislation of the country, the activity of breweries does not require compulsory licensing. But local licensing centers themselves determine the need for obtaining licenses for enterprises of this kind, and they also issue the relevant documents.

To coordinate activities with the sanitary service, it is necessary to draw up the following documents:

  • hygiene certificate- issued on the basis of the results of analyzes and examinations of finished products carried out by accredited laboratories. Such a certificate is issued for a period of one to 5 years.
  • Certificate of Safety or Compliance- a document confirming the compliance of the finished product with regulatory requirements.

Beer is an excisable product, therefore, from each liter of the drink, the entrepreneur will have to pay an excise tax in the amount established in 2005, 1.75 rubles. Payment of excise tax is a mandatory procedure for any form of enterprise.

Brewery equipment

  1. Water filters. The quality of water can have an impact on such parameters of the final product as:
    1. color;
    2. the ability to foam;
    3. taste;
    4. best before date.
  2. Boiler. This container is necessary for the production of pasteurization procedures for syrup and wort boiling. In microbreweries, pans of various sizes or conventional food boilers are used as such a boiler.
  3. fermenter- a tank for the main fermentation, which is a huge stainless steel cauldron, polished from the inside. The fermenter must certainly be equipped with a water seal, with the help of which the process of removing excess carbon dioxide during the fermentation process takes place. As additional equipment, the fermenter can be equipped with a tap that allows you to drain the yeast, take samples and pour the finished product.
  4. Fermentation tanks in which the young beer completes the fermentation process and matures. The role of such containers can be:
    1. glass or plastic bottles;
    2. stainless steel kegs;

In the same containers, the finished product is sent for sale.

  1. Mixing and overflow accessories. This set of equipment includes:
    1. spatula-mixer made of food-grade plastic;
    2. electrical appliances for maintaining the temperature of the wort during the fermentation process;
    3. electric pump;
    4. hoses for water, detergents and beer.
  2. Laboratory instruments:
    1. hydrometer - measures the density of the wort and the alcohol content in the finished product;
    2. thermometer for temperature control;
  3. Devices for cleaning and sterilization:
    1. in order to wash and sterilize large containers, a large stainless steel bath is needed;
    2. for cleaning bottles, the simplest and most inexpensive means are enough;
    3. to sterilize the air in the workplace, germicidal ultraviolet lamps will be required.
  4. Auxiliary equipment:
    1. capping devices for glass bottles;
    2. devices for screwing caps on polyethylene bottles;
    3. device for packing a batch of bottles in polyethylene;
    4. scales for weighing ingredients;
    5. tables, shelves, racks for storage of raw materials and finished products.
  5. Refrigeration equipment. The beer production technology provides for the maturation of the drink in a cool place. For this purpose, the following can be used:
    1. natural premises such as a cellar or basement;
    2. air-conditioned room;
    3. refrigerator or cabinet.

Industrial premises

In order to open your own brewery, the premises can be obtained in two main ways:

  • purchase of the necessary space;
  • renting the necessary premises.

Whichever way the entrepreneur goes, he must choose areas that fully comply with the standards of the sanitary and fire services that apply to catering establishments.

Separate production facilities can be located:

  1. on one floor;
  2. on different floors;
  3. in basements;
  4. in basements.

The requirements for the brewery premises include the following:

  • ventilation system;
  • spaciousness;
  • electricity;
  • water supply;
  • sewerage with floor drain;
  • the walls in the technological workshops are finished with ceramic tiles;
  • ceiling height of at least 2 meters;
  • ceilings should be painted with water-based paint;
  • floors can be tiled or synthetic.

The brewery should consist of the following areas:

  1. prewash:
  2. preparation of raw materials;
  3. fermentation and fermentation;
  4. beer maturation;
  5. raw material warehouse.

The total area of ​​the brewery should be 20-100 square meters.

Raw material base

The raw materials for this kind of production are:

  • Water. For production, ordinary tap water cannot be used, it must be purified and softened.
  • Brewer's yeast. This kind of raw material is purchased from large breweries or wholesalers.
  • Malt. This ingredient is of three classes (first, second and highest). Foreign malt is considered the highest quality, and domestic malt is distinguished by an acceptable cost.
  • Hop. To purchase this foamy drink ingredient, you can use one of the following methods:
    • buy American hops at the border for $59/kg, but you will have to buy at least 50 tons;
    • purchase hops from large breweries or wholesale suppliers of raw materials;
    • team up with other private entrepreneurs and buy hops from wholesalers in bulk.

A tasty and popular foamy drink can only be obtained from high quality raw materials.


The staff of the brewery consists of the following positions:

  • supervisor;
  • chef of high qualification (Brewer);
  • technologist;
  • electromechanic;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • forwarding driver;
  • cleaning woman.

Raw material suppliers

Usually raw materials for the brewery are bought in the following ways:

  1. a supply agreement and an equipment supplier (usually, companies selling technical equipment for breweries are also involved in the sale of raw materials);
  2. acquisition of large lots from foreign organizations;
  3. contractual relations with large breweries.

Production technology

The beer brewing process consists of the following steps:

  1. malt preparation associated with the germination of cereals, drying and cleaning of sprouts;
  2. mashing the must (Mash). The malt is crushed by mixing it with water. The resulting wort has a sweetish taste;
  3. congestion filtering. At this stage, the created mash is cleaned of undissolved cereal residues and unhopped wort;
  4. boiling. The wort is supplemented with hops and boiled for several hours;
  5. clarification. At this stage, the wort is purified by passing through a hydrocyclone;
  6. cooling. The wort is poured into the boiler, where it is cooled and saturated with oxygen;
  7. fermentation. Yeast is added to the composition, after which the boiler is closed and left to ferment;
  8. fermentation. An almost ready drink is kept in closed containers, where it acquires the necessary taste under the pressure of carbon dioxide;
  9. filtration. Remains of yeast are removed from the drink;
  10. pasteurization. The drink is heated to 60 degrees, increasing its shelf life.

finished product

Implementation of the final product

Beer is a product that does not have a long shelf life, especially when it comes to a live drink. This fact complicates sales issues, so the entrepreneur should take care of the product sales markets even before the start of production. The sale of beer to grocery stores can be complicated, due not only to a short shelf life, but also due to the limitation of its sale at night. All this suggests that restaurants, cafes and bars with beer on their menus are the main wholesale buyers of breweries.

Also, additional customers can be obtained by holding presentations of a new product and tasting varieties, which will allow the entrepreneur to also find out the reaction of the consumer to new experimental products.

Financial aspects

The cost of 1 liter of fresh beer is about 60 cents, while the minimum cost of this product in a bar or shop is 1 dollar 20 cents. As can be seen from these figures, the profitability of the foamy drink business will be quite high.

Moreover, this kind of production can be organized starting from the minimum volumes, gradually increasing production volumes and profit from the brewery. Each brewer, starting with minimal start-up costs and modest volumes, gradually establishing sales markets, can become the owner of an expanded production with a large set of equipment and serious volumes of finished products.

Nowadays, the production of beer is almost the most demanded type of business. On the territory of our country there is a huge number of large enterprises for the production of beer and the supply of various equipment for breweries. There are several reasons for this. The most basic of them is that beer is the most favorite drink for the population of our country. The second, no less significant reason for the popularity of the beer business is the fact that a mini-beer house can be opened at almost no cost if there is a franchise.

Today, beer is one of the most favorite drinks of Russian people, especially in the hot summer. As a result, the production of various types of beer and the income from it is also a seasonal profitable business. However, if sales are organized correctly, then income can be received all year round.

How to start a brewing business?

You can of course buy a mini brewery. Moreover, in Russia there are companies producing turnkey breweries. So, if you decide to open your own small business for the production of beer, then in order to avoid problems, you need to know and understand the features of such a business. In general, today opening your own mini beer bottling enterprise is possible in two types:

  1. micro brewery (daily production volume 50 - 500 liters);
  2. mini brewery (daily production capacity 500 - 15,000 liters).

At the same time, it is better to choose the cooking technology through an agreement with a restaurant or cafe. It is better to choose a shortened type of beer brewing. Firstly, this type is very easy to cook in a small area, which completely eliminates the additional cost of renting a large room. In addition, in this case, there is no need to use filters, which is a cost savings. I must say that the technology of twisted brewing occurs only with the use of malt extracts. And this is a completely ready-made raw material for fermentation.

How much can you earn from beer production?

Own mini-brewery, with the right organization of the production process and marketing policy, can bring profit, which will return the investment in a maximum of 2-2.5 years after the start of activity.

Monthly performance of a small brewery:

  • The gross income of the enterprise is 10 thousand dollars.
  • Monthly expenses, including taxes, $7.5 thousand
  • Net profit 2.5 thousand dollars.

These indicators are calculated based on industry averages, taking into account seasonal changes in sales volumes.

The amount of financial investments required to organize the production of beer

If you decide to engage in the production of beer on a small scale (up to 100 liters per day), then it is quite realistic to invest in the amount of 7-10 thousand dollars. To create a brewery with a more serious productivity (up to 500 liters per day), you need to invest 40 thousand dollars.

One-time financial investments include:

  • Registration and obtaining the necessary documents.
  • Purchase of equipment.
  • Purchase of furniture and office equipment.
  • Repair in the premises.

But in addition to the above expenses, you need to pay monthly expenses until the enterprise reaches the level of self-sufficiency. These include: staff salaries, purchase of raw materials and consumables, rent, advertising, etc. The total amount is about 7-8 thousand dollars, and the financing period can be from 2 to 6 months.

What equipment to choose for brewing?

It is better to use equipment with high production rates. This allows you to significantly reduce the time of preparation of beer. How to choose the right type of equipment and how to purchase it? To avoid problems in this matter, you need to move towards your goal in stages:

  • Purchase of equipment for your mini brewery. At the same time, it is better to buy equipment from trusted manufacturers (franchise), European or Chinese production. For comparison, we present the cost of breweries from large suppliers.

Most, of course, purchase domestic equipment. The first reason why they do it is its cost. After all, domestic equipment is much cheaper than the same equipment only made in China or European countries. It should also be noted that the equipment made in the Czech Republic is considered to be the highest quality for mini breweries. No less high-quality German and Austrian. The only difference with Czech equipment is its cost, which is much lower.

  • In addition to the main equipment, you will need to purchase:
  1. packaging for transportation and storage of finished beer. If these are kegs, then they also need to be purchased in full. When choosing a material, food grade plastic should be preferred;
  2. pouring finished beer into kegs requires a bottling plant;
  3. containers for washing containers.

Now it remains only to find out what size the room should be in order to place your mini beer factory.

Preparation of documents necessary for the legal operation of the brewery

The solution of paper issues must begin with the registration of an LLC. In this case, the procedure for processing documents of a legal entity includes: payment of state duty, formation of an authorized fund, resolving the issue with a legal entity. address, preparation and notarization of constituent documents, as well as registration with the Federal Tax Service, statistical authorities, Pension Fund, social and medical insurance funds. In the process of registering an LLC, you need to select an activity code, according to the all-Russian classifier (in this case, this is OKVED 15.96).

For the production of beer, you need to obtain permits:

  • Fire inspection.
  • Energy Supervision.

It is imperative to coordinate the issues of water supply and sanitation (as a rule, with representatives of local ZhEKs), as well as sign an agreement on garbage collection. In some cities of the Russian Federation, this activity is subject to licensing.

Choice of tax regime

There is practically no alternative for beer producers in terms of choosing a taxation system. If you decide to go into this business, get ready to work on a common basis. The main thing you need to decide in this situation is to find a good chief accountant. A qualified specialist saves the employer an amount that is several times higher than his salary. Therefore, there is no need to save on this item of expenditure.

Choose a room

Choose a room, the main and serious process. For a beginner individual entrepreneur, it is better to rent a room for installing a brewery. Since there will be more than enough costs for the start, and extra expenses are useless here. What it will be in terms of area depends on the volume of production.

When choosing a room, please note that all equipment is powered by a three-phase meter. This means that the premises should not be residential. Having bought or issued a lease, you need to take care of safety and fire safety, as well as comply with all the requirements of the SES. Without this, permission to open a business cannot be obtained.

Recruitment: where and how to choose?

Undoubtedly, the franchise, according to which all working moments are discussed, obliges to have the exact number of employees available. For the quality work of the enterprise, the following specialists are needed:

  • director;
  • cook specialist;
  • electromechanic;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • service personnel.

Recruitment can be done immediately after obtaining permission to open a mini-brewery. It is better if the selection of personnel is carried out at the time of receipt of the equipment. Usually, if there is a franchise, the supplier will provide training to employees regarding the operation of the supplied equipment.

And the last very important step

The main thing to pay attention to the following important things. It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the equipment supplier, according to which the franchise was signed. And, of course, check its warranty service period. Having made purchases of the necessary equipment, you need to proceed to no less important issues, this is the purchase of materials for production.

In order to competently build and develop your business, if you have a franchise, you need to decide on four main factors:

  1. The method of making beer.
  2. The scale of the planned production.
  3. Quantity and type of raw materials for the bottling process.
  4. Suppliers.

If the second point is decided at the very beginning, then the purchase of raw materials directly depends on the method of brewing beer. But regardless of the complexity of the recipe, be sure to use malt, yeast, water and hops.

  • Malt. There are 3 classes. The price range depends on the company, if you buy malt in Russia, then it will cost you 7800 - 9000 rubles. You will have to pay more for imported malt, about $360 per 1000 kg, but the efficiency of using such raw materials is much higher than domestic.
  • Hop. There are dozens of different types of hops, but for brewing, "type 90" is the most suitable. As a rule, if there is a franchise for production, then the varieties have already been discussed.
  • Yeast can be purchased from the factory or from private breweries. It is also worth noting that for the preparation of products such as beer, you need to use top and bottom yeast.
  • If you want to improve the quality of your products, you should use filtered water.

Do I need a permit to open a brewery?

But for your brewery to work, you need to get permission from the authorities:

  1. SES, Energonadzor, PGI.
  2. Licensing Department of the State Tax Inspectorate.
  3. A certificate that guarantees confirmation of hygienic standards for products. To obtain this certificate, a product assessment will be made, even if you have a franchise, it does not exempt you from the quality control procedure.

An important technological point is the verification and adjustment of equipment by the supplier company. It must be installed and tested before starting work. All raw materials must be fresh, and the purchase should be carried out just before the opening of the plant. By following these simple and not complicated recommendations, it is very easy to achieve the results you need. Especially if there is a franchise agreement under which you work under an already well-known brand, and even with a small turnover, potential customers will quickly pay attention to you.

The idea of ​​beer production is not new, but the wide possibilities that open up with modern equipment make it relevant and profitable. Large breweries produce only a few varieties of the drink, their main advantage is the scale of production. Beer mini-factory

And a small mini-factory can produce more than a dozen varieties, satisfying the tastes of a large number of consumers. You can regularly update the assortment, making the products interesting for connoisseurs of real beer.

A mini-brewery has a number of advantages over large enterprises:

What are mini-factories

Small breweries come in two varieties:

  • microlines, for home use, with a capacity of up to 1000 liters per day;
  • restaurant equipment with a capacity of up to 3000 liters per day.

Many restaurants open their own breweries, thereby attracting more visitors.

How to open your own microbrewery

The most popular lines for the production of beer from the German company Speidel. The Braumeister for a restaurant has the following specifications:

Mini-brewery for home use Bavaria 70L (Germany).


  • productivity - up to 200 liters;
  • power - 2.5 kW;
  • boiler volume - 70 l;
  • control - automated, 10 recipes;
  • cost - 60,000 rubles.

Electric brewery Grainfather (China), specifications:

Description of production equipment

A mini-factory for the production of various types of beer should have the following components:

You can add a production line:

  • water filters (50,000 rubles);
  • installation for washing kegs (250,000 rubles);
  • kegs (3000 rubles per 1 piece).

It is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the main production elements are made. In order for the equipment to serve for a long time, it is worth giving preference to AISI 304 stainless steel or corresponding to GOST 5632.

To date, high-quality steel for equipment is produced by the Italian company Ital Inox and the German Thyssen Krupp.

The digester must be well insulated to ensure the best performance of the finished product.

For the production of a filtered drink, it is necessary to include a frame or kieselguhr filter in the line. Frame provides better filtration and costs a little less than diatomaceous earth.

If you produce beer for sale, then it is imperative to have washing and disinfection equipment for kegs.

Production process

The technological scheme for making beer using a small factory is as follows:

Raw materials for production

There are a large number of manufacturing recipes, many manufacturers select unique compositions and make a branded product. Regardless of the recipe, the main components of beer are the following:

The taste, aroma, color, foam stability and aftertaste of the beer drink depend on the malt. One type of drink can contain up to seven different types of malt. To produce 100 liters of product, 18 to 25 kg of malt is needed. The most common types of malt are:

Hops in the composition of the drink provide specific taste data and aroma, affect foaming and increase shelf life, and are used for clarification.

How is beer brewed in Russia and what is added to it?

The most commonly used granulated hops are of the following types:
  • traditional;
  • Žatec;
  • Istra;
  • Northern Brewer.

Yeast is one of the main components, they also come in various types:

  • bottom fermentation;
  • top fermentation;
  • yeast with spicy-pepper tones;
  • for a Trappist type drink;
  • for a lager type drink;
  • dry classic.

Brewery business plan

Capital expenditures:

  • there is a small brewery with a capacity of up to 300 liters per day - 1,600,000 rubles;
  • transportation and installation costs - 160,000 rubles;
  • total - 1,760,000.

Production cost of 300 liters:

IngredientQuantityprice, rub.behind:Price
Electricity60 kW1,47 1 kW88,20
Prepared water405 l0,05 1 l20,25
technical water1000 l0,01 1 l10,00
Hop0.1 kg2060 1 kg206,00
Malt75 kg120 1 kg9000,00
Yeast0.1 kg12000 1 kg1200,00
Total 10524,45
per 1 liter 35,08

Video: How Guinness beer is brewed


To determine the most profitable idea for a business, it is necessary to analyze the needs of the client. Beer production as a business is a pretty good idea to start your own business. In terms of taste, fresh draft beer significantly outperforms bottled beer. Restaurants and cafes can become clients of high-quality home-made live beer.

Before finally deciding on the opening of a beer business in Russia, it is necessary to calculate the expected production volumes.


  • a small brewery with a capacity of 55–550 l/day;
  • mini-brewery with a capacity of up to 15 thousand l / day.

The most profitable, experts say, is to open an enterprise with a product capacity of up to 1 thousand liters per day.

Organization of a mini-brewery

How to open a mini-brewery? Before organizing your brewery, you will need to find a room for making a drink. It should be spacious, as an exception - a home brewery, which does not provide for the production of large volumes of product.

Theoretically, this can be organized, but it turns out to be unprofitable in terms of monetary investments.

To form a full-scale beer business, you need to produce approximately 100 liters of beer per day. Regarding the registration of a case, it is difficult to unequivocally determine the required set of documents, since the production of beer in some regions is subject to licensing, while in others it is not necessary. Therefore, before starting your own beer business, it is recommended to consult an experienced lawyer.

Business registration

  • If you want to organize an independent mini-brewery in order to sell your own beer, you need to legally register your own business with the relevant authorities: tax, SES, PB.
  • First of all, it is necessary to determine the legal form of the future enterprise. For a home beer business, the most optimal case is an IP (individual entrepreneurial activity). The process of paperwork in this case is carried out quite quickly, and a simplified taxation system is applied to the entrepreneur.
