
Pumpkin puree for the winter recipe. Delicate pumpkin puree for babies - a recipe in a steamed multicooker


  • We take a medium-sized pumpkin (ripe);
  • Brown sugar - 300 grams (one glass);
  • We need 1 liter of water
  • cranberries (about 300 grams)
  • For aroma and taste, we take cloves.

- one of the most useful vegetable and fruit fruits in our garden. This is just a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements for our body, according to the title of the article. Almost all vitamins of groups B, E, PP, C, K, and such a rare one as T, which restores and speeds up metabolism. Also, almost all minerals are in this wonderful vegetable: magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus - you can’t list them all. In addition to its usefulness, pumpkin is also indispensable for those who want to lose weight, it normalizes metabolism and, moreover, it contains practically no calories, but it is very nutritious. Pumpkin can cope with diseases such as gastritis, cholecystitis, chronic difficulty in stool and even loss of male power. Today we will try to make puree from pumpkin pulp, no less useful than pumpkin itself, for the period of cold weather, when we will especially need all its unique properties. Let's get cooking.

Pumpkin puree for the winter - Cooking:

1. We clean the pumpkin, take out the bones and fibers.

2. Cut into cubes.

3. Mix water with sugar in a large saucepan, put the vegetable in the same place and set to boil.

4. We squeeze the juice from our cranberries and add to the pumpkin.

5. When the pumpkin boils, it should cook for another 20-30 minutes, throw a few cloves into it.

6. Then, drain the excess water and send the pumpkin to the blender, grind it well there.

7. Our jars are well sterilized for harvesting. Pour the puree into a bowl and roll up.

2nd way to prepare pumpkin puree for children:

You can also puree pre-baked pumpkin for even healthier benefits.

Greetings, dear readers!
Today I decided to present you a yummy recipe that can be given even to small children, because it is not only tasty and healthy. Try pumpkin and apple puree for the winter, which is easy to make at home.

Pumpkin and apple puree for the winter: recipe with photo

Every young mother, having a child, definitely buys vegetable or fruit purees, because any baby eats them with pleasure. But can you be sure of the thorough quality of factory blanks. It is better to prepare such a puree yourself at home, and at the same time know for sure that it does not contain artificial additives, dyes and an excess of sugar.

The main point in the preparation of children's meals is quality, so be very careful about the choice of products, carefully checking them for freshness. Also wash them thoroughly before cooking.

This completely natural, and most importantly healthy puree will make your child healthy and happy. But it is also worth considering that for kids, the taste of a dish is much more important than its usefulness. Therefore, be sure to throw in a small portion of sweetener to improve the taste of puree.

Cooking Ingredients

What is needed from the products:

  • 350 grams of pumpkin;
  • 450 grams of apples;
  • 3 dessert spoons of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of water.

How to make pumpkin and apple puree for the winter

Step by step recipe for apple and pumpkin puree:

Peel the pumpkin fruit with a vegetable peeler from a hard peel, scrape off the veins and seeds with a spoon inside. Rinse the peeled piece of pulp with water, blot the moisture with a napkin, then chop into small bars.

Place a container with the indicated portion of water on the burner, dip the pumpkin pieces into it, cook them for about 8 minutes after the water boils.

In parallel, prepare juicy apples - wash, remove the top layer, cut out the seed box, cut the pulp in the same way as a pumpkin. After a specified period of time, the pumpkin will become softer, then throw chopped apples at it.

Boil the mixture on moderate heat for the next 10 minutes. Boiling time can also vary depending on the variety of pumpkin and apple, so it is worth noting that the products need to be cooked until tender.

Return the saucepan with the contents back to the switched on stove, add a norm of granulated sugar, mix vigorously, contributing to the rapid dissolution of the sweet grains. Bring the puree to a boil, remove from the burner after a minute.

Pack the pureed mass in jars, washed and sterilized in advance, immediately cork with lids.

Cool the workpiece, then send it to the refrigerator or cool cellar.

Pumpkin has long been famous for its healing properties, thanks to vitamins and trace elements. Vitamin D contained in pumpkin helps to strengthen bones and improves metabolism. Vitamins C and E contribute to strengthening and raising the immune system. The pectin present in the pumpkin lowers the level of cholesterol in the human body, fiber improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines. In addition, pumpkin has the properties of a low-calorie product, which, in combination, makes pumpkin an indispensable product in the fight against excess weight.

Pumpkin has a positive effect on human vision, so it must be in the diet of children of different ages. And also pumpkin is used as complementary food for children up to a year.

Every young mother wants only health for her baby, and what could be more useful than using vegetables grown in her garden as the first food?

Pumpkin puree for the winter - how to cook?

A visual step-by-step instruction with a photo, as well as modern household appliances will help to make pumpkin puree for the winter for a baby. The whole process will take you no more than 30-40 minutes.

To prepare pumpkin puree, we need a pumpkin and jars with lids. Additional assistants are the Mulinex juicer and the Unit-1070D multicooker, but you can do without them.

Pumpkin needs to be peeled and cut into cubes.

Then the chopped pumpkin must be put into the multicooker bowl, in this case the Unit-1070D multicooker and install the program. You can cook the pumpkin on the stove, putting it in a saucepan and adding a little water, simmer under the lid after boiling, until cooked.

If you have small jars and do not have a special device for sterilization, then pour a little water into them and place them in a microwave or oven for about five minutes.

The lids also need to be boiled by dipping them in a saucepan with water for 3-5 minutes.

The finished pumpkin must be chopped, for this you can use a juicer, blender, food processor and even a simple sieve.

Pumpkin puree, neatly folded with a spoon into prepared jars and closed tightly with a lid, can be stored in a cool place for several months. Your baby will be happy to eat mashed potatoes, tasty and healthy.

Such a colorful, tasty and healthy preparation is almost universal and relevant at any time of the year. A healthy snack in itself, pumpkin puree is a bright component that can diversify and decorate pastries, an excellent base for desserts and a very appetizing addition to drinks and smoothies. Let's start?!

Today we will prepare the simplest and most natural version of pumpkin puree for the winter - without additives, spices and sugar in the composition.

Peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces and steam until soft (usually 10-15 minutes). Readiness can be checked by piercing the pumpkin slices with a fork. If the fork slides in easily and the pieces fall apart, it's done.

Alternatively, pumpkin can be baked. True, the cooking process in this case will turn out to be longer. To cook the pumpkin in the oven, cut the pumpkin into large pieces. Without peeling, wrap the pumpkin in foil and bake at 220-240 degrees until soft (usually 45-60 minutes). Cool the finished pumpkin slightly and separate the pulp from the peel.

When the pumpkin is ready, grind the pieces to a smooth puree in any convenient way.

Both a blender and a potato pusher or sieve will come to the rescue. Puree prepared with a blender is slightly smoother and creamier due to the whipping effect.

Cool the resulting pumpkin puree, and then freeze in portions.

According to experts, freezing is the most preferred option for harvesting pumpkins for the winter, as it minimizes heat treatment and completely eliminates the possibility of bacterial growth.

This method of preparation is to my liking. Firstly, because of its simplicity, and secondly, because of its practicality. I very rarely need pumpkin puree in large volumes, but 1-2 tbsp. - in order to prepare a cup of pumpkin latte, add to morning porridge or muffin batter - always come in handy. By freezing the puree in ice cube trays or small silicone muffin tins, you can use just the right amount of pumpkin puree for a particular recipe without worrying about what to do with the leftovers.

Although, of course, if necessary, preparing pumpkin puree for the winter in large quantities is saved only by conservation.

Pour hot pumpkin puree into jars. Pre-wash the jars thoroughly with soda and heat over steam in the oven, microwave for 5-10 minutes. Place the jars with the workpiece in a water bath and sterilize for 40 minutes. Then roll up with boiled lids and wrap until completely cooled.

Pumpkin puree for the winter is ready!
