
International Soup Day. bud swelling day

Published on 04/05/18 00:43

Today, April 5, 2018, also celebrate Clean Thursday, International Soup Day and other events.

What holiday is today: April 5, 2018 is the church holiday of Nikon's day

April 5, 2018 is Nikon's Day. The Church today remembers St. Nikon of the Caves - the 11th century hegumen of Kyiv, revered by Orthodox believers on this date.

Nikon was the first student of the mentor of the Kiev Caves Monastery. His duties included the tonsure of newcomers to the monks. However, Nikon was drawn to a solitary life, he went to the Kerch Strait and settled there all alone. The brethren reached out to the wise monk, then they intkbbee a monastery was founded in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Years later, Nikon was invited to take the post of hegumen in the Kiev Caves Monastery.

On this day, people put things in order in the household - they cleaned the beds and changed the old straw in the mattresses for a new one. In the rooms they dusted the shelves and washed the floors, but instead detergent tincture of steamed mint was added to the water. She not only gave the room fresh smell favorable for sleep, but also had antiseptic properties. The peasants believed that mint was able to ward off evil spirits.

According to signs, if the weather was warm on Nikon's day, and at night it fell light frost April will be fine. A thunderstorm with unmelted snow foreshadowed a cool summer season, and clear stars at night meant that there would be frost in the morning.

Clean Thursday in 2018

April 5, 2018 is the last Thursday before Easter - Maundy or Maundy Thursday. The Orthodox Church on this day remembers the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with 12 apostles.

On Maundy Thursday, people get up before sunrise and bathe. It is believed that water on this day washes away dirt from the body and sins from the soul, and has a beneficial effect on the state of mind.

Housewives also clean houses, throw away unnecessary things, wash icons, and do laundry. After cleaning, candles and lamps are lit. On this day they bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, cook festive dishes to Easter.

international soup day

International Soup Day is celebrated around the world on April 5th. The holiday becomes especially relevant in the modern rhythm of life, when there is not enough time for sleep and normal food. The usefulness of soups is confirmed by doctors. They prescribe light broths and vegetable soups for patient recovery

Daena Festival

Daena is the guardian of the Faith of every person. She checks the truth of the thoughts, deeds and words of everyone, compliance with the faith of a person, and after death, she accompanies the soul to judgment.

It is believed that there are three hypostases of Faith: explicit faith - religion, secret faith - words, secret faith - thoughts. Each person can see the true face of his Faith. The triumph of Daena is connected with religion, faith and their choice, which every person faces. In addition to all this, at such a time you need to pay attention to dreams. Daena can open doors not only during the Great Shift, but also during sleep. The sacred number of the celebration is 11, people light 11 candles.

Alexey, Anastasia, barbarian, Vasily, George, Ilya, Lydia, Makar, Pelageya, Sergey.

  • 1722 - the expedition of Admiral Jacob Roggeveen discovered the island, which he named Easter Island.
  • 1818 - during the war for the independence of the Spanish colonies in South America The Andean liberation army of José de San Martin defeated the Spaniards.
  • 1874 - The famous operetta Die Fledermaus by Johann Strauss son was performed for the first time in Vienna.
  • 1955 - Winston Churchill resigns as Prime Minister of England, ending his political career.
  • 1989 - the first performance of the female Vivaldi orchestra took place.
  • Thomas Hobbes 1588 - English philosopher.
  • Vincenzo Viviani 1622 - Italian physicist and mathematician.
  • Nikita Demidov 1656 - Russian industrialist.
  • Ludwig Spohr 1784 - German composer.
  • Gavriil Batenkov 1793 - Russian politician.
  • Klas Thunberg 1893 - Finnish speed skater.
  • Herbert von Karajan 1908 - Austrian conductor.
  • Gregory Pen 1916 - American film actor.
  • Natalya Kustinskaya 1938 - Russian theater and film actress.

Everyone knows about soup of the day, but few have heard of soup day! But he's not far off.

On April 5, the whole world celebrates the day of the first course. He is loved and revered in various parts of the world. Each country has its own unique recipe soup. And if we are used to seeing it on the table at lunch, then in Asia soup is eaten mainly for breakfast. By the way, it is Russia and China that are the main countries - "supoed".
No wonder the soup is considered number one! It is an essential part of every person's diet. Hungarians, for example, are so proud of their signature goulash soup that they declared it a “monument of cultural heritage” and put it under the protection of UNESCO!

Many rightly consider soup to be the elixir of life, as it has many healing properties. Meat broths perfectly cope with colds and strengthen the body, warm vegetables have a calming effect, and cold ones are perfectly refreshing. The first is effective tool prevention of diseases of the digestive system. Worth mentioning about others miraculous properties various soups. So, borsch has long been prepared as love potion for men, Chinese chowder is excellent tool maintaining the balance of yin and yang, and bean soup once saved Geneva! It happened in the 17th century, when the troops of the Duke of Savoy attacked the city. On the night of the enemy advance, a woman decided to take her husband hot food. Approaching the city wall, she noticed a crouching enemy, and, not at a loss, poured the scalding contents of the plate onto the villain. He reacted so violently to the surprise that he woke up the sleeping guards of the city. In honor of the brave townswoman, city festivities are still held annually in Geneva, where everyone is treated to vegetable stew.

Even adherents of diets do not neglect the first! This hearty meal It is easily absorbed by the body and at the same time, in general, contains few calories.

How to celebrate soup day? Very simple. Prepare your favorite! Good choice is great: traditional borscht, fish soup, okroshka, pickle, hodgepodge, kharcho, gazpacho, hash, pho, tom yum, miso...

If there is absolutely no time for cooking, and passion is what you want, soups will come to the rescue. fast food. There are many analogues of first courses. For example, Tomato soup with basil from Herbalife. This delicious option a balanced lunch that can be prepared in just 2 minutes. Juicy tomatoes And fragrant basil make it tasty and safe for the figure: one serving contains minimal amount fat (0.6 g) and calories (104 kcal). In addition, this product is rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber, valuable protein and fiber necessary for correct operation our body. It is perfect for working people and will become a lifesaver for those who take care of themselves.

As you can see, there are a lot of variations of the main dish, and all of them are invariably useful. Whatever you choose, do not forget that the soup is good not only on holidays. Bon appetit!

Every year on April 5, the world celebrates International Soup Day.
The very word "soup" - soupe - is considered French, but comes from late Latin - suppa - "bread soaked in broth."

Reliable evidence has been found that back in the 1st century BC. e. Soups were made in Asia.
In China, there is a mention of cookbook, whose age is about 4700 years, and a significant part of the pages in it is devoted to the "Soups" section.

In the city of Sparta, known for its harsh rules and customs, they also prepared a specific taste of "Black Broth" - from the meat and blood of a pig, as well as vinegar.
And the warriors of the Middle Ages, being on campaigns, ate wine soup - more precisely, they were pieces of bread soaked in wine.

The biggest lovers of the first course are the inhabitants of France. In the Middle Ages, French peasants ate soup twice a day (although they may not have had any other options).

Previously, if soup was not prepared in the house, it was believed that this was a very poor family, and doctors often prescribed broth or light soup chik.

Many rightly consider soup to be the elixir of life, as it has many healing properties. Meat broths perfectly cope with colds and strengthen the body, warm vegetable broths have a calming effect, and cold ones are perfectly refreshing.
It is worth mentioning other miraculous properties of various soups. So, borscht has long been prepared as a love potion for men, Chinese stew is an excellent means of maintaining the balance of yin and yang.

And bean soup actually once saved Geneva! It happened in the 17th century, when the troops of the Duke of Savoy attacked the city. On the night of the enemy advance, a woman decided to bring hot food to her husband. Approaching the city wall, she noticed a crouching enemy, and, not at a loss, poured the scalding contents of the plate onto the villain. He reacted so violently to the surprise that he woke up the sleeping guards of the city. In honor of the brave townswoman, city festivities are still held annually in Geneva, where everyone is treated to vegetable stew.

How is this pleasant holiday celebrated? Everything is simple! On this day, they cook some very tasty and not traditional first dish, for example gazpacho soup, airy broccoli soup with the addition of cheese, rich shurpa is also suitable, as well as salmon ear, Italian vegetable soup, which is added to enhance sensations, will also come in handy fragrant sauce pesto. You can cook Japanese crab soup or international pea soup on International Soup Day. smoked bacon, German thick "eintopf" is tasty, into which everything that is in the refrigerator is thrown, but you can also remember about the Russian prison or hearty and very healthy Ukrainian borsch With sour cherry plum.


Most famous soup Germany is cooked very thick and in fact can be both the first and second course at the same time. Almost everything that is in the refrigerator is added to it, but first of all - sausages, sausages, others meat products, and then vegetables, cabbage, beans, etc.

For the first time it was prepared by fishermen from the French city of Marseille, using the remains of unsold fish. That is why for a long time Bouillabaisse was considered a cheap soup. In our time, eat a plate of such a first in good restaurant can be expensive, as they like to add a lot of seafood there. At home, the main thing is to cook broth from many types sea ​​fish, add vegetables and spices and serve with garlic sauce and crispy bread.

Another soup invented in France. Leek (and other types of onions) fried with potatoes are stewed in chicken broth, and then whipped with a blender with cream in mashed potatoes. The table is served cold.

A Spanish soup invented, according to legend, by muleteers who prepared a dish from leftover food. For him, vegetables, primarily tomatoes, are mashed. Cucumbers are also added there, Bell pepper, garlic, onion, olive oil, vinegar, salt and spices. Gazpacho is served cold and is most often eaten in hot weather. Looks like a gazpacho spanish soup salmorejo: also made with tomato and served cold, but bread is also added to it, due to which the dish becomes much thicker.

It is prepared in Azerbaijan from curdled milk or another variant sour milk, rice or chickpeas and greens. Then add ready-made meatballs. Dovga can be eaten both hot and cold.

The second name is milk ear. This soup is traditionally prepared in Finland and Karelia from white fish with milk or cream. Flour is also added here, giving the soup density.

This light soup was invented in Italy. Its components are fresh vegetables, which are pre-fried, and vegetable broth. Sometimes rice is also added to the minestrone.

Same cold soup but from Bulgaria. It is made from sour milk, to which chopped cucumbers are added, walnuts, garlic, dill, vegetable oil and spices.

It can be considered a "version" of beetroot. The refrigerator is common in several cuisines at once: Belarusian, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian. It is made from a decoction of beets, vegetables, boiled eggs, greens and kefir (or sour cream). It is always served cold, and therefore it is traditionally prepared in the summer heat.

No wonder the soup is considered number one! Hungarians, for example, are so proud of their signature goulash soup that they have declared it a “monument of cultural heritage” and placed it under UNESCO protection.
And the main "supoed" countries, by the way, are Russia and China.

Soup is the first course and an important part daily diet nutrition. To once again emphasize the importance of this dish for human health, a holiday was created - which is celebrated.

The history of soup is as old as the history of cooking. The word "soup" comes from the French "soupe", and it comes from the Latin "suppa", which means bread soaked in a decoction or broth. However, soup as a dish in today's sense, which has become a daily meal, developed five centuries ago with the advent of strong dishes that could withstand the cooking process. At the same time, in cold countries and regions, the soup appeared much earlier. For example, in ancient China it was brewed 100 years before our era.

But we are talking about soup, not boiling, as a way of preparing food for the purpose of heat treatment products. After all, soup is a “set” of ingredients that create a general taste and composition. And although the methods of cooking, traditions and recipes of soups developed earlier, soups became widespread in Europe and Russia by the 18th century. Later, this dish spread throughout the world. By the way, in Rus' liquid meals first called stews. The word "soup" appeared only during the time of Peter I. In ancient times, meat, fish and vegetable broths were called decoctions.

IN national cuisine Every country has recipes for this dish. Soup is prepared both in summer and in winter period. Soups help to get enough and restore strength, increase tone. And doctors are confident in the usefulness of soups even during illness, prescribing light broths and vegetable soups to the patient to restore strength. According to doctors, soups have a beneficial effect on digestive system body, stimulating the production of enzymes and gastric juice, are the prevention of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and even oncological diseases. But it is important to remember that you can not abuse meat, fish and mushroom soups those who have hyperacidity gastric juice and people prone to kidney stones and gout.

Beer polish soup

There are approximately 150 types of soups in the world, which are divided into more than a thousand types, with each type having variants. Yes, researcher culinary arts V. Pokhlebkin points to 24 varieties of cabbage soup and 18 varieties of fish soup.

The main types of soups are classified into the following categories:

  1. By serving temperature - cold and hot soups;
  2. By calorie content - light and satisfying (rich);
  3. According to the ingredients used - vegetarian (lean) and soups, which include components of animal origin;
  4. According to the technology of preparation - boiled soups and raw; puree soups; dressing or thickened soups;
  5. To taste - salty, neutral, sweet.

Which soup recipe is the most correct and popular is difficult to answer. It all depends on the country and personal taste. Soups contain a wide variety of components: poultry or animal meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fish, cereals, beans, dairy products, flour products, herbs, fruits, berries, spices. Depending on the ingredients of the dish and personal preferences, soups are served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. For example, milk soup also suitable for morning reception food, and vegetable and meat are often served during the day or in the evening.

As for the “nationalities” of soups, among the brightest representatives of Russian cuisine are borscht and cabbage soup, hodgepodge and ear, okroshka and pickle ... Also known Georgian soup kharcho and spanish gazpacho, French onion soup and Danish pea soup with smoked meats. lovers oriental cuisine know japanese soup miso, Chinese hogo and Vietnamese pho. And this list can be continued for a long time, there are thousands of soup recipes in the world. And among the unusual ones there are Japanese noodle soup and chocolate, Caribbean - from iguana, Polish beer soup and African - from coffee, bananas and dirt from the foot of Kilimanjaro.

Therefore, celebrating the International Soup Day, of course, traditional feast, give preference to the usual recipe soup, but refined and unconventional. Bon appetit!

Rice and potatoes danced
And suddenly they got into the pan.
Butter, carrot, onion -
It made a delicious soup!
We'll pour it into a bowl
Soup spoon like a squirrel
Jumps into the mouth soon
Soup tastes better with every spoonful!

This day in history:

Soup is the first course and an important part of the daily diet. To once again emphasize the importance of this dish for human health, a holiday was created - International Soup Day, which is celebrated on April 5th.

The history of soup is as old as the history of cooking. The word "soup" comes from the French "soupe", and it comes from the Latin "suppa", which means bread soaked in a decoction or broth. However, soup as a dish in today's sense, which has become a daily meal, developed five centuries ago with the advent of strong dishes that could withstand the cooking process. At the same time, in cold countries and regions, the soup appeared much earlier. For example, in ancient China it was brewed 100 years before our era.

But we are talking about soup, and not about boiling, as a method of cooking for the purpose of thermal processing of products. After all, soup is a “set” of ingredients that create a general taste and composition. And although the methods of cooking, traditions and recipes of soups developed earlier, soups became widespread in Europe and Russia by the 18th century. Later, this dish spread throughout the world. By the way, in Rus', liquid dishes were first called stews. The word "soup" appeared only during the time of Peter I. In ancient times, meat, fish and vegetable broths were called decoctions.

In the national cuisine of any country there are recipes for this dish. Soup is prepared both in summer and in winter. Soups help to get enough and restore strength, increase tone. And doctors are confident in the usefulness of soups even during illness, prescribing light broths and vegetable soups to the patient to restore strength. According to doctors, soups have a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the body, stimulating the production of enzymes and gastric juice, are the prevention of cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and even cancer. But it is important to remember that meat, fish and mushroom soups should not be abused by those who have increased acidity of gastric juice and people who are prone to the formation of kidney stones and gout.

There are approximately 150 types of soups in the world, which are divided into more than a thousand types, with each type having variants. Thus, the culinary arts researcher V. Pokhlebkin points to 24 varieties of cabbage soup and 18 varieties of fish soup.

The main types of soups are classified into the following categories:

1. By serving temperature - cold and hot soups;

2. By calorie content - light and satisfying (rich);

3. According to the ingredients used - vegetarian (lean) and soups, which include components of animal origin;

4. According to the cooking technology - boiled soups and raw; puree soups; dressing or thickened soups;

5. To taste - salty, neutral, sweet.

Which soup recipe is the most correct and popular is difficult to answer. It all depends on the country and personal taste. Soups contain a wide variety of components: poultry or animal meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fish, cereals, beans, dairy products, flour products, herbs, fruits, berries, spices. Depending on the ingredients of the dish and personal preferences, soups are served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. For example, milk soup is also suitable for a morning meal, while vegetable and meat soup is more often served in the afternoon or in the evening.

As for the “nationalities” of soups, among the brightest representatives of Russian cuisine are borscht and cabbage soup, hodgepodge and ear, okroshka and pickle ... Also known are Georgian kharcho soup and Spanish gazpacho, French onion soup and Danish pea soup with smoked meats. Oriental cuisine lovers know Japanese miso soup, Chinese hogo and Vietnamese pho. And this list can be continued for a long time, there are thousands of soup recipes in the world. And among the unusual ones there are Japanese noodle soup and chocolate, Caribbean - from iguana, Polish beer soup and African - from coffee, bananas and dirt from the foot of Kilimanjaro.

Therefore, when celebrating International Soup Day, of course, with a traditional feast, give preference not to the usual soup recipe, but to an exquisite and unconventional one. Bon appetit!

Rice and potatoes danced

And suddenly they got into the pan.

Butter, carrot, onion -

It made a delicious soup!

We'll pour it into a bowl

Soup spoon like a squirrel

Jumps into the mouth soon

Soup tastes better with every spoonful!
