
Tklapi, lavashana, sour cherry plum lavash.

It's just a variant of cherry plum, as always, there are nuances.

We need, in fact, only cherry plum, well, maybe half a glass of water, so it makes no sense to write the composition of the products, right away ...


My plum.

Here's the nuance ... since forcing you to fish out a bone from this fruit is the height of sadism, I suggest that you simply cut each fruit in diameter along the stone. For what? After all, you can throw whole fruits into the pan. Can. But this will increase the cooking time and the chance of burning. And so the juice will begin to stand out faster, the fruits will heat up faster and give this very juice, the cooking time will decrease.

We put it all in a bowl. At the bottom, literally half a glass of water, so that at the first moment it does not burn. Then the juice will stand out and excess water will not be needed.

And we cook all this until it turns into such a fairly boiled gruel and when it will be seen that all the bones easily bounce off the pulp.

Remember in last time I suggested you grind everything with a blender? I would have done that if it weren't for the bones. After all, last time we got them out of the plums in advance, but here again we had to fiddle with the sieve.

Periodically, I caught the bones. No, you can try to catch them all at once and put everything in a blender, but there is a high risk of missing and ruining both the blender and the seasoning.

Therefore, we knead it all, knead until such a homogeneous mass.

And spread it on a baking sheet in a thin layer.

We dry in the oven, at a temperature of 50-70 degrees, not higher, until it turns into a thin dry plate. Do you see well behind the edge? Although I made it too thin this time, it began to tear. Well, nothing, I'll still work with the thickness. I didn't take final pictures because the edges were messy. But even without them, everything is clear, right?

Well ... remember, yes? .. if necessary, pinch off this pita bread right amount, pour boiling water, let it soak until jam and use it - even in kharcho, even in minced meat, wherever sourness is needed.


My happy childhood fell on the years when even a six-year-old child could be sent to the store for bread and not be afraid that someone would offend him or shortchange him. In the morning, my mother gave me 30 kopecks to buy a loaf of black and white bread. Each time I had a few kopecks left, which I put in a saucer on the table.

After 2-3 days, "surrender" was just enough for a cube delicious cocoa or a strip of pita bread made from apricots. This pita bread lay on the counter as a huge sheet, sparkling with droplets of oil and teasing with aroma. The saleswoman cut it with a sharp long knife right with a parchment backing, slammed it onto the scales and cut off a piece several times in order to finally meet my 7 kopecks.

I think my mother got tired of seeing me staring at these orange pita breads in the store, and one day she made the same delicacy from plums.

Now I myself make fruit pita bread every year from plums or apples.

The technology is simple: mix the fruits with sugar (5:1), add a little water, boil over low heat, drain the juice, grind until smooth puree, smear on parchment and dry in the sun for a couple of days. But the sun is not so hot now, and there are enough flies, so I have been making fruit pita bread in the oven for a long time. Successfully experimented with an electric dryer.

No less successful was the method of producing plum lavash from the "Zhadina" series. You, too, have bouts of savings. So I once formed a large number of waste from the production of juice using a juicer. Now I regularly make pita bread from them.

This is the starting position. I'm cooking in a juicer plum juice. Sugarless. I roll the juice into jars, but the boiled plum mass, pitted, but with skins, is crushed with a blender. I put the mass on a sheet of parchment (it is advisable to slightly grease it with oil) with a layer of 5-6 mm, carefully level it with a silicone spatula and put it in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Then I turn it off, leaving the sheet in the ajar oven until the morning. In the morning I turn on the oven for 30 minutes and dry it at a temperature of 150 ° C. I expose the cooled pita bread directly on a baking sheet in the open air, in the sun, covered with gauze.

As soon as the pita bread dries, I take it off the parchment, roll it up, pack it in parchment and store it in the grocery cabinet.

Cooking fruit pita bread in a dryer means saving a lot of time. It is enough to cut sheets of parchment into the shape of drying grates, smear them over them fruit puree. It is important to cut a circle or rectangle out of paper (depending on the shape of the dryer) a little smaller than the pallet itself and be sure to cut a circle in the middle so that hot air circulate freely. At a temperature of 60-70◦С, lavash dries for 6-8 hours.

Plum lavash is great for making bigos or meat sauce. For sweets in puree, you can add cinnamon, crushed walnuts or seeds. I love adding lemon zest to apple cider.

By the way, the thickness of the puree layer is important: if you spread too thin a layer on the parchment, the pita bread will be dry and brittle, if it is too thick, it will be wet and sticky.

Lavashak (which translates from Farsi as “little pita bread”) is the Persian name for a thin, thick mass, like hard marmalade, which is made from fruit extracts: from Hungarian plums, ordinary plums, prunes, apricots and even from pomegranates.
The taste of lavashak can be very different: sweet, sour, sweet and sour - it all depends on what fruit it is made from.
This is a favorite summer treat for children, which their grandmothers sometimes make at home :)

Shop in (northern outskirts of Tehran) selling this seasonal sweet
So how do you make your own pita bread?

You will need:
20 plums
1 st. l. lemon juice
½ glass of water

Rinse the plums and remove the pits from them.

Place plums, water and lemon juice in a non-stick pan. Cook everything over low heat for 30-45 minutes, until the plums are completely boiled, and there is almost no juice left. Be sure to stir the plums constantly so that nothing burns.

Drizzle a large tray lined with foil, vegetable oil. Put the resulting “mashed potatoes” on a tray, in a very thin layer (about 1 mm thick). After that, cover the tray with a light material and leave it in the sun for a few days. As a result, the layer should cool, dry completely and become hard.

After the pita bread has dried, carefully peel it off the foil. Now it remains only to cut it into strips / pieces of the desired size - and the sweetness is ready.

Hope you enjoy it!

In Armenia, where fruit trees grow in yards even in large cities, there are many ways to process crops for long-term storage. In addition to the well-known jam, candied fruits, jam, dried fruits, marmalade, etc., there is another interesting recipe. This is a fruit lavash. Its second name, ttu lavash, translates as "sour lavash", as it is traditionally made from plums, dogwood or cherries, although many prefer the sweeter treat of apples, apricots or peaches.

There are analogues of the Armenian fruit lavash in Georgia and Syria. Russian pastille is also similar to this one useful product, but it is sweeter and is used only as a dessert. Here lavash is universal product, which can be eaten as candy, cooked from it rolls with nuts, added to meat sauce.


  • plums - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 200 ml.


1. For fruit lavash, you can use plums of any variety with an easily separated stone. They can be sweet or sour, dark or light, large or small. The main thing is that the plums are ripe, juicy and healthy. They must be washed under running water.

2. When the excess liquid drains, the plums should be cut in half and the pits removed.

3. Fruits need to be 1/3 filled with water. If desired, you can add a little sugar.

4. Bring the plums to a boil over medium heat. Then cook them on low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the resulting compote through a metal colander or sieve.

5. Transfer the thick fruit mass to a blender.

6. At medium speed, beat it until smooth.

7. Pour the still hot fruit puree onto the covered cling film or parchment tray. The layer should be 4–6 mm thick. More thin lavash it will turn out too dry and brittle, and the thicker one will remain wet and deteriorate.

8. Spoon or knife to smooth the surface of the puree.

Today we will talk about an unusual dessert that will surprise both you and your guests, and also look at how to prepare it. From this article, you will learn how to make a blank for the winter or delicious treat, having prepared fruit pita bread from fresh fruits. We have prepared for you a proven recipe, having mastered which it will not be difficult to prepare a dessert in several ways, neither for a beginner, nor, especially, for an experienced chef.

Under the appetizing name "fruit lavash" there is a pastille made entirely from fruits or berries, and it is called lavash because of its small thickness and the ability to twist it into a roll. It is in the roll that we will then store it if we decide to make it as a blank for the winter.

In Armenia, lavash with fruit is most often made from plums or cherries, which makes it quite sour. In this case, we have not only diet treat or the ability to save long winter juicy taste summer. fruit lavash will also become good addition in various sauces, so popular in Caucasian cuisine.

However, the composition can be varied as desired, and those with a sweet tooth can make pita bread even sweeter and more aromatic from peaches, apricots or apples. Any kind of platter is also delicious. By combining several types of fruits at once, we already have a fruit mix.

For example, apples, pears and cherries or peaches, plums and grapes go well together.

But first, you should master the simplest recipe for cooking. Let's consider it step by step.

Cherry Fruit Lavash


  • Cherry - 1 kg + -
  • - 150 g + -

Step by step cooking

Step 1

We take the berries, wash them well and let them drain in a colander. No need to choose the strongest and ripe cherries, on the contrary, carrion is perfect for pita bread.

We sort out the berries, removing the bones and cutting off the damaged places, if any.

Step 2

We put the cherry in a saucepan and add 150 g of sugar. If you want to get sweet lavash, add more sugar, up to 1 cup.

Fill the berry with 100 ml of water and put on small fire. Bring to a boil, boil for another 15 minutes and remove from the stove.

Step 3

Let the broth cool, then filter through a sieve.

We use the resulting syrup as a compote or prepare jelly, and for the preparation of fruit pita bread, we only need cake.

We put the boiled cherries in the blender bowl or grind with a submersible. You can also just rub the berry through a metal sieve - the main thing is to get rid of large particles and make a smooth puree.

Step 4

Now we have two options: we can dry fruit pita bread in the oven, or we can use the sun and fresh air for this.

In the first case, we cover the baking sheet with baking paper so that the sides are closed, lightly grease with vegetable oil and pour mashed potatoes on top. Smooth it out with a spatula or spoon.

The main thing is to comply required thickness layer - it should be about 5-6 mm. Do not forget that the pita bread will dry and, accordingly, will become thinner, therefore, poured into a smaller thickness, it will turn out to be too fragile and hard.

And if you make the layer thicker, the pita bread will turn out sticky and viscous, and it will take much longer to dry it.

Well, if you decide to take advantage of the sun on hot days, we cover the baking sheet to the sides with cling film or cut plastic bag, if necessary, fixing them with adhesive tape, and also pour mashed potatoes. Its layer should turn out the same - 5-6 mm.

Step 5

We dry the fruit pita bread in the oven as follows: put the baking sheet in a stove preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes. Then we open the oven a little and leave the pita bread to cool so that the air circulates freely.

When the temperature drops completely, we light the oven again and keep the berry dessert in it for another hour at 140 ° C. Let cool again and, if the pita bread is dry, remove it from the baking sheet and twist it into a roll.

On outdoors berry dessert dries without our participation. We leave it in a sunny place for a couple of days, then turn it over and dry it for another day. Ready, if desired, cut into portions - squares, rhombuses or stripes, or also roll up.

In addition, fruit pita bread can be cooked in a dryer. There it is done in 7-8 hours.

Additional Ingredients

Lavash from fruits and berries can be extremely diverse in composition. Already from the finished one you can cook a lot of delicious desserts.

For example, it will make an unusually appetizing nut roll. Grind in a blender a mixture of any nuts, candied fruits and fresh banana to get a homogeneous thick mass, grease the inner surface of the pita bread with it, twist it again with a thin roll and cut it into slices no more than 1.5 cm thick.

To make the dessert sweeter, you can add dates or figs to the filling, or you can roll ready-made mini-rolls of fruit pita bread in powdered sugar- so we get a real oriental sweetness.

Decorate with chopped nuts and serve. Bon appetit!

Fruit pita pastille (video)

You see how it turns out that this is simply being prepared extraordinary dish like fruit pita bread.

Try to match different ingredients, experiment with the composition and help yourself with useful and an unusual dessert, Friends!
