
How to roll out Armenian lavash to the required thickness. For cooking you will need

And today, for the preparation of thick pita bread, kefir-soda or even yeast kneading techniques are increasingly used, which makes it possible to obtain the most soft and fluffy bread at home.

Well, if you study the video, how they make a real thin Armenian lavash, then such a kitchen will look more like a circus attraction! Women, throwing the cake from hand to hand, manage to bring the cake to the most thin and extensive state, after which they send the cake to the stone-clay oven with the help of special pillows.

Repeat at home traditional technology without proper experience it is quite difficult, so we will use the usual rolling pin for these purposes. Well, for the test, you can choose the recipe that you like.

1. How to make classic pita bread at home

Cooking thin lavash involves the maximum stretching of the dough to a very thin state, which is why the batch must be very plastic.

The easiest and best way is to knead the dough from flour and salt in boiling water with your own hands.

Such a mass turns out to be simply incredibly elastic, it does not tear, does not stick, and you can even roll it out to transparency.

Since traditionally Caucasian bread is cooked on fire, it is more reasonable and more correct to use gas and the widest frying pan, preferably cast-iron and thick-walled, as a similar system at home.

Or you can make pita bread yourself in the oven, but the main thing here is to choose the right recipe from the video and Your Cook is happy to help you with this:

2. Yeast method of making pita bread at home

In cooking yeast dough allows you to achieve the greatest airiness and splendor of bread. Undoubtedly, this ability of yeast mushrooms is not applicable to Armenian lavash, but Uzbek and caucasian flatbread will only gain from such a batch!

We offer you a selection of articles and step by step recipes with videos that will make it much easier for you to cook pita bread at home:

3. How to bake pita bread in the oven

The technology of frying thin pita bread in the oven at home has some features. It's not a secret for anyone that baked products dry out slightly in the oven; we owe this crispy crust to this factor. However, for thin lavash, such a prospect is deplorable, because in the end we will get not a soft thin cake, but a cracker!

To get the best pita bread of proper quality, immediately after baking finished cake should be sprinkled with water or well soaked in oil and wrapped with a damp cloth.

Each subsequent cake is stacked, and the final one is also wrapped in a damp towel. After cooling, pita bread becomes flexible and soft. For storage, roll them up and put them in plastic bag.

Well, for a more detailed study of the issue, how to bake pita bread at home with the most delicious stuffing, we offer to study our articles with detailed videos:

4. How to cook dietary pita bread at home

In the culinary environment, there are a great many original and quick recipes diet meals using lavash. However, not all dietary rations allow products from wheat flour.

Especially for you, we have prepared a selection of step-by-step and video cooking recipes dietary lavash at home in the oven and in the pan:

5. Puff pita bread at home

If you want to treat the household fresh bread with an emphasis on its originality, then this recipe “How is it made puff pita bread”, will be the most relevant for you! Preparing this appetizing and very fragrant and tender cake is as easy as shelling pears.

  1. From 500 g high-grade flour, warm water, 7 g dry yeast, ½ tbsp. salt and ½ tbsp. granulated sugar put soft, plastic dough. When kneading, you should also use ½ tbsp. sunflower oil. Covered and leave the dough warm for 1 hour before rising.
  2. In the meantime, prepare the melted butter. 150 g butter melt in a water bath and leave to cool slightly.
  3. Roll out the risen dough into a thin layer and coat generously ghee, after which we roll it into a rather tight roll, and then we wind the resulting sausage with a “snail”. Cover the "snail" with a napkin and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, roll out the "snail" into a thin layer (5-7 mm) and dry hot pan bake puff bread until golden brown on one side, and then on the other side. Bubbles that appear during frying do not need to be pierced.

Such pita bread turns out to be very fragrant, tender and crumbly!

How to store pita bread at home

The quality of the finished lavash directly depends on the conditions of its storage. Yes, in open form the cake will quickly lose its elasticity and become dry and brittle, and following our rules, you can keep the product for a long time!

  1. Temperature is very important for the preservation of lavash. 20-22 o C are the optimal indicators for storing lavash.
  2. It is best to pack thin bread in linen and store it in a wooden bread box. So the freshness of the baked goods will last much longer.
  3. Lavash should not be stored next to strong-smelling foods, as it quickly absorbs odors.
  4. In the case of purchasing a slightly damp factory-made lavash, it is better to store it in the refrigerator on the top shelf in a vacuum film.
  5. You can increase the shelf life of Caucasian bread with the help of freezer. Wrap pita bread in vacuum film and freeze. And if necessary, put the cake in the microwave and heat for 10 seconds.
  6. Give freshness to pita bread after long-term storage will also help water bath or a steamer. In just 3 minutes, pita bread will absorb steam and become soft again and suitable for any culinary purpose.

No one will argue that the national Caucasian bread - lavash is incredibly appetizing and tasty, but few people know original recipe making this cake at home.

We hope that a selection of our recipes will help you become a real ace in baking various pita breads!

Which of us will refuse a thin and fragrant Armenian bread? Lavash has long gained its popularity among many people.
These delicious tortillas can be used as a dish on its own, as well as serve it instead of bread, make delicious rolls, shawarma, casseroles and even sweet pastries.
And although in any store you can find a large assortment various lavash, it can be prepared at home. Armenian baked according to this recipe thin lavash it turns out tasty, soft and fragrant.
Young mothers, whose children are very fond of shawarma, will like to cook such pita bread. Vegetable Salad, fried pieces chicken or pork tomato sauce or mayonnaise - and now your baby is enjoying delicious dish without harm to your health.
Lavash goes well with barbecue and grilled meat. thin cakes, pieces of golden meat, fresh herbs, onions, tomatoes and red peppers - such a picnic will become a masterpiece of culinary art.

Taste Info Bread and Flatbreads


  • 500 grams of flour;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 2 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt.

How to cook thin Armenian lavash

Pour a glass of warm water into a large bowl, put sugar and yeast.

Add salt, vegetable oil and flour to the dough.

Beat the dough thoroughly with your hands and leave for 15-20 minutes.

After the dough has increased a little in size, divide it into 14-16 parts.

Roll each part into a thin (up to 2 mm) layer.

Fry the Armenian lavash in a dry frying pan for about 15 seconds on each side.

1. To keep pita bread soft, cover it with a damp towel. After the cakes have cooled, put them in a plastic bag.
2. To speed up the process of making pita bread (especially if you are making several servings at once), fry the tortillas in two pans at once.
3. If you need a large pita bread for making a roll or casserole, you can cook it in the oven.
4. Dry yeast can be replaced with fresh. For this recipe 20 grams of live yeast is required.
5. To make the Armenian lavash more tender, put in the dough instead of vegetable oil creamy.

On a note.

Both in taste and in appearance it differs from the more subtle Armenian counterpart. Georgian lavash is, of course, about him! This National dish is a kind calling card Caucasus. Skillfully cooked, Georgian lavash turns out to be lush and thick, with a crispy crust and fragrant crumb. Shall we try?

How to cook according to the rules?

Proper Georgian lavash is baked in an oven called "tone". This special kiln is a huge clay pot lined with bricks and tilted at an angle of about thirty degrees. Tone is usually melted with sawdust. In the process of cooking, the fire is constantly maintained. Lavash, fashioned from dough, is located (sticks) to the back wall of the oven and baked for about ten minutes. To get a crispy crust, it is necessary to constantly sprinkle the prepared pita bread with water. A real Georgian lavash is simply delicious! It is customary to eat it freshly prepared with cheese, milk, herbs, wine. So that the bread does not become weathered, it is wrapped in a towel - this way it lasts longer. Lavash in Georgian can also be used as a base for other dishes. For example, bake with meat or cheese filling- will be even tastier! By the way, some Georgians consider the very word "lavash" to be Armenian and prefer to call the national cakes "puri" (tonis puri), which means "bread" in Georgian.

Georgian lavash at home

Of course, it is best to build a tane oven for dishes in the courtyard of a private house. But if you live in a high-rise building, do not worry: good bread it can work in the oven, and in an electric mini-bakery. You just need to knead the dough correctly and choose the temperature and baking mode.

Georgian lavash: cooking recipe

In order to knead the dough, take half a kilogram of flour, about half a glass of water, 30 grams fresh yeast, salt, sugar.

Dissolve yeast in warm water, add a little flour and sugar, let stand to come up. mix it with salt and yeast. Knead a homogeneous dough (as for pies). Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and leave to rise for half an hour. We heat the oven to 220 degrees. Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour. We roll out cakes of a characteristic shape from the dough, put them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes until cooked. Hot lavash sprinkle with water, wrap in a towel so that it sweats a little and becomes soft.

With cornmeal

How to cook Georgian lavash with and egg? We need: a kilogram of wheat flour, five large spoons of corn, 80 grams of yeast, two small spoons of salt, one egg, vegetable oil.

Georgian pita bread (the recipe is in front of you) we start cooking by sifting flour and mixing it with salt. Next, dissolve the yeast in half a liter of warm water, let it stand for a while. Combine yeast and flour. kneading soft dough. We put it in a warm place for half an hour. In the meantime, preheat the oven well, grease the baking sheets with oil. We form cakes, lightly rolling them in cornmeal, flatten to the required size (they are oblong and thick enough). Beat the egg with vegetable oil(it is better to take olive oil) and sugar. Lubricate the pita bread with the resulting mixture. Put on a baking sheet in the oven. Cakes are baked for 15-20 minutes at the very top in the oven until cooked. Sprinkle pita bread with water several times during cooking. This will make the crust crispy but not hard.

ancient recipe

How to cook Georgian pita bread (recipe without yeast)? ancient Georgian flatbread prepared, of course, without the use of this product. Like no eggs. We used the so-called old dough as a starter, which remained from previous batches and turned sour. His something bakers and added to the new, just cooked. So, nothing but flour, salt and water! All the piquancy lies precisely in the method of cooking in a special oven tane (or tone).


This variety Georgian lavash- an oblong cake of a ruddy, golden hue. On one side, the cake is round and thickened. On the other hand, it is thin and pointed. When preparing the dough, no yeast is used: only flour, salt and water. This type of pita bread is baked very quickly (three to four minutes). Variants of Madauri are found in various parts of Georgia. You can use eggs and vegetable oil. A flatbread with butter, sour cream, herbs, and cheese is used.


This word can be translated literally: curd bread". There is no uniformity in the preparation of this dish. Mingrelian - round, covered on top Adjarian - in the shape of a boat, filled with eggs on top. Rachinsky - with beans. Topping classics - Imeretian cheese. The dough is used, cooked on yogurt or kefir (where the yeast is replaced lactic acid product). Khachapuri is fried in a pan or baked in the oven.


To prepare it, you will need: 300 grams of flour, a glass of water, 10 grams of fresh yeast, a spoonful of honey (you can use molasses), salt, olive oil.

Dissolve molasses with yeast in warm water. Adding two large spoons flour and set aside in a warm place for 15 minutes. Combine flour with salt and mix with molasses and yeast. Set aside again for 10 minutes. Knead the dough with olive oil. When the dough has approximately doubled in volume, form small loaves by rolling them in the air and stretching the edges. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Sprinkle with water and let stand until volume increases. Bake in a well-heated oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle lightly with flour before use. Can be eaten instead regular bread with cheese, milk, butter.

Try this delicious Georgian bread with or without filling according to one of the above recipes - and you will surely remain a fan caucasian cuisine forever! Bon appetit everyone!

Lavash is very popular in our house. This is such a "magic wand" - wrap the most different stuffing and any snack is ready. Lavash roll will decorate any festive table. IN home environment it is impossible to make large sheets of Armenian lavash, for this you need special devices. But every housewife can bake in a pan.

There are many recipes for making pita bread, I have unleavened pita bread. At home, it is not at all difficult to cook it. To do this, pour flour into a deep bowl. Be sure to sift the flour. We take hot water, dilute salt in it.

Make a well in the flour and pour in the water, gradually stirring the flour.

Then dump the dough out of the bowl onto a cutting board or table and knead the dough.

Knead the dough for seven to ten minutes to make it elastic and smooth. When kneading the dough, we stretch it slightly on the board and, as it were, wrap air in it, from this then when baking in the finished pita bread, a lot of bubbles are obtained. We put the finished, well-kneaded dough in a plastic bag, you can wrap it in cling film or cover with an upside down bowl. Leave it like that for half an hour, so that the dough, as they say, rested. After that, the dough rolls out easily.

After half an hour, make a sausage out of the dough and divide it into equal pieces about the size egg. Cover them with a towel so they don't bleed.

We roll out the cake thinner, according to the size of your pan.

Bake in a well-heated pan for two minutes on each side without oil.

We do not overdry so that the pita bread turns out soft and does not break when folding. We put the finished Armenian lavash on a dish, be sure to lightly sprinkle drinking water and cover with a clean towel. Similarly, we bake the rest of the pita bread. For storage, we put ready-made pita bread in a plastic bag, as they can dry out quickly. I usually cook a large batch at once and then store them in the freezer.

Bon appetit!
