
Caucasian khychiny: step by step recipes for stuffed cakes. How to cook cheese, meat, potato khychin (step by step)

Khychiny with meat is a dish that is considered national by many peoples of the Caucasus. This dish is especially revered by Karachays and Balkars. Khychiny are stuffed cakes fried in oil. Caucasian hostesses prepare them for the most important holidays, but they often pamper their households with hychins on weekdays. Juicy filling, tender dough with a slight sourness, fragrant spices and the aroma of butter - this is what makes the dish popular in all corners of the Earth. It is served in many catering establishments of various levels, from small eateries to the most reputable restaurants.

Dough for meat khychin

For many centuries, Caucasian women have been preparing simple but incredibly tasty khychin with meat. Their recipe is extremely simple, it contains only the simplest products. The technology for preparing the dough is also not particularly difficult.

Traditionally, curdled milk, ayran or kefir were used as the basis for the dough. Some housewives who have mastered the recipe for classic khychins add slaked soda to the dough, which makes it even more magnificent. But it is worth knowing that there was no soda in the original recipe. If the dough is well kneaded, and it took enough time to proof it, baking without soda will turn out to be quite lush.

To prepare the test we need:

  • half a liter of ayran or other fermented milk drink;
  • a kilogram of flour;
  • one egg;
  • a piece of butter (about 50 grams);
  • a pinch of salt.

Airan should be at room temperature. Add the egg, salt and melted butter to it. Knead with a fork, gradually adding flour. Do not make the dough too tight, better pay more attention to kneading. The better the dough is kneaded, the tastier the khychins with meat will turn out.

Khychiny is cooked with homemade cheese and garlic, mashed potatoes flavored with herbs and, of course, minced meat. Connoisseurs believe that hychins are delicious with chicken, veal, pork, but nothing can compare with real minced lamb.

For the above dough recipe, you will need about half a kilogram of filling. To finely chopped lamb, you can add a little lard or twisted fat tail fat, grated onion, a couple of crushed cloves of garlic and a small bunch of greens. Salt and pepper the mince according to your eating habits.

You can prepare the filling from other types of meat. Great for khychins and mixed minced meats made from pork and beef.


Khychiny with meat is a rather large pastry. In size, one product must match the pan. Divide the dough into balls about the size of a fist. Count their number and form the same number of minced meatballs.

Form a cake, place the minced meat in the middle, gather the edge with an accordion, pulling and reducing the gap. Gently flatten the resulting balls, gently roll with a rolling pin, giving the shape of a round cake.

Fry khychin in hot oil until golden brown. Stack them one on top of the other.

Serving to the table

Lubricate each fried product with a piece of butter. If desired, you can sprinkle with herbs the entire stack of khychin with meat. Photos prove that this dish looks very appetizing even without additional decorations. Therefore, some prefer to do without them at all.

There is another way to serve this dish to the table. A stack of khychin is cut with a sharp knife into 4 parts. It will be more convenient to take them.

Khychins can be served with sour cream sauce with herbs, adjika, tomato sauce, homemade pickles. Salted tomato juice, kvass, ayran are traditionally served as drinks for this dish.


Homemade khychin with meat

Khychins are round flat pies with various fillings among the Balkars and Karachays. The recipes for this most popular pastry are different from each other. Balkarians most often make the simplest dough - from water and flour. They fry their very thin pies in a dry frying pan. The Karachays make their khychins thicker and make the dough with sour milk or kefir. Khychins with meat are considered the most satisfying and rich among both peoples. You can cook khychin with meat according to a recipe adapted to home conditions on your own.

Recipe - homemade khychin with meat

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour


  • 700-800 g wheat flour
  • 0.5 l kefir
  • 0.5 kg meat
  • 1 PC. chicken egg
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 pcs. bulb onions
  • vegetable oil
  • butter

Step by step recipe with photo

How to cook homemade khychin with meat

1. Prepare minced meat from meat and onions. It is faster and more convenient to do this with a meat grinder by installing a grate with large holes on it. Although it is not customary to take pork in national recipes, it is from it that a delicious filling for khychins is obtained. Salt minced meat and add 2 - 3 sprigs of chopped greens.

2. Break an egg into kefir. Put soda. Salt, half a teaspoon of salt is enough.

Stir and put about 400 g of flour. Start kneading the dough.

Add flour in parts, as it may take a little more or a little less. It is important that the dough for khychins turns out to be about the same as for dumplings.

3. Divide the dough into 7-8 parts. Using your hands or a rolling pin, shape each piece into a circle.

4. Put the filling in the center.

Gather the edges up.

Flip seam side down and shape into a flat, thin cake.

5. Lubricate the pan with oil, as is done for pancakes. Fry on both sides.

When frying, cover the pan with a lid. Put a piece of butter on the finished Karachai Khychin.


Khychiny with meat

Cooking process

If you have never cooked khychiny before, then it is better to practice on other fillings, since the most difficult thing is to roll out the flatbread, and with minced meat inside it rolls out harder than, for example, with the classic potato and cheese filling.

Let's start preparing the dough:

Mix kefir (original ayran) with flour, soda and half a teaspoon of salt. The amount of flour can vary in one direction or another, it depends on its moisture content. The dough in the end should turn out to be very soft and elastic, if you overdo it with flour, add a little water, you can knead with your hands, you can in a combine, then you need to leave the bun on the table, cover with a film and let it rest for 20-30 minutes.

For the filling, scroll the meat with onions in a meat grinder and mix with chopped parsley, salt and pepper, if the minced meat is dry, then pour in a little cold water, you can additionally chop the meat mass in a blender for a finer consistency.

Divide the dough into balls about 6 cm in diameter (the size of the balls will depend on the size of your pan).

Form the ball into a patty shape with your hands or a rolling pin. Put the filling in the center.

Gather the dough around the filling into a bag and pinch.

With your hands, gently begin to form the cake, then gently roll it out with a rolling pin to the desired thickness of 4-5 mm.

If the dough is still a little torn, fry it like that and train on the next khychin.

Fry the khychins in a hot (!) dry (!) frying pan on both sides until golden spots over medium heat.

If the cake puffed up during frying, then when rolling out the dough, you didn’t tear anywhere, but you need to make a small puncture on the already fried upper side to release air.

Lubricate the finished khychins well on all sides with butter and stack them in a pile on top of each other.

When serving khychina, it is customary to cut it into 4 parts with a cross.


How to cook khychin with meat

  • Servings: 8
  • Preparation time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

Recipe for khychins with meat

Hearty fried cakes can serve as an independent dish, or choke as a snack.

  1. Mix kefir with soda, after 10 minutes add the sifted flour and salt. Knead the elastic dough and divide it into 8 pieces.
  2. Roll out the lumps with a rolling pin to a thickness of 7 mm.
  3. Mix minced meat with finely chopped onion, salt and spices.
  4. Divide the filling into 8 parts, put them on circles of dough.
  5. Take the first blank, collect its edges and pinch. You should get a bag of dough. Flip it seam side down and gently roll it out with a rolling pin. The diameter of the cake should be 20-25 cm.
  6. Prepare the rest of the khychins in the same way, and then fry them on both sides in a dry frying pan until cooked.

Brush hot tortillas with butter and stack on a flat plate.

How to cook khychiny with herbs and meat

Fragrant herbs that we propose to add to the filling will give the treat a special taste and aroma.

  1. Pour 400 g of ayran into a deep bowl, add 400 g of wheat flour, 5 g of soda and 5 g of salt. Knead a soft dough, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  2. Finely chop 2 peeled onions, 50g fresh cilantro and 50g mint. Mix the products with 500 g of minced lamb, add ground black pepper and salt to taste.
  3. Divide the dough into 6 parts and roll out the lumps to a thickness of 1 cm. Put the filling on the cakes and connect the edges.
  4. Re-roll the blanks. You should get a circle with a diameter of 20 cm.
  5. Fry khychins in a frying pan without oil under a closed lid. The tortillas are ready when browned on both sides.

Lubricate the khychins with butter, then put them in a pile on a dish.

Khychin with chicken in the oven

We suggest you prepare a version of the Karachay-Balkar Khychins.

  1. Mix 300 g of warm water with 100 g of ayran or kefir. Add 50 g melted butter, 60 g vegetable oil, 30 g sugar, 15 g yeast and salt to taste. Knead the dough with your hands or in a bread machine, let it rise in a warm place.
  2. Cut 3 chicken thigh fillets into small cubes. Mix minced meat with chopped onion, add salt and spices to taste.
  3. Divide the dough into 3 parts, roll out the blanks in a circle to a thickness of 1 cm. Lay out the filling, pull the edges to the center. Leave the center of the pie open.
  4. Bake hychins in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Brush the edges of the pies with butter.

Meat filling for khychins can be supplemented with vegetables, cheese or herbs.


Khychiny - recipe

Khychyny is a national and popular dish of the northern Caucasian peoples - Karachays and Balkars. These cakes are a festive dish that dominates any Caucasian table, the housewives prepare fried khychin with cheese, potatoes, cottage cheese, herbs, but any feast without khychin with meat is considered unthinkable.

Today we will be a little Caucasian hostesses and figure out how to cook khychin with meat

Khychiny with meat - recipe

There are several subtleties in the preparation of khychin, both technological and purely national. Let's start with the main - dough: the dough for khychins is made from sour milk, ayran or kefir, which is why the finished cakes are very tender and airy. Soda adds extra “fluffiness” to the dough, but the traditional recipe does not include it. In general, the traditional recipe is extremely minimalistic and consists only of warm fermented milk products, flour, salt and eggs, so there should be no difficulties with the dough.

Moving on to the filling, you can choose it to your taste, a mixture of pork and beef is perfect, but traditional lamb is without a doubt unrivaled. The meat filling for khychins is mixed with a lot of greens, you can also add a little onion and garlic, but again, do not be zealous if you decide to cook an authentic dish.

Karachay khychins with meat differ from Balkar ones, since Karachays and flat cakes are rolled out thicker and fried in more butter, so whose traditional recipe to choose depends on your preferences.

  • minced meat - 500 g;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • parsley, cilantro - ½ bunch;
  • butter - for greasing.

Let's start cooking khychins with dough: beat ayran at room temperature with egg and salt, add melted butter and gradually add flour to the mixture. First, knead the dough with a fork, and as it thickens, proceed to kneading with your hands. The key to delicious khychins is a well-kneaded dough, so without haste, very carefully, knead the dough for 10-15 minutes, throwing it on the table from time to time. Roll the homogeneous dough into a ball and cover with a towel, let it stand for about half an hour.

In the meantime, we will make the filling: mix the already prepared minced meat with chopped garlic cloves and onions, without sparing add coarsely chopped greens, season the minced meat and roll it into small balls like meatballs.

We also divide the rested dough into pieces and roll it into balls of a slightly larger diameter than our “meatballs”. Each ball of dough is slightly flattened with the palm of your hand and put a portion of minced meat in the center, pinch the corners of the dough at the top so that the minced meat is completely covered with dough. Now the ball of dough with the filling must be rolled out into a cake, the diameter of which should not exceed the diameter of the pan in which it will be fried. You can roll out with a rolling pin or gently stretch the cake with your hands. If the dough breaks - it's okay, sprinkle the place of the tear with flour and continue to form the future dish.

Now the khychins need to be fried, for this we heat a large amount of butter in a pan and put the cake. Fry each khychin on both sides until golden brown. It is not surprising if the cake puffs up during the frying process - pierce it with a fork or knife to release the accumulated steam and continue cooking.

Golden khichins with meat are additionally greased with butter, if desired, sprinkle with herbs and serve. Well, if you and your family generally adore delicious savory pastries, then you will also like the recipe for a miracle.

Khychyny is one of the most iconic and honorable dishes of Karachai and Balkar cuisine. Khychyns are offered to the most respected and dear guests. Many customs and rituals are associated with these delicious pies. Khychyns are fried in oil, fat and baked in a dry frying pan in the oven and oven, molded open, shaped like a closed meat pie. The dough can be unleavened, yeast or sourdough. If you look at the Khychins, they will remind you of and, and, and, and, and kystybai. But no, it tastes something completely different, unique: maybe it’s the cheese, the dough, the meat, or maybe…

Pies accompany traditional folk rituals, they are prepared for national holidays.

Meat kiyik khychyns are prepared for the hunters' holiday as an offering to the god Apsata, "a tall old man with a long white beard", a shepherd - the lord of wild animals and the patron of hunting [Tekeeva L.K. Apsats in the cult and ritual practice of the Karachays and Balkars].

Koochkhar khychyn with a delicious filling of meat and cheese is fried during the mating period of sheep. Such a hychyn is a measure of fertility: the hychyn will come out magnificent - the herd will replenish well. Large and thick syiyr khychin with meat and fat was fried in oil for mating cattle.

A large kyrkkar khychyn with fatty lamb meat and butter was prepared for shearers (Shearers are masters of shearing sheep).

Oval zugul khychyn with meat, fat and butter was baked in honor of Totur, the patron saint of wolves. Mothers were asked to Totur for good luck for their sons, who were going hunting for the first time.

Karachays make khychyny with meat, cottage cheese and herbs, potatoes and cheese, pumpkin, beans, beet leaves, cheese and cottage cheese. There are multi-layered kyrym-khychyns with meat, dried fruits, rice, halva.

I will definitely cook a unique multi-level kyrym khychyn with a rather unexpected combination of toppings. By the way, I have already shown how to cook et khychyn stuffed with meat in a dry frying pan.

The Karachay-Balkarian custom of “laying into a cradle” is interesting. From the mother's side they brought a lot of food and edibles. “Halva, “khychyna” pies, lunar-shaped pies - “berekle”, a ram, a bucket of honey, ghee, a large number of clothes for a child and gold jewelry, fabrics, scarves for grandparents” were presented by the daughter-in-law. “The male side cooked a lot of khychins with meat, sausages - “sokhta”, shish kebabs, fried chickens, lumpy meat with “brine” seasoning, halva, low-alcohol drinks “boza”, dark beer “cheese”, kvass “gumul”, served on the table dried fruits, nuts, basta with honey, butter, raisins and dried apricots” [M.Kh. Khadzhiev. Karachay-Balkar food in children's rituals].

And how much delight khychyns cause among tourists! Hot and fragrant, scalding... They return home and dream of the most delicious khychyns that they tried in the Caucasus. There are a lot of recipes on the Internet, but which one to choose?

I recently met Mariam Tambiyeva, a connoisseur and researcher of the cuisine of the North Caucasus, the head of the youth project "Mountain Hearth", the Elbrusoid Foundation. The guys collect and save rare recipes, made a website, released an application, shoot videos. The most interesting thing is that they hold master classes where anyone can learn how to cook rare and popular dishes of the Abaza, Adyghe, Dagestan, Karachay-Balkarian, Nogai, Ossetian, Chechen-Ingush and Cossack cuisines. Good deal, right? Mariam is amazing, kind, cheerful, sympathetic, she always has answers to questions about the history and preparation of traditional dishes, at any time!

You can serve khychyny to the table with sour cream. Cut a stack of pies crosswise, into four parts. Meat khychyny is not a dish for every day. If you cook, try to pull the dough closer to the center, pressing down with your palms so that the hole is smaller than my pie. You can use a cast iron skillet for baking. It was nice to watch through the window in the oven as the broth boiled in the pie:

It turned out so tasty and juicy!

Khychins are round flat pies with various fillings among the Balkars and Karachais. The recipes for this popular pastry differ from each other. Balkarians most often make the simplest dough - from water and flour. They fry their very thin pies in a dry frying pan. The Karachays make their khychins thicker and make the dough with sour milk or kefir. Khychins with meat are considered the most satisfying and rich among both peoples. You can cook khychin with meat according to a recipe adapted to home conditions on your own.


Recipe for homemade khychins with meat

Dish: Pastry

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 6 items


  • 700-800 g wheat flour
  • 0.5 l kefir
  • 0.5 kg meat
  • 1 PC. chicken egg
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 pcs. bulb onions
  • salt
  • vegetable oil
  • butter

Step by step recipe with photo

How to cook homemade khychin with meat in a pan

Minced meat stuffing for khychins

1. Prepare minced meat from meat and onions. It is faster and more convenient to do this with a meat grinder by installing a grate with large holes on it. Although it is not customary to take pork in national recipes, it is from it that a delicious filling for khychins is obtained. Salt minced meat and add 2-3 sprigs of chopped greens.

Dough for khychins

2. Break an egg into kefir. Put soda. Salt, half a teaspoon of salt is enough.

Stir and put about 400 g of flour. Start kneading the dough.

Add flour in parts, as it may take a little more or a little less. It is important that the dough for khychins turns out to be about the same as for dumplings.

3. Divide the dough into 7-8 parts. Using your hands or a rolling pin, shape each piece into a circle.

4. Put the filling in the center.

Gather the edges up.

Flip seam side down and shape into a flat, thin cake.

5. Lubricate the pan with oil, as is done for pancakes. Fry khychin in a pan on both sides.

When frying, cover the pan with a lid. Put a piece of butter on the finished Karachai khychin with meat.

Khychiny - cakes with filling. They can serve as an independent snack or be used instead of bread. An oven is not needed for cooking, the cakes are baked in a pan and without oil. It is very convenient, simple, time-saving. Even raw meat fillings are perfectly baked, tasty and juicy. Here are the best step-by-step recipes for khychin.

Khychiny - general principles of cooking

The classic dough for this dish is kneaded with kefir, but you can also use ayran. Although, on ordinary yogurt or fermented baked milk, everything also turns out great. In general, he uses the fermented milk product that is found in the house, but it is advisable not to use low-fat kefir.

What else is added to the dough:

Soda (not always).

Traditional dough is prepared without rippers, but many housewives still add them. Soda gives softness, porosity, cakes are more tender. Before forming the khychin, the dough is left to lie down for 15-20 minutes so that the gluten of the flour swells, making it easier to roll out. You can use different fillings, but three types of minced meat for khychin are more popular. Below are step-by-step recipes for tortillas with potatoes, cheese and meat.

For baking at home, you need a flat pan. The most delicious khychins are obtained in a cast-iron dish with a thick bottom, they are well baked, the heat is distributed evenly. Khychins are often cooked without a lid, but if the filling is meat, you can cover it for a few seconds. Ready cakes are smeared with butter immediately after baking, stacked on top of each other. They can be eaten one by one or cut into pieces in a pile, like a cake.

Khychiny: step by step with cheese and herbs

One of the most popular toppings. In a step-by-step recipe, khychins are filled with suluguni. But you can take other types of cheese or even a mixture. Either way will work great. Take fat kefir, if desired, replace with homemade yogurt.


250 ml of kefir;

1 tsp ripper;

2.5 cups flour;

200 g suluguni;

A bunch of dill;

A bunch of parsley;

50 g plums. oils.


1. You don’t need to take cold kefir, leave it at room temperature or gently warm it up. Add a pinch of salt, then flour and ripper. If baking soda is used, then we use half the rate of the ripper and add it to kefir along with salt so that the acid extinguishes the product.

2. Knead a homogeneous and smooth dough, but do not make it too steep. It should turn out softer than for dumplings; with light pressure, a hole will appear.

3. Immediately divide into 6 parts. If large khychins are being prepared, then they can be divided into 4-5 parts.

4. From the pieces we make even balls, cover with a napkin on top, leave for fifteen minutes.

5. While you can prepare the filling. Crumble the cheese or grate finely, depending on the type of product used.

6. Sort the greens, rinse, dry and chop. You can use only dill or only parsley, sometimes minced meat is prepared with green onions. In general, there is complete freedom of action, but there should be a lot of greenery, about two large bunches.

7. Combine cheese with herbs, stir, do not need to salt, usually there is enough of everything in cheese.

8. We return to the test. Take one ball and flatten. Caucasians do not use a rolling pin. But if you can’t do it thinly, then it’s better to work with a rolling pin.

9. Put a little filling in the central part, visually divide the minced meat into the required number of parts so that the khychins are the same.

10. Gather the edges of the cake together, Close up firmly. You should get a bun with stuffing.

11. Turn seam down, flatten or roll out with a rolling pin. It is believed that thin khychins are tastier.

12. Heat up the pan. It is not necessary to lubricate the surface.

13. Put the cake, attach it to the pan with your hand, straighten it.

14. Bake first on one side, then turn over and brown the second side. Do not make a big fire, the dough should be baked, and the filling should warm up and melt.

15. Transfer the cake to a plate and immediately brush with butter. You can simply move a piece or pre-melt, use a brush.

16. The following khychins are baked in the same way, stacked on top of each other, greased with oil. The cakes will soften quickly and should be served immediately.

Khychiny: step by step recipe with potatoes

In a step-by-step recipe, khychins are prepared only with potatoes. But you can also make a filling with the addition of cheese, this is a very popular and tasty option. The amount of cheese is arbitrary, but usually it does not exceed 30% of the total mass of minced meat.


300 g of kefir;

3-3.5 cups of flour;

2/3 tsp salt;

80 g plum oil;

350 g potatoes;

1 head of onion;

0.5 bunch of dill.


1. Peel potatoes, cut, put in a saucepan. Add water so that it only covers the vegetable, put on the stove. Bring to a boil quickly, then reduce heat.

2. Boil the potatoes until soft, but do not boil too much so that the taste does not go into the water.

3. Cut the onion into small cubes, fry in 20 grams of butter. The rest of the fat is left to lubricate the finished khychin. If you don't like fried onions, you can cook the filling without it.

4. Drain the water from the boiled potatoes, grind it into a puree, add the onion fried in butter, stir. We throw spices to taste, cool the filling.

5. While the potatoes are cooling, make the dough. We throw prescription soda into kefir. Salt and stir quickly. Bubbles will appear, the quenching process will begin. Let's wait a minute.

6. Add flour to kefir, knead the dough, it should turn out soft, but not sticky. Mnem until smooth, then cover with a napkin, let lie down for a quarter of an hour at room temperature.

7. We cut the dill greens, but you can cook without it. Add to mashed potatoes. If cheese is added, then we also put it at this stage.

8. We take out the dough, divide it into 5-7 parts, round each piece, transfer it to a surface powdered with flour, roll out a small cake.

9. Put the minced potato with onions and dill. We connect the edges of the cake.

10. We turn over the future khychin, lightly dust with flour on top and gently roll out a thin cake with a rolling pin. We try not to break.

11. Heat up a dry frying pan, put khychin. Cooking on one side and the other. While it is baking, we make the rest of the cakes.

12. We transfer the finished product to a plate, coat with butter.

Khychiny: step by step recipe with meat

One of the most satisfying and delicious filling options. In a step-by-step recipe, khychins are cooked with raw minced meat, it is important to bake the cakes well, do not rush to remove from the pan. But often there are options with ready-made meat products, chicken, sometimes they are mixed with a small amount of vegetables, herbs, cheese. This dough is classic and is prepared without the addition of baking powder.


0.5 liters of kefir;

700 g of meat;

Two bulbs;



1. It is better to start with the dough so that it rests. Combine kefir, salt, stir. Add the sifted flour, knead the dough thoroughly until smooth. Put in a bowl, cover with a towel, let rest.

2. Rinse meat or poultry, beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken or any other kinds can be combined. Well, if the meat is not completely lean, there is fat, the filling will turn out to be more juicy.

3. Cut the meat into pieces, pass through a meat grinder. If the mesh is large, then you can do this twice.

4. Peel a couple of onion heads, cut into pieces and also twist through a meat grinder, add to the minced meat.

5. Be sure to pepper the filling, season with salt, if desired, throw one or two cloves of garlic, chopped herbs. You can put special seasonings for meat or barbecue. Mix thoroughly.

6. Pinch off a piece of dough, about the size of an apple. We round with our hands, roll out a small cake.

7. Put the meat filling. As in other recipes, we connect the edges of the cake to make a ball with filling inside.

8. Turn the ball over, gently press it into a cake with your hands, then roll it out with a rolling pin. It is important not to break through the dough, otherwise the meat filling will release juice into the pan, it will burn, smoke, this is undesirable.

9. Heat up the pan, lay out the prepared khychin. Cook first without a lid.

10. As soon as one side is browned, turn the cake over and now you can cover the pan so that the meat filling is fully cooked.

11. Meat khychin according to this step-by-step recipe is also lubricated with butter. If you do not want to increase the calorie content of the cakes, then you can grease with a drop of vegetable oil, it is well distributed over the surface and will also soften the crust.

To knead the dough, you can use a mixer with a special nozzle or a bread machine. They will help reduce time, simplify the cooking process.

Khychin dough is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for up to two days, but you need to put it in a container with a tight lid or in a bag greased with a drop of vegetable oil.

In addition to the classic fillings, you can cook khychin with sausages, ham and cheese, salted cottage cheese, pumpkin, eggplant. There are sweet options that you can also try. The dough does not change, sugar cannot be added to it.

So that the cake does not tear, you must first flatten the khychin with your hands, then gently roll it with a rolling pin.

If the dough has not lain down for a long time, then it will be difficult to roll it out, the cake will tear, the filling will come out, it will burn.

If you want to show a respectful disposition to the guest, invite him to khychins. These delicious cakes are the national dish of the North Caucasians, Balkars, and Karachays. The filling is cheese, potatoes, cottage cheese, greens ... But the most delicious and satisfying Balkar khychiny with meat.

We suggest preparing hychins with meat from unleavened dough on kefir or ayran.

For test:
- flour - 4-4.5 cups
- kefir (ayran) - 500 ml
- salt - 1 teaspoon
- soda - ½ teaspoon

For filling:
- beef - 350 g
- lamb - 350 g
- onion - 2 pcs.
- garlic - 3 cloves
- salt, ground pepper - to taste

For lubrication:
- butter - 100 g
- sour cream - 120-150 g

Cooking khychin with meat

1. Pass beef, lamb pulp and peeled onions through a meat grinder with large holes. Grind the garlic on a garlic maker and add to the minced meat. Salt, pepper. If the filling comes out too dry, add some cold water and mix thoroughly.

2. Soda extinguish in kefir, add salt, flour and knead soft elastic dough.

3. Divide the dough into even pieces (the listed ingredients will make 12-14 pieces).

4. Roll each piece of dough into a ball and stretch or flatten into a fairly thick cake. Put a lump of filling in the middle of the cake, pinch the dough at the top, turn it over with the seam down and carefully roll it out with a rolling pin to the size of the pan.

5. Fry the khychins in a thick-walled frying pan without adding fat (you can grease with a small amount of vegetable oil) under a closed lid on both sides. If the dough puffs up during frying, pierce it with a fork or knife.

6. Put the finished khychins on a dish in a pile, smearing with melted butter and sour cream. Serve after 8-10 minutes when they soften.

Bon appetit and delicious khychins!

On a note
When kneading the dough for khychins, carefully beat it with your hands and on the table, then it will become even more elastic and will not tear when rolling out.

Interesting to know
Khychin (also pronounced khychyn, khytsyn) is a flatbread pie from the Karachai, Balkar and Nogai national cuisines. Prepared with potato, cheese or meat stuffing with greens. In the preparation of khychins, all three peoples have some differences, but this dish is very popular, and is the most honorable flour dish. An invitation "to khychiny" has long been considered a manifestation of the highest hospitality. Even the most modest feast cannot do without khychin, and a meal without this delicious pie is considered poor.

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