
Pea soup when feeding a newborn. When to start introducing into the diet

Bean dishes are well-deservedly popular. These delicious diet treats are on the menu of many people. Peas are the leader among other relatives, and the most common dish from it is soup. He is loved and popular in many families. When a child appears in the family, a natural question arises: when can children be given pea soup, which is cooked at home quite often.

Pea soup on the children's menu

Pea soup for a child

Peas in its composition contain vitamins, essential trace elements and a lot of protein. It activates the work nervous system, brain. As full meal pea soup can be given to a child after 1-2 years. If before that time the baby eats a spoonful of such soup, for example, as pedagogical complementary foods, there will be no harm.

Giving pea soup, like any new dish, should be gradual. Start with one or two spoons, watching the baby's reaction. Legumes are, although diet food and contain a large number of protein, but cause excessive gas formation.

How to cook pea soup for a child

So, having found out whether pea soup is possible for a child, you need to cook it correctly. After all classic recipe on smoked ribs is not suitable for consumption by a small child. There are several basic principles for making soups (not just pea, but any) for children after a year:

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  1. The soup is cooked in vegetable broth.
  2. You can cook soup with meat broth. To do this, you need to use low-fat pulp, finely chopped. Put the pieces of meat in cold water. After boiling, remove the meat and drain the water. Meat rinse cold water and pour boiling water. After half an hour of slow boiling, the broth is ready.
  3. For quick boiling, it is better to soak peas in cold water from the evening.
  4. We put the ingredients for the soup in descending order of their cooking time: peas, carrots, potatoes, onions.
  5. At first, it is better to cook puree soup - so it will be easier for the baby to eat, and the stomach to cope with its processing.

To prepare pea soup for children under three years old, it is better to use fresh or frozen green pea, not dry shelled peas. So the dish will be more dietary, healthy and light. You can start giving this soup to babies after six months.

Inappropriate Ingredients for a Baby

Some products should not be used when preparing pea soup for a child:

To simplify the work of the mother, you can not cook the pea soup separately for the baby. Just dilute the soup that was cooked for the whole family with water or vegetable broth twice.

On the topic of food:

Pea soup - tasty, satisfying and healthy dish however, it is not recommended for feeding a small child until at least 1 year of age. Many pediatricians do not recommend introducing peas into the baby's menu until the age of two. Therefore, parents have a question, is it possible for a child to have pea soup. It is possible, if you follow the rules for the preparation and introduction of this product and dish in complementary foods.

Age restrictions are due to the fact that legumes have a double burden on the still immature digestion of crumbs. As a result, the baby may experience increased gas formation, pain, heaviness and cramps in the tummy, deterioration of well-being and impaired stool. In this article, we will consider in detail at what age you can give pea soup to a child. And we will learn how to properly and safely cook this dish for babies.

The composition and properties of peas

Peas contain a large number of useful substances and elements, including protein, vitamins of group B, PP, A and C. This legume includes selenium and pyridoxine (vitamin B6), natural oxidants and amino acids, thiamine, iron, fluorine and other important minerals. Due to this composition, peas have a positive effect on work nerve cells and the brain. It prevents the appearance of worms. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of cancer and heart disease.

Peas perform the following useful functions:

  • Stimulates and develops the work of the brain;
  • Relieves fatigue and nervousness, calms and gives strength;
  • Replenishes the expended energy and is perfect for feeding active kids;
  • Improves skin condition, helps with dermatitis, skin rashes and allergies;
  • Promotes the development and growth of the child;
  • Increases immunity;
  • Strengthens bones and teeth;
  • Accelerates material exchange;
  • Suppresses inflammatory processes;
  • Cleanses the body and removes toxins;
  • It has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails;
  • Prevents the occurrence of tumors and worms, the development of heart disease.

Peas will also be useful for a woman after childbirth, as it restores strength and helps to cope with fatigue, depression, improves the condition of hair, nails and skin. Besides, this product helps to reset excess weight and slow down aging.

However, a nursing mother should not rush to introduce peas into the diet, at least for the first three months. Since this product can also cause gas formation and flatulence, increase colic in infants. For more information on how many months a nursing mother can eat pea soup and pea dishes, read.

When can you give pea soup to a baby?

Complementary feeding with pea soup begins at 1-1.5 years. In this case, the dish should be liquid puree and have crushed components. A full-fledged pea soup for a child is prepared after two years. For the first time, let the baby try one teaspoon of the cooked dish and watch the baby for two days.

If there is no negative reaction and violations, digestion is working normally and the stool remains stable, soup can sometimes be prepared for the child. You can give dishes with peas no more than twice a week, while daily rate soup for a child of 1-1.5 years old should be 180-200 ml, for children 1.5-2 years old and older, it increases to 200-220 ml.

First of all, green pea dishes are introduced. Regular mature dry peas are not recommended for babies under three years of age. Such a product is very difficult and takes a long time to digest, which is contraindicated for a child during the first, second and third years of life.

In addition, the first recipes for dishes should not contain onions, seasonings and salt. Then, when preparing the soup, you can add a little onion and salt. It is important to cook the dish correctly so that it is easily digested and digested in the body of the crumbs without complications.

How to cook pea soup for babies

  • For children, the recipe should include fresh or frozen peas;
  • Do not use for cooking smoked ribs, sausages and meat, as well as fatty varieties meat and meat products;
  • In no case should you use spices and bouillon cubes in cooking, do not add a large amount of salt to the dish;
  • For one year old baby Soup is cooked in vegetable or meat broth. For meat broth, use low-fat chicken, turkey or beef;
  • First prepare soups. Then, when the baby learns to swallow well and confidently, the consistency is made more liquid with larger pieces of vegetables;
  • Peas in the composition of the soup should not exceed ⅓ of the soup;
  • The first soups should include only peas, potatoes and carrots. You can also put zucchini and pieces of meat;
  • Do not give your child raw fresh green peas. Give the product only after heat treatment. He will keep beneficial features fresh vegetable, but at the same time it will be easier and faster to digest, will not cause a negative reaction;
  • To cook meat and meat broth for the baby, cut it into pieces and put in cold water, bring to a boil and drain the broth. Then rinse meat pieces, pour fresh boiling water and cook chicken or turkey for another half an hour, cook beef for an hour and a half. This broth is ready to use.

Recipes for pea soup for babies

Pea soup with chicken

  • Chicken or turkey fillet - 300 gr;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Zucchini - 200 gr;
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • Onion - ½ onion;
  • A small bunch of fresh herbs.

Cut the fillet into pieces and boil. For children under three, use the second broth! Remove meat from broth. Peel the zucchini and potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the boiling broth. Peas are washed in cold water and added to the soup ten minutes after the start of cooking vegetables.

Onions are peeled and finely chopped, carrots are rubbed on a grater. The vegetables are lightly sautéed in oil and added to the soup pot. Boiled meat is cut and dipped into the broth, boiled for another five minutes. The finished dish is sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs. If necessary, the dish can be whipped in a blender until puree.

Vegetable puree soup

  • Green peas - 4 tablespoons;
  • Rice - 2 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 1 piece.

Sort and rinse the rice, pour into a saucepan and pour a glass of boiling water. Cook until the cereal is ready. Separately, boil the peas also with a glass of water. Combine rice and peas, add the liquid that remains after boiling the peas, or another vegetable broth. Grind the ingredients in a blender and bring the resulting mass to a boil. IN ready meal add butter.

Green Pea Puree

  • Apple - 2 pieces;
  • Green peas - 50 grams;
  • Chopped spinach - 50 grams.

Peel and cut the apples, put the components in a double boiler or cook in a water bath under the lid for ten minutes. Once the ingredients have cooled, put them in a blender and blend until smooth. You can also add peach instead of apple.

For obvious reasons, while breastfeeding, a woman has to limit herself in food. The use of certain foods breastfeeding not recommended because milk is allergenic or harmful substances may enter the child's body. Some women ask if a nursing mother can have pea soup? We will answer this question in this article.

As you know, all legumes increase gas formation in the intestines. Peas are no exception. It is this characteristic of him that makes you think about whether it is worth eating peas (in particular, pea soup) with HS? After all, despite the danger of bloating in the mother and baby, it is very useful.

What is useful peas?

Peas are rich in useful substances:

  • It contains a lot of lysine. Lysine has an anti-inflammatory effect. It increases the body's resistance to various viruses. In addition, thanks to lysine, normal absorption of calcium by the human body is ensured, which is very important for women in the postpartum period, as well as for their newborn babies.
  • Peas contain cystine, which has a beneficial effect on lactation in women, stimulating the production of oxytocin.
  • Peas are rich in vitamin B6, it takes part in the metabolism of amino acids. The lack of this vitamin is reflected in the skin of a person: it becomes dry, dermatitis appears, jams on the lips, bruises under the eyes. In children under one year old, with a lack of vitamin B6, leg cramps appear.
  • There is a lot of selenium in peas, which increases immunity and strengthens overall human health.
  • Peas, like other legumes, are high in protein. Its composition is similar to meat.

From the foregoing, it is clear that all those useful material, which are contained in peas, are simply necessary for the body of a mother who has just given birth and her child. But there are some points to consider.

Peas in very rare cases cause allergies. Therefore, its main drawback is different: after its use, increased gas formation and bloating are observed. In small children, these processes cause intestinal colic. For this reason, a breastfeeding mother should stop drinking pea soup immediately after giving birth.

When can you eat pea soup while breastfeeding? The bean ban doesn't last forever. At about 3 months of a baby's life, mom can try pea soup. And, if the baby reacts normally, it can be introduced into regular use.

Some women claim that they ate pea soup earlier than 2-3 months after giving birth, and at the same time their children calmly endured acquaintance with this product. Everything is explained individual characteristics each child individually. One child has a more developed enzyme system, while the other has a more sensitive and vulnerable body. The mother of a child who regularly suffers from colic is not recommended to eat pea soup up to 3.5 - 4 months. It'll be even better if she puts it off. lovely dish up to 6 months of age. And the mother of a healthy, calm baby can try to introduce pea soup into her diet at 2 months.

Rules for the introduction of peas in the mother's menu:

  • For the first time, try no more than 1 teaspoon of just boiled peas (not pea soup) in the morning.
  • Within 2 days, monitor the behavior of the baby: did he become restless, how did he sleep, did he experience pain in the tummy, did he have constipation, or something else. Any of these symptoms will indicate the need to give up peas up to 6 months of the baby's life. If there is no negative reaction, try a couple more times during the week. boiled peas doubling the dose. Next, you can already eat a simple pea soup.
  • The dish should be prepared from dry cereals, because. fresh peas worse digested by the body.
  • For the first time, do not cook concentrated soup, there should not be a lot of peas.
  • In no case do not add smoked meats to the soup.
  • If the baby responds normally to a pea dish, then you can use it with HS 1-2 times a week.
  • After six months of a baby's life, dishes from fresh peas can also be introduced into the mother's diet.


Easy Pea Soup Recipe

Pea soup for a nursing mother can be prepared in different ways. Here is one of the good and easy recipes.

Ingredients: 200 grams of dried peas, 0.5 chicken breast, 4-5 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 3.5 liters of water, salt, bay leaf.

Preparation: Soak the peas in water overnight. Drain the water in the morning. Pour peas with 1 liter of water and put on fire. After boiling, cook the peas over low heat for 40-60 minutes until it softens. At this time, you need to cook the broth. Boil the meat in 2 liters of water. Remove the cooked meat from the pan and chop. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, chop the onion. Send all the vegetables to cook in the broth, add boiled peas to them. Salt the dish and cook it until it becomes soft vegetables. At the end, you can turn the soup into a puree soup using a blender.

Video recipe for pea soup in a slow cooker

Summing up

Pea soup is a very tasty and healthy dish. Lactation is the period when this product should be used with caution. Due to its ability to cause increased flatulence, it is not recommended to eat it for nursing mothers up to 3 months. When breastfeeding, it is advisable to cook soup from dry peas and in a lower concentration than in traditional recipes. Pea porridge is not recommended until the newborn has reached 4-5 months (due to the strong concentration of peas).

From regular peas you can cook many variety of dishes which will bring a lot of benefits to your body. Few people know that peas are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, as well as a faithful helper for losing weight. let's consider given plant in more detail, finding out whether it is possible to eat peas while losing weight.

As noted, there are plenty of peas. All of them are different unusual taste, as well as usefulness.

Even a superficial description of the pea is enough to make sure of its healing properties. Given leguminous plant perfectly absorbed by the body, to some extent is a fat-burning product. Peas can cure some diseases, and at the same time practically without harming the body. Everything is good in moderation - this is the main rule of successful weight loss and recovery.

Most of all, peas contain vitamins of group B. Also in small concentrations are vitamins A, E, K, PP. One small pea combines such useful elements and substances: K, Mg, P, Ca, Ch, as well as starch, fiber, nickel, selenium, etc. Thus, peas are one of the richest foods in trace elements.

Vegetable protein is also found in legumes. This makes the product one of the most nutritious, in some cases it can be compared with meat.

It should be noted that the best nutritional qualities has canned peas, not including, of course, fresh. In the dried product, some of the vitamins are lost, making peas less useful.

Peas on a diet: calories and glycemic index

Mostly low calorie. That is why there are many diets on vegetables and fruits. However, peas are an exception. 100 grams of dry product contains about 298 kcal, which is by no means a lot. However, it is worth noting the fact that the calorie content changes significantly after processing peas.

The most popular pea dish is mashed potatoes. The recipe is below. During heat treatments, and not only, the calorie content is reduced to 100 Kcal per 100 grams of product. Almost three times. Thus, you can safely use pea puree without fear for your figure. Various other ingredients can be added to the dish, but with caution, as they may be too nutritious.

The glycemic index of peas is 25 units, but this is in dry form. Fresh peas have a GI of 50. If you take Turkish fresh peas, then the index is 30.

Use peas wisely. A large amount of it can disrupt the digestive process: slow down the digestion of food, irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. An increase in the concentration of urinary salts is also possible, since peas are rich in purines. In this regard, it is not recommended to "lean" on pea dishes the elderly and those with gout. But it has been observed that regular consumption of legumes reduces the risk of developing heart disease by almost 80%!

Peas on the Kremlin diet

The Kremlin diet is one of the most popular. On the Internet there is a table of foods that are allowed during this diet. The use of shelled peas, green peas, as well as pea soup is allowed. Pea porridge will have to be abandoned.

Previously, the Kremlin diet was in some way classified: its recipe was kept secret. It is believed that this is due to the fact that such a diet was specially designed for astronauts and military personnel. But this is just guesswork.

The main feature of the diet is. Therefore, the consumption of meat, including fatty pork, is allowed, but in small quantities. Minus - you have to give up sugar, flour, potatoes and rice. It will be especially difficult without the first product, because many people like to treat themselves to a cup of tea or coffee with sugar.

How to cook boiled peas

It was noted above that properly cooked peas are the key to successful weight loss, because food processing methods directly affect calorie content. Cooking peas is not difficult, but still has its own characteristics.

The first step before cooking is to soak the peas so that they cook faster and are a little softer. This procedure should be performed only in cold water. Soaking time is about seven hours. It is ideal to leave the peas overnight. Please note, do not soak the peas for more than twelve hours, as they may turn sour.

If you want bright pronounced odor pea dishes, then soaking is not necessary.

Boiled water will be a signal for cooking peas: it should be at least. If there is a lot of liquid left, then open the lid of the pan even more to speed up the evaporation process. But in no case do not increase the gas - this can only spoil everything.

You need to salt the peas at the end of cooking, and not at the beginning. So the porridge will cook faster. Salt is known to attract water. Therefore, the water will boil away more slowly.

For better taste, you can add a little to the pan butter. And if you drop vegetable, the cooking process will speed up.

Pea mash

Variations pea puree a bunch of. Let's take a look at the most interesting ones.

For cooking savory puree you will need:

  • a glass of peas;
  • several glasses of water;
  • small carrots;
  • dill, parsley and other herbs to decorate the dish;
  • clove of garlic;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt.

The preparation is the following.

  1. Rinse the peas and then soak for half a day.
  2. Pour the beans running water, and put on the stove, setting the maximum fire. When the water boils, the fire should be reduced. Don't forget to open the lid.
  3. If you are cooking old pea, add after an hour of cooking half a teaspoon of soda. So it will melt faster.
  4. Cooking takes approximately two hours, but may take longer. If in doubt about the readiness of the dish, add a glass hot water, leaving on low heat for another twenty or thirty minutes. At the end, you can cover the dish with a lid so that the porridge “reaches” the desired softness due to its own temperature. Then it remains only to ceiling.
  5. Using a blender or coffee grinder, grind pre-peeled vegetables (carrots, garlic and parsley). You can also use a meat grinder for these purposes.
  6. Next, pour some dressing into mashed potatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Also drizzle with oil.

Pea porridge on a diet

Few people know, but pea porridge It's the same puree. Having considered spicy porridge, we would like to introduce you to Bulgarian pea puree.

The ingredients are:

  • three glasses of peas;
  • a few pieces of carrots;
  • two bows;
  • five potatoes;
  • ten tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Cooking instructions are as follows.

  1. As in previous recipe, peas need to be washed and soaked.
  2. Install first big fire for cooking, after boiling the water, reduce it.
  3. In the meantime, while the peas are cooking, you can do the vegetables: cut the onion into rings, and grate the carrots on a medium grater, but before that, peel the vegetables.
  4. Add oil to the peas first, and only then the cooked vegetables.
  5. Peel potatoes and cut as small as possible. Put in a bowl of porridge about an hour after you start cooking the beans.
  6. If the slide is still solid, and the water has evaporated, add a glass of liquid, but exclusively boiled.
  7. When the peas are cooked, salt the dish.
  8. Pepper the porridge if desired.
  9. Any greens, for example, parsley, are suitable as a decoration.

Light pea soup

The preparation of pea soup is carried out in several stages.

To prepare the broth you will need:

  • five liters of water;
  • two hundred grams of celery root;
  • two carrots.


  1. Peel the vegetables and then chop finely.
  2. Place in a saucepan, fill with water.
  3. Cook until done.

For the soup itself you need:

  • a glass of peas;
  • two carrots;
  • bulb;
  • a spoonful of olive oil.

The preparation is the following.

  1. Pour the peas with running water, leaving for 5-7 hours.
  2. Next, pour the cereal into the previously prepared broth.
  3. Put the pot on the fire and cook until the peas are soft.
  4. Cut carrots and onions into rings. Place the vegetables on a baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for ten minutes, no more.
  5. Ten minutes before the dish is ready, add the baked carrots and onions.
  6. All you have to do is salt and pepper the pea soup.

This dish has a low calorie content: about 60 kcal per 100 grams.

To improve taste qualities soup, you can add pieces of chicken breast during the cooking process. It contains few calories, so you don't have to worry about your figure.

canned peas for weight loss

Canned peas - for real useful product. It is in this form that it retains its beneficial properties and vitamins.

Canned beans contribute to:

  • increase immunity;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • preventing the development of hypertension;
  • improvement in cardiac performance.

Peas can be used for almost any: both medicinal and for weight loss. At dietary intake peas compensate for the lack of vitamins, especially if the food system is very tough and prohibits many foods that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Besides, canned peas dampens the feeling of hunger, as it is a nutritious product.

When buying a product, pay attention to the composition and expiration date, because there will be no benefit from low-quality peas, even if not expired.

calories canned peas is 53 kcal per 100 grams of product. This makes dishes with its use the most low-calorie. Thus, efficient and, most importantly, satisfying weight loss guaranteed. However, you do not need to overeat peas, because there are contraindications that were mentioned at the beginning of the article.

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Can a nursing mother eat pea soup? Before answering this question, let's take a closer look main ingredient this dish is peas. Why is it good, bad, and how important and necessary is a woman’s body during lactation and, of course, a newly born baby.

About the benefits of peas: what is important to know

First of all, peas are interesting because they are very rich in proteins. Moreover, these proteins are similar in properties to the proteins contained in meat. Peas contain such amino acids necessary for the full development of the body as cystine and tryptophan, lysine and methionine. Why do breastfeeding mothers need them?

  • Cystine - is part of the hormones insulin and somostatin, as well as immunoglobulins; contributes to the activation of cleansing processes in the body when exposed to polluted air and chemicals.
  • Tryptophan is an amino acid that converts to serotonin, which provides the body with the ability to mentally relax, thus exhibiting anti-stress activity.
  • Lysine - needed by the body for full physical development, normal growth and recovery processes in tissues, as well as for the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. In addition, this substance has an antiviral effect. In addition, lysine promotes the absorption of calcium and its transport to the bones.
  • Methionine - is a component of one of the main "building materials" in human body. Therefore, the consumption of products containing methionine is simply necessary. Moreover, this amino acid itself comes to a person only with food.

However, that's not all! Peas contain pyridoxine, which is directly involved in the breakdown and synthesis of the amino acids mentioned above. A lack of pyridoxine can cause seizures and the development of dermatitis.

Selenium is also found in peas. We can say that the vegetable is rich in this trace element. Selenium is useful and necessary because it is part of an enzyme that has a powerful antioxidant effect.

And selenium helps to strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency, prevents the development cardiovascular diseases, necessary for the liver, protects against poisoning.

It is also known that it is with the participation of selenium that most of human energy. Many women are prescribed selenium as a dietary supplement while breastfeeding.

Can a persimmon be given to a nursing mother during lactation?

So can mom eat pea soup while breastfeeding?

Peas and allergies in a baby

Do peas cause allergies? Experts note that pea allergy is the exception rather than the rule. And it is extremely rare in breastfed babies.

Nevertheless, peas (like any other new product for a child) a nursing mother should gradually introduce into her menu, carefully observing the reaction of the crumbs and, of course, her body. Well, if you have any suspicions or concerns, it is best to consult with the pediatrician of the child, who is well acquainted with his body.

Pea soup for mom and baby gaziki: myth or truth

Is it true that if a nursing mother eats pea soup, then the child will certainly be tormented by gaziki?

Indeed, for certain reasons, when eating peas (and legumes in general), gases are formed in the intestines somewhat more than usual. But the excess of the level of gases:

  • firstly, it is not critical;
  • second, significant vitamin reserve, which replenishes our body as a result of eating peas and legumes, brings where more benefit than harm from the formation of gases;
  • and, finally, thirdly, in our case, during breastfeeding, gas discomfort is more related to the maternal organism, and not to the child.

How to cook pea soup for a nursing mother?

The easiest recipe ever! For soup you will need peas (preferably chopped), onion, carrots, salt, herbs, butter.

Before you start cooking, peas should be thoroughly washed. Then soak it for a few hours.

If you are going to cook the soup in the morning, then you can soak the peas overnight.

The soaked and washed peas are poured into boiling water so that there is three times more water than the peas themselves (otherwise porridge will turn out).

Special status of oatmeal while breastfeeding

I must say that after soaking, pea soup will cook for only 40 minutes. Somewhere in the middle of cooking, add chopped onion to the pan, put one bay leaf, salt to taste.

5 minutes before readiness, put in the soup chopped and poached on vegetable oil carrot. It's better to rub it on coarse grater and keep in the pan until soft. But in any case, do not fry! Such carrots will give the taste of softness and tenderness. And, if you know, it is from such carrots that carotene is well absorbed.

Finely chopped greens (preferably dill) add a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

You will see that the soup is ready when the peas are completely boiled, and the dish itself has acquired the consistency of a medium thick slurry.

Pea soup prepared in this way for mommy while breastfeeding should really please. As you can see, it does not traditional potato, which means no extra calories, no increase in blood sugar levels.
