
Recipe boiled peas. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value

Peas belong to vegetables from the legume family, the benefits of which have been appreciated since ancient times. Archaeological discoveries have confirmed that this vegetable has been known for hundreds of years before our era. Having spread in ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, India and China, it came to Europe. At the beginning, it was used as animal feed, and then it was evaluated by man and included in the diet. Only a few centuries ago it began to be consumed in its unripe form. Since then, widely used in this form, green peas have found wide use in cooking. Due to their low calorie content, green pea dishes are often included in the diet of people on a strict diet.

Freezing and canning are the main ways to extend the shelf life of this product.

What are green peas made of?

Despite the fact that green peas in most cases do not play a major role in culinary dishes, it is worth remembering that these small green balls are a food rich in nutrients and low in calories. The benefit of peas is to supply the body with a large amount of protein.

Unripe green peas contain much more useful properties and have a lower calorie content, unlike mature varieties. Peas are a source of beta-carotene, vitamins C, D, K, as well as B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. It also contains a large amount of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, cobalt, iodine, magnesium and folic acid. Another advantage of peas is that it has a low calorie content and is very easy to digest.

Useful properties for the body

Hated by many people as children, these little green balls have amazing health benefits. Green peas, as they belong to the legume vegetable family, are high in protein, and at the same time are a low-calorie dietary product, but their beneficial properties do not end there, because:

  • The fiber contained in green peas keeps the digestive system working properly, which improves the result of the weight loss process.
  • It is an excellent source of antioxidant vitamins A, C and E.
  • Green peas contain nicotinic acid, which is known to be beneficial in lowering cholesterol (consumption of half a glass of peas a day for 2 months can reduce bad cholesterol by 30%).
  • Green peas are an iron-rich product, regular consumption of green peas reduces tiredness and fatigue and, most importantly, eliminates the risk of anemia. Moreover, iron is a very important component that takes part in the flow of oxygen from the lungs to the cells of the whole body.
  • In the composition of green peas, you can also find a salt of folic acid (folian), which is necessary for the proper synthesis of DNA inside cells. So, if you are pregnant, eat plenty of green peas - it will bring many benefits to your health and the health of your baby!
  • The presence of vitamin B6 and folic acid have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system by reducing the accumulation of an amino acid known as homocysteine. Homocysteine ​​is considered a risk factor for the development of plaque changes and thrombotic complications.
  • Green peas improve metabolism, cleanse the body of toxins and carcinogens, improve intestinal health and intestinal motility, reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disorders and colon cancer. Peas contain a significant amount of antioxidant vitamins that help reduce the risk of gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Due to the high content of vitamins K, B1, B3, B6 and folic acid, they are an excellent dietary basis for strengthening bone mass, and can prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
  • Affects the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism - fresh peas should be consumed by diabetics, but in reasonable quantities.
  • May prevent nerve diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Green peas act as an antidepressant, have a positive effect on mental health, and reduce the risk of melancholy.
  • Eating green peas will speed up immune system functions, improve eyesight, add energy, and stabilize blood sugar levels.

How many calories are in green peas?

The calorie content of green peas per 100 g of the product is only 76 calories.

Nutritional value per 100 gr:

  • Energy value - 76 kcal;
  • Fiber - 6.0 g;
  • Protein - 6.7 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 17 g.

Despite the fact that peas are a low-calorie food, they increase the feeling of satiety. Therefore, it should appear on the plates of everyone who cares about their figure.

Fresh peas must be in the diet of children and adolescents.

Peas harvested at the stage of milk maturity, when the seeds are already fully formed, but still soft and juicy, contain a high percentage of healthy sugars. Sweet pea varieties have great benefits for athletes and people with an active lifestyle - they supply the body with energy, support body regeneration, and help cope with physical stress.

Healing recipes with green peas

The benefits of fresh green peas are known in the treatment and prevention of many human ailments.


For heartburn attacks, a few fresh pea seeds soaked in water will help. Seeds should be thoroughly washed in clean water.

Increase sexual desire, stimulate bile secretion

Systematically consume several tablespoons of mashed peas with the addition of a large amount of onions (raw or stewed) and herbs (parsley, dill).

Prevention of coronary heart disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis

For these purposes, include in the diet a glass of fresh pods with pea seeds 4 times a week.

Dissolution of kidney stones

Pea stalks with leaves and grains are plucked during the flowering of the plant. Pour 3-5 grams of green mass with a glass of water and cook for 10 minutes. Let stand covered for half an hour, filter and drink two tablespoons 3-4 times a day for two to three weeks.

The benefit of a decoction of green pea shoots is its diuretic effect, it washes out sand and dissolves kidney stones. Before carrying out a course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor. The movement of dissolved kidney stones can cause attacks of renal colic.


From the consumption of green peas, people suffering from flatulence should refrain. People with diabetes should include in moderation in their diet - fresh green peas.


Dietary properties of peas:

Peas, once bore another name - "meat for the poor." Moreover, he wore it quite deservedly, since the composition of peas is similar to meat, and the vegetable proteins present in it are absorbed by the human body much faster than meat proteins. Due to the properties that peas have, the calorie content of this product cannot but arouse the interest of people who monitor body weight.

The undeniable benefits of peas are due to the rich set of nutrients present in each pea. First of all, these are minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, as well as their compounds.

In addition, peas contain phosphorus and iron, iodine, proteins, carbohydrates, and a number of vitamins. In the process of ripening in peas, the sugar content decreases and the amount of starch increases.

Even if you skip its beneficial properties, peas, due to their taste, are widely used in the preparation of soups, salads, main courses, and various pastries.

Peas will benefit as an auxiliary natural remedy for the prevention of anemia. Its beneficial effect on the functions of such important filters as the kidneys and liver, on the health of the cardiovascular system is proven. Regularly including peas in the diet can help to reduce weight, as it "improves" the digestive processes.

Green peas, in addition to taste, successfully removes excess fluid from the body, has an anthelmintic effect. A cosmetic recipe for disinfection, for whitening and against age spots - pea gruel. Pea grains, containing a lot of fiber, can successfully help cleanse the intestinal tract from toxins and unhealthy substances. That's how useful ordinary peas can be.

By the way, the presence of nicotinic acid in it makes peas useful for reducing cholesterol.

How many calories are in peas?

And what is the calorie content of different types of peas? But this one:

Pea calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of different types of peas is this:

Table of nutritional value of peas, per 100 grams of product:

Recipe? Recipe!

What dishes can be prepared from this product at home? Yes, many! Here is one of the easiest recipes:

Pea soup:


  • Dry peas - 1 cup
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Bacon (you can take the brisket) - 300 gr.
  • Butter and salt - to taste

Peas are poured with water (about 1.5 l) and left for about 5 hours. After that, it is boiled in the same water for 1 - 1.5 hours (depending on the variety). Peas should become soft.

The onion is peeled and finely chopped. Carrots are peeled and chopped on a coarse grater. Then they are sauted together - in butter. They are combined with peas 15 minutes before readiness.

Bacon is cut into cubes and fried - also in butter.

A mixture of peas and vegetables is poured into a blender along with the liquid, with which it is mashed.

The mashed potatoes are poured back into the pan, the fried bacon is put there and everything is brought to a boil. Salt - to taste. And that's it! The soup is ready. You can serve us a table. We hope that the relatively low calorie content of peas in this soup will not spoil your figure.

What is useful peas for weight loss?

Is it justified to eat peas when losing weight? It is entirely justified that pea porridge is often used to organize fasting days, as well as in a variety of diets. In addition, pea porridge is not quickly absorbed by the human body, which means that a person, using it, is quickly saturated, while consuming a minimum of calories.

Peas go well in various dishes with other vegetables, and due to the significant presence of proteins in it, this product has considerable energy value, for this reason even people whose lives are filled with constant physical exertion can follow a diet. Porridge (pea) is a very satisfying dish, for this reason you will be full for a long time.

Pea diet is useful for a group of people who suffer from hypertension, anemia, anemia, as well as a variety of dermatological problems. However, you should not abuse the diet, because pea porridge can cause flatulence. The diet is also contraindicated in chronic acute diseases of the digestive tract, diabetes, gout, and so on. Alternate for weight loss with buckwheat porridge, cook diet soups.

The most popular pea dish is mashed potatoes. During heat treatments, and not only, the calorie content of peas is reduced by almost three times. Thus, you can safely use pea puree without fear for your figure. Various other ingredients can be added to the dish, but with caution, as they may be too nutritious.

To make pea puree you will need:

  • a glass of peas;
  • several glasses of water;
  • small carrots;
  • dill, parsley and other herbs to decorate the dish;
  • clove of garlic;
  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt.


Rinse the peas and then soak for half a day.

Fill the beans with running water, and put on the stove, setting the maximum fire. When the water boils, the fire should be reduced. Don't forget to open the lid.

If you are cooking old peas, add half a teaspoon of soda after an hour of cooking. So it will melt faster.

Cooking takes approximately two hours, but may take longer. If there is any doubt about the readiness of the dish, add a glass of hot water, leaving it on low heat for another twenty or thirty minutes. At the end, you can cover the dish with a lid so that the porridge “reaches” the desired softness due to its own temperature. Then it remains only to ceiling.

Using a blender or coffee grinder, grind pre-peeled vegetables (carrots, garlic and parsley). You can also use a meat grinder for these purposes.

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Peas belong to the legume family. This unpretentious plant is grown both in warm Asian countries and in the countries of Northern Europe. Peas have a high nutritional value and are well suited for vegetarian dishes.

Boiled peas retain all the nutritional properties of fresh peas, except for vitamin C. 100 g of peas contain vitamins K (67.5% of the daily requirement), E (14%), thiamine (47%), pantothenic acid (40%), vitamin PP ( 13%), riboflavin (9%), folic acid (9.3%). The mineral composition of peas is very diverse. The predominant elements are boron (957% of the daily requirement), vanadium (375%), nickel (160%), molybdenum (120%), copper (69%), potassium (50%), manganese (64%), zinc (33%), iron (38%), selenium (20%), chromium (18%), magnesium (17%). At the same time, peas have the ability to accumulate the toxic elements lead and strontium. Also, phytosterols (246%), fiber (102%), amino acids, especially isoleucine (48%), valine (47%), arginine (34%) are present in large quantities in peas.

Beneficial features

Peas contain the polyphenolic compound coumistrol. It has been proven to protect against stomach cancer. In addition to coumestrol, peas contain many other antioxidants and phytonutrients that prevent the appearance of cancer.

Vitamin E and zinc have anti-inflammatory properties. These substances reduce the risk of developing chronic inflammation in the body, which often causes diabetes. A large amount of fiber and protein stabilize blood sugar levels, so pea dishes are useful for patients with diabetes.


For cooking, you can use both fresh and dried peas. Fresh peas are available for a very limited period, so dried peas are more commonly used in cooking. To prepare soups, peas must first be soaked for 4-6 hours, preferably overnight. During cooking, the peas increase in size several times and form a foam that must be skimmed off. Boil the peas until softened, about 1-2 hours. It is better to salt at the end - fresh peas are cooked faster.

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Pea is a herbaceous plant that is part of the legume family. It is grown as a food or fodder crop and is a pod containing pea seeds.

There are two main types for cultivation - sugar and shelling. The first is entirely used as food along with the shell. And the second is grown only for the sake of green peas, which are well suited for canning. Both sugar and hulled beans contain a lot of healthy protein, which is easier and faster to digest than meat, so it is very common in vegetarian dishes. More often, peas are cooked as a side dish, but they are also added to pastries, salads, first and second courses.

Calorie content for different types of cooking

Peas are eaten fresh or boiled, and for longer preservation they are dried, frozen or canned. Young beans from the garden, while still raw, have 74 kcal per 100 g, it can be added to salads or consumed on its own. In a dry state, whether they are whole peas, chopped or in the form of cereals, they have 298 kcal per 100 g, and boiled in water contain 60 kcal. Boiled yellow peas make delicious cereals, mashed potatoes or soups. Calorie content of frozen peas - 72 kcal, and canned - 50. b

In the fried state, the calorie content of the product will increase significantly and will be 170 kcal per 100 g.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

The chemical composition of peas is quite diverse. It is rich in easily digestible protein with a high-quality set of amino acids, essential carbohydrates (sugar), fiber, vitamins, macro and microelements. Fiber does not provide the body with energy, but it shortens the stay of food in the stomach and helps to cleanse the intestines. Amino acids comprehensively improve the functioning of the body, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. And vitamins affect the well-being of a person, controlling carbohydrate metabolism, as well as fat and amino acid. In addition, they affect the processes of oxidation in tissues.

Peas, fresh or frozen, contain: 5.2 g protein, 0.15 g fat, 13.6 g carbohydrates. In canned form - 3.6 g of protein, 0.13 g of fat, 9.9 g of carbohydrates. Dried and shelled: 20 g protein, 2 g fat, 53 g carbohydrates. Boiled - 5.9 g of protein, no fat, 9 g of carbohydrates.

Energy value of popular dishes

There are a lot of recipes with peas, there are more satisfying and, conversely, lighter ones. Any gourmet and a person who monitors his health can choose for himself exactly the dish that will suit him. But when cooking, you should take into account that dishes with peas have different calorie content, and this is very important for people who are losing weight.

Calorie content of dishes per 100 grams:

  • soup - about 66 kilocalories, but if you add meatballs or various smoked meats to it, then the calorie content will increase to 104;
  • hodgepodge "City", to which several meat options are added, 90 kilocalories;
  • sausage, which also includes beets, garlic, coriander, has 267 kilocalories;
  • chicken porridge has a calorie content of 93 kilocalories;
  • pea puree with champignons - 140 kilocalories;
  • vinaigrette with green peas - 72 kilocalories;
  • pea cutlets - 650 kilocalories.

Please note that the calorie content is approximate, as variations in recipes may vary.

Should I include it in my weight loss diet?

For those who seek to reduce weight, there is a pea diet, in which it is provided to replace one meal with a dish from this product (soup, mashed potatoes or porridge). Of course, you should choose those recipes that require a minimum number of calories in the finished version. However, this does not mean that you can afford more in relation to other foods. Pea porridge is quickly saturated, and it takes longer to digest, so the body receives useful substances and remains in a state of satiety for a long time. Peas also go well with fresh vegetables, which allows you to diversify the menu and make dishes healthier and tastier.

An important feature of this bean product is that when dieting, it helps the body to get rid of excess fluid, thereby preventing swelling. Increased metabolism is another merit of peas, thanks to which it helps to speed up fat burning.

And it is not surprising that athletes often use green peas in their diet, charging their body with energy for a long time.

But it should be noted that the bean diet is contraindicated for people who are prone to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thrombophlebitis, diabetes, gout, kidney disease. And for those who want to try a pea-based diet, you should know that it does not lose its properties in any form - canned or dry. But for better absorption, beans must be soaked for 12–24 hours before cooking. This will neutralize phytic acid, which by its nature significantly reduces the benefits of the finished product.

You will learn more about peas in the following video.

Dried peas are saturated with B and A vitamins and ascorbic acid. It contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium.

The calorie content of peas boiled in water per 100 grams is 59.8 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 5.9 g protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 9.1 g of carbohydrates.

Boiled peas are enriched with vitamins B, A, E, C, PP, sulfur minerals, magnesium, potassium, iodine, sodium, calcium, chlorine. With the regular consumption of such dishes, the work of the heart and blood vessels is normalized, metabolism is accelerated, blood pressure is lowered, cholesterol is reduced in the blood, and the intestines are cleansed of toxins.

Calorie boiled peas in mashed potatoes per 100 grams

Calorie content of boiled peas in the form of mashed potatoes per 100 grams is 35.4 kcal. In 100 g of the dish:

  • 2.15 g protein;
  • 0.19 g fat;
  • 6.8 g of carbohydrates.

In addition to peas, potatoes, spices, salt, carrots, and onions are added to the puree. The dish is saturated with vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system.

Calorie content of green peas per 100 grams

The calorie content of fresh green peas per 100 grams is 74 kcal. 100 g of peas contains:

  • 5.2 g protein;
  • 0.15 g fat;
  • 13.6 g of carbohydrates.

The product is saturated with essential protein, useful vegetable sugars, easily digestible vegetable fat. It contains a lot of vitamins B, PP, essential amino acids. If you do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, be sure to include green peas in your diet.

Calorie content of canned peas per 100 grams

Calorie content of canned peas per 100 grams is 55.7 kcal. In 100 g of product:

  • 3.58 g protein;
  • 0.13 g fat;
  • 9.9 g of carbohydrates.

Canned peas help lower cholesterol levels, improve bone health, prevent the development of oncology, and are an effective tool for preventing anemia. With regular use of this product, the work of the nervous system is normalized, immunity is increased.

Calorie fried peas per 100 grams

The calorie content of fried peas per 100 grams is quite large and amounts to 170 kcal. 100 gram serving contains:

  • 5.1 g protein;
  • 13 g fat;
  • 8.4 g of carbohydrates.

Doctors and nutritionists do not recommend to abuse such a dish. In very limited quantities, roasted peas are allowed when losing weight and during a diet. It should be abandoned with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes of the stomach and intestines. When overeating with fried peas, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation and other disorders in the digestive tract occur.

The benefits of green peas

The following benefits of green peas have been proven:

  • the product is saturated with citric and oxalic acids, which are necessary for kidney stones and sand;
  • the diuretic properties of green peas make it possible to use it with a tendency to edema;
  • the product is enriched with fiber, which stimulates the work of the stomach and intestines, removes toxins from the body;
  • minerals and vitamins of green peas are beneficial for the health of the heart, blood vessels, provide effective prevention of blood clots and hypertension;
  • legumes contain a lot of iodine and iron - minerals that prevent anemia;
  • with regular consumption of legumes, metabolism is restored, the aging process of the body is inhibited, and a powerful antioxidant effect is exerted;
  • peas normalizes fat metabolism, lowers the level of bad cholesterol;
  • green peas due to the large amount of B vitamins are useful for stimulating the brain.

Harm of green peas

From the use of green peas should be abandoned when:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • with a tendency to bloating and flatulence;
  • diagnosing diseases of the gallbladder and ducts, as well as the pancreas.

To eliminate the "bloating" properties of peas, it should be soaked in water before boiling for 12 hours.
