
Recipes for rolled oats cutlets: lean and with meat. Cutlets made from rolled oats and bouillon cubes

Have you ever tried making rolled oatmeal cutlets? Would you say that this is only acceptable for vegetarians and fasting believers? But I don’t agree. (Although, of course, for those who observe fasts, this is an excellent option.)

However, if you have never tried such cutlets before, and you are given them to taste with your eyes closed, then I think few will guess what they are made from. They taste and look like meat. And most importantly, rolled oatmeal cutlets are really tasty, you can eat a lot of them to be thoroughly satisfied. But since they are much cheaper than meat ones, it’s not a pity - you can even eat a mountain. In addition, this is an excellent budget option for those times when there is no meat at home, but you want something to snack on.

Preparing rolled oatmeal cutlets is very simple - no special skills are required.

Rrolled oatmeal cutlets recipe

For two glasses of rolled oats you will need two eggs, one or two onions (depending on size), a couple of cloves of garlic and a bouillon cube (meat or chicken flavored), flour for breading.

So, to prepare the “minced meat” for these cutlets, boil two glasses of water, add a bouillon cube with the flavor you like best, and add rolled oats into this broth. Cook for five to seven minutes, stirring, until you get a fairly thick porridge. Remove from heat, cool (at this time our porridge will thicken slightly), while we finely chop the onion and garlic. In the cooled, maybe still warm, but not hot, cooked rolled oats, beat in the eggs, mix, add the onion and garlic, add a spoon or two of flour and just a little baking soda, literally on the tip of a knife. Mix thoroughly again and begin to form small cutlets, rolling them in flour. If you have cheese at home, you can put a small piece inside the cutlets; if not, it doesn’t matter, and it will be delicious. And then fry them in sunflower oil, first on one side until golden brown, and then, turning them over with a spatula, on the other.

For those who categorically do not accept bouillon cubes, I can say that even without them it turns out very edible, just don’t forget to salt the minced meat before making rolled oatmeal cutlets and add a little ground black pepper. You can also finely chop the dill and add it to the minced meat.

You don’t have to cook the porridge to get minced meat, but steam the rolled oats with boiling water overnight. Even from one glass of rolled oats, poured over a glass of boiling water in which a bouillon cube is dissolved, the next morning you will get quite a lot of base for cutlets, which you don’t need to form by hand, as in the previous case. You just do it a little differently - beat the egg into the rolled oats that have swollen overnight (if the water is not all absorbed, then squeeze out the excess), add finely chopped onion and greens. For viscosity, add a little flour, and soda for fluffiness, and place them like pancakes with a tablespoon on a hot frying pan. Turn these cutlets from one side to the other as they brown. For me, it works out even better.

I personally like to serve them with sour cream; just put a spoonful of sour cream on top of this cutlet - it’s delicious!

But my mother makes cutlets from rolled oats, using the gruel that she has left after preparing the infusion for cooking health-improving jelly. She cooks it using rolled oatmeal. In this case, after shaking the cloudy water infusion (the basis for the future jelly), the remaining softened pulp should only be rinsed a little in a colander and, after everything has drained, add all the same ingredients. The result is no less tasty cutlets, only with a slight sourness, since kefir was added for fermentation to obtain the jelly infusion.

In general, no matter how you prepare these rolled oats cutlets, they always turn out delicious.

Be sure to try making them according to one of the given recipes - and bon appetit!

There were times when my mother and I cooked these oatmeal cutlets almost every week. Back then, bouillon cubes were at the peak of popularity, so we poured a cube diluted in water over the oatmeal. Now this craze for various kinds of substitutes is fading into oblivion, everyone is trying to eat right and avoid surrogates, if they have analogues.

Therefore, I still suggest pouring oatmeal with broth, because preparing the broth is incredibly simple and quick. For vegetable broth you will need a carrot, an onion, a stalk of celery (you can take a small piece of the root), parsley root and spices according to your desire and taste. Fill it all with water (1.5 liters), let it boil and cook for about half an hour. That's it, the broth is ready. For these cutlets we only need 450 ml, the rest you can either freeze or use to make soup. But if you feel sorry for the precious time it takes to prepare the broth, then simply replace it with the same amount of water.

So, pour the hot broth or water (if you are using it) over the oatmeal. Cover the bowl with a lid and let sit for half an hour. Let the flakes absorb all the liquid and swell and reach the desired condition.

Meanwhile, wash and peel the potatoes. To chop potatoes, you can use either a blender or a fine grater.
You can also add onions or carrots to the potatoes. You can replace the potatoes with the same amount of cauliflower, which also needs to be chopped in a blender - the cutlets will be lighter.

Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth, chop finely and lightly simmer in a frying pan, adding a drop of vegetable oil and a little water.

Add potatoes, mushrooms and finely chopped dill to the rolled oats, add salt. Add spices and mix everything thoroughly.
Just make sure the cereal is completely cooled, otherwise you risk getting burned.
To help the cutlets form better, place the bowl of minced meat in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
This is more of a precaution than a guide to action. My cutlets were perfectly formed without this.


Oat flakes - 3 tbsp. (200 ml)
Vegetable broth - 450 ml
Potatoes - 2 pcs. medium size
Champignons – 100 g
Salt - to taste
Dill - 50 g
Spices - optional
Vegetable oil - to taste for frying


There were times when my mother and I cooked these oatmeal cutlets almost every week. Back then, bouillon cubes were at the peak of popularity, so we poured a cube diluted in water over the oatmeal. Now this craze for various kinds of substitutes is fading into oblivion, everyone is trying to eat right and avoid surrogates, if they have analogues.

Therefore, I still suggest pouring oatmeal with broth, because preparing the broth is incredibly simple and quick. For vegetable broth you will need a carrot, an onion, a stalk of celery (you can take a small piece of the root), parsley root and spices according to your desire and taste. Fill it all with water (1.5 liters), let it boil and cook for about half an hour. That's it, the broth is ready. For these cutlets we only need 450 ml, the rest you can either freeze or use to make soup. But if you feel sorry for the precious time it takes to prepare the broth, then simply replace it with the same amount of water.

So, pour the hot broth or water (if you are using it) over the oatmeal. Cover the bowl with a lid and let sit for half an hour. Let the flakes absorb all the liquid and swell and reach the desired condition.

Meanwhile, wash and peel the potatoes. To chop potatoes, you can use either a blender or a fine grater.
You can also add onions or carrots to the potatoes. You can replace the potatoes with the same amount of cauliflower, which also needs to be chopped in a blender - the cutlets will be lighter.

Wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth, chop finely and lightly simmer in a frying pan, adding a drop of vegetable oil and a little water.

Add potatoes, mushrooms and finely chopped dill to the rolled oats, add salt. Add spices and mix everything thoroughly.
Just make sure the cereal is completely cooled, otherwise you risk getting burned.
To help the cutlets form better, place the bowl of minced meat in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
This is more of a precaution than a guide to action. My cutlets were perfectly formed without this.

To prepare delicious and healthy oatmeal cutlets, you will need to stock up on:

  • two glasses of rolled oats
  • one glass of water
  • one bouillon cube
  • one medium sized onion
  • one egg
  • vegetable oil for frying cutlets
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream
  • 1–2 cloves garlic
  • a small bunch of any greenery you like

Parsley, dill, cilantro, and basil are perfect for oatmeal cutlets.

Cooking rolled oats

So, when all the ingredients are prepared, you can get down to business. First, boil a glass of water. Dissolve the bouillon cube completely. Pour the flakes into a deep bowl and pour hot, freshly prepared broth over them. Cover with a lid and let the oatmeal steep for 20–25 minutes. While the flakes are swelling, peel the onion and chop it finely. Fry the onion for three to five minutes in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil until slightly golden brown.

To make the cutlets more fluffy, you can add baking soda to the flakes on the tip of a knife.

Oh, cutlets, delicious!

Then add the onion to the swollen flakes and stir. You can add salt and ground black pepper to the resulting mass to taste.

The dish will be even tastier and more aromatic if you add a mixture of peppers to the rolled oats

Now start frying the cutlets. They can be formed by hand, like ordinary cutlets. Or you can use a tablespoon. Simply scoop the rolled oats into a spoon and carefully place it in a frying pan with hot oil.

To prevent rolled oats from sticking to the spoon, periodically dip it in a cup of water

Fry the cutlets for five to seven minutes. Then remove them from the pan. Your cutlets are ready.

You can eat the prepared dish in this “pure” form. But the sauce gives the cutlets a special taste. For it, it is enough to mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream with a clove of garlic passed through a press and finely chopped herbs. This sauce is best for greasing hot cutlets.

The version of rolled oatmeal cutlets is just a godsend for vegetarians or fasting people. The cutlets turn out very beautiful to look at, filling and tasty. At the same time, no one at home will guess what they are made from. My son confidently said that they were made from potatoes and chicken. When I told him that there was neither one nor the other, he was very surprised and intrigued. They can be eaten both hot and cold. To be honest, I personally like the second option.

To prepare rolled oatmeal cutlets with a bouillon cube, take the ingredients from the list. Boil water and dissolve the cube in it. By the way, you can take any cube; a mushroom cube, for example, is perfect for this dish.

Pour the broth over the oatmeal, let it swell for about 10 minutes. To be honest, I put it in the microwave for 5 minutes in the “combi” mode, and after 5 minutes it is absolutely ready.

Finely chop the onion and fry lightly in vegetable oil.

Add the fried onions to the prepared rolled oats.

Finely chop the greens and add to the rolled-onion minced meat.

Mix everything thoroughly. If you cook these cutlets outside of Lent, you can add one chicken egg.

Lightly moisten your hands with water, form cutlets, fry them on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with fresh herbs and your favorite sauce.

Rolled oatmeal cutlets with bouillon cube are ready. Enjoy!
