
How is bread good for the body? Daily consumption rates. Which bread to choose

Bread is one of the first fast foods in history, allowing you to turn last year's stale grain into a “fresh” and crispy product. It's essentially just a meal replacement that quickly fills your stomach with cheap, low-quality calories. From 30 to 50% of the proteins in bread are incapable of being digested and absorbed by the human body.

At the same time, from the point of view of nutritional composition, bread is just a high-carbohydrate dummy - high-grade white flour does not contain any high-quality proteins, vitamins or minerals. It is also important that the composition of whole grain or rye store-bought bread is 80-90% the same as that of ordinary white bread - with the exception of additives to give a different color and taste.

How do simple carbohydrates differ from complex carbohydrates, what is their daily intake and how high is the glycemic index?

Composition of white yeast bread

The composition of industrial bread usually includes: wheat flour, water, deodorized sunflower oil, yeast, salt, sugar and a complex food additive - baking improver (soy flour, calcium carbonate stabilizer, ascorbic acid) (1). For the average consumer, the detailed composition does not raise any questions. But the point, as always, is in the details.

Bread flour is a high-gluten, fiber-free flour, and an improver is a mixture of chemicals that allows you to use cheap flour and extend the shelf life of bread. It is also important that the law allows not to indicate in the composition ingredients used in production (for example, chlorine dioxide), but not present in the final product.

What vitamins are contained in bread?

Unfortunately, the benefit of modern white bread lies in only one thing - it is a source of quick and cheap calories. All ingredients in store-bought bread have undergone a multi-stage system of chemical transformations. Such bread contains virtually no vitamins or minerals (unless they were additionally added in the form of synthetic compounds).

It is also important that the phrase “premium flour” frankly misleads the buyer. This is not at all a characteristic of the high nutritional qualities of the product, it is a characteristic of the most aggressive processing of the original grain and the use of bleaching chemicals (chlorine dioxide, benzoyl peroxide and pyrosulfite). Not to mention the use of calcium carbonate.

The harm of modern bread

The recommendations of the World Health Organization allow the consumption of no more than 1.2-1.5 g of calcium carbonate per day (2) - however, it is impossible to say exactly how much of this additive is contained in a particular piece of bread. Manufacturers are not required to disclose these “details” at all, just like gluten content or even the country of origin of the ingredients.

It is also important that in most cases the source of flour for modern bread is genetically modified wheat with the highest possible gluten content, grown with the help of aggressive pesticides. The reason lies in an attempt to make the final product cheaper and more “dense” (without gluten, the bread will simply begin to crumble into pieces).

How many calories are in a piece of bread?

Depending on the type of bread, its calorie content usually varies between 210-300 kcal. 100 g of white wheat bread contains 220-230 kcal, dark rye bread contains 210-220 kcal, and bread with seeds can contain more than 300 kcal. At the same time, the calorie content of one small piece of bread (about 30-50 g) ranges from 70 to 150 kcal.

Is cutting out carbohydrates effective for weight loss and body weight loss? .

Is bread bad for your health?

It is necessary to understand that no matter how low-quality and cheap bread is, it cannot pose any health risk when consumed once (the exception is for those people who have gluten intolerance). In fact, it is not modern bread itself that is harmful, but the habit of consuming it regularly and in significant quantities.

The problem with bread is that when it enters the stomach, it swells, creating a specific feeling of fullness. The long-term habit of eating any food (including pasta and dumplings) with bread creates a kind of addiction - when a person refuses bread, it seems that he is not full at all. Which ultimately leads to.

What bread is the healthiest?

Don't be fooled by the dark color of store-bought bread - it's the same product, but with slightly different ingredients. In the composition of rye bread you will find the same wheat, but with the addition of rye - solely for taste and color qualities. Whole grain bread is also made from white flour, but with the addition of ground grain hulls.

When making flour, the grain is always ground and then sifted. Grinding premium flour completely eliminates the shell and germ of the grain, leaving only starch. If the ground hull is added back, the flour is called whole wheat flour. Despite the fact that whole grain bread contains slightly more vitamins, the situation does not fundamentally change.


Modern store-bought bread is a product of multi-stage chemical transformations, containing exclusively low-quality proteins (about 30-50% of which are gluten) and carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. At the same time, neither bread with bran, nor rye, nor whole grain bread is fundamentally different from ordinary white bread.

Scientific sources:

  1. Sliced ​​toast bread: composition,
  2. Calcium Carbonate Daily Dosage,

For many centuries, bread was not only consumed daily, but was also considered a source of saturation for the body. It was believed that it contains many beneficial vitamins and the benefits it brings to the body are irreplaceable.

Bread is a food product that is obtained by baking, frying or steaming dough. As a rule, the composition includes flour, water, salt, and in some versions also yeast.

The market provides a large selection of baked goods baked from various types of flour with the addition of various ingredients. So, in the question of which bread is the healthiest, it is worth weighing many factors.

Flour baked goods are very popular among adults and children due to their indispensability. It is an integral part of both a family dinner and a festive banquet. Many people don’t even think about the benefits and harms of bread, eating it every day. This is a convenient way to have a snack, because the same sandwich can be prepared very easily and quickly.

Naturally, bread has benefits for the body. First of all, it is the elimination of hunger. It is very difficult to work fully on an empty stomach.

Why flour is so beneficial for health and whether it is worth consuming it daily is difficult to answer. Basically, it’s just a habit: the habit of snacking on sandwiches, buying cookies, bagels or tea buns. But don’t forget about the beneficial properties of baked goods:

  • assistance in regulating metabolism;
  • influence on improving memory;
  • the presence of many vitamins, fats and minerals;
  • protein supply;
  • satisfying the feeling of hunger.

So, there is a benefit. But it’s better to be careful when choosing baked goods, and you shouldn’t overuse them. After all, it is impossible to say for sure whether bread is healthy for everyone.

There will also be those who will have to give up this delicacy almost for the rest of their lives or limit themselves to a small dose of flour. This primarily applies to people who are prone to obesity. And for those who care about the slimness of their figure, it is better to stop at bread or dietary bread, which will be the healthiest for them.

Harmful properties

How is bread harmful to the body? Could using it cause any side effects? Naturally, today it is very difficult to find a food product that is completely healthy for humans. Products made from flour, like other products, along with their positive properties, also have a number of harmful ones.

For example, fresh bread is poorly processed, since due to rolling into lumps, it is poorly saturated with gastric juice. Hot baked goods are several times more harmful than cooled ones; they can even disrupt the functioning of the digestive system.

A soft flour product does not require a thorough chewing process, so it is swallowed in lumps. As a result, the intestines act as a distillation apparatus in which the fermentation process occurs, and this is the best environment for the proliferation of microbes. From this we can conclude why freshly baked bread is harmful.

It is not easy to answer unequivocally whether bread is healthy or harmful. The answer depends on both the cooking method and the ingredients:

  1. Yeast, due to its rapid reproduction, can inhibit intestinal microflora;
  2. Flour: during its production, all the vitamins of the grain are lost, and only starch remains;
  3. Additives are so-called “auxiliary” products, the presence of which is not always indicated on the packaging;
  4. Eggs and milk are sources of hormones of unnatural origin;
  5. Salt adds stickiness to even the lowest quality flour.

The main harmful properties of bread are its calorie content and a large number of additives. It is also worth remembering that flour is harmful due to its gluten content, which not only affects weight gain, but can also cause allergies.

Crackers: benefits and harms

Crackers are dried slices of bread alone or with the addition of raisins, sesame seeds and poppy seeds. They are a product that is very rich in fiber, phosphorus, iron, potassium and magnesium. They also contain a lot of easily digestible carbohydrates.

The main positive difference between crackers and fresh baked goods is that they are not capable of causing flatulence, which is very important for older people. Rusks help the body regain strength in the postoperative period. They will be a good analogue of bread for those who want to lose weight.

But along with their positive properties, crackers can also cause harm. Abuse of the product can cause serious problems and negatively affect intestinal function. There are crackers of various types, shapes and tastes on sale. The taste of crackers is given by flavorings or stabilizers, which negatively affect the condition of the human body.

Diet bread

The breads are very popular. Their use helps remove toxins and normalize intestinal function. Several types of bread are known. The most popular ones include:

  1. Buckwheat: have a good effect on the absorption of food, saturate for a long time, stimulate secretion. Useful for diabetics, as well as for people losing weight.
  2. Wheat bread is rich in fiber and goes well with first and second courses. Serve as an excellent snack for those losing weight.
  3. Rye helps remove waste and toxins from the body. Used for weight loss purposes.

The calorie content of the bread is almost the same as that of regular bread. But they can bring much more benefits, because... prepared without yeast and only from whole grain flour.

There are contraindications only for people who have an individual intolerance to the product.

For weight loss

Completely avoiding baked goods can have a detrimental effect on your health. Once you are determined to eat right, you should just give up wheat loaves and rolls, because wheat flour loses almost all its beneficial substances after processing.

It is harmful for the body to eat bread whose ingredients have undergone long technical processing.

Losing weight consumers are better off focusing on whole grain bread or products with added bran. Bran will fill the body with energy and satisfy the feeling of hunger for a while. And baked goods made from whole grain flour will become a treasure trove of nutrients and vitamins for the body.

In pursuit of a slim body when consuming baked goods, it is worth remembering a few simple rules:

  • consume only a couple of slices a day, and in the first half of the day;
  • give preference to products prepared without adding yeast;
  • Avoid products based on wheat flour.

Types of bread: benefits and harm to the body

WhiteHigh carbohydrate content.Due to the high amount of starch it contains, it leads to an increase in blood sugar levels.
  • Is a source of fiber;
  • contains lysine, vitamins and essential amino acids;
  • promotes the removal of carcinogens.
Difficult to digest, therefore it is contraindicated for ulcer sufferers and people who suffer from high acidity of the body.

It is a transitional species from white to black.

  • Helps remove excess cholesterol from the body;
  • source of fiber, phosphorus and iodine;
  • affects the content of insulin, which is responsible for blood sugar levels.
The sharp edges of the grain can damage the intestinal mucosa.
Yeast-free rye
  • Stops bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • contains protein that is easily absorbed by the body.
Due to its high acidity, it is contraindicated for people with ulcers, as well as people who suffer from gastritis or heartburn.
With bran
  • Contains dietary fiber that promotes the removal of toxins;
  • prevents constipation;
  • helps increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.
Rich in carbohydrates, although to a lesser extent than other varieties.
PitaA real dietary product, properly prepared. Has good nutritional value.May be harmful if used incorrectly.

The undisputed leader is bran bread. It is a natural absorbent. Coarse fibers help remove excess substances from the intestines. Naturally, it is not as soft as a wheat loaf, and not as spicy in taste as black bread.

Bakery products with added bran are useful for people who have skin problems, fungal diseases, and allergies.

Correct choice and use

In order not to harm the body, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. The selected product must not have any visible damage;
  2. The product must have a natural color;
  3. The loaf should not have black soot, which contains carcinogens;
  4. It is important to pay attention to the expiration date, composition and manufacturer (must be indicated on the packaging);
  5. You should not eat bread that is moldy, has a bad smell, or is poorly baked;
  6. You should not make large stocks of flour products;
  7. The crust is much healthier than the crumb;
  8. When consuming fatty foods, broths or seafood, it is better to give preference to a piece of rye;
  9. It is better to eat potatoes and meat dishes without bread;
  10. Yesterday's loaf is much healthier than freshly baked loaf;
  11. It is better to consume bread products in the first half of the day in small portions.

Flour varieties

The source of usefulness of bread is its main ingredient – ​​flour. There are many types of flour, they have their pros and cons.

1 LinenA dietary product that is indispensable for fast and proper weight loss.No side effects.Used to thicken sauces and soups.
2 SoyIt is a record holder among other types of flour for fiber content, and also contains substances that actively remove toxins.Abuse can lead to reproductive dysfunction.Additive to stews and seafood.
3 RyeContains a large amount of amino acids, recommended for diabetics.No side effects.An ideal type of flour for baking, the dough is ideal without the use of yeast.
4 CornAn easily digestible flour variety rich in vitamin B.It undergoes long-term processing, as a result of which it becomes of little use.Used for casseroles and breading.
5 OatmealThe fattest type of flour increases the level of serotonin in the body, improves digestion, while being low-calorie.No side effects.Porridge, pancakes and cookies.
6 AmaranthThanks to its unique composition, it has a positive effect on the immune system. Gluten-free product.Not recommended for allergy sufferers.Similar to any other flour.
7 BuckwheatRecommended for obesity, allergies, diabetes. Helps reduce the risk of constipation.No side effects.Added to baked goods and pancakes
8 RiceContains a lot of phosphorus. Reduces the need to consume fats and sugar.No side effects.It is the basis of many dishes due to its beautiful snow-white appearance.
9 PeaRich in protein, contains no cholesterol.No side effects.Added to soups and baked goods.
10 Whole grainContains iron and manganese.May contain pesticides, metals and harmful substances.Used for baking.

It’s not for nothing that they say that bread is the head of everything. It is used in folk medicine to treat sore throat or insomnia. It saturates adults and children for a long time.

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Bread is, without exaggeration, the most popular product, without which most of us cannot imagine our diet. For centuries, people have eaten bread without doubting its benefits. Perhaps, until recently, you also did not think about the dangers of bread. So what has changed? Why should we doubt the benefits of bread that ate many generations of our ancestors? And... the bread itself has changed. And now, unlike past centuries, it makes sense to think about the benefits and harms of bread.

And perhaps reconsider your attitude to the choice of bread.


The benefits and harms of bread: why bread is popular.

Bread, although it has changed in its composition, is nevertheless something of a symbol of food. Many people heard in childhood that you should not throw away bread. For the older generation, bread has a certain super-value, the status of something almost sacred. Therefore, the very idea that bread is harmful seems almost blasphemous.

But let's leave tradition and talk about convenience. Agree, we often act out of habit. And if this habit makes our life easier in some way, it is not at all easy to part with it. Bread with butter and cheese or with sausage is a delicious food familiar from childhood, satisfying and as easy as possible to prepare. Bread is eaten for breakfast, in the form of sandwiches, for lunch, and for dinner. What to take with you to work? What should I give my child to school? Bread with something is the most common and quick option. And varied - after all, you can put a variety of foods on bread. And the bread itself can be different - wheat, rye, wholemeal bread, low-calorie bread, with raisins and nuts, in the form of loaves, bagels and buns. In addition, it is convenient to carry with you and eat in any conditions, without a plate or fork-spoon.

  1. benefits of bread: ease and minimal preparation time for sandwiches,
  2. benefits of bread: a variety of sandwich recipes and a variety of types of bread,
  3. benefits of bread: Convenient to take to school, work, on the road and eat in any conditions.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with health - we have not yet talked about the health benefits and harms of bread. But now we understand why bread is so popular.

The benefits and harms of bread: the composition of bread.

As we already mentioned, bread is a traditional food. And not expensive. Because of this, it is classified as “simple” food, which in the minds of the majority is equal to natural, and therefore healthy food. In fact, modern store-bought bread is by no means a simple or natural food.

Simple bread could be called simple if high-quality (not treated with chemicals) flour, purified water and natural leaven (which has nothing in common with industrial yeast) were used for its preparation.

Let's look at what modern store-bought bread is made from. It includes:

As you can see, store-bought bread is far from a simple and natural product, which is not in its favor. Let's talk separately about all the components of bread. I specifically put yeast at the end of the list - so to speak, I left the most important “for a snack”.

The benefits and harms of bread - refined flour.

What is refined flour, which is used to make many types of bread, and what is its harm?

The process of refining flour is the removal of so-called “ballast substances” from cereals, which, in fact, are the most useful components of the grain.

To begin with, the grain germ, the biologically active part of the plant, is removed from whole grains. The benefits of the grain germ are undoubted; it contains concentrated vitamin E and a lot of other biologically active microelements. But the germ of the grain deteriorates quite quickly, which is why it is removed first.

Then the bran is removed - the flower shell, which has always been the main source of fiber in human nutrition, and also contains B vitamins and minerals.

And finally, in the process of producing high-grade flour, the aleurone layer of grain is removed - a source of protein (albumin and globulins) valuable for our body.

What remains? In practice, pure starch (endosperm) - in small quantities, as part of whole grains, it is necessary, but its excess leads to obesity. All other valuable and vital components for our body are removed from the flour. Refined flour is just a “dummy”, which only causes harm and no benefit to our body.

The benefits and harms of bread - gluten.

In the West, the gluten-free diet is now very popular and gluten-free products take up a lot of space on supermarket shelves. Nutritionists in Russia say that allergies to gluten are very rare in practice - 1 or 2%. There are a lot of conflicting studies on this matter. So here we would suggest making decisions individually. Even if you do not suffer from a gluten allergy (celiac disease), try giving up gluten for a month and analyze the changes in your well-being - both immediately after eating and during the entire “gluten-free” period. You may like the results and want to reduce the amount of gluten in your diet.

Also, the flour is bleached to make the color of the bread attractive to customers. To bleach flour, chlorine dioxide, benzoyl and calcium peroxide, sodium pyrosulfite and other chemical compounds are used (the same substances are used in washing powders and household chemicals for disinfection and bleaching) and are even tinted with titanium oxide (titanium white). I think that comments are unnecessary here - it is unlikely that you have any doubts about what these substances bring to the final product - harm or benefit.

The benefits and harms of bread - trans fats.

Store-bought bread most often contains margarine. And it, in turn, contains up to 20% tanzhirs - modified fats that have been “manipulated.” They are not suitable for food. This fact has become widely known quite recently, since a sufficient amount of scientific research has accumulated on the effects of trans fats on the human body.

The benefits and harms of bread - eggs and milk.

Sometimes eggs and/or milk are added to bread and often to baked goods. Eggs and milk contain hormones. Also, eggs and milk contain antibiotics. You can argue about the benefits and harms of these products (for example, about the benefits and harms of milk), but they cannot be called natural (well, in fact, no one thinks that eggs from grass-fed village hens and milk from village cow grazing in a meadow).

The benefits and harms of bread - salt.

Now we will not talk about the benefits or harms of salt as such. Let's talk only about the effect of salt on the dough, and therefore its presence or absence in the list of ingredients may indicate the quality of the flour used to make the bread.

The fact is that increased doses of salt can counteract all the influences that cause the softening of gluten, the weakening of the dough and its inelasticity, and the stickiness of the crumb. Therefore, the amount of salt added to the dough is often increased if bread is baked from low-quality flour, from flour with an admixture of malt, from old, stale or damp flour.

Only when using high-quality flour can you bake bread without salt. However, the presence of salt in bread does not necessarily indicate its poor quality! But, if bread prepared without salt and any food additives has an excellent taste, then this speaks in its favor.

The benefits and harms of bread - yeast bread.

Information about the dangers of yeast bread and bakery products are gradually entering the public consciousness, which explains the appearance of yeast-free bread on sale. And yet, yeast bread is still quite popular. Moreover, even those who own a bread machine continue to use yeast to make homemade bread, which negates a significant part of the benefits of baking bread yourself. After all, the benefits or harms of bread depend not so much on where it is baked (at home or in a bakery), but on its ingredients.

But let's find out if there is any real harm from yeast and how great is it?

Blaming yeast for most health problems is based on the assumption that yeast is thermophilic - does not break down at high temperatures and then, once in the human body, multiplies there. If so, then harm from yeast bread catastrophic:

But let's return to the issue of yeast survival in bread baking. After all, it is the survival of yeast that explains almost the entire range of the problems listed above (except for the last point about the dangers of the chemical elements used in their production).

Proponents of the opinion that yeast bread is harmless claim that yeast not only does not harm, but also brings benefits. According to the opinion, benefits of yeast bread The fact is that yeast contains a lot of amino acids, B vitamins and minerals. All these elements are certainly present in yeast, you can’t find fault with that. But how easy it is for the body to absorb these substances remains questionable. If the yeast fungi did not survive during the baking of bread and were destroyed, then most likely you will be able to assimilate them. But if live yeast enters the body, then it’s still a question of who ate whom :-)

The benefits and harms of yeast bread - arguments for and against:

There is fierce debate about whether yeast and its spores die when baking bread. The arguments in favor of both theories sound logical. Some say that laboratory-bred baker's yeast (genetically modified or not) is able to survive high temperatures in the form of spores, and then, once in the body, begin to multiply exponentially. Proponents of the benefits of yeast claim that all yeast dies when baking bread and even their spores are not able to survive 98 degrees Celsius. They call thermophilic yeast surviving in extreme conditions a myth, although they do not deny the indisputable scientific fact that some microorganisms can survive at very high temperatures. So, the theoretical existence of yeast fungi that can survive the preparation of bread remains unrefuted. They also claim that yeast spores fly through the air and enter our body in any case (fungi in kefir and other products are usually mentioned here, the usefulness of which is also questionable, but this is true, by the way). This argument does not stand up to criticism at all - yes, various types of fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms constantly live in our body. The whole question is in their concentration. With any imbalance, pathogenic fungi and bacteria can cause a lot of harm (an example is candida fungus) And, if the baker's yeast used in the production of yeast bread is able to survive in extreme conditions (which may not be limited to high temperatures), then it is logical to assume that once they enter the human body they will have every chance of disrupting the delicate balance and displacing other, less resistant microorganisms.

It turns out that it is impossible to clearly prove the benefits or harm of yeast bread., if only because there is no reliable data on what kind of yeast is used in the bread industry. Theoretically, both remain possible. Although, if the yeast dies, then how to explain the fact that you can make homemade kvass from the crusts of yeast bread, but nothing will work with the crusts from sourdough bread?

By and large, it is not so important whether baker's yeast remains alive after baking or not. It is important - do yeast cause harm or benefit? I am sorry to disappoint those who were waiting for a definite answer to this question, but “the truth is more valuable” - there is no definite answer. The only thing I can offer is my personal opinion. My opinion (with which the reader has the right to disagree) is that bread prepared with baker's yeast, in any case, creates a suitable environment for the development of pathogenic flora and disruption of the acid-base balance, with all the ensuing consequences described above. And yes, after studying all the arguments about the benefits and harms of baker's yeast, I believe that fungal spores still survive in bread and this is what explains the harm of yeast bread. But this, I repeat, is my personal opinion.

And I would like to add one more thing to the question about the benefits and harms of yeast bread. Despite the fact that neither one nor the other has been proven, the possible harm of yeast bread clearly outweighs its possible benefits.

The benefits and harms of bread: wheat and rye bread.

When talking about the comparative benefits of rye and wheat bread, I do not take into account the harm of refined flour. We are talking only about bread made from wholemeal flour, since in white refined flour the amount of nutrients tends to zero.

So, if we are talking about yeast-free bread made from wholemeal flour, then which bread is preferable - white (wheat) or black (rye)?

  1. The benefits and harms of black and white bread - fiber. Black (rye) bread contains more fiber, which promotes intestinal motility and is food for beneficial microflora.
  2. - starch. The greater amount of starch in white (wheat) bread leads to a sharper increase in blood sugar after consumption. Black (rye) bread, which is also lower in calories, can be considered a more dietary product than white bread.
  3. The benefits and harms of black and white bread- vitamins and minerals. The biological value of rye bread is much higher than that of wheat. Rye bread contains vitamins A, B, E, H, as well as PP. The benefits of rye bread, as a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for our health, lie in the content of vitamins A, B, E, H, as well as PP, and micro- and macroelements such as zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, choline, iodine , manganese, fluorine, molybdenum, potassium, sulfur and others. Rye bread, compared to wheat bread, contains 3 times more magnesium and lime, 4 times more phosphorus, iron and B vitamins and 7 times more vitamin PP, and vitamin E is completely absent in white flour.
  4. The benefits and harms of black and white bread - proteins. Brown bread contains a more complete set of essential amino acids (including significantly more of the all-important lysine).
  5. The benefits and harms of black and white bread - cleansing of harmful substances. Rye bread promotes faster removal of carcinogens and other harmful metabolic products from the body. No such properties have been observed in white bread.
  6. The benefits and harms of black and white bread - acidity. Rye bread is more difficult to digest and is not recommended for high acidity, exacerbation of gastritis, or peptic ulcers.

There is also so-called “gray” bread, containing both wheat and rye flour, in different proportions, depending on the variety. It is clear that such bread in its properties is something between black and white and its benefits depend on the proportion.

The benefits and harms of bread: what kind of bread to buy.

The most harmful can be considered factory-made yeast bread made from white (wheat) refined flour, which contains food additives, vegetable oils, eggs and milk. Often such bread looks very beautiful, which does not indicate its benefits.

So, here are the criteria by which you should choose bread if you are concerned about its benefits, and not just about price and taste (however, there is no contradiction here, the healthiest bread is often the most delicious):

Harm: Benefit:
yeast bread yeast-free bread (bread with natural sourdough or various flatbreads prepared without the use of yeast)
bread made from refined flour wholemeal bread
bread made from white (wheat) flour (white bread) bread made from rye flour (rye bread)
bread, which contains a long list of food additives, various E-shek bread that does not contain food additives and various types of improvers (unfortunately, the absence of additives in the list of ingredients on the packaging does not always guarantee their actual absence from the bread)
bread containing eggs and milk bread that does not contain eggs or milk
bread that contains a lot of salt (the amount of salt is not indicated on the package, but you can taste it) bread without added salt

As a result, the healthiest bread is yeast-free rye bread, which contains only coarse rye flour (from whole grains), water and natural leaven, without adding salt.

However, even when buying such bread, you cannot be sure that it will not harm your health, since you are forced to rely on the honesty of the manufacturer.

The benefits and harms of bread: what kind of bread to bake.

The benefits of homemade bread, compared to the store, is obvious. After all, you yourself control the entire process of making bread; no one will mix harmful food additives into your dough or replace high-quality flour with stale second-grade flour.

Naturally, when choosing a recipe for baking homemade bread, you should give preference to those recipes that use wholemeal rye flour and natural sourdough. No eggs, milk, artificial leavening agents, etc.

The main difficulty when baking yeast-free bread is preparing natural sourdough. Meanwhile, there is a simple and elegant solution - bread with sparkling mineral water (meaning natural mineral water).

Recipe for yeast-free rye bread with mineral carbonated water without sourdough (option No. 1).

To make bread you will need:

  • mineral sparkling water at room temperature - about 2 glasses,
  • whole grain rye flour - 3 cups,
  • salt - half a teaspoon.

Preparing yeast-free bread:

  1. Stir in flour and salt.
  2. Gradually pour in the sparkling water while stirring the dough with your hand. There should be enough water so that the dough does not stick to your hands. Stir briefly.
  3. Form a loaf of the shape you like best.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with oil.
  5. Place the formed loaf on a greased baking sheet and make several cuts diagonally on the loaf. The cuts are needed so that during baking, when the dough begins to increase in volume, large unsightly cracks do not form.
  6. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.
  7. Bake for 70 minutes.

Video recipe for yeast-free rye bread with mineral carbonated water without sourdough (option No. 2).

Video recipe for yeast-free bread without sourdough and without soda water (option No. 3).

To bake or not to bake? It all depends on desire and availability of free time. No matter how quick and easy the recipe for making homemade bread is, buying it in the store is still easier. But the benefits of homemade bread are much greater.

The benefits and harms of bread: how and with what to eat bread.

Now, you have bought or baked the healthiest bread. Now a few words about how and with what to eat it in order to get maximum benefit and minimum harm:

  • Bread will be more beneficial if it is dried a little. Dried bread is healthier for the digestive tract, as it has less stickiness compared to fresh (especially hot) bread. However, if you've just baked a loaf of delicious homemade bread, it's unlikely you'll be able to resist eating a fresh, flavorful piece.
  • It is better not to combine bread with potatoes (this is especially true for white bread - both products contain a lot of starch).
  • With any animal products (meat, fish, butter, etc.) it is better to eat black bread than white bread.
  • Both wheat and rye bread goes well with any vegetables.
  • And, of course, never eat moldy bread.

Bon appetit!

White bread

The first bread familiar to us appeared on our table more than 7 thousand years ago thanks to the Egyptians. And since then it is difficult to imagine at least one person whose diet would not include bread. The Egyptians were the first to discover that adding yeast or sour milk made bread more tasty, fluffy and nutritious. The Greeks borrowed this bread recipe from the Egyptians, from the Greeks it came to the Romans, and by the beginning of our era the Romans had already spread their own technology for making bread throughout all the conquered territories.

In those days, bread was very expensive, and only rulers or especially influential people could afford this product on their table. In Ancient Greece, bread was considered a completely independent dish and was served separately. The richer the house and the more noble the owner, the more abundantly and generously he treated his guests to white bread.

Over time, lush and fragrant white bread became available to ordinary people. Bread was treated with reverence and healing properties were attributed to it: freshly baked bread was used to treat a runny nose, and stale bread was used to treat diseases of the stomach and intestines. It was believed that a person who ate food without bread had committed a great sin and would be punished by the gods for this. In India, criminals were punished by not giving bread for a certain time; the more serious the crime, the longer the punishment. Disrespect for bread was equated with the most terrible insult that could be inflicted on a person.

Why has everything changed today and bread, especially white bread, has been persecuted?

Over the past decade, many famous doctors and nutritionists have either spoken very badly about bread, or, following common sense, tried to be more “objective” and talked only about the dangers of white bread. We will try to figure out how justified such statements are.

It all started with a study of more than 60,000 middle-aged women. The results showed that women whose diet was dominated by white bread and white flour products suffered from diabetes mellitus three times more often than those who included foods rich in fiber and containing few easily digestible carbohydrates in their diet. The media immediately picked up this information, and white bread turned into one of the most dangerous foods for health. “Constant consumption of white bread and other products made from refined premium flour contributes to the development and exacerbation of cardiovascular, endocrine, primarily diabetes, gastrointestinal and oncological diseases”- here is an example of typical statements in the media.

According to many scientists, there are three main reasons why white bread is not recommended in your diet:

1. In white bread, instead of vitamins and microelements, only starch and calories are quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

2. White bread has a high glycemic index and immediately causes an increase in blood glucose, in response, a lot of insulin is produced and the process of fat breakdown stops.

3. White bread is low in fiber, and it slows down the absorption of sugars, supports intestinal function, lowers cholesterol, and also reduces the risk of malignant intestinal tumors.

All these arguments could be agreed with if white bread were the only product we eat, and its consumption in developed countries famous for healthy food - Italy and France - would be lower than in countries fighting obesity (England and France). USA).

Bread of different types

So why do the Italians and French, whose diets are hard to imagine without baguettes, ciabattas and croissants, continue to remain slim and healthy, while the low-carb fans of the Americans and the British suffer from obesity?

Imagine the average Italian and American. An Italian's day begins with a cup of coffee and white bread with jam. An American's day begins with the standard bacon and eggs and a mug of coffee. An Italian can afford pizza, pasta, bruschetta, crostini, grissini, ravioli and all this without much harm to the figure. An American, even if he denies himself the pleasure of eating a burger or sandwich and is satisfied with a steak and salad, will be forced to get on a treadmill to burn extra calories. There could be many reasons for this, but here are three that seem quite reasonable to me:

1. Nutrition should correspond to our lifestyle and the needs of the body.

2. The main thing is not what you eat, but how much you eat.

3. Food should be varied and no one product should occupy a dominant position on your table every day.

Sliced ​​baguette

In general, white bread is bread baked from premium flour. This flour contains mainly starch and gluten. Any products made from premium flour belong to the category of easily digestible carbohydrates, which are especially necessary for people leading a very active lifestyle. Children and athletes belong to this category of people. The former, in addition to active growth, are in constant motion, the latter need high-calorie, low-volume and well-digestible food before training and competitions. White bread perfectly suits the needs of both groups.

And black bread or wholemeal bread cannot replace it. Firstly, it is less easily absorbed by the body, especially children, and requires much more time to digest. Secondly, such bread weighs down the stomach and you fill up on it even before you have received enough calories necessary for active growth and/or vital activity.

By the way, forget about the unhealthiness of premium flour, from which white bread is baked - since the 40s, it has been additionally enriched with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. White bread is valuable precisely because of the complex of vitamins and minerals it contains. It contains a lot of calcium, which is essential for bones, vitamin B, which helps the body resist stress, and proteins that are good for hair and skin. It is white bread that helps the body absorb proteins, iron and folic acid. And the latest study conducted by the British Nutrition Foundation confirmed that white bread is not involved in obesity. The main thing to remember is that excessive consumption of anything, be it alcohol, sugar or white bread, leads to inevitable health problems. Therefore, remember our origins, treat white bread as the most expensive product, available only to the very rich and great people, and enjoy every bite.

Be healthy!

People who lead a healthy lifestyle are up in arms about all flour and bread. Where is the truth? Let's look into this issue together with a nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov in a programme “Food with or without rules”:

The fact that bread is one of the most popular food products in Russia is an indisputable fact. Perhaps that is why, along with the impressive assortment of bakery products that supermarkets offer us, a large number of private bakeries have recently opened. Most often, they are equipped with all the necessary equipment for making baked goods, so customers willingly purchase fresh, sometimes still hot, products, preferring them to store-bought ones.

The benefits of bread depend on the type of flour from which it is baked.

It has long been established that bread can be considered the main “supplier” of a huge amount of substances useful to the human body. Among them are carbohydrates, plant proteins, fiber, amino acids, and minerals. Why do quite a decent number of our contemporaries consider it a harmful product? Let's figure it out together.

Composition of bread

  • Flour (of one kind or another) is the main component of bread;
  • Water, some manufacturers add milk;
  • Yeast - leaven for dough (some types of bread are made without yeast);
  • Vegetable or animal fats, eggs, salt, sugar, spices and other additives - to improve the taste, beauty and shelf life of the product.

Table: the difference in the composition of flour depending on its type.

Compound Wheat flour - premium grade Wheat wallpaper flour Peeled rye flour
Water 14 g 14 g 14 g
Squirrels 10.8 g 11.5 g 8.8 g
Fats 1.3 g 2.2 g 1.7 g
Carbohydrates 70 g 61.5 g 62 g
Starch 70 g 60 g 61 g
Cellulose 3.5 g 9.5 g 12.5 g
Potassium 120 mg 310 mg 350 mg
Calcium 18 mg 37 mg 34 mg
Magnesium 15 mg 95 mg 75 mg
Phosphorus 85 mg 335 mg 190 mg
Iron 1.2 mg 4.7 mg 3.5 mg
Zinc 0.7 mg 2 mg 1.95 mg
Manganese 0.6 mg 2.5 mg 2.6 mg
Cobalt 1.6 mg 4 mg
Molybdenum 12.5 mg 25 mg 6.5 mg
Vitamin E 1.5 mg 3.3 mg 4.2 mg
Vitamin B1 0,17 0.40 mg 0.35 mg
Vitamin B2 0.08 mg 0.1 mg 0.13 mg
Vitamin B5 0.3 mg 0.9 mg
Vitamin B6 0.17 mg 0.33 mg 0.25 mg
Vitamin PP 3 mg 7.8 mg 2.8 mg
Calorie content 333 kcal 311 kcal 300 kcal

From the composition it is clear that the highest grade of flour is cleared of most of the useful substances, contains virtually no fiber, and is not as healthy as wallpaper and peeled varieties.

Read more about the types of flour and its choice below.

Yeast-free bread

It has enjoyed enormous popularity over the past few years, taking us back to those ancient times when our ancestors had no idea about the existence of yeast. Modern consumers are simply confident in its harmlessness, since the absence of nutritional yeast in its preparation technology provides a significant advantage over other types of baked goods. Thus, its benefits are due solely to the fact that it does not harm the digestive process. Moreover, due to its dense and coarse structure, it makes the intestines and muscles of the digestive tract work more actively, which cannot but contribute to the rapid digestion and absorption of food.

Useful qualities

If you eat only yeast-free bread, you should not be afraid of dysbiosis that occurs as a result of disturbances in the gastric and intestinal microflora. A similar reaction of the body, along with increased gas formation, can only be caused by an excessive amount of yeast in the dough. The composition of yeast-free baked goods includes only flour, special leaven, water, salt, spices and sometimes a small amount of soda to make it softer and fluffier. Therefore, it retains much more vitamins and minerals, which have a positive effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract.

Disadvantages of yeast-free bread

Unfortunately, we cannot help but note some of the disadvantages of bread made without yeast. First of all, it does not have that unique aroma that we are all used to feeling when we are inside or near a bakery. As noted earlier, most of its varieties are much harder than those prepared with yeast. In addition, yeast-free bread is significantly inferior to yeast bread in terms of volume: if you place loaves of the same weight next to each other, the yeast-free bread will be half the size of usual.

And finally, its production requires much more time and effort, so manufacturers prefer to focus on a simpler and cheaper option using dry yeast. Thus, all this negativity is rather commercial in nature.

It only remains to add that if you eat about two hundred grams of yeast-free bread a day, this will be enough to always feel cheerful and full of energy.

Rye or black bread

Rye or black bread. This is an exclusively Russian invention that has long been known throughout the world. Despite the fact that rye is native to the southern regions of Europe and Asian countries, from time immemorial there it was considered a weed that interfered with the growth of wheat and barley. And only Russian farmers saw the invaluable benefits in it, learning to use it to make luxurious baked goods. As a result, in the Middle Ages, rye began to be grown throughout almost the entire territory of Russia, and rye bread became part of the daily diet of almost all segments of the population. By the way, some historians and doctors are inclined to believe that it was thanks to this product that our ancestors never knew about the existence of such a disease as vitamin deficiency.

Composition of rye bread

So, the composition of rye bread, which is logical, necessarily includes rye flour. It has a slightly darker shade than wheat, as does the dough obtained from it. But at the end, after undergoing heat treatment, these products acquire such a dark color that people began to call them black. The impeccability of the technology for baking black bread is usually indicated by the condition of the crust and crumb. The first should be smooth and shiny without cracks or dents, and the second should be soft and porous. By the way, black bread can also be baked using a yeast-free method using specially prepared sourdough.


There are a huge number of varieties of rye bread. Sometimes rye flour is mixed with wheat flour in different proportions, resulting in the so-called “ grey» bread that organically combines the beneficial properties of wheat and rye. In addition, if neither yeast nor sourdough was used in the production of black bread, then the resulting product is unleavened, which is now rarely found on the shelves of stores and bakeries.

Cooking technology

If we touch on the technological component of the production of rye baked goods, then it is divided into two subtypes: simple and custard. The second option differs not only in that part of the flour is mixed with malt and brewed with boiling water, but also in that it contains additional ingredients - sugar, molasses, spices and rye malt.

One of the most prominent representatives of rye custard pastries is the well-known and beloved by many Borodino bread. It has a unique sweetish taste, mainly due to the fact that in addition to regular rye flour, its composition also includes second-grade wheat flour, red rye malt, sourdough, salt, molasses, sugar, caraway seeds, anise and coriander. By the way, this recipe became known to mankind back in the 19th century.

The benefits of black bread

Many eminent scientists talk about the benefits of rye bread. It is especially important to include it in your diet in winter and spring, since in addition to a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, acids and other important elements, it contains nutrients. This means, as mentioned above, it can protect a person from winter and spring vitamin deficiency. Thus, baked goods made from rye flour is a low-calorie dietary product that can be consumed even if you are on a strict diet.

It is this type of bread that can have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, replenish iodine deficiency in the body and reduce cholesterol. And if natural leaven is used for its production, and not yeast, then it also becomes a regulator of healthy intestinal microflora, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Harm and contraindications

But, unfortunately, in this case we cannot do without obvious shortcomings. If you look in a medical encyclopedia, you can see a list of diseases for which the consumption of black bread is strictly prohibited. This:

  • stomach and duodenal ulcers,
  • gastritis,
  • heartburn,
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder.

And all this is due to the increased acidity of this product.

Also bread is contraindicated for people with gluten intolerance (this is a protein that causes allergies in 1% of people, the stomach and intestines are primarily affected, pain and bloating appear).


However, if you believe our ancestors and the research of scientists, rye bread in moderate quantities (250 grams per day) undoubtedly brings more benefit to our body than harm.

White bread

Its history begins in Ancient Egypt, where a method of baking bread from wheat flour with the addition of yeast or sour milk was invented to make it look more fluffy and acquire a rich taste. The Greeks and then the Romans very quickly became interested in the new invention, thanks to whom this recipe spread throughout the world. By the way, at that time such baked goods were so expensive that they were served only to the tables of rulers and high-ranking officials. Many centuries passed before white bread entered the diet of ordinary people. And even then it was considered not only an exquisite delicacy, but also a cure for certain ailments. And not a single meal should have passed without bread, if a person did not want to incur the wrath of the gods.

What made modern society radically change its opinion about the benefits of white bread? Indeed, at present, at the suggestion of some nutritionists and the media, it has practically been classified as a poison. All this is a consequence of research results obtained by doctors, which have proven that people who constantly consume white bread and other baked goods made from premium flour, more often than others develop diabetes. As a result, information appeared in the media that white bread contributes to the deterioration of the cardiovascular, endocrine and gastrointestinal systems and even causes cancer.

And all this happens because white bread made from premium flour contains virtually no useful substances, but there is starch and calories, which quickly turn into excess fat. In addition, it helps to increase glucose levels, which causes the body to produce an extra portion of insulin and stop the process of breaking down fats. Well, the low fiber content makes it useless in restoring intestinal microflora.

As a result, all these arguments were answered by reasonable arguments from specialists who took as an example the population of Italy and France, who love croissants, baguettes, spaghetti and ravioli, but for the most part are not obese. And they compared them with citizens of the USA and Canada who are hooked on fast food and who are constantly plagued by the problem of excess weight.

The conclusions were as follows:

  • any person needs to select their diet in accordance with the degree of activity and the needs of the body;
  • we must never forget about a sense of proportion;
  • food should consist of a wide variety of foods, and not from the same favorite dish.

White bread ideal for people accustomed to constant physical activity. Its main component is premium flour, which contains large amounts of starch and gluten. Thus, it can be classified as a carbohydrate that is easily absorbed by the human body leading an active lifestyle. In addition, back in the 40s of the last century, bakery and confectionery factories learned to enrich white bread with vitamins and other useful elements. So we advise our readers to relax and periodically allow themselves to indulge in fragrant, soft, crispy white bread. The main thing is to know moderation in everything.

Bread for children

Modern baby food manufacturers make life much easier for young mothers. They have long been producing cookies and crackers from premium flour especially for children from 7 months to 2 years. After all, children, almost like athletes, are almost constantly on the move, and their just developing digestive system needs light food that can quickly saturate the baby, but at the same time not overload a weak stomach. So for this age, special products from trusted manufacturers, and even a small piece of ordinary white bread crumb is an ideal solution for diversifying the diet.

WITH 3 years You can already start pampering your child with a couple of pieces of gray bread made from a mixture of rye and wheat flour with the addition of bran. And also in six months gradually accustom him to pure rye bread, again limiting himself to only a couple of pieces a day. We will not re-list those useful micro- and macroelements that are contained in bread, since the information provided earlier should have convinced even very compassionate parents that this product must be present in the daily diet of the whole family.

Which bread is healthier?

There is still no clear answer to this question. As proof of this statement, we can cite an article by Israeli biologist Eran Elinav, which was recently published in the journal Cell Metabolism. The author of this study is an employee of the Weizmann Institute, located in the Israeli city of Rehovot. Together with several of his colleagues, Elinav decided to check the most popular media claims that white bread is a harmful product, and rye bread is healthy.

The essence of the experiment was that one group of volunteers, under the supervision of scientists, ate only black bread along with other foods for four weeks, and the second group ate white bread. They then changed diets, and scientists carefully recorded any changes that occurred in their medical parameters and general condition.

Imagine the surprise of the researchers when they discovered that each test subject was affected differently by this or that type of baked goods. Thus, it cannot be said that white bread is harmful and black bread is healthy for the vast majority of people. Each of us has an individual reaction to each type of bread. For some, the body responds positively to products made from rye flour, while for others it responds exclusively to baked goods made from wheat. Therefore, nutritionists should develop any diet, any daily diet solely based on the individual indicators of each individual person.

Scientists from Israel really hope that their discovery will help change the established opinion about the dangers and benefits of different types of bread, which most of our contemporaries adhere to. They attribute this result to the fact that each person has an individual scheme for the work of microbes in their internal microflora. They are responsible for processing those substances that enter the body with food. It is possible that a thorough study of these differences will lead biologists and nutritionists to the correct answer to the main question: what type of bread is recommended for which groups of people eat.

Another option about the benefits and harms: Many experts agree on the greater benefits of bread made from wallpaper and peeled flours. They retain almost the entire composition of healthy grains. But a lot depends on additional ingredients for bread production. In the race for a beautiful and long-lasting product, as well as to reduce costs, some manufacturers add harmful bleaches, dyes, leavening agents, flavors, cheap oils and the like to the dough. This bread contains more harm than good. Therefore, you can prepare the healthiest and most delicious bread at home.

Freshly baked baked goods are a favorable environment for yeast. Due to this, fermentation processes continue in such bread. When consuming the product, the acidity in the stomach increases. The mucous membrane becomes inflamed and injured - gastritis may develop. Increased gas formation, heaviness and discomfort are formed in the intestines. Also, regularly eating fresh bread can add extra pounds. Therefore, gastroenterologists do not recommend consuming freshly baked bread and other flour products. But sometimes it can be so difficult to resist a slice of hot, fragrant piece of hot bread.

If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and to prevent them from developing, it is recommended to eat dried bread. In it, fermentation processes stop and yeast fungi die.

How much bread can you have per day?

Everything is very individual. It is necessary to take into account your illnesses, contraindications, weight, tolerance, etc. But in the complete absence of such problems, you can eat no more than 300 - 400 grams of all flour products per day. For overweight and obesity up to 100 - 15o grams.

Bread flour

The quality and beneficial properties of bread largely depend on the flour it is made from. There are several main varieties, which are divided according to the degree and quality of grain cleaning and grinding.

High grade flour . The most popular, since bread and other products made from this type of flour are the most beautiful, fluffy, tasty and last longer. For commercial purposes this is most beneficial. To obtain such flour, the grains are completely cleared of food membranes. After which it loses its beneficial composition. The amount of fiber, B vitamins, magnesium and potassium is significantly reduced.

Second grade flour - made from grains along with shells. This variety retains all the beneficial vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances for our body. But it is not as popular in bakeries, since the dough is not very fluffy, bakery products from the second grade of flour are not as beautiful as from the first and are stored less. This variety is suitable for making dumplings, pancakes, dumplings.

Wallpaper flour — this variety can be called the most useful in composition. To obtain wallpaper flour, the grain is cleaned only from the husk. Not only the shell layer remains intact, but also the germ layer, which allows you to preserve almost the entire useful composition of the grain from which it is prepared.

Peeled flour is a single-grade grinding with a product yield of 87% of the grain. That is, it contains more grain shells than second-grade flour. What makes this variety more useful?

How to choose quality flour?

If you are going to use flour right away, choose a milling date of at least a month. In this case, the baking will be better.

The color of the flour should be white with a slight creamy tint.

Mix a spoonful of flour with a spoonful of water. If the color has not changed, then the flour is of high quality.

It remains to draw a conclusion. The quality, benefits and harm of bread depend entirely on the ingredients that are included in its preparation. Knowing the composition of a certain type of flour (the main component of each type of bread), you can determine for yourself which bread to choose and which one to abstain from.
