
What do you need for a vinaigrette recipe. How to cook the most delicious classic vinaigrette - with peas and sauerkraut

Vinaigrette is a familiar salad, which in Lately has changed a lot. Whatever is added to it! You can find the most unexpected combinations of products that will surprise you greatly, for example, herring, olives or mushrooms. But the old versions of the salad are still the most delicious. Here are step-by-step recipes for a classic vinaigrette with that familiar taste.

Vinaigrette classic - general principles cooking

The main ingredient in vinaigrette is boiled vegetables. Traditionally used potatoes, carrots, beets. You can cook them ahead of time and let them cool down. Then the tubers need to be cleaned and crumbled. All products in the vinaigrette are always diced. About the size of a pea, if vinaigrette with peas. Or cut a little larger if beans are used in the salad.

What else can be added:

Onion, green;


Salted cucumbers.

Traditional vinaigrette dressed with vegetable oil. You can take the product with or without a smell, mix it with mustard or black pepper. Oil is added at the very end. If you don’t want the beetroot to color other foods and like the multi-colored vinaigrette more, then you can season the beets separately in a bowl, also season the rest of the ingredients, then combine.

Classic vinaigrette: a step by step recipe with pickles

A step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette without cabbage, no matter how strange it may sound. She is missing in technological maps. Salted (not pickled) cucumbers give a special taste to the salad. This real version with boiled beans, but if desired, we replace it with canned legumes in our juice or in a light marinade.


Two beets;

Three potatoes;


80 g beans (dry);

Four cucumbers (salted);

Two carrots;

40 ml of oil;

1 tsp mustard (optional);

Greens as desired.


1. Add cold water to the beans, soak for at least five hours. Then change the water, put on the stove and boil until tender. If there is no desire or time to do this, then you can simply use canned beans, you need about a glass of beans without marinade.

2. Rinse potatoes, no need to peel, transfer to a saucepan. Also wash the carrots, add to the potatoes, add water and boil until tender, but do not overdo it. As soon as the vegetables begin to pierce normally, turn off. Drain boiling water, pour cold water, hold for five minutes and also drain. We clean.

3. Beets are always boiled separately from other vegetables, otherwise it will spoil their taste. Rinse medium-sized root vegetables, put in a saucepan, pour water and boil until soft. Then pour cold water over and leave to cool. Clear.

4. Cut all the vegetables into neat cubes, the size is slightly smaller than the beans. Put in one large bowl. So that the potatoes do not fall apart and the cubes turn out neat, it is important not to overcook them. You can additionally hold the cooled tubers a little in the freezer, half an hour is enough for them to get stronger.

5. We clean the onion, cut it smaller than the rest of the ingredients, pour it into a bowl.

6. We also cut the pickled cucumbers finely, like onions, so that they are evenly distributed in the vinaigrette. If the cucumbers are small or not too vigorous, then you can add a couple more things.

7. Fall asleep cooked or just canned beans. You can take red beans, white or any other to your taste.

8. We try for salt. If the taste of cucumbers is not enough, then add. It is important to salt before the oil is poured in. Otherwise, the grains simply will not have time to dissolve.

9. Dressing the salad. We combine vegetable oil with mustard, grind and add to vegetables. Or just add oil.

10. Carefully, gently stir the vinaigrette. You can use two spoons for this, so as not to knead the boiled vegetables and not spoil the look.

Vinaigrette classic: step by step recipe with cabbage (sauerkraut)

This is one of the most favorite salad options in Rus'. Often, in order to save time or products, only potatoes and beets were added to it, it is also sometimes called beetroot. But here is a step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette, which is prepared according to all the rules and from a large number products.


400 g sauerkraut;

350 g beets;

350 g potatoes;

150 g carrots;

100 g of onion;

150 g cucumbers (salted, pickled, pickled);

50 ml of oil;

100 g beans (dry).


1. The day before, pour beans with water, let the beans swell well, then pour into a saucepan, add clean water, boil until soft. Or just take a standard can of canned beans, open it, drain it into a colander. Very often the fill is slippery. In this case, you can rinse the beans directly in a colander under the tap. Leave to drain the liquid.

2. Wash beets and other root crops. We put the beets in a saucepan, fill with water, put on the stove. After boiling, the fire will need to be reduced, cook until soft for 30-50 minutes, depending on the size.

3. Potatoes with carrots need to be put in another pan, they are also brought to readiness. If the carrots are small, then it can cook faster, but more often the potatoes are the first to reach softness. In this case, you need to remove it, and boil the carrot for a few more minutes.

4. Cool all vegetables. Warm ingredients should not be mixed. You can pour everything with cold water, the root crops will cool faster, it will be easier to clean. We take off the skins.

5. Cut carrots, potatoes, boiled beets medium sized cubes. Pour everything into a large bowl.

6. Immediately you can shift the previously prepared beans. While you do not need to stir anything, so as not to crush the products once again.

7. Peel the onion. Better to use lettuce varieties vegetables, you can blue or red, lilac onions, vinaigrette will turn out even more beautiful. We cut in small pieces, translate.

8. Add the chopped cucumbers next. Cabbage will still give the main taste, so you can even take not very pickled cucumbers.

9. Squeeze the sauerkraut from the remnants of the brine. We will definitely try. Sometimes it's too sour. In this case, soak for several minutes in cold water or just rinse, it all depends on taste. But do not forget to re-squeeze well. There should be no water in the vinaigrette.

10. Add cabbage and now mix the salad thoroughly. We add spices at our discretion, you can cut a little greens into a vinaigrette, it turns out delicious with feather onions. However, if it will not be used immediately, then this is better not to do it.

11. At the end, fill with vegetable oil and classic vinaigrette according to the original step by step recipe ready! Decorate with herbs, serve to the table.

Classic vinaigrette: a step by step recipe with fresh cabbage and peas

If there is no sauerkraut, then vinaigrette can be prepared with fresh vegetable. It is also not a problem if there is no beans, no desire to cook them, or just not quite to your taste. In that step by step recipe classic vinaigrette, the main ingredients are slightly changed by no less tasty counterparts.


500 g fresh cabbage;

Three potatoes;

Two carrots;

One bulb;

Two beets;

Four pickled cucumbers;

50 ml of oil;

1 tsp vinegar;

1 tsp Sahara;

Salt to taste;

One can of canned green peas.


1. Chop the cabbage into strips. You can use a grater, but do not make too long pieces. If they turned out like that, then you can cut it several times with a knife.

2. Add a teaspoon of vinegar, sugar. Salt and lightly mash with your hands. Leave the cabbage to marinate while the rest of the vegetables are cooked.

3. Boil the beets in one pan, and the potatoes and carrots in another bowl until tender. Cool down.

4. Peel all root crops, cut into small cubes, pour into a bowl.

5. Peel the onion, cut it into small cubes, pour over the rest of the vegetables in a bowl.

6. We return to the cabbage, which has already been marinated. At the same time, she released the juice. We squeeze it. Transfer the cabbage to the bowl with the vinaigrette.

7. We cut cucumbers. If they are watery, then we first throw them into a colander, let the brine drain. But you can just wring it out with your hands, like cabbage.

8. Open a jar of green peas, drain all the liquid, pour the product into a bowl with a classic vinaigrette. Canned beans can also be used in this step-by-step recipe.

9. Stir all the vegetables until evenly distributed. Let's taste it, salt it.

10. We fill with vegetable sunflower, but you can also olive oil. Pepper to taste, add fresh herbs.

Vinaigrette classic - helpful tips and tricks

If the onion is too spicy, the vinaigrette will be bitter, and the unpleasant taste will pass to other vegetables. To prevent this from happening, the vegetable can be cut, put in a sieve or in a colander, scalded with boiling water from a kettle. But add it to the salad only after it has completely cooled.

Beets boil for a long time, but do not want to become soft? If more than a minute of cooking has already passed, you can drain the boiling water and put the beet under the stream cold water, in half an hour the vegetable will reach full readiness.

Fresh vinaigrette is not very tasty. That is why pickles are always added to the salad and pickled vegetables. But it happens that they do not give desired acid or are quite fresh on their own. In this case, pickling onions will help improve the taste. The vegetable must be cut, poured with an acetic acid solution, let it brew, then squeezed and added to the vinaigrette.

Hello everyone, hello!! Today the topic of our conversation vitamin salad the vinaigrette. This is a traditional dish, without which no holiday can do, and in everyday life we ​​cook it quite often.

Along with such popular salads like, and, vinaigrette is considered a primordially Russian invention, although it owes its name French chef. I like this appetizer because all the products are always at hand, it is very easy to cook and it always turns out tasty and healthy.

When we talk about vinaigrette, I think many people have an image vegetable mix, some mix. Although in fact this is a very competent salad and it has its own cooking secrets.


  • Potato - 2 pcs.;
  • Beets - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Canned peas - 5-6 tbsp. l.;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Dill, parsley - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and clean the vegetables from the ground. Boil root vegetables different pots without cutting anything from them. The water can be slightly salted.

On a note!! Potatoes are cooked for 25 minutes, carrots - an hour, beets - 1.5 hours.

2. When the vegetables have cooled, it is necessary to peel them. boiled beets cut into small cubes.

Advice!! Do not immediately mix the beets with all the vegetables, but put them in a separate plate and pour over with oil. This will further reduce the color of other root crops.

3. Cut off the tail from pickled cucumbers and cut into cubes.

4. Jar with green peas open and take out required amount peas. Now we drain all the liquid from the desired mass.

5. Peel carrots and potatoes, cut into cubes and mix them with peas and cucumbers. Cucumbers first wring out excess liquid. Fill with vegetable oil.

6. And now we combine the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bwith beets, salt to taste and mix gently.

7. Our colorful salad ready. Garnish with greenery if desired.

How to make vinaigrette salad with sauerkraut

This option will turn out delicious if you use sauerkraut for its preparation. good quality. So, it is better not to take sour and very soft. This snack is very popular: a lot of vitamins and few calories.


  • Beets - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • Potatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Bulb - 1 pc.;
  • Sauerkraut - 200 gr.;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Canned peas - 300 gr.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil vegetables until tender and cool.

2. We clean the beets and cut them into small cubes. We add a little vegetable oil and mix.

3. Peel and finely chop the onion.

4. Finely chop pickles.

5. Peel the potatoes and also cut into cubes.

6. Chop the carrots into small pieces.

7. Cabbage must be squeezed out of the brine and, if necessary, chopped a little.

8. Adding green pea, season with oil, salt to taste and mix well. All is ready. Bon appetit!!

Easy Bean Appetizer Recipe

It turns out that this type of dish is also considered a classic, and to be honest, I have never tried a salad with beans. Let's figure out together how to cook it, by the way, take better canned beans, so it will take a minimum of time to cook.


  • Large beets - 1 pc.;
  • Potato - 5 pcs.;
  • Carrot big size- 2 pcs.;
  • Sauerkraut - 250 gr.;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 5 pcs.;
  • Canned beans - 1 can;
  • Bulb big,
  • Refined vegetable oil - for dressing;
  • Salt - optional.

Cooking method:

1. Wash carrots, beets and potatoes well and place in large saucepan. Cook vegetables until tender, then cool and peel. Cut into medium pieces.

Advice!! Cut vegetables to the same shape and size. So the dish will look much more aesthetically pleasing.

2. Pickled cucumbers are also cut into cubes and open a jar of beans.

3. Pour all prepared vegetables into a deep container, add beans and cabbage. Finely chop the onion, send to the rest of the ingredients.

4. Mix everything well, salt to taste and season with vegetable oil. Eat to your health!!

Classic vinaigrette with sausage and pickles

Since I am a big fan of hearty and tasty food, this recipe is my favorite. Add boiled sausage and get independent dish for lunch or dinner. Well, diversity in our lives is also welcome.


  • Beets - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Carrot - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • Boiled sausage - 300 gr.;
  • Green onions - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil- taste;
  • Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash all root vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Boil until cooked and cool, peel.
  3. Cut vegetables into cubes.
  4. Onion and green onion chop finely with a knife.
  5. Grind pickled cucumbers into cubes, remove excess liquid.
  6. We cut the sausage into circles, and then into cubes.
  7. We mix all products in a salad bowl, salt to taste and season with vegetable oil.
  8. Can be served as common dish, and in portions.

Salad recipe with step by step video

Cooking vinaigrette with herring at home

This option is very similar to herring salad under a fur coat, only with green peas. Tried?! No!! Then let's get ready!!

This is interesting!! In other countries of the world Vinaigrette is called "Russian salad".


  • Beets - 2 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.;
  • Bow - 1 pc.;
  • Canned peas - 40 gr.;
  • Herring fillet - 200 gr.;
  • Vegetable oil - 30 gr.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • Mustard - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. As usual, we wash and boil our vegetables until tender.

2. Remove the skin from beets, carrots and potatoes, cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion, also chop the cucumbers into cubes. Peel the herring and cut into thinner slices. Drain the liquid from the peas and combine all the ingredients.

3. Now let's prepare the sauce. Mix vegetable oil with mustard.

4. Salt and pepper the vinaigrette to taste, pour over the sauce and mix well. Top with finely chopped green onions or a sprig of dill.

A simple vinaigrette salad recipe with peas

Well, this is the most popular way to prepare a bright snack. Peas complement all the main ingredients very well, the taste of vinaigrette is more saturated.


  • Beets - 2 pcs.;
  • Potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Carrots - 1-2 pieces;
  • Pickled cucumbers - about 200 gr.;
  • Canned green peas - 1 can;
  • Sunflower oil - 5-6 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, green onions - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Boil vegetables in non-salt water. Wait for them to cool down and clean them. Then put it in the refrigerator for a while.

2. Now chop our root vegetables into small cubes.

3. Cucumbers and green onions are chopped in the same way.

4. We combine all the ingredients of the dish in a deep bowl and add green peas. Drain the marinade first.

5. Fill everything with sunflower oil and mix gently. Can be used as a condiment balsamic vinegar or lemon juice.

Well, I think every chef has his own recipe for making vinaigrette. Someone cooks according to the standard scheme, and someone experiments by adding mushrooms, beans, herring. You can also change gas stations, choosing more original ones. That's true, I do not advise you to take mayonnaise. In any case, no one cancels the classics, cook the way you like.

Dear readers, look forward to the selections in the near future. New Year's menu, after all winter holidays very soon. So visit the blog often and take note of the ideas. And by the way, I found interesting blog http://bitbat.ru/ where the whole series New Year's salads. I took it on board and share with you))


Tell VK

Vinaigrette - is considered the most popular in all of Russia. After all, it is the easiest product to use. Yes, and these products are in every home. The history of its appearance is quite well-known, but, however, not confirmed by historians.

This dish was invented back in Russia. At that time, all vegetables were usually served at the table separately, on different plates. One of the cooks experimented, cut them into small pieces and mixed them in one dish. The king appreciated the idea, after which the dish began to appear frequently on his table, and then it was only a matter of time.

Classic bean vinaigrette recipe

Do you like vinaigrette? It's so tasty and healthy! We usually start cooking this salad, in winter time. Cooking it varied amount. I suggest making a vinaigrette with beans. Hope you don't regret it.


  • Potatoes - 7 pieces
  • Carrots - 2 pieces
  • Beets - 2 pieces
  • White beans - 1 can (350 gr.)
  • Pickled cucumbers - 5 pieces
  • Sauerkraut - 300 gr.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - to taste


1. Put well-washed beets, potatoes, carrots into a saucepan, pour water into it and cook until tender. For potatoes and carrots 25 minutes. For beets, about 4 hours. Transfer the potatoes, carrots to a cup, and cook the beets further.

2. how to cool the boiled vegetables, peel them.

3. If the beets pierce well with a knife, then it is cooked. And you can get it out of the saucepan into a cup so that it cools down.

4. after that, open a can of beans, pour out the water. Put in a separate saucer.

5. Chop potatoes with carrots.

6. Peel the beets, and chop together with cucumbers into small cubes.

7. Mix all the vegetables, add cabbage, salt and dress the salad with oil.

Serve immediately after preparation.

Bon appetit!

Original vinaigrette with pomegranate

If you don't want regular taste vinaigrette, you can add pomegranate there.


  • Cabbage - 200 gr.
  • Beets (boiled) - 1 piece
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pieces
  • Beans - 1 can (250 gr.)
  • Bulb - 2 pieces
  • Pomegranate (grains) - 150 gr.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sunflower oil - 90 ml.


1. Rinse well salted cabbage.

2. Cut the beets as shown in the picture.

3. Chop the onion into cubes.

4. Grind cucumbers.

5. Transfer the beans to a plate.

6. Pour all prepared vegetables into one salad bowl. Salt, pour in a little oil. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top.

Enjoy your meal!

The easiest salad option without potatoes

You can make vinaigrette without potatoes. It will also be delicious and very juicy.


  • Beets - 350 gr.
  • Carrot - 170 gr.
  • Beans (dried) - 100 gr.
  • Fresh cucumber - 100 gr.
  • Salted cabbage - 120 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Green onion - 70 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons (or according to your taste)


1. The first thing you need to do is beans. Pour it with cold water, leave to swell overnight.

2. As the beans swell, pour into a small saucepan and put to boil on the stove. Cook for 25 minutes.

3. While the beans are cooking. Rinse beets with carrots well in water. Wrap each vegetable in foil and transfer to a baking sheet. Transfer the baking sheet to the preheated oven and bake for about 60 minutes.

4. Chop green onions.

5. Pour onion into a deep saucer, squeeze lemon juice to it. Slightly crush them together, leave to marinate.

6. When the beans are cooked, the vegetables are baked, take them out, let them cool slightly. Cucumbers cut into cubes.

7. Cut carrots as shown in the picture.

8. We cut the beets in the same way as vegetables.

9. In a salad bowl where pickled onions with lemon juice, put all the vegetables, salted cabbage.

10. Mix thoroughly, season with sunflower oil.

To make the beet less stain the rest of the ingredients, it must be cut and seasoned with vegetable oil. Only then add to the rest of the ingredients.

Put the finished vinaigrette without potatoes on plates. Serve salad with fresh herbs and a lemon wedge.

Bon appetit everyone!

Recipe for a classic vinaigrette with peas and herring

Vinaigrette is one of the most famous dishes from beets. If you want to surprise your friends with a classic vinaigrette, then you can add salted herring here.


  • Boiled beets - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Canned peas - 100 gr.
  • fillet salted herring- 200 gr.
  • Salt, vegetable oil - for dressing, to taste


1. First of all, cook the beets. Peel off the skin, cut into small cubes.

2. Carrots, cut into cubes

3. Chop the potatoes with a knife into large layers.

In order for the potatoes to be cut well, they must be boiled in salted water, and immediately after cooking, rinse quickly in cold water.

4. Chop the onion as in the picture, the smaller the better.

5. Cut the herring into cubes, add to the vegetables.

It is best to use medium-salted herring fillet. Otherwise, its taste in the salad will not be felt.

6. Mix everything well, refrigerate for 5-10 minutes, so that the salad is soaked and purchased beautiful colour. Just before serving, add peas to the vinaigrette with herring. Mix everything again, season with sunflower oil.

Check for taste. Salt and pepper if necessary.

7. Decorate the salad with fresh herbs. Can be served at the table.

Bon appetit!

Vinaigrette recipe with corn

Delicious and very juicy vegetable salad with corn. Vinaigrette can be used in fasting, as well as for those who protect their figure.


  • Carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Potato - 3 pcs.
  • Beets - 1-2 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 0.5 cans (200 gr.)
  • Canned peas - 0.5 cans (200 gr.)
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 0.5 - 1 teaspoon
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp


1. Take all the vegetables that are on the list. rinse with cold water, pour water into the pan and transfer all the vegetables there. Put on the stove to cook until done. (carrots, potatoes -30 minutes, beets - 4 hours)

2. Chop cucumbers into cubes.

3. Chop the potatoes yourself arbitrarily.

4. Chop carrots into small cubes.

5. Cut the beets into cubes.

6. Open canned peas drain the water.

7. Drain water from an open can of corn.

8. Wash the onion, peel, chop.

9. All finished products combine in one salad bowl.

10. Salt, add sugar, sprinkle with vinegar. Season the vinaigrette with corn sunflower oil, mix thoroughly.

Well, the vinaigrette is ready. Call your friends to the table, close to try such a wonderful and most importantly delicious salad.

Bon appetit!

Video - lean vinaigrette recipe

All over the world, vinaigrette is called Russian salad or cold borscht. We also used to consider this salad ours. traditional dish. However, in our kitchen, he appeared relatively recently, and owes his name to the classic french sauce based wine vinegar(vinaigrette). It was with this sauce that the salad based on sauerkraut, boiled potatoes and beets was originally seasoned.

Vinaigrette salad today is prepared in different ways, and how many housewives, probably the same number of recipes for this “very our” salad. More recently, not a single wedding or less grandiose celebration could do without a vinaigrette. Today it is rather an everyday dish that can become hearty side dish, a good snack or an independent meal. So vinaigrettes are prepared in almost every family. Only do it by different occasions and use different recipes. Which? Let's try to choose one of the vinaigrette salad recipes, make it and appreciate the taste of a traditional or unusual vinaigrette.

Traditional vinaigrette

How to make a vinaigrette in it traditional version? Some understand the traditional recipe as a vinaigrette with sauerkraut. Someone does not put cabbage at all, replacing it with salted or pickled cucumbers. And someone prefers to make a vinaigrette even with fresh cabbage. And yet, the traditional vinaigrette (as it was in the recent past) is made with sauerkraut and with pickles.


  • Boiled potatoes;
  • sour cabbage;
  • Pickles;
  • Beet;
  • Carrot;
  • Bulb onions,
  • Vegetable oil.


Immediately make a reservation that in a traditional vinaigrette, the amount of potatoes is exactly half the amount of all other ingredients. And how many potatoes to take for this dish are calculated from the number of people for whom it is being prepared. For three people we take three potatoes, for two two, and for five we make a vinaigrette with five potatoes. Boil potatoes in their skins, boil carrots and beets. All boiled vegetables are completely cooled and peeled. We cut them into cubes. We also cut the pickled cucumber and cut the onion into half rings.

Put the chopped beets in a separate bowl and season with vegetable oil. In another bowl, mix the diced potatoes, carrots and cucumbers, add cabbage and onions to them. All this is also seasoned with vegetable oil. If desired, put canned green peas or green onions in the vinaigrette. Adding salt vinaigrette with pickles and sauerkraut, as a rule, does not require. But if necessary, it can be slightly salted. Lastly, add the beets to the vinaigrette. It is best to do this immediately before a meal so that the vinaigrette does not acquire an unappetizing bluish color, and the beets do not interrupt the taste of all the other ingredients.


Never cook a vinaigrette for the future: this dish is perishable, and the very next day it can turn sour.

Vinaigrette with beans

Another vinaigrette recipe that can be considered a variation on a classic theme. And we will prepare it traditional sauce the vinaigrette.


  • Half a glass of dry beans;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 medium beetroot;
  • Half a can of green peas;
  • A couple of handfuls of sauerkraut;
  • Cooking onion.

For sauce:

  • table vinegar;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt;
  • Black pepper.


Let's boil the beans first. Whether you use white or red beans to make a vinaigrette, it doesn't matter. In addition, it is necessary to cook beets and carrots. They need to be boiled in their skins and in different utensils, and ready-made vegetables must be cooled, peeled and cut into cubes. Onions in vinaigrette are traditionally cut into half rings and mixed with sauerkraut, carrots and beans. We need to do this too. Put the diced beets in a separate bowl and prepare the sauce for dressing.

For the sauce, we take oil and vinegar in a ratio of one three to one. That is, we put three tablespoons of oil on a tablespoon of vinegar. Pour them into a jar with a screw cap, add salt and black pepper to taste and shake vigorously. With this sauce, we season the beets first, and then the vinaigrette. Mix the beets with the rest of the ingredients before serving.


A delicious vinaigrette can also be prepared with canned beans (but not in tomato sauce). canned beans Of course, you don’t need to boil, but you just need to rinse and put in a vinaigrette.

Vinaigrette with herring

If you don’t have time to mess around with a herring under a fur coat, but taste this delicious salad really want to, limit yourself to cooking vinaigrette with herring. The taste of these dishes is almost identical, and it takes much less time to cook a vinaigrette with herring.


  • 1 salted herring;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • Medium-sized beetroot;
  • small carrot;
  • Bulb;
  • Salted or pickled cucumber;
  • Mayonnaise.


We start making vinaigrette by preparing herring and boiling vegetables and eggs. Potatoes and carrots, by the way, can be boiled in the same bowl, but beets need to be boiled in a separate saucepan. While the vegetables and eggs are cooking, we cut the herring, which we then put in the vinaigrette. It must be gutted, peeled, and then the fillet is separated. All small bones you need to carefully remove, and cut the fillet into small pieces.

We cut hard-boiled eggs into cubes, having previously cooled them and peeled them from the shell. We cool, clean and cut boiled vegetables into cubes, we also cut the cucumber, and finely chop the onion. We mix all the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise or a mixture of mayonnaise and mustard. If you are preparing such a vinaigrette in advance, then add beets to it only before serving the vinaigrette on the table.


You can also cook a vinaigrette with herring and without eggs. But then it is not seasoned with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil or vinaigrette sauce. And in this case, instead of salted herring, you can put smoked herring in the vinaigrette.

Vinaigrette with fresh cabbage

A very “healthy” vinaigrette is obtained, prepared according to this recipe. Rich in vitamins, it will perfectly fit into the menu of nursing mothers and is suitable for those who are on a diet.


  • 2 potatoes;
  • 1 small beet;
  • a quarter of a small fork of cabbage;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • 1 tomato;
  • dill greens;
  • green onions;
  • hard-boiled egg;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.


We wash the potatoes and beets well, peel them and boil them whole. After the vegetables are cooked, cool them and chop finely. Next, you need to chop the cabbage and mix it with salt, then “squeeze” a little so that the cabbage gives juice. Raw carrot grind on a coarse grater, finely cut the cucumber, tomato and egg. Next, you need to mix everything, add chopped greens and season the vinaigrette with vegetable oil (sunflower or mustard).

Vinaigrette with meat

By the way, vinaigrettes are not only lean, but also fish or meat. How to cook vinaigrette with herring, you already know. And here is another recipe for you - vinaigrette with meat. Try to cook it too.


  • 400 g of veal and beef;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • 2 pickles;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beetroot;
  • Salt and mayonnaise for dressing.


Cold boiled meat is placed in such a vinaigrette. Usually, beef or veal is taken for this, but you can make a vinaigrette with lean pork. In any case, the meat must first be boiled and cooled, and then cut into small sticks or cubes. Eggs, carrots, beets and potatoes also need to be boiled and cooled, then cut into small slices. You also need to cut and pickled cucumber. If you are preparing a vinaigrette with meat in advance, then mix and season with salt and mayonnaise all the ingredients except the beets. Put it in the vinaigrette at the very last turn, when you are going to serve it to the table.

Vinaigrette with cheese

It turns out that they also cook vinaigrettes with cheese! Is this news to you? Then be sure to cook this very tasty and unusual vinaigrette.


  • 1 large beet;
  • 3 medium potatoes;
  • Carrot;
  • Fresh cucumber;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • green onions;
  • Dill;
  • Parsley;
  • Mayonnaise.


Let's start cooking this vinaigrette by boiling vegetables (potatoes, carrots and beets). Ready vegetables let cool completely and cut them into small slices, we also cut the cucumber. Grind cheese with coarse grater, wash, dry and chop the greens. We put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, put a couple of pinches of salt and add mayonnaise and mix. Our vinaigrette is ready!


Cook vegetables for vinaigrette only whole, without removing the peel from them and putting them on fire in cold water. Then the vegetables will not boil, they will completely retain their taste, and your vinaigrette will definitely turn out tasty and “real”!

cook different vinaigrettes: By traditional recipe, with meat, fish or cheese. Or even try to compose your own, exclusive recipe famous Russian salad. Never be afraid to experiment because the most famous cooking recipes born only by trial and error. Cook with pleasure, and enjoy your meal!

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Vinaigrette, salad of boiled potatoes, beets, carrots - tasty dish rich in vitamins.

It is good in winter and summer, often replacing a side dish, or even lunch or dinner, when the scales directly indicate the need for restraint in food.

Vinaigrette: history of origin, composition

Vinaigrette is considered to be a traditional Russian dish. With no less success, it can be attributed to German or Swedish salads, National cuisine It is these countries that widely use boiled vegetables for preparing side dishes and salads. English cookbook of the mid-19th century. gives a recipe for a Swedish salad from boiled potatoes and beets, pickled cucumbers, apples, herring. Sauce served as a salad dressing egg yolk, oils, sour cream, vinegar.

Although it is really called “Russian salad” abroad, it became such only after being included in the recipe of our national pride- pickled cabbage and cucumbers in barrels. And the potatoes important component salad - appeared in Rus' in the reign of Peter I. The dish took root, replenished with new ingredients. It's hard to imagine now winter menu without this food. Let's get acquainted with the features of its preparation as a traditional Russian dish.

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl interprets "vinaigrette" as "okroshka, but without kvass."

The debate about the "classic" composition of the salad is not over to this day. However, based on the book of Elena Molokhovets, before the recipe was determined by the level of prosperity of the Russian family. Only in the qualification “for gentlemen” did the author list recipes where asparagus served as ingredients, cauliflower, crayfish, boiled beef, baked fish, olives, cauliflower ... Not a worker-peasant dish.

There were also simpler folk recipes, especially popular during church posts. They included familiar potatoes, beet, forgotten turnip, boiled white beans. Pickled cauliflower and gherkins were safely and inexpensively replaced by sauerkraut, pickles, mushrooms. The meat (fish) component has lost its role, it was included in the recipe at will.

Subtleties of cooking

The taste of any kind depends on small details that still have a significant impact on the final product. Vinaigrette is no exception, consider important details preparation of vegetables and the composition of the dressing.

Vegetables - boil or bake

More often, potatoes, beets, carrots are boiled unpeeled, having previously been thoroughly washed from the remnants of the earth. The water is lightly salted. The fire under the pots with vegetables is reduced so that the process occurs at a low boil. Beets cook for a long time, but you can speed up cooking. After 15 minutes of active boiling, the hot broth is drained, the roots are placed in a cold running water for 30-40 min.

As soon as the vegetables are ready, place them under a stream of cold water, they will cool faster, easier to peel.

Many housewives prefer to bake vegetables in the oven. Cooking time over high temperature reduced: medium-sized beetroots are baked in 40 minutes. In addition, during cooking, a significant part valuable substances leaves the vegetables in the broth. When baking, everything stays in place. Another argument for baking vegetables - the dish will be much tastier and healthier.

Vegetables cook even faster microwave oven. Washed, still wet vegetables, wrapped in cling film or placed in bags with holes (so that steam comes out). At full power, the microwave oven will cook potatoes in 7 minutes, carrots in 10, beets will need 15 minutes. Times are approximate and may vary depending on the type of microwave.

The slow cooker allows you to steam vegetables. Often housewives cook them already peeled, cut.

Whichever way you cook the vegetables, it is better to pick them up in medium size. They cook faster and are easier to cut.

Before preparing the vinaigrette, all its components are kept in the kitchen for an hour and a half: boiled ones will cool down during this time, and those stored in the refrigerator will warm up a little. It is impossible to combine vegetables of different temperatures in a salad, this will lead to its premature spoilage.

In what proportions to put vegetables in vinaigrette

Components are conditionally divided into two groups - mandatory and optional. The first includes potatoes, beets, carrots, cucumbers of traditional salting. The second includes beans or peas, salted or pickled mushrooms, less often boiled or fried, fish or meat, onions or greens, dill and / or parsley.

The proportion of the required ingredients is 2:2:1:1 by volume. However, the ratio is not strictly observed: vinaigrette without potatoes or with turnips instead is not inferior in taste to the traditional one. Often, housewives prepare a dish without carrots, if someone from the household hates this boiled vegetable.

Also, there are no strict ratios of optional components: people do not put onions because of the sharp aroma, avoid legumes for various reasons, consider it unnecessary to add fresh herbs. A matter of taste, as they say.

What kind of oil to take for refueling

Traditional dressing - vegetable oil. Trade provides huge selection- olive, sunflower, linseed, etc. Considering a vinaigrette as Russian dish, remember that the original Russian vegetable oils are linseed, mustard and camelina.

Sunflower can also be classified as traditional, since it came to Russia at the same time as potatoes - thanks to Peter the Great. Which one to choose is a matter of taste of the hostess, there are those who take deodorized oil, if only there were fewer smells coming from the dish. Most, however, believe that it is better than freshly squeezed fragrant sunflower oil nothing can be. We will not argue about tastes, so long as the oil does not turn out to be rancid.

Making Vinaigrette Delicious

The simplest dressing is salt with vegetable oil. Prepared with soul, the salad is delicious and so. But do not forget about the traditions: the name "vinaigrette" comes from the French "vinegar" - vinegar. Therefore, his participation in the gas station is welcome. Lemon juice, dry white wine add a pleasant sourness.

The classic dressing consists of:

  • wine vinegar (table, apple or balsamic) - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • oils - 5 tablespoons;
  • ground pepper - 1/8 tsp;
  • mustard -1/2 tsp;
  • salt, sugar to taste.

The ingredients are beaten to uniform consistency. ready sauce dress the salad.

You don't have to limit yourself to traditional dressing. Pleasant and useful supplements improve the taste, add new notes. Ingredients often added to the dressing (for the given recipe):

  • chopped garlic - 1 clove;
  • finely chopped onions, parsley and / or dill - 1 tsp each;
  • tomato paste or sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • baked and crushed bell pepper- 1 PC.

Spicy food lovers strengthen ground black (red or white) pepper with capsicum, pickled, pickled or baked. Fans of southern cuisine add cilantro greens or its ground seeds. piquant note will add a small amount of finely grated parsnip root or parsley. Cucumber or cabbage brine will replace vinegar, giving a mild flavor.

Popular vinaigrette recipes

Each hostess prepares the dish according to her own rules, taking into account the tastes of the household. The base is always basic, just some ingredients are added (or removed) to the original recipe.

Vinaigrette classic

impersonate classic ready any recipe taken from the web or a cookbook. Let us dwell on the version from P. Grishin's book "Cooking", first published by Lenizdat (Leningrad) in 1959. In fact, the book is a real textbook for young housewives for all time.

We quote:

"For 1 serving: 120 g potatoes, 80 g beets, 80 g pickles, 30 g green or onion, 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar, 20 g vegetable oil, 3 g mustard, 10 g sugar, salt to taste.

“You can put sauerkraut or fresh cabbage, boiled beans, salted or pickled mushrooms, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

Vinaigrette with fresh cabbage

So for this dish take:

  • beets - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh cabbage - 200 g;
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • oil - 50 g;
  • vinegar 6 or 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 2 tsp;
  • salt.

It is recommended to grind the cabbage with salt beforehand, it will become softer.

Vinaigrette without cucumbers

Such a salad turns out to be no less tasty if you replace the cucumbers with another product, often an apple.

For a traditional vinaigrette without cucumbers, take:

  • 300 g potatoes;
  • 150 g of beets;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 400 g of sour apples;
  • salt, sugar, oil are added to taste.

Cooking feature: peel the apples, cut out the core, cut in proportion to the vegetables.

Vinaigrette with herring

If you go back to the roots, this is the old Scandinavian version, more satisfying due to the fish.

When preparing a vinaigrette with herring, you should pay attention to the amount of salt added. We need:

  • 250-300 g herring fillet;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 beets;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 1 pickled cucumber;
  • 1 jar of green peas;
  • 25-30 g of dill and / or parsley;
  • 1/2 cup oil;
  • 1 tbsp. mustard and lemon juice;
  • ground pepper, sugar, salt - to taste.

Quite often, herring is served separately, using vinaigrette as a side dish to it.

Vinaigrette with beans

A hearty salad that completely replaces a snack with fast food or home dinner, which is in demand among fasting people.

Required Components:

  • 2 pcs. potatoes, beets, carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • a glass of squeezed sauerkraut;
  • a glass of canned or boiled beans;
  • butter, sugar, salt.

From one glass of dry beans, about 200 g of boiled beans are obtained.

When cooking vegetables, you can instead boiled beets use salted or pickled. In the south of the country, salted beets are a traditional winter preparation. Put in salt hot pepper, a lot of spicy greens. Spicy beetroot changes the attitude to the traditional recipe with boiled or baked root crops.

Not everyone likes the same saturated color vinaigrette. So that potatoes and other components do not stain beetroot juice, beets are mixed with oil before adding to the rest of the vegetables, so it “soils” the products less.

The dish is served on the table in one of two ways: in a common salad bowl or in portions. Before serving, decorate with parsley leaves, dill, pickled onion rings, whole small pickled or salty mushrooms. They use the leftover or specially boiled vegetables for decoration, slicing them into shapes or creating colorful flower bouquets from them.

Delicious, hearty vinaigrette easy to prepare. It does not require outlandish products, special culinary skills, extraordinary knowledge. A simple salad of vegetables, which are always at hand, takes its rightful place on holiday table and in a cozy home environment.
