
Potato skewers on the fire. Delicious potatoes on skewers, on the grill with bacon, as an addition to the usual barbecue

Well what could be tastier than barbecue at a picnic, only baked potatoes with lard on skewers. Our article will tell you how to cook it correctly and tasty.

Potatoes in boiled, baked and other forms are a frequent "guest" on holiday table as well as in nature.

How to make this dish interesting and tasty on vacation?

There is a very interesting, and simple way!

Namely, cook baked potatoes with lard on skewers.

Baked potatoes with bacon on skewers - a step by step recipe with photos

It turns out really worthy tasty and, of course, convenient, because you can immediately calculate and cook the amount right food in portions.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • medium-sized potatoes - 800-1000g;
  • fresh fat - 200-250 g;
  • spices, salt - to your taste;
  • foil - about 1-1.5 meters.

Cooking sequence

The preparatory process is simple and clear, in addition, fast! Peel potatoes, wash well, cut so that circles of the same thickness are obtained. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt, spices, mix.

Cut fresh lard into roughly the same medium pieces. If you cut it finely, the lard will quickly melt and turn into hard “coals”, and it is desirable that crispy potatoes turn out on a skewer along with juicy fried pieces of lard.

Thread potatoes onto a skewer, alternating with bacon (tightly to each other). You can sprinkle spices on top again. Do not fill the skewer completely, preferably a little more than half, so that the potatoes cook properly.

It remains to wrap the skewers with potatoes and lard in foil. Choose the thickest foil possible, or double wrap if you have relatively thin foil.

Twist the ends well so that when the lard is melted, the fat does not drip into the fire, but remains inside, soaking the potatoes.

You can send potatoes with bacon to the fire. Note that the dish can be cooked on fire, and not on coals! It will take about 20-25 minutes for the yummy to cook. You should periodically turn the skewers with potatoes for even cooking. After about 20 minutes of cooking on fire, remove the foil from the skewer, put the potatoes with lard on the heat (not on the fire) and bring to readiness. This will take about 2-3 more minutes.

It’s spring and sun in the yard, you don’t want to stay at home at the weekend, but you want to go to nature and, of course, you need to think about the menu in advance, so I suggest diversifying your menu for the next picnic and cook amazingly delicious potato shish kebab with bacon on the fire. It is prepared much faster and easier than meat. Potatoes cooked according to this recipe are very juicy and fragrant, saturated with fat from bacon or bacon with a smoky taste and smell. You will definitely love it!

  • potatoes - 10 small tubers
  • lard or bacon - 300 gr.
  • salt, spice mixture "5 peppers"
  • brazier,
  • skewer,
  • foil,
  • coal or wood

This amount will make 6 small or 3 large kebabs for 5-6 adults.

Potato skewers with bacon on the fire - recipe

Of course for this recipe it is recommended to use young potatoes, but in the absence of such, last year's will do. Step 1 is preparatory. While still at home, you need to prepare potatoes and lard. Wash the potatoes very thoroughly so that no earth and sand remain on the peel, as we will cook with the peel. Cut the salo into small, but not thin pieces, put in a container, salt and pepper to taste.

You can also use ready-made purchased fat. Upon arrival to nature, prepare coal. You can use store-bought charcoal or make your own from wood. While the coal and firewood burn through, cut each potato tuber across into several wheels about 1 cm thick.

Step 2 - the formation of barbecue. Thread potatoes and pieces of lard on skewers, alternating them.

Do such manipulations with the remaining potatoes and lard.

You can experiment and plant onion sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin ringlets between pieces of potatoes, but this is not for everyone. Wrap each one carefully in foil.

The foil will allow you to cook potatoes faster and juicier, and most importantly, they will absolutely remain on the skewer and will not fall off. Step 3 - cooking barbecue. When the coal is ready, put the skewers with potatoes on the grill.

Cover the brazier with a lid.

This perfect option if your brazier is equipped with a lid. But if it’s not there, it doesn’t matter, you can use any metal sheet, and if you don’t have it, leave it uncovered, the taste of the kebab will not change, it just takes a little more time to cook it. Cooking time for potato skewers is 20 minutes.

If your kebab remains uncovered, then you need to turn it over several times. After 20 minutes, remove the lid, carefully unfold the foil and salt the kebab.

Leave the kebab on the coals for another 5 minutes for baking and getting a crispy crust. At the same time, you should not move away from the barbecue and make sure that the coal does not catch fire from dripping fat. When tanning, sprinkle with water. In order for the potatoes to fry on all sides, turn the kebab several times. Not quite an ordinary barbecue is ready, it looks very appetizing! And the aroma.

Potato shish kebab with bacon on the fire ready. It remains to carefully remove the potatoes and bacon from the skewer and arrange on plates. Any vegetables and salads are perfect for potato skewers with lard. Now you will definitely agree with me that not only the traditional meat kebab can be tasty, satisfying and loved by everyone. I wish you a good weekend and warm sunny weather! We cook quickly, we eat with pleasure! Bon appetit!

Shish kebab of potatoes with bacon on the fire. Photo

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Surely you have seen very small young potatoes on the market or in the store more than once. They take it reluctantly, that's why they give it away for next to nothing. Just such small potatoes we will need it as the main ingredient.

The second important component of our dish is salted lard. We will put it on a skewer mixed with potatoes and bake it on coals. Hot coals will melt the fat, and it will saturate the potatoes with its taste and aroma. The remaining cracklings will crunch deliciously along with young fried potatoes. In addition, while you fry the barbecue, it will be saturated with the aroma of a fire. If you want to get the most fragrant dish, while frying potatoes, put sprigs of rosemary and thyme on the coals, which will give the kebab a subtle spicy aroma.

I will add one more “pro” in favor of potato skewers - this is its cost. The most expensive ingredient is lard. But since it should be cut thin slices, then we need very little. small potatoes generally sold as substandard at a price 2 times lower than usual.

As an experiment, try to cook a few skewers of potato skewers during your next trip to nature, and your friends will definitely ask you to cook more next time :-)

Potato skewers, ingredients


  • Small potatoes - 1 kg .;
  • Salted lard - 150 grams;
  • Salt to taste.

How to cook potatoes with lard:

Step 1

Wash potatoes and dry. We cut the tubers from both ends so that you get a "barrel".

Step 2

Salo cut into thin slices. Slices of bacon in size should be slightly larger than a slice of potatoes.

Step 3

Dip the cut ends of the potatoes in salt. Alternately string bacon and potatoes onto a skewer.

potatoes with lard

Step 4

We fry the potato skewers on the coals, constantly turning the skewers and checking the readiness with a knife. Cooking time 15-20 minutes.

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Everyone loves delicious baked potato and almost everyone loves barbecue. And if not meat, then from vegetables with smoke, on coals, it has a very special taste. Therefore, if you are not a big fan of meat, but love potatoes, then we suggest you cook baked potatoes on the grill with lightly salted bacon and herbs. We will cook in foil, on skewers. It is not difficult to bake potatoes on the grill, you can use ready-made coals or light a fire from firewood. This potato is truly royal dish: he is ruddy with appetizing crust, crumbly and sugary on the bend.

Honey and soy sauce will enrich the taste and smell of the usual potato, spices will make it sharper, and lard will add oiliness and tenderness. Such unusual barbecue will replace any meat dish for you, and will bring much more benefits.

Decide for a start what fat you will take for this recipe. For example, you can take salted or smoked lard, and fresh fat. Take small potatoes, you can use both young and mature ones.

You can serve potatoes with bacon as a separate dish or as a side dish for barbecue or baked fish.

Taste Info Second potato dishes


  • young (mature) potatoes 7 pcs.;
  • lightly salted lard (smoked or fresh) 200-300 g;
  • garlic 4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise (sour cream) 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill or parsley 2-3 sprigs;
  • salt or soy sauce to taste;
  • honey 1.5 tsp;
  • spices to taste;
  • foil.

How to cook baked potatoes with lard on skewers on the grill in foil

Wash the potatoes thoroughly with a clean kitchen sponge, leaving the skins intact. Cut lightly salted lard into slices, about 3 mm thick.

Prepared lard can be left in its original form or slightly enriched and made rich in taste. Place the chopped lard in a deep plate. Add two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream and chopped dill to the lard.

Stir the fat and add a pinch ground pepper and honey to give a beautiful shade and enrich the taste.

Pour a few spoonfuls soy sauce to the lard and add a pinch of salt.

Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a garlic press and send to the fat.

Cut the potatoes into two or three parts in circles, send to the fat and mix. Don't cut too big or it will take a long time to bake.

Thread potato slices in turn with bacon on skewers. Then wrap the potatoes in several layers with foil and immediately go to the already prepared barbecue. Instead of mayonnaise sauce you can on prepared potatoes with bacon on a skewer and add a few pieces of garlic butter on top. Then wrap the skewer in foil.

Potatoes cannot be cooked on an open fire, only moderate heat coals are used. Bake potatoes in foil, turning occasionally in a circle for 15-20 minutes. The foil will help keep the potato slices from burning and speed up the cooking process.

Otherwise, you can wrap several potatoes with bacon in several layers of foil and bury them in coals. Also cook for 15 minutes. Potatoes in coals in foil are a wonderful, fragrant and satisfying dish.

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Use a knife or fork to pierce the potatoes through the foil. If the knife easily enters the tuber, then you can expand it. Because of the foil, the potatoes turn out to be faded, now bring it on the grill until golden brown, for approximately another 10 minutes. Baked potatoes on skewers on the grill should turn out to be a bright golden color with a golden crust.

Advice: in nature, you can also use and fry delicious potatoes there.

Serve baked potatoes with bacon on skewers or put on a large plate. Fresh herbs or chopped tomatoes and cucumbers can complement the serving of potatoes.

Our barbecue of potatoes with bacon on the coals is ready, serve hot, piping hot. Of the sauces for such a dish, ketchup, mayonnaise or sour cream sauce with garlic and dill.

The potatoes on the fire have already become traditional delicacy any hike or picnic. Combination easy cooking And fragrant taste, make it the best option for a snack in nature. Moreover, this simple dish has various variations, so you can choose the recipe to your liking.

Of course, you can cook potatoes in a cauldron over a fire, but not everyone wants to take massive and heavy dishes with them on a hike. But there are other options as well.

First of all, cooking on a campfire requires the presence of good young tubers. The smaller their size, the faster the process will go.

Before starting the process, they should be thoroughly washed, then there will be no need to remove the skin from them.

The fire must be such that it has enough coals, because it is in them that the vegetable will fit. At the same time, it must be completely covered with coal. To do this, it is convenient to make a recess with a stick, and then put the tubers there. Baking time is approximately 25-30 minutes. Ready potatoes it remains to cool a little, break it up and sprinkle with salt.

Recipe for potatoes on skewers

Skewers are not always used only for meat kebabs. With their help, you can make delicious baked potatoes.

Cooking process:

  • The tubers are washed and wiped thoroughly so that no moisture remains on them;
  • Cut the vegetable into slices, 1 to 2 cm wide;
  • String them on skewers so that there is a distance between them of about half a cm;
  • It remains only to water the vegetables a small amount vegetable oil and sprinkle with salt
  • It will take 15-20 minutes to bake potatoes. In the process, do not forget to turn the skewers.

Ketchup or favorite sauce best supplement To vegetable kebab. If desired, between potato wedges you can string circles of lemon, bay leaves or come up with something of your own.

Potatoes in foil

When going on a hike, many people forget to take food foil with them, but in vain. This will allow you to bake evenly. fragrant potatoes, while not staining it with soot and saving cooking time.

Cooking process:

  1. The foil is divided into pieces, the size of which should allow the tuber to be completely wrapped;
  2. If you have sunflower or butter, as well as spices, then you can apply them immediately to the foil before putting the fruit into it. Dry garlic will fit well here, giving a special spice to the dish;
  3. Carefully washed and dried potatoes are individually wrapped in foil so that the shiny side is on the outside;
  4. Each tuber is pierced in several places;
  5. Do not put potatoes in foil on the fire, you must wait until the flame has already gone out, and the coals are still very hot. They lay it in the lowest layer and sprinkle it with a stick or other improvised material;
  6. Cooking time varies from 40 minutes to 1 hour depending on the size of the vegetables. Ready potatoes should have a baked crust and a soft center.

Fresh green onion It will complement the dish with a touch of freshness.

Potato baked with lard

This recipe also calls for foil. Potatoes on the fire, flavored with lard, are more fatty and satisfying.

Cooking process:

  • Washed potatoes are cut into circles, 0.5 to 1 cm thick. If the vegetable is not young, then it is better to remove the skin;
  • Salo is cut in the same way. You can use both pork and fat tail;
  • Salt and spices are added to taste and depending on the type of fat used;
  • Pieces are put on a skewer, alternating with each other. After that, everything is wrapped in foil;
  • Such an unusual kebab is fried for 30 to 50 minutes, periodically turning over;
  • 5 minutes before the end of the process, the foil is removed to create a golden crust.

Mayonnaise or sour cream will be here more than ever.

Potato baked in foil with butter and cheese

Very delicious option, which will decorate any picnic and even children will like it.

Cooking process:

  • Potatoes are washed, rubbed and baked in coals;
  • At this time, the filling is prepared: soft butter is mixed with grated or finely chopped cheese. You can add herbs and garlic to taste;
  • IN ready potatoes make cuts. You can make one large recess in the middle or several parallel to each other;
  • The filling is placed in the incisions with a spoon;
  • The lower part of the tubers is wrapped in foil and returned to the coals for a few minutes until the cheese begins to melt.

The dish is ready to enjoy.

How to cook marinated potatoes

For baking potatoes, it is appropriate to use a marinade. You can add spices or products according to personal taste preferences.

Cooking process:

  • The tubers are washed, dried and cut into thick discs, up to 2 cm thick;
  • Prepare the marinade: olive oil add your favorite herbs, crushed garlic, spices and a few drops of lemon juice;
  • Vegetables are marinated for 15-20 minutes, after which they are strung on skewers. Alternatively, you can lubricate already made blanks with marinade;
  • The baking time can be up to 50 minutes.

This option is already full meal, but you can add a light sauce to it.

In order to cook baked potatoes the first time, you should heed the following tips:

  • Potatoes should be young, the variety should be crumbly, with yellow flesh;
  • If you bake it whole, then you need to make transverse notches;
  • Chicken subcutaneous fat can replace lard;
  • There must be no flame in the fire. In order to eliminate its occurrence, you can sprinkle the coals with salt.

And most importantly, experimenting with recipes will help you choose the most delicious option.
