
How to cook ready-made french fries. Cooking crispy french fries

On the menu of fast food restaurants, one of the most popular dishes is french fries. Golden fried potatoes, neatly cut into cubes, few people can leave indifferent.
But we all know that this fast food dish has a negative impact on health. In addition, not so long ago it turned out that such a "mastodon" of the restaurant business as McDonald's, for example, uses flavor enhancers and color stabilizers when preparing fries. Perhaps, of course, there is nothing wrong with these chemical additives, but once again I would not want to feed myself and my family with products with these components.
It’s better to cook french fries on your own: at least there will be confidence that crispy potatoes are made from natural raw materials without the addition of numerous elements from the table of D. I. Mendeleev.
In this recipe, I'll show you how to make delicious french fries at home. A slow cooker will help me in this already not too tiring work, especially since my “multi-assistant” model has a special deep-frying basket in its arsenal.


  • - potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • - vegetable oil - 600 ml;
  • - salt - to taste.
Advice: when buying potatoes, opt for oval elongated tubers without eyes and bumps.

French fries recipe step by step

For convenience, the recipe for cooking french fries is divided into steps:
Step 1. Peel the potatoes and dip them in cold water for a few minutes - this way we will get rid of excess starch.

Step 2. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Try to cut the potatoes as evenly as possible, because it depends on how presentable the finished dish will look. In addition, equal-sized potato slices will be more evenly deep-fried.

Step 3. Now we will blanch the potatoes, that is, we will subject them to heat treatment. To do this, put a pot of water on the fire, and as soon as the water boils, lower the potato slices into it for about 50 seconds. Please note: potatoes should only undergo a slight heat treatment, but not boil!

Step 4. We spread the potatoes on a paper towel to dry: only dry potato sticks should be immersed in the deep-fryer, otherwise the oil will splatter heavily on the sides.

Step 5. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl. Oil, by the way, is suitable as sunflower, and olive or corn. Each of them will give the french fries its own unique taste and aroma.
We set the program "Multipovar", the temperature is 170 degrees and the cooking time is 22 minutes. Such a high temperature when cooking fries is necessary for the formation of a golden crust.
It's great if your house has a special kitchen thermometer: with its help you can find out if the oil has warmed up to the desired temperature. If you don’t have this kitchen assistant, it doesn’t matter. In this case, try sending 1 piece of potato into the oil first: if the oil immediately began to sizzle and the potatoes floated, it's time to lower the rest of the potato slices into the bowl.
We put the dried sticks in the deep-frying basket in no more than 1-2 layers so that all the potatoes are fried evenly. I note that I do not salt the potatoes during the frying process, as I prefer to sprinkle the already cooked french fries with salt.

Step 6. We lower the basket with potatoes into hot oil and close the lid of the multicooker. When opening the lid to check the doneness of the French fries, be careful: the oil is very hot and even steam can cause severe burns.

Step 7. When the potatoes acquire a recognizable golden hue, we take out the basket and let the oil drain. You can then place the cooked fries on a paper towel to soak up the excess oil.

Tip: do not reuse vegetable oil more than 3 times.
Homemade french fries are in no way inferior to the "restaurant" ones in their appearance. It takes a little time to cook it, and the result is excellent: toasted, moderately fried, beautiful golden hue french fries without the use of any additives will definitely please you and your family.
You can even treat a child with such potatoes, but here you need to know the measure, because despite the absence of preservatives, it is still impossible to call this dish dietary, and even more so useful. It’s good that I myself have grown up a long time ago, and no one will forbid me to crunch my favorite french fries and nothing will stop me. Well, except for the thought of how I will look in a swimsuit in the summer. But summer is still far away! Bon appetit!
Tip: Serve this dish immediately after cooking, as the cooled french fries lose their flavor and crunchiness.

French fries are a popular dish that no fast food establishment can do without. Fans of snacks do not suspect that crispy straws can be easily prepared at home, thereby obtaining not only tasty, flavorful food, but also protecting themselves from the effects of harmful preservatives, often found in public catering.

How to make french fries at home?

French fries at home are simple and unpretentious to prepare. The vegetable, peeled and cut into bars, is fried in boiling oil, then it is leaned back in a colander to remove excess fat, seasoned and served. A few tips will help make the dish not only tasty, but also less high-calorie.

  1. Before you make French fries, you should choose the right potatoes. Preferably oval-shaped tubers, without eyes and damage.
  2. The tuber is peeled and cut into equal plates of one centimeter, and then into bars with a cross section of a centimeter by a centimeter. This will allow the potatoes to cook evenly.
  3. Sliced ​​potatoes should be put in water for a while: excess starch will come out of it and the vegetable will not crumble.
  4. After soaking, the potatoes need to be dried so that they turn out crispy when fried.
  5. Deep-frying oil should maintain a temperature of 180 degrees.
  6. Ready french fries are laid out on a napkin or in a colander to remove fat, after which they are seasoned and served.

French fries like in McDonald's - recipe

The recipe for french fries at home can be compared to McDonald's if you follow a specific technology. This network is famous for potatoes with a tender core and a crispy crust. For this texture, potatoes are soaked in a solution of salt and sugar, then frozen. When roasted, the ice crust prevents the core from drying out.


  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • oil - 550 ml;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • sugar - 15 g;
  • water - 900 ml.


  1. Peel the potatoes and cut into sticks.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in water.
  3. Place the potatoes in the solution for 20 minutes.
  4. Remove and, without drying, place in the freezer for an hour.
  5. French fries are fried in oil heated to 170 degrees for 5 minutes.

French fries in a pan are the most affordable way to get treats. For the dish, you only need a thick-walled pan, a liter of oil and high-quality tubers. To make the appetizer ruddy, put the potatoes in hot oil. You can check the readiness of the latter with a slice of potato: if it hisses and floats, the oil is hot.


  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • oil - 1 l;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Peeled potatoes cut and pour cold water, set aside for 10 minutes.
  2. Dry with a paper towel and fry in boiling oil for 6 minutes.
  3. Throw in a colander, salt.
  4. Ready-made french fries are served hot.

French fries recipe involves various cooking options. One of the most convenient and simple is frying in a deep fryer. Thanks to a modern device, you can easily control the oil temperature and use a special mesh not only for frying, but also as a colander to remove fat residue from the finished product.


  • potatoes - 450 g;
  • oil - 1.2 l;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch.


  1. Cut the potatoes into strips, put in water for 10 minutes, blot.
  2. Pour in the oil and set the thermostat to 160 degrees.
  3. Set the roast time to 6 minutes.
  4. Remove excess fat and season.

French fries at home in the oven

A healthy alternative to traditional cooking. Baking in the oven will reduce oil consumption and get a less high-calorie product. Potatoes are baked on a baking sheet covered with foil, which prevents the slices from burning and allows you to make the appetizer as crispy and ruddy as possible.


  • potatoes - 900 g;
  • oil - 100 ml;
  • nutmeg - 5 g;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • ground black pepper - 5 g.


  1. Soak potato wedges in cold water for 30 minutes.
  2. Dry, season, drizzle with oil and place on a baking sheet.
  3. French fries in the oven - a recipe that involves baking on a baking sheet covered with foil.
  4. Bake potatoes for 7 minutes at 220 degrees, then lower the temperature to 180.

French fries in a multicooker

French fries with paprika is a bright, crispy and incredibly tasty dish. The use of wigs is very important for young potatoes, which, even with prolonged cooking, will not be particularly ruddy. For an attractive look, you need to marinate potato cubes in oil and spices, and then fry in boiling oil in a multicooker bowl.


  • potatoes - 450 g;
  • oil - 750 ml;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 10 g.


  1. Cut the potatoes and marinate in 70 ml of oil and spices for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour oil into the bowl of the multicooker, set the “Multi-cook” mode and the temperature to 170 degrees.
  3. Dip the potato wedges into the bowl.
  4. Roast 8 minutes.
  5. Remove excess oil, salt.

French fries in the microwave in 5 minutes

Differs in speed of preparation. The frying technique is available to everyone: you just need to spread the potato slices in a single layer on a plate and, after sprinkling them lightly with oil, briefly turn on the microwave at maximum power. With this method of cooking, the potatoes are juicy, ruddy, but not overcooked.


  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • oil - 30 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Cut potatoes, drizzle with oil and salt.
  2. Arrange on a plate in one row.
  3. French fries are cooked at maximum power for 5 minutes.

French fries - a recipe that gives great opportunities for proper preparation. With an air grill, potatoes from a high-calorie dish instantly turn into a dietary product, as they are cooked with a minimum of oil, in a convection way. Thanks to modern technology, you can get tasty and healthy food in 20 minutes.


  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Cut the peeled potatoes into shapes using a special knife.
  2. Drizzle with oil, season with salt and place on the medium rack of the air fryer for 20 minutes on the highest temperature and high speed.

French fries without oil - the most lightweight version of a popular dish. In terms of taste, such potatoes are similar to traditional ones, but unlike the latter, they are not so high in calories. All thanks to the egg mass, which replaced the butter, which cut the calorie content by half and made the potatoes not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • potatoes - 7 pcs.;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • cumin - 5 g;
  • dried garlic - 5 g.


  1. Cut potatoes into strips.
  2. Beat the egg, add garlic and cumin to the mixture.
  3. Pour mixture over potatoes, stir and place on foil.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

French fries in the oven with egg white

French fries in the oven is the most delicious recipe, distinguished not only by its excellent taste, appetizing appearance, but also by the method of preparation. The peculiarity of the latter is that the potato is immersed in a mass of whipped proteins, which, in addition to the high content of amino acids and trace elements, give the potato a crispy golden crust.

It is one of the most popular dishes. It is served in cafes, fast food restaurants and fast food establishments. How to cook so that its taste is similar to the purchase? After all, most of all we like fragrant fried pieces with outside and juicy pulp inside. Is it possible to achieve good results at home? We will tell you in detail how to cook french fries in this article. We hope that our tips and tricks will allow you to create a real taste of the fried product.

How to cook french fries: preparation

The main ingredients for cooking fried potatoes are vegetable oil (odorless), salt and potatoes. It is best to use tubers of white varieties. Wash the root vegetables and remove the skin with a vegetable peeler or with a regular knife. Rinse the potatoes again under water and chop into cubes, slices or straws. Rinse the chopped tubers from starch, put on a kitchen towel and dry. All excess moisture must be removed from the pieces.

How to cook french fries: frying

For frying, it is recommended to use a deep frying pan, preferably not very large in diameter. It is necessary to pour such an amount of oil into it that it completely covers the potatoes immersed in it. Heat up the oil well. Then, in small batches, start dipping potato wedges into it. Do not lay out a large amount at once, otherwise the same crispy crust will not form. It is best to fry one layer of the product. Keep the sticks in hot fat until they acquire a beautiful golden hue. Don't overcook the potatoes, or they will overcook. Soft center and light crispy crust - this is what you need. Turn the pieces occasionally with a spatula.

How to cook french fries: serving

After the potatoes have acquired the desired shade, remove them from the oil with a slotted spoon. All fat must drain. Place the fried pieces on paper towels to soak up excess oil. The dish should be served hot, piping hot. Then you can feel all the taste for which french fries are so loved. Serve it as a side dish for fish and meat dishes. You can also eat hot potatoes on their own with tomato or cheese sauce. Now you do not need food from the store. Do you know how to cook delicious food?

cooking secrets

  • It is very important that the potatoes are thoroughly dried before frying. If you place a wet product in hot fat, the boiling oil will spatter violently and could burn you.
  • When giving preference to refined and deodorized oils. It can be not only sunflower, but also corn, olive or cotton.
  • The fat for frying must be at the right temperature. To see if the oil is hot enough, dip one small piece of potato into it and see how it behaves. If the slice immediately floats to the surface and bubbles of oil surround it, then the fat has heated up to the desired temperature. If not, continue heating.
  • Salt the potatoes after cooking, otherwise they will not turn out crispy. It is best to do this before serving.

Many mistakenly believe that french fries are a French dish. In fact, this method of cooking potatoes was invented by the Belgians. For several years now, they have been trying to achieve recognition of french fries as the world's culinary heritage of Belgium. Well, we don’t mind at all, because the Belgians definitely know a lot about cooking french fries.

I have to cook such potatoes very often, since my husband is Dutch and often ate such potatoes in Belgium, and I also managed to try them a couple of times there. Once you try it, you will cook these potatoes at home very often.

The secret of the unique taste of the Belgian potato is that it is cooked in two steps. First, the potatoes are cooked at a low temperature, and then at a higher temperature. It is best to cook such potatoes in a deep fryer in order to accurately observe the temperature regime and eventually get real Belgian fries.

To prepare delicious french fries at home, we will prepare the necessary products. Potatoes can be taken of any size, non-starchy varieties. Traditionally, the size of Belgian fries is 12 cm. From 600 g of potatoes, you will end up with about 250 g of fries, so calculate how many potatoes you need to take to feed your family. This is enough for my family of two.

First, turn on the fryer and set the temperature to 160 degrees C. Let the fryer heat up.

Peel the potatoes and cut into equal strips lengthwise.

Pat the sliced ​​potatoes very well with a towel to remove all the liquid. Then we send the chopped potatoes for literally 5-7 minutes in the freezer. This is necessary so that the potatoes turn out ruddy and crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

We spread the potatoes in the deep fryer basket and fry for 8-10 minutes - until almost cooked.

Take the potatoes out of the fryer and place them on a paper towel. As you can see, the potatoes are already soft, but without a golden crust. Let the potatoes cool completely. In the meantime, set the temperature in the deep fryer to 180 degrees C. We send the cooled potatoes back to the deep fat and now fry until golden brown. Adjust the degree of golden brown to your liking. Salt the cooked French fries with coarse salt.

In Belgium, french fries will be served to you in a paper bag, sprinkled with mayonnaise, yes, yes, mayonnaise. In Belgium, there is even a special mayonnaise for french fries, you can see it in the photo below. We have such mayonnaise in the house all the time, since french fries are a frequent dish on our table. Of course, you can serve french fries with ketchup and your favorite sauces.

This bag of homemade French fries is for you my dear friends and readers, I hope you get a taste of Belgium. And if suddenly it seems to you that something is missing, then go to the refrigerator and get a jar of cold foaming beer to a delicious potato. And then everything will be exactly in Belgian! Bon appetit!

How to cook french fries at home so that it turns out to be as tasty and fragrant as in a fast food cafe? This question is of particular interest to those who cannot imagine their life without fried foods. It should be noted that, like any other fast food, french fries are quite unhealthy. However, if you use it rarely and in moderation, then it will not be able to negatively affect your body. What's more, home-made meals are safer than those sold at popular fast food restaurants.

Choosing the Right Raw Materials

Let's say you have already learned how to cook french fries at home, now you should purchase all the basic ingredients. For this dish, such varieties of vegetables that contain a minimum of starch are ideal. It should also be noted that french fries will turn out to be the most delicious, crispy and beautiful if they are cooked from large and oblong tubers.

Oil selection

How to make french fries at home? To do this, you should stock up not only on vegetables, but also on a product such as vegetable oil. It is best to take refined (deodorized). Otherwise, your dish will have a pronounced aroma of oil, which, of course, is undesirable.

Thus, for cooking french fries, it is recommended to purchase sunflower, olive or corn oil. Each of these varieties will give your dish a special delicate aroma and taste.

French fries: a detailed recipe

French fries are not as difficult to cook as it seems at first glance. After all, almost every one of us knows how to fry it in a pan. The difference between these dishes is only in the amount of vegetable oil used during heat treatment.

So, remembering how to cook french fries at home, you need to purchase:

Slicing vegetables

How to make homemade french fries so that they are as similar as possible to those sold in a fast food cafe? To do this, vegetables should be cut correctly. But before that, large tubers need to be washed well and thinly peeled. Next, the potatoes must be cut into long and thin slices 1-1.3 centimeters thick. If you make them a little thinner, then you risk getting an overcooked dish saturated with oil. If you chop the vegetable too thickly, then there is a chance that the middle of the pieces will not cook.

Preparation of the main ingredient

How to make french fries rosy and very tasty? To do this, use a special deep fat and a set of aromatic spices. But before you start frying vegetable straws, you need to put it on a paper towel and dry it well. If this procedure is overlooked, then you risk severe burns, since water droplets that fall into the seething fat will create a rather strong reaction.

Heat treatment

Having carefully figured out how to cook french fries in a deep fryer, you, of course, remember that you must first pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into it and heat it up strongly. The readiness of fat can be determined in the following way: you need to lower a small piece of peeled vegetable into it. If the potato floats and bubbles appear around it, then the oil is perfectly heated. If this does not happen, then you need to wait a few more minutes.

After the vegetable oil boils, a small amount of chopped and dried potatoes should be placed in the grid of the deep fryer. Next, the dishes need to be lowered into fat and cook the product until a golden crust appears. At the same time, it is recommended to stir the vegetables regularly, twitching the net or simply moving them with a slotted spoon.

Final stage

Now you know how to make french fries at home. However, it is equally important to find out how such a dish should be served at the table. To do this, ready-made vegetables need to be laid out on a paper napkin and deprive them of fat as much as possible. Next, the french fries must be placed in a sieve or colander, and then sprinkled with salt and sweet paprika to taste. After shaking the product strongly several times, it should be put on a plate and served with ketchup or some other sauce. Bon appetit!

Crispy french fries

We talked about how to cook french fries at home. However, it should be noted that this dish is not as crispy as we would like. In this regard, we bring to your attention another recipe that involves pre-freezing vegetables.

So, before you cook french fries at home, you need to purchase:

  • refined vegetable oil - about 600 ml (for deep-frying);
  • potato tubers large oblong - 5-8 pieces;
  • any starch - 150 g;
  • fine salt, sweet paprika, pepper, aromatic seasonings, a mixture of dried herbs, etc., add to taste.

Preparing vegetables

What is the difference between this and the previous recipe? French fries in this case should be pre-frozen. This procedure will contribute to the fact that the dish will turn out not only ruddy and beautiful, but also as crispy as in a fast food cafe.

Thus, to prepare french fries, you should take several large oblong tubers of a vegetable, wash them thoroughly and peel them. Next, they need to be chopped into thin and long straws, and then put on paper napkins or a waffle towel and completely dehydrated.

Pretreatment of vegetables

How to cook homemade french fries so that they turn out to be as crispy as possible? To do this, take a large and not very deep plate, pour starch into it, and then roll all the chopped potato slices in turn. Next, they need to be placed in a metal container and sent to the freezer. It is recommended to keep vegetables in the cold for no more than 30 minutes.

Frying in oil

As mentioned above, to prepare such a dish, it is best to use a special deep fryer. But if you don’t have such a device, then you can use an ordinary thick-walled pan or a cast-iron roaster. It is necessary to pour a sufficient amount of vegetable oil into it, and then heat it up strongly at maximum heat. The fat is considered to be completely ready for the display of the product if it emits a light smoke and an appropriate aroma.

Experienced chefs recommend placing potatoes in deep fat using a special mesh basket. But if there was no such attribute in your kitchen, then you can put the vegetables directly into the pan. At the same time, it is recommended to stir them regularly, using a slotted spoon for this.

The readiness of homemade french fries can be determined by its color. Vegetables should be evenly golden brown. In addition, having tried such a dish, one can note not only its softness, but also a characteristic crunch, for which, in fact, most fast food fans love it.

Proper serving to the table

We talked about how to make french fries at home. But you should not prepare such a dish if you do not know how to properly serve it to the table. The fact is that vegetables do not salt during heat treatment. If you add spices to them during frying or before it, then the french fries will not turn out tasty, ruddy, and even more beautiful. In this regard, experts recommend flavoring the dish with seasonings only after it is completely ready for use. To do this, the fried potatoes should be removed from the boiling oil, and then put in a sieve or on paper towels. Having thus rid the vegetables of excess fat, they should be discarded in a colander, sprinkled with salt, aromatic seasonings, dried herbs and other additives, and then shaken thoroughly so that the spices are evenly distributed over the potatoes. Next, the dish must be put on a plate and presented to the table along with some kind of sauce.

French fries: can I cook in a slow cooker?

Cooking french fries in a slow cooker is just as easy and simple as in a deep fryer or on a conventional stove. For this you need:

  • refined vegetable oil - 1 l;
  • large oblong potato tubers - 5-9 pieces;
  • fine iodized salt - add to taste.

Processing vegetables

Cut potatoes for its preparation in a slow cooker should be exactly the same as described above. If you regularly make such a dish at home, then you should purchase a special device with which you can quickly chop vegetables into beautiful and even slices. In the absence of such a device, an ordinary sharp knife with a thin blade will do just fine.

Heat treatment

Before putting the sliced ​​potatoes in deep-frying, they should be dried well with paper napkins. Next, you need to pour vegetable oil into the container of the device and, turning on the baking mode, heat it up strongly. After a light smoke comes from the fat, it is necessary to place potato slices in a metal mesh basket and fry them thoroughly until golden brown. If you don’t have such a device, then you need to put the vegetables directly into the multicooker bowl, and mix and remove using a slotted spoon.

How to properly serve?

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making your own French fries in a slow cooker. After cooking, the vegetables should be shaken strongly in a sieve, seasoned with salt and any other fragrant spices, and then presented to the table along with spicy ketchup or tomato sauce. Bon appetit!

To make such a dish at home as tasty and fragrant as possible, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
