
Cook barbecue in a slow cooker. How to cook pork skewers? How to serve a meat dish for dinner


Barbecue in a slow cooker sounds, let's say, a little unusual. After all, many people associate this dish with barbecue, smoke from a fire, a trip to nature, etc. However, imagine that you are going to cook meat on open fire, marinated it, tuned in to have a good and tasty meal, and nature failed - rain or cold disrupted your plans.


No problem! Yours will come to your rescue kitchen helper, and a barbecue in a slow cooker will turn out no worse than on a fire.

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The recipe for barbecue in a slow cooker is almost the same as usual, however, given that it is cooked in a saucepan, and not on coals, it is unlikely that it will have a specific “barbecue” smell.


But in this case, there are options: if you have such a farm specific ingredient How " liquid smoke”, add half a teaspoon of this mixture to the pork - this will provide you with a smack of smoke and fire in the meat, which is cooked in the kitchen in an electric saucepan.

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True, whatever one may say, it is, after all, chemistry, so I do not advise abusing such a "smoke" ... But, occasionally, I think, "poison", after all, you can!))

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If you like to serve meat directly on skewers, then pieces of barbecue cooked in a slow cooker can simply be put on the table before serving. wooden skewers, alternating with baked onions and tomatoes. Of course, nothing compares to real pork grilled over charcoal with vegetables, but the imitation will be excellent - no worse.

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How to cook barbecue in a slow cooker




● 1 kg of meat (veal, pork, chicken or turkey fillet - to your taste)


For marinade:
● 2 kiwi
● 2 bell peppers
● 4 onions
● salt, pepper, ground coriander- taste.

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Any barbecue, even if it is cooked in a slow cooker, of course, begins with a marinade. If this dish is already unusual, then we will make the appropriate marinade.

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Marinade preparation:


Remove the skin from the kiwi and peel 2 onions. Now we send them together to a blender and grind them well (until a homogeneous sauce is formed). It should be noted that kiwi has the ability to retain meat juice inside and also soften it. Thus, our barbecue will simply melt in your mouth!





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Sliced ​​Bulgarian red Bell pepper large half rings, and the two remaining bulbs rings.

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Now we wash our meat thoroughly, and then cut it into pieces. Salt and pepper, rub it with ground coriander.

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After we add the previously made onion and kiwi sauce, as well as chopped bell pepper and bow. Mix everything well and put in the refrigerator to marinate (about 2-3 hours).

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4. After that, put our pickled meat in a slow cooker (along with the marinade) and set the “Baking” mode (cooking time - 45 minutes).



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If desired, you can string pieces of meat on skewers, alternating them with tomatoes and onion rings. All! Juicy, ruddy, barbecue in a slow cooker is ready! Try to distinguish from the real!

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To marinate meat, you need to choose the best way for you, because there are many marinades.If you cook pork skewers in a slow cooker, I advise you another marinade recipe. honey marinade. Moderately spicy and sweetish, it is ideal for soft, not very fatty fillets, and cooking pork skewers in a slow cooker will not take much time, except for the marinating process itself, which will take 3-4 hours.



For the marinade we need:

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For 800 g of meat

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2 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil(preferably olive).


2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey.


2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce.


2 cloves of garlic.


Salt, black and red ground pepper- taste.


2-3 medium bulbs.

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Take a deep bowl, mix vegetable oil, soy sauce, honey, garlic passed through a press. We clean the onion, cut into large rings.
Add the chopped pork to the bowl along with the onions. Mix well with your hands meat pieces with marinade. We cover the bowl cling film and refrigerate for at least 3 hours. The more the meat is marinated, the softer and juicier the barbecue will turn out.

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Bon appetit!


Time: 100 min.

Servings: 6-7

Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Have a picnic at home in any weather with a kebab cooked in a slow cooker

Spring weekends are best spent outdoors. Fresh breeze, smells of the forest, smoke from a fire and, of course, meat roasted on skewers.

But very often the weather interferes with the plans of such out-of-town trips. Surely everyone at least once found himself in such a situation: the inventory is collected, the products are ready, the pickled meat is waiting, and outside the window in the morning it is raining, and even with sleet.

It is clear that there can be no talk of any trip to nature. Bags are unpacked, sad tourists scatter around the rooms, and only one question remains: what to do with meat? Of course, cook barbecue in a slow cooker!

Usually, recipes involving the oven are used to dispose of pickled pieces. Most ovens today are equipped with a grill, which is what hostesses use.

The failed kebab is laid out on a baking sheet, it goes under the grill, and after a while a plate with baked meat already flaunts on the table.

Needless to say, the taste of such a dish does not at all resemble barbecue: the pieces often turn out to be a little dry, and there is no aroma. But the kebab in the slow cooker comes out completely different: juicy, tender and very soft.

In order to cook barbecue in nature, absolutely any meat is used: pork, lamb, chicken. But the most sumptuous dish obtained from pork: it is quite juicy and fatty.

We also want to cook pork skewers in a slow cooker. But the same recipe can be safely applied to other types of meat.

Now a little about the most important ingredient. Perfect option- fresh fresh meat bought at the market. If you buy frozen pulp, after defrosting it will lose some of the liquid, and the kebab in the slow cooker will turn out dry and hard.

If, nevertheless, there is no opportunity to purchase fresh pork, you need to properly defrost the purchased product. You need to do this by placing a bowl of pork in the refrigerator.

There the meat will thaw for 12 hours, preserving most their juices. And in no case do not defrost meat in the microwave or hot water.

As you can see, the recipe suggests mayonnaise as a marinade. Now gourmets will wrinkle their noses and say “fi” in unison. Many barbecue connoisseurs believe that meat practically does not need a long marinade, and most best spices are salt, pepper and fresh herbs.

This is true, but only in relation to the carcass that ran last night: such pork, even without marinade, turns out to be tender, melting in the mouth.

No one will be able to vouch for exactly when the animal, part of which you purchased in the supermarket, was slaughtered.

Therefore, recipes for all kinds of marinades are born, helping to prepare a fairly soft and juicy barbecue.

By the way, it is not necessary to use mayonnaise for this. You may remember your family's favorite marinade recipe.

There are a great many of them, from quite traditional ones (kefir, mineral water, vegetable oil, lemon juice) to almost exotic, using pieces of kiwi and pineapple.

Step 1

First you need to prepare the marinade. In a deep bowl, mix mayonnaise, chopped onion rings, salt and pepper.

Step 2

cut the pork portioned pieces. Tip: To cook the delicacy faster, the pieces should not be very large.

Roll each piece in the marinade. If you have time, you can leave the meat to marinate for several hours.

Step 3

Now - the most interesting. Many recipes advise frying kebabs in a slow cooker, simply placing chopped pieces on the bottom of the bowl. But we want to feel the whole atmosphere of a picnic, so we will cook pork kebab in a slow cooker as it should be: on skewers.

Certainly we are talking not about real, but rather about symbolic skewers - bamboo sticks. Four to five pieces of meat are placed on each skewer, depending on their size.

One important point: the whole skewers will not fit in the bowl, so they need to be trimmed (as in the photo).

At the same time, make sure that one end of the stick was inside a piece of meat (this will protect the coating of the bowl from scratches), and the other was free (it will be convenient to take it and turn the kebab over). Trim the bamboo skewer so that its free end does not touch the inside of the bowl.

Step 4

Lay the skewers on top of each other (see photo). Turn on the multicooker in the “Baking” mode, set the time to 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Step 5

After half an hour, look into the bowl. During this time, a fair amount of liquid (meat juice and marinade) should have collected there. It must be drained, otherwise the meat will not be baked, but stewed in its own juice.

After that, turn the pork skewers over to another barrel and close the lid. At the end of the program, the recipe advises to run the “Frying” course for 15 minutes so that each piece is covered appetizing crust. Fry the kebab, turning the skewers every 5 minutes.

The finished kebab turns out to be quite juicy, and does not need additional sauces. in softness and palatability it is as close as possible to the dish that everyone eats with pleasure, sitting in the forest by the fire.

The only difference is the absence of a characteristic smell of haze, but this property is simply impossible to realize at home.

See another version of this dish:


  • chicken wings - 1 kg

for the marinade:

  • honey - 2 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil (refined, odorless) - 2 tbsp.
  • ketchup - 2 tbsp.
  • mustard - 2 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • red pepper - ¼ tsp
  • black pepper - ¼ tsp


Cooking Chicken Wings in BBQ Sauce is easy. Let's take chicken wings and separate the third, most bony part from them along the joint. To prepare the dish, we need the rest of the wing. We wash and dry them.

We prepare the marinade by mixing all the indicated ingredients: odorless vegetable oil, mustard, ketchup, salt, two types of pepper, honey. The amount of ground pepper can be adjusted depending on personal culinary preferences. It is better to use freshly ground pepper from the mill - the sauce will get even more spicy taste and aroma. Mustard is better to take Dijon, it has a mild pleasant taste.

Stir and add the marinade to the wings. Mix again so that the sauce completely covers all the pieces. In this form, we send the wings to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours for pickling.

When the time is right, transfer the wings to the multicooker bowl. We start the “baking” program by setting the time for 20-25 minutes. After the multicooker signal, mix the contents of the bowl and start the “baking” cycle again for the same time.

As a result, we get an excellent fragrant dish- chicken wings in barbecue sauce, cooked in a slow cooker. These wings are very good both on their own and with light vegetable salads.

Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!!!

Many of us love barbecue, but it is not always possible to get out into nature. And rainy autumn or cold winter you will have to forget about barbecues altogether. This is what happened with us. We gathered for barbecue, bought pork, marinated it and it started to rain. The event was canceled, and something had to be done with the meat, and I decided to cook it from pork barbecue in a multicooker.

Of course, it is difficult to call meat cooked in a slow cooker real kebabs, because the kebab is cooked on coals, and not fried. But nevertheless, the pork turned out to be very tasty and juicy inside, and a fried crust formed on top. And what was the aroma! So a kebab cooked in a slow cooker can be considered a sort of alternative if there is no way to get out into nature and cook a real kebab.

As a meat for barbecue, it is better to choose pork, preferably neck. Do not use frozen meat, only fresh! Well, the most best marinade for barbecue it's a lot of onions and different spices. And no vinegar! It is best to marinate meat for kebabs overnight, or at least so that it stands in the marinade for three hours.

If you are too lazy to cook, you can buy ready-made marinated meat for barbecue in the store. But there may slip you don't know what. So, let's start cooking kebabs in a slow cooker.

Recipe for pork skewers in a slow cooker

Barbecue Ingredients:

  1. Pork meat (neck) - 500-800 grams
  2. Onions - 4-5 pieces
  3. Spices for barbecue
  4. Vegetable oil

How to cook barbecue in a pork slow cooker:

We marinate the meat for shish kebabs cut into portions in chopped onion rings, herbs and spices. Best at night or for a few hours. You can also use mayonnaise.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and put the pork in the multicooker.

Let's cut onion rings and put on top of the meat.

We turn on the “baking” mode for 40 minutes and fry the pork on both sides with the lid open.

Pork skewers in a slow cooker are ready! Arrange the meat on plates, pour ketchup as desired. Can be served with barbecue fresh onion, vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit!

Barbecue, as a rule, many people associate with a picnic, warm summer days, sincere cheerful company, crackling coals. And if it’s bad weather outside and there’s no way to make a fire in the grill, but you really want a barbecue? In this case, you can cook a fragrant juicy pork kebab in a slow cooker. In addition to the fact that the meat turns out to be very tasty, it is much easier to cook it than on a fire: you do not need to sit over smoldering coals and seize the moment so that the kebab does not burn or remain raw. It’s much easier with a slow cooker: I sent the meat into a saucepan, turned on the desired mode, and after a certain time, tender pork skewers ready.
Whatever cooking method you use, it is important to choose quality meat for barbecue. Juicy and tender dish obtained from a product containing fatty layers: shoulder blades, brisket, neck. The meat should be fresh, with pink elastic flesh and pleasant smell. Equally important is a well-prepared barbecue marinade. For example, meat marinated in dry red wine with spices is different delicate taste and a peculiar spicy aroma.

Taste Info Meat second courses


  • Pork - 700 - 800 g;
  • Red dry wine- 250 ml;
  • Onion (large) - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt;
  • Spices (coriander, black and red ground pepper, oregano, celery, bay leaf).

How to cook pork skewers in a slow cooker

Never use frozen meat for barbecue! Only fresh or chilled! Rinse the tenderloin, cut into portioned pieces of the same size (slightly larger than a matchbox).

Remove the dry husks from the onions, cut them into rings or half rings, combine with meat.

Add fragrant spices and dry herbs, black and red peppers to taste, a couple of bay leaves, salt. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, grind with your hands so that each piece of meat is saturated with seasonings and salt.

Then add a glass of dry red wine. You can, of course, use semi-sweet for this purpose. But the dry drink contains more acid, which softens the meat fibers and makes the kebab melt in your mouth.

Dip the pieces of meat well in the marinade so that it completely covers them. It is even better to put a heavy press on top and put the semi-finished product in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.

After the specified time, when the meat is well marinated, you can start frying the barbecue. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, put the meat, close the lid and turn on the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes. Do not put the onion in the slow cooker yet, otherwise it will burn. It is better to send it to the meat 10 minutes before the end of the "Baking" mode.

First, the meat in the slow cooker will release the juice and will be stewed in it. But after 5 minutes, the moisture will completely evaporate, and the kebab will begin to cover. golden brown. From time to time it should be turned over so that it does not burn, but is fried evenly on all sides. After half an hour, turn on the “Porridge” mode for 10 minutes - the meat will sweat, it will “reach”.

Pork skewers in a slow cooker are ready. Now you can string it on wooden skewers and serve with ketchup or other barbecue sauce.
