
Vegetable stew with meat: delicious and easy recipes. Cooking vegetable stew with meat

Vegetable stew with meat and potatoes is very fragrant, tasty and satisfying. This is the perfect dish for a family dinner on a cool autumn evening. All vegetables in the recipe for vegetable stew with meat and potatoes are perfectly combined with each other, complementing each other. The meat is soft and juicy thanks to pre-frying, it melts right in your mouth.

Cooking stew with meat and potatoes does not require special culinary skills, so even a novice cook can repeat this recipe. Instead of fresh tomatoes, you can use tomato juice or paste.


  • 400 g pork or beef
  • 6-7 potatoes
  • 5 tomatoes
  • 2 eggplant
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 bulb
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • parsley and dill
  • Bay leaf
  • 3 allspice peas
  • salt to taste
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp sweet paprika
  • 0.5 tsp provencal herbs

How to cook vegetable stew with meat and potatoes:

Wash the meat (I used pork for the recipe). We clean the pulp from films and fat. Cut the fillet into small pieces.

Pour some sunflower oil into the bottom of a heavy-bottomed saucepan. Let it warm up and put the pieces of pork in it. Stirring, fry the meat for 5 minutes.

Then fill it with hot water and cover with a lid. We will stew the meat for 40 minutes so that it becomes soft, as required by the recipe for vegetable stew with meat and potatoes.

At this time, wash and cut the potatoes into large pieces.

When the meat is cooked, pour the potatoes into the pan with the broth.

Cut the eggplant into circles, then cut each circle into 4 parts. The blue skin does not need to be peeled. If the eggplants are bitter, sprinkle them with salt and leave for 20 minutes so that they release the juice and the bitterness is gone from them.

Then fry the blue ones in vegetable oil until soft.

Add eggplant to meat stew with potatoes.

Peel the carrots and cut into medium-sized pieces. Grind the onion and sweet pepper into a cube, as required by the recipe for vegetable stew with meat and eggplant.

In a small amount of oil, fry the onion and pepper until soft. Then add carrots to them and continue to cook the ingredients for a couple more minutes.

Wash the tomatoes, cut out the stem. We cut them into 6 parts and grind them in a blender bowl or with a meat grinder.

Add chopped tomatoes to the fried vegetables.

Stir, simmer the ingredients together for 1-2 minutes and pour them into the pan.

First we need to prepare the eggplants, for this they need to be washed and cut into cubes. Bitterness must be removed from eggplants by sprinkling them with salt for 10 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wash the eggplants abundantly under hot water, drain the water.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces, fry in sunflower oil on both sides.

When the meat is fried until golden brown, add diced carrots and onions, fry a little, stirring occasionally.

Next, add eggplant with chopped cabbage to meat and vegetables, mix well and simmer for 5 minutes, not forgetting to stir occasionally. Potatoes need to be cut into cubes and fried in sunflower oil in a separate pan until golden brown.

Pour fried potatoes into a pan with meat, eggplant and cabbage, add diced sweet peppers and zucchini (I have frozen ones), mix.

Fry the stew over medium heat for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end, salt, pepper, pour in tomato juice and simmer for another 3 minutes. Appetizing, tasty, juicy vegetable stew with chicken is ready.

Bon appetit!

What to cook for lunch quickly and tasty

The article will tell you about cooking methods, the benefits of stew for dietary nutrition. With these recipes for vegetable stew with meat, you can always surprise your guests

2 h

100 kcal

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Stew is a dish that is equally successful for those who love and know how to cook, and culinary lazy ones.

No one can say exactly where and when it arose. But every nation has such a dish.

It is known that the word stew itself has French roots and is translated as “stimulating appetite”. What more precisely can reflect its essence! I want to eat even from the smell when cooking stew.

The stew was originally called pieces of meat, fried in oil and seasoned with sauce. Then they started adding vegetables.

Goulash and beef stroganoff are also varieties of stews.

But let's not bore you with long historical references. First, let's cook this dish, and then learn interesting facts about it!

"We sit" on a diet, enjoying the stew

Stew healthy dish. Nutritionists advise people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, obese, with some low blood counts to eat it.

This is an interesting dish, you can increase or decrease the number of calories in it.

So when frying, calories increase, and if you throw vegetables immediately into a cauldron, then the stew will be low-calorie, of course, if you cook it with lean meats, and even better with chicken.

Stew is very useful for children, it is a source of vitamins for growth. Experts advise cooking stew for a child at least twice a week, moreover, using a different set of vegetables.

The stew is also good because everyone can choose a certain set of products that is necessary for his body.

Useful properties of vegetables that form the basis of the stew

  • Eggplants are very low in calories and can be stew base for overweight people.
  • Zucchini is 90% water, and the solid residue contains a large amount of vitamins B, E, C, PP. As well as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. Ideal for fighting swelling.
  • Cauliflower contains an even richer set of vitamins and minerals. It is completely digested, and at the same time removes water. Virtually no contraindications for use.
  • Tomatoes with a low calorie content dull the feeling of hunger. They are called universal remedy for all diseases.
  • Carrots are a well-known source of carotene.
  • Bulgarian pepper ─ a storehouse of vitamins A, B, C, iodine and magnesium.

How to cook meat stew

Exist three fundamentally different ways cooking stew.

  • First way suitable for those who cook with pleasure, strictly according to the recipe and are not in a hurry. This is a method when each vegetable and meat is stewed or fried separately, and almost ready-made, they are combined into one.
  • Second way: the whole cooking process takes place in one container, but the ingredients are added gradually.
  • And the third way─ for people who do not like to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. All vegetables, meat, seasonings are put in a saucepan and stewed with oil and water for about an hour. Everything, the dish is ready.

By the way, most often the last way stew turns out very well, especially if cooked in pot or cauldron placed in the oven, or, at worst, in the oven.

And if you put vegetables and meat on a deep baking sheet and put in the oven for about half an hour, and then sprinkle it with grated cheese, then no one will refuse such a stew. And the set of vegetables here can be the most diverse. One piece of advice: vegetables need to be cut larger than on a stew in a saucepan.

Georgian chicken ragout

Let's start the step-by-step preparation of the stew.

Prepare the following ingredients for Georgian stew:

This is the second type of stew where all the ingredients are laid out gradually.

  1. We clean the eggplants, cut them into thin half rings and soak in cold water.
  2. We wash and clean the potatoes, cut them into cubes and set to boil.
  3. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the onion: chop finely, wash the pepper and also cut into cubes.
  4. Fry onion and pepper until golden brown. Put the onion and pepper in a bowl.
  5. We throw eggplants into a colander and fry them in oil in a frying pan where there was an onion.
  6. We return the eggplant with potatoes.
  7. Preparing the tomato paste. To do this, grate the washed tomatoes (they should be soft), and discard the skin. Put the tomato paste on the pan. Add some water and continue to simmer.
  8. Fry chicken pieces on all sides, add crushed garlic to the frying oil. We spread to vegetables.
  9. Finely chop the herbs and throw to the vegetables.

Our stew is ready.

Pork ragout with potatoes


  • Pork 400 gr
  • Potatoes 4 pieces
  • Eggplant 2 pieces
  • Zucchini 1 piece
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Onion 2 pieces
  • Cauliflower 1 small head
  • Green peas 1 cup
  • Tomato paste 1.5 cups
  • Pepper, salt, herbs, vegetable oil.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Wash and cut into cubes all vegetables.
  2. We put a cauldron on the stove and begin the process. But do not forget to put the pieces of eggplant soaked in cold water.
  3. Pour vegetable oil. We need about half glass.
  4. Do not rush, wait until it boils. We lower the onion into the boiling oil, wait until the oil boils again and lower the meat, also cut into small pieces.
  5. Stirring, bring the meat to half-cooked and pour a little water.
  6. We again give the opportunity to boil and lower the carrots and cauliflower, mix and waiting five minutes, add eggplant.
  7. Now it's the turn of the potatoes. It needs to be cut into cubes.
  8. Next comes the zucchini. We spread the tomato paste and bring the dish to readiness. We spread the peas and cook for a few more minutes over medium heat.
  9. Sprinkle greens already in plates.

It is allowed to add minced meat instead of meat to stew with potatoes, this will save you a lot of time for cooking.

Ragout with minced pork

This meat stew recipe belongs to the third cooking method.

A feature of this stew will be the fact that there is a leek.

We will need:

  • Minced pork 500 gr.
  • Green beans 300 gr
  • Leek at least 100 gr (otherwise it makes no sense to put it ─ you won’t feel it).
  • Carrot 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes 3 pcs.
  • Zucchini zucchini 2 pcs.
  • Canned green peas 2 cups
  • Broccoli cabbage, if possible 1 head
  • Spices, salt, oil.

We cut all the vegetables into cubes and put them in a cauldron with boiling oil. Simmer for about forty minutes. Add green peas, spices, finely chopped herbs. We simmer for a few more minutes - and we call the household members languishing from the smell.

Master class: pumpkin stew

With this dish, you can easily surprise your guests!

  1. Need to find medium sized pumpkin. We don’t take a large one, the stew will not soak there as it should.
  2. Wash and dry the pumpkin. Then carefully cut off the top in the shape of a cap. We do not throw it away, this is an important detail.
  3. We carefully take out the pulp. Just cut with a knife and scoop out with a spoon. We throw away the seeds - this is the only thing that we will not need in a pumpkin.
  4. Next we make the filling. We need for her: carrot, cauliflower, celery, onion, eggplant. It is better not to add zucchini: it releases too much liquid and if there is melon pulp in the dish, it will be superfluous). You can add peas.
  5. Meat finely chop. Ideally, it is better to mix pork and beef. But you can do anything, even chicken.
  6. Stew in a deep frying pan until half cooked, laying out gradually, as we already know how.
  7. First onions in boiling oil, then meat.
  8. Then eggplants (did you forget to soak?), Cauliflower, carrots, celery, pumpkin pulp.

    If you decide to add peas, then this is, as always, at the very end. (Fans of experimenting can take corn instead of peas). But in this case, we add everything quickly. Vegetables should be slightly raw.

  9. We spread this mass in a pumpkin, close the lid and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.
  10. We take it out, decorate it on a plate and put it on the table in front of the eyes of the astonished guests.

What to put in a stew and whether to put at all?

The basis of any stew is an almost constant set of vegetables. It is not accidental: they always put onions. He attaches piquancy and flavor, tomatoes are needed for a sour note, zucchini releases liquid and allows you to reduce the amount of plain water and thus makes the dish more saturated. Carrots increase the amount of vitamins and improve the appearance of the dish. Do not do without herbs and spices.

But we have to use garlic sparingly.

And if you decide to put a new herb or spice in, first smell it, rub it between your fingers, taste it, add it to a small amount of food, such as broth. Then decide whether or not to add it. Even if this seasoning is included in the recipe, this does not mean that it is right for you.

In many recipes of national southern and Eastern European cuisines, it is widely used chilli or simple hot pepper. For a person living in the North, such spicy food is simply harmful.

In stews, some vegetables are found almost constantly, while others are rarely or completely unfairly forgotten.

This is primarily cabbage. All varieties of cabbage can be successfully used in stew: white, red, kohlrabi (usually rubbed on a coarse grater), broccoli, Brussels sprouts (small cabbages are put in the whole stew, and this becomes the highlight of the dish).

It is good to add lentils, beans, both canned white and red, and pre-boiled in salted water, to the stew. Gives originality to the dish and green beans.

A rare vegetable so far scorzonera or black carrots, very rich in vitamins. It is cleaned and also rubbed on a coarse grater. There are stew recipes that include radishes and radishes.

Here is an approximate set of products for such a dish: meat, onion, radish, radish, bell pepper, celery root, white cabbage.

Lovers of experimenting and creating new recipes add to the stew lime, pickles, lemon.

Many recipes for stew with mushrooms. Before putting the mushrooms in the stew, they must be boiled. It's better to do it even then. When you pan fry them.

You didn't know about stew

Italian sauce bolognese, which suddenly became so popular with us─ also stew. There are so many recipes for bolognese that the Italian Association of Restaurateurs and Chefs has announced the official composition of the sauce: beef, pork, pancetta (fat pork breast, felted in herbs), onions, carrots, celery, tomato paste, meat broth and red wine. Now you can try to make the bolognese, which is universally recognized in Italy.

In Britain, stew is called stu and especially do not bother with the ingredients. They put everything that they currently have in the refrigerator: any meat and any set of vegetables. Do the same and proudly announce to your family that you have prepared stew.

And in a country far from the British Isles, practical people also live. Schools train sumo wrestlers in Japan chankonabe─ stew, where they put everything that is available to the cook. If your loved ones get bored, feel free to switch to chankonabe.

The next dish that should make all your loved ones proud of you is fricassee.

Classic fricassee - pieces of meat fried in butter. After frying, they are sprinkled with flour and stewed in meat broth. Then add cream mixed with egg yolk. At the last moment, everything is seasoned with lemon juice and pepper. Also nothing complicated, but in this case you need to think about the side dish.

For those who like to combine meat with a side dish in one pan, suitable Irish stew. It was prepared by Irish women for shepherd husbands. Finely chop the meat (usually in Ireland they take lamb, but any other meat is also used), while vegetables are cut on the contrary, coarsely. However, the list of vegetables is short: potatoes and onions. All this is folded into a deep frying pan or thick-walled pan and stewed for about an hour.

This dish was not to everyone's taste. One of the heroines of the story of Agatha Christie called the Irish stew "dog's dinner, potatoes and gravy." Everyone stews meat with potatoes and onions, but not everyone knows that this is an Irish stew. So please your family: today you have not meat and potatoes, but Irish stew.

In Russia, Alexander Radishchev first wrote about stew in the 18th century. But, of course, our ancestors ate stew without knowing what exactly they were eating! So in peasant families on holidays they cooked turnips with meat. Why not stew?

Ragout is a versatile dish. Classic on the one hand and very diverse on the other. Its taste depends on the set of vegetables and their proportions. Every self-respecting housewife has her own versions of this dish.

In contact with

There are a lot of options for preparing this delicious dish. I offer you a recipe for the most delicious, fragrant pork stew with vegetables and herbs in a thick sauce. This is the most delicious stew I know. Pork pieces fried to a golden brown with vegetables are stewed in a sweet and sour sauce, the meat turns out incredibly soft and juicy, and the vegetables perfectly complement this exquisite, rich bouquet.

Pork, potatoes, zucchini, bell pepper, hot pepper, tomato, carrot, onion, garlic, dill, parsley, tomato paste, vegetable oil, coriander...

Pork and vegetable stew is a great, hearty dish that can be made with less fat, but tastes better if you use pork belly.

Pork brisket, tomato puree, potatoes, carrots, onions, parsley root, margarine, wheat flour, ground black pepper, salt, water

Beef is stewed with whole onions, red potatoes, carrots and tomatoes in wine and broth.

Steak, potatoes, carrots, onions, canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, olive oil, tomato paste, beef broth, dry red wine, thyme (thyme...

Stew is a delicious dinner, stew can be an independent dish or a side dish. It may include vegetables, mushrooms, fish, but the most delicious stew is obtained with meat. In general, cooking stew is a good occasion for culinary fantasies. I offer you my favorite recipe for meat stew with vegetables and herbs.

Pork, white cabbage, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomato paste, dry wine, ground black pepper, allspice peas, bay leaf...

Damlama (domlyama, dimlama) is a delicious and very fragrant dish of Central Asian cuisine. Meat and vegetables are laid out in layers and stewed over low heat in their own juice. There is no single recipe. The number of vegetables is taken arbitrarily, based on preference and availability. Layers of vegetables may alternate.

Lamb, veal, beef, chicken, vegetable oil, beef fat, tail fat, onion, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, cabbage...

A very tasty and simple dish - chicken stew with peas. Ready in just half an hour. Hostesses, take note.

Chicken fillet, potatoes, onions, carrots, canned green peas, tomatoes, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, herbs

Very tasty second course - meat stewed with vegetables. Moderately sharp.

Pork, vegetable oil, onion, salt, ground red pepper, ground black pepper, ice cream green peas, potatoes, bell peppers, green beans...

Dishes in pots always turn out especially tasty. Therefore, I try to cook food in them whenever possible. For example, pork stew with potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini.

Pork, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, onions, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, mixture, bay leaf, allspice, vegetable oil

Vegetable stew with meat is very tasty if cooked in a slow cooker.

Pork tenderloin, vegetable oil, young potatoes, onion, corn, chili pepper, bell pepper, garlic, salt, oregano, chicken broth, zucchini...

Isn't it great - a little meat, a lot of different vegetables, and all this is partly stewed, partly steamed. And on what pair - from own juice! I didn’t add a drop of water to the cauldron, but in the end the broth turned out to be two-thirds of the vessel :))

Lamb, tail fat, onions, tomatoes, carrots, eggplant, sweet peppers, potatoes, garlic, hot peppers, white cabbage, basil greens, salt, spices

Wonderful pork stew - with vegetables, mushrooms and fragrant spices.

Mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, young potatoes, thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb), rosemary, petiole celery, pork ...

An appetizing dish of small pieces of meat or poultry stewed in a sauce with vegetables, fruits, spices is a delicious meat stew. The recipe for this hearty main dish can include any combination of products. For example, beef and tomato stew with red wine, bay leaf and thyme.

Olive oil, onion, beef, garlic, red wine, tomatoes, bay leaf, thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb), salt, black pepper

Such a combined stew is very satisfying, the dish includes many healthy and tasty products, such as legumes, cereals, meat, vegetables and eggs.

White beans, olive oil, onion, garlic, pearl barley, paprika, cayenne pepper, celery stalk, tomatoes, carrots, turnips, potatoes, beef...

There is no price for such complex dishes, because meat and vegetables are served on the table in one form, and even under a potato cap.

Beef, dry red wine, juniper berries, orange peel, olive oil, onion, carrot, garlic, mushrooms, beef broth, corn starch...

Today I cooked a spontaneous dish, that is, from what was in the refrigerator. It is these dishes that are the most delicious when nothing is planned and everything is prepared on the go.

Pork, potatoes, carrots, garlic, cauliflower, apple, salt, black pepper, mixture

Delicious goulash with vegetables. The dish is so simple that anyone can make it. Prepare a stew of goulash with vegetables, and you will have an amazing dinner for the whole family.

Pork, potatoes, bell peppers, carrots, onions, water, pork fat, garlic, spices, olive oil, cumin, herbs, salt, eggs, water, flour, salt

Beef is stewed in the oven with potatoes, carrots, leeks and celery.

Beef tenderloin, young potatoes, leek, celery stalk, carrots, flour, vegetable oil, onion, tomato paste, dry grass mixture, brown sugar...

Vegetable stew with beef is stewed in the oven for a long time, during cooking, meat and vegetables are saturated with herbs and spices.

Beef tenderloin, wheat flour, olive oil, onion, carrot, celery stalk, beef broth, tomato paste, dry Italian herbs, brown sugar...

Meat with vegetables is a rather light, but at the same time hearty dish that even girls can afford to eat.

Pork, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, apple, tomato paste, salt, garlic, ground black pepper, vegetable oil

Vegetable stew in the old days served as an appetizer. It was the first to be put on the table, and all the components from vegetables were selected specifically so that the dish would whet the appetite of the guests before serving the main course.

But now, vegetable stew (like many dishes) has changed. And with the addition of meat, chicken or minced meat to the recipe, it may well be served at the table, not as an appetizer, but as a main course.

Recipes for dishes with vegetables and meat are already on my website and they are quite interesting, it is worth noting and cooking stew or. I highly recommend watching!

And here and now you can see:

Recipes for a very tasty dish - vegetable stew with different meats, cooked at home

Cooking a quick vegetable stew with meat - bake in the oven without roasting

Everything is very simple! Know, just work with a knife - cut vegetables.

Ingredients for vegetable stew:

  • tomatoes - five greenish;
  • carrot - one piece, large;
  • onions - three medium;
  • any minced meat - three hundred grams;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • sheet of baking paper.


This method of cooking vegetable stew will be without frying, from the category - I cut everything, threw it into a frying pan or pan, and forgot it for 40 minutes!

1. We put the oven on heating, set 200 - 210 degrees.

2. Pour spices into the meat. pour vegetable oil and mix thoroughly, put in an oven dish (or whatever you cook in).

Try to cut the potatoes smaller, as they, of all vegetables, take longer to cook. Do not cut the hot pepper pod, it is fraught, you may not taste the stew, it will just be fire.

4. All vegetables and meat were combined in a container for cooking, now you need to mix everything thoroughly.

5. Add all the spices that you have prepared.

6. Top with chopped tomatoes.

7. Time to salt our dish.

8. In a container, stir the tomato paste with water and pour into the stew.

9. Now, we are doing operations with baking paper, it should be larger in size than your oven container, that is, the paper should cover it completely. First, dampen the paper a little with water.

Why do we use baking paper for this vegetable eider in the oven, but let's say not foil or just a lid, you ask? And therefore. that the effect with foil and lid is quite different. This will not be baking, but stewing. Well, we bake!

10. Everything, the last! We send our “culinary design” to the oven and we can rest for 40-50 minutes, anticipating a wonderful meal.

We take out the dish, check its readiness, by potatoes, if it falls apart, then everything is ready.

And as they said in the famous movie - "Sit down to eat please"! Joke!

Bon appetit, ladies and gentlemen!

Vegetable stew with meat - recipe with potatoes and cabbage

Vegetable stew with meat - this dish is very tasty and nutritious. Today, almost everyone knows about the usefulness of vegetables. Today we will prepare a delicious dish that will contain both a variety of vegetables and meat.


  • Meat 300-350 gr.
  • Potatoes 8-9 medium.
  • Paprika 2-3 pcs. medium.
  • Onions (from 1 to 4 according to your taste)
  • Tomatoes (6 medium).
  • Leaves of cabbage (white cabbage).
  • Water (200-250 ml / g. - no more).
  • Salt, bay leaf, and black pepper to your taste.

Cooking vegetable stew in a saucepan

1. First we need meat and preferably fillet. Any game called “bird” will not suit us, like fish, who wants to sit and pick bones, both in food and during cooking ?! Shop or market, help you!

2. By this time, appropriately, you should have already peeled and cut the vegetables. I think this is for everyone.

We cut the potatoes into rings, as well as onions, tomatoes, bell peppers (paprika, the color can be any), it is advisable to scald the tomatoes with boiling water and remove the skin. You will need white cabbage leaves without hard parts of the head (that is, we take a whole leaf mode in half and cut out the hard part).

3. We wash the meat, the mode is medium pieces.

4. We put it in a pan, preferably of medium diameter (in width, not in size), which has already warmed up a little along with sunflower oil.

5. Everything is chopped, the meat is already slightly fried, we make a slow fire or put an electric stove on a double, and begin to lay on top of the meat, first the potatoes in a circle and put a couple of leaves of parsley.

6. Next comes paprika, also in a circle, onions. salt lightly, lay the tomatoes, cover it all with cabbage leaves.

8. Carefully pour 200-250 ml / g of water around the edges, this will give us more juice.

Cook for one hour on low heat with the lid closed!

That's it, the vegetable stew in the pot is ready! We call the household to the table and work hard with spoons, gobble up yummy!

p.s. Do not put a lot of bay leaves - it will turn out painfully spicy, for an amateur!

Recipe for vegetable stew with chicken - in a pan at home

We will cook vegetable stew for the whole family with chicken on vegetables.

What ingredients are needed for this:

  • 500 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 700 grams of chopped cabbage;
  • three peeled carrots;
  • four peeled potatoes;
  • three bulbs;
  • salt, spices, herbs, to taste;
  • half a glass of sunflower oil for frying.

Ragout with vegetables and chicken is made quickly and easily - recipe with photo

1. First, take the chicken and cut into beautiful squares. I think that you can first cut into such large strips, and after that divide them into even squares.

2. The chicken is chopped, throw it into a hot, hot pan, but before that add a third of the oil prepared according to the recipe. Everything must be mixed.

3. While the chicken is fried, finely chop the onion, we immediately send it to the chicken in a frying pan so that it is fried, gives us an amazing smell and becomes golden in color.

4. Immediately, without wasting time, we take a grater, take a carrot, cut it all up and also send a frying pan. You have to mix again.

5. Now we must take the potatoes and cut them into slices.

6. Before sending the potatoes to the pan, first add spices - bay leaf and peppercorns.

7. And now, you can add potatoes, and immediately I suggest adding cabbage, only first, knead it a little, adding salt.

8. We send the cabbage to the pan.

9. We leave it all on a small fire and in this state we leave it to stew for 40 minutes.

Our stew is almost ready, it remains only to add greens and you can serve it on the table.

10. Cut the greens and put in the stew.

11. Now you need to salt and pepper. We do it, of course, to your liking, as you like, so do.

12. Mix everything thoroughly, let it brew under the lid for 15 minutes and can be served.

Dinner is served ladies and gentlemen! Let's try vegetable stew with chicken. It will be 100% delicious, I guarantee.

How to make delicious vegetable stew with minced meat

To make vegetable stew with minced meat tasty and fragrant, we need the appropriate products.


  • zucchini - one, medium size;
  • eggplant (blue) - two fruits;
  • tomatoes - five greenish;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - two pieces;
  • carrot - one piece, large;
  • onions - three medium;
  • potatoes - 5 - 6, depending on size;
  • any minced meat - three hundred grams;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - for frying.

Let's start cooking a dish of vegetables and minced meat

1. Cut, all available vegetables, as you like.

2. Take, preferably thick-walled dishes, pour vegetable oil and start frying the onion first.

Here is the main bookmark sequence

3. Immediately throw in the minced meat. Salt. pepper and stir-fry. Cover with a lid and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

4 Place the vegetables one by one in the bowl. We start with carrots, then we throw tomatoes and the last - potatoes.

5. Salt, cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

6. Open, mix and throw in all the remaining vegetables.

7. Salt, add seasonings (if necessary), and pour water, but not much - about half a glass.

8. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 15 minutes. But you need to stir the vegetable stew every five minutes.

We check the readiness of the dish by potatoes, if it is cooked, then everything is ready.

Vegetable and meat stew recipe - vegetable stew with pork in a slow cooker (video )

This option for cooking vegetables with meat is very simple and affordable. True, in the presence of the multicooker itself. Although, you can safely experiment and cook it in a pan, in a skating rink, or in an oven. Why not?

Video recipe vegetable stew

All these recipes for vegetable stew, whether with meat, minced meat or chicken, each is prepared in its own way, and each will have its own, unique taste. Those who like thinner, cook in a saucepan, those who prefer drier, bake in the oven or cook in a pan. Everything according to your mood and in your roars!

Good luck and all the best!


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