
Dishes from young potatoes with meat. Braised pork with new potatoes and tomatoes

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Imagine such a delicious dinner: soft, fragrant, lightly browned pork meat with, sprinkled with green dill ... Imagine? Are you really salivating already?

Then let's cook together with tochka.net another dish of new potatoes. This time with pork.

Everything is very simple and very tasty! And also very fast. In just half an hour, you will have steaming with young potatoes ready, and the whole family will be full and satisfied.

Meat with young potatoes - ingredients:

  • 400 g of meat (pork pulp, neck, shoulder blade, brisket),
  • 50 g bacon (or lard),
  • 700 g young potatoes,
  • 1 onion
  • greens (dill, parsley),
  • 2 bay leaves,
  • 3 peas of allspice,
  • ground coriander to taste
  • ground black pepper to taste
  • salt to taste.

Meat with young potatoes - cooking:

  1. To cook such meat, choose small-sized young potatoes so that they can not be cut. Peel the young potatoes, wash and boil whole for 10 minutes.
  2. Meat cut into small pieces. Cut the bacon a little smaller. Finely chop the onion. Chop the greens.
  3. Throw the bacon into a hot saucepan and fry to release the fat. If using ready-made lard, melt it.
  4. Send the meat to a preheated stewpan and fry over high heat on all sides until golden brown, about 5 minutes. Then add the onion, bay leaf, allspice and fry until golden brown for 5 minutes.
  5. Put boiled potatoes in a saucepan, mix, salt, add spices and cook meat with young potatoes for another 15 minutes.
  6. At the end, sprinkle with herbs and serve the meat with young potatoes hot with fresh vegetable salads.

Bon appetit!


Watch the video recipe for young potatoes with rosemary:

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The beginning of summer is a long-awaited time, probably, for most of the inhabitants of our country, because young potatoes appear on the shelves of almost every grocery store. Few people manage to pass by this yummy, smelling like summer. There are more than enough recipes from new potatoes, but for some reason most of us are limited to ordinary boiled potatoes, poured with sour cream ...

But it can still be baked in pots, stewed with vegetables. Our grandmothers unanimously assert that it is absolutely impossible to fry new potatoes, but it has been proven from our own experience that a very unusual dish is obtained, which compares favorably with ordinary fried potatoes.

Today we offer to cook young potatoes with meat in the oven. The highlight of this dish is that the taste is richer than that of boiled potatoes, meat gives satiety to the dish, and sour cream becomes uniquely tasty during baking, combining potatoes and meat into a single whole.

Ingredients to cook young potatoes with meat in the oven:

  • young potatoes - 1 kg
  • pork - 350-400 g
  • sour cream - 200 ml
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • pepper - to taste
  • dill - a small bunch

Recipe young potatoes with meat in the oven:

Bring 1.5 liters of water to a boil, add 0.5 tsp. salt and send the meat to cook for 40 minutes.

Meanwhile, peel the new potatoes. It is advisable to use tubers of medium or even small size, then they will cook faster and taste much better. Peeling potatoes is very effective with the rough side of a dishwashing sponge, but this method only works if the potatoes are very fresh and the skins come off well.

Boil peeled and well-washed potatoes for 20 minutes in salted water.

While the potatoes and meat are cooking, prepare the dressing. Wash and chop the dill.

Mix sour cream with dill, lightly salt. Send to the refrigerator to wait in the wings.

Remove the meat from the water, cool and cut into small pieces.

In a ceramic baking dish of a suitable size, first put the meat ...

... then boiled young potatoes.

Pour all over with sour cream.

Bake potatoes with meat in the oven for 15 minutes.

The finished dish can be served at the table in the form in which it was prepared, or it can be laid out on plates.

Bon appetit!

Young potatoes have a very special taste, incomparable to anything and not like the taste of a “ripe” potato. Most often, it is cooked simply boiled or fried in oil, adding fresh herbs, garlic and sour cream. Amazingly delicious! This cooking option is undoubtedly the most popular while the potatoes are still “milky” ripeness, not very large, with a thin skin. But there are many recipes in which young potatoes also solo and at the same time go well with meat, spices, seasonings and a variety of vegetables. One of the options - . Or you can cook it with pork and tomatoes, choosing not very fatty soft meat for this dish and adding onions, carrots and spices for taste.
The cooking time of this dish directly depends on the softness of the meat, so the sirloin or meat from the back is best.

Braised pork with potatoes and tomatoes - recipe with photo


- soft lean pork - 300 gr;
- young potatoes - 500-600 gr;
- fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs;
- onions - 2 medium onions;
- carrots - 2 small;
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- salt - to taste;
- black and red pepper - 0.5 tsp each (or other spices to taste);
- water - 1-1.5 cups;
- ground paprika - 1 teaspoon;
- garlic or fresh herbs - for serving (optional).

How to cook with a photo step by step

How to cook braised pork with new potatoes and tomatoes. Cut the meat into small pieces - 3x3 cubes or strips, but not very thin.

Cut the bulbs in half, lay them flat on a board and chop them into strips 1 cm wide along the height of the bulbs. With further cooking, the onion will not fall apart, it will be well saturated with oil and will not dry out during frying. Carrots cut into pieces of any shape, as you usually cut for a roast or stew.

If a young potato is still easy to peel, then simply rub it with a coarse sponge, if the skin is already coarsened, then cut it off in a very thin layer. Cut into large pieces, slices or pieces, taking into account the fact that young potatoes almost do not boil when boiled or stewed.

Heat the oil, put the meat in it and leave for a minute over high heat to brown the bottom well. Stir, fry for a few more minutes, stirring, until a uniform golden crust is obtained.

Add onion to meat, stir. Reduce heat, simmer pork with onions for 5-6 minutes, until the onion absorbs the oil and begins to turn golden, while becoming soft, almost transparent.

Pour carrots to the meat with onions, lightly fry it until the color changes (it will turn yellowish, and the oil will become bright, orange). Pour some water, salt, cover the dishes with a lid. Simmer the pork for 15-20 minutes, it should become soft, almost ready. If the meat is too hard, add more water and simmer until tender.

When the stewed pork is almost ready, remove the lid, evaporate the remaining water and put the potatoes in the pan. Season with spices, mix, hold on low heat for about three minutes, so that the potatoes are saturated with oil.

Pour a glass of water, salt to taste. Wait until the boil begins, cover with a lid and simmer potatoes and meat over a very quiet fire until tender, 12-15 minutes. Young potatoes are very tender, try to mix it less so as not to damage the slices.

Cut tomatoes into large slices. Pour over potatoes without stirring. Cover again, hold on low heat for five minutes and turn off. Leave on a warm burner, let the finished dish infuse a little. At this time, you can prepare a light vegetable salad, such as cabbage or cucumbers.

Put potatoes with meat and tomatoes on plates without stirring, prying all layers from below. Serve hot. If desired, sprinkle with herbs and finely chopped garlic. Or make sour cream sauce with chopped dill and grated garlic. Bon appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
Also try to cook


After the dizzying success of delicious chicken breasts in the oven, baked “for an encore” with zucchini, then with carrots, then with young potatoes, I decided to try to cook young potatoes with meat in the same way. And what? Cut the pork thinner, marinate in sour cream, cover with slices of potato and zucchini mixture, season with fragrant spices ... and bake!

It turned out very tasty and easy! And the side dish, and the second kind of chops, but not fried, but baked - two pluses at once! Healthier and easier to cook. So take note of the recipe for young potatoes with meat, for a change. And besides zucchini, you can add cauliflower or broccoli, bell pepper to a vegetable company ... I think I will treat you to a delicious variation on this theme more than once!


  • 0.5 kg of meat;
  • 0.6-0.7 kg of potatoes;
  • 1-2 zucchini;
  • 100 ml sour cream;
  • A bunch of all kinds of greens (parsley, dill, green onions);
  • Spices to your taste: salt, ground black pepper, turmeric, paprika, dried basil, garlic…)
Pork is better for this recipe: baked meat will be softer. Choose a salmon or a piece like for chops or entrecote: so that it is convenient to cut into slices about 1 cm thick.


The meat, cut into slices, is lightly beaten off on both sides.

We rub with salt, pepper and spices, coat with sour cream and leave for an hour, maybe two - let it marinate. The longer it sits, the softer it will be, you can leave it in the refrigerator overnight. I had half an hour in the warm kitchen.

In the meantime, let's prepare the vegetables. Wash the potatoes and zucchini, peel, rinse and cut into slices, like a roast, not very thin. Because vegetables cook faster than meat, and thin petals will generally turn into mashed potatoes until the pork reaches condition. So we cut thicker.

Lubricate the baking dish or cast iron pan with vegetable oil, lay out the vegetables. Slightly salt, pepper, season with spices.

Cover vegetables with meat slices on top. And once again generously grease with the rest of the sour cream.

We put in the oven, heated to 180-200C, and bake for 45 minutes - 1 hour, until both the potatoes and the meat become soft (we check with the tip of a knife).

I bake it uncovered, because the meat is fried like a real chop and tasty, like barbecue on a fire. But also a little dry. If you want more nutritious and juicier, you can cover the form with a sheet of foil. And splash a little water on the bottom of the pan, towards the end of cooking, so that the products go through steam and moisten.
