
Vegetable salad with rice for the winter. An appetizer with rice for the winter - and a salad, and a hearty side dish, and an independent dish

Tomatoes with rice for the winter is a unique preparation that will be an excellent snack, a delicious side dish or a completely independent dish.

Tomatoes with rice for the winter - general principles of cooking

To prepare tomatoes with rice for the winter, two main ingredients are needed - tomatoes and rice. Also, the preparation may include onions, bell peppers, carrots, eggplants, zucchini, mushrooms are often put. To add spice to the dish, add hot pepper and garlic. But with spices it is better not to be zealous, a small amount of parsley, dill, black pepper, bay leaves is enough. Some recipes contain cloves, rosemary, cilantro, in this case it’s an amateur, but it’s better not to get carried away, you can add these ingredients only for flavor.

Tomatoes: different types of tomatoes are used in harvesting, preference is given to red or brown varieties. Tomatoes are sorted, the stalk is removed, spoiled places are cut if necessary, washed and cut, according to the recipe. In order for the fruits to retain all the juices when cutting, use a sharp knife.

Rice: In order for the rice in the preparation to turn out soft and tasty, it should be properly prepared. First, the cereal must be thoroughly washed, then boiled. Water should be twice as much cereal. As soon as the liquid boils, reduce the gas and, stirring, bring the rice to readiness. The finished cereal is washed again and thrown into a colander with small holes.

You can use any rice according to your taste: round-grain rice absorbs the smells and tastes of additional ingredients best, but it is easy to digest, but long-grain rice looks very nice in the preparation, because it does not boil soft, but this type is inferior in taste to the first.

1. Tomatoes with rice for the winter "Vegetable platter"


Two and a half kg of a tomato of the same variety;

A kilogram of young zucchini;

A kilogram of sweet bell pepper;

A little more than a kilogram of carrots;

Half a kilo of onions;

350 ml grow. oils;

100-120 grams of salt;

120 grams of sugar;

300 grams of dry rice;

250 ml 9% vinegar;

Ten peas of black and allspice;

5-8 cloves;

Laurel leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all vegetables thoroughly.

2. Peel the onions and carrots, remove the seeds and stalks from the pepper, cut off the ends of the zucchini.

3. Cut vegetables: onion into quarter rings, carrots into large chips, zucchini and tomatoes into cubes, and pepper into strips.

4. Pour oil into a large cauldron, put prepared vegetables, add salt and granulated sugar, cook on the quietest fire for an hour, stirring the preservation from time to time.

5. Add peppercorns, thoroughly washed and boiled rice, laurel.

6. Stir, simmer for another fifteen minutes.

7. Pour in the vinegar, mix, arrange the tomatoes and rice for the winter in sterile jars.

8. Sterilize the jars with the workpiece in the oven for twenty minutes, roll up the lids.

2. Tomatoes with rice for the winter with mushrooms


Half a kilo of fresh forest mushrooms;

200 grams of rice cereal;

700 grams of tomatoes;

250 ml grow. oils;

700 grams of sweet bell pepper;

200 grams of sour cream;

60 grams of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Boil rice until tender.

2. Boil the mushrooms in slightly salted water, cut them.

3. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, twist them in a meat grinder.

4. Cut the onion into half rings, sweet pepper into thin strips.

5. Fry onions together with boiled mushrooms until cooked, add sour cream, salt, mix.

6. Pour oil into a deep cauldron, put tomatoes and peppers, simmer over low heat for about fifteen minutes.

7. Add mushrooms fried with onion, boiled rice, salt. Simmer for about half an hour.

8. Roll the finished tomatoes with rice into sterile jars while hot.

9. Cool under a blanket, put away for storage.

3. Tomatoes with rice for the winter with beans


Three kilograms of tomatoes;

A kilogram of onions;

One and a half kilograms of Bulgarian pepper;

700 grams of carrots;

A glass of dry rice;

An incomplete glass of beans;

Half a glass of sugar;

500 ml vegetable oil;

Salt (you will need 80-100 grams, to taste);

130 ml of vinegar (9%);

Chili pod.

Cooking method:

1. Grate the peeled carrots with medium chips, cut the onion into thin half rings.

2. Scald the washed tomatoes with boiling water and dip in ice water, remove the skin from the vegetables. Chop the pulp.

3. Cut the bell pepper into half rings, chop the garlic and chili into small cubes.

4. Boil rice until half cooked.

5. Soak the beans for two to three hours, then boil until tender.

6. Pour oil into the cauldron, put the prepared ingredients, with the exception of garlic and chili, simmer for at least half an hour.

7. Pour in vinegar, put chopped garlic and capsicum.

8. Simmer tomatoes with rice for the winter for another ten minutes, roll up hot.

4. Tomatoes with rice for the winter with eggplant


Three and a half kilograms of eggplant;

Four and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

Three quarters of a glass of rice cereal;

Three kilograms of sweet pepper;

Two kilograms of onion;

250 ml sunflower oil;

200 ml 9% vinegar;

150 grams of sugar;

120 grams of salt;

Half a kilo of carrots;

Ground pepper, half a pod of hot pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Cut vegetables: peppers into squares, tomatoes into cubes, eggplant into bars, carrots into strips.

2. Heat oil in a cauldron, put onions, carrots. Fry until soft.

3. Add peppers, eggplant, tomatoes. Salt. Simmer for forty minutes.

4. Boil rice until half cooked, put it in a vegetable mixture, add sugar, chopped chili and ground pepper. Simmer another fifteen minutes.

5. Pour in the vinegar, mix everything thoroughly and put it in jars prepared in advance, roll up.

5. Tomatoes with rice for the winter with cabbage


Five kilograms of tomatoes;

A kilogram of white cabbage;

120 grams of salt;

700 grams of onion;

One and a half kilograms of sugar;

A kilo of carrots;

Half a kilo of rice;

380 ml of oil;

200 ml of vinegar;


Cooking method:

1. Rinse and remove the skin from the tomatoes, or finely chop the pulp, or scroll in a meat grinder.

2. Peel the peppers from the seeds, cut into strips, chop the chili.

3. Grate carrots on a grater intended for Korean carrots, chop cabbage.

4. Pour oil into a cauldron or pan with a non-stick coating, heat it up.

5. Put the pureed tomatoes, simmer them, stirring, for ten minutes.

6. Add the remaining vegetables, salt and sugar, simmer for another three quarters of an hour.

7. Put semi-cooked rice. After ten minutes of stewing, pour in the vinegar.

8. As soon as the tomatoes and rice boil for the winter, mix the workpiece thoroughly and put it in a sterile container.

6. Tomatoes with rice for the winter with zucchini


A kilogram of tomatoes;

A kilogram of sweet pepper;

A glass of rice;

600 grams of zucchini;

200 ml of oil;

80 ml of vinegar;

45 grams of salt;

Laurel leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and cut the peppers into strips.

2. Blanch the tomatoes, cut into small cubes.

3. Boil rice.

4. Cut the zucchini into small slices. If the fruit is old, then you should first remove the skin and remove the seeds.

5. Put all the vegetables in a cauldron, pour in the oil, add salt. Stir, simmer for thirty minutes.

6. Add rice, simmer for another quarter of an hour.

7. Pour in the vinegar, mix, arrange the tomatoes and rice for the winter in jars.

7. Tomatoes with rice for the winter "In a simple way"


Four kilograms of tomatoes;

A glass of sugar;

700-800 grams of bell pepper;

A kilogram of carrots;

Half a kilo of onions;

50-60 grams of salt;

120 ml of vinegar;

200 grams of rice.

Cooking method:

1. Blanch the tomatoes, chop them with a meat grinder or blender.

2. Cut the pepper into two parts, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes.

3. Peel and chop the carrots on a grater, chop the onion.

4. Pour washed rice for an hour or two with cold water.

5. Fry onions and carrots in a cauldron in oil until soft.

6. Add pepper, fry, stirring, five minutes.

7. Pour half a glass of water, simmer for fifteen minutes, covering the cauldron with a lid.

8. Pour sugar and salt, add tomatoes, simmer for another 20 minutes.

9. Ten minutes before readiness, pour in the vinegar.

10. Before spinning, tomatoes with rice for the winter should be thoroughly mixed.

8. Tomatoes with rice for the winter "Burning"


Three kilograms of tomatoes;

Half a kilo of onions and carrots;

A glass of rice;

Three hot peppers;

Half a kilo of sweet pepper;

100 ml vegetable oil;

50 grams of salt;

Lavrushka, ground pepper;

100 ml of vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the vegetables and cut into small pieces.

2. Grind hot pepper.

3. Put everything in a saucepan, add salt, vegetable oil, vinegar and raw washed rice.

4. Mix everything thoroughly, put on a slow fire.

5. Simmer after boiling for half an hour. If the rice is not cooked, increase the cooking time.

6. Five minutes before readiness, add lavrushka and ground pepper.

7. Arrange tomatoes with rice for the winter in jars, close with lids.

9. Tomatoes with rice for the winter with paprika and celery


A kilogram of tomatoes;

Two kilos of sweet peppers;

700 grams of onion;

A glass of oil;

Three small bunches of greens - parsley and cilantro;

Three stalks of celery;

A glass of sugar;

Half a glass of rice;

Ten cloves of garlic;

Pepper and salt;

50 ml of vinegar;

15 grams of ground paprika.

Cooking method:

1. Wash peppers and tomatoes and cut into medium-sized pieces.

2. Cut the onion into half rings.

3. Boil rice until tender.

4. Heat oil in a cauldron, put onions, fry for five minutes.

5. Add pepper, simmer for five minutes, then immediately lay out the tomatoes. Simmer fifteen minutes.

6. Add chopped garlic, salt, sugar, rice, pour vinegar.

7. Put the celery cut into rings.

8. Stir. Simmer another fifteen minutes.

9. Roll up ready-made tomatoes with rice for the winter in sterile jars.

10. Tomatoes with rice for the winter with carrots


Two kilograms of tomatoes;

Three kilograms of juicy carrots;

250 grams of rice;

80 grams of salt;

80 ml vegetable oil;

Half a glass of sugar;

60 ml of vinegar;

Two or three bulbs.

Cooking method:

1. Warm up the oil in a cauldron.

2. Put the grated carrots and chopped onions, fry for ten minutes.

3. Add tomatoes, chopped in a meat grinder, pour sugar and salt.

4. Simmer for fifteen minutes.

5. Boil the rice and put it on the prepared vegetables, mix, pour in the vinegar.

6. Bring the tomatoes with rice for the winter to a boil, remove the cauldron from the heat, and arrange the workpiece in jars.

7. Cool, put away for storage.

Tomatoes with rice for the winter - tricks and tips

None of the recipes indicate greens, but this does not mean that it cannot be added to tomatoes and rice for the winter. Add chopped dill or parsley leaves to taste, giving your preserves a bright summer look.

Tomatoes in one preparation are best used in the same variety and the same degree of maturity.

Store tomatoes with rice for the winter in a cool place. It could be a basement or a refrigerator.

If a bay leaf is used in cooking, it should be removed before twisting. The fact is that over time, this spice gives off even more of its specific flavor, and this can slightly spoil the taste of tomatoes and rice for the winter, giving the preparation a bitter taste.

Do not simmer the ingredients for more than the time indicated in the recipes, otherwise they will be overcooked and lose their taste.

Carrots can not only be chopped on a grater, but also cut into small thin strips.

Oil for cooking tomatoes with rice for the winter should be used only of high quality.

A hot workpiece is best laid out in a warm or hot, freshly sterilized container.

If pepper is used in the preparation, you can take vegetables of different colors, so your preservation will turn out to be brighter and more interesting.

If you don’t know what seasoning or spice to use, spread a spoonful of vegetable preparation on different plates and try adding a different set of spices to each. So you determine the most suitable combination for you.

Salad with rice for the winter - recipe

Required products:

Bulb, multi-colored peppercorns - 1 kg each
- ripe tomatoes - 4 kg
- granulated sugar - 195 g
- a glass of rice cereal
- kilogram of carrots
- a couple of large spoons of salt
- apple cider vinegar - 95 ml
- sunflower oil - 320 ml

Cooking steps:

Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, scald with boiling water, remove the peel. Thanks to this simple procedure, the skin can be easily removed from the fetus. Grind the tomatoes in a blender. Wash carrots, chop into strips. Use a grater to speed up the process. Thoroughly wash clean peppers and clean out all the seeds, chop into square pieces. Peel the onion, also chop it into square slices. Pour rice cereal with water, leave to infuse for 60 minutes. Preheat the cauldron, heat the sunflower oil in it, fry the peppers, carrots and onions. Be sure to stir the mass so that the salad does not burn. Pour in a third glass of water, continue to simmer for 20 minutes.

Mix with minced tomato, continue simmering for another 20 minutes. Be sure to add sugar and salt. Add rice cereal to vegetables. For quick cooking, it must first be soaked in water. This will take half an hour. As soon as 10 minutes remain before the end of cooking, add apple cider vinegar, stir well. Pack and, after corking, transfer to the cellar.

Salads for the winter: tomatoes with rice

You will need:

Sweet red tomatoes - 5.2 kg
- onions, multi-colored peppercorns - 1.2 kg each
- winter cabbage - 1 kg
- half a pod of hot pepper
- a couple of glasses of granulated sugar
- 2 tbsp. sunflower oil
- 4 large spoons of salt
- rice groats - ? kg

Cooking steps:

Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly, remove the peel after preliminary scalding. Crumble the pulp. You can also use a grinder to speed up the process. Rinse sweet peppers in water, clean out all the seeds, cut off the stalk. Crumble the pulp into thin strips. It is better to take only the lower part of cabbage, because in this place the leaves are thinner. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Rinse the carrot thoroughly, get rid of the skin, rub it. Chop the peeled onions into small cubes. Wash the bitter pepper, clean the seeds, chop finely. Pour the oil into a wide cauldron, stew the tomatoes in it for 20 minutes. Put the rest of the vegetables, after stirring, simmer for another 40 minutes. At this time, the fire should be reduced as much as possible, and the contents should be covered with a lid. Separately, boil the cereal so that it becomes soft. Transfer it to the first container, add sugar and salt, simmer for another 10 minutes, pour in vinegar, add vinegar, after boiling, remove from the stove and arrange in calcined jars.

How about you?

Delicious rice salad with rice for winter


- 1 kg of multi-colored pepper
- a glass of rice
- zucchini - 0.55 kg
- bay leaves - 5 pcs.
- a large spoonful of salt
- acetic acid - 50 g


Wash the pepper pods, after drying, cut into 2 parts. Cut off the stalk, remove the middle part along with the seeds. Crumble with small straws. Wash the zucchini, peel it with a vegetable cutter so that there is not a lot of waste. Crumble the pulp into medium slices. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly, remove the peel. The peel will be easy to remove if you first pour boiling water over the fruits. Scroll the pulp through a meat grinder. Boil the rice (it should not be fully cooked).

Pour the oil into a thick saucepan, heat it up and put the prepared vegetables here. After about half an hour, pour in the cereal, put a bay leaf, pepper. Lower the heat, cover with a lid and wait until the rice with vegetables becomes soft. Be sure to stir the contents so that it does not burn. Almost at the very end, pour acetic acid, stir. Pre-prepare the lids with jars. Wash them thoroughly and sterilize. Lay out the prepared salads, twist, send under the covers.

Salad rice with vegetables for the winter


Carrot - 395 g
- tomatoes - 4.2 kg
- eggplant - 3.2 kg
- Bulgarian peppercorns - 3 kg
- onion - 2 kilograms
- salt - 95 g
- granulated sugar - 145 g
- 0.25 pepper pod
- ground pepper - half a small spoon
- sunflower oil - 295 g
- garlic head - 2 pcs.

Cooking steps:

Rinse the eggplant thoroughly, cut off the skin, cut out large seeds. Chop the pulp into small pieces. Wash the bell peppers, cut, remove the middle part, chop the flesh into strips. Scald the tomatoes beforehand and then remove the peel. Finely chop the pulp, and then twist it through a meat grinder. Remove the husks from the onions, cut in half lengthwise. Cut the halves into half rings. Wash the carrot, remove the peel, rub. You can also use a blender to grind. Rinse the bitter pepper, remove the seeds. Pour oil into a cauldron, fold all the vegetables in layers, simmer over the lowest heat. After 40 minutes of stewing, add spices and sugar. As soon as about 5 minutes remain until the end, pour in the acetic acid, leave to boil. Arrange the finished salad in sterile jars, twist, send under the covers.

Salad with rice for the winter - photo:

Recipe with beans.

Required products:

Carrot - 700 g
- rice groats - 195 g
- sweet pepper, onion - 1 kg each
- red tomato - 3.2 kg
- oil - ? liters
- three tablespoons of salt
- garlic head
- beans - 195 g
- sugar - 195 g
- a quarter of bitter pepper

Cooking steps:

Start cooking by preparing the tomatoes. Remove the peel after pre-scalding. Grind the pulp with a meat grinder. Wash the carrots thoroughly, cut off the peel, rub in long strips. Remove the husks from the onions, crumble into arbitrary slices. Wash the bell pepper, dry, remove excess seeds. Crumble with straw. Finely chop the bitter pepper. Chop the garlic. Soak beans with rice for an hour, boil separately. Heat sunflower oil in a cauldron, fry prepared vegetables. After 20 minutes, put bitter pepper. At the very end, put the beans with rice cereal. Lightly extinguish, turn off the fire. Arrange the winter salad in calcined containers.

Salad recipes for the winter with rice photo:

Variant with carrots and fresh tomatoes.


Red bell pepper - 1 kg
- fresh tomatoes - 3 kg
- round rice groats - 195 g
- carrot - 1.1 kg
- salt - 95 g
- vegetable oil - 295 g
- granulated sugar - 190 g

How to cook:

Chop the tomatoes into large slices. Cut the carrot into strips. Cut peeled onions into rings or cubes. Chop peppercorns into half rings. Prepare a capacious metal pan, pour in the oil, boil it, add salt and sugar. Lower the onions, carrots, tomatoes, peppercorns first. Stir and simmer for another ten minutes. Add washed, slightly dried rice. Boil it just enough so that it remains slightly undercooked. Put the hot salad in jars (they must be washed and sterilized in advance). Screw on metal caps.

Make a salad according to the recipe described.

Try this recipe too:


Tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers - 760 g each
- medium grinding kitchen salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
- carrot - 760 g
- sunflower oil - 195 g
- sugar - 145 g
- long rice - one and a half cups


Chop the peeled onion into small cubes. Wash the pepper, clean out all the seeds, crumble into strips. Grate the peeled carrot. Remove the peel from the tomatoes, grind through a sieve. Additionally, you can scroll the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Boil the cereal until cooked. Transfer the grated tomatoes to the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Stew” function. 5 minutes after boiling, add salt, granulated sugar, pour vegetable oil and vinegar. Place the prepared vegetables, cover with a lid, cook for exactly 45 minutes. Add rice to the salad, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid, simmer for 10 minutes. Put the salad in a calcined jar, cork and wrap it with something warm.

Prepare and.

Vegetable salad.


Tomatoes - 2.6 kg
- sunflower oil - 245 g
- sweet bell pepper - 1 kg
- onion - 1 kg
- carrots - 1.1 kg
- 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
- table salt - a couple of large spoons
- 3 large spoons of vinegar
- rice groats - one and a half glasses


Wash peppers and tomatoes. Peel the onion with carrots, wash under cool water. There are two ways to make rice harvesting for the winter. Grind all peeled vegetables (except onions) through a meat grinder and follow the further instructions in the recipe. Or you can chop the vegetables with a simple knife. Put the peeled onion in a cauldron, add all the vegetables, pour vegetable oil to cover the onion. The rest of the oil must be added at the very end. Stir the vegetables with a wooden spatula.

While the onion is frying in oil, rub the carrots with long strips. Transfer it to the onion, fry with stirring for five minutes. Cut sweet peppers into two parts, cut out the middle with seeds. Fold the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin a common cauldron, simmer further for another 5 minutes. Start processing tomatoes. Finely crumble them, twist through a meat grinder. If the peel is not very dense, then it can be left. Otherwise, it is better to get rid of it. Transfer the chopped tomatoes to a common cauldron, stir and cook everything together for another forty minutes. The fire should be the quietest so that the mass barely boils. Boil the washed rice until tender. Transfer to stewed vegetables, season, sprinkle with sugar, simmer for another 15 minutes. Arrange the salad with rice for the winter in clean jars.


To prepare a vegetable salad with rice for the winter, you will need:

fresh tomatoes - 0.5 kg;

onion - 0.5 kg;

carrots - 400 g;

sweet Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg;

rice (groats) - 100 g;

rock salt - 1 tbsp. l. (without slide);

sugar - 100 g;

refined vegetable oil - 100 g;

vinegar 9% - 1-1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Rinse rice, pour cold water (1:2) and boil for 5-7 minutes. Rinse rice with cold water.

Put diced fresh tomatoes in a multicooker bowl (or in a saucepan).

Add bell peppers and onions cut into small cubes.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add to the bowl (or pan) along with the prepared rice.

Next, add salt and sugar, pour in vegetable oil.

Mix the salad. If you cook a vegetable salad with rice in a slow cooker, set the "Stew" program for 1 hour. Cook until the end of the program with the lid closed. If in a saucepan, simmer the salad over low heat under a covered lid for 45-50 minutes from the moment of boiling. In the process of cooking (both in a slow cooker and in a saucepan), gently mix the salad several times. 10 minutes before readiness, pour in the vinegar.

Arrange the salad in sterilized jars, roll up with boiled lids.

Jars with the most delicious vegetable salad with rice prepared for the winter, turn over and wrap until completely cooled. This blank is perfectly stored at room temperature in a dark place.

Enjoy your meal!

Remembering the seaming of products for the winter along with the enjoyment of fragrant compote, the thought comes to mind of how laborious this process is. Preparing a salad with rice for the winter will not be difficult even for the youngest housewife.

The composition of the salad includes vegetables familiar to everyone from childhood: peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes. Over the years, housewives have come up with a lot of variations of this dish: from the simplest salads to savory, spicy dishes.

Rice is a versatile product that we put in sweet dishes, soups, cereals and salads. Any rice will do for our salad, but long-grain rice has a more aesthetic appearance in the finished dish. In addition, rice acts as an absorbent, removing harmful substances and taking care of your figure.

Juice from pink tomatoes is more tender. Also, with the help of tomatoes, you can “tint” our salad in yellow or orange, puzzling friends!

How to cook a salad with rice for the winter - 15 varieties

A regular salad with rice prepared in winter will be a great addition to your usual winter diet.


  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l
  • Vegetable oil - 200 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Carrot - 0.5 kg
  • Salad pepper - 700 gr.
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Long grain rice - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 100 gr.


  1. Wash the peeled vegetables. Chop the tomatoes, boil, salt, add sugar and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut the onion into rings, grate the carrots, chop the pepper into cubes.
  3. Pour carrots, onions and peppers into tomatoes.
  4. Add rice scalded with boiling water and simmer for another 25 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar, mix, put in jars, roll up.
  5. With such yummy you are guaranteed a full winter!

Often in winter, during a feast, you want something spicy and familiar. In this case, rice salad with zucchini and hot peppers will help you out.


  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 100 gr.
  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 700 gr.
  • Carrot - 500 gr.
  • Pepper - 500 gr.
  • Onion - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 400 gr.
  • Hot pepper - 1-3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 heads


Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin. We clean the carrots, cut them coarsely. We clean the zucchini, remove the seeds. Grind carrots, tomatoes, zucchini into puree in a blender or meat grinder. Finely chop the peppers, wash the rice.

Fry the pepper, pour in the puree. Add salt, sugar, garlic and simmer for 37-40 minutes until tender.

Pour boiling water over jars and fill with salad.

It is better to cook a salad with rice for the winter in a wide saucepan with a thick bottom. This will help avoid burning.

Do you like the aroma of spices: bay leaf, cloves? Then this magic is just for you.


  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil -
  • Zucchini - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 0.5 kg
  • Rice - 300 gr.
  • Black pepper, peas - 10 pcs.
  • Allspice, peas - 10 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Carnation - 10 buds
  • Vinegar 9% - up to 250 ml


Let's start preparing a salad with the preparation of vegetables. We clean all vegetables. If you come across old zucchini, then cut off the skin and clean out the seeds - this will make the salad more tender. Carrots must be grated.

Put all the vegetables in a saucepan and simmer for an hour over low heat. Add washed rice and simmer for another half an hour, pour in vinegar, mix.

We lay out the finished salad in jars, sterilize for 20 minutes and cork with lids, preferably with screw ones.

The output will be about five liters of fragrant, tender winter salad with rice.

There is almost no vinegar in this salad. Salad is a very tender lifesaver for every housewife.


  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 500 ml
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Rice - 2 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp.


Soak rice overnight or simply boil it until half cooked. Pour oil into a cauldron, pour salt / sugar and bring to a boil. We send chopped onions and grated carrots to a cauldron, mix and simmer for ten minutes. Add peppers, tomatoes and cook again for 10 minutes. Add rice, simmer for 15 minutes. After adding vinegar, simmer the salad for another 7-10 minutes and put it in prepared jars. We put the closed salad in the cellar after cooling.

Perhaps the easiest to prepare, of all the recipes presented. But simplicity does not detract from its taste, and you can see for yourself.


  • Sugar - a third of a spoon
  • Salt - half a spoon
  • Vegetable oil - 100 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 600 gr.
  • Carrot - 200 gr.
  • Pepper - 200 gr.
  • Onion - 200 gr.
  • Rice - a third of a glass


We prepare vegetables: we clean, wash. Cut carrots and peppers into strips, onions into half rings, tomatoes into cubes.

We heat 100 grams of oil and fry the cooked vegetables (peppers, onions, carrots) in it for 20 minutes.

Wash rice and add to seasoning. We also send salt, sugar, tomatoes there. We are waiting for the rice to be ready and lay it out in jars. After cooling the cans, lower them into the basement.

A wonderful salad with rice for the winter of the classic type. It is easy to prepare, but the taste of this dish is irresistible.


  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 500 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Rice - 200 gr.


Chop carrots and tomatoes, chop them with a blender. Cut onion, pepper and fry in hot oil. Pour tomato juice, salt, sugar and washed rice into a saucepan. Having set the minimum fire, put the pan and simmer for an hour, and so that the salad does not burn, it must be stirred.

We put the finished salad in sterilized jars. We roll up the lids and put them on the shelf in the cellar.

Such a salad turns out to be spicy-sweet and is a spicy addition to your winter table!


  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 l
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 6 pcs.
  • Hot pepper - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Rice - 1 tbsp.
  • Vinegar essence - 1 tbsp.


Onions are peeled, washed, finely chopped. Cut the pepper, grate the carrots, cut the tomatoes. Wash the rice clean.

Pour half a liter of oil into the pan, fry the onion, add the carrots and fry again (12 minutes).

We put tomatoes, rice and pepper, salt, sugar in a saucepan and simmer for 40 minutes. Add a spoonful of vinegar essence and after five minutes put the salad in jars for subsequent seaming.

Have a good feast!

Vegetables for salad should be taken juicy and crispy, but not watery. Thus, you will not have excessive moisture, which distorts the taste of the dish.

The salad is just made for appetizers. It's so simple - open a jar and the table is set!


  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Pepper - 1.5 kg
  • Hot red pepper - 3-5 pcs.
  • Onion - 1.5 kg
  • Rice - 500 gr.
  • Garlic - 2-4 heads
  • Spices - to taste


We choose vegetables at the market: the most juicy and beautiful, not wrinkled. Clean, wash them. We dry vegetables on a paper towel and cut into strips, onions in half rings, carrots can be grated.

Place hot pepper, garlic and salt in a blender and chop.

Fry vegetables in boiling oil: carrots, onions, peppers. Add salt, sugar, chopped pepper and garlic, spices. Pour the washed rice and simmer for 35 minutes until all the ingredients are ready.

We put our salad in prepared jars and send it to a cool place until winter.

Classic, easy to prepare, salad with rice for the winter. Even someone who is a rare guest in the kitchen can cook it, it is enough to be friends with a knife and love to eat delicious food!


  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 250 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Rice - 2 tbsp. (500 gr.)
  • Vinegar - 3-4 tbsp. l.


Twist the tomatoes and carrots in a meat grinder, finely chop the pepper and onion. Pour everything into a large saucepan, so that it is more convenient to stir, and put on gas.

While the vegetables boil, wash the rice, pour it into the pan. Add salt, sugar and a glass of butter. Mix well our salad and cook for 40-50 minutes.

Pour vinegar into the almost ready salad, boil for 5-10 minutes, and put it in ready-made jars.

Every year you will not get tired of preparing this salad with rice for the winter. It is juicy and pleasantly sweet in taste.


  • Sugar - 200 gr.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Rice - 200 gr.
  • Vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.


Grind tomatoes for juice. Dice the rest of the vegetables. Cook rice until tender.

We put the vegetables and rice in a saucepan, pour juice, oil, salt and sugar. Simmer on low heat for 50 minutes. At the end of cooking, you may have doubts about the taste, salt and sugar, but as a result, the salad will infuse and your guests will be impressed by your culinary skills for a long time.

Sterilization will not steam, but will concentrate all the taste qualities of the ingredients.


  • Sugar - 1st.
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 500 gr.
  • Tomatoes - 2.5 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Rice - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar - 4 tbsp.


Let's prepare the vegetables. Cut the sweet pepper into strips, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into half rings, pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder.

We put the pan on the fire, pour in the tomato juice, add the onions, peppers, carrots, vegetable oil and cook for 45 minutes. When the vegetable mixture is boiled, put rice, sugar, salt and cook for half an hour, at the end pour vinegar.

We spread the salad in jars, twist and sterilize for 20 minutes.

The salad is ready, it remains only to wait for winter!

The original in this salad is the primary processing. Unlike most recipes, in this salad, each vegetable is previously fried separately.


  • Sugar - 200 gr
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 0.7 l (less possible)
  • Zucchini - 0.7-1.2 kg
  • Tomatoes - 3.2 kg
  • Carrot - 700 gr.
  • Pepper - 1.5 kg
  • Onion - 1.5 kg
  • Rice - 500 gr.
  • Garlic - 1(2) heads (to taste)
  • Spices - any of your choice (rosemary, basil, black and allspice, bay leaf, cloves)


  1. Soak rice in warm water for 4-8 hours.
  2. Take the necessary vegetables, peel them and cut them, placing each in a separate bowl.
  3. Pour oil into a high-sided frying pan and bring to a boil. Pour carrots, fry, get with a slotted spoon into a pan with a thick bottom. Do the same with peppers, carrots, garlic.
  4. Tomatoes need to be washed, cut and ground for juice. Pour into bowl with vegetables. Rinse the rice well and add to the pot. Sprinkle with salt, sugar, spices and mix thoroughly.
  5. Stirring constantly, simmer the salad for 25-30 minutes.
  6. We sterilize the jars with lids and put the salad in them. We twist the jars and cover with old towels.

For winter seaming, it is better to take medium-ripe zucchini, resilient. Seeds from zucchini are best removed.

Salad with rice for the winter - zucchini

Everyone knows and loves zucchini caviar, but zucchini salad with rice for the winter will exceed all expectations!


  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 100 gr.
  • Zucchini - 3 kg
  • Tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Pepper - 3 kg
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Onion - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 500 gr.
  • Garlic - head
  • Spices - to taste


Zucchini cut into cubes. Chop peppers, onions, and grate carrots.

Boil rice until half cooked, rinse in running water.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, peel, chop with a blender or meat grinder and put on fire in a stainless pan.

Add crushed garlic, salt, sugar, vegetable oil and boil for five minutes.

We put vegetables in the marinade, cook for 15-20 minutes. Pour rice, mix thoroughly and boil for 45 minutes over low heat.

Put the salad in prepared, sterilized jars and wrap until it cools completely (overnight).

The salad is ready, have a nice gathering!

A hearty and delicious way to feed the family. The taste is reminiscent of summer vegetable pilaf.


  • Salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - 500 ml
  • Tomato juice - 2 l
  • Carrot - 500 gr.
  • Pepper - 2.5 kg
  • Onion - 500 gr.
  • Long grain rice - 1 tbsp.


Arrange the peeled, washed and chopped vegetables in different bowls. Fry the onion. Boil rice, rinse in cold water. Boil tomato juice for 5 minutes, add salt. Fry vegetables, pour in salted tomato juice, add rice and simmer for 25 minutes, until rice is ready. Putting the salad in jars, cover with a blanket, leave for a day.

When going on a hike, you must have a salad with rice "Tourist's Breakfast" in your backpack.


  • Vinegar - half a cup
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 400 ml
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Paprika (salad pepper) - 1 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1 liter of juice or 1 kg of tomatoes
  • Rice - 1 cup


We are preparing for the preparation of our salad "Tourist's Breakfast": we chop all the vegetables, putting them in separate bowls. Boil rice until half cooked, rinse in cold water.

We take a large stainless pan for 6-8 liters, pour vinegar and oil into it.

We put the pan on the stove, add salt, sugar and boil for 5 minutes over low heat.

Salad with rice for the winter has its own characteristics of canning vegetables. It is already clear - the composition of the salad includes and other ingredients vary depending on the family addiction to certain vegetables.

Such recipes speak of the wide possibility of home canning. The preparation has two positive trends: at any time you can open a jar, the contents of which will be a side dish for cooked meat.

Or take a jar with you on a hike, open the lid - in front of you is a ready-made second course.

A delicious salad recipe for the winter with rice - "Tourist Breakfast" with vegetables

Learn a simple recipe for cooking jarred rice and vegetables.


  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Pepper - 1 kg
  • Carrots - 0.5 kg
  • Onion - 0.5 kg
  • Rice - 150 g
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vinegar 9% - 60 ml


We pass the washed tomatoes through a meat grinder with a fine grate.

We clean the onion.

Onion cut into small pieces.

Peeled peppers cut into strips.

We rub the carrots on a fine grater.

Put the missed tomatoes in a cauldron or pan.

Add 200 ml of odorless vegetable oil to the tomatoes.

Mix well and put on fire.

In the meantime, wash the rice well and pour over with boiling water.

Close the bowl and let it sit for 10 minutes. Drain the water after 10 minutes.

To the boiling tomatoes add: onions, carrots, peppers. Mix everything and bring to a boil.

As soon as it boils, add rice here. Mix well and bring to a boil again.

And when everything boils with you, make the fire smaller, cover with a lid and, stirring occasionally, cook for 35 minutes.

10 minutes before the end of cooking, add: squeezed garlic, salt, sugar and vinegar. We mix everything and cook.

We take sterilized half-liter jars and fill them with salad through a funnel.

Banks are filled to the very top.

Then roll up with a seaming key.

We got 6 half-liter jars.

We wrap the jars and leave it like that until it cools. Banks do not need to be flipped. This salad with rice can be used as an independent dish or as a dressing for soup.

Salad with rice and vegetables for the winter


  • 1 kg - onion
  • 300 ml - vegetable oil
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • 2 kg - sweet pepper
  • 3 kg - tomatoes
  • 400 g - rice
  • 100 g - sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 9%
  • salt - to taste

Preparation of the recipe - Salad with rice:

  1. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  3. Peel sweet pepper and cut into slices.
  4. Wash the tomatoes, dry and cut into slices.
  5. Rinse the rice, changing the water, until it becomes clear.
  6. Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion until golden brown. Add carrots, stir and fry for 5 minutes. Add pepper and fry for 5 minutes. Put the tomatoes, salt a little and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  7. Add rice, stir and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Add sugar, vinegar, salt to taste and simmer for 5 minutes.
  8. Sterilize jars and lids. Arrange the hot salad in jars and roll up. Turn the jars over, wrap and leave to cool completely.

Vegetable salad with rice for the winter (sterilization)


  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • onion - 1 kg


We cut all the ingredients into strips, fry all the vegetables separately in sunflower oil.

Combine all the roasted vegetables together and add 1 cup of uncooked washed rice. Mix everything gently and put into jars.

Add 1 teaspoon of salt to a 0.5 liter jar and sterilize for 1 hour. Then roll up the lids.

Salad with rice for the winter - a delicious recipe with tomatoes through a meat grinder


  • 4 kg - tomatoes
  • 2 kg - bell pepper
  • onion - 2 kg
  • 2 kg - carrots
  • vegetable oil - 2 cups
  • 2 cups pre-soaked rice
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 120 g - salt


  1. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder.
  2. Pepper cut into strips.
  3. Finely chop the onion.
  4. Grate carrots.
  5. Mix all vegetables and cook for 20 minutes.
  6. Add oil, rice, sugar, salt and cook for another 20 minutes.
  7. Pour into jars and screw on lids.

Salad with rice for the winter and eggplant

Ingredients (glass volume 250 ml):

  • 2.5 kg - tomato
  • 1.5 kg - eggplant
  • 1 kg - pepper
  • 0.75 kg - onion
  • 0.75 kg carrots
  • 1 cup - rice (not steamed, preferably with long grains)
  • vegetable oil - 1 cup
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 5 st. spoons of sugar
  • 100 ml - vinegar 9%

Recipe preparation:

The vegetables should already be washed and the seeds removed from the bell pepper. Cut the eggplant into 2 cm pieces and bake them in the oven. Pour a little vegetable oil on a baking sheet and lay out the eggplant slices. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the eggplant until cooked (from 15 to 30 minutes).

While the eggplant is baking, prepare the carrot and cut it into small pieces.

Pepper cut into strips, but not small and send it to the carrot.

Cut the onion into cubes and send it in a carrot with pepper.

Pour the remaining vegetable oil into the pan and pour the prepared vegetables: onions, carrots and bell peppers.

We put the pan on the fire and simmer the vegetables for 15 - 20 minutes until they become soft.

Salad with rice for the winter and with the addition of zucchini - a delicious video recipe

You will get a very satisfying and tasty dish. A dish with a meaning: A wand is a lifesaver, it's easy to understand - open and eat! Try it!

Salad with rice for the winter and cabbage - video recipe

You looked and learned one of the best cabbage and rice dishes for the winter, which saves the hostess when guests are on the doorstep: Open and eat!
