
Boiled white beans. Preparing ingredients for goulash

Beans are valuable and nutritional product, which is quite capable of replacing meat. The culture contains great amount protein, so beans are used in many diet programs, included in the diet of athletes, active people.

Beans have been known to us for a long time. However, it was the ancient Romans who not only prepared the product, but also used it in cosmetic purposes. The product was finely ground and used as powder and white. Even Cleopatra herself made healing and rejuvenating bean masks.

Today, with the help of a boiled tasty and fiber-rich gift of nature, people can fight against extra pounds. However, it is important to understand that the product must be eaten well cooked, it cannot be eaten raw. And all because it contains toxic components that are destroyed during heat treatment.

How long do beans boil?

It directly depends on the type of beans. So, fresh green beans are processed for 4-5 minutes, frozen - 5-10 minutes. If we talk about white, red beans, then it is boiled much longer. This process takes at least 1-2 hours.

How to cook beans?


  1. The beans are thoroughly washed, after which they are cleaned of twigs.
  2. Water is poured into the pan, salted. The duration of cooking will depend on the ripeness of the plant and its freshness.
  3. Put in a pot of water green beans the water must be salty.
  4. To determine the readiness of the product you need to taste. The main rule is not to digest, because in this case she will lose all her taste qualities will become fibrous.
  5. Boiled beans will need to be thrown into a colander, let the water drain. After that, you can use the product to prepare delicious dishes.

Red and white in a pot

Any beans (especially red beans) must be soaked before cooking. Dry beans can also be boiled, but the process will be delayed. In addition, it is the pre-soaked product after cooking that does not cause gas formation in the intestines.

So, boil the red and white beans it is possible like this:

Red and white in the microwave

  1. Again, the soaking procedure is required.
  2. IN glassware beans are placed, filled with water and installed in a microwave oven for 10 minutes. Power is set to maximum.
  3. Another 20 minutes to bring to readiness.

Red and white in a slow cooker

At one time, in a five-liter bowl of a multicooker, you can boil 500 grams of dry beans. First you need to soak the beans.

  1. The beans are washed, laid out in a bowl, filled with water.
  2. In the multicooker, you need to set the mode for cooking "Stew" or "Soup". Cook 1.5-2 hours.
  3. If you cook the product without pre-soak, the cooking time increases to 3-3.5 hours.
  • Do not salt white and red beans before cooking. Otherwise finished product will be tough.
  • In the refrigerator, you can store beans cooked until half cooked for up to three days, but in freezer– about 6 months.
  • If canned beans are used, they do not need to be pre-treated.
  • The product can be used for cooking different dishes. It is combined with garlic, onions, peppers, tomatoes, various herbs.

Recipe for green beans with pepper

The recipe is for 3 servings. For cooking you will need:

  • Beans - 400-500 grams;
  • Sweet pepper - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Onion - 1 head of medium size;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt and chili pepper - depending on your preferences;
  • Fresh basil - 3 tablespoons, chopped

Beans are among those "long-playing" vegetable plants, which should be cooked only after pre-training- soaking grains. Then the beans will reveal all their taste, and the beans will retain their shape.

Preparing beans for cooking

  • The beans are carefully sorted, removing shriveled, unripe and darkened, as well as other impurities.
  • The grains are washed in cool water, changing it several times.
  • Then soaked in in large numbers cold water and leave for 6-8 hours. To prevent the grains from sour, it is necessary to change the water several times. After all, even a slight deterioration in the quality of the beans will affect their final taste after cooking.
  • Soaking time depends on the variety and the shelf life of the beans. Newly harvested beans will swell faster than old ones.
  • After soaking, the beans are thoroughly washed.

How to cook beans in a pot

  • Beans are poured clean cold water in a ratio of 1:3 and put on fire.
  • Beans are cooked at a low boil, which should not be interrupted, under a closed lid.
  • Cooking time varies from one to two hours.
  • Salt beans 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • Beans are checked for readiness. Cooked grains become soft and double in size.
  • Ready beans are thrown into a colander.

How to cook beans in a slow cooker

  • The beans are washed and soaked for 5-6 hours in cold water.
  • Then the beans are washed again.
  • Put in a multicooker bowl and pour cold water so that it has twice as many beans.
  • They cook by setting the “Stew / Soup” program. Make sure no foam forms. In this case, the lid of the multicooker can not be closed.
  • Cooking is continued for 1.5-2 hours, until the beans are soft.

How to cook beans in the microwave

  • The beans are sorted, washed well and soaked in cool water for 8-9 hours.
  • Wash again before cooking.
  • Place the beans in a bowl and pour enough water to cover the grains by about 5 cm.
  • The container is closed with a lid and boiled at high power for 13-15 minutes.
  • Then the power is reduced by half and cooked for another 20 minutes or longer until the beans are soft.
  • Salted at the very end of cooking.
  • Since the beans are cooked for a long time, the water boils away a lot. Can't top up cold water, because with a sharp temperature drop, the beans can crack. Such beans do not become soft for a long time. Therefore, if necessary, add only boiling water or at least hot water.
  • Many housewives, in order to cook beans faster, add to the water baking soda. She really helps quick brew beans, but at the same time takes most vitamins.
  • If salt is added at the beginning of cooking, the beans do not boil soft and remain harsh. Such grains can be used to make salads or soups.
  • For soup, the beans are first boiled, and the water in which they were boiled is poured out. If the soup is cooked in the same water, its broth will be cloudy and tasteless.
  • And also such a dish will become a source of excessive gas formation in the intestines. After all, during cooking, those substances that cause fermentation come out of the beans into the water.
  • For the same reason, you can not eat undercooked beans, and even more so raw. This is fraught with indigestion.
  • Boiling time for beans also depends on the quality of the water. It is believed that if the beans are poured chilled boiled water then it will cook faster.
  • If, according to the recipe, tomato, tomatoes or vinegar are to be added to the beans, then this is done after the beans are cooked. But a bunch of herbs or other spices can be put during cooking. They improve the taste of beans.
  • If beans are used for the dish different varieties, then each of them is boiled separately, the water is drained and only after that they are mixed.
  • Beans are white, colored monophonic and colored variegated. White beans are used for cooking first courses (so as not to spoil appearance broth). Second courses are prepared from colored beans.
  • White beans cook faster than red beans.. It will be ready in about 40-50 minutes from the moment of boiling, therefore, so that it does not turn into porridge during cooking, you need to monitor the process all the time. Red beans, if cooked according to all the rules, are usually ready in 1-1.5 hours.

So that the bean dish does not cause negative consequences, do not neglect the rules of cooking and artificially speed up this process. Health is more valuable than an extra hour spent near the stove.

It is far from a secret that before cooking legumes, it is necessary to carry out a number of necessary manipulations so that enzymes that affect increased gas formation come out of them. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to quickly boil beans if you urgently need them as an ingredient for any dish.

How to quickly cook beans in a pan without soaking?

Beans are one of the slowest foods to cook. But what to do if you urgently need it, and there is very little or no time to prepare? Then try to cook beans without soaking. Cooking methods differ slightly among themselves, depending on its type.

There are also a few secrets to keeping beans tasty and attractive, if that matters to you.

  • Fill the beans with water at the rate of 1:4. Add a tablespoon of sugar to it. Suitable for the most common White sand, not brown. Turn on a high heat on the stove, and then, when the water boils, turn down to medium. The beans will soften quickly: red beans will be ready in half an hour, and white or black in 40-50 minutes.
  • To make the beans cook faster, put a small leaf of dried seaweed in the pan. Nori seaweed used for cooking is also suitable. Japanese rolls. Bring the beans to a boil, then lower the heat to medium and simmer the beans for half an hour.
  • If you know that you will need to cook the beans, but there is no time for soaking, then you can use another method. Arrange the beans in bags, send them to the freezer. When it's time to cook, take the beans out of the fridge without defrosting first. Immediately put it in cool water, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour over medium heat. Do not forget to check readiness half an hour after boiling.

Red beans

Red beans are washed and poured in a saucepan with water so that it covers the legumes for a couple of centimeters. Bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes. After that, the water from the pan is drained, and new water is collected in its place. The beans are brought back to a boil. Turn off the stove and soak the beans for half an hour under the lid.

Beans are a special, protein-rich product that is full and nutritious. It is quite capable of replacing meat dishes in the diet. It is very important to be able to cook it correctly, so the question of how much and how to cook red beans is of concern to many housewives.

How to cook red beans

Introduced from South Africa in the 16th century, the bean, or "Italian bean" as Christopher Columbus dubbed it, is now popular in many parts of the world.

Beans are valuable for their unique composition.

  • Fiber - gives a feeling of fullness, helps to eliminate toxins and excess fluid from the body, stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • The complex of vitamins (C, PP, B1, B2, B6) has a positive effect on human immunity, stabilizes the activity of the nervous system.
  • Micro and macro elements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, manganese) are participants in important biochemical processes.
  • Amino acids (tryptophan, lysine, arginine, histidine, tyrosine) balance activity endocrine system, contribute to the provision of a sedative and calming effect.
  • Beans do not contain cholesterol.

Unique beans are not completely digested in the intestinal section. Thus, the body has the opportunity to get rid of everything unnecessary.

The systematic consumption of the grains of this plant can prevent premature aging, have a strengthening effect on the heart and blood vessels, and increase immunity.

Important! Despite high calorie content, beans can often be found as part of dietary dishes.

How to cook red beans with soaking

Not everyone knows how to properly cook red beans with soaking. It is necessary to take into account the fact that red beans have a stronger outer shell. Accordingly, this also affects the duration of cooking, it increases. Due to this feature, it is recommended to pre-soak the beans in water. This is best done in the evening, as the beans must be in the water for at least 12 hours.

Someone will ask: is it necessary to soak? Those who do not know how to boil red beans should have an idea why the pre-soaking procedure is necessary. And it's not even that the beans cook faster after soaking. Bean grains contain in their composition special components - oligosaccharides. They can make it difficult to function. gastrointestinal system human, and for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract even pose a threat. During the soaking procedure, the oligosaccharides are dissolved in water. That is why the water remaining after soaking must be drained and the beans are boiled only in the newly collected water.

Important! Beans should not be consumed raw, as they contain the toxic substance phasin. Eating undercooked grains, and even more so raw ones, means insuring yourself an upset stomach.

The soaking procedure involves a periodic change of water. It is better to take a larger pan, because the beans have the ability to swell and increase in size. For 1 cup of the product should be 3-4 cups of boiled water.

Before putting the pot with the contents on the fire, you need to drain the water and pour clean water.

When asked how much to cook red beans after soaking, the answer is unequivocal - 1.5-2 hours. Salt is added shortly before the end of cooking. If you wish, you can pour at the very beginning of cooking sunflower oil, in the amount of 3-4 table. spoons. In this case boiled beans will become softer.

Cook over low heat with the lid closed.

To determine the readiness of a vegetable will turn out only to taste, and it is recommended to try at least three things. Sometimes it happens that some of the grains are already ready, and some are not. In this case, boil the beans for another 10-15 minutes.

Ready-made beans are suitable for cooking various dishes.

Knowing how to cook red beans, you will be able to get a product that will become great addition stewed vegetables and soups.

Thus, soaked beans can significantly reduce the cooking time and rid the product of starch, which is found in excess on the surface of this product.

How long to cook red beans without soaking

Modern housewives often face a problem when there is a catastrophic lack of time for cooking. In such a situation, the question is how to cook red beans without soaking. There is such a recipe.

  1. Before cooking, the cooked beans are sorted out from excess debris. Those with a flaw should also be removed.
  2. The product placed in a colander is thoroughly washed running water. After that, everything is transferred to a saucepan filled with water by about two-thirds.
  3. A pot of beans put on the fire should boil for 15 minutes, after which all the water is drained and a new, clean one is poured. This procedure must be repeated one more time. After that, the beans are cooked for another 40-50 minutes.

Important! In order not to miscalculate the cooking time, the beans should be boiled for 40 minutes, and then each time after 10 minutes, try the beans for doneness.

But there is another way that tells how to quickly cook red beans without soaking. It may seem unusual to some, but it's still worth a try.

  • You will need water, beans and sea ​​kale. The leaves of this vegetable, dried prematurely, are added to the grains before cooking. It will take about 40 minutes to boil. If this mass is also seasoned with spices, then a tasty and fragrant broth will come out.

How to quickly cook red beans

Beans - special product which usually takes a long time to prepare. However modern housewives I’m not just interested in information about how much to cook red beans, but how to speed up this process.

There are also such methods.

  1. The microwave is perfect for this. Before cooking, the beans are poured into any glassware, where clean cool water is also poured. The container is placed in a microwave oven and the maximum power is set. Cooking time 7-10 minutes. Then the contents are mixed, sprinkled with salt and sent to the oven for 15-20 minutes, but the power is already quite average.
  2. Multicooker - great option for those who do not know how to properly cook red beans. In this case, the beans should be stewed for 1-1.5 hours. Salt before cooking.
  3. You can use a pressure cooker. Cooking in this case should be given about 40 minutes.
  4. Without using pre-soaking, you can quickly cook frozen beans. It is boiled over medium heat and you can count on the fact that after 15 minutes the beans will be ready for use.

Some housewives are aware of certain nuances that help speed up the cooking process. So, for example, grains will cook faster if you pour a little bit of ordinary soda during cooking. There is another way that shortens the cooking process by 2 times. Beans are poured with cold water. 5 minutes after boiling, 100 ml is added to the pan. very cold water. This procedure is repeated a few more times until fully prepared grains.

Knowing how much red beans are cooked and what are the features of their preparation, you can make various delicate and tasty dishes.

When preparing meals, it is necessary to take into account a number of important nuances when cooking:

  • First, the grains must be carefully sorted out, weeding out all the "defective" beans.
  • Salted beans only at the end of the cooking process.
  • If, when cooking this ingredient, add a little cream or olive oil, then the beans will turn out much tastier.
  • If during the cooking process you have to add water, then only boiling water should be added, otherwise the beans will crack.
  • When choosing the volume of grains for a dish, you need to remember that during cooking, its volume will increase by 2-3 times.
  • Do not stir beans while boiling.
  • In the case when we cook soup, boil the beans until half cooked. Already in the broth, the beans are completely cooked.
  • If several varieties are required for cooking, then we cook them separately.
  • Adding tomato, tomatoes or vinegar, if required by the recipe, is recommended only after the dish is ready. But spices, greens are allowed to be put in the cooking process. The taste will greatly benefit from this.

Beans - unique product. With only 1% fat in its composition, it is able to provide our body with a complex of vital vitamins and trace elements. Having an idea of ​​​​how to boil red beans, you can surprise your household or guests delicious salads, snacks or soups made from this product.

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According to many housewives, it is heavy and hard to digest food, which means that its consumption by family members should be limited. However, this is not 100% true, because in order for the mass useful substances beans did not appear before you only in a negative light, you just need to properly prepare it. How to do it?

Preliminary preparations

Any beans, especially red ones, are strongly recommended to be soaked before cooking.. Dry beans can also be started immediately, but such beans, firstly, are cooked for 3-4 hours or more, and secondly, they cause the same accelerated gas formation in digestive tract for which many do not like legumes.

So, you need to take a wide dish, at least three times larger than the one being soaked, put beans there, pour cold plain water and leave for approximately 7-8 hours, as an option, overnight. This time is enough to beans not only became softer, but also gave the water sugars that are not digested by our body. Leave the beans for more long time also should not be, because they can just turn sour.

Soaked beans increase in volume by approximately 3 times. Next, you need to drain the water and rinse the beans - now they can be fearlessly boiled.

How to cook beans in a pot

We place beans into a saucepan, fill with water and put on a small fire. Do not close the lid, otherwise the beans will change color. Check the water level regularly and top up with cold water as needed. beans cook faster, while stirring the boiled beans is impossible. After an hour, you need to try a few beans and if at least one of them is hard, then leave the pan on the fire for another 15 minutes. You can salt the dish both a couple of minutes before the end of cooking, and already in finished form.
