
How to make homemade canned peas. How to preserve green peas at home - recipes for the winter with a photo step by step

Prepare the cart in the winter, and everything for Olivier in the summer. A few jars of young canned peas stored in season will save your mood if your husband (as usual) forgets to buy them in the store. And the salad itself will turn out tastier with a homemade product. Preserving green peas for future use at home is not the fastest and most exciting thing. However, this preparation for the winter will not upset you. cloudy sediment, bad taste or bad smell. I offer you a choice of 2 proven recipes - with pre-cooking and with long-term sterilization. In principle, both of these processes do not require personal participation in cooking. The main thing that takes time is husking peas. But even this stage will not be a burden if you brighten it up by watching your favorite series or other pleasant pastime.

Canned peas without sterilization

A recipe for opponents of sterilization. Peas are pre-boiled until soft, poured with boiling marinade and immediately clogged. Thanks to a small amount vinegar, the taste of preservation is soft, unobtrusive, almost natural.


Exit: 8 cans of 0.5 l.

How canned green peas are prepared for the future (for the winter):

For canning at home, only very young ones are suitable - "milk" green peas. It is advisable to cook and close it immediately after collection / purchase. Shelled peas cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator. In them, as in an overripe vegetable, the starch content rises. Because of this, the taste of the workpiece deteriorates, and at the bottom of the jars it forms white precipitate. It does not affect the shelf life, but the color and taste characteristics- Yes.

Sort through the pods. Throw away the yellowed and spoiled ones. Peel the peas out of the pods.

Place in a deep bowl. Pour cold water. Small debris and substandard peas will float. Remove unnecessary. Rinse the peas under running water. Let the liquid drain.

Transfer the peas to a saucepan or heatproof bowl. Put on medium fire. After boiling, screw the burner so that the liquid boils weakly, but constantly. Cook until soft - 10-20 minutes, depending on the variety and maturity of the vegetable. Remove the resulting grayish foam with a slotted spoon.

Prepare the brine. Add sugar to water.

Pour in the salt. It is important to use natural, stone. Substances are added to extrafine grinding and iodized salt that can adversely affect the shelf life of preservation. Bring liquid to a boil. Boil 2-3 minutes.

As soon as you put the peas to boil, start preparing the jars. It is better to use half-liter containers or smaller containers so that the open workpiece does not stand in the refrigerator for a long time. Clean jars and lids with baking soda. Sterilize the jars (over the steam of the kettle, in the oven, in microwave oven), and boil the caps for 3-4 minutes. Spread out green pea in sterile jars. Add vinegar.

Fill with hot brine. Roll up immediately. Turn the preservation over to check for a secure seal. If a liquid leak is detected, open the cans, boil the brine and roll it up again. As a result heat treatment peas will not turn out as green as in fresh. After checking the tightness, you can leave the jars upside down or put them on the dona. Wrap the workpiece with a warm old blanket.

After cooling, transfer the canned peas to a cool, dark, dry area. Keeping it in such conditions for the winter will not be difficult, unless, of course, you want to take a sample earlier.

Canned peas at home with citric acid

Option without vinegar. Citric acid allows you to store the workpiece in cool place up to 12 months. Use such peas for salads, omelettes, various snacks, sandwich pastes, etc.

Grocery list:

Exit: 2 half liter jars.

The procedure for preserving delicious peas for the winter at home:

  1. Clean jars of suitable volume with soda. Sterilize traditional way- over hot steam or in the oven. Quick option sterilization - in a microwave oven. Pour into the container 3 tbsp. l. pure water. Put in the microwave at maximum power. The jars will become sterile when all the water has boiled away. Turn them over, put them on a towel, let them cool.
  2. Remove the peas from the pods. Put in a colander. Rinse under the tap several times. IN large saucepan boil the water. Dip the peas into it along with a colander. Blanch 3-4 minutes.
  3. Arrange hot peas in jars.
  4. While blanching, prepare the marinade. Put salt and sugar into the water. Bring to a boil. Boil 2 minutes. At the end, add citric acid and mix.
  5. Pour boiling marinade over peas. Cover with lids. Heat water in a large container (up to about 70 degrees). Lay a clean cloth, silicone mat or install a special divider on the bottom. Place filled jars on top. Bring the water in a large saucepan to a low boil over low heat. Sterilize 3 hours.
  6. Seal with boiled, dried lids using a seamer. Flip. The brine started to leak? Remove covers and repeat all seaming steps.
  7. Cover with thick warm material to ensure slow cooling. When the workpiece has cooled, transfer it to the basement or pantry, where it will be stored until winter. Preservation will not "explode" even when stored at room temperature. Most importantly, avoid hitting her. sun rays and heating above 23 degrees.
  8. Due simple marinade with the addition of acid, homemade green peas turn out to be very tasty, they do not deteriorate for a long time.

Gardeners who grow peas in their homes are invariably faced with the problem of processing the harvested crop. How to preserve and pickle peas for the winter at home, they will tell you detailed recipes and photos for them.

Popular ways to preserve peas

- the first vegetable to be preserved in industrial scale. The production of canned food from this vegetable was established back in pre-revolutionary Russia, and since the second half of the 20th century, the USSR and the USA have been the largest producers this product. And now you can buy canned peas in the supermarket, but if it is grown on your own in your garden or summer cottage, then why not try to preserve it yourself. A few proven recipes will help you do it right.

1. Without sterilization. For 1 half-liter jar of canned food you will need:

  • green pea
  • water - ½ l
  • salt - ½ tbsp. l.
  • sugar - 1 tsp. l.
  • vinegar - 1 table. l.

For conservation, you will need fresh, ripe pea pods

Pour the washed peas with water, so that it only covers it, and cook for 30 minutes. Arrange in jars, pour brine and vinegar, cork. Store cooled jars in the refrigerator. Use the finished product independent dish, seasoned with sauce or oil, or as an ingredient in the first and second courses.

Attention! For conservation, you should choose only fresh young pods with delicate sugary grains of smooth grain or brain varieties - this will not only provide great taste product but attractive appearance, fill transparency. If the filling in a jar of peas is cloudy, then an overripe vegetable containing a large amount of starch was used to make canned food.

2. C citric acid. To get 1 half-liter can of canned food you will need:

  • peas - 350 g
  • citric acid - 3 g
  • salt and sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • water - 1l

Blanch the peeled and washed peas for 3 minutes in a brine prepared from water, salt and sugar. Transfer the peas to prepared jars, and add citric acid to the brine remaining after blanching, boil and pour jars with peas without adding 1 cm to the top. Cover with steamed lids and sterilize in a pot of warm water. Sterilization time at t° 105° C - 3.5 hours. After that, roll up the jars and turn them over, cool slowly, after wrapping them in a towel or blanket.

Before preservation, peas are boiled or blanched.

Attention! In order to achieve the required temperature of 105 ° C during sterilization, add 350 g of salt per 1 liter of water to a pot of water where peas are sterilized.

3. Classic. To prepare 1 half-liter jar of traditional canned green peas, you will need:

  • 330 g shelled peas
  • 1/2 l water
  • 1/2 tsp. l. salt
  • 1/2 table. l. Sahara

Pour the washed peas with water and bring to a boil, cook until soft - 5-15 minutes. Throw the boiled peas in a colander, and then transfer to a jar prepared in advance and pour boiling brine, roll up the lids. Turn the jar upside down with a lid and wrap it in a blanket, leave to cool.

Peas, including canned, are sources of vegetable protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, including rare ones - H and K, valuable micro- and macronutrients. In addition, it is known as a lipotropic product that promotes weight loss, lowers cholesterol, and prevents the deposition of fat on the liver. Its use is especially recommended for those who fast, as well as healthy, dietary, vegetarian and medical nutrition. Pouring from canned peas is a reliable remedy to relieve unpleasant hangover symptoms.

Polka dots - great product for diet food

canned peas for salad

The original version of the preparation of canned green peas is a salad mixture of cucumbers and peas. To prepare a 1 liter jar you will need:

  • cucumbers - ½ kg
  • peas - 200 g
  • - 2 tooth.
  • water - ½ l.
  • salt -1/3 tbsp. l.
  • sugar and vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • horseradish root
  • hot pepper
  • dill greens

Cut off the tips of freshly picked and washed cucumbers on both sides, soak them for 5 hours in water. Boil washed peas for 15 minutes. Put greens on the bottom of sterilized jars and spicy vegetables, except garlic, then a layer of cucumbers, peas, again cucumbers, again peas, pour boiling water over everything, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Drain the liquid, bringing it to a boil again, pour it back into the jars for 10 minutes. Once again, drain the liquid from the cans, add sugar, salt to it, boil. Introduce vinegar, boil for another 2 minutes and pour the jars of peas and cucumbers with the resulting marinade, after adding garlic to them. Turn the sealed jars over and wrap them in towels, cool slowly.

Attention! Such a preparation will become indispensable in the preparation of Olivier, vinaigrette, other salads and snacks.

Canned peas with cucumbers - a good preparation for salad

Canned vegetable mixes with peas

Canned vegetable mix with peas diversifies the assortment of snacks in winter menu, will serve as the basis for the preparation of soups, stews. For canned vegetables you will need:

  • 1 kg each, cauliflower, kohlrabi and savoy cabbage
  • 1 kg each, eggplant, tomato and sweet pepper
  • ½ kg green peas
  • ½ kg carrots
  • sugar

Prepare juice from tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower disassemble into inflorescences, wash peas, asparagus beans, cutting off the ends, cut into pieces, the remaining vegetables, peeled, cut into strips.

Add salt and sugar to the tomato juice, boil, and add the prepared vegetables in turn. boil vegetable mix 30 minutes at a slow boil, pack in sterilized jars, cork and turn the lid down, cool slowly.

Vegetable mix with peas

Another vegetable recipe canned mix with green peas will serve as the basis of a winter salad or snack. For 1 can of canned vegetables with a volume of 3 liters you will need:

  • 600 g cucumbers
  • 300 g green peas
  • 250 g cauliflower
  • 150 g onion
  • 100 g carrots
  • spices - black peas, cloves
  • spicy greens - dill, horseradish root, currant leaves
  • filling - 2 tbsp. l. salt and sugar, 50 g vinegar, 1.5 l water

Attention! Ratio vegetable composition if desired, you can change, increasing or decreasing the amount of one or another vegetable.

Put spicy greens in sterilized jars, place prepared vegetables on top, pour hot water over them, let stand for a few minutes and drain. Pour again, but already with hot brine, add vinegar and spices, cork with lids, Leave to cool slowly, turning the top upside down and wrapping it in a towel.

Self-preservation of green peas is a great opportunity to provide yourself with high-quality and delicious product diversify your menu.

How to preserve peas - video

Canned peas - photo

Canned peas are quite often found in the composition winter salads, which includes everyone's favorite "Olivier". When the budget is limited, and food prices are rising, summer residents and owners of household plots benefit, because they have the opportunity to grow an excellent crop of green peas on their land and provide for themselves and their families. canned peas for the whole year. There would be a desire.

If you decide to start canning green peas for the first time, you should know a few important rules and techniques that will keep your crop in in full and without health risks.

  • Firstly, you need to understand that the preservation of vegetables and fruits that do not have sufficient acidity of their own, which include green peas, should take place in conditions close to the sterile cleanliness of operating rooms - this is the only way that pathogens of a terrible disease called botulism can not develop under rolled up lids. ;
  • For the same reason, sterilization of canned food for such products significantly exceeds the usual time. Or the sterilization process should be carried out twice. Since we are unlikely to find an industrial autoclave in an ordinary kitchen, the process of heating canned food must be lengthy;
  • In the water in which sterilization takes place, you can add up to 30% of the usual table salt, the water temperature will be higher;
  • You can add some vinegar or citric acid to the pickling brine, but the taste finished product this will change somewhat. If everything suits you, add acid, such canned food almost does not deteriorate, and you can store them in a cool place, like ordinary homemade "spins", and not in the refrigerator;
  • Any milky peas are suitable for canning, but it is best to choose brain peas. Such peas have a very indirect relation to the brains: simply because a large number sugar peas become wrinkled when dried, the surface of the peas becomes similar to the cerebral cortex;
  • Brain varieties are also good because they last longer in the stage of technical maturity without overripe (up to 5-6 days, unlike the usual ones, which overripe already on the second or third day);
  • Peas should be removed on the 8th day after flowering, as experienced summer residents and gardeners recommend;
  • It is advisable to preserve freshly picked peas on the same day, as they quickly lose their tenderness, and the brine due to high content in such grains of starch becomes cloudy;
  • When storing, keep an eye on the marinade in jars - if it becomes cloudy or changes color, you should not eat peas.

So, are you ready to harvest green peas on an industrial scale, or do you only plan to stock up a couple of jars of peas for winter holidays? Choose any recipe, and go!

Natural canned green peas

Filling Ingredients:
1 liter of water
½ tsp salt,
½ tsp Sahara.

Put the sorted washed peas into a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, then spread hot in sterilized jars, fill with filling (boiling with a key), roll up, turn over, wrap. Store in refrigerator.

175 ml marinade.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
3 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp salt,
100 ml 9% vinegar.

Blanch the peas in a marinade made with water and half the salt and sugar for 3-4 minutes, then dip them in ice water. Arrange the peas in sterilized jars. Strain the marinade, add the remaining sugar and salt, boil, pour in the vinegar and fill the jars. Cover with sterilized lids and put on sterilization (boil for 15-20 minutes from the moment of boiling). Roll up, turn over, wrap up. After the jars of peas have completely cooled, leave them for a couple more days in the room to check the quality: if the marinade has not changed color and is not cloudy, the jars can be stored in a cool place.

Canned peas without sterilization "Like a store"

green peas, shelled and sorted.
For the marinade (for 1 liter of water):
3 tbsp Sahara,
3 tbsp salt,
1 tsp citric acid.

Sort the peas thoroughly and rinse. Cracked peas are best discarded, as they burst during cooking, and the brine will turn cloudy. Pour sugar and salt into water, boil, add peas and cook for 15 minutes after boiling. Add citric acid, mix and put the peas in sterilized jars with a slotted spoon, without removing the container in which the peas were boiled from the heat. Pour the peas into jars, not reaching the top about 1.5 cm. Pour boiling marinade over peas in jars and immediately roll up with sterilized lids. Turn over, wrap. Keep cold. The indicated amount of marinade is enough for three 0.5-liter jars.

Preservation of green peas by double sterilization

green pea.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
1 tbsp (with top) sugar,
1 des.l. salt.

Pour the washed, sorted peas with boiling marinade (make sure that all the peas are covered with liquid) and boil for 3 minutes. Transfer to 0.5-liter sterilized jars, not reaching the top 3 cm. Boil water in a wide saucepan, cover the bottom with a towel or set a wooden stand, put the jars with peas (the water should not be lower than the contents of the jars) and boil from the moment of boiling covered with lids for 30 minutes. Cool under lids. The next day, put the pot with the jars back on the fire, bring the water to a boil, sterilize the jars for 20 minutes and roll up. Turn over until cool. Store in a cool place.

Preservation of green peas by long-term sterilization

Ingredients for one 0.5 liter jar:
650 g prepared peas,
1 liter of water
1.5 tbsp salt,
1.5 tbsp Sahara,
3 g citric acid.

Dip the sorted and thoroughly washed peas in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then drain through a colander and dip it directly into ice water (it is advisable to add ice cubes to the water). Arrange the peas in jars and pour over the boiling marinade. Cover the jars with sterilized lids, put in a saucepan with hot water(put a towel or stand under the bottoms) and sterilize from the moment of boiling for 3 hours. Add boiled water if its level has dropped below the level of the contents of the jars, but do not pour cold water in any case, only boiling water! After sterilization, roll up the jars, turn over, wrap until completely cooled.

Peas preserved in tomato juice

2.5 kg peas,
2 liters of tomato juice
salt - to taste.

Dip the prepared peas in boiling salted water and boil for 3-4 minutes, then immerse them in ice water. Arrange the peas in sterilized jars and pour boiling tomato juice. Cover with sterilized lids and place in a wide pot of hot water. Sterilize for 1 hour, roll up and turn over.

Pickled green peas

Ingredients for a 0.5 liter jar:
peas (can be in pods),
2 black peppercorns,
2 cloves.
For marinade:
1 liter of water
40 g sugar
salt - to taste,
citric acid - for blanching.

Soak the peeled green peas or peas in pods in cold water for 2-3 hours. Then drain the water and dip the peas in boiling water with citric acid diluted in it (about 2 g per 1 liter of water), blanch for 1-2 minutes and arrange in jars. Add peppercorns and cloves to jars and pour boiling marinade over. Put on sterilization (boil 0.5-liter jars for 15 minutes), roll up, turn over.

Canned Green Peas with Vinegar

500 g peeled peas,
500 ml of water
10 g salt
10 g sugar
25 ml 9% vinegar.

Pour the prepared washed peas with boiling water and boil for 15 minutes over medium heat. Dip the finished peas in ice water for 2-3 minutes. Arrange in sterilized jars, pour boiling marinade over and roll up. Put the jars in a pot of hot water and sterilize for 40 minutes. Turn over, wrap and chill. Store in a dark cool place.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Green peas are one of the most important products in the kitchen of almost any housewife, because it is often used not only as a salad ingredient, but also as delicious side dish for meat and other dishes. Despite the wide variety of store-bought options, home-cooked canned peas are my favorite. Today you will get acquainted with the best recipes that will tell you how to preserve peas for the winter at home (photo materials are attached).

About the benefits of green peas

Green peas are quite popular among vegetarians and this is not surprising, because they are a real storehouse of vitamins and important for human body trace elements.

Peas are quite nutritious and very easy to process. At the same time, it contains a considerable amount of valuable vegetable protein. Protein nutrition can explain the ability of peas to quickly saturate the body and energize it for a long time.

In addition to protein, peas also contain a considerable amount of vitamins (especially group B), sugars (about 6%) and fiber. So, in mature peas, about 35% of pure protein is observed, and in terms of calories, this crop is almost twice as large as potatoes.

Advice. Green peas are actually a battery for the body, especially in extreme or close to such conditions. That is why it is recommended to take it on long trips. Even if you are not an extreme sportsman, but you lead active image life - green peas - a product that should regularly appear on your dinner table.

Green peas are also known for their beneficial effect on the skin, hair (due to the antioxidants it contains). In addition, he is capable regular use) normalize the work of the intestines and organs of the digestive tract.

Green pea

Unfortunately, like most garden crops, peas are seasonal, so it makes sense to stock up on them for the winter.

Selection criteria and features of preparing green peas for conservation

It should be noted that not every variety of green peas is suitable for winter conservation, so the question of choice suitable variety should be taken very seriously, so that later you can enjoy the fruits of your labor with confidence.

So, for preservation, you should choose only green peas that are still soft enough to be crushed with only two fingers (the so-called "brain" peas). Fully ripe or overripe peas are not particularly suitable as a canning product, since during the canning process they will give the brine an unpleasant turbidity, and the taste of the finished product will be too starchy.

As for the processing of peas before preservation, it is quite simple and does not require special skills: it is enough to wash the peas thoroughly (if it is planned to preserve the peas separately) or pea pods if you want to treat yourself to juicy sweet pea pods in winter.

Best Canned Pea Recipes

To your attention delicious and at the same time very simple recipes preservation of peas for the winter.

Recipe number 1. Canned peas with vinegar. To prepare canned peas according to the first recipe, you will need the product for conservation directly, as well as brine. Below are the main components for brine based on 1 liter of water:

  • sugar - 1 teaspoon (full);
  • salt - 2 teaspoons (full);
  • vinegar (6%) - 2 teaspoons.

Milk peas must be sorted out and washed thoroughly. Then pour cold water and put on low heat. After the water boils, cook for about 20 minutes (until the water boils away almost completely). Transfer the boiled peas to pre-sterilized jars and pour over the prepared brine (add salt and sugar to the water drained from the peas). Then pour vinegar into each jar.

Cover each jar with a thick plastic wrap. Leave in a warm place, covered with a blanket. It is easy to check the quality of conservation: just look at the film - it will drag into the jar. After that, you can rearrange the jars in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. Canned peas without vinegar. This option is suitable for those who do not like the sour taste in conservation or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare peas, you only need water, sugar, salt. For each liter of water, about 1 tsp should go. sugar and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water, put on fire. Bring to a boil. Pour the peas into the brine and boil it for about 3-5 minutes. Transfer to prepared jars, leaving about 2 cm to the edge. Sterilize the jars for about half an hour. Then leave to cool and cover plastic lids send to the refrigerator. After 12 hours, put the jars back into the water and sterilize for about half an hour. Roll up the banks.

Recipe number 3. Pickled peas. Suitable for those who would like to enjoy with the onset of the first days of December the most delicate taste green peas. Pre-selected green peas must be thoroughly washed in water. Then lower into boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Then transfer to sterilized jars.

Boil the water for the marinade separately. Then add salt (1 tablespoon), vinegar (3 tablespoons) to it. The figures are based on 1 liter of water. Pour the peas with hot marinade and sterilize the jars in hot water for about 20 minutes. Roll up the banks.

canned peas

Recipe number 4. Salted green peas. Salty green peasperfect side dish To meat dishes. Now you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes in tandem with tender peas even in winter.

Pea pods should be carefully sorted out, removing tough and damaged ones. Then the pods should be thoroughly washed and dipped in boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes, let the product cool. Then you need to distribute the peas in jars and pour the prepared brine (300 g of salt per 1 kg of product). Roll up the banks.

Advice. If you like spicy lightly acute conservation, in each jar you can add a couple of cloves of garlic, cut into several pieces and a little peppercorns, red and any other.

This concludes our consideration best recipes preservation of peas for the winter. Bon appetit!

The recipe for which includes canned green peas, and, as a rule, it is purchased. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to grow peas and make preparations for the winter out of it. But if you knew how easy and cheap it is to cook canned green peas at home, the recipe that we will describe this hour, you would be happy to buy it on the market. Moreover, it has been verified that if you buy fresh green peas on the market and pickle them at home, it still comes out cheaper than buying them. And the taste is no different from a quality purchase.

Ingredients for canned green peas at home:

  • Peas not peeled - 600 g;
  • Vinegar - 3 teaspoons.
  • For marinade:
  • Table drinking water - 1 l;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to preserve green peas according to the recipe:

1. First, we will tell you all the subtleties. From these ingredients exactly 2 jars of 250 ml are obtained. There is a lot of brine and most will have to be poured out. But since the peas should float in the brine during cooking, it is better to take just such a volume of water. Moreover, the proportions of sugar and salt are best divided into liters, not milliliters.
Combine salt and sugar in a bowl and add to water just before boiling

2. Remove the peas from the pods and wash the peas. Use a sieve, gauze or a small colander, so quickly. If the origin of the peas is not known to you and perhaps it was previously processed, then it is better to wash it with boiling water several times.
Advice: it is better to sort peas into young and overripe. If the peas are too ripe, then they will need more time to boil. If you have already decided to preserve green peas according to the recipe, then you should buy either young or overripe ones so as not to cook them in 2 runs. Also select bursting and spoiled peas, they are not suitable for conservation.

3. Green peas should be dipped into the marinade after the salt and sugar crystals have completely dissolved. Wait for the marinade to boil and note the cooking time.
Note: The cooking time of green peas depends on their maturity. The minimum cooking time is 40 minutes. That is, if the peas are young, then cook it for 40 minutes from the moment of boiling. If overripe, then add 10 minutes and twist into jars.

4. Now banks. The container must be sterilized. You can do this in any way. You can sterilize jars on a metal double boiler, just like in the winter. And you can ignite the dishes in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 15 minutes. But in any case, before sterilization, you need to wash the cans with soda.

5. If you are sterilizing the spinning utensils in a double boiler, then the jars should then be allowed to drain upside down on a clean towel.
Vinegar must be added to each jar before they need to be canned. Count on 1 half-liter jar 3 teaspoons. Naturally, in this recipe, the dishes are 2 times smaller, which means we add 1.5 teaspoons to each vessel.

6. After the green peas are cooked, you can put them in jars. First you need to take a slotted spoon, select and put only legumes in the vessels.
Advice: note that the peas do not fill the entire dish. If you want to preserve the integrity of the legume, you need to place it in such a way that the peas float in the brine. And then pour the peas before the start of the thread (1.5 centimeters to the top). You can also strain the brine to make it clear.

7. Pour hot brine to the top of the jar.

8. With the lids that you will screw, just cover the top of the jars. Now take a saucepan, lay a small terry towel on the bottom. Set the jar of canned green peas on a towel so that it does not tip over or tilt. Pour into the same pot hot water to the top of the pea. All this put on fire for sterilization. The time from the moment of boiling will be 30 - 40 minutes. It is important that the water does not boil too much, so adjust the fire at the very beginning.
Note: Since peas are very capricious, it is still necessary to sterilize them. The more banks you have, the more time for sterilization. Banks of 500 ml should be sterilized for 30 - 40 minutes.

9. Immediately after removing the jars from the pan, pour the specified amount of vinegar into them. We tightly seal the preservation with lids with twists after sterilization.

Then we set the jars upside down and wrap them with a towel until they cool.

That's just such green peas canned recipe has a very simple. And the peas turn out to be soft tender with brine, like the purchased peas from childhood, which parents bought with sausage.

Important: store canned green peas according to any recipe at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees. This means that the place for these jars is either in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Otherwise, peas are very capricious and can pick.
