
Delicious pumpkin porridge with rice recipe. Interesting blog

Fall is here, and with it, pumpkin season. This means that at least once a week for breakfast we will have porridge with pumpkin and rice, my recipe is simple, I cook it on the stove, not in the oven. And I do everything in one pot or in a cauldron: first I boil the pumpkin, then I mix it with milk and add rice. The taste of rice porridge with pumpkin is even better than when the cereal is cooked separately and then combined with pumpkin puree. This is exactly the case where the simpler the better. I buy the most ordinary rice, unnamed, we sell it under the general name “round”, and I always take a bright, sweet pumpkin.

Recipe for porridge with pumpkin and rice


  • A piece of ripe bright pumpkin - 650-700 g;
  • round rice - 2 cups (faceted);
  • milk (3.5% fat) - 4 cups (one liter);
  • water - 2-2.5 cups;
  • sugar - 5-6 tbsp. l (to taste);
  • butter - 100 gr;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp (to taste).

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice

Let's do the pumpkin first. We clean it from the crust and seeds. If the middle is soft, fibrous, cut out this part. We have our own pumpkin, country pumpkin, with a very thin skin and a dense center. There is almost no waste, so I weighed the piece along with the crust. In its pure form, I think it turned out 550-600 grams or so. Cut the prepared pulp into medium-sized cubes.

Pour half a glass of water into a cauldron, put pieces of pumpkin, cover with a lid. On low heat, we darken it for about 15 minutes, boil it well, until soft. Mash with a crush into a puree. I do not make it completely homogeneous, I leave small pieces, then they still boil soft, knead when mixed. According to this principle, pumpkin porridge is prepared both rice and millet, although the option using a blender is also appropriate. But for him it is indispensable, you can’t get such a delicate creamy texture with a crush.

Pour pumpkin puree with boiled milk, bring to a boil again. If your milk is not boiled, be sure to boil it first to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of curdled milk.

Rice groats are washed. Pour into a large bowl, pour warm water, shake, change the water. And so on until the water is almost clean (it will not become transparent due to starch). There is another way - pour the cereal into a colander, rinse under running water. We shift into a cauldron with boiled milk, stir so that the rice does not stick to the bottom. We put a flame divider under the cauldron (this is such a metal circle with small holes), reduce the heat, steam the grits for 15 minutes. Pour in 1-1.5 cups of water, depending on the cereal. There are varieties that require a lot of liquid, and there are those that quickly steam out and become soft.

Pour sugar, salt, put butter. We stir. Steamed grains will immediately absorb sweetness and oil, rice porridge with pumpkin will have a balanced, very pleasant creamy taste.

Since childhood, I remember that ready-made cereals were always left to infuse, often even wrapped in an old coat or fur coat and kept for at least an hour. When I have time, that's what I do. When not, I let it stand in a cauldron for 10-15 minutes and arrange it on plates.

A couple of pieces of butter can be added to the plates, sugar is also added to taste in the finished porridge.

Look how appetizing porridge with pumpkin and rice turned out, you just want to try it! And there are even small pieces of pulp in it, everything we love. If there is a pumpkin left, do not put it off for a long time, cook it. Very tasty! Cook for health and with pleasure!

Incredibly healthy and delicious rice porridge with pumpkin - cook step by step! Cook it with dried fruits or make it right in a pumpkin - simple and original!

We offer you a recipe for rice milk porridge with pumpkin.

  • Rice - 250 grams
  • Milk - 500 milliliters
  • Pumpkin (peeled and peeled) - 250 grams
  • Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon

If necessary, wash 250 grams of rice, put it in a saucepan, pour 250 milliliters of boiling water, cover with a lid, bring to a boil and cook for several minutes over low heat until all the water is absorbed into the rice. While the rice is cooking, grate 250 grams of peeled pumpkin on a coarse grater.

Water soaked into the rice, add one teaspoon of salt, one and a half tablespoons of sugar and 500 milliliters of milk. We mix. Add grated pumpkin. We mix. Cover with a lid, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Stir the porridge from time to time.

After 15 minutes, turn off the heat, stir and leave the rice porridge with pumpkin to brew for 10-15 minutes under the lid.

Put the finished milk rice porridge with pumpkin on a plate and serve with butter.

Recipe 2: delicious rice porridge with pumpkin in milk

Pumpkin porridge in milk with rice is a very nutritious, tasty and bright dish. It would be very useful for both children and adults to use it for breakfast. Due to the fact that the pumpkin is long and well stored, dishes from it can be prepared even in winter, while it also remains healthy and nutritious.

  • Pumpkin 800 g
  • Rice 300 g
  • Milk 0.8 l
  • Water 0.5-0.6 l
  • Sugar 2-4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Butter 50 g

Remove skin from pumpkin and cut into small cubes.

Put the milk on the fire and, as soon as it boils, add the pumpkin to it. Cook it for 15-20 minutes over medium heat until soft.

Rinse the rice with water several times.

In a separate saucepan, cover the rice with water and cook it for 10 minutes. We cook the rice separately so that we have the opportunity to grind the pumpkin until smooth, and the rice remains intact.

Grind already cooked pumpkin with an immersion blender or crush with a crush. Put it on fire again.

Add boiled rice and salt to pumpkin. If you feel that it is very thick, add 100 grams of boiled water. Cook pumpkin porridge with the lid closed for 5 minutes. The fire must be moderate.

At the end of cooking, add sugar to the porridge and turn off the stove. Cover with a lid and let the porridge steep for 10 minutes.

Recipe 3, simple: milk rice porridge with pumpkin

Rice porridge with pumpkin in milk, prepared according to this recipe with a photo, is not only a very tasty and satisfying dish: it contains a number of vitamins and minerals that our body needs so much!

  • milk - 1 l
  • pumpkin - 200 gr
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • edible salt - 1 tsp
  • rice - 1 cup
  • vanilla sugar, cinnamon - to taste

First, take a pumpkin, remove the peel and cut into small cubes. Do not cut the vegetable too finely, as it can boil during cooking, and the appearance of the dish will no longer be the same.

Now you need to prepare the rest of the ingredients that are used in the recipe. Measure out the required amount of rice, milk, sugar and spices.

Rice must be washed several times until the water runs clear.

Pour milk into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Wait until it boils, then add vanilla sugar, granulated sugar and pumpkin. When the milk boils again, add the rice. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.

That's all. Milk rice porridge is ready. You can arrange on plates and set the table.

Recipe 4: rice porridge with pumpkin and dried apricots in a slow cooker

Delicate porridge with pumpkin, sunny, moderately sweet. The aroma of pumpkin with milk will not leave you indifferent.

  • pumpkin 400 g
  • sugar 1.5 tbsp
  • rice 160 g
  • dried apricots 150–200 g
  • milk 650 ml
  • water 450 ml
  • butter 20 g

Cut pumpkin pulp into cubes.

Wash dried apricots, pour boiling water.

Pour the pumpkin into the multicooker bowl, if it is fresh, add 350 ml of water. If frozen, reduce the amount of water.

Set the "baking" mode for 30 minutes.

Drain the water from the dried apricots, cut into strips.

Rinse the rice until the water runs clear.

Meanwhile, the water has evaporated, the pumpkin is ready.

Pour the washed rice into the pumpkin.

Chopped dried apricots.

Sugar, salt.

Pour in milk, remaining water and mix.

Set the "milk porridge" mode for 35 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, put a piece of butter, mix.

And set the “heating” mode (I have it in the “soup” mode) for 15 minutes.

The porridge is ready. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: rice porridge cooked with water and milk

Pumpkin porridge in a slow cooker will appeal even to those who are not enthusiastic about pumpkin. This is especially true for little picky eaters - you can’t force them to eat a healthy vegetable dish. But that's right, wisely cooked pumpkin porridge will be liked so much that they will ask for supplements. Indeed, in addition to pumpkin and rice, there is milk, butter, cinnamon and vanillin, sugar. Optionally, you can add dried fruits, nuts, dried berries. By itself, pumpkin porridge can be regarded as a side dish or as a dessert.

  • 250 g raw pumpkin
  • 30 g butter
  • 200 g dry round rice
  • 300 ml milk
  • 100 ml water
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 pinches ground cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of vanilla

Peel the raw pumpkin and remove the pulp with seeds from the middle. Cut it into small cubes.

Transfer the pumpkin to the multicooker bowl and send a piece of butter there. Close the lid and select Bake for 20 minutes. During this time, the pumpkin will become soft.

Mash pumpkin until pureed. If small pieces remain, no big deal.

Pour round rice into the multicooker bowl.

Add water and milk, their ratio may be different, at your discretion. For 1 part of rice in total, take two parts of water with milk.

Add salt, sugar, vanilla and ground cinnamon to the bowl, mix everything. Close the lid again and set the "Milk porridge" or "Stewing" mode for 40 minutes. The Milk Porridge mode can last 45 minutes by default.

After the beep, pumpkin porridge with rice and milk in the slow cooker is ready. You can serve it immediately, hot or warm. Porridge can be served with warm milk or cocoa, sweet sauce or jam.

Recipe 6, step by step: rice porridge in pumpkin in the oven

An unusual preparation of milk rice porridge in a pumpkin "pot". Rice is placed inside the pumpkin and baked in the oven.

  • Pumpkin (whole, round) - 2.5 kg
  • Rice - 250 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Honey (for serving) - to taste

Prepare the ingredients for milk rice porridge in pumpkin. Rinse rice thoroughly and soak in cold water. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Cut off the top of the pumpkin with the tail - this will be the lid.

Cut a small indentation with a knife, remove the seeds and fibers with a tablespoon.

Pour the rice into the pumpkin pot.

Pour in hot milk.

Salt a little.

Add sugar. Mix well.

Add butter there.

Wrap the pumpkin in foil so that it bakes better. Put the pumpkin on a baking sheet. Send the baking sheet to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1.5-2 hours.

Milk rice porridge in pumpkin is ready!

Serve rice porridge with honey. Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: Rice Porridge with Raisins and Pumpkin (Step by Step)

  • sweet ripe pumpkin (peeled pulp) - 400 gr;
  • round rice - a full faceted glass;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • water - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • fine salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • raisins - 0.5 cups;
  • large dried apricots - 12-15 pieces;
  • butter - to taste.

Peel a bright sweet pumpkin from a rough peel, cut out only that part of the pulp where there are seeds. Leave the rest of the middle, even if it is fibrous. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, pour into a cauldron or into a saucepan with a thick bottom.

Pour half a glass of water, simmer over low heat under the lid until soft. Depending on the variety of pumpkin, stewing will take from 10 to 15 minutes. Juice and water do not evaporate. Once the pumpkin has softened enough, mash the cubes with a masher into a smooth puree. You can set aside a few pieces of stewed pumpkin and add to the finished porridge when serving.

Pour well-washed rice cereal into pumpkin puree. Mix. Put on low heat, bring the puree to a boil.

Pour in the milk immediately. If you buy fresh milk (not pasteurized), boil it first and add it hot.

While stirring, bring milk porridge to a boil. Pour in a glass of boiling water. Put a flame divider (a round disk with small holes) on the burner, a pot of porridge on it and cook for 20 minutes until the rice groats are steamed. Do not add sugar yet, sweet porridge begins to burn and you have to constantly stir it.

Rinse raisins and dried apricots, scald with boiling water. Cut the dried apricots into medium-sized pieces, about the size of raisins. Pour dried fruits into thickened rice with pumpkin, mix.

Add sugar to taste, fine salt. Cook covered with a lid over the lowest heat for another 10 minutes. Adjust the density of rice porridge with pumpkin and dried fruits by adding liquid: if you like viscous porridge, then cook according to the recipe, if you like it when the porridge is more liquid, pour in more milk or water. After the rice has steamed and the porridge has thickened, try to mix it less so as not to disturb the integrity of the rice.

Do not rush to remove the cauldron with ready-made porridge from the stove. Extinguish the flame, leave the dishes on a warm burner, wrapped in a thick towel. Let the porridge infuse for half an hour, steam out. Or take it off, wrap it in a blanket or jacket, and leave it for a while. Arrange hot fragrant porridge on plates, put a piece of butter, cubes of stewed pumpkin and serve. Bon appetit!

Recipe 8: pumpkin porridge with milk and rice (with photo)

  • Glass of round rice
  • Slice of pumpkin (400 grams)
  • Two glasses of milk
  • Glass of water
  • Sugar to taste
  • A pinch of salt
  • Butter

I peeled the pumpkin from a rough peel, cut out the middle with seeds. I dry pumpkin seeds in the oven and add them to salads, pastries, or we gnaw. The flesh was cut into small cubes.

I transferred it to a small cauldron, poured half a glass of water (the pumpkin was not very juicy) and simmered over low heat under a lid for 20 minutes.

Pumpkin became soft, easily kneaded into puree. I didn’t knead until smooth, I really like the pieces of pumpkin in the finished porridge.

The rice was washed until the water was completely clean and clear. She shifted the washed rice into a cauldron, poured a glass of boiling water, put it on a low fire.

After 10 minutes, the rice absorbed all the water and swelled a little.

She poured boiled milk over the rice, put it on a low fire. I cooked for another 15 minutes (more precisely, the rice languished and gurgled quietly, I put the cauldron on the divider).

Stirred, salted and sweetened, covered with a lid, and let the porridge puff for another 5-10 minutes.

When I cut the pumpkin, I cut out several heart figures with a cookie cutter.

I sent the scraps to pumpkin puree, and left the hearts to decorate the finished porridge. You can simply pour boiling water over them - they will become soft.

Milk pumpkin porridge was infused, it became so fragrant! It's time to put on plates and call everyone to the table!

Recipe 9: how to cook rice porridge with pumpkin

Today we have pumpkin porridge with rice in milk, which can be cooked both in a slow cooker and on the stove. Recipe one. We cook on the stove. To make it clearer, each stage is provided with a photo.

  • Pumpkin 1 kg
  • Milk 2 cups
  • Rice groats half a cup
  • Butter 100 gr
  • Sugar, salt, spices to taste

The first step is to peel the pumpkin. We cut the pumpkin into small cubes of the same size, as in the photo.

Pour the chopped pumpkin cubes with a little water. Keep in mind that the pumpkin will release juice during cooking. Bring the porridge to a boil. Reduce the fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes.

Add milk and bring to a boil again. Don't forget to stir. We make sure that the milk does not run away. Add sugar and salt.

As soon as the milk boils, pour the pre-cleaned and washed rice into the pan. Rice groats make the consistency thicker. Keep in mind that the more rice that is used, the higher the calorie content of the dish. Bring to a boil.

We put our pumpkin porridge with rice on a slow fire. Cook for 20 minutes until the rice is cooked. We make sure that the dish does not burn.

After 20 minutes, the color of pumpkin porridge will change, as in the photo. It will turn into a beautiful orange color. Add butter, gently knead the remaining unboiled pieces of pumpkin.

Our pumpkin porridge with rice in milk is ready. You can add spices to taste. If you like spicy notes in dishes, you can add cardamom or coriander to the porridge. Pieces of bananas, apples, nuts, raisins will perfectly complement the porridge.

Recipe 10: Pumpkin Milk Porridge with Rice and Raisins

This autumn dish is especially loved by young children. Milk rice porridge with pumpkin turns out to be of a delicate taste, nutritious and healthy, especially if you add raisins to it.

  • Rice groats - 1 cup;
  • Pumpkin pulp - about 350 gr.;
  • Cold water - 2 glasses;
  • Fresh milk - 2 cups;
  • Sugar sand - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Dark or light raisins (pitted) - 25 gr.;
  • Butter - 25 gr.

Rinse rice thoroughly in cold water several times. As a result, when draining, there should be clean and clear water. Pour the washed rice with 2 cups of cold water and put on a small fire. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and add a pinch of salt to the rice.

While the rice is cooking, remove the skin and seeds from the pumpkin. Cut into small cubes or grate.

After 15 minutes, the water in the pan will almost all boil away, and the rice groats will swell well. It's time to take the rice off the heat.

Add sugar, grated pumpkin and washed raisins to the rice. Mix everything carefully.

Pour the contents of the pan with boiling milk, put small pieces of butter on top. Cover the porridge with a lid, put on low heat and cook until fully cooked for about 10 minutes.

Stir the finished porridge, if desired, you can add a little more butter to it. Wrap the pan with a towel and let it brew for another 20 minutes. Milk rice porridge with pumpkin is ready, it can be laid out on plates and served. For more flavor, you can add your favorite seasonings to hot porridge: cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom or nutmeg.

Pumpkin porridge with rice is my favorite. I put a little rice and cook it for a long time. In the process of cooking, the porridge becomes smooth and homogeneous, acquiring the consistency of a thick cream. In it, you can no longer distinguish where the rice is, and where the pumpkin is.

Very tasty and healthy dish. Butter is not required.

To prepare this porridge, take all the products indicated in the photo.

Peel the pumpkin, wash and cut into small pieces. Place in a heavy bottomed pot or pot. In such dishes, porridge will not burn. Add some water and put on fire.

Wash the rice well and add to the pumpkin in the pan. Cook until the pumpkin is soft. If the liquid boils away, add more water.

When the pumpkin is soft, mash it. Pour milk, add sugar to taste and salt.

Cook on the smallest fire, stirring occasionally. When the porridge thickens and becomes homogeneous, turn off the heat.

Add the butter to the hot porridge and stir.

Pumpkin porridge with rice is ready. Cool it down a bit and serve it for breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner.

Tasty and healthy.

Pumpkin is an incredibly healthy fruit that is used in the preparation of various dishes. However, not everyone loves pumpkin-based dishes, in particular porridge. What ingredients can be added to such porridge so that it pleases? Pumpkin porridge with rice in milk is an incredibly fragrant, attractive and tasty dish. It is recommended to use it for breakfast, because due to its rich composition, it gives the body additional energy and strength. We present the recipe for this wonderful dish. Even in the photo, the porridge is excellent. Pumpkin is an interesting creation of nature. We think of it as a vegetable, but it's actually a berry. Yes, yes, such a berry weighing 12 kilograms. An unpretentious vegetable-berry, in addition to its unique biological properties, is also interesting because it is very useful. And the recipe for porridge from it is very simple.

The benefits of pumpkin are due to its rich composition. The calorie content of this berry is low, while it is considered very nutritious. Most vegetables, fruits and spices contain vitamins, macro- and microelements. But the ratio of these nutrients is different everywhere. In pumpkin, the quantity and ratio of biologically active substances is so high that it has a beneficial effect on vision, digestion, the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and hematopoietic function. Moreover, pumpkin promotes weight loss! It perfectly cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxins and toxins, removes excess fluid. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for low-calorie dishes based on pumpkin.

Today we have pumpkin porridge with rice in milk, which can be cooked both in a slow cooker and on the stove. Recipe one. We cook on the stove. To make it clearer, each stage is provided with a photo.


1. The first step is to peel the pumpkin. We cut the pumpkin into small cubes of the same size, as in the photo.

2. Pour the chopped pumpkin cubes with a little water. Keep in mind that the pumpkin will release juice during cooking. Bring the porridge to a boil. Reduce the fire. Boil for 10-15 minutes.

3. Add milk and bring to a boil again. Don't forget to stir. We make sure that the milk does not run away. Add sugar and salt.

4. As soon as the milk boils, pour the previously cleaned and washed rice into the pan. Rice groats make the consistency thicker. Keep in mind that the more rice that is used, the higher the calorie content of the dish. Bring to a boil.

5. We put our pumpkin porridge with rice on a slow fire. Cook for 20 minutes until the rice is cooked. We make sure that the dish does not burn.

6. After 20 minutes, the color of pumpkin porridge will change, as in the photo. It will turn into a beautiful orange color. Add butter, gently knead the remaining unboiled pieces of pumpkin.

- great amount. Delicate pumpkin-rice porridge turns out great, even when boiled in water.

Well, if the dish slowly languishes in milk, then it not only retains all the benefits of the ingredients used, but also becomes tender and remarkably beautiful.

Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk - general principles of preparation

Milk pumpkin porridge with rice on the stove is cooked only in a thick-walled saucepan. Using refractory dishes or pots, it is simmered in the oven. You can cook such a porridge in a slow cooker. Cooking in a pot requires constant attention. The porridge must be watched so that it does not burn or run away. Using an oven or slow cooker makes the process much easier.

In cooking, the pulp of a ripe vegetable separated from the peel and seeds is used. The greenish and loose part of it is also removed. Pumpkin pulp is cut into medium-sized pieces, of arbitrary shape, or rubbed on a coarse grater and cooked with rice. Often it is pre-boiled separately in water or milk and, after rubbing through a sieve or crushed with a crush, is combined with rice.

What kind of rice is better to take for porridge? This is most likely a matter of taste. If they want to get a crumbly dish, they use long-grain rice groats; for viscous porridge, it is better to take “pot-bellied” rice, round in shape.

Rice groats are thoroughly washed with cold water on a sieve and then dried well, leaving it in it. If you do not express the liquid, the proportions recommended by the recipe will be violated and the dish will turn out to be of a different consistency. Cooking rice so that it becomes crumbly is a whole science!

As for milk, any will do, as long as it is fresh. It is usually added after the pumpkin has been boiled in water and combined with rice. The product that begins to sour will curl up when boiling, and all products will have to be thrown away. It is worth noting that the higher the fat content of milk, the more likely the porridge is to burn. Therefore, excessively fatty, especially homemade, it is better to dilute with water.

Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, like any other, loves butter. It is added directly during cooking or after. You can additionally put a piece in each plate - as they say: "you can't spoil porridge with oil", and even more so this one.

A simple recipe for pumpkin porridge with rice and milk in clay pots


Half a kilo of pumpkin;

300 gr. round-grain, polished rice;

700 ml pasteurized cow's milk;

100 gr. Sahara;

Sweet cream butter - 75 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Medium-sized, cubes or cubes, cut the pumpkin pulp separated from the peel and seeds.

2. Divide the pieces among three earthenware pots and sprinkle rice washed in cold water over the gourd.

3. Boil the milk. Add granulated sugar and salt, mix well and immediately pour into clay containers. Milk should be above the level of rice cereal by two centimeters.

4. Put a full spoonful of butter in each pot and put the earthenware on the middle level of the oven preheated to 180 degrees.

5. After 25 minutes, remove the porridge and check. If all the milk has evaporated, add a little more and place back in the oven for another quarter of an hour.

How to cook pumpkin porridge with rice, millet and milk in a slow cooker


Half a cup of polished rice;

500 gr. mature pumpkin;

Half a glass of millet;

One liter of medium fat milk;

Sugar - 100 gr.;

Incomplete teaspoon of salt;

150 gr. homemade butter, or thickened cream.

Cooking method:

1. In the main cooking container, put the pumpkin cut into small cubes. Add, without thawing, butter, about a third of the norm. Add some cold water and do the standard "Extinguishing" for half an hour.

2. Lightly mash the boiled pumpkin with a crush, add washed millet and rice to it. Pour in cold milk, salt, sweeten and leave for 90 minutes. start the "Milk porridge" mode.

3. Periodically open the lid, stir and check the consistency. If necessary, add milk or boiled drinking water.

4. 10 minutes before cooking, spread small pieces of the remaining oil on the surface of the porridge.

5. Do not serve pumpkin porridge immediately, keep it warm for up to a quarter of an hour.

Simple pumpkin porridge with rice and milk


A full glass of round-grain rice groats;

400 gr. a piece of pumpkin;

One glass of water;

500 ml of natural unpasteurized, non-skimmed milk;

Salt and sugar are added to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Dense pulp is cut into medium-sized sticks in a small saucepan. Next, add half a glass of cold water and simmer over low heat.

2. After 20 minutes, check with a knife puncture. If the pieces become soft, mash them into a puree.

3. Pour the rice groats washed in several waters into a thick-walled saucepan, pour in a glass of boiling water and stir immediately.

4. On low heat, simmer the rice for about 10 minutes, and, waiting for the moment when it absorbs all the water, then pour hot boiled milk into it. Stir well, continue to simmer for another quarter of an hour. Be sure to boil the milk to make sure it's good.

5. Add pumpkin puree to almost ready rice, sweeten to your liking, add a little salt and mix thoroughly.

6. Keep pumpkin porridge with rice on the lowest heat for another ten minutes and turn off the heat. Immediately add the oil, mix quickly, but not too intensely, and wrap the pan with a flannelette or terry blanket for half an hour.

Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk in the oven with apples


Round grain rice - 1.5 cups;

Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;

Two large, without a strong taste, but sweet, apples;

100 gr. "Peasant" oil;

Refined sugar - 1/2 cup;

Cooking method:

1. Be sure to peel the apples with a vegetable peeler and cut out the core.

2. Cut the pulp and peeled apples into centimeter cubes.

3. Moisten the bottom and walls of the refractory dish with a thin layer of butter, put half of the prepared pumpkin into it and sprinkle with sugar.

4. Spread a piece of rice evenly on top, put the remaining pumpkin pulp on it, sweeten and cover everything with the remaining rice. Put the crushed apples in the last layer.

5. Add salt to warm milk, stir and carefully pour it into the container. It should not reach the edges, about two fingers.

6. Cover the top of the form with a sheet of food foil or a lid and send it to a preheated oven.

7. After twenty minutes, take it out. If necessary, top up with water or milk, add butter and bring to readiness, placing back for another 10 minutes. Do not close the form.

Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk - Zest


Pasteurized, short-term storage, milk - 800 ml;

A small bag of vanillin crystals;

200 gr. polished rice of the highest grade;

A small handful of raisins;

Half a kilo of ripe pumpkin;

High quality butter;

Liquid light honey - herbal, floral.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled pumpkin pulp into large pieces and chop them with a medium grater.

2. Pour raisins with boiling water, rinse a couple of times and soak in the same boiling water for 20 minutes. Then rinse again and dry well, spreading a thin layer on a towel.

3. Pour the milk into a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, and put on an intense fire.

4. Dip the chopped pumpkin into boiling milk, wait for it to boil again and immediately reduce the heat to a minimum. The contents of the pan should not boil intensely, but only slightly “worry”.

5. Add vanilla sugar, pour in the dried rice grits and continue cooking, stirring slowly for the first three minutes so that the grits that have settled to the bottom do not stick.

6. Cook covered on low heat for at least 25 minutes, and be sure to stir well occasionally. Porridge cooked in milk burns quickly.

7. Add dried raisins to pumpkin porridge with rice, lightly salt. Stir, simmer for another three minutes and remove from heat.

8. Wrap the pot of porridge in a blanket for half an hour. Then arrange on plates and flavor each serving with melted butter, pour over with honey.

Delicious pumpkin porridge with rice and milk - Creamy Guest


A full glass of polished round grain rice;

800 gr. ripened pumpkin;

4.5 cups of homemade cow's milk;

100 gr. 72% butter;

Two large spoons of sugar;

Salt - optional;

100 ml natural 22% cream.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin into medium-sized, approximately the same size cubes and fill them with one and a half glasses of cold milk.

2. Boil pumpkin pulp over low heat under a lid for half an hour, cool. To prevent milk from running out, be sure to leave a small gap between the lid and the pan.

3. Grind the cooled boiled pulp on a fine metal sieve. If you have a blender, use it.

4. Pour the rice with the remaining warmed milk, season with salt and bring to a boil. Once it boils, set the heat to minimum and continue cooking with the lid on. To prevent the rice grains from sticking to the walls of the container, continuously stir the cereal for the first five minutes.

5. Mix boiled rice with pumpkin porridge, sweeten to your taste, add oil. Mix thoroughly and transfer to a refractory form.

6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place the porridge in it on the grate set at the middle level. Bake for 20 minutes.

7. Lightly beat the cream with sugar and pour over the portioned porridge.

Pumpkin porridge with rice and milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

Do not grind the softened pumpkin to a puree; porridge is tastier with medium-sized pieces of vegetable.

Do not close the pan tightly with a lid, the milk will certainly escape. On the walls of the container from the inside, apply a thin strip of butter around the entire circumference, the milk will not rise above it.

Be sure to let the finished porridge brew for at least 20 minutes, wrapping it in a blanket or thick towel. It will steam well and become even tastier.
