
Bake the beets in the microwave. How to cook beets in the microwave - all quick cooking methods

Beets are a real decoration of any table. By simply mixing it with garlic and yogurt, you can make a healthy and tasty salad in 5 minutes. It is recommended to eat with low hemoglobin and digestive problems. This root crop is used to prepare a large number of dishes: from vinaigrette to borscht. All thanks to her wonderful taste. That's just to boil the beets, you need to spend more than one hour. In addition, this spoils the pan. Therefore, many housewives even keep special dishes for this purpose.

But you can avoid all this if you know how to boil beets in the microwave. This can be done not only quickly and easily, but also in many ways. You just need to remember a few simple rules. In any case, the root crop must first be washed well and dried with a paper towel. It is important to remember that small beets cook faster in the microwave than larger ones. Therefore, if you need to weld several pieces, it is better to choose them approximately the same size.

Most often, beets in the microwave are prepared as follows. In several places, prick the vegetable with a fork, knife or stick. Put in a shallow bowl, pour 1-2 tablespoons of water. Put a cup of beets in the microwave and bake at maximum power for 10-15 minutes. Readiness can be checked in the usual way - with a knife. If it easily enters the root crop, then the beets are ready. If not, then continue baking. It is only important to remember: since microwaves heat any product unevenly, you need to leave it for 5-10 minutes to even out the temperature. And only after that try.

True, that method has one drawback. When beets are microwaved, the juices may splatter. So, then you have to wash the walls of the microwave oven, which is not very convenient. Therefore, many people prefer to cook beets in the microwave in a closed container. It is best to buy a special bag for this purpose at a hardware store. But if it could not be found, a regular plastic bag will do. Washed and prepared beets are placed inside and hermetically sealed. The package is placed in the microwave and baked for 10-15 minutes until cooked. Allow to cool slightly, and you can try the vegetable.

Interestingly, beets in the microwave turn out no worse than boiled in water or baked in the oven. And it takes much less time. You can further shorten the cooking time by cutting the beetroot into pieces. And those who want to get more can cook a full meal directly in the microwave. Cut the already baked beets into small cubes, add the chopped onion and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. And bake in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then add one and a half cups of sour cream with a tablespoon of flour. Pepper, salt and pour in a little vinegar. Bake for another 6-7 minutes at medium microwave power. The result is a delicious and original dish for lunch or dinner.

Knowing how quickly you can cook your favorite salad at any time. After all, now you do not need to wait several hours until this root crop is cooked. And then wash the pan for a long time from scale. The microwave is not only for heating food. She also helps the hostess prepare delicious meals.

Proponents of proper nutrition, lovers of vegetable salads and unusual dishes often cook beets. This root crop is useful, but as a rule, in the process of cooking it on the stove, all micro and macro elements disappear, and the cooking time is delayed for hours. By learning how to cook beets in the microwave, you can save a lot of time.

As soon as the hostess decides to prepare a salad, to which boiled beets must be added, she begins to prepare it in advance. Boiling a root crop in water on a stove takes a long time.

If you have a microwave oven, then you can speed up the process of cooking a vegetable and at the same time preserve all its useful vitamins, micro and macro elements to the maximum. How to quickly cook beets in the microwave? Rather write it down.

On a note! The duration of cooking beet roots depends on their size. If you cook several pieces at once, then it is better to choose beets of the same size. Set the maximum power. Start with five minutes and add time as needed. When using microwave ovens, there is an unspoken law: the higher the power indicator, the faster the beets will cook.


  • beets - 2-3 pcs. root crops.


How to cook beets in the microwave?

When cooked in water, beets lose a number of their beneficial properties. In a microwave oven, a vegetable can be cooked in a dry way.


  • beet roots.


  1. We take off the skin.
  2. With a fork or toothpick, pierce the vegetable in several places.
  3. We spread the beets in a glass dish and close it with a lid.
  4. We send the dishes to the microwave oven for 10 minutes.
  5. Then turn the vegetable over and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  6. Let the boiled beets cool before using.

Cooking beets for salad

Beets in the microwave for vinaigrette will cook in minutes. You can choose one of the above methods or cook the root vegetable in water.


  • 1-2 pcs. beet roots;
  • 0.1 l of filtered water.


  1. Thoroughly rinse the beet roots with running water.
  2. Excess moisture and particles of dirt are removed with paper napkins or a towel.
  3. We spread the beets in a convenient dish, it is better to use special kitchen utensils for microwave ovens.
  4. Add 100 ml of filtered water.
  5. Cover with a lid and put in the microwave.
  6. We set the maximum power, and the timer - for 10 minutes.
  7. After this time, the root crop will be ready.
  8. It remains to cool and clean.

On a note! If after the cooking time you notice that the vegetable is damp, then put it back in the microwave oven and add a couple more minutes.

Gourmet snack: simple and fast!

How to bake beets in the microwave? To do this is quite simple. In a few minutes you will be able to serve a delicious snack that does not require additional preparation.


  • 1 st. l. table vinegar with 9% concentration;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • 1-2 pcs. beet roots.


  1. We clean the beets from the peel.
  2. Wash vegetables thoroughly. It is best to perform all manipulations with gloves, otherwise the hands will be stained with vegetable pigment.
  3. Cut the beet roots into cubes or slices.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine table vinegar with salt and spices to taste.
  5. Pour the chopped vegetable with the prepared marinade.
  6. We put everything in a glass container and close the lid.
  7. For 10 minutes we send the beets to the microwave oven.
  8. In 10 minutes you will have an unusually tasty snack ready.

On a note! Before serving, such an appetizer can be seasoned with refined olive oil and sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Nutritionists take note

If you are used to eating right and tasty, then this method of cooking beets in the microwave will suit you. You will definitely need a baking sleeve, as well as filtered water.

On a note! If you are cooking beets in a container or glassware, leave the lid slightly open. Closing the dishes tightly can lead to an explosion and breakage of the kitchen gadget.


  • 100 ml filtered water;
  • beet.


  1. We release the beet roots from the peel.
  2. Thoroughly wash the peeled vegetable and cut into cubes.
  3. Put the vegetable in a baking bag.
  4. We fix the sleeve on one side with clips.
  5. Add filtered water and close the second edge of the bag.
  6. From above, carefully pierce the sleeve with a knitting needle or knife. It is through these holes that steam will escape during the heat treatment process.
  7. We send the beets to the microwave oven for 7-10 minutes.
  8. Be sure to select the maximum power.

On a note! Experienced housewives say that beets cooked in this way are the most healthy and juicy.

Decided to make a vinaigrette or beetroot salad, but the fact that the beetroot takes too long to cook stops it? There is a solution! And we will cook without water! I suggest cooking beets in the microwave in a bag. The whole process will take ten minutes. Don't believe? Take a look at my detailed recipe page with step-by-step photos taken and see for yourself.

How to cook beets in the microwave in a bag

To quickly or take a medium-sized root crop and wash it thoroughly.

Peel the skin off the vegetable and place it in a clean plastic bag. If you have large beets, then after cleaning it can be cut in half. It is not necessary to pierce the root crop with a knife or a toothpick.

We collect a little air in the bag and tie it with a knot. You can do without bandaging the package. The edge of the package, in this case, is simply twisted with a tourniquet and folded under the main product.

We put the saucer with the root crop in the microwave. To quickly bake beets, you need to turn on the mode for a power of 800 watts. On many oven devices, this power is maximum.

Cooking beets in the microwave depends on the size of the root. For a small vegetable, like mine, 8 minutes will be enough. If your beets are larger, then the boil time can be set to 10 minutes, but I usually take my time to add minutes on the timer. If the beets do not have time to cook for the time indicated initially, cooking can be extended.

After the microwave oven notifies us of the end of cooking, open the door and carefully unfold the package. Attention! Do not burn yourself with hot steam!

Pierce the beets with a toothpick or small knife. If the tip freely entered the pulp of the root crop, then cooking is completed. If there are problems, then we send the beets in the bag to the microwave for another couple of minutes.

Cut the cooked beetroot in half and let it cool naturally.

OK it's all over Now! As I said, the whole process of cooking beets in the microwave in a bag takes no more than 10 minutes. In my case, this time also includes washing and cleaning the root crop. In this way, the boiled root crop is used for cooking or any other, in which this fragrant bright vegetable is an obligatory ingredient.

Also, you can read the cooking recipe. I am sure you will find the best express method for boiling beets for salad.

The advantage of cooking beets in a microwave oven is the ability to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients. This method is considered the fastest, unlike boiling or baking. Thanks to the action of microwaves, the beets are steamed faster. As a result, after 15-20 minutes, salads, snacks, first and second courses can be prepared on its basis. To fully comply with the technology, you must follow the step-by-step instructions. Let's talk about everything in order, consider effective options.

Method number 1. Whole beets cooked in the microwave

  1. Select preferably young specimens of medium size, this method will help to cook beets as soon as possible. If older root crops remain, more time will be required for cooking.
  2. Use a suitable size plastic heat-resistant container. Place a small vegetable in it. Also, for these manipulations, a ceramic dish with a plastic cap is suitable.
  3. Before you start cooking, rinse the fruit thoroughly to remove any remaining dirt. To simplify the task, rub the beets with an iron sponge to clean the dishes.
  4. To achieve the desired effect, use a knitting needle, pierce the root crop through, make about 20 holes. Then place the beets in a suitable microwave container.
  5. Pour in 80 ml. filtered water in a container with a root crop, send it to the microwave. Cover the product with the lid or dome of your choice.
  6. Read the instruction manual for the microwave oven, select the power mode 850 W. Set a timer for 15 minutes. The selection of time is carried out by the size of the vegetable and the power of the oven.
  7. Start the procedure with 8 minutes, then check the beets, extending the boil if necessary. Upon completion of the manipulations, cool the root crop, clean and start cooking.

Method number 2. Cooking beets in the microwave for 15 minutes

  1. Wash beets thoroughly, pat dry with paper towels to get rid of water. Place the vegetable in the microwave container, topping up with 110 ml. filtered water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, send it to the microwave. Set the power to maximum for about 8 minutes. After the specified time, check the beets, turn if necessary.
  3. Steam the vegetable again for the same amount of time. Upon completion of the manipulation, keep the root crop in the chamber for about 12 minutes. Then take it out and use as directed.

Method number 3. Cooking beets in a bag

  1. The peculiarity of the preparation of this method allows you to cook the root crop as a whole or cut. Cooking time varies depending on the size of the beets (8 to 15 minutes).
  2. Wash the root crop, dry with paper towels. After the done manipulation, place it in a plastic bag. Tie the polyethylene, having previously made several small holes in it.
  3. Place the bag in the microwave oven, set the power to 800 watts. You can also use a baking sleeve by doing the same manipulations.

Method number 4. Cooking beets in a glass dish in a microwave oven

  1. In case you do not have the opportunity to use polyethylene or a baking sleeve, take glassware. Cover the ceramic container with a plastic lid with a hole that will help release excess steam. When cooked in this way, the beets remain juicier.
  2. Wash the root crop, chop into pieces or leave whole. Pierce the vegetable with a knitting needle, place in a glass container with a little water. Set the power to 750 watts. The duration of cooking will directly depend on the size of the root crop or chopped pieces.
  3. Cooking time is 6 to 15 minutes. When cooking a vegetable, constantly monitor the process, periodically pierce it with a knife if the root crop is whole. In some cases, cooking vegetables in the microwave is provided by the manufacturer. It is enough to read the instruction manual, then start cooking.

Method number 5 Cooking beets in the microwave in slices

This method of cooking beets is aimed at preparing large or old root crops that need to be chopped.

  1. Rinse vegetables thoroughly, peel. Chop the beets into several small pieces. There is a way to cut into cubes of the desired size for salad.
  2. Send chopped beets in a suitable container or polyethylene. If you are using a container, pour 90 ml into it. filtered water. Such a move will create the effect of a steam bath.
  3. If using a baking sleeve, also pour in the liquid and make holes in the top of the bag to vent the steam. When cooking in a glass container, cover it with a lid with a valve.
  4. Set the power of the microwave oven to maximum, in this mode, the beets will cook in 6-12 minutes. Time varies depending on the size of the pieces. Upon completion of the process, cool the beets, use as directed.

Method number 6. Cooking beets in the microwave in the marinade

  1. Rinse the vegetable thoroughly, peel and cut into cubes. Stir in a separate container of 25 ml. apple cider vinegar and a little spice of your choice.
  2. Combine the marinade with beets, place in a container for a microwave oven. Cover with a steam vent and place in the microwave. Set the power to maximum, wait about 12 minutes.
  3. At the end of the specified time, wait for the root crop to cool. Add olive oil to the vegetable or use another dressing of your choice.

It's easy to cook beets in a quick way using the microwave. Follow certain rules, the cooking process will be greatly simplified. The method of cooking in the microwave is different in that the root crop retains the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients, while remaining juicy.

Video: how to cook beets in the microwave in 5 minutes

If you love beets and appreciate the beneficial and nutritional properties of this root vegetable, you will be interested in learning how to cook beets in the microwave. Yes, yes, you can cook beets not only in a saucepan, fearing that all the contents will spill over the stove and flood the kitchen with scarlet-red slurry. And if we take into account the fact that in a saucepan, we usually cook beets for at least two hours, then you don’t want to cook your favorite delicacy in the usual, but in such a long way.

Alternatively, modern housewives actively use all kinds of kitchen appliances.

Beetroot can be prepared in a variety of ways:

  • bake in the oven;
  • cook in a slow cooker;
  • cook in the microwave in a bag or in a sleeve for baking;
  • cook in the microwave in a small amount of water.

And just about the last two methods we will talk further. From our recommendations you will learn how long do you need, and how to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins during heat treatment.

Cooking beets in the microwave: 3 proven ways

The method of cooking beets in the microwave has caused a lot of discussion, speculation and doubts about its practicality. Since the myth that microwaves have a bad effect on the quality of products has not been relevant for a long time, we still suggest trusting modern technologies and cooking beets in the microwave. This is enough fast, convenient and simple, even in a small kitchen with a minimal set of dishes.

1 way: cook beets in water

If you have heard that most of the useful vitamins and minerals go into the liquid during cooking, do not be afraid to use this method. This works when the vegetable is cooked for a long time and in a large amount of water. And the less liquid, the more benefits from beets remain. With this rule in mind, use A simple recipe for cooking beets in the microwave.

  1. Rinse the beets and pat dry with a paper towel.
  2. To prepare beetroot you will need utensils that can be used in the microwave- glass, ceramic, plastic.
  3. Pour 100 ml of water into a container, place the beets and cover with a lid.
  4. Turn on the microwave at full power and cook the beets for 7 minutes.
  5. After this time has elapsed, turn the beets over and cook for 7 more minutes microwave.
  6. Leave the root crop 10 minutes in the microwave until cool.

Your delicacy is ready to eat, you can chop the beets on a salad or cook another favorite dish from them.

2 way: cook beets, diced

For this method, you will need a saucepan - glass or ceramic. Beets according to this recipe are tender, soft, fragrant. It can be used as a cold appetizer, added to borscht, vinaigrette or other vitamin salad.

  1. Beets must be washed, cleaned and cut into strips or cubes.
  2. Prepare the marinade from one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice) and your favorite spices and spices.
  3. Mix the beets well with the marinade, put them in a saucepan, cover with a lid and put in the microwave for 10 minutes.

The process of cooking beets in their own juice and with the addition of marinade is one of the fastest, which allows us to assume that vitamins and microelements are preserved. Add olive oil or mayonnaise to taste and enjoy delicious and healthy beets.

3 way: cook beets in a bag

We want to tell you how to quickly cook beets in the microwave in a bag. This method usually comes to the rescue when there are no suitable dishes at hand, and you still need to cook beets for vinaigrette.

  1. My root crop in water, dry and put in a clean bag.
  2. The package must be tied and pierce with a toothpick in several places.
  3. We send a bag of beets to the microwave for 10-12 minutes, having previously set the power to 700-800 watts. With a lower power, the beets will cook for about 20 minutes.
  4. Alternatively, instead of a bag, you can use a deep plate, and use a toothpick to pierce not the bag, but the beet itself . Turn on the microwave for 10 minutes, and then leave for another 10 after automatic shutdown.
  5. Instead of a bag, you can also use a baking sleeve.

So you learned about the tricks of cooking beets in the microwave. It remains to clarify a few nuances.
