
Turnip is a forgotten plant. Everything you need to know about turnips: a detailed description of a familiar vegetable, care rules and other useful information

Turnip - annual or biennial herbaceous plant, Cabbage family. A smooth yellow root crop, in diameter it can reach from 8 to 20 cm and weigh 10 kg. All types of turnips are very early ripening, the finished root crop is formed in 40 - 45 days, late varieties- in 50 - 60 days. The leaf rosette reaches a height of 40 - 60 cm. Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time cool place without losing their healing qualities; easily absorbed by the body and recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression "easier steamed turnip", testifying to its long-term and frequent use.

Turnip was one of the first vegetables that received close attention of mankind. The Greeks, Egyptians and Persians fed turnips to their slaves, considering this vegetable to be coarse, but hearty food, the Romans considered turnips to be the food of commoners, but with the beginning of our era, the vegetable came out of the category of “slave” - in the early Middle Ages, turnips baked in coals were considered a delicacy and were often served with meat as a side dish.

Turnip was the main vegetable in Slavic cuisine. And not only among the common people, but also among the richer merchants and nobility. Speaking of “basic”, we put turnips in place of potatoes, which now - both as a side dish, and in soup, and mashed potatoes, boiled, baked and fried, is used in a very large number of dishes. Catherine II insisted on growing more “fashionable” and convenient potatoes, and slowly but surely, turnips were pushed into the category of “obsolete” vegetables. In the 20th century, cooking from turnips was already something common, even indecent. With the transition of turnips to the category of simple vegetables, many secrets of its processing, preparation and recipes based on turnips were lost.

Useful properties of turnip

Since ancient times, turnip has been considered an excellent means of cleansing the body of toxins. Raw turnip contains up to 9% sugars, a very high content of vitamin C (twice as much as in any root crop), B1, B2, B5, PP, provitamin A (especially in yellow turnip), easily digestible polysaccharides, sterol (element required in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Turnips contain the rare element glucoraphanin, a plant analogue of sulforaphane that has anti-cancer properties. This element is only found in turnips and various types cabbage: broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower.

Turnip contains rare trace elements and metals: copper, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine and many others. Turnips contain more phosphorus than radishes and radishes, and sulfur, which is necessary for purifying blood and dissolving kidney stones and bladder, not found in any other familiar vegetable. High levels of magnesium help the body store and absorb calcium. The turnip even contains an antibiotic that inhibits the development of some fungi, including those dangerous to the human body (which, however, does not work on Escherichia coli and staphylococci).

Turnip activates the activity of the liver and the secretion of bile, which prevents the formation of gallstones. Cellulose supports the activation of intestinal motility and the prevention of congestion nutrients. This has many benefits for lowering cholesterol, which in turn is great for preventing atherosclerosis. Turnip contains lysozyme, a substance with very strong antimicrobial activity. It is interesting to note that turnip is a natural antibiotic, able to destroy or prevent signs of various diseases, especially skin and mucous membranes.

Turnip is a low-calorie product rich in vitamins. Turnip saturates, but does not start overweight. mineral salts and essential oils contained in turnips can serve universal complex regulating the state of health. It is not without reason that so many fairy tales and sayings about turnips appeared. This root crop has wound healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. In addition to the fact that properly cooked turnips are very tasty, they are also incredibly healthy.

For diabetic patients, turnip is an excellent general tonic, doctors especially recommend it in winter. However, it is worth controlling the amount of food eaten, since this root crop contains a lot of sugar, and you should generally refrain from rutabaga.

Turnip juice is drunk for coughs, sore throats (from a simple cold to the restoration of a completely “shrunken” voice). It relieves asthma symptoms, improves sleep and calms the heartbeat. Boiled turnips are ground into gruel and applied to sore spots with gout. And even a toothache was removed with a decoction of turnips. A large amount of fiber in turnips stimulates intestinal motility.

A decoction of turnip roots improves sleep, calms the heartbeat, has a laxative effect, helps with asthma and bronchitis. To prepare a decoction, you will need one to two tablespoons of chopped turnip roots. It is necessary to pour two hundred ml of boiling water, boil for fifteen minutes and strain. Take a decoction of 1/4 cup four times a day or one glass at bedtime.

Perhaps the decisive role in the displacement of turnips was played by the longer cooking time of turnips in relation to potatoes. Potatoes cooked much faster, became crumbly and soft, it was possible to make large quantity dishes. The feeling of satiety from turnips and potatoes is similar, at that time it was not customary to understand the causes of sensations. "Potato satiety" was the result of heavy digestion of large amounts of starch. Carbohydrates, which form the basis of potatoes, gave a great calories, but it is carbohydrate foods that are responsible for excess body fat. Turnips, like celery, parsley root and parsnips, often ignored today, can just as well be used in soups instead of potatoes and even boiled to the softest state. Yes, cooking turnips takes more time, but in balance useful substances and special healing properties, turnip leaves potatoes behind, and in the skillful hands of an experienced chef becomes a delicacy.

By stewing and baking, you can cook a lot of wonderful dishes with turnips. For example, with apples and raisins. Turnip in this dish is the main ingredient, but options with sauces, gravies and additives are possible. Turnip can be a side dish for meat, game or fish.

Turnip is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant of the Cabbage family. A smooth yellow root crop, in diameter it can reach from 8 to 20 cm and weigh 10 kg. All types of turnips are very early ripening, the finished root crop is formed in 40 - 45 days, late varieties - in 50 - 60 days. The leaf rosette reaches a height of 40 - 60 cm. Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place without losing its healing qualities; easily absorbed by the body and recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression "simpler than a steamed turnip" has long been known, indicating its many years and frequent use.

Turnip was one of the first vegetables that received close attention of mankind. The Greeks, Egyptians and Persians fed slaves with turnips, considering this vegetable to be a coarse but satisfying food, the Romans considered turnips to be the food of commoners, but with the beginning of our era, the vegetable came out of the category of “slave” - in the early Middle Ages, turnips baked in coals were considered a delicacy and were often served with meat as a side dish.

Turnip was the main vegetable in Slavic cuisine. And not only among the common people, but also among the richer merchants and nobility. Speaking of “basic”, we put turnips in place of potatoes, which now - both as a side dish, and in soup, and mashed potatoes, boiled, baked and fried, are used in a very large number of dishes. Catherine II insisted on growing more “fashionable” and convenient potatoes, and slowly but surely, turnips were pushed into the category of “obsolete” vegetables. In the 20th century, cooking from turnips was already something common, even indecent. With the transition of turnips to the category of simple vegetables, many secrets of its processing, preparation and recipes based on turnips were lost.

Turnip has always been the most affordable product. The fact is that in a difficult climate, many vegetables "did not live" until spring. And only turnip endured the most severe weather conditions, did not rot, retained its taste and vitamins. In addition, turnip had an enviable yield and unpretentiousness, did not require careful care and allowed itself to be grown without high costs. Until Catherine's time, turnips were the main vegetable in Russian cuisine. And not only among the common people, but also among the richer merchants and nobility. Speaking of “basic”, we put turnips in place of potatoes, which now - both as a side dish, and in soup, and mashed potatoes, boiled, baked and fried, are used in a very large number of dishes.

Catherine II insisted on growing more “fashionable” and convenient potatoes, and slowly but surely, turnips were pushed into the category of “obsolete” vegetables. In the 20th century, cooking from turnips was already something common, even indecent. With the transition of turnips to the category of simple vegetables, many secrets of its processing, preparation and recipes based on turnips were lost. Except nutritional properties, ease of storage and ease of cultivation, turnips had another very important advantage - the collection medicinal properties. Bouquet useful qualities turnip was used not only in cooking, but also in traditional medicine. Turnips were not only fed, but also treated. Turnip is a low-calorie product rich in vitamins. Turnip saturates, but does not allow excess weight to start. Mineral salts and essential oils contained in turnips can serve as a universal complex that regulates health. It is not without reason that so many fairy tales and sayings about turnips appeared.

However, do not forget about the dangers that await if you do not know the measure!
Turnip is a very useful product, but its excessive use can worsen the situation in some diseases. So, raw turnip is contraindicated in patients with stomach and duodenal problems, colitis and acute gastroenteritis. It is also not advised to use this root crop in its raw form for inflammation of the liver and kidneys, as well as for other intestinal ailments.

In addition, it is not recommended to add dishes with turnips to your diet for certain diseases of the central nervous system. Therefore, having problems with nervous system, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you whether it is right for you to eat turnips and dishes from it.

While it is useful for pregnant women to eat 200-300 gr. turnips 1-2 times a week, it is not recommended for a mother with a baby to eat turnips: the baby may have an unpredictable reaction - allergies, diarrhea, colic, constipation. Therefore, it is advised to introduce turnips into the diet of a child from the age of 2.

This root crop has wound healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. In addition to the fact that properly cooked turnips are very tasty, they are also incredibly healthy. Turnip juice is drunk for coughs, sore throats (from a simple cold to the restoration of a completely “shrunken” voice). It relieves asthma symptoms, improves sleep and calms the heartbeat. Boiled turnips are ground into gruel and applied to sore spots with gout. And even a toothache was removed with a decoction of turnips. A large amount of fiber in turnips stimulates intestinal motility. Since ancient times, turnip has been considered an excellent means of cleansing the body of toxins. Raw turnip contains up to 9% sugars, a very high content of vitamin C (twice as much as in any root crop), B1, B2, B5, PP, provitamin A (especially in yellow turnip), easily digestible polysaccharides, sterol (element required in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Turnips contain the rare element glucoraphanin, a plant analogue of sulforaphane that has anti-cancer properties. This element is found only in turnips and various types of cabbage: broccoli, kohlrabi and cauliflower.

Turnip contains rare trace elements and metals: copper, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine and many others. Turnips contain more phosphorus than radishes and radishes, and sulfur, which is necessary for purifying the blood and dissolving kidney and bladder stones, cannot be found in any other familiar vegetable. High levels of magnesium help the body store and absorb calcium. The turnip even contains an antibiotic that inhibits the development of certain fungi, including those dangerous for human body(not valid, however, for E. coli and staphylococci).

Turnip activates the activity of the liver and the secretion of bile, which prevents the formation of gallstones. Cellulose supports the activation of intestinal motility and the prevention of nutrient stagnation. This has many benefits for lowering cholesterol, which in turn is great for preventing atherosclerosis. Turnip contains lysozyme, a substance with very strong antimicrobial activity. It is interesting to note that turnip is a natural antibiotic, able to destroy or prevent signs of various diseases, especially skin and mucous membranes.

Turnip is a low-calorie product rich in vitamins. Turnip saturates, but does not allow excess weight to start. Mineral salts and essential oils contained in turnips can serve as a universal complex that regulates health. It is not without reason that so many fairy tales and sayings about turnips appeared. This root crop has wound healing, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. In addition to the fact that properly cooked turnips are very tasty, they are also incredibly healthy.

For diabetic patients, turnip is an excellent general tonic, doctors especially recommend it in winter. However, it is worth controlling the amount of food eaten, since this root crop contains a lot of sugar, and you should generally refrain from rutabaga.

Turnip juice is drunk for coughs, sore throats (from a simple cold to the restoration of a completely “shrunken” voice). It relieves asthma symptoms, improves sleep and calms the heartbeat. Boiled turnips are ground into gruel and applied to sore spots with gout. And even a toothache was removed with a decoction of turnips. A large amount of fiber in turnips stimulates intestinal motility.

A decoction of turnip roots improves sleep, calms the heartbeat, has a laxative effect, helps with asthma and bronchitis. To prepare a decoction, you will need one to two tablespoons of chopped turnip roots. It is necessary to pour two hundred ml of boiling water, boil for fifteen minutes and strain. Take a decoction of 1/4 cup four times a day or one glass at bedtime.

Finally, culinary properties turnips are noticeably more advantageous than the same potato, which displaced the original Russian vegetable at the end of the 19th century from the diet of the common people. Turnips can be fried, steamed, boiled, stewed, baked, eaten raw and mixed with other dishes, added to salads and stuffed in pies. It is interesting that the Japanese daikon turnip is valued today, like everything Japanese, very highly, while the daikon does not surpass the turnip in properties - these are related plants. In Japan, daikon is a mass-produced vegetable, like our potatoes. Perhaps the decisive role in the displacement of turnips was played by more time cooking turnips in relation to potatoes. Potatoes cooked much faster, became soft, and more dishes could be made from it. The feeling of satiety from turnips and potatoes is similar, at that time it was not customary to understand the causes of sensations. "Potato satiety" was the result of heavy digestion of large amounts of starch. Carbohydrates, which form the basis of potatoes, gave a large number of calories, but it is carbohydrate foods that are responsible for excess body fat. Turnips, like celery, parsley root and parsnips, often ignored today, can just as well be used in soups instead of potatoes and even boiled to the softest state. Yes, cooking turnips takes more time, but in terms of the balance of nutrients and special healing properties, turnips leave potatoes behind, but in skillful hands experienced chef becomes a delicacy.

Today, the “Russian vegetable” is cooked in the East and Latin America, as well as in Spain and Portugal - turnip sprouts are added to sauces, vegetable stews and soups. In Belarus, turnips are an indispensable ingredient in cabbage soup, a very thick dish reminiscent of Russian cabbage soup, only much thicker - a cross between soup and stew. General recommendations when choosing turnips, they boil down to a few tips: in summer, choose medium-sized turnips, they will be softer and softer; in autumn and winter, buy large specimens - they contain more vitamins.

The expression "easier than a steamed turnip" is familiar, perhaps to everyone. But not everyone can now so easily make steamed turnips, and yet only 2 centuries ago it was the most common dish, something like boiled potatoes.

To prepare steamed turnips (or steamed turnips), you need to cut the root crop into thin circles, pour everything with water or milk, add butter and a pinch of salt and put it in the oven for 40 minutes at moderate or low heat. Another way is the "frying pan". Turnip, along with other vegetables, is cut into cubes or slices, as it is more convenient, and stewed under the lid. You can add milk and butter. The principle of preparation is similar to the preparation vegetable stew. The third way: put whole turnips in a double boiler and “steam” for about 20 minutes, then peel, thinly slice, season and serve.

Turnip Recipes

steamed turnip
Ingredients: 2-3 medium-sized turnips, 1 tbsp. l. mustard oil, 1 tsp honey, mixture provencal herbs, salt.
Preparation: Rinse the turnip and put it “in uniform” to cook in a double boiler for 20 minutes (medium flame). Make a mustard oil and honey sauce. Peel the turnip, cut thin slices, salt, pour over with honey and sprinkle with a mixture of dried herbs. After a few minutes, when the herbs soften, you can eat.

Stewed turnips with apples
Ingredients: 300 g turnips, 6-7 apples, 100 g raisins, 1-2 tbsp. l. butter, sugar to taste.
Preparation: Peel and cut the turnip small pieces. Put in an enamel pan, add a little water, oil, close the lid and simmer over low heat until half cooked. Cut apples, peel and core. Wash raisins in warm water. Add apples, raisins and sugar to a saucepan and simmer until tender. Add sugar carefully. If the apples are sweet, sugar can be omitted or added quite a bit.

Ragout with turnips
Ingredients: 1-2 large turnips, 2-4 potatoes, 1 large carrot, 1 onion, a glass of milk, salt, spices - to taste.
Preparation: Cut the washed and peeled turnips with carrots into cubes and cook a little in a small amount water, add a little milk there and leave to simmer over low heat. Fry coarsely chopped onion with potato pieces until light golden brown and transfer the roast to a saucepan. Add more milk and simmer until the vegetables are soft enough. Flour can be added to thicken slightly, but this is usually not required.

I offer a video that will clearly show one of the many ways to use turnips.

It's time to return your native turnip to your household, to your homeland!


and. root vegetable Brassica napus (rara); repin, one turnip. Cabbage and turnips are not crepe. Round girl, like a turnip. Turnip, plant. Umbilicus. razlog;

a breed of small, flat apple trees.

Arch. sib. cranial marine animal, sea urchin, Echinus esculentus. Repischa, a huge turnip; fortress cf. old turnip field? Behold, buy oramyi lands, and reap, and rehishes, and grafts, etc.

Yaroslavl newly plowed field? Peas and turnips are an enviable business: whoever does not go, will snatch. Turnips and rutabaga people do not boast. Cheaper than a steamed turnip, they give it away for free. Good (girl), like a washed turnip! What is it: they drove with a steamed turnip, arshin a penny? Turnips are not sown on the back. Even if you sing mother turnip (obscene song). Sheeba (I will throw) a big one, it will grow an oak tree, a zaoleshnichkom (turnip). In the land of crumbs, from the land of cakes (turnips). Under an oak tree, under a pencil, neither a ball nor a pebble (turnip). Itself a ball, and the tail under itself (turnip). Green above, thick in the middle, thin at the end (turnip). Round, but not a girl: with a tail, but not a mouse? (turnip). Turnip, referring to turnip. Turnip oil, rapeseed, from the breed of the same plant. Turnip m. turnip plant, whole bush;

porridge, from grated turnips with cereals;

turnip pie. Turnip or turnip, turnip tops.

Repniks pl. sun-dried, steamed in the oven turnip Vologda. Turnip, plant. colza. Turnip, turnip, in the meaning. turnip porridge; also turnip soup. Turnip arch. turnip stew: boiled or steamed turnips are kneaded, mixed with malt, sometimes with oatmeal, poured with water and put under a lid in a free spirit. Reptiles pl. olon. turnip, turnip kvass. Turnip, from turnip. Mouse, mouse. you have a burdock tooth, but give me an iron one! the child must say, throwing a milk tooth behind the stove. Onion, resembling a turnip, with a flattened ball. Onion apples or onion. Onions, bulbs, opposite sex. green. Turnip, turnip, generally referring to turnips. Turnip, caress. the nickname of the round girl. Repitsa the tail of a vertebrate animal, except for wool and hair; the entire connection of the caudal ossicles, the continuation of the vertebrae. The horse has a half-tail, and half a tail of a muffler.

In a bird: a vesicle on the tail, on the kuprik. Repichny, relating to the turnip. Repolov or repel m. one of the songbirds, Sylvia rubecola. The woman did not sleep on the reporeza, day 15 September.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


turnips, A vegetable, a biennial plant from the cruciferous family with a thickened spherical root. Stern turnip Cheaper than steamed turnip (proverb) - very cheap.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


Y, well. Root crop with a rounded root of light yellow color. Kordovaya r. Cheaper than a steamed turnip (very cheap; colloquial joke.). Easier than a steamed turnip (very simple; colloquial joke.).

reduce turnip, -and, well. "adj. turnip, -th, -th and turnip, -th, -th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A vegetable plant of the cruciferous family with a thickened root crop, usually white or yellow.

    The sweetish root crop of such a plant, eaten.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


biennial herbaceous plant of the cabbage genus of the cruciferous family. Vegetable (actually turnip) and fodder (turnip) culture (in root crops sucrose, vitamin C, carotene), on all continents; in the Russian Federation, mainly in the Non-Chernozem zone, the yield is up to 350 centners per 1 ha.


(Brassica rapa), biennial vegetable plant genus cabbage of the cruciferous family. In the first year, a rosette of dissected leaves and a fleshy root crop are formed; in the second - flower-bearing shoots that produce seeds. Inflorescence ≈ corymbose. The petals are golden-yellow in yellow-meaty varieties and lemon-yellow in white-fleshed ones. Fruit ≈ opening long pod. Seeds are small round, from light to dark brown. R. is a cold-resistant (withstands frosts up to 5 ╟С), moisture-loving, rather heat-resistant plant. Optimum temperature for growth and development 12≈20 ╟С. The vegetation period is short (60≈85 days), the yield is from 150 to 350 c/ha. Root crops contain: dry matter from 8.5 to 16.9% (half of which is sugar), vitamins C (22≈73 mg%), B1, B2, carotene, mustard oil, the presence of which determines the specific smell of R. and taste. R. is used as food in fresh, boiled, fried. big nutritional value R. has in the northern and high mountain regions the globe, where others vegetable crops grow poorly or do not succeed at all due to lack of heat. The best varieties, zoned in the USSR: Petrovskaya 1, with a flat root and yellow flesh; May yellow greenhead 172, with a flat root crop and light yellow flesh; Milanese white red-headed, with a flat root crop and white pulp, etc. The most suitable soils for growing R. are sandy and loamy with a neutral and slightly acidic reaction; tolerates satisfactorily hyperacidity soil. In a crop rotation, they are placed after crops under which organic fertilizers were applied. Seeds are sown in the spring, and for the use of root crops in winter time≈ summer. Care of crops consists in fertilizing with phosphorus and potash fertilizers of 10≈15 kg each. active substance per 1 ha, soil loosening, thinning by 6≈8 cm, weed shelf, pest and disease control, watering. Harvest before frost.

Lit. see at Art. Radish.

V. A. Ershova.



Turnip- an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus of the family, or.

Forage varieties of turnips are called turnips.

Turnip (disambiguation)


  • Turnip is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Cabbage.
  • Turnip - a river in Russia, flows mainly in the Yaroslavl region.

Turnip (tributary of Sogozha)

Turnip- a river in Russia, flows mainly in the Yaroslavl region. The source of the river is located in the Cherepovets district of the Vologda region, east of the village of Gurlevo, but after about 2 km it enters the territory of the Poshekhonsky district of the Yaroslavl region. The mouth of the river is located 44 km along the right bank of the Sogozha River, opposite the village of Teleshovo.

The length of the river is 47 km, the area of ​​the catchment basin is 423 km².

Examples of the use of the word turnip in the literature.

Oh, sir, - weeping, said Aramei Maskhei - you won’t understand, a person or turnip-- what insomnia!

Strong, I'd rather have dessert turnip than this pineapple or muscat grapes from Clevering,” complained poor Lady Clevering, looking around her dinner table, - if for a snack they gave me at least a little peace.

In the morning, stew was cooked for everyone - a skinskin made of barley flour; wooden tubs with a mess - boiled turnip with kvass, with malt.

He and more root crops like turnip and rutabaga, are often the only family food for a very long time.

Potatoes dragged five wagons, yes rutabagas, yes turnips, and beets, and horseradish, and radishes, and carrots, and cabbages, and pods of peas - and all in carts.

And the thing happened because of uselessness - because of turnips, because of swede steamed.

swede governor, turnip chewed, from the swede, turnip stubborn, took in the spirit and screamed heart-rendingly: - Disrespectful!

Look, on the way I saw these new gypsies, hedgehogs, porcupines, turnips, swede - from the belly fried!

Ahead, the wives and children of the nomads were already laying out a fire for the night, roasting hedgehogs, baking turnip, swede and everything else, loved by the people for dinner.

Do not think, gracious sirs, that the aforementioned maid really swallowed the spoonbill in order, as the bailiff shows, to increase her dowry, and that the sausage passed through usurers' purses, and whoever wants to take revenge on cannibals, then there is nothing better than taking a bunch of onions , yes three hundred heads turnips, and a little veal mesentery, and the best gold that alchemists have, mix it all up, stir, stir and mix, add rake sauce there, and then smear and rub cannibal shoes with this composition and hide them in some mole hole, lard should be protected more than your eyes.

But I can't run trains through a land of sharecroppers who can't even raise turnip.

All around Dawson were vegetable gardens filled with turnip, kohlrabi, lettuce and parsnips, but not in sufficient quantities.

Sabin will be glad that he finally got rid of the compromising brother, and the rest of the guests, grinning, will whisper to each other about horse manure and rotten turnips, and it turns out that the lush young shoot on the oak tried in vain.

But the real amazement was living corals, they look like, how to describe, underwater flowers, anemones, hyacinths, cornflowers, buttercups, bells, no, this does not convey anything, these are living curls, curls, buds, buntings, bubbles, buds , acorns, ovaries, pimples, knots, stumps, veins, stalks, but no, it must be told differently, they are mobile, they are multi-colored, like the gardens of Babylon, they recreate all the cereals of fields and gardens, from turnips to burdock and to cabbage.

It turned out that he was called the peasant Yefim Kulagin and was driving home from a cart, and the redneck was taking him to the garden, where he grew turnip and cabbage.

At present, the root turnip has three foci of formation (Western and Northern Europe, Afghanistan - India and East China - Japan).

Of these, the first two, according to E. N. Sinskaya (1928), can be considered centers of the primary occurrence and modern formation of turnips, and the third center is secondary. In Europe and Afghanistan, there is the greatest diversity and endemism of the root turnip.

The area of ​​mass primary entry into the culture of many plants, according to EN Sinskaya (1969), was Southwest Asia. Here, to this day, the native wild-growing flora abounds in a special wealth of forms suitable for cultivation. Local varieties of turnips in Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Northern India retain the features of their ancestral forms - the "wild" type. Their root crops are coarse, long, cone-shaped, completely immersed in the ground, woody with transverse striations. This area coincides with the most ancient centers of agricultural civilization that once existed on the territory of the Lesser Caucasus and Eastern Turkey (Urartu and others), as well as in the south Central Asia, in the mountains of Pamir-Alai, Hindu Kush and Karakorum (Bactrian kingdom, etc.). The culture of ancient Sumer, Babylon and Assyria had its origins in the mountainous countries located to the north and east of Mesopotamia. The beginning of agriculture belongs to the deepest antiquity - 10,000-15,000 years ago.

The later and higher civilization of Mesopotamia, based on irrigated agriculture, and the mutual penetration of cultures contributed to the exchange of cultivated plants and their spread to the Mediterranean countries and Central Asia.

After the migration of the Japhetic peoples from the Caucasus and Asia Minor, the turnip penetrated from the center of the primary occurrence to the southern part of Europe. At first, she had the features of a wild ancestor, who had rough, woody, long, cone-shaped roots. A uniform thickening of the root in nature is often observed today in perennial plants grown in arid conditions. The formation of root crops is possible not only in a humid coastal climate, but also in continental countries (in winter, with high soil moisture). An example is the Indo-Afghan focus.

Root-forming plants are usually overwintering. They develop a basal rosette of leaves in the first year, and in the second year - flowering and fruiting stems. Such morphobiological dimorphism is characteristic of the Mediterranean representatives of the family. Brassicaceae. The root crop is a very plastic formation, while the greatest susceptibility to cultivation conditions is observed more often in hybrid plants.

The wild ancestors of the turnip once had a wide range along the banks of the ancient Tethys, similar to the range of wild radishes and beets (from Sweden to India). The extinct ancestors of the European turnip may have lived along the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The ancestors of Asia Minor and Indo-Afghan turnips are now preserved in places where the Tethys coast used to be. They progressively rebuilt, becoming annual plants, and gave rise to the winter culture of radish in the countries of Southwest Asia. Thus, the turnip had a polytopic entry into the culture from several local initial forms.

The presence of identical genomes (AA) in turnip and rape, as well as the number of chromosomes - 2n = 20 (according to T. Morinaga, 1934; N. U, 1935; U. Mizushima, 1950), obviously, can be taken as evidence of a close relationship in past. Now these are different cultivated forms (cultures) that are not connected with each other. The rape - B. campestris L. is a weed field crops and vegetable gardens and, in addition, a cultivated oil plant in Asian countries with primitive agriculture (Turkey and Afghanistan), as well as in India, Japan and East China. It has its own eco-range and an independent system of intraspecific units (E. N. Sinskaya, 1960, 1969). Cultivated spring Asian rape at first littered flax crops, and then came into an independent culture. The European winter rape is descended from a wild two-year-old form that once lived along the shores of the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean (from Norway to Spain).

Basal leaves and fleshy edible root. In the second year (and in case of unsuccessful sowings and for the same year), an elongated, leafy stem with flowers grows from the tuber.

Chemical composition

The plant contains nitrogen-free substances (6.5%), nitrogenous substances (1.1%), fats (0.2%), mineral salts (it contains very great content calcium), vitamins (A - 0.04 mg, C - 8-20 mg, Bi - 0.08-0.11 mg), a significant amount of sugars and vitamin PP.


Sow turnips in early spring, as soon as the soil dries. Light loamy soils and a sunny location are best suited for this crop. During the summer you can get two crops. For the winter, it is better to store turnips from summer sowing.

Pests: cruciferous fleas and cabbage fly.

Turnip as a vegetable and medicinal plant has been known since ancient times. Turnips can be baked, boiled, stuffed, casseroles and stews are prepared from it, it is suitable for making salads. It can be stored for a long time in a cool place without losing its healing qualities; easily absorbed by the body and recommended for baby food. In Russia, the expression “simpler than a steamed turnip” has long been known, testifying to many years and frequent use turnips.

Thanks to high content calcium, turnip served as the main prophylactic, saving peasant children from rickets, bone and blood diseases. The plant has a diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing and analgesic effect. Root decoction and boiled turnip juice mixed with honey are taken for acute laryngitis, which causes a sharp cough, hoarseness, asthma and colds. Juice from fresh turnips is used as a diuretic and mild laxative and as a means of stimulating cardiac activity. Boiled pounded turnips and ointment from turnips and goose fat are applied to sore spots with gout. In order to reduce arthritic pain, a turnip decoction is used for baths. With a toothache, rinse the mouth with a warm decoction of turnips. Turnip stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, enhances intestinal motility, improves digestion. Turnip is not recommended for acute diseases gastrointestinal tract and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.



Within the species, 10 subspecies are distinguished:

  • Brassica rapa subsp. campestris (L.) A.R.Clapham - Field cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis (L.) Hanelt - Chinese cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. dichotoma (Roxb.) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. japonica Shebalina
  • Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa (L.H. Bailey) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. nipposinica (L.H. Bailey) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. oleifera (DC.) Metzg.) Hanelt
  • Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis (Lour.) Hanelt - Chinese cabbage
  • Brassica rapa subsp. rapa
  • Brassica rapa subsp. trilocularis (Roxb.) Hanelt

Turnip varieties

There are yellow-meat and white-meat varieties. The shape of the turnip root is flat, rounded and elongated. Flat and some rounded varieties are used as table varieties, elongated - fodder varieties, called turnips. The most common variety is "Petrovskaya", medium-early and high-yielding, among the early ripening - "White Night" and "May White".



  • Everything about medicinal plants on your beds / Ed. Radelova S. Yu .. - St. Petersburg: SZKEO LLC, 2010. - P. 62-65. - 224 p. - ISBN 978-5-9603-0124-4
  • Sinskaya E. N. Genus 649. Cabbage - Brassica // Flora of the USSR. V 30 t / Ch. ed. acad. V. L. Komarov; Ed. volumes by N. A. Bush. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1939. - T. VIII. - S. 462-464. - 696 + XXX p. - 5200 copies.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • Plants alphabetically
  • Cabbage
  • Roots
  • Vegetables
  • fodder plants
  • medicinal plants
  • Russian folk life

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