
What are the long green pods called? Long bean (Chinese)

The main feature of asparagus beans is the absence of a coarse parchment layer on the inside of the wings. Such natural protection is formed in the beans as the seeds ripen and does not allow the use of the pods themselves, so loved by gourmets around the world for their juiciness, delicate taste, beneficial features and versatility of application.

Asparagus beans: two types under one name

First tasted by Europeans in the 18th century, vegetable bean dishes were made from the Phaseolus vulgaris bean species brought from the American shores by the Spaniards and the Portuguese. Over the past centuries, many productive varieties of common beans have been bred, including those that do not form a parchment layer inside the shoulder blades. Such plants produce elongated cylindrical dietary beans that retain the juiciness of the valves for a very long time.

In addition, today gardeners and adherents of a healthy lifestyle are offered to try numerous and very interesting varieties asparagus beans from the Asian region. These are cowpea beans or cowpeas, several varieties of which are combined under the name Vigna unguiculata.

A feature of this type of bean is long, round pods in cross section. If the pods, asparagus beans of domestic, European or American selection, do not exceed 40 cm in length, then cowpea beans, with proper care, easily grow to a meter in length. Due to their unusual appearance in China and the West, beans are sometimes called snake beans.

The closest relatives shown in the photo of this kind are butterfly beans from India, mung beans and a number of species common in Africa, the Asian region and the Middle East. At the same time, both types of asparagus beans are annual plants cultivated as bush or climbing forms and give not only juicy pods, but also edible, nutritious seeds of the most different sizes and colours.

Unlike American varieties asparagus beans, necessarily subjected to heat treatment, cowpea beans of milky-wax ripeness can be safely eaten raw. Small cowpea seeds are useful not only in traditional dishes, but also germinated. The only drawback of this amazing asparagus bean is its heat-loving nature, therefore, in central Russia, the plant can often be seen in greenhouses, where asian beans brings a stable crop of pods and seeds for sowing. To get closer to getting cowpea beans, you can:

  • choose bush varieties of asparagus beans, which, as a rule, are distinguished by faster maturation than vines, but their beans are much shorter;
  • give preference to Chinese or domestic varieties and hybrids that are less whimsical than Japanese varieties.

IN Lately American-bred cowpea beans are gaining popularity. Do not become less popular and asparagus varieties of common beans.

Descriptions and photos of asparagus beans of the species Phaseolus vulgaris

Modern varieties and productive hybrids of this variety are distinguished by tenderness and high juiciness of the pods, their even cylindrical shape and stable fruiting in a variety of climatic conditions. Among the varieties there are both bush and climbing. Beans can be green, yellow, white, purple and variegated. The fruits of asparagus beans differ in the same variety of colors.

Straight, with a bend that is barely noticeable towards the tip, the beans ripen in 50–75 days, which classifies this variety of asparagus beans of domestic selection as early ripe.

The culture forms a compact bush, no more than 40 cm high. This asparagus bean, as in the photo, is characterized by delicate rounded pods 13–16 cm long, in which there is no parchment layer. Up to 6 glossy white seeds usually ripen in a pod.

The variety is well known to Russian vegetable growers, famous for its resistance to diseases, productivity and versatility of use.

Unlike the previous variety, this asparagus bean is tall. Plants reach one and a half meters in height and require the organization of strong supports. Ripening begins in 50-56 days, so the variety is very early. The beans are long, rich green and up to 16 cm long.

Seeds small, white. There are no coarse fibers on the valves, which determines the high dietary value shown in the photo varieties of asparagus beans. Plants are productive, resistant to common diseases. For stable growth and fruiting, the culture needs regular, nutrition and plenty of light.

Bush early ripe variety provides a harvest already 41–56 days after germination and forms compact 40 cm plants. A distinctive feature of this asparagus bean is cylindrical, slightly curved, juicy beans of a bright yellow color. The length of such a pod is 12–16 cm.

Description and photo of Neringa asparagus bean variety

Harvest from the bushes of the presented variety of asparagus beans can be harvested in 50-60 days. As you can see in the photo, asparagus beans produce narrow, green pods 14 to 16 cm long. The sashes are juicy, thick, without a parchment layer that spoils the taste of the product. Plants bear fruit amicably, beans are suitable for all types of processing. Today, Russian breeders offer a great variety of varieties of asparagus beans. The advantage of such varieties and hybrids is adaptability to local conditions and availability.

Plants obtained in other countries are no less interesting and worthy of the attention of gardeners. The leaders in carrying out breeding work in this direction are the USA, France, Holland and Italy.

It takes 60 to 65 days to ripen the beans of the Italian variety. bushes vegetable crop have a height of about 40 cm, hardy and productive. Pale yellow cylindrical pods are tasty and have good commercial qualities. For a long time they retain juiciness and a dense crispy texture. Inside the bean of this variety of asparagus beans there are up to 6 black oblong seeds, the length of the pod reaches 15 cm.

Description and photo of asparagus beans Mascotte

Harvesting of beans from very small Mascott plants takes place within 50–55 days after emergence. Without fibrous inclusions, dense, crispy pods are much loved by the French. The bushes are so compact that they can be grown on a window in a city apartment.

Therefore, this asparagus bean is one of the most beloved in this country. Excellent yield and decent quality of fruits 15 cm long.

This variety of asparagus beans, judging by the photo, is rightfully called the “Purple Queen” useful pods. In progress cooking the color of the valves changes to thick, green. The growing season lasts up to 55 days. Beans can grow up to 20 cm.

A favorite of American farmers, the Kentucky Blue Pole asparagus variety produces high yields of sweet, quality beans. The growing season lasts up to 65 days, during which a large climbing plant with a height of about 2.5 meters is formed.

The presented variety of asparagus beans has much in common with the domestic Blue Lake. The culture also bears fruit for a long time and abundantly, giving beans 20 cm long.

Ultra-sweet asparagus bean bush type. Plants are upright, strong, pods are formed by brushes, which seriously increases the yield. Up to 600-800 grams of beans can be removed from one bush, the growing season lasts up to 55 days. Unusual taste fruits are liked by both adults and children.

Vigna beans: photos and descriptions of varieties

Asian variety of asparagus bean, cowpea , becoming more and more popular in the world. Russian breeders did not stand aside either. Leading companies already offer their varieties of this variety of vegetable beans. Do not lag behind and seed companies in other countries.

The mid-season bean variety from Sedek attracts gardeners with green beans 30–50 cm long. At the same time, the leaf width does not exceed 1 cm, and its pulp is tender and does not have a rough inner shell at all. Tall bushes curl beautifully and can climb to a height of 3 meters.

The variety of asparagus beans of domestic selection is highly resistant to diseases, is productive and feels great in Russian gardens. In the southern regions, it is possible to grow in open ground, and in the middle lane - only in.

The advantage of this variety is the high yield and quality of long pods without a parchment layer. The length of the beans in good years reaches 55 cm, width 1 cm. The color of the valves is green, the texture is juicy, without bean flavor and aftertaste. From one climbing powerful bush after 60 days, up to 5 kg of useful products are obtained.

Harvest beans that grow in 60-65 days and form dense crispy fruits up to 35 cm long. Plants of this variety of cowpea beans are tall, fast-growing. The height of the bush requires the use of supports, otherwise it will be difficult for the plant to withstand the abundance of beans.

The variety of Russian selection has high commercial and taste qualities and is of interest to gardeners from various regions.

Variety Countess from Gavrish can be attributed to the Japanese variety of cowpea. Tall, up to 5 meters, plants produce many long thin pods, sometimes a meter long. The width of the bean leaf is only 1.5 cm. The seeds are small, round-oval, black.

This is one of the most capricious varieties of asparagus beans for Russian gardeners, but in greenhouse conditions, even in the middle lane, cowpea has time to ripen and give seeds.

Delicious asparagus beans from French breeders do not have a coarse layer in the wings of beans, they are distinguished by an excellent delicate texture and bright taste.

This variety of cowpea bean is very popular in France, where they appreciate not only the taste of 20-30 cm pods, but also dense nutritious seeds. chocolate shade. Vegetation lasts from 75 to 80 days, during which the climbing plant grows by 2.5–3 meters.

Long, up to 80 cm, the beans are not only distinguished by their size, but also by their bright purple color. Climbing strong plants easily tolerate a large number of pods, becoming not only a source of a delicacy product, but also a decoration of the site. For culinary purposes, it is better to use beans up to half a meter long. They are the juiciest and crunchiest.

This variety of asparagus beans, in the photo, can be called true classic! Climbing powerful plants reaching a height of 3–4 meters consistently delight gardeners with thin long beans. In some cases, the length of juicy pods is 70–80 cm. Plants are unpretentious, disease resistant. Vegetation lasts about 80 days.

Both beans and mature seeds have good taste. The dishes are fragrant and healthy, the beans have a light nutty flavor. We recommend that you try to grow this amazing variety of beans on your site in order to be able to verify its quality.

Beans are a common garden legume, which, with proper care, allows you to get an excellent harvest. Dozens have been released so far different varieties this vegetable, which allows the gardener to get the crop he needs. Let's talk in more detail about its varieties and tell you what it happens.

Vegetable varieties

It is customary to distinguish the following main types of this vegetable: sugar, semi-sugar and shelling varieties of beans.

Peeling species are used exclusively for the cultivation of legumes. Such varieties of this vegetable have a special protective parchment layer, which improves the keeping quality. It should be remembered that shelling varieties of beans are late-ripening, in the conditions of central Russia they do not have time to ripen.

Semi-sugar long varieties beans are characterized by the presence coarse fibers which must be removed before consumption. These types of vegetables may also have a protective parchment layer, depending on the specific variety, their ripening period is from 100 days.

The sweet or asparagus variety does not have a protective parchment layer and is very popular with summer residents - gardeners. This variety has a delicate sweet taste and is widely used in cooking.

Depending on the aging time, all such varieties can be divided into the following types:

  • early ripe,
  • mid-season,
  • Late ripe.

Lima variety

Lima beans grows wild in Central America and the Caribbean. Lima beans have a characteristic White color grown beans and contains a large number of various valuable trace elements. Lima beans have a characteristic flattened shape, and great content fiber and starchy substances makes it dietary product. In fact, the long lima bean is one of the the best sources vegetable protein, which is successfully grown on household plots by domestic summer residents and gardeners. Lima beans are not demanding to care, at the same time they allow you to get a great harvest. We can recommend Lima beans to all beginner gardeners. Lima beans will allow you to get an excellent harvest.

Variety Adzuki

Adzuki bean is a Japanese variety of this vegetable that has unique healing properties. In Japan, they believe that regular use Adzuki allows you to strengthen immune system and is a guarantee of longevity. Adzuki beans were bred in the country rising sun, easy to grow and excellent yield. Adzuki beans are frost-resistant, which allows them to be planted as early as possible. Ripe Adzuki beans have a characteristic red color and small grain size.

When growing Adzuki, it must be remembered that with excessively thickened plantings of Adzuki beans, a large number of empty pods will form. That is why ensure that the plantings have high-quality watering and regularly thin out the beds.

asparagus varieties

The asparagus variety has a characteristic sweet taste. This type of vegetable, like the lima bean, is intended to a greater extent for fresh consumption. Such varieties of asparagus do not have good keeping quality, so the harvested crop must be eaten or processed as soon as possible.

Currently, you can find different varieties of this asparagus variety, which differs in the ripening period of the crop. From the asparagus variety, the green-leaved turish variety has become widespread. Turcheva beans are easy to grow and allow you to get excellent yields even with minimal planting care.

Bush and climbing varieties

Depending on the shape of the plant, it is customary to distinguish between pod climbing or bush varieties. Choice in this case solely depends on the preferences of the gardener. Some people like to grow bush varieties that do not require the use of additional props. At the same time, such bush varieties require the use of large beds.

If you want to save space on the site, we can recommend that you choose curly varieties that grow mainly in a vertical plane.

Variety Mash

Mash beans, or as it is also called golden and Vigna beans, are a popular variety of legumes in the east, which is only now beginning to appear among domestic summer residents and gardeners. The characteristic of this variety is discriminating taste with a slight nutty flavor. Golden bean is an annual leguminous plant with a powerful root system and a developed stem with numerous shoots.

Growing this variety is not difficult. It is only necessary to use high-quality fertilized land and carry out regular watering of plantings. Depending on the time of planting, harvest occurs in August and September. In total, the growing season is about 100 days.

The grain has oval shape and small size. The color is predominantly yellow or with a slight brown tint. Great taste and great the nutritional value make the golden pod variety Mash popular with summer residents - gardeners.

Kenyan variety of this vegetable

Kenyan beans are a rare visitor to domestic garden plots. This is explained by the complexity of growing this variety. Kenyan string beans have oblong thin pods, not exceeding 5 millimeters in diameter. Kenyan beans are eaten fresh or in various dishes. Curly beans have a sweet, nutty flavor.

It must be said that this type of vegetable is distinguished by increased requirements for soil fertility, while the growing season allows you to grow vegetables only in the southern regions of Russia. The gardener will need to ensure the most intensive watering, fertilize with mineral fertilizers.

Variety Oil King

The asparagus bush variety Butter King is a productive delicacy variety. It belongs to the category of ultra-early and allows you to get a crop 50 days after germination. Butter King bushes are of medium height, and the length of the beans, with proper care, is 25 centimeters.

Butter king beans have no fibers and have a mild sugar flavor. This vegetable bean is one of the the best varieties for conservation. Oil king is resistant to various diseases, so its cultivation is not difficult. It is only necessary to regularly loosen the beds, feed the plantings with mineral fertilizers.

Variety Saks

Saksa vegetable beans belong to the category of asparagus and are distinguished by the earliest ripening of the crop. This variety has no fibers, which improves the palatability of the grown crop and culinary significance of this variety. Harvesting vegetable beans can be carried out 50 days after the appearance of the first shoots. Such bush beans form a powerful plant up to 40 centimeters high. The length of the beans is not more than 10 centimeters.

Saxa is a classic asparagus leguminous variety that has great taste and is easy to care for. Today, many summer residents have appreciated the advantages of this variety and successfully grow this variety in their backyards. Due to the ease of cultivation of this variety, we can recommend it to all beginner gardeners who, with minimal care, will be able to get the vegetable crop they need.

Variety purple

The currently existing string bean varieties differ not only in terms of ripening, but also in the appearance of the grown beans. Very popular among summer residents - gardeners enjoys a purple variety, which has an original appearance, excellent taste and undemanding care.

Such curly beans contain a large amount of protein, and its dietary performance is provided by easily digestible components. To get an excellent harvest of such a purple variety, a gardener needs to properly prepare the land for planting, carry out appropriate feeding during the growing season, and be sure to loosen the land with the removal of weeds. All this will allow you to get an excellent harvest of this original bean variety.

Product Description

Green string beans- tender, crispy, just born pods, which are no more than a week old, - eat whole, without taking out the barely formed grains.

Green beans, like all legumes, are native South America. At first, it was not recognized and grown as an ornamental plant, but then they tried it and began to breed more and more new varieties. The first nation that began to cultivate green beans for the sake of the pods, plucking them immature, were the Italians, and this happened in the Middle Ages. In Russia, string beans appeared in the middle of the 18th century - they came from France, and they immediately called them French.

First green bean without a "string" - an unpleasant thin, hard fiber that runs along the pod, was bred in 1894 in the town of Leroy, New York State, by Dr. Kelvin Keene, for which he received the proud nickname "oh string beans”, under which it passes in all encyclopedias.

Recipes from green beans or asparagus beans, as this variety of legumes is also called, are recommended to be included in a low-calorie menu. It is a product with a low calorie content, well digestible, due to its low fiber content, contains a lot of beneficial vitamins and micronutrients.

String beans contain a lot of vitamin C, A, E, B vitamins, folic acid, minerals (especially zinc) and fiber.

Species and varieties

String beans are a member of a large and diverse legume family. Its pods can be of different shapes - round ( Kenyan, asparagus, "French" beans), flat, short - from 7 to 13 cm and long - up to 15 cm.

At french beans the pods are smaller and thinner than regular pods (7-10 cm), and they taste sweeter and more tender, although they still remain crispy. They can be not only green, but also purple or even black. long chinese beans(aka snake, or asparagus, or yard beans) in appearance differs from the usual one only in length - the pods can be 50 cm. There are two varieties: dark green and light green. Light beans are more tender than dark beans and require little to no cooking. Its flesh is softer, without the crunch of ordinary beans. This bean really comes from Asia, but now it grows beautifully on other continents, in the tropics. In Africa, they grow a very popular variety now in restaurants and, accordingly, the most expensive variety - Kenyan beans. These are very thin (5 mm in diameter) small dark green pods with a sweetish nutty taste. Yellow wax beans have flat, large pods that are delicately yellow color. It also comes in purple. Draconian languages- we often call this bean Georgian or purple. These are variegated pods with purple stripes, 12-15 cm long. When cooked, even for a minute, the purple color disappears. The same exactly flat green or yellow pods are usually called lobio in Georgian.

But still, the most common color of green beans is green in a variety of shades, which is why it is often called simply “green beans”. Her Culinary essence does not change from this.

How to cook

The younger the green beans, the more tender its taste. If mature beans are visible through the pod, the beans are overripe and will be rough. Break the pod in half: it should be easy, with a crunch, to break.

Frozen green beans not only are not inferior to fresh ones in terms of palatability and usefulness, but sometimes exceeds it.

Rinse string beans before cooking running water and cut off the ends. If the pod has a "vein", remove it, although modern varieties it usually doesn't. Long pods can be cut lengthwise or diagonally. Sometimes bean pods are cut in half lengthwise, such cutting is called French.

String beans are best boiled, and not necessarily in water, but also in broth or, for example, in tomato sauce. While it is often recommended to keep the beans slightly crispy, this is a matter of personal preference.

String beans go well with any oil - both creamy and vegetable, with garlic, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, basil. Like all legumes, the taste of string beans is enlivened with the addition of acid: vinegar, lemon juice, wine, tomatoes. Nuts are often added to dishes with green beans, and not only walnuts, but also almonds and hazelnuts.

Green beans are prepared quite quickly: in boiling water it should be boiled (or better, blanched) for no more than 5-6 minutes, for a couple - about 8-10. Frozen beans are generally cooked in 2-3 minutes. The tips of the pods are usually cut off before boiling - they are quite hard, and in some varieties the fibers that run along the edge of the pod are also removed. After the specified time, the beans must be thrown into a colander and poured mercilessly cold water- then it will definitely not fall apart, it will be bright green, plump, appetizing. The main thing is not to overcook.

Among a rather large plant family legume beans confidently occupies a place among the first species in terms of recognition and cultivation. And here black Eyed Peas, varieties of which give us food of excellent taste and create aesthetic pleasure in the country decor, is slightly shaded. Meanwhile, the choice is very large, and it should be taken more carefully. The cultivation conditions of different varieties of this subspecies are approximately the same. Asparagus beans prefer to grow in a sunny place protected from the north wind with loose fertile soil, on which solanaceous grew before it, different types cabbages, root vegetables or cucumbers.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks called the word faceolus a long narrow boat, which looks like a bean pod.

In the fall, it is also desirable to fertilize the site with humus, potassium chloride and superphosphate. Bush varieties are planted in checkerboard pattern or lines. Curly beans are grown using pre-prepared supports. Sowing in the ground is carried out if you move through the regions from south to north, in the second half of April - early June. They take care of asparagus beans, watering it moderately in the morning and evening, loosening the ground, feeding it with the same composition as before planting. Harvest period is from 45 to 60 days after sowing for early-ripening varieties, up to 80 days for mid-ripening, 90 or more days for those that are considered late-ripening.

The peculiarity of fibrous, hairless, without a parchment layer, green beans of the asparagus beans of the Bona variety, in addition to excellent taste, lies in the hardness retained during canning. The result is excellent quality canned beans. Not very long (about 13 cm) pods have a winning appearance due to pleasant light green, rounded shape, longitudinally changing from straightness to a slight bend, and pointed at the top. White seeds are hidden in the pods. In terms of ripeness (50-70 days), Bona belongs to mid-early varieties. Due to their compactness, low (18-26 cm) bushes do not clutter up the beds. Resistance to horticultural diseases combined with high yields make the variety profitable for cultivation.

Fatima has very long three-meter shoots and their corresponding (up to 21 cm) fibrous pale green pods. This bean belongs to the asparagus climbing varieties, has an average foliage and an average ripening time for the crop.

Important! Asparagus contains the organic pigment zeaxanthin, which helps improve vision.

Bush-grown, fibrous-free string beans of the Panthera variety are not only traditionally canned, but also eaten fresh. The rich harvest obtained after the average ripening period consists of many yellow pods with delicious white seeds.

Did you know? The British eat more beans than all other countries combined. This is where the British restraint comes from, as the beans are excellent at reducing nervous excitement.

Summer residents grow this variety not only to replenish food supplies. Spectacular decoration of fences and structures of the land plot is achieved during the flowering of climbing asparagus beans, when its stems turn bright red due to the many blooming flowers. Long, up to 30 cm, fibrous flat pods of Pobeditel asparagus beans reach their maximum size only after three months of ripening.

Asparagus bean variety Melody in the description is marked by precocity, as well as curly stems that have to be tied to supports. On each grows up to 9 smooth medium length (up to 13 cm) pods.

Early (56-58 days) ripening green, without a parchment layer and fibers, bean pods of the Caramel variety fully correspond to its name great taste, because of which asparagus varieties are also called sugar. It may well be called a delicacy. Gardeners respect this variety for its excellent resistance to viral diseases common among other crops. Harvesting is facilitated by a straight stand of bushes.

Important! Those who want to lose weight should remember that there are only 24 kilocalories per 100 g of green beans.

Quickly, in 50 days, a high yield of yellow, fibrous, 25 cm pods of a sugar variety of asparagus beans of a bush type called Butter King ripens - a delicacy in its taste. Culinary delights suggest the use of these qualities in both natural and canned form.

It may well claim one of the prominent places among the best varieties of asparagus beans for open ground the original bush bean variety Royal purple pod, high yielding and disease resistant. Culinary experts prefer the pods of this variety for their pleasant, delicate taste. They are used together with leaves devoid of wax coating, without waiting for full ripening. The "royal" name of the variety deserved, perhaps because of the pink and white stripes, vaguely reminiscent of the colors of the tiger.

As early as 50 days after planting, early-ripening Saksa 615 bush beans can be harvested. This representative of the variety of asparagus beans without fibers in the structure of the pods is one of the most favorite among summer residents and gardeners. Such attachment is explained by rapid maturation and the small space occupied by low (up to 40 cm) bushes. 12 cm, slightly curved, green pods are excellent in taste. Nature took care of their increased saturation with vitamins and sugars.

Lovers to indulge mushroom soup it is not necessary to walk with a basket through the forest if they grow Asparagus beans of the Ad Rem variety in their garden. Its delicate pinkish grains give food an indistinguishable from natural mushroom flavor. An added bonus is the high yield.
