
Useful properties and harm of green beans for the body. Useful properties of green beans

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Beans are an excellent source of protein that is easily absorbed by the body. However, it causes an increase in gas formation and bloating, not only in a woman during breastfeeding, but also in a baby. Many people wonder - is it necessary to eat beans while breastfeeding, and when is it better to do it?

The usefulness of beans

Red beans are considered to be similar to meat, they contain a significant amount of protein and amino acids. In total, there are about two hundred varieties of beans of various shades and sizes in the world.

The structure of this vegetable includes:


Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP;


manganese and others.

This plant has a diuretic and sedative effect, regenerates strength. It is advised to use it for problems with pressure and diseases of blood vessels and the heart. The leguminous plant is useful for diseases of the intestines, skin, it lowers blood sugar levels.

Ladies while breastfeeding, it is better to use beans in pods. It has a small amount of protein, less than in other varieties, but at the same time a significant content of carotene, minerals and folic acid. Green beans help to remove harmful substances from the body, while there are no problems with being overweight, it contains the smallest number of calories. It can be eaten several times a week.

Beans with HB

The best product during lactation is green beans. It ideally prevents anemia present in the postpartum period. At the same time, the unusual properties of this plant include the prevention of hormonal disruptions that a woman suffers during the feeding period.

Due to the fact that it has a high fiber content, beans in pods can and should be eaten during breastfeeding. By using it only twice in seven days, you can saturate the body with the substances required for good lactation.

How to correctly enter the use of beans in the menu

A woman who is breastfeeding should slowly add legumes to the menu. If, after consuming the beans, the mother does not show allergies or negative changes in the functioning of the intestines, then you can safely eat it.

Basic principles:

1. The initial intake may be approximately 5 pcs.

2. Beans in pods are ideal for the initial intake, after which other varieties can be consumed.

3. To add new foods to the diet, you need to wait until the child is four months old, since at this time his gastrointestinal tract is already formed.

4. Boiled beans are advised to eat for breakfast, but not on an empty stomach.

5. A woman needs to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby.

6. If there are no problems with the tummy, then you can increase the consumption of vegetables up to 20 pcs. in a day.

7. If the baby has constant colic, it is necessary to exclude beans from your diet.

Contraindications for eating beans

Legumes are not advised to consume in diseases of the stomach, namely - with gastritis with increased acidity, as well as if there is an ulcer, gout, cholecystitis, colitis, pancreatitis.

Beans activate gas formation, because of this, it should not be consumed in diseases that are accompanied by flatulence. However, to reduce this effect, the plant is subjected to prolonged heat treatment and consumed with dill.

Since all legumes activate gas formation, during lactation, you need to push back the return of beans to the menu until the child has colic.

How to cook beans

Beans are not advised to eat in their natural form. Without heat treatment, they can cause intoxication. At the same time, during lactation, you need to avoid fried foods so as not to overload the liver.

Beans are best consumed when breastfeeding, either boiled or stewed. This culture can be cooked for about five minutes, and in this form it can be used as a nutritious addition to second courses.

Today in cooking there are many different dishes from beans. Here are some recipes for such dishes:

1. Salad. You will need: half a kilogram of beans from a pod, 300 grams of carrots, 3 large tablespoons of olive oil, a small spoonful of grape vinegar, parsley. Beans and carrots, previously cut into rings, should be boiled for five minutes in salt water. After that, they must be filtered, washed under cold water and folded into a cooked dish. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. A wonderful and valuable salad is ready.

2. Beans are also very valuable when stewing. It is necessary to cook legumes in salted water, filter, transfer to a frying pan and simmer over low heat, additionally adding grated carrots and chopped onion rings to the dish. Fill the stewed beans with fat-free sour cream or cream.

3. The fried vegetable also does not lose its nutritional characteristics. To prepare, you need to boil the beans, then dip them in a raw egg and breadcrumbs. It is necessary to fry in vegetable or olive oil, over low heat.

Beans can be added to a variety of vegetable stews. Adding green beans to a dish will make it valuable and delicious. Do not exclude such a nutritious plant as green beans from the diet.

Having prepared a bean dish with soul, you and the rest of the family will definitely like it. You should strive to diversify your menu with nutritious and tasty dishes containing a minimum of calories. The legume will retain its vitamins and nutritional characteristics in any dish. The main thing is the absence of a negative reaction of the gastrointestinal tract of the child.

Beans are an unusual and nutritious vegetable to consume while breastfeeding. If you eat beans regularly, you can saturate your body with the necessary substances, increase the beneficial properties of milk and strengthen the mother’s weakened immune system. The correct use of this plant in the menu will make it possible for a nursing woman to feel freedom from various restrictions, and enjoy the natural breastfeeding of her baby.

After an exciting waiting period, the baby was born. A lot of questions begin to arise, some of them sound like this: “What should I eat now so that the baby does not have a tummy ache?” The nutrition of a nursing mother is in many ways similar to the introduction of the first complementary foods. Explicit products - provocateurs that have a pronounced effect on the intestines, should be excluded immediately. Peas, lentils, grape juice, dark bread will wait for their time. The rest of the products need to be introduced into the diet in very small portions, gradually.

Replenishment of the diet

The kid gradually discovers the world around him, including new tastes. At first, all this comes to him with mother's milk, slowly preparing a small organism for a meeting with other products. It is impossible to build a completely neutral menu for the mother, excluding the slightest allergens and other irritants.

It is worth approaching the problem from the other side and gradually expanding the range of vegetables, fruits and other foods, carefully monitoring the child's reaction to a new supplement in the diet. Acquaintance with legumes is better to start with green beans. The rich chemical composition attracts close attention of culinary specialists and nutritionists to it.

Properties and composition

The plant belongs to the legume family and, in terms of its nutritional value, quite successfully replaces meat in the vegetarian menu. The taste is also good, and there are enough cooking recipes to choose a few according to your preferences.

This culture has been used in cooking for over 5 thousand years. Brought from America by the Dutch, she perfectly took root in the gardens and the kitchen table. In addition to nutritional properties, its medicinal and cosmetic properties are valued. String beans were bred purposefully. The result was the ability to consume the pods along with the grains. The variety was called French beans. On the shelves there are thin yellow, red and asparagus beans. The properties of all varieties are almost the same. In its composition:

  • vitamins of group B, C, E, A;
  • ascorbic, nicotinic and folic acids;
  • carotene;
  • iron, magnesium, chromium, calcium;
  • high fiber content;
  • sugar.

The benefits of string beans

  • "Slow carbohydrates" provide energy, but do not provoke an increase in body weight.
  • Fiber regulates bowel function.
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • Cleans blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart attack.
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to the influenza virus.
  • It is recommended for anemia, as it stimulates the functions of red blood cells.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels, gently cleanses the liver.
  • Rejuvenates the body, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Helps strengthen bones and joints by increasing calcium absorption.

String beans are useful for diabetes. It helps to regulate body weight, because at a low calorie content it causes a persistent feeling of fullness. The price of the product is affordable, you can buy a package of frozen beans in almost any store. In summer it is better to buy fresh products. Bazaars, fairs and vegetable pavilions provide a wide choice. When freezing, useful substances are not destroyed, just do not defrost the pods before cooking, but immediately place them in a saucepan or roaster.

Reasonable caution is needed in everything, especially when it comes to the nutrition of a breastfeeding mother. Since green beans do not provoke allergic reactions, its use can be started from the first weeks after the birth of a child. A new dish should be tried in the morning in order to observe the reaction of the baby during the day. Symptoms of intestinal colic in a child:

  • restlessness, loud crying, tucking up of the legs;
  • the baby's stomach is tense;
  • after the passage of flatus, he calms down and falls asleep.
If a similar reaction occurs, then you will have to postpone the beans until better times, when the baby grows up a little and his bowel function stabilizes. It is worth refraining from a vegetable side dish containing green beans for those who have been diagnosed with gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

If there are no contraindications, then you can safely feast on vegetable mixtures or a side dish of beans. It is perfect for those who want to lose weight, will help restore a slender figure. String bean dishes are found in many cuisines around the world. You just need to look through the collection of recipes and a delicious lunch is ready, and the time for preparing this product takes quite a bit, only 15 - 20 minutes.

When breastfeeding, you can and should eat green beans. It will give the body the necessary vitamins and minerals, diversify nutrition and help restore a slender figure.

Video: useful properties of green beans

How to cook green beans so that they retain their valuable qualities, are tender, pleasant, appetizing and beautiful in appearance? Step-by-step recipe with a photo of the correct cooking of green beans. Video recipe.

How to cook green beans, at first glance, does not seem difficult. But still, not observing certain nuances can spoil its taste. It needs to be soft, not fibrous or rubbery. Crispy asparagus beans are a great addition to salads, soups, garnishes...

In most cases, asparagus is cooked by cooking in a pan. At the same time, it is important that the product retains its color and nutrients in full. And all nutritionists and culinary experts talk about the benefits of green beans. After all, it is a storehouse of trace elements and vitamins of various groups. Therefore, it should be included in your menu as often as possible. But before you start cooking beans, you need to choose the right one. Pay attention to the pods, they should be of the same degree of maturity, young specimens are better. They can be identified by color: pale yellow or pale green. Quality pods are elastic, non-viscous, without lethargy and dryness. Overripe pods take longer to cook than lose some of their vitamins. They have a fibrous texture and are not as tender. Raw green beans should not be consumed, because. in its raw form it contains harmful substances.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 31 kcal.
  • Servings - any quantity
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • String beans - any quantity
  • Salt - to taste

Step-by-step preparation of boiled green beans, recipe with photo:

1. Sort the green beans, removing brown and spoiled stems, also cut off dark places. Put it in a sieve and wash under running water.

2. Transfer the fruits to the cooking pot.

3. Fill with water to cover the pods by 1 finger and season with salt to taste. Salt is not required though.

4. Bring to a boil and cook on low heat for 5-7 minutes until soft. If the pods are large or old, then they are boiled for 10 minutes. So that fresh beans do not lose their color after drying, cook them under a closed lid.

5. Tip it into a colander to drain excess moisture from the glass. This is especially important if the pods will continue to freeze.

6. Cut off the ends on both sides and use boiled green beans to cook all kinds of dishes.

Note: String beans can be cooked in other modern appliances:

The period of breastfeeding is special in a woman's life due to the fact that she is forced to follow a peculiar diet. A breastfeeding mother adapts completely to the diet of her baby. She tries to diversify her diet, eat more vegetables, fruits and other healthy foods. But not all vegetables and fruits are recommended for use by nursing mothers. For example, vegetables such as beans, peas, corn, beans are contraindicated during lactation. After their use, the child may begin bloating and colic for the simple reason that they cause increased gas formation in the intestines. Today we will talk in more detail about green beans. It is known that this type of legume is very useful. Is it possible to use it during lactation, let's try to find out.

The benefits of green (asparagus) beans

This type of legume contains quite a lot of vitamins A, B (including folic acid), C, E. In addition, it contains such minerals: salts of potassium, zinc, magnesium, as well as chromium, sulfur, calcium and iron. This type of legume is rich in fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Due to its beneficial properties, the vegetable is considered an excellent assistant in the fight against anemia, because it contains a lot of iron. Anemia is known to affect most pregnant women. In addition, it helps to normalize blood sugar levels and remove toxins from the body.

Asparagus beans are very nutritious, the body is quickly saturated with it. It is low in calories and will not leave a mark on your figure. Moreover, it is considered an environmentally friendly vegetable, as it does not absorb harmful substances from the environment.

How to introduce green beans into the diet of a breastfeeding mother?

This type of legume is recommended for mothers when the child reaches 4-5 months, when his digestive tract is already formed and his work is adjusted. For the first time, 5 pods are enough. After the first use, carefully monitor the condition of the child. If nothing bothers him, the tummy does not swell, there is no colic, and the stool is normal - after a few days you can repeat the use of the product. Try to cook and eat the dish in the morning, but not on an empty stomach. Throughout the day, you can observe the well-being of the child. It is worse for you if you eat the dish in the evening. You may have a restless night. So, if the crumbs feel normal, then you can gradually increase the amount of healthy treats consumed.

How to cook string beans

In modern cooking, a wide variety of dishes from green beans is presented. Below are a few recipes for you.

So, you will need 500 g of beans, 300 g of carrots, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of grape vinegar, herbs.

Boil the pods and carrots cut into rings for 5-7 minutes in pre-salted water. Strain the boiled vegetables through a sieve, rinse under running water, pour into a salad bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix. A delicious and healthy salad is ready!

Not less useful and tasty vegetable and stewed. Boil the pods in salt water, strain, transfer to a frying pan and simmer over low heat, adding grated carrots and onion, cut into rings. You can fill the dish with low-fat sour cream or cream.

Fried bean pods also do not lose their beneficial substances. To do this, first boil the green pods, then dip them in a raw egg, and then roll in breadcrumbs. They should be fried in sunflower or olive oil over medium heat.

These legumes can also be added to various vegetable stews from potatoes, carrots,. The presence of green beans in the dish will make it healthy, nutritious and tasty.

Do not neglect such a healthy vegetable as asparagus beans. Cooked with love, your baby will love the dish. Try to diversify your diet with healthy, low-calorie and tasty dishes.

As a rule, doctors do not recommend including legumes in the diet of a nursing mother, because they can provoke bloating and colic in the baby. But beans are considered a very nutritious food which can improve the quality of breast milk. Therefore, if this product is correctly introduced into the diet of a nursing mother, it will add valuable vitamins and other useful substances to her milk, and also diversify her daily menu.

Considering in detail the composition of the beans, you can see how many useful substances it contains. These are fiber, and trace elements, and B vitamins, and useful acids.

Green beans are rich:

Also, green beans contain acids such as histidine, lysine, arginine and others. White, red, black, purple beans, in addition to the above substances, contain a lot of easily digestible protein.

But the most useful for a nursing mother is green beans. It is she who is recommended by doctors to enter into their menu for women during lactation. Pod beans quickly saturate the body and do not provoke the growth of fat cells. It has a little less protein than colored varieties, but otherwise the beans in the pods contain the same vitamins and nutrients.

From what month can you include in the diet?

If a nursing mother is not allergic to beans, and the digestive system is working normally, then you can try adding green beans to your diet, as they are considered the most easily digestible.

If a woman did not consume beans during pregnancy, then it is better to introduce this product into the diet when the baby is 3-4 months old. At this age, the child's digestive system is already almost formed, so you can try something new for him.

In any form?

It is better not to use legumes in their raw form, since without additional processing they can provoke intoxication. most useful for a nursing mother will be boiled or stewed beans. String beans cook for about five minutes, and you can diversify vegetable stew with it. This will make the dish more nutritious, tasty and healthy, since beans in any form retain their beneficial properties.

Product benefits

Beans are rich in easily digestible protein, therefore, thanks to these qualities, they are considered a vegetable substitute for fish and meat. The composition of the beans also includes substances:

  • cellulose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • a large number of B vitamins;
  • micro and macro elements;
  • various acids (lysine, tryptophan, arginine, histidine, tyrosine).

Can it be in a child's diet?

Young beans can be added to the diet of an infant from 7-8 months along with other vegetables. But not more than twice a week.

A small amount of boiled young green beans can be added to vegetable puree from other vegetables. You can cook bean soup. Experts do not recommend canned beans for children under the age of three.

Usual beans can be given to babies only after two years, but in small quantities and not more than once a week due to the fact that it is hard to digest. This should also be done carefully, carefully monitoring how the child's intestines react to a new product.

As mentioned above, beans contain many useful substances, and do not lose them during heat treatment. This product is considered hypoallergenic and contains many amino acids, however, it should be given to children with caution, especially those who suffer from increased gas formation.


Despite many useful properties, beans should not be consumed in such cases:

  1. if the woman's body does not digest the polysaccharides contained in the beans, which can lead to increased gas formation and bloating;
  2. suffering from nephritis or gout;
  3. women with gastritis, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  4. with gastric ulcer.

For babies, beans are also dangerous because they can lead to gas formation and colic in the tummy.

How to choose and what to look for?

When purchasing green beans in pods, you should pay attention to the appearance of the product. Fresh beans of good quality should certainly be elastic, and when broken into two parts, juice should stand out from it. The pods should be green, not wilted and wet - these will quickly deteriorate, covered with dark spots.

Basic Rules

Basic rules for eating beans during lactation:

  1. The first tasting should consist of only five grains of boiled beans.
  2. The baby must be at least three months old.
  3. Beans should only be boiled.
  4. Eat beans in the morning, but not on an empty stomach.
  5. After the first intake and feeding of the child, his condition and stool should be monitored.
