
Long beans. The best varieties of curly beans (photo, description)

Product Description

Green string beans- tender, crispy, just born pods, which are no more than a week old, - eat whole, without taking out the barely formed grains.

Green beans, like all legumes, are native South America. At first, it was not recognized and grown as an ornamental plant, but then they tried it and began to breed more and more new varieties. The first nation that began to cultivate green beans for the sake of the pods, plucking them immature, were the Italians, and this happened in the Middle Ages. In Russia, string beans appeared in the middle of the 18th century - they came from France, and they immediately called them French.

The first green bean without a "string" - an unpleasant thin, hard fiber that runs along the pod, was bred in 1894 in the town of Leroy, New York, by Dr. Kelvin Keene, for which he received the proud nickname "oh string beans”, under which it passes in all encyclopedias.

Recipes from green beans or asparagus beans, as this variety of legumes is also called, are recommended to be included in low calorie menu. It is a product with a low calorie content, well digestible, due to its low fiber content, contains a lot of beneficial vitamins and micronutrients.

string beans contains a lot of vitamin C, A, E, B vitamins, folic acid, minerals (especially zinc) and fiber.

Species and varieties

String beans are a member of a large and diverse legume family. Her pods may be different shapes- round ( Kenyan, asparagus, "French" beans), flat, short - from 7 to 13 cm and long - up to 15 cm.

At french beans the pods are smaller and thinner than regular pods (7-10 cm), and they taste sweeter and more tender, although they still remain crispy. They can be not only green, but also purple or even black. long chinese beans(aka snake, or asparagus, or yard beans) in appearance differs from the usual one only in length - the pods can be 50 cm. There are two varieties: dark green and light green. Light beans are more tender than dark beans and require little to no cooking. Its flesh is softer, without a crunch. regular beans. This bean really comes from Asia, but now it grows beautifully on other continents, in the tropics. In Africa, they grow a very popular variety now in restaurants and, accordingly, the most expensive variety - Kenyan beans. These are very thin (5 mm in diameter) small dark green pods with a sweetish nutty taste. Yellow wax beans have flat, large pods that are delicately yellow color. It also comes in purple. Draconian languages- we often call this bean Georgian or purple. These are variegated pods with purple stripes, 12-15 cm long. When cooked, even for a minute, the purple color disappears. The same exactly flat green or yellow pods are usually called lobio in Georgian.

But still, the most common color of green beans is green in a variety of shades, which is why it is often called simply “green beans”. Her Culinary essence does not change from this.

How to cook

The younger the green beans, the more tender its taste. If mature beans are visible through the pod, the beans are overripe and will be rough. Break the pod in half: it should be easy, with a crunch, to break.

Frozen green beans not only are not inferior to fresh ones in terms of palatability and usefulness, but sometimes exceeds it.

Rinse string beans before cooking running water and cut off the ends. If the pod has a "vein", remove it, although modern varieties it usually doesn't. Long pods can be cut lengthwise or diagonally. Sometimes bean pods are cut in half lengthwise, such cutting is called French.

String beans are best boiled, and not necessarily in water, but also in broth or, for example, in tomato sauce. While it is often recommended to keep the beans slightly crispy, this is a matter of personal preference.

String beans go well with any oil - both creamy and vegetable, with garlic, parsley, cilantro, tarragon, basil. Like all legumes, the taste of green beans is enlivened with the addition of acid: vinegar, lemon juice, wine, tomatoes. Nuts are often added to dishes with green beans, and not only walnuts, but also almonds and hazelnuts.

Green beans are prepared quite quickly: in boiling water it should be boiled (or better, blanched) for no more than 5-6 minutes, for a couple - about 8-10. Frozen beans are generally cooked in 2-3 minutes. The tips of the pods are usually cut off before boiling - they are quite hard, and in some varieties the fibers that run along the edge of the pod are also removed. After the specified time, the beans must be thrown into a colander and poured mercilessly cold water- then it will definitely not fall apart, it will be bright green, plump, appetizing. The main thing is not to overcook.

A review article of a useful product from the legume family: where it grows, what it looks like, what is edible, the properties of long beans, contraindications, calorie content, chemical composition, Interesting Facts and recipes.

The content of the article:

Common beans, long beans, and about 85 other varieties of plants of the legume family, class Dicotyledonous, genus Beans (Phaseoilus) are known for cooking all kinds of dishes. These are all scientific botanical names, but there are also many different names commonly used in everyday life. Cultivated more often ordinary, which is recognized as the birthplace of Latin America, it is bushy and climbing. The second type of distribution is decorative beans, curly, with red flowers. The next popular edible kind, referring by the way to the genus Vigna (Vigna), is common in Asia: China, Thailand, Uzbekistan, Korea, etc. this is a bean long pods resembling asparagus in appearance.

Long bean Vigna also has about 200 varieties, differing from each other in the color of the seeds (beans) and the width of the pod. But any of them is an annual plant, cultivated, it cannot be found wild, bushy or climbing, propagated by beans. In cooking, fruits are used (i.e., pods with beans) they are harvested unripe, growing to a length of about 50 cm. Its wings do not have a parchment layer inside and therefore are more delicate in taste. In general, if we give free rein to the fruits to grow to final ripeness, then we will get a pod 1 meter in length. From one bush (up to 5 m tall) about 4 kg of crop is harvested.

The chemical composition of Vigna beans

We will take into account what is collected for food unripe fruits. Boil them for a few minutes before eating. And we get that 100 g of long Chinese beans contains 24?31 kcal, and:
  • Proteins - 5.11 g (1.83 × 5.4)
  • Carbohydrates - 2.87 g
  • Fats - 0.11 g
  • Fatty acids saturated - 0.03 g
  • Ash - 1 g
  • Water - 91.4 g
  • C - 18.38 g
  • A - 28.7 mcg
  • B9 - 60.2 mcg
  • B1 - 0.26 mg
  • B2 - 0.13 mg
  • B3 - 0.05 mg
  • B6 - 0.14 mg
  • PP - 1 mg
Micro and macro elements:

How to choose and store: fresh long beans are juicy and firm. In cooking, it is better to use only fresh pods (no more than 3 days after picking from the bush) - they have a better taste. It is permissible to store this vegetable in the refrigerator for several days, to freeze for the winter. Who lives in countries East Asia- she is in fresh all year round!

Chinese beans contraindications

Accumulate in its composition cadmium and lead (and these are heavy metals) varieties of Vina with black seeds (beans). Of course, people with individual intolerance to the product do not need to eat long beans. Although such cases were not observed. In Asian countries, it is eagerly eaten raw and cooked. Allergic reactions were not observed.
  • The name of the bean comes from the Greek language and is written - "??????????" and it sounds like this - faceolus. This word is used by the Greeks for a narrow long boat. Outwardly, the vegetable is really similar to a long boat.
  • Among the 200 hundred varieties of long beans, there are those that smell like mushrooms. For example, Ad Rem or Akito, which are so unpretentious that in the most destructive seasons for the harvest they still bear fruit, to the delight of gardeners.
  • UK statistics report that the inhabitants of this country eat as much beans as the citizens of other countries combined. It is possible that this is the reason for the restraint of the British: legumes perfectly calm the nerves.

How to cook long beans

Pods of long beans are healthy, tasty and easy to prepare both for a separate dish and in combination with meat or other vegetables. Boiled cowpea is used in salads, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, soups and a common side dish. It is cooked and eaten without peeling (pod).

Fried Chinese beans are prepared as follows: pour into a heated frying pan vegetable oil(any), the pods are washed and poured onto a heated dish. Constantly stir, salt. As soon as the vegetable softens, turn off the fire and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Video recipe on how to fry green beans:

The first bean pods appeared in Russia back in the 18th century, having “moved” from France, for which they immediately received the name French. Today, string beans have many subspecies that differ not only in appearance, but also in quality characteristics. Each of them remains the most useful low-calorie product that people of all ages eat with pleasure.

Types and features of green beans

String beans differ from grain beans in the absence of any parchment layer inside the pod and soft wings, which allows them to be eaten whole. Often such beans are called "asparagus" by the name of one of its subspecies.

The vegetable is striking in its variety of color characteristics. There are curly and bush forms. Different varieties have their own characteristics. For example, "bindweeds" give more pods, but bushes yield faster. The further north the region, the more early maturing varieties it is worth choosing summer residents so that caring for them has time to bear fruit.

Ordinary green beans most often have shortened and wide flattened sashes with a pointed nose. Asian varieties are distinguished by long pods with small seeds. The properties of this bean are especially appreciated in the States and in Asian territories.

Main types

  • Red. The main benefit is vitamins and fiber, which boost immunity and improve the psychological state. Serious harm is possible in raw form.
  • White. Useful properties are largely due to big amount calcium and magnesium complement each other.
  • Green. Soft pods up to two weeks old can be eaten with the skin on.
  • Yellow. The most delicate fruits that practically melt in your mouth, for which the beans were called "butter".
  • Violet (Georgian, draconian languages). The color is yellow-violet. Pod length up to 12 cm. Beans can be eaten raw. If the fruits outgrow, it is better to cook them separately.

Asparagus (sugar) varieties are thinner, tastier and shorter. Semi-sugar pods can be grown up to 15 cm in size. They are used as food at an early stage of ripening.

Some Asian "representatives":

  • Long Chinese (snake or asparagus beans). Grows up to 50 cm. Without "crunch".
  • Kenyan. Good pods can be grown in Africa. Its value is in very thin, no more than 5 mm in diameter pods with a sweet-nutty taste. In Russian latitudes, care can only give results in greenhouses.

In any place of growth, green beans "do not perceive" harmful substances from soil and air.

Growing and harvesting rules

Any varieties of green beans prefer to grow on lighted "breathing" soils with good outflow of water and a minimum of wind gusts. After tomatoes, cabbage or potatoes, any green beans will take root. No care will compensate for the damage to young plantings from the soil from under legumes or onions.

They dig up the earth in the fall and add 6 kg of organic matter, 20 g of potassium chloride and 35 g of superphosphate - for each meter of area. The composition of the spring complex fertilizer must necessarily include potassium.

Landing and care

String beans are planted when the earth warms up to at least 18 degrees. In most regions, this time falls on the beginning of June, although in the southern latitudes, planting begins in mid-May.

After keeping the seed material up to 20 minutes in potassium permanganate, it is washed and planted in the ground. Landing bush beans according to the scheme: in a row after 20 cm, row spacing of 30 cm, every three rows a gap of half a meter. After 10-20 days, you can wait for the first shoots. Care involves thinning and hilling.

Curly varieties of green beans are planted with a distance between seeds of about 8 cm. Do not grow them without the obligatory support and good watering, fertilizing with mineral supplements. That's actually the whole care of landings.

Approximate ripening dates: flowering 40 days after germination, after another 20 days ovaries are formed and after 10 - they can be eaten. The crop is harvested as soon as the pods are ready, no matter how many of them are ripe, preventing hardening.

Features of preparation, methods of preservation for the winter

The benefits of green beans are fully manifested after boiling. Raw fruits can bring frank harm. The main value are young pods. With pancreatitis, even they are used for a decoction without "seeds".

In order to preserve all the benefits of the plant in the dish, the beans are soaked for 2-3 hours in purified water and boiled quite a bit (an average of 5-6 minutes, throwing them into boiling water). When ready, douse with ice water.

The entire composition of nutrients is preserved in the beans, which are no longer crunchy, but have so far remained solid. Additional vitamins during cooking give nuts, oil and herbs.

String beans for the winter can be harvested in canned or frozen form, "Ice" from the refrigerator is often better preserved beneficial features than fresh pods, which are stored for no more than 2 days. The beans are frozen on their own, having previously cut each pod into 2-3 parts. All vitamins at the same time remain "in place".

Useful properties and contraindications

Not every gardener fully understands how much benefit he can get from green beans. Meanwhile, the properties of the plant are unusual, it is only important to collect it in time and cook it correctly.

String beans - benefits

Beans act as a filter that removes from the body any harm from diseases, malnutrition and bad ecology. The effect of exposure does not depend on the amount of beans eaten, but more on how long the product is in the diet.

Talking about the benefits of green beans is endless. Its best properties are well known:

  • Protects against intestinal infections, nourishes with proteins and minerals.
  • Preserves bones and teeth, enriches with iron.
  • The benefit in edema is due to the withdrawal of fluid.
  • It cleanses the gastrointestinal tract well due to its sufficient fiber content, which is additionally useful in a weight loss program.
  • Calorie content - 23 kcal, the nutritional value per 100 g of edible part: with 2.0 g of proteins, carbohydrates are 3.6 g, and fats are only 0.2 g. The fact that green beans have a low calorie content allows them to be used in diets for weight loss.
  • The special chemical composition is beneficial in diabetes.
  • Improves the condition of bronchitis and tuberculosis.
  • Stops the formation of bad cholesterol.
  • The soothing properties of beans are known.
  • The benefits of B vitamins for the brain are undoubted.
  • Zinc "pushes" the absorption of protein, which is equally important for vegetarian diet and simple weight loss.
  • Part green pods includes folic acid, positively working together potassium and magnesium, ascorbic acid, essential iron and many other useful substances.

Special properties and indications for severe diseases

Especially important is the use of green beans in severe diseases.

  • With oncology. Destroys free radicals.
  • At diabetes. Successfully heals wounds on the skin. Contains arginine, similar in action to insulin. Thanks to this, diabetes can keep sugar levels normal. No less favorable in diabetes is the active removal of decay products. Everything that actively forms the disease is gone. String beans are allowed for any type of diabetes.
  • For kidney stones. Softens and exfoliates.
  • With pancreatitis. String beans are used as a decoction. A course of 10 days with pancreatitis gives a state of remission. Only sashes are used, boiling over low heat: a spoonful of "greens" in a glass. Drink 1/2 cup of fresh solution three times a day. In this way, with pancreatitis, the pancreatic ducts are cleaned. boiled beans not used. With pancreatitis, this is too heavy food, because it contains a lot of fiber. The damage will be undeniable.

Diet Issues

Contraindications. Diseases in which green beans can be harmful are few and much depends on how much beans a person consumes. This vegetable is definitely forbidden in acute stages of diseases of the stomach and intestines, serious problems with the kidneys. Possible harm in allergic reactions, excessive eating in diabetes, during pregnancy. Not recommended for use in the elderly.

The benefits of green beans, even in diabetes and pancreatitis, are immeasurably higher than its individual contraindications. The main harm, moreover, is not due to the properties of the plant itself, but to its improper preparation. Everyone can eat vegetables in moderation.

Selecting a good variety proper care behind a plant and you will be surprised how many green beans can be harvested from just a few bushes. Health benefits will be provided not only for autumn, but also for most winter, "hungry" period for vitamins.

Known to mankind for about 6000 years. Its homeland is Central and South America. Its name means "boat" or "boat". Bean fruits, indeed, in their shape resemble a boat. Currently, beans are grown all over the world.

Before Columbus, she was one of the "three sisters" american cuisine along with corn and pumpkin. The Aztecs cultivated "ayacolt", i.e. beans, along with corn, which served as her support. Today, beans are one of the main sources of vegetable protein in the world. It is found in the cuisine of all peoples of the world. There are about 30,000 varieties of beans, more than 500 of them are cultivars. In the tropical zones of America and Asia, beans grow on their own. It usually produces pods with few seeds inside. In some regions, beans are the main food, especially in South America - where beans play the same important role as rice in Asia or potatoes in Europe.

In a long flat bean pod there are seeds from 4 to 10 pieces. Smooth and shiny seeds can have a variety of colors: white, yellow, red, black and even spotted.
Unripe and mature seeds are used for food only in boiled or stewed form. Fresh beans should not be eaten. Almost all varieties of beans have fibrous pods and are grown for high quality beans. nutritional value. These beans are dried for storage. Before use, the beans are soaked in water in order to prepare a variety of dishes from them.

White beans

White beans are considered universal: they are medium in size, oval shape and fairly neutral taste. Before cooking, it must be soaked overnight and then boiled for an hour and a half. From white beans, a gentle, homogeneous puree is obtained, which, in different traditions used in different ways. For example, in Italy it is added to thick potato soups with greens; put in pasta, in Armenia - seasoned with crushed almonds with raisins and baked in the oven. Especially widely white beans used in Mediterranean cuisine.

Grown to produce small white grains. Homeland - Central and South America.

White beans are an ingredient nutritious soups, for example, French Cassoulet, Spanish Fabada or Brazilian Feijoada, second courses - for example, Italian pasta with beans, cold and hot salads.
Or maybe it is the beans that affect the form and abilities of football players and is somehow connected with the success of these countries in football? If so, then this is a closely guarded secret!

Red beans

Red beans are shaped like kidneys. It pairs well with savory tomato sauces, onion, garlic and rosemary. Kidni is one of the main ingredients of many Creole and mexican food especially chili con carne. But this type of bean has one insidious feature: in raw grains contains toxic substances, so it cannot be germinated, and before cooking it should be soaked for at least 8 hours, be sure to drain the water and only then cook until cooked for at least an hour.

The red Kidney bean, also known as the chili bean, has a deep red skin. Its shape resembles a kidney, hence its name. Especially popular in India, the southern United States and Spain.

Mexican red beans

An annual plant native to South America. Grown for edible beans, also used for ornaments.

Her homeland is Mexico, where she has been known for over two thousand years. Thanks to its beautiful flowers and impressive height (its height reaches 4 meters), at the beginning (in the 17th century) it was grown as an ornamental plant. The pinkish pods of this bean variety contain up to ten grains with red spots. You can plant it around the gazebo and then enjoy the taste of young pods, or wait until it ripens and cook colored beans. It is said that its flowers are also edible.

Beans can be added to various dishes, salads or served as a separate dish. It goes well with onions, tomatoes and tuna.

The most common bean in Mexico and Brazil. It is usually cooked with lots of onion, garlic and cayenne pepper. Soak it for 6-7 hours, and then boil it for an hour. They eat black beans with rice and meat, flavored with onions, garlic, cumin and oregano. In Mexico, it is most often not soaked, but boiled for a very long time and patiently, adding at the end pre-fried on open fire onions and garlic, as well as the irreplaceable epasote herb.

Black eye

White, medium-sized beans with a black "eye", very fresh in taste. This is one of the types of cowpeas, cowpeas. It is especially common in Africa (she comes from there), as well as in the southern United States and in Iran. Before cooking, the black eye is soaked for 6-7 hours, and then it is boiled for a relatively short time - 30-40 minutes. IN New Year in South American states, these beans are used to make a dish called "Jumping John" - with pork, fried onions, garlic, tomatoes, rice, thyme and basil. In Pakistan, boiled black eye is mixed with tomatoes, garlic, pepper, garam masala, ginger, turmeric, coriander and served with mint chutney and onion salad.

string beans

Green beans - tender, crispy, newly born pods, which are no more than a week old - are eaten whole, without taking out the barely formed grains. This type of bean came to Russia only in the 16th century, from France, and at first as an ornamental plant. There are many varieties of green beans: long Chinese, Kenyan, yellow waxy and the so-called "dragon tongues". Green beans are prepared quite quickly: in boiling water it should be cooked for no more than 5-6 minutes, for a couple - about 8-10. Frozen beans cook in 2-3 minutes. The tips of the pods are usually cut off before boiling - they are quite hard, and in some varieties the fibers that run along the edge of the pod are also removed. After the specified time, the beans should be thrown into a colander and mercilessly poured over with cold water - then it will definitely not fall apart, it will be bright green, plump, appetizing. The main thing is not to digest.

Yellow and green string beans are very closely related. These two varieties have similar taste and a similar amount of nutrients.

100 g green beans - 24 kcal

Contains a significant amount of vitamin C, provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E, folic acid, minerals and fiber.

The method of cooking green beans (whole, right in the pod) distinguishes it from the whole variety of beans. Vitamins C, A, E and zinc contained in green beans effectively fight free radicals and provide our skin with a young and healthy look. fiber combination, folic acid, magnesium and potassium in green beans reduces the risk of heart attack.

Initially, only grains of this vegetable were eaten. The first who guessed to enjoy young bean pods were Italians (XVII century). At that time, young beans were harvested, looking into the garden every day and making sure that they were not overripe. Over time, gardeners developed a variety with a tender pod, the so-called French beans.

oil beans

Yellow string beans are called butter beans by the French, probably because of their color and ability to melt in the mouth.

Green and yellow string beans are grown for their edible young pods. This important component diet cuisine. It is not very rich in protein compared to other beans, but contains more vitamins. With less fiber than dry beans, they are low in calories and easy to digest. Let's eat green beans and our figure will look like it!

long chinese beans

Long Chinese beans (also called snake, asparagus or yard beans) are characterized by an unusual length of pods - up to 50 centimeters. There are two varieties of this bean: dark and light. Light is much more tender than dark - softer and does not crunch, and it almost does not need to be cooked. This bean comes from Asia. There it is cooked with garlic, ginger and hot chili peppers.

Draconian languages

Dragon tongues (we also call this variety of beans Georgian or purple) are colorful yellow-purple pods 12-15 cm long. But these purple beans are only raw. It is worth at least a minute to cook it or hold it for a couple, as it immediately turns green. So, if you want to keep the color of dragon tongues, eat them raw. And if the pods have already become leathery and dense, the beans can be removed from them and cooked separately.

yellow wax beans

The pods of this type of bean are quite large, flat, with a characteristic pale yellow "wax" color. However, there are, despite the name, and purple. Cooking yellow beans in a variety of ways: boiled, blanched, fried, steamed. However, it can not be cooked at all, but eaten raw. It looks great in salads, soups, vegetable and meat stews.

Kenyan beans

Kenyan beans are one of the most expensive and popular varieties of green beans in our time. It is grown in Africa. Her pods are dark green and very thin - only half a centimeter in diameter. The taste is sweetish, with a nutty flavor. Kenyan beans are prepared very quickly - just a few minutes - and are very good in salads.

french green beans

Her pods are quite small and thin, only 7-10 cm long, they taste sweet, tender and remain crispy even after blanching. Young pods may have a purple coating - this is normal.


If the beans are left to ripen quietly in the garden, then the pods will eventually dry out and open, releasing the ripened grains that have gained strength. It is no longer possible to eat such beans raw - it will have to be soaked and boiled for quite a long time. However, it's worth it: hard, smooth, multi-colored beans contain a lot of protein (24-26 percent), which is similar in composition to an animal, but much easier to digest. This is probably why beans are one of the main ingredients. vegetarian cuisine. In addition, mature beans can be sprouted.

adzuki beans

Adzuki are small, oval, red-brown beans with a white stripe. Its other name is angular beans. Adzuki comes from Asia, where desserts are made from it - ice cream, jelly, sweets: first they are soaked for 3-4 hours, and then boiled with sugar for half an hour.


Lima, or lima beans, originally from the Andes. It is quite large, it is white, black, red, and also spotted. For a pleasant oily taste, it is also called "oil". Very good lima in thick tomato soups with aromatic herbs. But it needs to be soaked for a long time - at least 12 hours, and then boiled - usually a little more than an hour.

Pinto, variegated bean

Pinto, or variegated beans - medium-sized, oval, with pink-brown spots. Pinto is especially popular in the USA and Latin America. Soups are prepared from it, it is fried, mashed into a puree, which is then fried with spices; in Latin America, they cook chili from it (a dish of beans, beef, onions, tomatoes, garlic, sweet, hot and black peppers), make a filling for burritos. Like many other types of beans, pinto must be soaked for 8-10 hours before cooking and only then boiled for an hour and a half.

Flagiole, green beans

Green beans are eaten without pods: if the beans are allowed to grow a little, the pods will become leathery and fibrous, and the grains inside will remain soft and become even more delicate in taste. Such, for example, is the flageole bean, common in France.

Flajolet - small, oblong, very tender and soft. Unripe flageole is light green, becoming white, black, yellow and even red as it matures. It boils pretty quickly, goes well with mint and chervil. Flajoules are served mainly as a side dish for baked meat (in France, as a rule, with leg of lamb) or cold - with olive oil and lemon.

Energy value:



Contains vegetable protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamins B1, B6, C, K.

Beneficial features:

Beans is a source of iron. People suffering from iron deficiency become weak and lethargic. First of all, pregnant women, convalescent patients, children and young people can suffer from iron deficiency. For better assimilation iron is recommended to eat beans with vegetables rich in vitamin C.

The medicinal properties of beans have been known since ancient times. ancient rome, where this culture was popular in those days not only as a food product, but also as remedy. Among the mineral compounds contained in the fruits of beans are potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper. Especially a lot of zinc and copper in it, in terms of the content of these elements, the beans are ahead of most vegetables. Zinc is involved in the synthesis of insulin and hormones, as well as some enzymes. There is an assumption that beans stimulate the secretion of insulin by the pancreas, resulting in a decrease in blood sugar levels. Therefore, beans occupies an important place in the dietary treatment of patients. diabetes How additional remedy to the main treatment. Potassium salts affect the removal of fluid from the body and unload the cardiovascular system. Bean dishes are prescribed for dietary nutrition of patients with gastritis with low acidity. It is recommended for use by people suffering from inflammatory diseases kidneys and bladder, urolithiasis, chronic rheumatoid arthritis and gout, fatty degeneration of the liver.

Beans contain a large amount of starch and other carbohydrates, proteins. Beans contain a rich set of vitamins. Beans like food product, universal. The beans contain almost all the minerals and substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body: easily digestible (75%) proteins, the number of which bean fruits are close to meat and fish, various acids, carotene, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP , many macro- and microelements (especially copper, zinc, potassium). Beans have enough tryptophan, up to 5% lysine, 8.5% arginine, tyrosine and histidine (about 3% each). Beans are especially rich in sulfur, which is necessary for intestinal infections, rheumatism, skin diseases, bronchial diseases. Beans are rich in iron. The presence of iron promotes the formation of red blood cells, the flow of oxygen to the cells, increases the body's resistance to infections.

Has good dietary properties, due to which they are used for dietary nutrition with various gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder, heart failure.

Beans have calming properties, so eating bean dishes has a beneficial effect on nervous system, provides calm and complacency.

Beans are very beneficial for dental health. Regular use beans prevents the formation of tartar. This is explained antibacterial properties beans. Bean dishes are very useful for tuberculosis.

Beans are recommended for food with gastritis with low acidity. Due to the fact that it contains a large amount of potassium (up to 530 mg per 100 g of grain), it is prescribed for atherosclerosis and heart rhythm disturbances. The hypoglycemic effect is associated with arginine, an insulin-like substance.

Zinc, which is part of the beans, normalizes carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Copper activates the production (synthesis) of adrenaline and hemoglobin. bean renders good action on the digestive system, so it is useful to include it in the diet for people who want to lose overweight. Beans improve metabolism in the body.

Enhances the secretion of gastric juice. Beans help dissolve and remove stones from the gallbladder. Beans have antimicrobial properties, which reduces inflammation in the liver. Due to the high concentration of active macro- and microelements, easily digestible proteins, vitamins and other useful substances, beans are classified as dietary and medicinal products. In some types of beans, substances have been found that have inhibitory properties. They speed up the metabolism and are similar to compounds that are produced in the blood during infectious diseases. Scientists admit that these substances (phytohemagglutinins) can treat malignant tumors, as well as diseases of the pancreas. In traditional medicine, beans are used as a wound healing agent, for the treatment of certain skin diseases, for hypertension, and chronic rheumatism. In cosmetology, beans have long been known as the basis for effective anti-aging masks. And importantly, beans retain their useful and medicinal properties during processing, preparation and even during canning.

White beans contains calcium and magnesium - complementary components that make sure that our teeth and bones are strong. The bean seed plays a role in the tradition of celebrating the feast of the Three Kings, or Epiphany. In many countries (for example, in France and Spain), a bean seed is baked into a special pie. Depending on local tradition, whoever gets the hidden bean becomes the king of the feast or has to pay the bill!

It is a rich source of fiber. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming 20-40 g of fiber daily, and 100 g of dry red beans contains 25 g of this component. Fiber gives a feeling of satiety, protects against malignant tumors, stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

Red beans will help calm the nerves - and all thanks to great content vitamin B6, which is responsible, in particular, for immune system, skin condition and the functioning of the nervous system.

Dry beans should be soaked before cooking. So we will speed up the cooking process, as well as get rid of substances that cause digestive problems.
