
String beans when breastfeeding: when to introduce complementary foods and how to cook? String and boiled beans while breastfeeding.

Legumes are extremely popular in cooking. That is why domestic summer residents and gardeners strive to grow them. They are increasingly interested in green beans, the pods of which have a pleasant delicate taste. It is not necessary to peel its grains; the whole juicy pod, which has great nutritional value, is eaten.

Green beans are called immature legume pods. As a rule, asparagus varieties fall under this definition. It is green beans that have the best taste and have a huge supply of useful trace elements.

It is characterized by long pods. If you buy a ready-made frozen product, then you need to pay attention to the fact that they are not increased in volume. Otherwise, the product may contain coarse fibers.

The beans should break with a characteristic crunch, be juicy and young. They are slightly sweet in taste.

Biochemical composition of the pods

Vegetable refers to dietary products. It is recommended for people who are overweight.

The plant has a unique property not to absorb harmful substances from the environment. That is why it is considered one of the most environmentally friendly products.

Compared to the common varieties of this bean, the green bean is not as rich in protein, however, the content vitamins a few more. These include:

  • B vitamins;
  • groups of vitamins PP, A, C and E;
  • acids necessary for the body;
  • cellulose;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats.

The composition includes many minerals:

  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • chrome and many more.

According to its composition, it is considered a unique plant that can saturate the human body. At the same time, the number of calories consumed is reduced to a minimum.

Useful properties of green beans

On the human body, a vegetable has very beneficial effect. It has long been used in folk medicine to cure bronchial asthma, normalize metabolism, and treat rheumatoid.

The cosmetology did not stand aside either. Our ancestors used a leguminous vegetable to eliminate skin rashes. In addition, these legumes have a tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. High content of argenine has a positive effect on the condition of people with diabetes.

In terms of its effect, argenin is similar to insulin, which is why drinking a liter of bean and carrot juice helps the body begin to produce it on its own.

Green beans contain high percentage of iron. Thanks to this, it contributes to the production of red blood cells in people suffering from anemia. But you should not abuse legumes, so as not to harm your health.

Pregnant women just need to eat this vegetable. Thanks to her actively fetal nerve cells are formed. In addition, this product helps improve visual acuity.

In chronic hypertension, regular consumption of beans helps to lower blood pressure. The use of green bean by men suffering from male diseases also has a beneficial effect.

Harm from use

No matter how positive and useful green beans may seem to you, they have a number of contraindications for use and, in addition to benefits, can harm the body. So, it is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Those who suffer from such ailments should be very careful:

  • colitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

In no case should you eat raw pods, as they contain pheazin.

It is toxic and can cause serious poisoning. To avoid this, beans need boil for 5 minutes.

Under no circumstances should green beans be consumed by people allergy sufferers both on the beans themselves and on certain of their components.


The use of green beans is quite wide. I use it in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. This product must be included in the diet of diabetic patients. It promotes the natural production of insulin. For this purpose, a decoction is also used.

People suffering from cardiovascular disease You should also eat green bean pods. The use of this product also has a beneficial effect on increasing hemoglobin, stimulating the work of the nervous system, liver and kidneys.

Due to the low calorie content, the vegetable is very widely used in dietary nutrition.

A huge number of dishes, preparations and semi-finished products are prepared from it. It is difficult to say for the preparation of which dishes this leguminous plant cannot be used. The neutral taste of the fruit allows you to experiment with a variety of dishes.

Vegetable can be combined with both meat and fish dishes. Even the most demanding and sophisticated gourmets will be satisfied with its taste.

Even in the most sophisticated restaurants you can find green bean dishes. As a rule, it is steamed, but pre-soaked in salt water. This is done so that the product does not lose its rich color.

You can save the pods by freezing. To do this, they are washed, crushed, dried and placed in containers or bags for freezing. The shelf life of such a product is about six months. At any moment, even in snowy winter, you can enjoy the taste of a healthy product.

Growing a vegetable is quite easy. She unpretentious, does not take up much space on the site. You can plant a crop between other plants.

Its taste qualities are very high, and the content of useful substances and microelements is simply huge. That is why now many gardeners are trying to allocate an area in order to plant such a valuable crop. The scope of its application is unusually wide, and traditional medicine has long used this leguminous plant for medicinal purposes.

Green beans, or asparagus, beans help fight the aging process, strengthen the reproductive and immune systems, and are rich in vitamins.

History of string beans

String beans, it is also called asparagus beans and green beans, together with other varieties of beans familiar to us, belongs to the type of "common beans". The common bean is descended from its ancestor, the bean from Peru. For Central and South America beans spread through the migrations of Indian tribes. And beans were brought to Europe by Spanish travelers in the 16th century, who were returning from the New World. Beans spread throughout Europe and Asia thanks to Spanish and Portuguese traders. Beans came to the territory of Kievan Rus from Europe, and for a long time they were called "French beans". To date, beans are distributed throughout the world. Asparagus beans are grown in Argentina, China, France, Egypt, Indonesia, India, Iraq, Italy, Mexico, Spain, USA.

String beans are a low-calorie product (31 kcal per 100g), do not contain fat with a high content of saturated fatty acids.

The composition of green beans includes many vitamins: vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, iron, potassium, folic acid, magnesium and thiamine.

  • String beans are a rich source of dietary (dietary) fiber (9% per 100g), which acts as a laxative and helps protect the colonic mucosa by quickly eliminating toxic substances. Also, when a sufficient amount of fiber is consumed, the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases. String beans are especially recommended for diabetics, because thanks to fiber, blood sugar levels remain normal.
  • The composition of green beans includes silicon - a mineral that helps strengthen connective tissues and bones.
  • Green beans contain high levels of vitamin A, as well as health-promoting antioxidants: lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene. All these components contribute to the fact that green beans act as a protective agent against free radicals. Namely, free radicals are the cause of aging, the appearance of wrinkles and the occurrence of various age-related diseases.
  • Zeaxanthin, an important dietary carotenoid found in green beans, is selectively absorbed by the macula lutea, which protects the eyes from harmful UV rays from the sun. Thanks to zeaxanthin, green beans prevent spots on the cornea of ​​the eye in older people.
  • Green beans are a rich source of folate, which is a major component of DNA synthesis and cell division. It is very important to include green beans in your diet during pregnancy because the folic acid salt helps prevent neural tube defects (a congenital disorder caused by folic acid deficiency).
  • Also, green beans are rich in vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), thiamine (vitamin B1), and vitamin C. Consuming these vitamins helps the body fight infectious agents and protects against harmful free radicals.
  • The composition of green beans includes iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, which are so important in the metabolic processes in the body.
  • Recent studies show that regular consumption of green beans helps reduce the frequency of migraines, and beans also strengthen the human immune and reproductive systems.

How to choose and store green beans

The release of the TV show "Life is great!" with Elena Malysheva - about the beneficial properties of green beans

String beans are sold fresh, frozen and canned. Fresh beans should be long and firm, but still quite flexible. When breaking the pod, a sonorous click should be heard. Do not buy overripe pods with hard skins. You can store fresh green beans for no more than a week.

On the shelves of our stores, you can often find frozen green beans, which absolutely do not lose their nutritional value. When buying frozen beans, you should pay attention to the fact that the beans inside the package are not lumpy, and there is no “snow” feeling, this indicates that the beans have been thawed several times.

How to cook beans

Raw green beans should not be eaten, because they contain pheazin, which can have a toxic effect on the body. Therefore, raw green beans must be subjected to heat treatment in order to get rid of the harmful substance pheasin.

Fresh green beans should be washed under running water to get rid of dirt and sand, then cut off the tails on the pods and throw into boiling water. Cooking fresh green beans should be no more than 5 minutes, otherwise it will boil, lose all its nutrients and become an unsightly color.

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October 18, 2013, 17:25 you write a light dinner consisting of protein, what is it exactly? and is it possible to replace the protein that is offered in sports nutrition or herbalife? Thank you!

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Frozen beans should be cooked no more than 4 minutes after boiling in salted water. The beans should remain firm but not crunchy. As soon as the green beans are cooked, they need to be sent under cold (possibly ice) water to preserve the color.

String beans can be eaten as a side dish (instead of potatoes or pasta), as a separate dish (simply by adding spices and sauce), or as one of the components of a salad (mixed with cucumbers, sprinkle with mayonnaise).

Composition of 125g boiled green beans

  • vitamin K - 22%,
  • manganese - 18%,
  • vitamin C - 16.1%,
  • fiber - 16%,
  • folic acid salt - 10.3%,
  • vitamin B2 - 9.2%,
  • zinc - 7.7%,
  • vitamin B1 -7.5%,
  • chromium - 5.8%,
  • magnesium - 5.6%,
  • calcium - 5.5%,
  • potassium - 5.2%,
  • phosphorus 5.1%,
  • vitamin B4 - 4.9%,
  • vitamin A - 4.8%,
  • vitamin B3 - 4.8%,
  • protein - 4.7%,
  • - 4,5%,
  • iron - 4.5%,
  • vitamin B6 - 4.1%,
  • vitamin E - 3.7%.

There are a lot of vitamins in green beans: it is a large amount of folic acid, vitamins of groups B, C, A, E. In addition, it contains a wide variety of minerals: these are salts of zinc, magnesium, potassium, as well as sulfur, chromium, calcium, iron . Beans are rich in healthy fiber, which improves the functionality of the digestive tract.

Due to the maximum content of nutrients, the use of beans is very important for maintaining health, strengthening immunity, and protecting against external destructive factors. If you regularly eat green beans, then your well-being will improve significantly, which will become noticeable in your appearance.

String beans can have a pronounced tonic effect, improve digestive functions, and bring relief from pulmonary and infectious lesions.

With anemia and a low level of hemoglobin, string beans will also help, which has the ability to positively affect the production of red blood cells.

Beans normalize blood sugar levels, which is very important for those who suffer from diabetes, as well as for dieters: by normalizing the carbohydrate balance, beans stabilize metabolic processes, and also perfectly satisfy hunger without weighing down the digestive tract.

The antimicrobial abilities of beans are used for tuberculosis, oral diseases, and intestinal pathologies. Patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia should definitely use green beans in their daily diet.

Green beans contain a sufficient amount of zinc, which is considered an essential trace element for the human body (especially for men). Healthy principles in nutrition and the presence of zinc are inseparable concepts. By eating beans (especially instead of potatoes or bread), it is quite possible to lose extra pounds. Given that green beans are a low-calorie product, they can be consumed almost without restrictions.

Energy value of green beans

The energy value of green beans may depend on the variety of the product, and quite a lot of them are known. In addition to calorie content, varieties may differ in color, shape of pods and ripening time.

The calorie content of green beans in raw form can be from 23 to 32 kcal per 100 g of product. However, beans, as a rule, are not eaten raw: they contain a certain amount of toxic substances that are neutralized after a short heat treatment. After the cooking process, beans can retain almost 80% of the benefits, even with long processing (preservation). However, the preparation of bean dishes certainly affects the final calorie content of the dish. A change in the number of calories can occur as a result of the transformation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates into other components, as well as by adding additional components to the dish, such as butter, seasonings, spices, cream, etc.

For example, the calorie content of boiled green beans ranges from 47 to 128 kcal / 100 g. Such beans are perfect for salads, omelettes, and can be used as a side dish when dieting.

A less suitable option for a fasting diet is fried beans. The calorie content of fried green beans can reach 175 kcal / 100 g of product.

Many people prefer to cook beans by stewing. The calorie content of stewed green beans is 136 kcal. This is a more dietary dish compared to fried beans, but lags behind boiled and steamed beans in terms of "dietary".

The calorie content of frozen green beans is 28 kcal / 100 g.

As you know, the calorie content of food products is concentrated in their rational components: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. For example, in one gram of fat, 9 kcal are produced, in a gram of carbohydrate and protein - 4 kcal each, respectively. By the ratio of these components, one can determine their effect on the energy value of the product.

Nutritional value of string beans

By the concept of nutritional value, we mean a combination of the useful properties of a product to most fully meet the physiological needs of the human body for fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

  • proteins - 2.5 g
  • lipids - 0.3 g
  • carbohydrates - 3 g
  • water - 90 g
  • the amount of organic acids - 0.1 g
  • the amount of dietary fiber - 3.4 g
  • di- and monosaccharides - 2 g
  • starchy substances - 1 g
  • the amount of saturated fatty acids - 0.1 g
  • ash - 0.7 g

Vitamins in green beans are presented as follows:

  • vitamin PP - 0.5 mg
  • β-carotene - 0.4 mg
  • retinol (vit. A) - 67 mcg
  • thiamine (vit. B¹) - 0.1 mg
  • riboflavin (vit. B²) - 0.2 mg
  • pantothenic acid - 0.2 mg
  • pyridoxine - 0.2 mg
  • folic acid - 36 mcg
  • ascorbic acid (vit. C) - 20 mg
  • tocopherol (vit. E) - 0.3 mg
  • niacin analogue of vit. PP - 0.9 mg

The chemical composition of green beans is represented by macro- and microelements:

  • calcium salts - 65 mg
  • magnesium salts - 26 mg
  • sodium salts - 2 mg
  • potassium - 260 mg
  • phosphorus - 44 mg
  • iron - 1.1 mg
  • zinc - 0.18 mg
  • sulfur - 9 mg
  • iodine - 0.7 mg
  • copper - 33 mcg
  • selenium - 1.4 mcg
  • fluorine - 2.5 mcg
  • silicon - 5.25 mg
  • cobalt - 1 mcg

The glycemic index of green beans is 15. This means that only 15% of the carbohydrate composition is converted into glucose in the blood. Such an indicator of the glycemic index indicates that green beans do not have a negative effect on the main metabolism, do not contribute to the appearance of fatigue and extra pounds.

The benefits of string beans

String beans are one of the few crops that are not able to accumulate toxins that enter the plant from the soil and the environment.

String beans will help stabilize the hormonal balance due to the successful combination of vitamins. For this reason, this variety of beans should be eaten by adolescents during puberty, women during menopause, as well as pregnant and lactating women, in order to reduce the likelihood of hormonal disruptions.

String beans will help to cope with the phenomena of anemia: thanks to the healing pods, the production of hemoglobin improves. Beans are included in the menu of people who care about their health, keep fit and watch their figure. In addition, bean pods are recommended in dietary nutrition in the fight against obesity.

Green beans are an excellent remedy for diabetes. This plant is able to lower the amount of glucose in the blood: in connection with this, the need for insulin preparations decreases. In the composition of the pods, an insulin-like element arginine was found, it is he who reduces the proportion of glucose in the blood. The most effective in this matter is the use of a decoction of the pods in combination with blueberry leaves: they drink this drink ½ cup before meals.

String beans are an excellent tranquilizer and antibacterial agent. Dishes from this culture are extremely useful and can improve the prognosis even with tuberculosis.

The benefits of green beans have also been found in cardiology: regular consumption of this culture in food can slow down the processes of age-related changes in tissues, reduce cholesterol levels, stop the development of atherosclerosis, and prevent hypertensive crisis and arrhythmia.

In principle, if you use green beans regularly, you will not have to follow a weight loss diet. Normalization of metabolic processes will gradually bring your weight back to normal.

Bean pods serve as an excellent prevention of prostatitis, calculous pyelonephritis and cholecystitis, potency disorders.

Damage to string beans

Eating dishes from bean pods should not be for those who suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, colitis, and also have high acidity of gastric juice. People with unstable bowel function are not recommended to eat green bean dishes daily or in large portions.

Due to the fact that almost any dish from legumes can provoke increased gas formation, when cooking beans, seasonings should be added to eliminate the symptoms of bloating. These spices include cumin, dill, etc.

String beans for pancreatitis are used only in the recovery stage, but only boiled, without spices and oil.

Varieties of string beans

Quite a few varieties of green beans are known, about fifty. There is a bean that grows in bushes, or one that curls like grapes. Among these varieties, the Chinese and Japanese varieties of beans are the most curious: their legumes can grow up to 90 cm in length.

In our area, the most common are red string beans and yellow string beans. Meanwhile, they also have a lot of varieties:

  • the Dutch "deer king" - is famous for its early and large harvest of pods, which have a bright yellow lemon color and a very delicate taste. Such beans can produce up to two seasonal crops;
  • Polish "fana" - green pods with white grains. This variety is highly resistant to various diseases, has good antimicrobial properties, and therefore is perfect for canning;
  • Polish "panther" - such yellowish juicy pods are consumed even raw;
  • American "royal purple" - has characteristic purple pods, which turn deep green when cooked;
  • Austrian "blau hilde" - a tall plant with purple pods and creamy grains;
  • American "Indiana" - an interesting and common variety of pods, contains light grains with a cherry pattern, reminiscent of the contours of the silhouette of an Indian in a hat;
  • American "blue like" - purple pods with large grains, gives a good plentiful harvest;
  • American "golden nectar" - the pods are harvested already 2 months after sowing. The plant is tall, and the pods are long - up to 25 centimeters;
  • american "ad ram" - productive variety with pinkish-lilac grain. Interestingly, the grain of such beans has a delicate mushroom smell that is transferred to the dish during cooking;
  • Japanese "akito" - also has a mushroom smell, but the grain is black, and the amount of harvest collected from the bushes is unrivaled.

Green beans can be canned, pickled, salted, and also used for cooking first courses, omelettes, casseroles, side dishes, salads, etc.

Green bean recipes

Many of us often came across attractive multi-colored pods in supermarkets or markets, but did not know how to cook green beans. In fact, there are a lot of recipes for making pods. Moreover, beans in pods are almost always cooked quickly and tasty, and given its benefits for the body, the use of beans becomes simply necessary.

In order to cook a dish of bean pods, it is not necessary to be an experienced cook: a beginner can handle simple recipes. What goes with string beans? She is great "friends" with meat (especially chicken), vegetables (potatoes, garlic, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, sweet peppers), lemon, pasta, eggs and even mushrooms.

The perfect combination of bean pods with other products will surely appeal to you and your family.

Green bean salad

What you need: 0.5 kg of fresh bean pods, 0.3 kg of carrots, up to 3 tbsp. tablespoons of grape or rice vinegar, a teaspoon of sugar, a little olive or sunflower oil, to taste - salt and ground pepper, a little finely chopped parsley or cilantro.

Cut the carrot into strips (as for Korean). In boiling salted water, lower the cooked carrots and bean pods, cut into small pieces. Hold, uncovered, over high heat for 5-6 minutes. Then discard in a colander, rinse in cool water and dry. Transferring to a bowl, add a little sugar, spices, salt, vinegar and oil, mix and sprinkle with herbs. Salad ready.

Frozen green beans with mushrooms

Ingredients: 4 medium onions, a large red bell pepper (or two small ones), one medium carrot, 400 g of slightly thawed frozen green beans, 400 g of fresh, finely chopped champignons, 4 cloves of minced garlic, 150 g of chechil cheese, pepper, salt, a little vegetable oil.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a hot frying pan, add the onion chopped finely enough, pass it. Grate the carrots, cut the pepper into strips, pour into a frying pan with browned onions. After 5 minutes, add the beans, after another 5 minutes - chopped champignons, then garlic. At the end, add spices and chopped cheese, let it melt slightly. Remove from heat: the dish is ready.

Pickled string beans

Required: 0.5 kg of green beans, 50 g of vegetable oil, 2 table. spoons of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, 5 cloves of garlic, dill, salt.

Cooking: cook bean pods in salted water for 5-7 minutes, discard in a colander, cool. While cooling, prepare the marinade. We mix oil, lemon juice or vinegar, chopped (or passed through a press) garlic and finely chopped dill. Connoisseurs say that it is impossible to spoil our dish with garlic and dill, so spicy lovers put more of these ingredients.

Chicken with green beans

Ingredients: chicken fillet (2 pcs.), honey (full teaspoon), 2 table. spoons of soy sauce, salt and pepper, olive oil, 0.5 kg of green beans, 4 cloves of garlic.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and marinate. Marinade includes soy sauce, honey, salt and pepper to taste, a little olive oil. While the meat is marinating, peel, cut into cubes and boil the bean pods (for 5-6 minutes). We drain the water.

Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, put boiled pods on it, add chopped garlic, salt and pepper. After 2 minutes, remove from heat and place on a plate. In the same pan, fry the marinated chicken fillet for 5 minutes until tender. Put the finished meat on top of the beans, without stirring. Enjoy.

String beans with egg

What you need: 0.4 kg of beans, two eggs, salt, pepper, butter.

The dish can be eaten hot or cold.

Cook the peeled and chopped beans for 7-8 minutes in salted water. We throw it away in a colander. We put butter in a hot frying pan, then beans, fry and break two eggs there. Stir until the dish is browned. When serving, you can add a fresh tomato and sprinkle with herbs. Bon appetit.

Meat with string beans

What you need: 0.4 kg of frozen green beans, 300 g of minced beef or pork meat, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 medium onions, vegetable oil, salt and pepper, herbs.

Finely chop the onion, fry in a pan until golden. Add minced meat and mix quickly, continue stirring for five minutes over high heat. Add spices, herbs and soy sauce. We put the bean pods unfrozen to the minced meat, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat, stirring occasionally, until tender. When serving, you can additionally sprinkle with fresh dill.

Bean soup

Ingredients: 3 liters of water, one onion, two medium carrots, five potatoes (can be replaced with cauliflower), root celery, 300 g of beans, two slices of white bread, herbs, salt, pepper.

Cooking: finely chop the onion, grate the carrots, throw everything into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Cut the bean pods and celery into cubes (small) and fry in a pan in olive oil. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and add to the onions and carrots. When the potatoes are ready, add the celery and beans, add salt, bring to a boil and remove from the burner. Grind the slightly cooled soup with a blender to a puree state. The finished puree should be brought to a boil again. The soup is served hot, sprinkled with herbs. White bread croutons are very appropriate for this soup, which favorably complement the taste of the dish.

String beans in a slow cooker in Polish

Of the ingredients we need: frozen bean pods 0.4-0.5 kg, 2 smoked sausages, smoked breast 200 g, one medium onion, 4 cloves of garlic, marjoram, salt and pepper, tomato sauce (or tomatoes in their own juice).

The main parameters for the multicooker: 860 watts, with the main program - quenching - half an hour; with an additional program - roasting - half an hour.

On the frying mode in vegetable oil, fry the chopped onion, then add the chopped sausages and breast. Add tomato sauce or tomato in its own juice (after crushing it with a spatula). Mix and turn off the mode. Add frozen, slightly thawed beans, marjoram. You can add salt and pepper, but you can not add, be guided by your taste. Stir and set the “quenching” mode, 30 minutes will be enough. Bon appetit.

Cooking string beans

Before preparing dishes from bean pods, you need to know a few cooking tricks:

  • some varieties of pods have a membranous part between the valves (the so-called vein), which must be removed, otherwise the pods will not be chewed well;
  • long pods must be subjected to obligatory cutting into pieces of about 1-2 cm;
  • pods before cooking should be washed and cut off the base of the stem;
  • if the pods are thick and dense enough, you can not cut them, but break them with your hands into sticks 4 cm long;
  • if the pods are “not the first freshness”, you can soak them in cold water for several hours. In this way, moisture and juiciness can be returned to the pods;
  • do not cook bean pods in an aluminum pan: it will lose color;
  • salt in green beans is better to add after cooking: this way you keep the bright fresh color of the pods;
  • if you are not going to use the beans immediately after boiling them, the pods should be cooled under cold running water.

How long to cook green beans? Ideally, the pods are boiled for 5-7 minutes. If you cook less, the beans will remain raw, if you cook more, the pods can simply be digested. String beans should be firm in taste, but not crunchy; Chew well enough, but not fall apart.

String beans while breastfeeding

Is it possible for breastfeeding green beans? Can! Sometimes young mothers are afraid to eat certain foods in order to protect their child from possible consequences. String beans are also treated with caution: will there be increased gas formation and stool disorders in a child? We can reassure you: tender green pods have little in common with ordinary beans, moreover, if you include bean pods in the menu, the baby’s stool improves and constipation is eliminated.

A bean pod can also be used as part of vegetable complementary foods: children eat such puree with pleasure, without suffering from flatulence or indigestion.

If you still have doubts, you can add a little dill to the green bean dish. This simple trick will absolutely protect you and your baby from increased gas formation.

Diet on green beans

String bean is a wonderful and useful plant. Due to the large amount of fiber and proteins, this product quickly and efficiently satisfies hunger, and the low calorie content makes the product ideal for use in dietary nutrition.

You can opt for a 3-day or 7-day bean pod diet, or simply have a bean pod salad instead of one of your main meals.

  • Let's talk about the 3-day bean pod diet. This diet is perfect for unloading after holidays, holidays or weekends.

First days.

  • Breakfast - contains a protein omelette (from a couple of eggs), 200 g of boiled bean pods, seasoned with tsp. vegetable oil.
  • Lunch - 120-150 g of lean fish (or chicken breast) with a salad of vegetables, dill and boiled green beans.
  • Snack - you can eat an apple.
  • You can have dinner with a vegetable salad with bean pods cooked in a double boiler with lemon juice.

Second days.

  • Breakfast - 100 g of green beans stewed in a double boiler, seasoned with low-fat yogurt and dill.
  • Lunch - puree-like soup from pods, with the addition of sweet pepper, zucchini and tomato. You can add a couple of dry toast from dark bread (or whole grain bread).
  • For an afternoon snack, you can eat an apple.
  • We have dinner - steamed bean pods seasoned with dill and vegetable oil.

Third day.

Unloading day: boil one and a half kilograms of bean pods in a double boiler, season with two tablespoons of vegetable oil and lemon juice. This number of pods will have to be divided into 4 parts and eat throughout the day. Nothing else to eat, drink only clean water without gas.

  • Let's move on to a seven-day diet on green beans. The advantages of this diet food is that it is suitable for those who prefer meat food, and vegetarians. The diet involves five meals a day (every 3 hours), so you do not have to starve. During the diet, you can not drink alcoholic beverages, instant coffee, sparkling water. This way of eating should not last more than a week. You can consume no more than 2 cups of natural brewed coffee.

An example of a dietary diet:

  • Breakfast - 200 g bean pods from a double boiler with tsp. vegetable oil and 200 g of buckwheat or wheat porridge.
  • Snack - 200 g of strawberries or 2 apples.
  • We have lunch - lean soup with bean pods, 150 g of cottage cheese or low-fat cheese.
  • Snack - a glass of kefir or soy milk.
  • We have dinner with a vegetable salad with steamed green beans.

Bean pod diets are considered very effective and easily tolerated.

String beans for diabetes

String beans are an ideal food for diabetics. The bean pod is rich in amino acids represented by lysine and arginine. These substances, once in the body, establish the production of their own proteins, in particular, insulin.

The combination of vitamins and trace elements required by the body also plays a role in controlling normal levels of glucose in the bloodstream. Fiber, which is abundant in bean pods, interferes with the absorption of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract, while regulating metabolism and eliminating the danger of a spike in glucose levels.

Alternative treatment for diabetes involves the use of decoctions and infusions of green beans. Against the background of drug treatment and diet, folk methods significantly improve the dynamics of the disease. The pods can lower blood sugar and keep the level up to 7 hours. However, remember that it is absolutely impossible to arbitrarily change the dosage of insulin or prescribed medications.

  • Pour 50 g of crushed pods with a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos overnight. Take half a glass half an hour before meals.
  • Boil 4 tablespoons of chopped pods in 1 liter of water. Drink 1 cup of decoction before meals.

Medicinal decoctions and infusions using green beans must be mixed before use. Never add sugar to drinks.

Treatment with pods must be agreed with the attending physician.

How to store string beans?

The string bean variety is difficult to store. At a temperature of 22-25 ° C, the pods are stored for 12 hours, in a refrigerator - a day. After this time, the quality of the beans deteriorates. Storage of young pods is carried out by placing them in polyethylene, followed by freezing. Frozen beans can be stored for a long time, but should not be allowed to re-thaw-freeze.

You can also canned string beans. The preservation process is not difficult, and from canned bean pods you can cook a wide variety of side dishes, as well as first courses, salads, sauteed, etc.

We bring to your attention a recipe for delicious canned bean pods.

Ingredients: bean pods 2.5 kg; water 2 liters; rock salt - half a table. spoons; half a cup of grape vinegar.

Young bean pods are washed, cleaned of veins, cut into 2-3 cm sticks, blanched in boiling water for 5-6 minutes. After that, they are thrown onto a sieve and washed under running cool water, tightly packed in jars, tamped, poured with cooked warm marinade, covered with lids, sterilized and rolled up.

The marinade is prepared as follows: boil water, add salt and boil for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add the prescribed amount of vinegar. Bon appetit.

String beans are an amazingly healthy crop that deserves the attention of everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle and preaches the principles of proper nutrition. If you see tender bean pods on sale, do not pass by, give yourself and your family the pleasure of trying this tasty and tender product. String beans are easily digested, it can be consumed by both adults and children.

String beans are unripe green beans with tender shells; colloquially, it is also called asparagus. The common bean plant belongs to legumes and is widely distributed throughout the world.

More than 70% of the world production of green beans comes from China. It is followed by India, Türkiye, Indonesia. European producers are represented by France and the Benelux countries.

When harvesting young pods, it is important not to miss the ripening period, when the beans are still soft and have the most pleasant taste characteristics. When a yellow color appears, it becomes hard and dry.

String beans, the benefits and harms of which are well known to adherents of proper nutrition, are used for side dishes, soups, or as part of salads. Read more about this dietary product below.

Composition and calories

Green string beans have great nutritional value.

Green beans have great nutritional value, contain many minerals and vitamins. The glycemic index is low and is only 15 units. This means that only 15% of carbohydrates are converted into glucose. The chemical composition of this legume is as follows:

  • vitamins of group B (including folic acid), A, E, C, PP, beta-carotene;
  • minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, iodine, copper, sulfur, zinc, selenium, cobalt, fluorine, silicon;
  • starch, water, ash, dietary fiber, organic and saturated fatty acids.

Is string beans predominantly protein, or carbohydrate, or almost pure fiber? What components are found in green pods more?

The calorie content and the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates depend on the legume variety, on the degree of maturity and may differ slightly from batch to batch. On average, there are 3.3 g of carbohydrates in green beans, 2.5 g of proteins, and there are practically no fats, only 0.2 g. The product contains a fairly large amount of fiber (about 10%).

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The calorie content of 100 g of raw product is from 18 to 32 kcal. However, eating raw asparagus beans is dangerous, because of the content of certain substances it can provoke poisoning, therefore heat treatment is required, which destroys harmful compounds. Boiled dish contains 47 to 128 kcal, fried - about 178 kcal, stewed - about 136 kcal. Very often the product is frozen to preserve it for the winter. Frozen green beans have 28 calories.

The benefits of legumes

The beneficial properties of green beans are expressed in a tonic and restorative effect on the human body. Thanks to its unique composition, it helps to cope with negative external influences and the detrimental effects of stress.
String beans come in a variety of colors, but this does not deprive them of their beneficial qualities.

Also, the usefulness of a green vegetable is as follows:

  • unsurpassed cleansing abilities, due to which it is possible to effectively free the intestines from harmful substances;
  • stabilization of the digestion process, acceleration of metabolism;
  • anti-inflammatory and antiviral action that helps maintain immunity and cope with dysbacteriosis, inflammation of the lungs, intestines and other infectious, respiratory and viral diseases;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, stroke, heart attack;
  • stabilization of the genitourinary system in men and reproductive organs in women;
  • positive effect on the condition of hair, skin;
  • normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and lowering blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • anti-inflammatory and diuretic action helps in the fight against cystitis, edema, urolithiasis.
  • help in cleaning plaque and stones, eliminating bad breath.

Schisandra chinensis helps with diabetes, normalizing blood glucose levels.

In stores, frozen green beans are most often found, which are stored for a long period. Its benefits practically do not change, with the exception of a slight loss of a certain amount of vitamins. Canned green beans are also common, in which about 80% of the mineral-vitamin complex of the fresh product is preserved.

For women and children

The product has a positive effect on women's health. Its use normalizes the hormonal background, eliminates discomfort during menopause. When eating a dietary vegetable, the working capacity of the nervous system improves, and, therefore, it becomes easier to cope with stressful situations, experiences, nervous tension and the consequences of hormonal changes.

Is it possible to use green beans while breastfeeding and during pregnancy? It is worth noting that for pregnant women this is one of the important sources of vegetable protein necessary for the formation of the fetus. Fiber in moderation helps with common bowel problems. The diuretic effect of the vegetable is indispensable in the prevention of edema. In addition, the product helps to cope with insomnia and stress. A nursing mother needs green beans as a remedy rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is indicated for anemia, which often develops in young mothers with hepatitis B.

String beans - an allergen or not? At what age can it be given to children? This legume is very useful, saturated with substances necessary for life, therefore, it must be present in the children's diet. It does not apply to allergenic products, however, it can cause increased gas formation. Therefore, it can be given to a child in a small amount, for example, as part of a soup from 10 months.


In nutrition

String beans are widely used in cooking, especially in PN. It can be boiled, fried, stewed, used as a side dish, used for salads. In any case, heat treatment is important. You can also additionally soak green beans in cold water before cooking. These manipulations help to eliminate harmful toxins. Asparagus beans are combined with meat and fish, with eggs, a variety of vegetables.

The benefits of green beans for weight loss stand apart. It helps to quickly lose extra pounds and gain a beautiful figure. When losing weight, the product is valued not only for its rich mineral and vitamin composition and low calorie content, but also for its high fiber content. A dietary vegetable effectively satisfies hunger and maintains a feeling of fullness for a long time. Therefore, eating green beans on a diet is not only possible, but necessary.

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How to cook green beans, see the following video:

In folk medicine

This leguminous plant is used not only for cooking, its use is also common in the form of preparing medicinal infusions and decoctions, for example, such.

  • For the treatment of rheumatism. Fresh pods are dried and crushed. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the raw material obtained with boiling water in the volume of two glasses. Next, the mixture is infused for 3-5 hours. Drink should be 3-4 times a day.
  • With diabetes. To prepare a decoction, you will need two parts of green beans, leaves, straw and a part. Everything needs to be crushed, pour 3 tablespoons of raw materials into three cups of boiling water and cook for 20 minutes in a water bath. Drink for a month three times a day for 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • To boost immunity. It is necessary to pour 20 g of crushed leaves with a liter of boiling water, boil for 2-3 hours in a water bath. Drink three times a day, 150 ml.

In cosmetology

Green bean masks are good for the skin, they nourish it and enrich it with vitamins. In addition, they provoke the production of collagen, increase tone and elasticity, eliminate rashes and enlarged pores. The following recipes are often used.

  • Breakout mask. It is necessary to grind the bean pod into a puree, add 3-4 drops and 1 tsp. juice, mix and apply on face for 15 minutes.
  • Rejuvenating mask. Grind one bean and pulp into puree, add 4-5 drops or. Mix the ingredients and apply for 15 minutes.
  • Nourishing mask. Grind 40 g of beans, add 15 g of oil and juice, mix and apply for 20 minutes.

Harm from string beans

The product has many useful properties, however, there are cases when it can be harmful to the body. Eating green beans is not recommended in the following cases:

  • with gastritis with high acidity;
  • with cholecystitis;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • in case of dysfunction or inflammation of the intestine;
  • with colitis;
  • with an internal ulcer.

A large amount of green beans eaten often leads to increased gas formation, flatulence, discomfort, so you need to know the norm. It must also be remembered that it weakens, which means that if it is prone to disorders, it should be excluded from the diet.

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It is important to remember: the product is forbidden to be consumed raw due to the presence of a toxic substance in the composition that affects the intestinal mucosa and can lead to poisoning. To avoid this, it is necessary to boil the pods for 4-5 minutes, during which time the toxic ingredients will be destroyed, and the vitamins will remain in the maximum amount.


String beans are very useful for the body, the main thing is not to abuse it in order to avoid gas formation and flatulence.

For the benefits of green beans, see the video:

When choosing a fresh product, attention should be paid to elasticity and length, the pods should be flexible and make a click when broken. You can store the purchase no more than a week. String beans are also often found in canned and frozen form. In the latter case, you need to carefully check the quality of storage: there should be no snow in the package, and the beans should not lie in a sticky lump.

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During lactation, every young mother is responsible for planning her own diet. It is made up of hypoallergenic, natural products, rich in useful substances, and quite high-calorie. String beans for breastfeeding are acceptable products.

Consider how much this product can be consumed, how to introduce it into the diet and the main contraindications.

Beans are a well-known source of easily digestible vegetable protein. It is an excellent analogue of fish and meat. Therefore, it is necessarily included in the diet of nursing mothers, especially those who do not consume protein food at all or eat it in insufficient quantities.

The composition includes such useful components:

  • vitamin A, B and C;
  • cellulose;
  • amino acids;
  • calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements.

Regular consumption of green beans strengthens bones and teeth. The composition of the vegetable includes a lot of iron, so its use increases the level of hemoglobin and strengthens the immune system.


String beans are a healthy and high-calorie product. However, before using it, you should find out if beans are possible with certain contraindications. These include colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, nephritis, and gout. If there are no contraindications, the use of beans is allowed and even recommended by most pediatricians.

Rules for introducing into the diet

The introduction of green beans into the diet does not differ from the rules for the introduction of other products. Vegetables are included gradually. If after the first time the child did not have an allergic reaction, the portion is increased. However, if the baby has colic, diarrhea or allergies, the use of beans should be temporarily stopped.

Rules for introducing into the diet with HB:

  • The first dose should not exceed five pieces.
  • First, it is better to try green beans. If there was no reaction, other varieties are included in the diet.

  • Beans are better absorbed in the morning, but it is not recommended to eat them on an empty stomach.
  • The introduction of this product into the mother's diet is recommended when the baby is at least 10-12 weeks old.
  • After use, you should carefully monitor the condition of the baby.
  • If there is no negative reaction, the portion is increased to 20 pieces.
  • If the baby has negative reactions to the product, its use should be temporarily stopped and repeated after a while.

The best dishes with green beans during the GW period

String beans with hepatitis B are the best product for maintaining immunity and improving the quality of milk. Various hot dishes, soups and salads are prepared on its basis.

As a cooking option, this is its use for a healthy salad. To do this, boil some beans and carrots, previously cut into circles, add parsley, dill, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Then salt and add a little black pepper. Mix and serve. This salad contains all the necessary ingredients for the health of mom and baby.

A delicious stew is also prepared from green beans. Add some potatoes, carrots, onions and zucchini to it. This component will give the dish an incredible aroma and pleasant taste. A mother during lactation should eat not only properly, but also fully. And this dish contains all the useful substances and at the same time it is quite high in calories.

An excellent option would also be a fragrant cream soup. To prepare it, you will need some green beans, lean meat, potatoes, carrots and spices. Prepare chicken or beef based broth, add potatoes, carrots and green beans. Grind with a blender. Add black pepper and salt.

During breastfeeding, women try to return to their previous physical form, so they choose low-fat meals. The vegetable is steamed and served as a side dish for boiled chicken or beef.

Beans are a healthy vegetable, so you don’t need to deny yourself its use during lactation. With the regular inclusion of this product in the dishes of a nursing mother, the quality of milk will improve, and the immunity of mother and child will be strengthened. However, only the correct introduction of a vegetable into the menu will allow a woman to feel freedom from food restrictions and enjoy a wonderful period of life.

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