
Who to tip. Is it necessary to leave a tip in cafes, restaurants? If yes, how much? Tipping traditions in different countries

Maintenance staff do their job and get paid for it. In addition to it, the service worker often expects additional remuneration from the client. This nice bonus is called a tip. Few people know how to pay properly in Russia. Usually this issue is not openly discussed. Also, people rarely have an idea about the amount of the tip. I would like to talk about the rules of etiquette and outline the generally accepted framework - to whom, how and how much it is better to give money as a thank you for the services rendered.

What is a tip?

A tip is usually understood as the N-th amount of money that a client or buyer voluntarily gives to an employee. A bonus is issued if a person was satisfied with the service and wants to express his appreciation for the work. Tipping motivates workers to perform their duties efficiently and communicate politely with customers.

There is no law or standard obliging the client to issue additional payment. It has been observed that half of Russians are accustomed to tipping workers. There are those who are inclined to leave a bonus, but always hesitate in determining the required amount. And there is also a category of citizens who fundamentally ignore the unspoken rule of tipping.

Some of the workers have low wages, but they are quite happy with their overall income, as they regularly receive tips from customers. At each location, the staff distributes the bonus money differently. Somewhere tips are accumulated as a general reward and at the end of the day the collected amount is divided equally between employees, and somewhere each employee has the right to immediately take honestly earned tips for himself.

To whom and how much to tip?

Tipping the waiter

To look cultured, modern, and tolerant in a restaurant, you must first get your order, eat and drink, pay the bill, collect your change, and then leave a tip. It is advisable to give 10% of the amount paid. By this you will not upset, but rather please the waiter. In the case when the restaurant staff immediately withheld the change without your will, you should ask for it back. If you pay by bank transfer, you still have to pay the tip in cash. There is a tradition of tipping the bartender who pours drinks behind the bar. Do not deviate from this norm and generously pay 10-15% or refuse to change. If you left a significant amount in the bar, paid for it, and the change was less than 50 rubles, then take it away and give a normal bonus.

Tipping the taxi driver

It is also customary to thank the driver for the taxi service. With his bonus, the client expresses his gratitude for the prompt, accurate and polite delivery to the right place. Lack of reward indicates dissatisfaction with the speed of the arrival of the car or the style of driving. Customers adore punctual and courteous drivers, attentive taxi dispatchers. As you understand, the amount will reflect your impressions of the trip, so determine it yourself on the spot, in the range from 5 to 10%. Some companies offer to thank the taxi with a bonus directly through the application.

Tipping beauty master

If you are satisfied with your own appearance after a haircut, styling or cosmetic procedure in a beauty salon, then you can sincerely thank the master who puts a lot of effort into your appearance. Sometimes clients leave tips with the administrator, but it is more reasonable to divide them among the specialists who performed the work. Also, do not forget to thank the master of manicure, treatment, hair straightening or eyelash extensions, who works at home. Here it is enough to pay 10% of the amount invested in beauty.

Tipping a car wash or gas station attendant

Car wash operators and gas station workers are also waiting for tips. In this case, it is good to leave 10% of the amount. The washer does the hard work of keeping your car clean, and the gas station attendants are constantly outside. In both places they do not give an amount below 50 rubles, since these workers perform difficult tasks for a small salary. If you give too little, then the operator may be upset and the next time you will be served poorly. If you hand over the car for repair, then immediately pay a tip to the car mechanic from several hundred rubles so that he faithfully performs repairs or diagnostics.

Tips for hotel staff

When living in a hotel, it is also uncritically to reward the staff, if possible. Doormen and maids are happy to accept money for tea. You can pay them with absolutely any amount, depending on the advancement of the institution and the quality of the service staff in it. In hotels, it is not customary to give out bonuses to cleaners, elevator operators and concierges.

Tipping to the animator

Animators at corporate parties, hosts of entertainment events and similar artists put a lot of their work and charisma into creating a warm and cheerful atmosphere at the holiday. With them, too, it is customary to pay extra. It is reasonable to give an amount of 500 rubles per employee for the successful holding of the event.

Tipping the courier

We all use delivery services, ordering goods on the Internet, water for a cooler, flowers, sushi and rolls, pizza, various meals in a restaurant. When the service itself has a certain price, then it is worth limiting to it. And in the case of free shipping, it is worth measuring 10% of the purchase price. Tips are given more if the delivery is on time, and less if the courier is late.

Who doesn't need to leave a tip?

  • guide on excursions and travel;
  • flight attendant on the plane
  • translator;
  • fitness trainer in the gym;
  • chef in a catering establishment;
  • psychoanalyst and psychologist.

Some are hesitant to tip teachers, tutors and doctors. Some experts may regard the bonus as a bribe, and therefore it is not customary to offer it openly. Unfortunately, teachers and doctors in Russia earn little, but they put their soul into their work and do important work. Based on this, the question of the appropriateness of remuneration for the doctor and teacher is debatable. Obviously, representatives of such responsible professions deserve a decent tip for their work, so it would be wise to give them delicately.

It is also not customary to offer money to random fellow travelers on a train or other public transport who help carry hand luggage or look after things. You can thank them verbally and wish them luck.

If you see that an employee has conscientiously performed much more than his duties, trying to help you as a person, then do not hesitate to encourage him without being guided by any rules.

I worked as a waiter for a year and a half, and I can say that the waiter exists only at the expense of tips. The salaries are really very low, and it would not be possible to live off the salary alone. Tipping is a kind of gratitude to a person for giving you time, fulfilling your whims and suggesting a really good dish. Yes, this is already part of his duties, and if you do not leave a tip, then you will still be smiled at and you will be served. But, from my own experience, I’ll say that for a guest who leaves a tip, the waiter can arrange in the kitchen so that his dish is prepared faster (and he is not obliged to do this), the waiter can ask the bartender to make cocktails for this guest out of turn (he is also not obliged), and can also advise you on a delicious dish from the menu (and should advise what is more expensive). Yes, if you don't leave a tip, you won't get harrassed, you won't be spit in your soup, and they won't pretend they don't notice you. It's just that, to be honest, the tipping guest is welcomed by the waiters to see a little more (which I think is obvious).

If we talk about the amount of tips: 10% of the bill is of course very cool, but it doesn’t happen with us. Leave as much as you need. Based on the level of the institution, the value of your account, your financial capabilities and the quality of service. If the waiter came up to you in the evening just to take your order, never once deigned to remove dirty dishes from the table, did not smile, and generally showed with his whole appearance that you didn’t care about him - I conjure you, DO NOT leave him a tip. Tipping is gratitude, and you need to earn it, you need to really work for them, and not be sadly present at the institution in order to bring a plate to your table.

I quote you:
But, from my own experience, I’ll say that for a guest who leaves a tip, the waiter can arrange in the kitchen so that his dish is prepared faster (and he is not obliged to do this), the waiter can ask the bartender to make cocktails for this guest out of turn (he is also not obliged), and can also advise you on a delicious dish from the menu (and should advise what is more expensive). Yes, if you do not leave a tip, you will not get nasty, they will not spit in your soup and they will not pretend that they do not notice you.

I wonder if I came to you for the first time, and you do not know if I will leave a tip, how will you treat me by default? Somehow jars approach)


Here you can already look at the behavior of the guest himself. Usually people addressing the waiter on "Hey, you", "Come on, bring it", "Come here", "Well, how long do I have to wait for you, girl?" with a 95% chance they leave nothing. There is a 5% chance that if this guest came with a girl, then he can leave a tip to, for example, make a certain impression, but this is very rare. As a rule, simple boors are much more common. It is logical that for boorish behavior it is unlikely that the guest will receive service at the highest level. People don't like being rude to them. And the waiters, surprisingly, are people too.

Even I will say this: perhaps I did not quite correctly express myself in my main answer. The final attitude of the waiter to the guest is still decided by the behavior of the guest himself. I remembered a nice couple of students whom I often served. They never left anything, but they always smiled good-naturedly and treated me with understanding. And when people have a positive attitude towards you, then you perceive them accordingly. And I do not remember that I served them worse than other guests. Of course, I can conclude from this that they say, smile and don’t be rude, and the waiter will answer you in the same way, but I won’t. I won’t because, yes, it affects me, I try to always smile at everyone, although I have not worked in the service sector for a long time. Just because it’s not difficult for me to do it, but people still enjoy it. But, as usual, people are very different, and if a nasty hamlo works as a waiter, then nothing can be done about it.

A little, probably, went aside, but it seems to have answered the question. Or not?)))

How to give, to whom and how much, if we are talking about ... tips? What to do when a guest wants to personally thank the chef, and will the money reach the addressee? The owner of the holding answers these and other questions RestConsult and restaurant chains Meat fish » Sergei Mironov .

Where do they go and how is the money from tips distributed?

Tips are distributed differently in different establishments. Often they go into a common "piggy bank", from where they already disperse to different people.

Another "form" - the waiter does not donate money to the common "cauldron", but after the shift he shares with whom it is necessary.

The third option: he takes all the “tea” for himself.

Personally, I am a supporter of the latter approach. Because if a waiter gives tips to others, he unwittingly corrupts people. Let's say: gives a tip to the manager. And that one - punishes him, building work. And now the behavior of the manager is already beginning to depend on the amount he received. And he may decide not to touch the negligent waiter.

The second reason: here the waiter gives a certain amount to the bar. And the bar in the first place makes it his order. Gives the kitchen - history repeats itself. Gave a little more - received a little earlier.

Or imagine the situation: the waiter spilled coffee. In theory, coffee should be brewed new, and the culprit is obliged to pay for the mistake. But the bartender receives money from the waiter. So - will make a new coffee just like that. And no one will pay for it. Rather, it will be, but already the owner of the institution.

And there are a lot of such things. In addition, we all explain to the staff that theft is punishable. And it's not allowed to do so. And here - again imagine: two waiters on a shift. One works responsibly, tries. The second is after the sleeves. And the money goes to the "common fund". And the first one may well ask the question: “Why the hell should I be zealous? If Sidorov does nothing, but will we both get from the common “piggy bank”? And it seriously demotivates the staff.

Other story. The waiter was given a tip of 10 thousand rubles. According to the rules, this money should go to everyone. And he “turns on”: “But I earned it! Why should you share? After all, a thousand, or even 500 rubles, will fall to me from the common fund! And he “cuts” this money, carefully hiding it in his pocket. In other words, they just steal. But this is the so-called provoked theft. Because when a person receives such a large amount, he looks at the whole tip distribution system differently.

And when a person once stole, he has already stepped on a slippery path. That's why I am a supporter of the waiter taking all the money for himself .

You ask: "But what about the bartenders then?". I will answer: "No way." All employees should be paid decent wages. And to make sure that the guest leaves a tip for whom and for what he wants.

How to tip the chef?

When a guest wants to single out a specific employee: a cook, a bartender, one waiter from others, it is better to call him to the table and hand over the money personally. There is nothing unusual about this.

How much is it customary to tip in Russia?

In Russia, it is customary to leave a tip of 10%. I think this "tradition" will last for a very long time. Well, what if you, say, went to a restaurant for a business lunch? And doubts gnaw at you: whether to leave it for tea, or this is no longer according to the rules - relax: the situation has not changed. It's the same food from the menu, but the same people serve you. So - I repeat - leaving 10% is accepted.

Leave a tip for a business lunch?

But still, among the "office workers" there is an opinion that for a business lunch you can not leave it for tea. I don’t agree: after all, the waiter works at your table in the same way, moreover, on a obviously much smaller account. Therefore, 10% left for dinner and for a business lunch are completely different money. In other words: in a “business” situation, a waiter will a priori receive less. And, left without tea, he will earn very little. Of course, he will politely end the service of such guests, but it is possible that he will be offended.

How to leave a tip if there is no cash?

How to leave a tip if the guest does not have cash? If the restaurant is “normal”, they will provide the opportunity to leave a tip on the card. But this practice in Moscow is not yet very common. Most recently, I returned from St. Petersburg, where I left a tip with a bank card in every restaurant. In the capital, this happens in one restaurant out of ten. For some unknown reason, the owners of the establishments themselves limit their employees in earnings, depriving them of tea in this way.

Who is allowed to tip

Who else to tip? For example, in a restaurant, the cloakroom attendant carefully handed you a coat. The cleaning lady in the bathroom handed out a clean towel ...

Wardrobe attendant - why not. In our country, it is also customary to reward this employee with a symbolic amount.

Tipping a food delivery courier?

What about a food delivery courier? There is no such full-fledged practice in Russia. It all depends on the personal desire of the person. After all, we don't live in America. Where at any meal it is customary to leave 20% for tea. And try not to do this - you will at least be reprimanded. And very lucky if - in the correct form.

Olga Merz

etiquette teacher, head of the School of Good Manners


The history of tipping in different countries is interpreted in its own way. The Germans, the British, and the Americans consider themselves the founders of tipping. Each of them has their own interesting theory about this.

So, the Germans are the ancestors of "drinking" money. In the Middle Ages, clean drinking water was available only in public wells, and it was not easy to get it from there. This was done by unemployed young people who were rewarded with a small fee, it was called trinkgeld (“a small amount” - in the translation from German). Now this is the term used to refer to tips in Germany.

The British tell their version. In the 18th century, tea drinking was popular in tea houses and elite tea gardens, where service was carried out by means of special boxes with the inscription KIPS placed on the tables, which meant "to ensure immediate service."

In America, it is believed that the concept of tipping arose with the advent of taverns, bars and other similar establishments. Americans and Canadians are still very sensitive to tips, the size of which can reach 20-27% of the order value.

The French are the most rational about the history of tipping. In the last century, they issued a decree requiring catering establishments to add a service charge to the total bill.

Each country has its own regulations and tips.

Going on a trip, it is worth reading about the features of a particular country and paying special attention to tipping - everywhere there are subtleties.

So, in the countries of the East, one should be very careful in showing one's generosity in order to avoid an unpleasant situation. For example, in China, Japan and Korea, it is customary to leave the amount indicated on the bill, since tipping is officially prohibited by law. They may be perceived by staff as an insult. In this case, you will most likely be caught up and returned what was left in excess of the bill. In Singapore, tips are also prohibited and even equated with a bribe. In countries like India and Thailand, tipping is not required, but a small reward usually elicits a positive response from waiters.

A low tip is accepted in Scandinavia - 3-6% of the bill. They are very kind to the service and believe that the cost of the order also includes a service fee.

In Germany and the Czech Republic, the tip is 8-10% of the bill. About the same in Italy, but in this country it is customary to immediately include service in the bill.

In England and France, the tip is about 15-18% of the bill, but, as you already know, the French already have "all inclusive" in the bill. In the UK, tipping is encouraged but not required. The size of the tip in these countries also depends on the place where you came to eat: in a respectable restaurant, tipping is required, and in a simple cafe or pub you can just treat the bartender, tipping in monetary terms can offend the staff.

And what about our tips?

In Russia, there is a certain tip standard, which is 10% of the order value. However, this amount must be justified by the high quality of service. So, should you always leave a tip?

Tipping is a reward for staff at the request of the client, and not a mandatory part of the restaurant visiting program. In addition, now there are more and more establishments in which you should pay attention to what is written on the bill. In many high-status restaurants, tips are often already included in the price.

You should also understand the inner meaning of the tip, so if you want to thank a particular waiter, it is better to do it in cash, and not by transfer to a card. Think about how much you are willing to allocate for the reward. As already mentioned, 10%, and this is the maximum tip limit, which you should not go beyond.

You should not leave a change for tea (by the way, this is how it is customary in Israel), just like it is absolutely not necessary to leave a tip when visiting a cafe during a business lunch. But if the waiter was especially prudent to you - he warmed up the juice for the child, allowed her not to order a separate lunch for her daughter and

When going to another city or country, it is best to book a hotel room a few weeks before the trip, and it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the rules of accommodation in advance. But for many tourists, knowledge of hotel etiquette and service ends there. However, among other points, there is another extremely important question: how to leave a tip in a hotel? Who better to leave them? What amount? For what services? Questions like these plague the minds of many travelers.

1. Do not leave a tip for all employees in a row. This gesture is, first of all, a way to show the employee that you are satisfied with his service.

2. As for the amount, as a rule, it is standard, but this standard may vary depending on the institution and country. The best solution: go to the appropriate forum and ask for advice from tourists who have been to the hotel you are interested in.

3. You can leave the amount generally accepted in this city - this is what they do when an all-inclusive tour is purchased. Otherwise, it is recommended to give about 5-7% of the total cost of the order.

4. Tipping maids is optional, especially when you are unhappy with the quality of cleaning. If the work is done well, and you want to leave a reward for the cleaning lady, put a tip on the bedside table or on the bed. However, it all depends on the schedule in a particular hotel and you should not expect that your room will be cleaned more often than it is stipulated by the regulations.

5. As for the waiters, it is best to choose one employee who served you well, and continue to contact him, leaving a tip. Thus, he will remember you and will always try to please, and this will avoid unpleasant situations.

6. It is also worth thanking the porter who brought all the luggage to your room. In addition, if you contacted an employee with an urgent request (send a fax, make an important call, send a letter) and received the required assistance from him, leave him a tip - otherwise it will be the height of bad manners.
