
The most exotic and unusual varieties of vegetables. Exotic and interesting vegetables and fruits

Exotic fruits have entered our lives relatively recently. A few years ago, many names were unfamiliar to us, but today all these "overseas" fruits and vegetables appear on our shelves; we buy them while vacationing in the tropics; they are brought to us as a gift by friends and acquaintances ... How is it right to eat this or that fruit? Will all this exoticism harm us? Let's try to understand all the diversity that Her Majesty Nature gives us.


"Hell outside, heaven inside" - this is how they say about this fruit in its homeland, in Malaysia. This fully characterizes the striking contrast between the extremely unpleasant, if not more so, smell of this fruit and the literally divine taste of its pulp.
The smell of durian has been compared to that of decayed onions, rotten meat, rotten fish, and missing garlic.

Eating durian is advised only outdoors. At the same time, the tender pulp has a cheesy flavor with hints of nuts, vanilla, strawberries, custard, evoking the combination of mango and strawberries with bananas and spices.

Durian is the only known fruit that contains organic sulfur, which is so important for humans. Durian is also rich in minerals; its regular consumption has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart. In addition, it has a strong antibacterial effect; local medicine advises to use it to reduce fever.

Another property of durian is the high level of estrogen contained. Therefore, this fruit is recommended for those who want to get pregnant. Finally, durian is just a tasty and satisfying fruit. 100 grams of durian is 147 kcal.
There are also contraindications for the use of durian.

First of all, those who have hypertension should not eat it. Please note that durian should not be combined with alcohol: this will lead to severe poisoning. Also, this fruit should not be eaten by pregnant and lactating women.

It is better to eat durian immediately after opening the shell and extracting the pulp. It is important to choose a moderately ripe fruit, since the unripe one is tasteless, and the overripe one is bitter. The fruit is recommended to be washed down with slightly salty water. Durian with coffee is considered a special treat.

The snake fruit is a red-brown fruit with a rough, prickly and scaly (similar to snake skin) surface. In shape, the fruits resemble slightly elongated bulbs. The abundance of small spines makes the process of peeling the fruit a difficult task; in order to peel the snake fruit without pricking your fingers, you need to adapt.

The flesh of the fruit is yellowish-beige, with a pronounced aroma, sweet, with a peculiar taste. The taste of snake fruit is highly dependent on its variety. It can resemble a combination of cherries, strawberries and gooseberries, or be sweet and sour, with hints of nuts, or somewhere between banana and pineapple flavors, or even, according to those who have tried, in general, "cough mixture taste" or "mixtures of corvalol with tincture of valerian." Varieties of snake fruit even outwardly differ greatly from each other, in shape and shade, even in the structure of the peel.

Only ripe fruits should be chosen for food. Unripe snake fruit can be tart, sour, or generally bitter.
Snake fruit has a number of useful properties. It has a high level of tannin content, so its use contributes to the removal of certain substances from the body.

Also, snake fruit has an astringent, hemostatic property. It can be used for diarrhea, and traditional medicine advises using it to treat hemorrhoids.
Most often, the fruit is consumed raw, less often - candied or boiled. Unripe fruits of sweet and sour taste are pickled like capers or pickles.

Not everyone knows that a fairly common liana called monstera delicacy, which is grown in apartments, bears fruit. The fruit ripens for a long time, as much as 14 months. In shape, it resembles a corncob, only much larger. The surface of the fruit is covered with dense green hexagonal plates. Inside - several segments of light cream pulp, rarely - with seeds the size of large peas.

The taste of a ripe monstera resembles a mixture of banana and pineapple, the texture is most similar to mango - slippery and soft. The flesh of the fruit is very aromatic. If you decide to try Monstera, be extremely careful in choosing the fruit: you can only eat ripe fruits.

Unripe monstera has an extremely high content of oxalic acid, and trying it is like trying to chew on nettle leaves. Unripe fruits can be kept cut until fully ripe by placing in a glass of water. There is only that part of the pulp that easily moves away from the outer crust - it is ripe.

Monstera contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as calcium, thiamine and phosphorus. Helps relieve fatigue, activates the brain. It is recommended to use during menopause to increase the level of calcium in the body.
Monstera is eaten raw. Gourmets prefer it with sugar and whipped cream. Monstera fruits are also added to fruit salads or ice cream.

Rambutan fruits are round, red or yellow in color, growing in clusters of 25-30 pieces. The dense, elastic peel of rambutan is covered with long, up to 5 cm, hairs. Inside the fruit contains a bone. Both the fruit and the pit are edible, but the pit must be roasted before eating.

The flesh of the fruit is a slightly gelatinous mass of translucent white color. The fruit is fragrant, sweet, pleasant taste. When choosing rambutan, it is best to prefer rich red fruits with green hairs at the ends - they are tastier than yellow ones.

The fruits should be freshly picked - rambutans are poorly stored, even in the refrigerator they retain their qualities and taste for no more than a week.

The pulp of rambutan is rich in proteins and carbohydrates, contains vitamins B1 and B2, C, nicotinic acid, protein, a group of elements - phosphorus, iron, calcium. Those who regularly eat rambutan notice an improvement in their skin condition and good digestion.

This fruit is recommended for cleansing the body, it is advised to introduce it into the diet of sick and weakened people to increase tone, activate vitality. They also note the anthelmintic properties of rambutan, as well as its benefits for people suffering from high blood pressure.

100 grams of rambutan pulp is about 82 kcal.
Rambutans are eaten raw, but their taste is also excellent in jams, preserves, pastry fillings, sauces, compotes and fruit salads.

Buddha's hand is a variety of citron (zest), a plant from the citrus family. The fruit has a characteristic shape resembling tightly closed hands with gracefully curved fingers. The size of the citron is the largest among citrus fruits, the fruit can reach 40 cm in length. The peel is thick, dense, yellow or yellowish-orange.

In general, the taste of citron resembles lemon, it is sour or sweet and sour. Raw citron is practically not eaten, because, unlike lemon, it has a pronounced bitter taste. Bitterness can be reduced by soaking the fruit in salt water.
Fruit pulp is added to salads, sauces, exotic soups, marinades.

Despite the fact that citron is not a particularly juicy fruit, its juice is used in various cocktails. The peel can be used to make candied fruits.

100 g of citron pulp contains approximately 50 kcal. This fruit is very rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP, C. Of the trace elements, the most noticeable proportion is calcium, iron, phosphorus and sodium. Especially a lot of citric acid in citron.

The properties of citron fruits are determined by its composition: citron is good for colds, it perfectly reduces fever, acts as a bactericidal, antiviral. It helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Note the effectiveness of the "hand of the Buddha" in the treatment of alcohol addiction. Citron has proven itself well in the treatment of gastritis, pancreatitis and colitis.

Sugar apple, or scaly Annona - large, up to 350 gr, fruit, covered with dark green convex scales. The pulp differs with a stunning aroma and taste, reminiscent of a combination of creamy ice cream and condensed milk. The pulp of the fruit is tender, like applesauce, creamy consistency.

The more ripe the fruit, the more tender its flesh. It is not for nothing that the sugar apple bears its name - this fruit will appeal, first of all, to those with a sweet tooth. If you are not a fan of sweets, you may not like Annona, it is even more cloying than just sweet, but the taste of this sweetness is extremely pleasant.

You should know that Annona seeds are poisonous, they cannot be chewed and eaten like the seeds of an ordinary apple. Contact with the juice of these seeds in the eyes can lead to blindness.
Sugar apple is one of the most high-calorie fruits. 100 g of fruit pulp contains about 104 kcal.

Ripe sugar apple juice is considered curative, it is used as a diuretic for kidney diseases. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and iron. It is believed that the fruits of Annona, due to their heavenly taste and delicate texture, are excellent for depression. But pregnant women should not abuse the sugar apple because of the high content of calcium in it.


Physalis is a fleshy berry that vaguely resembles a tomato, ranging in color from yellow-green to yellow-orange. There are two types of edible physalis: strawberry and vegetable. The taste of this vegetable is pleasant, but bitter-burning can also occur.
Berry varieties are characterized by high sugar content, these berries are dried like raisins.

From the fruits of physalis, jam is boiled, they are used in sauces, pickled, salted. Physalis is also used in the form of candied fruits and fillings for baking.
100 g of physalis contains 53 kcal. These fruits are a storehouse of useful substances and trace elements: they are rich in ascorbic acid, tannins, carotene, citric acid, pectin (providing excellent gelling for jams and marmalades from this vegetable).

Physalis has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect. It is used as a choleretic and diuretic. Physalis fruits are used to treat hypertension, cholecystitis, as well as beriberi.

The composition of the plant includes a small amount of alkaloids, so treatment with physalis can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Please note that only cultivated varieties of plants can be eaten. Wild physalis is not eaten, it contains many substances harmful to humans.

This annual liana with large five-lobed leaves grows in Africa, it is also called: horned melon, kiwano, English tomato, anguria.

Kiwano bears fruits similar in shape to a melon, covered with fairly soft spikes. Inside - a jelly-like pulp with seeds resembling unripe seeds of an ordinary cucumber.

The taste of kiwano is difficult to define unambiguously. Often, different people who have tried a horned cucumber describe its taste in completely different ways: some argue that the pulp is similar to a combination of banana and cucumber, others find in it equal proportions of the taste of cucumber and lemon; some insist on similarities with lime and melon ... they agree on one thing: kiwano is an excellent refreshing sweet and sour vegetable.

African cucumber is eaten in different ways. Most often - simply cutting the fruit and scooping out the contents with a spoon. Pulp is added to creams, cakes, salads. For example, the following salad is very popular: bell peppers, radishes, tomatoes, green onions, parsley and kivano pulp (with seeds) with lemon juice dressing. Gourmets will appreciate the exquisite combination of cheese, seafood and Kiwano pulp with spices.

Low calorie kivano - 44 kcal per 100 g of pulp - attract those who follow their figure. In addition to this advantage, horned cucumber is valuable for the high level of vitamins it contains (A, almost the entire group B, C) and elements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus, as well as iron, manganese, zinc and copper).

Traveling abroad means getting to know more than just gorgeous landscapes and culture. Outlandish overseas fruits and unusual berries will help to create a complete taste picture about the location. It is easier to choose from the variety of offers you like with the help of the description.


Considered a fruit. The taste is more inclined towards a vegetable, namely pumpkin with hints of an unripe pear with a nutty tinge. Ripeness is determined by the degree of softness. Has a large bone inside. The peel is not edible. Sizes up to 20 centimeters. The soft, oily flesh is eaten raw. Butchering is the removal of the skin and bone. You can try in Vietnam, India, Cuba, Dominican Republic


Visually similar to a red-yellow or orange pear. Ripe fruits (immature poisonous) are consumed thermally processed, the taste resembles a walnut. Maturity is determined by the openness of the fruit - a ripe one bursts, and the pulp protrudes. It is offered to feast in Brazil, Jamaica, Hawaii.


It has the shape of an oval golden color. Grows in clusters. Rigid rind on the outside, hard prickly bone on the inside. The pulp is sweet, juicy, taste with mango and pineapple notes. Places of growth: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines.


The taste is not comparable to those sold in Russia - juicy, fleshy, sweet and sour fruits with a bright aroma. Sizes from an average apple to the usual for us. You should choose a pineapple of medium hardness - the pulp will definitely be tasty. It will be possible to take a sample in Brazil, China, the Philippines.

Bail (tree apple)

Fruit with hard skin. Only a hammer will help to divide it in half. On sale is often presented cut. Flesh with hairs, yellow, irritating to the throat. It will be possible to see on sale in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka.


The taste of the fruit resembles borscht with mayonnaise and sour cream. The smell is specific. Cleaning is to free from the crust. They can offer a curiosity on the island of Borneo from the Malaysian side.

banana pink

A miniature species up to 8 centimeters in size with a thick peel. The skin of ripe pink bananas bursts, revealing pulp with many seeds. An unpretentious plant that can be grown even at home. Widespread throughout many warm countries.


Berry with a black color and a neutral taste (not sweet and not sour), similar to lingonberries. It looks like a blueberry. It is possible to try it in the countries of the northern hemisphere - Korea, Japan, Canada, the USA, China and even Russia.

Eye of the Dragon

Round brown fruit. The skin and the bone inside are not edible. The consistency is jelly-like, transparent white. The taste is bright, sweet. Big calorie content. Excessive consumption may increase the temperature. You can buy in Thailand, China, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Strawberry Guava (Cattleya)

Fruits are yellow to red. The size reaches a diameter of 4 centimeters. Juicy, sweet strawberry flavored guavas are exotic fruits from India, Africa, Bermuda, and America.

Guanabana (soursop)

Fruit with a mass of 3 to 7 kilograms. The shape is round, oval. The green surface of the soursop is covered with processes in the form of soft bells. Inside is white, soft, with a taste reminiscent of citro with sourness. The ripe fruit is pressed with a finger. You will be able to eat in the Bahamas, in Mexico, Peru, Argentina.


Fruits that grow on poles and branches. Grows in clusters. They look like black grapes. The skin is bitter and unfit for consumption. The pulp is like a transparent jelly, sweet, with seeds. Grows in Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, Peru.


A large green fruit, weighing up to 34 kilograms. It should be purchased already cut. Yellow slices have the taste of melon and duchesse. Possible allergic reaction and difficulty swallowing. The symptom goes away after a few hours. It grows in Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand.


The king of fruits. It has a specific smell of a mixture of onions, garlic and dirty socks. The pulp is soft, sweet and healthy. You should buy cut slices. A whole durian reaches a large size and is covered with thorns. Due to the smell, you can not eat in public places and transport in transport. You can taste the curiosity in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia.

Imbe (African Mango)

Exotic tree with orange fruits. The size is small - up to 3 centimeters. The taste is bright, rich, sweet and sour. Has a coloring effect. You can try in Africa.


The fruit is pear-shaped and blue-violet in color. Weight varies between 80 grams and 8 centimeters in diameter. The skin can be eaten. The taste is juicy, watery, reminiscent of strawberries with an admixture of blackcurrant. You can eat in the Mediterranean countries, the Crimea and Central Asia.

Spanish lime (Giseps)

It looks like a familiar lime only in shape. It looks light green, the peel is not edible, pleasantly sweet inside with a bone. You can eat by removing the tip of the peel and squeezing. Found in Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia.


Yellow-green star-shaped fruit. It has a smooth skin that is edible. The taste is bright, with hints of a flower, similar to an apple. Inside there are seeds that are edible. You can see it on the shelves of Thailand and Indonesia.


Oblong fruit of bright yellow color. The ripened fruit is covered with yellow-orange horns and bright green inside. The cut looks like a cucumber. The taste is a combination of melon, avocado, banana and cucumber. They eat the pulp, cutting the fruit like a watermelon. You can try in New Zealand, Africa, Chile, Israel.


Looks like a hairy potato on the outside and a gooseberry on the inside. Size up to 80 grams and 7 centimeters. The flesh varies from yellow to green with edible black seeds. Choose soft, smooth fruits. The taste is similar to strawberry. Growing countries: Chile, Italy, Greece, Krasnodar region of Russia.


Round, large fruit, reaching 3 kilograms. According to the degree of maturity, it is divided into young and overripe. A young coconut has a tender skin, juicy flesh and milk/juice inside the shell. Overripe coconuts have a hairy surface, a cloudy liquid inside, and a tough inside. The second are found in the countries of importation. Growing countries: Thailand, Vietnam, India.


Exotic fruits of China predominantly. Small citrus fruits 2-4 centimeters long. Inside they have inedible bones. Eaten with skins. The taste is similar to orange, but more sour. You can also try in Japan and Southeast Asia.


Melon shaped fruit. Covered with a red-brown hard crust. The inside is white, sweet-sour with seeds. The most delicious is the fruit that left the tree itself. The trees are located in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia.


Fruit in the form of a cucumber on the outside and corn inside. The ripe color of the fruit is bright yellow. Fiery orange flesh inside. The taste is juicy, sweet, with sour notes. Contains a lot of water. Grows in Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina.


It is similar in appearance to longan, but has a brighter taste and smell. Ripe lychee has a red skin. Transparent smooth pulp has a sweet taste. Contains inedible bone. Where to eat: China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand.


It looks like a longan. Distinguished by a larger size and yellowish skin color. The delicacy inside is similar in shape to garlic. The taste is specific, sweet and sour. The peel is inedible, but useful. You can find it in the markets of Thailand.

magic fruit

Guest from West Africa. Small red fruits reach 2-3 centimeters and grow on trees. They have a bone inside. The magic of the fruit lies in the ability to retain the sweetness of the taste for a long time. Lemons and grapefruits eaten after a treat will also seem sweet.

Mameya (Mammeya)

Similar to apricot in appearance and taste of pulp. Larger in size - up to 20 centimeters in diameter. The skin is light brown. The berry has one to four seeds. The hint of taste goes into mango. Place of offer: Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela.


A popular large tropical fruit. It is better to cut the fruit with a knife - remove the skin and bone. The color of the fruit changes with the degree of ripeness - from green to orange-red. Taste collected notes of melon, rose, peach and apricot. Growing countries: Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.


Outwardly, it resembles a persimmon, only the color is dark purple. The skin is thick and inedible. Inside - garlic cloves with a unique sweet-sour taste. Ripe fruit is firm and without dents. Mangosteen peel juice does not wash out. Sample locations: Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand.

passion fruit

Fruits of various colors from yellow to purple. The size is 8 centimeters in diameter. Ripe fruits are covered with a wrinkled skin. The pulp is the same iridescent, depending on the variety, similar to sweet and sour jelly with stones. Is an aphrodisiac. It grows in Vietnam, India, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.


Elongated fruit. The peel is covered with thorns, the degree of maturity is determined by their hardness. Inside are white fruits with a stone. The taste varies from sweet ice cream to light marshmallow. Perishable, not subject to transportation. It grows in Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines.


A perishable fruit that can ferment. The effect also affects animals. The fruits are small, yellow, with a stone. Fresh with a slight aroma and not sweet in taste. You can only meet in Africa.


Small fruits in yellow, orange and red hues. Grow up to 5 centimeters. Thin skin conceals transparent slices of fresh sweet taste. The bone of the fruit is bitter and tightly attached to the pulp. You can find it in India, China, Thailand, Vietnam.


Sunny orange small fruit with brown pits. Unripe tastes like persimmon - tart and viscous. Ripe has the aroma and taste of blueberries. Home of the fruit: Egypt, Dominican Republic, Crimea, Abkhazia, southern Russia.


A fruit shaped like a cherry tomato. The hairy fruit progresses through the stages of maturity from green to bright orange. Taste - strawberry-pineapple with notes of mango. Grows in Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica.

Noina (sugar apple)

A fruit with the size of an average apple and the appearance of a green cone. The internal component is soft, sweet, pleasant to the taste. Butchering is difficult due to uneven inedible skin. The maturity of the fruit is determined by its softness. But do not be zealous - the fruit is fragile and can fall apart when checking. Place of growth - Thailand.


The fruit is shaped like a convex green potato. The smell of the fruit is specific - spoiled cheese with mold. The taste is not pleasing - bitter. But at home, it is considered very useful and healing. Noni is the basis of the diet of the poor in southeast Asia. You can meet in Australia and Malaysia.


Fruit in the form of a cylinder. Color from unripe green to mature yellow-orange. The size reaches 20 centimeters. It is more convenient to buy cut. The taste is a melon-pumpkin mixture. Places of cultivation: Bali, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia.


Exotic fruits from Egypt. Large - up to 700 grams. Painted in different shades of yellow with lilac stripes. Inside are seeds that are edible. Ripe fruit should be chosen - it is tender, soft, with a melon note. The peel is removed - it is possible, but unpleasant to eat. You can also try in Peru, Turkey, New Zealand.


Oblong fruit of bright color (pink, burgundy, yellow). The surface is scaly. You can peel like a grapefruit or cut and eat with a spoon. Inside the pulp is transparent, white or reddish, sprinkled with small grains. It grows in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, Vietnam.


Small brown fruits up to 13 centimeters in diameter. Inside they have a few unusable grains. The inside is white with a tropical taste and aroma. It is used as a base for sherbet and jelly. Habitat: Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil.


Citrus hybrid of orange and grapefruit. It has a large size, reaching up to 10 kilograms. The peel is thick, fleshy, green. The pulp is in film slices that are bitter. The taste is less juicy than grapefruit. You should choose ripe for a bright citrus smell. You can eat in Tahiti, India, China, Japan.


Fleecy fruit of red-violet color. You can open it by twisting it with both hands in different directions. Inside is transparent, with a bright taste. The raw grains are poisonous. Ripeness directly depends on the brightness of the color of the fruit. They will offer to buy in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, Thailand.

Buddha Hand (Citron)

Beautiful on the outside and uninteresting on the inside. The unusual shape of the fruit resembles a hand with many fingers. But 70 percent of the fruit consists of a peel, 30 percent of sour-bitter pulp. It is actively used in culinary crafts. You can admire the curiosity in India, Japan, Vietnam, China.


Convex brown fruit with small prickly protrusions. It is advisable to clean with a knife. The inside is divided into 3 parts with a bright sweet taste of persimmon pear. Parameters - up to 5 centimeters. Grows in Malaysia, Thailand.


It has a pear shape of uneven brown color. The rind is inedible and needs to be removed. The pulp is white with a bright mangosteen flavor. Seeds have a laxative effect and are used as needed. Grows in Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines.


A small fruit with a thin matte skin. The size of the fetus is 10 centimeters and 200 grams. Taste - milky caramel, causes viscosity in the mouth. Seeds are not recommended. Grows in Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Hawaii.

Sugar palm (Cambodian palm)

"Female" trees bear fruit. Fruit pulp is packed far inside, transparent white. Has refreshing properties. It is the basis for Thai sweet ice. Distributed in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines.

Plums Natal

The fruits of this tree are the only part of the bush that does not harm people. Branches and leaves are unfit for consumption and contain poison. The color of the plums is hot pink with a wrinkled texture, and the taste is sweet. Suitable for use in baking as a filling. Homeland - South Africa.


Berry in the form of an oval with dimensions up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Skin color options: yellow, burgundy, purple. The peel is unhealthy, peeled off with a knife. The taste is currant with notes of tomato. The smell is bright fruity. Located in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile.


Outwardly, it resembles a bean pod with a light brown skin. It is used in the preparation of sweets and sauces for meat. The pulp is dark brown in color with a spicy sweet and sour taste. Has bones. You can try in Sudan, Thailand, Cameroon, Australia, Panama.


A green fruit with a ponytail on top. Weight reaches 45 grams, up to 5 centimeters in size. The peel is thin with an ambiguous taste, sour and causes a viscosity in the mouth. It is recommended to peel the fruit from the skin or cut into two halves and eat with a spoon. The color of the pulp varies from cream to burgundy (the latter indicates the spoilage of the product). The taste is fresh, tropical, with strawberry notes. It grows in South America, Georgia, Abkhazia, the Caucasus.


The unripe fruit serves as a source of nutrition for the inhabitants of African countries. It tastes like bread when cooked. Ripe fruits have a pleasant sweetness similar to banana. The size is large, up to 3.5 kilograms. It is recommended to purchase cut. It is possible to take a sample in Southeast Asia.

Chrysophyllum (Star apple)

The fruit is oval-shaped with a skin color to match the flesh - pale green or lilac. The flesh is sticky, sweet, the consistency of jelly with stones like an apple. Cut like a star. It is recommended to use only ripe fruits. Where it grows: India, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia.


A relative of the pitaya, rounded and with a smooth surface. Inside is a juicy transparent watery pulp with seeds. The taste is tropical, bright, sweet. Eat, cut in half, with a spoon. The skin is not edible. Grown on plantations in Israel.


The surface of the green-colored fruit may be with or without tubercles. The pulp is similar in structure to an orange, but includes the tastes of mango, banana, strawberry with notes of ice cream. Contains hard, inedible grains. Habitat: Asian countries, Israel, Algeria, Australia, Spain.

Black Boot (Chocolate Pudding)

A dark green type of persimmon. The flesh takes on an almost black color with brown seeds. The taste of chocolate pudding, sweet and bright. The size reaches 13 centimeters in length. The homeland of the product is Guatemala, Brazil, Southern Mexico.


The shape is similar to bell pepper. The light varies from green to red. White flesh inside. The taste is sweet, watery. Good thirst quencher. It is not subjected to cleaning, it has no seeds. Grows in Sri Lanka, Colombia, India, Thailand.


Small fruits up to 6 centimeters. Smooth, green with brown spots. I have a sweet apple taste and a tropical aroma. Delicious fruit - dense, not hard. The skin is edible, the pit is not. It is found in Japan, China, Thailand, the Caucasus.

The article gives a brief description of the most popular tropical fruits from around the world.

Longan ("dragon's eye")

Small beige longan fruits have a thin, rough skin. The flesh is milky white, pleasant, refreshing in taste. There is a shiny brown bone inside.

It looks like a large green orange. The skin is thick. The core is orange, more or less saturated. It tastes like grapefruit, but sweeter, without bitterness.

Delicate, fresh taste milky cream the core of the lychee is covered with a rough reddish skin on top. Inside there is a bone that can be eaten. Fruit size 2.5-4 cm.

Bright red hue plum-shaped fruit. The pulp is juicy, yellow-orange. Inside there is a small flat bone. The skin is not eaten, cut off in a thin layer. Sweet, but not cloying, quite dense in texture.

Sweet and sour fruit about the size of a walnut. Grows in clusters on trees. The outer beige peel is peeled off. Inside are slices of milky pulp, which are eaten.

A miniature copy of an orange. The fruit can be eaten fresh, whole (with the skin), or in the form of marmalade, jams, tea additives. Rich in vitamins. It is highly valued as a folk remedy.

Has the shape of a bell. The structure resembles an apple: thin skin in red tones and dense crispy light flesh. The taste and aroma is similar to rose.

The unique smell and taste of coconut is recognizable in every corner of the world. In Thailand, coconut is often used to quench thirst: a hole is made in the upper part of the fruit, into which a straw is inserted. Coconut milk has a delicate and light taste. Fresh coconuts themselves are green on the outside and the usual white on the inside.

Juicy exotic fruit is important to eat in a ripe state. Pineapple has thick brown skin and bright yellow flesh. The shape is oval, with a small bunch of hard leaves at the top. In Thailand, it is eaten with salt.

A very odd fruit. It has excellent taste, but intolerable aroma. Tender pulp is located in the core of a rounded spiky fruit. Gourmets say that if, despite the unappetizing smell of either gasoline or rotting food, you still try an unusual fruit, you won’t be able to think about anything else.

A huge fruit weighing up to 50 kg is the "progenitor" of Wrigley's Juicy Fruit chewing gum. Jackfruit pulp consists of pieces that look like yellow bell peppers. From above, the fruit is covered with a thick green-brown peeled. The taste is sweet, the fibers are slippery and juicy. It is eaten raw or cooked.

There are two types: golden passion fruit and the so-called "passion fruit" with purplish violet peel, which is considered slightly poisonous. The pulp is jelly-like, with many seeds, sweet and sour in taste.

A small fruit covered on top with a dense smooth skin of rich eggplant color. The white core of the fruit, consisting of slices, like a tangerine, is eaten. Taste sweet and sour, nice.

The fruits of the plant are small, up to 6 cm, rounded. From above they are covered with a bright crimson peel with long processes bent towards the end. The flesh is milky, juicy, fresh. The taste is similar to sweet white grapes.

Pitahaya (in the Russian version "Dragon's Eye")

The fruit resembles kiwi in taste, but not in appearance. Dense, dragon-like skin of rich pink raspberry color hides white flesh, with many tiny black seeds.

The juicy and sweet floral flavor of carambola and its unusual star shape make the fruit unique. Ripe yellow fruits are eaten whole.

Cherimoya (noina)

A fruit with a green, thick and bumpy inedible skin. The inside is sweet, with many hard, bean-like pits. Ripe fruits are soft, easy to cut or even break in half.

Exotic berries of Thailand: names, photos, description for the game

Jujube (jujube)

Berries have a rounded oblong shape. The color of the skin is greenish, turning into red-brown. The core is white, dense. Inside is a hard bone. Tastes like an apple.

The structure of papaya is similar to melon. Thin but rough skin, juicy flesh and a cluster of black seeds in the core. The taste is peculiar, sweet. It echoes the taste of pumpkin and carrots.

Watermelon, not exotic for our latitudes, may surprise you in Thailand. Here it is not only habitually red, but also orange and yellow. There is a seedless variety.

Incredibly popular for its medicinal properties, the goji berry bright coral color, slightly elongated. It is mainly eaten in dried form. When fresh, the fruits can cause indigestion.

Small green berries in appearance resemble something unripe plums. The skin is thin, edible. Inside there is a dark green bone. They grow on trees, directly on the bark. It is believed that they have unique anti-aging properties. Contains large amounts of vitamin C.

Popular tropical fruit from South America

The fruit of the Brazilian palm. It looks like a blueberry. It is eaten in the form of juices, mashed potatoes, as an additive to muesli. The taste is similar to grapes.

The fruit is about the size of a large apple. The peel is bumpy, rough, green. The flesh may be yellow or reddish in color. The taste depends on the variety: from sweet to sour.

A distant relative of familiar tomatoes. Oblong shape, orange and red shades. The peel has an unpleasant aftertaste, so it is removed before eating. The taste is similar to tomato, but with hints of passion fruit.

Small physalis fruits are located inside a dry leaf box. They look a bit like large yellow cherries. The taste is juicy, sweet.

Cashew fruits, which are mistakenly considered nuts in our latitudes, consist not only of dense seeds. Part of this fruit is juicy and sweet in taste. Externally, the cashew fruit resembles a pepper pod. red-orange colors.

oblong fruit creamy greenish shades with purple longitudinal stripes. The bone is inedible. They eat juicy, melon-like flesh.

Large, up to 30 cm in diameter, breadfruit is similar in shape to a melon. The peel is green, hard, with small tubercles. The core is creamy yellow, sticky, sweetish in taste. In food it is more often used in cooked form, it can be consumed raw.

Tropical fruits photos, names, descriptions

snake fruit (herring)

The fruit has the shape of a drop, the size is the size of an average pear. The peel resembles snake scales, shiny brown. Easy to clean. The pulp is white. Different varieties may taste different.

Tamarind (Indian date)

Often the fruits of the plant are called "pod fruit". Outwardly, the fruits look like light brown beans. Sauces, mousses are prepared from the seeds inside the pod. They can also be eaten raw. The taste is sweet, pleasant.

Children's fantasies about chocolates growing on trees have a real justification. The fruits from the seeds of which chocolate is obtained grow on the trunks of tropical trees. Outwardly, they resemble a very elongated pumpkin. Depending on the variety and degree of ripening, they can be yellowish or red.


Fruit, the structure of the pulp resembles a persimmon. In an unripe state, knits. Rounded, covered with brown skin on top. The flesh is dark, with small, easily separable bones.

Sirsak (soursop)

Large, up to 7 kg, fruits. Outside covered with a greenish, dense and rough peel. The pulp is white, airy, with a pleasant taste of strawberries and lemon.


November 17, 2009, 02:06

Each of us has tried apples, pears, bananas, tomatoes, cucumbers.... No one will be surprised by this. But there are many more fruits and vegetables in the world...
Melon Kiwano(Antillan cucumber, horned melon, anguria). Kiwano, the fellow kiwi, is originally from New Zealand. Outwardly, the fruit resembles a yellow-orange cucumber with numerous horns. In fact, the nod is not as formidable as it seems: the spines are soft, the crust is loose. The best way to eat a fruit is to cut it in half and scoop out the green flesh. Kiwano is like a cucumber and a lemon at the same time - refreshing. It contains vitamins of the PP group, and there is more than enough vitamin C in it. The average fruit weight is 300 g, the average length is 12 cm. The fruits are extremely decorative and can be used to create original compositions and even as Christmas tree decorations.
Buddha hand. These are the fruits of one of the representatives of the citrus subfamily (the Rut family), popular in Asia. The content of this fruit under the thick skin is very much like a lemon. It has the largest of all citrus fruits. Their length is 20-40 cm. Diameter - 14-28 cm. Monstera. Grows in many homes. In nature, this plant produces delicious fruits. The ripe core of monstera fruits, despite the unpleasant pungent smell, is tasty and tastes like pineapple
paw paw. Few people know that there is a North American Lapa-paw banana (prairie banana). This banana grows in the southeast of America. Outwardly, it is very similar to an ordinary banana, only a little shorter and has a more aromatic smell. Sapodilla (Sappodilla). Also known as sapodilla plum, tree potato, naseberry or chiku. This fruit was originally grown in South America. In the 16th century, sapodilla was brought to Thailand by the Spanish conquerors during the colonization of the Philippines. The fruit, in external appearance, vaguely resembles kiwi - an oblong or round oval-shaped fruit with brown skin and reddish-brown, sweet and juicy pulp. Inside the fruit are a few black grains, they are not eaten.
Romanescu(or "coral cabbage", "crove almog", "romanesque broccoli") - it tastes like ordinary cauliflower, a little more tender and tasty. Looks even more amazing than in the photo. So, if you love cabbage, then you will definitely like this fantastic vegetable. In addition, this vegetable is literally crammed with antioxidants. Yambu(jamboo, shompoo). This fruit is also called a rose apple, although in fact it looks more like a slightly rumpled pear, only red. Yambu flavor is a mixture between green apple, pear, gooseberry and a bunch of other fruits. The pulp is bright white and almost half filled with air, so that when eating an yambu, there is a feeling that the fruit does not actually go into the stomach, but simply disappears in the mouth. Yambu have, however, one serious drawback - they spoil very quickly and are tasty only when very cold (even better - frozen) when they perfectly replace soft drinks.
carambola. Carambola fruits are yellow, 5 to 12 cm long. In cross section, the fruit has the shape of a five-pointed star. Carambola is a crunchy, sweet and sour fruit that tastes like a cross between an apple, an orange and a grape. Some varieties have a slightly noticeable turpentine flavor. There are two varieties of fruit - sweet and sour. Outwardly, it is not difficult to distinguish them - the sour ribs are narrow, clearly divided, while the sweet ones are thick and fleshy. The skin of carambola is thin, shiny, translucent, through which light yellow or yellowish-green (straw-golden when ripe) flesh is visible. Sweet fruits are consumed fresh, and also candied in the form of slices and canned food is made from them. Sour go to the preparation of drinks. Some fruits are exported. The fruit is widely used to decorate a variety of dishes and fruit salads. durian. The durian fruit resembles some kind of "alien" fruit the size of a soccer ball, covered with a hard prickly skin. The flesh inside the fruit is pale yellow. The smell is like dirty, worn socks, rotting meat, or sewage (take your pick). However, this fruit tastes amazing and elegant. The first European explorer who tasted this fruit for the first time in the 1700s called it the "king of fruits". “It was worth going on a dangerous journey just to taste this fruit,” added the brave traveler.
Lulo. This fruit grows in Latin America: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Central America. Lulo looks like a yellow tomato, but tastes like a mixture of pineapple, strawberries and the same tomato. Lulo is used only in its raw form, otherwise all the richness of vitamins remains “overboard”. And in lulo there is something to appreciate. The fruit contains water, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins of groups A, B, C. Lulo helps to strengthen sleep, cleanses the blood, restores hair and nails. Lulo juice is an excellent tonic drink. True, there are restrictions and contraindications when using this fruit. It is not recommended to use it for liver disease, as well as for low blood pressure and high levels of allergens in the blood.
dragon fruit(pitaya). A very sweet and tasty fruit with white flesh, studded with small edible seeds, like a kiwi. Many who have been to Thailand have already "tasted" pitahaya. Currently, this fruit is rapidly gaining popularity in the Western world. It is possible that it will soon appear on our shelves. Rambutan.The fruit of rambutan is covered with a tough skin with soft "hair" and outwardly very much resembles some kind of marine invertebrate muck. Under the peel - a white fruit vaguely resembling a plum (only white) with a hard white stone. This fruit grows in large clusters on trees, the height of which can be up to 20 meters. Rambutan is believed to be a Malaysian fruit. The name "rambutan" comes from the Malaysian word for "hair". Rambutan began to grow many centuries ago in the South Asian countries neighboring Malaysia, including Thailand. Cherimoya(Annona scaly). This fruit is widely distributed in India, Brazil, Mexico, South and Central America, and Barbados. Sometimes this fruit is also called a sugar apple. Its skin, as well as the pulp, consists of segments, each segment contains one grain. The pulp of a sugar apple has a delicious taste, but we must remember that apple seeds are poisonous, so you should not give in to the habit and pick any seeds for a spicy-smelling nucleolus. Poisoning the nucleolus of a sugar apple can lead to very sad consequences. The pulp of this fruit is eaten both raw and mixed with milk - it turns out an excellent soft drink, and it is also used to make ice cream.
Lychee. Lychees are also called "paradise grapes". This stone fruit has a round or oval shape, 3-5 cm long. The hard skin of the lychee is covered with small red spikes. The pulp is translucent white or pink, juicy sweet or sweet and sour, with a pleasant specific aroma reminiscent of strawberries and partly pineapple. Lychee is often used to make desserts. Lychee is also added to salads, fillings for pies, puddings are made. Lychee is used for medicinal purposes as a tonic. Tamarind("Indian date"). Tropical tree native to East Africa. Currently grown in most tropical countries in Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. The fruits are dark brown, brittle beans, inside there are tasty “peas”, with a pulp that tastes like apple marshmallow. Desserts are made from fruits, eaten raw, dried, added to pastas, sauces, meat dishes. The flowers are eaten raw and canned, and the leaves are used to make soups. There are two varieties of tamarind - sweet, with which they do all of the above, and green - it is served with capsicum and sweet sauce.
Jackfruit. Jackfruit is about the size of a large melon. Its weight can reach 40 kg. It is grown mainly in Southern Thailand. Inside, under the yellow-greenish peel, there are large yellow slices with a specific taste and a strong aromatic smell. Too strong a smell indicates that the jackfruit is already overripe. Jackfruit is eaten both raw and cooked. A popular dish is jackfruit, cut into strips, filled with syrup and crushed ice. Peeled jackfruit is added to sweet pasta, vegetable sauces, and still unripe jackfruit is used as a vegetable - added to soups in dried or pickled form. All components of the jackfruit are edible. Blanched fruit flowers are added to hot capsicum or shrimp sauce. Young leaves can be added raw to papaya salad. The rind can be candied or pickled and is also suitable as animal feed. Even in Thailand, jackfruit is mixed with other fruits. Add to ice cream or coconut milk. Seeds are prepared separately and added to many dishes.
Jaboticaba. Jaboticaba fruits resemble grapes with one seed inside, and grow on trees, sticking to the trunk or branches. As the fruits ripen, they go through stages from a pale green color, then a red tint, and when they are fully ripe, they become almost black, while remaining translucent. They eat this fruit raw, and also make jam from it, make jams and marmalades. Just remember that the skin of the Jaboticaba is bitter, so they don’t eat it, but squeeze the fruit between their fingers and squeeze the fragrant pulp right into the mouth, while the skin is thrown away. Also, before processing, the jaboticaba is first peeled. By the way, when preparing jaboticaba for storage, I use the skin as a dye, it gives wines, jellies and marmalade a deep red color. Longan. The longan is native to either the west of Burma or the area of ​​origin of the litchi in China. It is in these regions that they are grown on a large scale. Longan tastes like litchi and in general, these two fruits are very similar. Longan has another name - "longyan" - which in Chinese means "dragon's eye". It is believed that longan was originally grown in southern India and on the island of Sri Lanka. The skin of the longan is thin and dense, but in fact it is very easy to peel off. The color of the longan varies from brown to yellowish red, the flesh of the fruit is translucent, white or pinkish. The taste of longan is sweet, juicy with a distinct taste of musk. Longan grows in clusters on evergreen trees, which can reach a height of ten to twenty meters. goat beard. Goat beard root is very popular in Europe and the southern United States. It is spicy and tastes like oysters. Usually used as an addition to various dishes, from soups to stews.
Guanabana. Guanabana is one of the largest exotic fruits, its weight can reach 12 kilograms. In appearance, guanabana resembles a green melon, elongated, but hairy. This exotic grows in tropical America. The taste of this fruit is not sugary-sweet, but refreshing, with a piquant sourness. It perfectly quenches thirst, the pulp just melts in your mouth, leaving a delicious aftertaste. It is highly recommended by nutritionists, as regular consumption of this fruit contributes to weight loss. But guanabana will help not only fat people. It treats arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and also improves liver function. A serving of guanabana is said to be great for a hangover.
Mangosteen. Mangosteen is called the "queen of fruits". Mangosteen, unlike durean and some other fruits, is liked by everyone, regardless of which fruit they preferred at home. If there were a competition on earth for the best fruit in the world, then without a doubt the mangosteen would win by a huge margin. The shape of mangosteen fruit resembles an orange, 4-8 cm in diameter with thick skin, which contains 7-18% tannin and is used as a tanning agent, and in medicine as an astringent. Inside the fruit there are 6-8 snow-white, less often orange slices with very sweet, jelly-like fragrant pulp that melts in the mouth. The pulp contains up to 10% sugar. Each lobule contains a seed. Ripe fruits have a dark purple or reddish-purple skin. Kanistel(Egg fruit). Origin - Central America. Evergreen tree with fragrant flowers. The fruits vary greatly in shape, they can be round, oval, with an elongated beak-shaped tip. Fruits are smooth and glossy, varying shades of yellow and pale orange. Kanistel is rich in niacin and carotene, as well as vitamin C. 100 g of fruit contains 1.68 g of protein; 0.13g fat and 36.69g carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, vitamin C; amino acids tryptophan, methionine and lysine. It is eaten fresh, with ice cream and fruit desserts, baked. Sweet potato flavor. This fruit is more like a vegetable. It is added to soups, salads, sauces. P.S. I tried some fruits while vacationing in Thailand and Indonesia. For example: mangosteen, lychee, rambutan, dragon fruit, carambola. Most of all I was struck by the taste of mangosteen and rambutan. What fruits have you tried and who would you give your taste preference to?
