
Homemade grape wine simple recipes. Homemade wine from grapes

No water seal?

Well, okay!

An ordinary medical glove will help to make homemade wine.

She will sensibly tell and show at what stage the drink is, will not let it go sour and will greatly facilitate the process.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - general principles of preparation

Good wine is obtained only from a dry harvest harvested in sunny weather. It is desirable that at least three days pass after the rain. You can not use berries sprinkled on the ground, otherwise the drink will have an earthy taste.

Basic Rules:

1. Choose ripe grapes. Unripe berries contain a lot of acid. In heavily overripe grapes, vinegar fermentation could already begin, which will ruin everything and the wine will not turn out.

2. Berries are not washed, as they contain natural yeast. But you need to sort out the grapes carefully, remove rot, rubbish, leaves, cobwebs.

3. You need to crush the grapes with your hands, pestles, well, or with your feet, as they did before. It is not recommended to use a technique for grinding berries that can damage the bones and spoil the taste of the drink.

4. For homemade wine from grapes with a glove, it is convenient to use large jars of 10-20 liters with a standard neck. In this case, the container is filled no more than ¾. There should be room for the foam that rises during fermentation.

5. Do not use metal objects for winemaking. You need to stir the future drink with wooden, glass spoons, spatulas.

The glove acts as a water seal. It does not allow oxygen to enter the drink, but through a small hole on the finger it gradually releases the accumulated gas. The degree of puffiness determines the activity of fermentation. If the wine plays briskly, then the glove is additionally fixed with an elastic band.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (universal technology)

A simple recipe for homemade wine from grapes with a glove, which can be made from absolutely any variety: white, pink, black. You can mix several species if you need to determine the remains of the crop.


10 kg of grapes;

50-100 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice.


1. Dry grapes need to be picked from debris, handed over with hands, leaving not a single whole berry.

2. Put the pulp in a large enameled pan or barrel, cover with a clean cloth, leave in a warm place for four days. During this time, the mass will begin to ferment, it is important that there is room for foam, at least a quarter of the pan should be free.

3. Every morning and evening, stir the mass with a spatula.

4. After 3-4 days, active fermentation will begin, the mass will foam well and rise. It's time to remove the pulp. A thick, upper cap is collected by hand, squeezed well, and thrown away.

5. The juice is filtered through 2 layers of gauze, immediately poured into jars, filling no more than 70% of the total volume.

6. It's time to put on the glove. Do not forget to make a hole in one of the fingers for the release of gases.

7. Now the container must be placed in heat (from 16 to 25 degrees) for fermentation. If everything goes right, the glove will inflate completely.

8. Adding sugar. After 3 days, you need to taste the drink. If it becomes sour, add 50 grams of sugar per liter of product. To do this, a small part of the drink is poured, mixed with sugar, heated on the stove until dissolved. Warm syrup is mixed with the rest of the mass.

9. After another 3-4 days, you need to try the drink again. If acid appears, sugar is added again. During the active phase of fermentation (14-28 days), you can add up to 4 times, depending on your taste.

10. After about 3 weeks, the glove will fall off, which means that the active phase of fermentation has ended. A layer of sediment will appear at the bottom of the bottle. From it you need to drain a translucent drink. To do this, use a straw, pour the drink into a clean jar. The glove is no longer useful, the jar is closed with a nylon lid.

11. Now the stage of quiet fermentation or maturation will begin. Its duration is from 40 days to a year. It is not recommended to store homemade wine anymore. During this time, the drink will be clarified, a precipitate may appear again, which must be removed. As soon as the wine becomes transparent, it can be poured into bottles.

Homemade grape wine with glove and water

Technology for making lighter homemade wine from grapes with a glove. Adding water dilutes the cloying taste, the drink turns out to be pleasant, thin. Yeast helps to play this drink.


2 kg of grapes;

400 g of sugar;

10 g of wine yeast;

3 liters of water;

1 tsp almond essence.


1. We sort out the grapes, knead, dilute with filtered water.

2. We leave it warm for 4 days, wait until the wort is ready, filter, squeeze out the liquid.

3. Add 200 g of sugar, yeast and almond essence, stir.

4. Put on a glove, leave for 4 days.

5. Add another 100 g of sugar, stir and leave for further fermentation. Periodically we try the drink, if necessary, add more sugar to your liking.

6. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the wine from the sediment with a thin hose.

7. Remove the glove, cover the jar with a nylon lid, leave for another week. Remove the drink from the sediment again.

8. Now it can be left to ripen for a period of 1 to 12 months.

Homemade grape wine with a glove (fortified)

Properly wine is gaining degrees by adding the right amount of sugar. But at home, it is difficult to achieve a fortress of more than 10 degrees. In this case, alcohol is used for fixing.


5 kg of Isabella grapes;

600 g of sugar;

1 liter of alcohol;

100 g of sugar for every liter of juice.


1. Mash the berries, cover, leave for three days.

2. Strain the juice, squeeze out all the pulp, add granulated sugar, immediately pour out all 600 grams. Stir until all grains are dissolved.

3. Now the future wine needs to be poured into a jar, put on a glove, leave for 10 days.

4. Now you need to add more sugar at the rate of 100 g per liter, while adding 200 ml of water. If you have 5 liters of drink, you need 500 g of sugar and a liter of water. Heat the mixture on the stove.

5. Add warm syrup to the wine, put on the glove again, leave to ferment for another 5 days.

6. Now you need to add alcohol at the rate of 200 ml per liter of drink. Pour immediately into the wine, stir, pull on the glove. Wait for fermentation to complete.

7. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to drain the wine from the sediment, remove it for ripening.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove (from juice)

Wine can be made from grape juice. But in this case, it should be fresh and freshly cooked. Extract the juice in any convenient way.


10 kg of grapes;

5 g concentrated wine yeast;

3 kg of sugar.


1. Squeeze out the juice from the grapes, mix with half of the granulated sugar and wine yeast until dissolved, pour into a jar.

2. Install a glove with a small hole, leave for 20 to 28 days.

3. Every 5 days, taste the wine, if you feel acidity, add more sugar at the rate of 50 g per liter.

4. As soon as the drink stops playing, remove it from the sediment for the first time.

5. Close the nylon cover, lower it into the basement. The air temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.

6. After a month, you can re-remove the drink from the sediment. Leave the wine to mature for 3-4 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove "Muscat"

The recipe for muscat, blended wine, for which you need two grape varieties: "Isabella" and "Lydia". But a mixture of sage, oak bark and elderberry will add a special flavor to the drink.


1.2 liters of juice from Lydia grapes;

0.8 liters of Isabella juice;

320 g of sugar;

Oak bark, sage, elder flowers.


1. Cooking pure grape juice. To do this, knead the berries well, leave for several hours. Then we squeeze the pulp well with our hands, filter the drink through two layers of gauze. You don't need to filter the juice.

2. We measure the amount of juice of each type, following the recipe.

3. 200 g of granulated sugar is added, everything is thoroughly dissolved, a glove is installed.

4. The wine is left until the end of the active fermentation phase. Every 3-4 days, a spoonful of granulated sugar is added to it to maintain the process.

5. As soon as the glove falls off, you need to remove the drink from the sediment.

6. Pour the wine into a clean jar. It's time to add a gauze bag with a piece of oak bark, sage, elder flower. You don't need much.

7. Close, leave for a month.

8. Now the wine must be re-removed from the sediment. This sachet of flavors needs to be removed.

9. If the aroma of the wine is not rich enough, you can add a new bag of oak bark and sage, leave the drink to ripen for another 2 months.

Homemade wine from grapes with a glove - tips and tricks

The optimum fermentation temperature for wine from light berries is from 18 to 22 degrees. If the drink is made from dark grape varieties, then it will play better at 20-28 degrees.

Homemade wine is difficult to store. It stands wonderfully in the basement for one year at temperatures up to 10 degrees, then the taste deteriorates.

In winemaking, it is very important not to miss the stages so that the wine does not peroxide, does not turn into vinegar. Usually, a special calendar is created for this, it marks the dates and the number of additives, the fermentation period, and the temperature in the room. Through trial and error, they find their perfect recipe.

If the summer was rainy, the grapes were sour or did not have time to ripen in the sun, feel free to increase the amount of sugar.

Grapes turn into vinegar very quickly. Therefore, the harvested grapes must be processed immediately on the same day.

Wine is probably the most ancient tasty and healthy drink. Even in the process of fermentation, it retains all the useful substances inherent in fresh berries or fruits from which it is prepared. High-quality natural wine can even serve as a cure for some diseases.

Therefore, do not be upset if it is not possible to buy an expensive natural product. After all, a delicious, healthy drink can be prepared at home, on your own. Many people think that this process is complicated and immediately abandon this idea. And absolutely in vain. After all, in addition to really complex technologies for making wine, there are not at all complicated, simple and convenient recipes.

Let's try to make grape wine and enjoy its taste. We will tell you about how to make homemade wine from grapes, simple recipes for its preparation on our website www.site.

Making homemade wine from grapes is not difficult. Moreover, we will use simple proven recipes. The main thing is to do it for the first time, and then everything will go "like clockwork." As you master it, you can get a new, unusual taste and this drink will become your family's signature drink.

So, first we will prepare everything you need to make wine:

It is good to use wine grapes for making a homemade drink. They have juicy pulp, and also accumulate the largest amount of sugar. But if the most ordinary grapes that do not have a name grow near your house, you can also make very decent homemade wine from it.

The main condition: Pick berries in dry weather and sort them carefully. Rotten, unripe or moldy berries are not suitable for making quality wine. Therefore, ruthlessly throw them away.

A simple recipe for homemade grape wine:

Sort ripe berries, remove debris, leaves. You can leave the sprigs - they will give our drink astringency and a delicate aroma. But never wash. It is on the surface of the berries that there are natural, beneficial yeast bacteria that cause fermentation. From 2 buckets of grapes you should get 10 liters. natural drink.

Thoroughly crush the berries with a mortar until a homogeneous mass (pulp) is obtained. Fill a deep container 2/3 full with pulp. Leave covered for 3 days. Every day, with a wooden spoon (shovel), mix everything, except for the last, 3rd day.

On the 4th day, pour the fermented juice (must) into a separate pan or bucket. Squeeze out the remaining raw materials with your hands or with a special press, also drain. Now you should put sugar. For 1 liter juice - 1 tbsp. Sahara. Put on fire, heat to about 45 degrees, constantly stirring the wort with a wooden spoon so that all the sugar dissolves. Pour the wort into water-sealed bottles. Leave for 21 days and not a day less.

After the time has elapsed, drain the young wine through a tube into a separate container, strain so that there is no sediment, cover, put in a cool place for 40 days. Then carefully drain, also without sediment (use gauze folded in several layers for this). Leave covered again for 40 days. Strain again, leave for 40 days. Yes, in order for the drink to turn out to be transparent, without sediment harmful to the kidneys, you need to forget about it 3 times for 40 days.

But now, after you have endured everything, resisted and did not try the drink ahead of time, you have got a real homemade wine made according to an old simple peasant recipe. The wine turns out a noble ruby ​​taste with a wonderful grape aroma.

Another easy homemade grape wine recipe

If you don't have the time to mess around and want to make wine faster, try making a drink with this simple recipe:

For this recipe you will need 5 kg of berries, 2 kg. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. wine sourdough, 10 l. purified or bottled water.

How to cook:

This recipe is very popular among winemakers in central Russia. Wine is made from cold-resistant grape varieties. The recipe is very simple and even a hostess who does not have much experience can make a very good drink from grapes.

In this case, wash the grapes, sort through first. Pound the berries with a mortar until puree. Fold in an enamel bowl, put on the stove. Heat over low heat to 60 degrees.

Then remove the pan from the heat, cool, put it in a colander, squeeze out the juice with your hands, using gauze folded in several layers. Taste the juice, add sugar, water, mix, add sourdough. If there is no special starter, yeast can be used.

Pour into a glass bottle, put a water seal, put in a warm place for a month. Then try the wine. If necessary, add sugar, stir so that it dissolves completely, pour into bottles without sediment, cork tightly. The wine will be ready in a couple of weeks.

Red natural wine is considered beneficial for human health. Only it should be used correctly, and most importantly - in moderation. Drink your homemade wine by the glass with dinner. Experts believe that the drink brings the greatest benefit when it is drunk with food.

So, cast aside doubts and everything will work out for you. Feel free to get down to business and make your own homemade wine from grapes using these simple proven recipes. Be healthy!

Most people assume that good grape wine can only be purchased in stores, since the process of making it is a real science. However, in fact, at home it is quite possible to make a quality drink, without the content of dyes and preservatives. To do this, you need a little knowledge and the necessary set of ingredients.

Of course, the secrets and subtleties of winemaking can be studied for many years, but everyone can understand the basic rules. So, a universal, simple recipe for making wine includes the following steps:

  • collection and processing of raw materials;
  • preparation of containers and tools;
  • must preparation;
  • control of fermentation stages;
  • filtration;
  • excerpt;
  • preparation of wine for storage, bottling.

For example, to make wine you will need:

  • crush 10 kg of grape berries;
  • add 50-200 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice;
  • Top up with approximately 500 ml of water (for each liter of juice).

It is worth noting: the last ingredient is added extremely rarely - only in cases where the juice is excessively acidic. It should be remembered that acidity is reduced due to sugar, and water can only worsen the taste of the drink.

Harvesting and processing

At the very beginning, you need to remember that the grapes are harvested only in sunny weather (there should not be rain for at least 3 days), since precipitation washes away the layer of yeast necessary for fermentation. Moderately ripe bunches should be plucked, because unripe berries contain a lot of acid, and in overripe ones, the process of acetic fermentation begins, which can spoil all the raw materials. It is not recommended to use carrion, so that in the future the wine does not acquire an earthy aftertaste. The harvested crop must be processed within a few days.

Fruits are separated from twigs and leaves, and rotten or unripe berries are thrown away.

For reference: grapes can be left on the branches, but in the end they will give the wine a slightly bitter taste.

The next step is to crush the berries with a wooden rolling pin or a special crusher. You can perform this procedure in the traditional way, kneading the grapes with clean hands or feet. The main thing is not to damage the bones, otherwise their bitterness will negatively affect the taste of the drink.

IMPORTANT: grape juice can stain the skin and cause irritation due to the presence of acids, so experts advise wearing rubber gloves. Due to this, keratinized particles of the epidermis will not get into the raw material.

The resulting pulp, along with the juice, is poured into a previously prepared container, which is filled no more than ¾ of the volume so that the mass does not flow out during fermentation. Next, the container is covered with a clean cloth to protect against flies and placed in a dark room for 3-4 days, the temperature in which is maintained at 20-27 degrees.

Tank and water seal

Novice winemakers who want to get a quality drink should understand that only wooden, glass, enameled (without chips) or plastic dishes are suitable for making wine. The contact of raw materials with metals (except stainless steel) causes oxidation and spoils the taste of the drink.

The container should be dry and clean - it is pre-washed with soda, rinsed thoroughly with running water, scalded with boiling water and wiped dry with sterile wipes. It is unacceptable to use containers in which dairy products were stored.

Otherwise sap can be contaminated with pathogens such as mold, etc. It is also recommended to smoke dishes with sulfur.

At the stage of rapid fermentation, it is very important to limit the access of oxygen to the filtered juice, otherwise the wine may turn sour. This is best done with a water seal, which, when installed, simultaneously releases carbon dioxide (a by-product of fermentation). Its classic design consists of a jar, lid and tube. The simplest water lock is done as follows:

  • A hole of the required diameter is made in the lid that tightly closes the container with the wort;
  • A thin plastic tube or hose is inserted into the resulting slot;
  • The resulting design closes the vessel, and the tip of the tube that is inside should not touch the wort;
  • A jar of water is placed next to the main container (at the same level), into which the second end of the tube is lowered. For reliability, it is fixed.

If the design is made and installed with high quality, then bubbles will appear in the water.

Also, special lids are sold in stores that act as a water seal, and on small jars you can simply put on a rubber medical glove, carefully pierced with a needle.

Start of fermentation

After the crushed grape berries stand warm for at least a day, they will begin to ferment actively, as a result of which a foam will appear on the surface, which must be mixed several times a day with a hand or a wooden rolling pin.

This stage of fermentation is divided into several parts:

  • initial(reproduction of yeast fungi) - the formation of foam;
  • stormy(bacteria occupy the entire volume of the wort) - a hiss appears;
  • quiet- fermentation occurs in the lower layers, the foam settles, the bubbles become smaller.

The duration of fermentation depends on the amount of natural yeast in the raw materials, sugar content and temperature. It is optimal to maintain a room temperature of 16-28 degrees. If it is below 15 degrees, then the process will stop, and the sugar will not be fully converted into alcohol.

As soon as the pulp (a cap of floating berries) acquires a lighter shade, begins to hiss and acquires a sour smell, it will need to be collected in gauze and carefully squeezed out, and the remaining filtered juice should be poured into clean containers and closed with water locks.

For reference: cake can be used again to obtain grape moonshine (chacha).

Adding sugar

At the initial stage of fermentation, it is important to determine how much sugar and acid is contained in the raw materials in order to improve the quality of the wine in the future. Often winemakers take into account the level of sugar content of grape varieties and make special calculations or measure everything with a hydrometer. However, you can also focus on the taste of juice.

  • If the drink is so acidic that it reduces the cheekbones, it is necessary to add granulated sugar to it at the rate of 50-100 g per liter of liquid.
  • To do this, a small amount of wort is poured into a separate bowl, in which sugar is thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved.
  • Then the sweet liquid is poured into a common fermentation tank.

It is worth noting that the main varieties of grapes contain approximately 20% sugar and they make a drink with a strength of 6 - 10%, with zero sweetness and a sour-astringent taste. In order for the yeast fungus not to stop fermenting, the sugar content of the wort must be maintained at a level of 15 - 20%.


In order to preserve all the flavor and prevent the occurrence of an oxidation process that can spoil the taste, it is important to carefully control the fermentation. Based on their taste preferences, the winemaker independently determines the length of time the pulp stays in the must and decides when to filter the mass.

At the same time, it is worth monitoring the temperature in the room where the container is located and avoiding significant fluctuations that can cause fermentation to stop.

If suddenly, for some reason, fermentation has stopped, you can add a fresh portion of crushed grapes or raisins (about 40 g per 10 liters of liquid). It is also necessary to periodically pour the wine into another container, since this operation allows you to saturate the drink with oxygen and remove excess carbon dioxide from it. After that, the yeast will begin to ferment actively again.

Evaluate sugar content

To maintain normal fermentation, the percentage of sugar in the liquid must be constantly monitored and maintained at the required level.

After a few days, the wine is tasted and if it becomes sour, then this means that the sweet substances have been processed and additional product is required.

  • To do this, 1 - 2 liters of wort is again diluted with granulated sugar and mixed with the main mass.
  • During the first month of fermentation, the procedure is repeated about 4 times.
  • At some point, the sugar content will begin to decrease at a slow pace and this will be a signal that the sugar level is sufficient.
  • At this stage, it is determined how sweet the drink will be.
  • So, semi-sweet wines contain 8% sugar, dry - 0.3%, sweet - 12 - 20%.

Sludge removal

At the final stages of wine preparation, you can notice that the must acquires a light color, and a loose sediment forms at its bottom. Bubbles will no longer pass through the water seal or the glove will begin to deflate. This signals that the young wine needs to be filtered, otherwise the dead fungi will ruin the drink.

To do this, the container is carefully placed on an elevation (50-60 cm from the floor), and a transparent soft tube or hose 1-1.5 meters long and 1 cm in diameter is immersed in the wort.

It is important to ensure that the tip of the tube does not come closer than 2 cm to the sediment.

The second end of the device is clamped with lips and the liquid must be slightly pulled towards you. As soon as it begins to move, the tube is inserted into another, clean container, located slightly below the wort container. The drained liquid will not be completely transparent right away, but you should not worry, because its appearance is still being formed.


Even after several months of storage in the cellar, the wine may remain cloudy due to the presence of tartar, must particles and yeast. In this case, it is recommended to lighten it in the following ways:

  • heat treatment(glass containers with wine are tightly sealed and placed in a pot of cold water, which slowly heats up to 50 degrees. Bottles are pulled out only when the water has cooled down);
  • cold(the wine is cooled at a temperature of - 2 degrees, and then filtered);
  • milk(1 tsp of skimmed milk is added to 1 liter of wine);
  • egg white(per 100 liters of product, 2-3 proteins are mixed with water and whipped into foam, after which they are added to the wine);
  • Gelatin(For 100 liters of wine, 10-15 g of gelatin is soaked for 24 hours in cold water, which changes every 8 hours. The swollen gelatin is dissolved in warm liquid and added to the wine).

Also, for the purpose of clarification, tannin and activated charcoal can be added. Regardless of the chosen method, it is recommended to insist the wine for about 30-40 more days, after which everything is bottled.

Video instructions for clarification of wine:


At the last stage, when the sediment no longer appears, the wine is poured into clean dark glass bottles and closed with pre-boiled and dried corks. It is necessary to fill the container so that an air gap of 1-2 cm remains between the wine and the cork. Bottles are stored at a slight angle so that the cork does not dry out.

It is worth noting that white wines should be stored in a cool dry room at a temperature of 6-8 degrees, and red wines - at 8-10 degrees. Non-fortified drinks can be stored for 5 years, and fortified drinks - up to 10 years.

Recipe with glove and water

To make sparkling wine, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 7.5 liters of water;
  • 5 kg of grapes;
  • 3.5 kg of sugar.

At the very beginning, the grapes are crushed into gruel, poured with water mixed with sugar. Then the mixture ferments for 7 days, during which it is periodically mixed to prevent the formation of mold. Then the liquid is separated from the sediment and poured into the bottle.

It is necessary to put on a pierced glove on the neck and put everything in a warm place for a week. During this period, the glove will inflate and will indicate an active fermentation process. The drink is filtered on the 8th day and tasted. A month of aging will add richness to the wine.

Classic recipe

To make wine in the traditional way, you will need:

  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 10 kg of grapes of any variety.

Berries must be crushed and left to ferment in a warm place. The mass is mixed 2 times a day, and after 5 days it is squeezed out. The remaining juice is mixed with sugar and poured into bottles, on which a water seal is installed. At the end of fermentation, the drink is carefully filtered and bottled. A month later, the wine is filtered again and then infused in a cool room.

Having mastered the basic technology of making wine, you can safely experiment with new tastes, creating new, more advanced drinks.

A video on how to properly make wine from grapes at home consists of two parts:

And the background is as follows: I began to notice that store wine is no longer what it used to be. Or do I often come across fakes? That face will be covered with red spots, then a terrible headache. Stopped buying altogether. But my husband's sister brought us her homemade wine for our wedding anniversary.

We usually drink little and rarely, mainly on holidays and for the prevention of atherosclerosis. And then in one evening they finished off a whole bottle. And, characteristically, without negative consequences. And an idea came to my mind: why not aim at the production of wine on our own?

No sooner said than done. They began to look for different recipes for making homemade wine from grapes and quickly found them. Here are the simplest and best of them.

Wine from grapes at home: a simple and detailed recipe with a glove

This is a universal recipe for making homemade wine from grapes. You will not need to look for any special equipment, it is enough to prepare large jars or a 10-20 liter bottle and ordinary medical gloves. The wine in this recipe is made without water.

Any grape variety is suitable: white, pink, black. But choose ripe berries. Unripe grapes are too sour, and overripe ones can start acetic fermentation, because of which a good wine will not turn out.


  • 10 kg of grapes;
  • 50-100 g of granulated sugar per 1 liter of the resulting juice.

How many grapes do you need for 1 liter of wine? The calculation is as follows: for each liter of homemade wine we take from 1 to 1.5 kg of grapes. Therefore, to get 5 liters of wine, we take 5-7 kg of grapes, and for 10 liters - at least 10 kg.

How to make wine

Berries should be dry, picked in sunny weather. Well, if at least three days have passed since the rain. It is better to cut grapes from a bush, and not to collect fallen fruits from the ground - they can give the drink an unpleasant earthy aftertaste.

We process the collected berries immediately, on the day of collection. Most importantly, do not wash the grapes! Otherwise, you can remove natural yeast from the surface of the berries, and the wine will not ferment. Just clean the berries from debris, leaves, rot and cobwebs. Then we crush them well with our hands or a pestle so that not a single berry remains intact.

Probably, in films you have seen more than once how heroes crush grapes with their feet. They trample on it, even dance. Perhaps this is justified in the production of large portions of the drink, you can’t do much with your hands. But personally, I don’t like this method, it seems less hygienic. In addition, it is purely psychologically difficult to force yourself to drink wine from berries that someone has already trampled on well. In a word, it's up to you.

Advice! Just do not use technical devices to press the berries - they can crush the seeds and spoil the taste of the future wine.

So, you mashed the grapes. Now put the resulting pulp in a large pot, preferably enameled, or in a wooden barrel, if there is one on the farm. The fourth part of the container at the top should remain free.

We cover the mass with a clean cloth, leave it in a warm place for three to four days. Every morning and evening, stir the contents of the pan with a wooden spatula or a glass spoon. It is better not to use metal objects.

When this period passes, you will see that active fermentation has begun: the grape mass foams and rises. So, it's time to remove the pulp. Carefully remove the thick cap of foam with crushed berries with your hands, squeeze them well and discard. You can shift the crumpled fruits into a colander in parts, let the juice drain, and then squeeze through cheesecloth.

Strain the remaining juice through gauze folded in two layers, immediately into prepared jars or a bottle. We fill the containers by about 70%, do not top up to the top. We put on a glove on the neck. For reliability, you can still fix it with an elastic band. We pierce a small hole in one of the fingers of the glove. If the glove inflates, everything goes as it should.

What is the glove for? It will serve as a water seal: it will not allow oxygen to enter the drink, but at the same time it will remove the accumulated gas through a small hole. As you inflate and deflate the glove, you will be able to determine the stages of fermentation.

We transfer the dishes with a glove to a warm place. How to put wine? You can - on a small elevation, but you can on the floor. The main thing is to withstand the temperature regime. The optimum temperature for the fermentation of wine from light grapes is 18-22 degrees. For berries of dark varieties, the temperature is slightly higher - from 20 to 28 degrees. Wine plays better in this case.

After three days have passed, try the drink. Too sour? Add 50 g of sugar for each liter of liquid. To do this, pour a couple of glasses of juice into a separate container, add sugar. Heat the mixture over low heat, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then carefully pour the warm syrup into a bottle with the bulk.

After another three or four days, we try the drink again. Is there acid again? Let's add some more sugar. Homemade wine actively ferments for 14 to 28 days, during which time you can add sugar up to four times.

Watch when the glove falls and a layer of sediment forms on the bottom. This happens in about three weeks. It's time to drain the translucent sediment liquid through a straw. We take off the glove - we will no longer need it, and pour the wort into washed jars. Close them with plastic caps.

Now the drink will ripen. The process lasts from 40 days to 1 year. Remove any sediment from time to time. When the gurgling stops, the wine will lose its turbidity, it will become transparent - pour it into bottles and close it tightly with corks.

We store our drink of the gods in a cool cellar (with an air temperature not higher than 10 degrees) for about a year. I do not advise you to store longer, the wine can peroxide.

Of course, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Visually and in detail to get acquainted with the process of how to make wine, you will be prompted by a video recipe.

Homemade wine from grapes: a recipe for cooking with water

There is another simple way to make wine with the addition of water.


  • 5 kg of grapes;
  • 7.5 liters of water;
  • 3.5 kg of granulated sugar.


  1. We collect the berries from the branches, knead them with our hands in a clean bowl. Pour in water, sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Cover with gauze, put in a warm place to wander for about 7 days. To prevent mold from forming, stir the wort 3 times a day.
  3. After a week, separate the liquid from the sediment, pour into a bottle, put on a pierced medical glove on top.
  4. Leave for 7 days in a warm room. Then filter the sparkling drink from the sediment with a tube or a thin hose and bottle it.

It is advisable to let the wine brew for about a month before tasting. The taste of such a drink is thin and delicate, just magical!

Delicious white grape wine

For a light drink with an amazing taste, the following varieties are best suited: White Muscat, White Delight, White Flame, White Miracle, White Giant, White Husain (Ladyfingers) and others.


  • 10 kg of grapes;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar.


  1. Sort the harvested grapes, remove the rotten fruits. Transfer the rest of the berries to an enameled container.
  2. Gently knead them with your hands to extract the juice. Then cover with gauze.
  3. We insist in a warm place (temperature - 20-22 degrees) for five days. Stir the contents with a wooden spatula several times a day.
  4. Then we discard the pulp in a colander, strain the juice into a glass dish. We do not fill it completely - only 70-75%. Add sugar, stir. We put a pierced medical glove on the bottle, fix it with an elastic band.
  5. The must will ferment and play for about three weeks. During this time, you can still add sugar, to your taste. In this case, we leave the wine to ferment for another one to two weeks.
  6. Then strain the grape juice into bottles. We will close them with corks, take them to the cellar or basement for three months.

The drink must be ripe. Only then can it be served.

Classic homemade green grape wine recipe

The best varieties of green grapes for making a delicious drink: Aligote, Kokur, Riesling, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Sylvaner, Feteasca, Magarach's Firstborn, Müller Thurgau.


  • 15 kg of green grapes;
  • 4.5 kg of granulated sugar.


  1. We will sort out the collected berries, remove the spoiled fruits. We separate the grapes from the twigs, put them in a clean non-metallic dish. You don't need to wash the berries.
  2. We remember the grapes well with our hands, trying not to crush the seeds. Then we cover it with gauze folded in several layers. It will protect the fragrant mass from insects and provide oxygen access.
  3. We take out the dishes in a dark place with a temperature of 18-22 degrees, not lower. We leave for two or three days. Soon the wort will ferment, a lot of foam will appear.
  4. Then salt the wort, strain through cheesecloth or colander. Squeeze the rest of the berries and discard. And pour the juice back into the bottle, leaving a quarter of the dish free on top. Add sugar there, mix thoroughly so that it dissolves. Stir with a wooden or glass spatula.
  5. It's time to put on a glove with a pierced finger and let the wine ferment in a dark place. The fermentation process will take from 22 to 57 days. During this time, the wine will gradually become transparent, the glove will go limp, and sediment will form at the bottom of the dish.
  6. Carefully filter the sediment with a rubber tube, pour the wine into clean jars or bottles. Let's put it to ripen in a cool place for three to four months. During this time, sediment will again fall to the bottom, and the drink will acquire a delicate aroma and rich taste.
  7. Again we filter the wine through a straw, pour it into beautiful bottles.

We store in the cellar or basement for two to three years. The strength of this wine is from 9 to 12 degrees. Drinks easily and with pleasure, served chilled.

How to make wine from black grapes

A heady drink made from black grapes contains many antioxidants, vitamins, and beneficial trace elements. It has an exquisite tart taste, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, and normalizes blood pressure. Ideal varieties for wine: Black Prince, Black Emerald, Original, Black Odessa, Pinot, Black Pearl, Muscat Hamburg, Tsimlyansky black. Choose dense, ripe bunches with small berries - they are especially juicy.


  • 10 kg of black grapes;
  • 3 kg of granulated sugar.


  1. Sort through the harvested grapes, remove all debris and spoiled fruits. Transfer to an enamel bowl, crush with your hands or a wooden rolling pin. Try not to damage the bones.
  2. Cover the mash with gauze, put in a dark place with a temperature of at least 18 degrees. Let it stand for three days. Stir the grape mixture in the morning and evening.
  3. When abundant foam and a sour smell appear, strain the drink. Squeeze out the pulp and remove. Pour the liquid into a separate clean container (jar or bottle), leaving 25% free space on top. Put on a pierced glove.
  4. Transfer the container with wine to a dark place, with a temperature of 22 to 28 degrees. Taste after two days. If the wine is sour, add sugar. To do this, pour a liter of wort, add 50 g of sugar, stir and pour back into the bottle. During fermentation (30-60 days), this procedure can be repeated three more times.
  5. When the glove deflates, remove it and drain the sediment through a thin rubber hose. Pour the remaining wine into bottles, close them tightly. Put the drink in a cool place to ripen. The temperature should be around 5-16 degrees.
  6. The wine will be ready in 2-3 months. Its strength is from 11 to 13 degrees, and the shelf life in the cellar is five years.

If desired, you can enrich the taste of the drink with spices. They are added to young wine after aging.

How to make spiced wine? Take cinnamon sticks and clove buds, grind them. Put them in linen bags (1 tablespoon each), tie them tightly. Dip the bags into bottles of wine (one bag per bottle), close with corks, leave for two weeks. It is advisable to strain the drink before serving.

Now that you have learned a simple recipe for making wine from grapes at home, you can easily make it. And then experiment. After all, this process is so addictive, and the result is always pleasing, especially if you apply a creative approach. Enjoy your leisure time and more romantic evenings in your life!

Rich vineyards have long ceased to be the lot of sunny Greece or hot Spain and migrated to the backyards of Russians. Even in cold Siberia, it is possible to grow grape bushes of different varieties. Let's talk in this article about what to do with weighty bunches of juicy fruits. For you, the secrets of simple, and most importantly, absolutely natural, wine recipes will be revealed in an ordinary kitchen.

Harvest and preparation

It is not enough to grow grapes, it must be properly harvested. Important rules for preparing berries:

  • You need to harvest dry - to pick berries, the weather should give 2-3 days without precipitation.
  • Only ripe grapes will go into homemade wine. Unripe berries will add bitterness, and vinegar fermentation in overripe fruits can ruin your product.
  • It is worth cutting the bunches only from the bush - padalik will give the wine an earthy taste.
  • It is necessary to start making homemade wine within 2 days after cutting, until acetic acid and bacteria begin the fermentation process.
  • The harvested crop should be sorted out, unripe and overripe, spoiled berries should be removed.
  • In order to prepare grape wine in a kitchen, you need to stock up on a container for the fermentation process itself - it can be a wooden tub, but simple glass jars can become the most accessible container. The main thing is not to use metal utensils.

Easy Homemade Grape Wine Recipes

Sparkling wine "New Year's"

If you start preparing this grape product in early October, then on the New Year's or Christmas table, a sparkling drink will surprise guests with taste and aroma.

You will need grapes and sugar.

We pour whole berries into a three-liter jar along the “shoulders”, you don’t need to crush them - during fermentation, the skin will crack and release the pulp, and kneading, you can damage the bones, which will give bitterness. Add 300 g of sugar and close with a nylon lid. This concludes your intervention for the next 56 days. Stick a label on the jar with masking tape indicating the date the fermentation began and that same 56th day. If you notice that the lid is very swollen - this will happen towards the end of the period, then you can slightly open it and release the gas.

After two and a half months, strain the resulting wort and add sugar to taste. To make the drink stronger - put a tablespoon of rice, and if it ferments poorly - raisins. Strained, added sugar and again under the lid for 2 weeks.

After 70 days, the sparkling wine that you managed to prepare at home will surprise guests at the festive table. The drink will have a strength of 7–12 °, a sweetish taste and a bright aroma.

Simple and fast - homemade wine in 5 days

For those who do not want to wait a long 3 months, we offer another option. The simplest recipe for young homemade wine is kept by the inhabitants of sunny Moldova. Dry wine according to this recipe can be prepared in 4-5 days. Nothing but grapes is required.

Mash the grapes with your hands or with a wooden rolling pin - this will significantly speed up the fermentation process. A wooden barrel is best, but any can will do. It is not necessary to close the container with a lid.

Leave in a dry and warm place to start the fermentation process. The temperature must be at least 22°C. During the first two days, a “must” is formed in the jar - sweet grape juice, on the third day the drink will begin to gain strength. As the fermentation progresses, a head of foam will rise above the wort, so the product must be stirred frequently. When fermentation stops, the wort will sink to the bottom. After 4–5 days, the bank will have ready-made young wine with a strength of about 5–7 °.

We filter, bottle, put in a dark cool place for storage.

To make this drink semi-dry, add water with sugar diluted in it. We dilute granulated sugar with the calculation: for 1 liter of the finished drink 400 ml of water and 100 g of sugar.

The product will become fortified if you add 50 g of sugar to 1 liter. The drink will continue to ferment already in bottles, which will be stored. The strength of this product will be about 10–11 °.

Wine per month

Another recipe for grape wine at home is used by the inhabitants of Siberia. It takes about a month to prepare, the recipe is quite simple and does not require much attention.

You will need grapes, a 10-liter bottle and 1 glass of sugar dissolved in 1 glass of water.

Pour grapes into a bottle, do not knead it (crushed berries begin to ferment faster), pour water with sugar diluted in it and close the lid. In advance, you need to prepare a rubber hose for the system, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Poke the lid with a thick needle, and place the opposite end of the hose in a container of water. It is important that carbon dioxide escapes from the bottle and air does not enter, water is perfect for this. If the tube becomes clogged, it must be purged and continue to be used. The straw can be replaced with a glove tightly fixed on the neck of the bottle. On one finger, make a hole for the gas to escape.

When the wort begins to ferment, gas bubbles will appear in the water - this will become an indicator of the process for you. When carbon dioxide stops coming out, which will happen after 7-10 days, add the same amount of sugar and close for another 7-10 days. After the same period, do this a third time.

By this time, the pulp will rise to the top and the resulting drink can be filtered. It's hard to find a recipe with exact recommendations for the amount of sugar for each grape variety, so add it to your taste and bottle the product for storage. The longer the shelf life, the better the result will be.

Grapes pouring

For those who like a sweeter and stronger drink, we offer a recipe for liqueur.

You will need 4 kg of grapes, 1.4 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water.

For sugar syrup: 3 liters of water, 750 g of sugar.

Ripe berries should be washed, destemmed and sorted. Place the prepared material in a container, add granulated sugar or syrup and install a water seal. They can be a medical glove or a rubber hose, as described in the previous recipe. Fermentation lasts 30-35 days.

After the expiration of the period, the shutter should be removed, and the resulting liquor should be filtered through gauze folded in several layers. Pour into bottles and cork.

Recipe for grape pomace wine drink

Advice frugal. So that the remaining cake does not disappear, it can also be used to make a drink.

Pour the cake with 25% sugar syrup, install a water seal and leave for 20–30 days until fermentation stops.

Filter the resulting wine drink through gauze or a nylon stocking and store it in a dark, cool place.

The proposed recipes are simple, time-tested. We hope that your piggy bank of useful secrets will be replenished with our tips. Good luck!
