
Spanish dishes recipes in the oven. The Seven Best Spanish Recipes

An overview of the most popular Spanish dishes in Spain. Ingredients for main dishes and desserts. How they are served, what are the features of Spanish cuisine, what they eat with and what history they have. Detailed and tasteful! Photos attached

Spanish cuisine has been influenced by many peoples over the centuries.- Romans, Moors, French, Italians. In general, the dishes are simple and uncomplicated, which is explained by their mostly peasant origin. Each region of Spain has its own gastronomic preferences. In Galicia, tables are bursting with seafood, Catalan cuisine is similar to Italian and French, hot Andalusia is characterized by cold soups, and in the autonomous community of Castile and León, tourists should not be surprised at the presence of stewed veal tails on the menu.

Only one thing unites Spanish culinary traditions - products are always used fresh and as varied as possible, almost no dish is complete without olive oil, and on the table there is always the national pride of Spain - pork ham jamon (jamon). In addition, before the start of any meal, guests are offered a variety of snacks - tapas (tapas). Sometimes they are so plentiful that there is no room left for the main dish.

Spanish appetizers - huge selection and amazing taste

tapas in Spain you can find it everywhere - at any hostess who wants to pamper the household, in bars and restaurants, where it is always crowded and noisy, and visitors discuss the latest news, enjoying a glass of wine or beer, accompanying it with a variety of snacks. As a rule, any meal begins with tapas, which are served on small plates. In bars, they accompany any drink and in most regions are included in its price. What is offered to guests in the form of snacks?


Most often it is jamon, lomo embuchado, salchichon, chitorra. - this is a pork ham, and everything else is similar to raw smoked sausages and salami.

Salad "Olivier"

In almost all regions of Spain, you can see a dish called "ensaladilla rusa" on the menu. This is the Spanish version of Olivier salad.

This is a kind of cutlets in breadcrumbs. Croquettes came to Spanish cuisine from France. They can be with potatoes, cheese, chicken, jamon. Croquettes have one thing in common - under the crispy crust there is a very delicate filling that literally melts in your mouth.


A common snack in Spain is olives. Most often they are homemade, so they can surprise those who are used to buying olives in jars by the color and appearance. Homemade olives are soaked in brine to get rid of the characteristic bitterness, after lightly beating them with a wooden mallet so that a crack appears in the pulp. The result is a very tasty fruit on the plate, but the color can vary from purple to brown or dark green-brown, depending on the time the olives were harvested and the recipe in which they were prepared.

Boquerones, fried chanquetes, roman-style squid, almejas and other seafood

Every region in Spain has local favorite seafood. As tapas, you can often find boquerones (miniature anchovies fried until crispy), squids in Roman style (squid rings in batter), chanquetes (small fish fried to a crisp and served with lemon). The Spaniards are very fond of a type of seafood called almejas (almejas) - a variety of shellfish that can be steamed, in wine or in various sauces.

The list of tapas is almost endless, each chef tries to come up with something of his own to surprise visitors.

National pride of Spain - jamon

Jamon occupies the first place among Spanish delicacies. This is a dry-cured pork ham that made Spain famous all over the world.

Jamon is divided into 2 main types: jamon serrano and jamon iberico. The first is considered a budget option, most often the Spaniards buy it for their everyday meal. For the Serrano jamón, white pigs are bred, and for the Iberico jamón, exclusively black pigs. In the store, jamon can be distinguished by the color of the hoof - white (serrano) or black (iberico). The most expensive type of jamon is jamon iberico de bellota, for which pigs are fattened exclusively with acorns. Depending on the weight of the ham, the process of drying and ripening can take from 6 to 36 months.

Jamon is eaten fresh, cut into the thinnest slices, it is added to various dishes.

Almost no Spaniard can imagine his life without jamon!

"Liquid" gold of Spain - olive oil!

If you look at some regions of Spain from a bird's eye view, you can see the endless olive groves. has always occupied one of the main places in the life of the inhabitants of the Mediterranean, it is not for nothing that it is an integral ingredient of the Mediterranean diet. The peculiarity of olive oil is that it can (and should) be eaten unrefined.

The best olive oil is produced marked "virgen extra", this suggests that during the production process it did not interact with any chemical or organic substances, it is an exclusively natural product that is most beneficial to health.

In Spain, the leader in the production of olive oil, considered the best in the world, is Andalusia, where the number of olive trees is in the millions.

Paella, gazpacho and other culinary delights!

At the mention of Spain, many will think not only about jamon and olive oil, but also about paella, gazpacho, and flan - a delicious dessert. The popularity of these dishes is easy to explain - they are unique and almost unlike other dishes served in other parts of the world.


The birthplace of paella is Valencia, here this dish is called paella valenciana. The name of the dish was given by a special frying pan in which paella is traditionally cooked. The main ingredient is rice, and then it all depends on the recipe, of which there are about 300 in Spain. It can be seafood or meat (mainly chicken), to which vegetables and various spices are added, including fragrant saffron. The larger the company, the larger the size of the pan in which this dish is prepared. By the way, for big holidays, paella is mainly prepared by men.

Gazpacho (gazpacho)

This cold dish used to be considered exclusively peasant, it was prepared from water with vinegar, garlic, stale bread and olive oil. Later they began to add tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers. Today, gazpacho is a salvation in the heat for those who live in the south of Spain, because in summer the temperature here can reach 50C (for example, in Cordoba or Seville). Gazpacho can be thin, in which case it is more like tomato juice in consistency and served in a glass, or thicker, in which case it is served like other soups in a bowl. The dish is often accompanied by crispy croutons, and finely chopped vegetables can be added to it if desired.

If in France you can endlessly list varieties of cheese, then in Spain an impressive list will turn out from various sausages and sausages. The most popular variety of meat delicacies is chorizo. This is a pork sausage with the addition of garlic, various herbs and spices, due to which it turns out to be a bright red color. Choriso can be fried, grilled, baked. This sausage is often added to various Spanish soups. No less popular among the Spaniards is morcilla (morcilla) - blood sausage made from pig blood and pork meat with the addition of onions and sometimes rice. Morcilla is most often fried and eaten with bread, sometimes it is made into pâtés or added to soups. Another leader among sausages is salchichon. It is prepared from pork and bacon, generously seasoned with pepper. Salchichon is most often served as an appetizer.


There are many different desserts in Spain, but the most common in restaurants is flan. It is based on eggs, milk, sugar and caramel, cinnamon can be added if desired. Flan is prepared in the oven in a water bath, it is always served cold.

In conclusion, we can say that eating in Spain is a pleasant everyday ceremony. Eat here with pleasure, in no case slowly and slowly. Guests of Spain should be prepared for the fact that the evening meal, depending on the season, may start late. In summer, dinner often starts at 10-11 pm or even later.

Spanish national cuisine or cuisine of Spain is a rich variety of dishes that vary from region to region. The formation of the cuisine of this country was greatly influenced by historical processes. So, for example, thanks to the ancient Romans, the Spaniards began to cultivate fertile fields, planting olive groves. By the way, Spain to this day traditionally holds the palm in olive oil consumption per capita. In addition, the discovery of America by the Spaniards brought to this country such products: potatoes, tomatoes, beans, chili peppers, zucchini, zucchini, vanilla and chocolate. The seven centuries of Muslim domination also had an impact on traditional Spanish cuisine, which diversified recipes by adding products such as almonds, citrus fruits, as well as all kinds of spices and spices.

Going to a cafe or a restaurant of Spanish cuisine on the menu you will find in great abundance, the so-called Tapas. Tapas is, in our understanding, an appetizer. It is prepared on the basis of olives, nuts, citrus fruits, cheeses, seafood. Also, as tapas, you can find jamon (raw-cured pork ham).

Spanish appetizers can traditionally be cold and hot. They are invariably served in small portions, but don't be fooled by the fact that you will be left hungry after eating tapas! Spaniards have quite hearty appetizers. By the way, as tapas you can be served a pie with vegetable, fish or meat filling.

As for the traditional Spaniard's dinner, it starts with a light vegetable salad, which is usually seasoned with olive oil (this, by the way, is one of the features of the national Spanish cuisine). The salad is followed by the soup. It can be a filling or, as it is also called caldo, and it can also be a cream soup or crema.

The real national pride of the Spaniards is Olya podrida, which is a very thick soup, more like a stew with vegetables. The most popular first course is definitely Gazpacho. It is prepared without heat treatment, simply grinding the vegetable components into a homogeneous mass. Gazpacho is always served cold, sometimes even adding pieces of ice.

One of the culinary features of Spain is the rather widespread use of rice in cooking. So, for example, a well-known dish based on this cereal is paella. It is prepared, as we said earlier, on the basis of rice with the addition of seafood, chicken, herbs, spices, and white wine. It turns out amazingly delicious!

If you still have the question: what else to try in traditional Spanish cuisine, then we recommend paying attention to desserts. So, for example, one of the most famous is turron. This is something like kozinaki, nougat with nuts. By the way, tourists are very fond of turron, which is why it has turned from the category of festive Christmas dishes into an ordinary everyday dessert. Another famous sweet among the Spaniards is polvoron, a very crumbly cookie.

You can continue the description of the national dishes of Spain for quite a long time, but we suggest that you pay attention directly to those recipes with photos that are given in this section of the site. They will introduce you much closer to traditional Spanish cooking. Do not worry about the complexity of cooking, it is quite possible to cook all of them at home, especially since there will be detailed photo recipes before your eyes.

Good luck in cooking traditional Spanish dishes!

Traditional Spanish cuisine is a curious mixture of Christian, Arabic, Jewish culinary traditions. Most often, meat and seafood are used in cooking: oysters, shrimp, mussels.

As in and, fresh vegetables and olive oil are very fond of here. Snacks and soups, various sausages are very popular. And the main dishes are a completely different story! So, what should a tourist in Spain try? What is cooked from, when and with what is the main national food served?


Traditional Spanish dishes are served as an appetizer for wine or. We can say that the concept itself is dimensionless. Any light food falls under it: from chips, olives and nuts to pork skewers. But most often these are still small sandwiches, and they are special for each institution. The Spaniards even like to have fun like this: visit as many bars as possible during the evening, drinking a glass of wine or beer in each and eating a signature snack.

The name "tapas" is translated into Russian as "lid". But indeed, in ancient times in Spain, glasses with drinks were covered with these small sandwiches during a meal so that dust or midges would not get into them.

In Spanish catering establishments, you can order both individual tapas (their price starts from 1.8 €) and assorted plates (tapas sets, cost from 14.95 €).

Bread with tomatoes (Pan con tomates)

In Spanish cuisine, there are national dishes that at first glance may seem banal. This is how many people think of the traditional Catalan appetizer of bread and tomatoes. Of course, until they try this magnificence. Believe me, it is simply impossible to break away!

In Spain, a rare lunch or dinner begins without Pan con tomates, and a picnic in nature is completely unthinkable without it. The best products are used to prepare delicious national snacks. Bread is only of the “rustic” variety in the form of a fragrant round loaf with a crispy crust. Tomatoes are also special: brown, small and very juicy, so that all the flavor is transferred to the bread slice.

The bread is dried over a fire until a golden crust appears, then rubbed with garlic and tomato pulp, salted and watered with rustic. In Spanish cafes, a portion of such a delicious bread costs from 2.1 €.

Gazpacho (Gazpacho)

One must-try food in Spain is real gazpacho. The dish belongs to the category of cold light soups, served in the hot season, prepared from fresh vegetables, mashed to a state of puree.

Gazpacho belongs to vegetarian cuisine, as it does not contain animal fats.

The soup is not just cold, but very cold, because crushed ice is used for cooking. Food, spices and sauce are added to it, after which everything is ground to a puree state and until the ice is completely thawed. Then olive oil is added and immediately served with crispy crackers.

The most popular varieties of gazpacho are bean and tomato. You can eat one of the most popular Spanish soups in inexpensive cafes for about 5 €.

Fabada (Fabada)

When choosing what to eat in Spain from first courses, stop at a hearty thick white bean soup with smoked meats (sausages, pork ham, black pudding) and salted lard. It got its name due to the main component - large Asturian white beans. In size, it is three times larger than other legumes. She has an amazing taste and very thin skin.

This traditional national dish belongs to the cuisine of the northern Spanish province of Asturias. In restaurants, it is served in large tureens, the price per serving is between 10-12.50 €.


Throughout the world, it is considered the national dish of Spain, while in the country itself it is attributed to the traditional cuisine of Valencia. It is from the Valencian word "paella", which translates as "frying pan", that the delicious paella takes its name. The main feature of this delicious dish is the harmony of seemingly incompatible products.

The basis of the meal is rice, lightly tinted with saffron, olive oil, white wine and. Additives can be different: from chicken and vegetables to fish and seafood. In some areas of Spain they cook paella with beans. Locals claim that there are about 300 varieties of this dish. At least one of them is worth a try, for example, mixed with rabbit meat, chicken and snails.

Depending on the number of ingredients and the level of the institution, a portion of paella in Spain costs from 5 to 20 €.


What meat dishes should you try in Spain? First of all, famous. It is prepared from the hind legs of pork, sprinkling with a lot of salt. After salting, the drying process takes place, which in different regions and climatic conditions lasts from 6 to 36 months. The last stage of drying takes place in cellars with a special microclimate, the hams ripen in a suspended state, acquiring a unique aroma and taste.

The meat is cut very thin. This is done by a professionally trained person - a cortador - with the help of a special knife and a cutting stand (hamonera).

If in a restaurant you see that someone is eating jamon, putting it on a piece of bread, then this person is a foreigner. The Spaniards will never do this, so as not to lose the purity of taste. Jamon is traditionally served with olives and a glass of sherry.

In Spain, there are special establishments - jamoneria, where you can eat various types of jamon. In stores, the price for 1 kg starts from 20-30 €. Jamon, marked with a special national quality mark, costs from 80 €, and the exclusive Belotta variety - 300 €.


Food in Spain is spicy, and if you are wondering what to try from, be sure to opt for spicy pork chorizo. It owes its red-orange color to a large amount of paprika, which is the main spice in cooking.

In the cold season, the Spaniards cut the chorizo ​​finely and add it to stews, stews or soups. Sausage is also baked in the oven with eggs and potatoes, or simply served with pasta. Well, when there is absolutely no time for cooking, a delicious sausage is eaten simply with bread.

It is only important to know that chorizo ​​is dry-cured sausage, and the meat for it is chopped into large slices. If it is made recently, it must be stewed, baked or fried. You can eat raw chorizo ​​only when it has dried for at least 3 months. The price of sausage in Spanish stores is from 8 € per 1 kg.

Potato tortilla (Tortilla de patatas)

What else is worth trying in Spanish cuisine is a delicious potato tortilla - an omelette made from chicken eggs with slices of onions and potatoes, fried in olive oil. As a rule, it is prepared on. But in many bars, the tortilla is placed on bread or a bun and served as tapas.

There is a version that for the first time a tortilla was cooked in the 19th century by a peasant woman, who was accommodated by the leader of the Spanish Carlists, Thomas de Zumalacarregui. She began to think about what to give the general to eat, because in the house there were only onions, eggs and potatoes. This is how the tortilla was born, which today is in any Spanish cafe or supermarket. In or it can be tried, paying about 10 €.

Cake Santiago (Pastel De Santiago)

What is delicious to eat in Spain from desserts? Start your sweet journey with the Galician Santiago almond cake, which has been known since the 16th century. The recipe was invented in the capital of the autonomous Spanish region of Santiago de Compostela. Named after the patron saint of the country - the holy apostle Santiago.

In the Middle Ages, the cake was considered exquisite and expensive due to the high price of almonds. Now this delicacy can be tasted in any region of Spain.

Since the 20th century, the cake has been a traditional Spanish dessert. The name "Santiago" can only be given to a dessert that was produced in the country.

For the preparation of the cake, almond flour, butter, lemons, sugar and nuts are used. Be sure to decorate the top with powdered sugar, highlighting the cross of Santiago with a special stencil. Served with fine Galician wines.

The Santiago cake has a fairly long shelf life, so many tourists take it as a souvenir from Spain to relatives and friends. The cost of a cake weighing 700 g is from 12 €.


Be sure to try an interesting sweet dish of Spanish cuisine called "churros" for breakfast. This dessert is loved all over the world. It is made from custard dough, deep-fried or baked.

Churros are sold in cafes and restaurants, on street stalls. A delicious delicacy is sprinkled with cinnamon or powdered sugar, in some establishments it is stuffed with cream or chocolate.

It is best to try churros, dipping in hot chocolate, sipping fragrant Spanish coffee with cream. The price per serving is 3-4 €.

Spanish cuisine is diverse and multifaceted; 17 independent regional cuisines can be distinguished in it (according to the number of Spanish autonomies, which in turn are divided into provinces). Common characteristics for all can be called the use of vegetables (especially Spaniards love tomatoes, potatoes and peppers), seafood, legumes, olive oil, olives, garlic, herbs, wine and rice (for example, Spain's visiting card is paella). By the way, paella is translated as “big frying pan”, because this dish is really served in a huge dish. The birthplace of paella is Valencia, but in addition to the classic Valencian recipe (with rabbit and chicken), there are more than three hundred recipes for making paella.
Another traditional Spanish dish served for breakfast is tortilla (similar to an omelet and an Italian frittata). The classic version of the dish is baked beaten eggs with potatoes. Snacks traditional throughout Spain are called tapas, they resemble small sandwiches. The basis of tapas is a piece of toasted bread with all sorts of fillings. Empanadas can serve as tapas. Classical empanadas are made with meat, but now they are made with just about anything. For example, with tuna, with vegetables, with mushrooms. They are shaped like a crescent.
Another hallmark of Spanish cuisine is jamon (translated as "ham"). This is a dried pork ham, which, after a long preparation (the minimum drying period is 1 year), is cut into thin pieces. It is eaten with bread, cheese and fruit. Pork fillet is also stuffed with jamon, and then deep-fried - this is how flamenquin is prepared (a typical dish of the city of Cordoba, in Andalusia). Various sausages are also prepared from pork, for example, chorizo. They have a bright red color due to the fact that they contain paprika.
Spanish cuisine boasts a wide range of cheeses. In each Spanish autonomy they are produced.
Spaniards love fresh vegetable salads, as well as seafood salads. For example, Malaga salad, common throughout the country (Malaga is a city in Andalusia), consisting of potatoes, oranges, olives, onions and dried bacalhau cod.
After salad, Spaniards usually eat soup, such as olha podrida (thick soup with stew). Also popular are two soups from Andalusia, gazpacho and ajoblanco. Gazpacho is a cold tomato soup with vegetables and bread, sometimes with ice added. Ahoblanco is also a cold water soup with bread, almonds, olive oil, garlic and sometimes vinegar.
The Spaniards are very fond of fish: tuna (for example, dried mohama tuna), sardines, anchovies, sea bream and others. Of course, seafood is common: mussels, shrimps, oysters, squid, cuttlefish and many others. Catalan stew with fish and seafood is called zarzuela and some consider it "Spanish

The regions of Spain are a unique world with their own culture, music, language and gastronomy. Each region tells its own story through architecture, music, dance, language and, of course, gastronomy. Spanish cuisine is one of the most diverse in the world, and Spaniards love to cook, dine with a big company and talk a lot about food. It's time to go on a gastronomic journey through the regions and taste Spain. Of course, reading this article on an empty stomach is a risky idea, there is a possibility of spontaneous purchase of tickets to Spain!


The protagonist of two famous dishes of this region is the tomato. And these dishes are cold pureed soups gazpacho (gazpacho) and salmorejo (salmorejo). The variety of cold soups is determined by the hot climate in the south of Spain, they help to fill up and refresh on the “hottest” day.

Gazpacho is made with pureed tomato, green and red peppers, cucumber, onion, garlic, olive oil and white wine vinegar. White bread is added if desired. It usually has the consistency of a thick, freshly squeezed juice and can be used as a quick refreshment snack.

Salmorejo is a thicker pureed soup with tomato, olive oil, garlic, and white bread; it is usually eaten with a spoon. When serving, half an egg and pieces of jamon are placed on top.


This region is famous for its very high-calorie and very fragrant fabada dish. Large white beans grown in the region are simmered in bone broth for over an hour over low heat, accompanied by bacon and several types of local sausages such as chorizo ​​and morcilla.


Even without being a separate dish, pan con tomate - local bread with crushed tomatoes and olive oil - is the protagonist of every meal.

As local snacks, we present calçots, a special type of grilled white onion. Can be served with tomatoes, peppers, roasted almonds and toasted bread in a pan.


The region, famous for its excellent seafood, boasts vieiras a la gallega scallops fried with onions, ham, parsley, spices and a dash of brandy. Everything is laid together on the bottom of the shell, sprinkled with crumbled bread and parsley on top and baked in the oven.


Aragonese lamb (ternasco aragonés) in the form of a roast is prepared from the meat of a young lamb with potatoes and asparagus. The meat can be served as a whole piece or in small pieces with gravy.

A popular national dish is lamb intestines stuffed with rice, parsley, cinnamon and white pepper, called chiretas. If desired, lamb neck meat, kidneys and lungs are added.

Balearic Islands

The cuisine of the islanders is rich not only in sweets, but also in many seafood dishes. Notable examples are caldereta de langosta and guisado de raya. Lobster stew caldereta de langosta is made from two types of local lobsters, tomatoes, bread, onions, spices.

Guisado de raya is a dish of raya fish, which is valuable in these parts, cooked with pieces of potatoes and zucchini in a sauce of roasted almonds, sometimes with the addition of tomatoes.

Canary Islands

The islands of eternal spring are home to the mojo picón sauce, famous throughout Spain, consisting of hot peppers, paprika, garlic, olive oil, wine vinegar and salt. On the islands, the sauce acts as the finishing touch to a simple local dish, papas arrugás, potatoes that are boiled with their skins in salt water until the skins shrivel. Served with spicy sauce. Usually, a special type of potato is used for cooking, which is grown only in this region.


Another high-calorie hero of Spanish cuisine, cocido montañés, or puchera montañesa, is a white bean stew with cabbage, ribs and two types of Spanish sausages, chorizo ​​and morcilla. Due to its calorie content, it is most often served as the only dish at lunch or dinner.

La Rioja

The most popular dish of this region, menestra de verduras, is a vegetable stew with beans, asparagus, local sausages and jamon. The most traditional type of this dish is prepared with the addition of locally produced artichokes.

Basque Country

The famous fish region is, of course, famous for its fish dish - bacalao al pil pil. The Basques cook cod in a pan with lots of olive oil and fried garlic. The oil with garlic remaining after frying is used to prepare a sauce for fish, adding hot red pepper to it. When serving, pieces of fish are laid out on a plate, poured with sauce and sprinkled with herbs.

Castile and Leon

In the "meat" region of Spain, cochinillo asado is considered a popular local dish. A young pig, smeared with spices and pork fat, is baked in the oven along with potatoes. Lamb is prepared in the same way. If desired, the meat can be baked separately and served with stewed vegetables.

Castile-La Mancha

As a favorite dish here you can be offered pisto manchego - a vegetable stew made from fresh tomatoes, zucchini, red and green peppers. The dish has many variations with the addition of jamon, olives, onions and fried eggs.


Migas extremeñas used to be considered a dish for peasants, being, with a simple composition, very high in calories, giving strength for the whole day. For its preparation, dry bread crumbs are used, which are soaked for several hours. Then they are mixed with fried garlic, peppers, chorizo ​​sausage, and the dish is served with a fried egg. There are variations with the addition of bacon or jamon.


The famous and very satisfying Spanish dish is offered to us by Madrid - cocido madrileño. Prepared in the form of a thick soup of chickpeas and meat with the addition of carrots. Most often, when serving, each ingredient is served separately: chickpeas, meat, vegetables and broth. If desired, jamon, bacon, various types of sausages are added to the dish, which add flavor and calorie content to it.


Although the region of Murcia is famous for its gardens and vegetable plantations, the favorite dish of its inhabitants is not prepared from vegetables. Caldero del Mar Menor is a dish based on rice and fish broth with tomatoes, garlic, dried green peppers and saffron. The fish is served separately.

Of the vegetable dishes, it should be noted zarangollo murciano - an omelet with zucchini, potatoes and onions. Vegetables are cooked in a clay pot with oil and spices until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then eggs are added on top, and the dish is brought to readiness. Photo 20


One of the main dishes of this region are peppers stuffed with cod - pimientos rellenos de bacalao. To prepare the peppers, you must first simmer for 10 to 20 minutes on each side, after brushing them with oil, with the addition of sugar and chopped garlic. Then, for stuffing the peppers, a mass is prepared from mashed boiled fish, olive oil, a small amount of milk and flour. Stuffed peppers are lightly fried in oil with chopped garlic.


Valencia gave the whole world the most famous Spanish dish, one might say, the culinary symbol of Spain - paella. Rice, which is often used in the cooking of this region, has become the basis of the dish. Here it is usually made with the following ingredients: chicken, rabbit, green and white beans, a special type of beans with a pronounced aroma (garrofón), tomatoes, artichokes, sweet peppers and saffron.

However, there are many variations of paella with seafood, as well as with meat and seafood at the same time. Guests in the restaurant usually serve the dish in portions in a frying pan.

Bon appetit!
