
Rowan from salt dough on a bottle. Master class "Panel of salt dough" Mountain ash and mushrooms

Varvara Vladimirovna Kizilova

So what do we need:

- yellow salt dough, white, green, orange and brown;

Any dyes (for painting Easter eggs, soap making, gouache, cocoa powder (Brown color) etc.

Knife for cutting plasticine;

Cap from felt-tip pens;

Any pretty string for hanging panel;

Gouache for touch-up panel;

Acrylic lacquer optional.

1. Knead salty dough according to the traditional recipe (1 glass of fine salt, 2 glasses of flour, water, enough to make it tight, but elastic dough, I have a little less than a glass).

If color is required dough, then the dye is added to the water. I used dyes left over from soap making.

2. I knead a lot test for a large number of children. If you need a little product, you can reduce the rate, but the main thing is to observe the approximate proportion of flour and salt - 2/1.

After everything dough the necessary colors will be mixed up, you can proceed to the most interesting. I must say that in my work I often use color dough, which does not need to be painted, in the finished product it looks somehow more aesthetic, in my opinion.

So, take a small piece of yellow test, we roll a bun out of it, then flatten it with our fingers into a neat cake, only slightly smoothing it with a rolling pin from above (we develop fine motor skills.

From the yellow cake with fingers we form the shape of a leaf by stretching the stalk, and we give the white cake an oval shape and also make a slightly wavy edge with our fingers.

3. cap off felt-tip pens we punch holes for the rope.

4. Now from two pieces of white test and two pieces of brown roll 4 koloboks. From white balls we roll up thick sausages slightly tapering on one side - legs, on brown koloboks we press with a finger exactly in the middle, forming a hat. We wet the parts with water and glue, we get mushrooms, which we also glue to the base leaf, not forgetting to lubricate the junctions with water.

For panel"Pock"from brown test roll up two long and plump sausages - twigs and a lot of thin sausages to form a bunch mountain ash. Children have difficulty in depicting a twig mountain ash so I do on dough a slightly noticeable sketch, according to which they already lay out a drawing from test. We always wet all parts with water.

5. Mushrooms for beauty, there is not enough grass and snails. This is easy for kids to handle. For weed, we roll a thick sausage, flatten it with our fingers and make cuts with a knife. We roll the shell from a pink sausage, glue the head and white leg to it. All our panel"mushrooms" ready!

6. Berries for mountain ash can be rolled from balls, you can use the extrusion method. I still prefer the work of the fingers.

For the leaves, I mixed green and yellow dough. We roll the sausage, cut into pieces, form the leaves.

After drying, panel you can slightly tint with gouache, because the color of the product turns pale after drying, and varnish for shine and strength. I am mine panel tinted, although in pastel color I liked them more.

Everything, thanks for your attention. All inspiration and creative ideas!

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Join our creative idea, today we are sculpting a brush of mountain ash from salt dough.

For salt dough crafts you will need:

  • Salty dough
  • Stack
  • Cardboard
  • Watercolor
  • brush + water

Step 1. Making salt dough for crafts.

Step 2. Sculpt a rowan brush. To do this, we ask the child to pinch off a piece of salt dough and first form a thick branch, and then several thin ones, to which rowan berries will be attached.

Sculpt rowan branches on thick cardboard. Why on thick cardboard? Such cardboard is convenient if you need to transfer the craft, it does not deform from the moisture of the salt dough.

Step 3. Sculpt rowan berries. To do this, the child pinches off the dough, forms balls of the same size and molds them to the brush he has molded.

Step 4. We sculpt the leaves: first we form a ball, then we turn it into an oval and flatten it, we sharpen one end. Using a stack, we make notches on the leaves that resemble a leaf pattern.

We sculpt each leaf to a branch, which we blinded in advance and stuck to a cardboard base.

Step 5. Color the rowan brush with paints. You can paint with any paint: gouache, watercolor. The cardboard base can also be given color.

Step 6. Dry the salt dough craft and put it in a prominent place

Vlad: 5 years old

Play is a source of development, it creates a zone of proximal development, that is, it determines the development of a childL.S. Vygotskaya

A developed child is love and understanding by parents of his basic needs.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

We sculpt from salt dough Municipal educational institution of additional education for children Station of young technicians of the highest category Completed by: teacher of additional education Morkovkina Tatyana Vasilievna 2013

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Description of the slide:

Explanatory note One of the most popular types of arts and crafts is modeling. Today, such material as salt dough is becoming more and more popular in our country, successfully competing with traditional materials - clay and plasticine. In working with it, many are attracted not so much by its availability and relative cheapness, but by the endless possibilities that this material provides for creativity. Products from this material, unlike plasticine, are durable and do not require expensive firing treatment like clay products. In addition, salt dough in many respects (primarily technical and, of course, environmental) is superior to polymer clay, which is popular abroad, which has appeared on the shelves of our stores for a long time. This manual has an artistic orientation. Its implementation allows not only to satisfy the formed needs of the population, but also to create conditions for the development of the child's personality, ensure his emotional well-being, introduce him to universal values, create conditions for creative self-realization, teach tolerant behavior, respect and tolerance.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Purpose: consolidation and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities in composing compositions from small parts in the technique of testoplasty. Objectives: Educational - to continue learning how to make compositions from small details. Developing - to develop the muscles of the hand, eye, visual acuity. Develop the ability to select contrasting colors, shading colors. Educational - to cultivate perseverance, patience, attentiveness, accuracy.

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Mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) Mountain ash is photophilous, grows well and bears fruit in conditions of sufficient lighting. Loves fertile, moisture-intensive and breathable soil. Moisture-loving, but in conditions of excessive humidity, there is a weak growth and even death of plants. One of the most winter-hardy fruit crops. Diseases and pests of mountain ash: rust of mountain ash, leaf spot, fruit rot, powdery mildew, anthracnose; rowan moth, rowan gall mite, green apple aphid, rowan aphid, red-winged weevil. Rowan was once considered a symbol of fertility, well-being and prosperity. The Slavs called mountain ash a sacred tree and were sure that it was in its openwork crown that lightning was hiding (which is not surprising; lightning “chooses” high mountain ash growing in open space). And this tree has always been loved for its bright, but at the same time what a shy beauty.

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Description of the slide:

But the main thing is that this tree is almost always decorative: in spring it pleases with abundant flowering, in summer with carved foliage, in autumn with orange-red fruits, and in winter with bright clusters against the backdrop of snow. The generic designation of mountain ash comes from the Celtic word sor, which means tart, and the specific name - aucuparia - is translated from Latin as "catching birds". Perhaps the mountain ash was used as bait when catching birds with nets. Solid, dense wood of mountain ash has long been used in the manufacture of carriages, wooden parts of mill equipment, and agricultural implements. From it they made hoops for barrels, parts of a horn for hunting a bear. The bark was indispensable for tanning hides and leather dressing. The berries were added to pet food.

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Description of the slide:

Varieties of rowan fruit Scarlet large One of the most valuable varieties of this crop. For hybridization, a mixture of pollen from different pear species was used. Its fruits are very large (over 4 g), scarlet-red, reminiscent of cherries, juicy, with a slight astringency, but without bitterness. Early variety, versatile. The harvest from one adult tree reaches 150 kg. Bead Bears fruit in the 4-5th year after planting. On a low tree, ruby-red fruits ripen, reminiscent of cranberries in taste. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to diseases. Yields are stable. Vefed Obtained from Nevezhinskaya mountain ash. A low tree bears fruit steadily. The fruits are orange-pink, shiny, weighing up to 1.3 g. The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness. Pomegranate A hybrid of mountain ash with large-fruited hawthorn. The height of the tree is 3-4 m. The fruit is the size of a cherry. The taste is sweet and sour, without bitterness. Winter hardiness and productivity are high. It bears fruit from the age of three.

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In this work, there are two elements: berries and leaves. In order to make leaves, you need to roll a ball (kolobok) from salt dough, then an oval, a donut, form a leaf with your fingers and cut the veins on the finished leaf with a stack.

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We place all the leaves on a branch (previously draw with a pencil where the leaves and berries will be located).

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Once all the leaves are done, you can start coloring them yellow-green.

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After staining, we proceed to the manufacture of berries. We form balls (kolobok) from salt dough and lay them on pre-drawn berries.

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Do-it-yourself autumn rowan from salt dough. Master class with step by step photos

Master class Series of wall panels "Autumn rowan" in the technique of salt dough

Nazarova Tatyana Nikolaevna teacher of additional education at the House of Childhood and Youth in Millerovo
The master class is intended for teachers of additional education, technology teachers, students of senior school age.
Purpose: a series of panels "Autumn rowan" can be used as an interior decoration, a gift.
Target: to make a series of wall panels "Autumn rowan"
- introduce the technique of sculpting a three-dimensional panel on a color template;
- instill a love for working with salt dough;

Rowan is a symbol of family happiness. Previously, during weddings, rowan berries decorated tables, sprinkled newlyweds. It is believed that dried branches and bright elegant clusters are an excellent decoration for the bedroom. You can decorate the interior of the room in different ways. I propose to make a series of wall panels "Autumn Rowan" with your own hands using the salt dough modeling technique.
For work we need:

3 A4 photo frames, printed templates (background base) panels on a color photo printer, Dragon glue, stack, glue brush, watercolor paints, PVA glue, starch, Carnation seasoning (seeds);
For salt dough - "Extra" salt, flour, water, food colorings - red, yellow, green;
For snow potato starch, extra salt, water;
salt dough recipe
0.5 st. salt "Extra", 0.5 tbsp. cold water, 1st flour (no additives).
Pour salt + cold water + flour into a deep bowl. Knead elastic dough. Add water if necessary. Store the finished dough in a plastic bag while working.
Colored salt dough recipe : knead the dough in a similar way, only during kneading add food coloring.
To make green dough, add green food coloring.
In order to make an orange dough, add red and yellow dye at the tip of a teaspoon while kneading. You will get an orange dough.
Panel templates:

PANNO № 1 "Rowan in September"

Let's start working with a panel, which we will call "Rowan in September". At the very beginning of autumn, rowan leaves are still bright green in places, and the berries are not ripe, so they are yellow or orange.
I walked in the park
Where the dawn is growing, I found out.
Looked up, she
I immediately became visible!
The berries are burning brightly
They are looking at me!
What a wonderful picture?
This tree is a rowan!

In the photo frame we take out the glass (it will not be useful to us), cardboard. We apply Titan glue on the cardboard and glue the illustration printed on a color printer with a mountain ash. Let it dry for a few minutes and put it back into the frame.

Here's what you should get.

We will make the panel "Rowan in September" using the technique of modeling from colored salt dough. The illustration is dominated by green and orange, so we need green and orange dough.

Making a wall panel, our task is to repeat the drawing of a color illustration as much as possible, making it voluminous. The printed illustration is both a ready-made background for the panel and a hint to us for further work. Of course, you can show your imagination and add some elements. First, let's start sculpting bunches of mountain ash. Spread several rowan berries on the panel with PVA glue. Roll up large “beads” from the orange dough and place them on the glue.

Insert a carnation into each rowan bead, pressing it a little. If the cloves have long tails, make them shorter. Cut them off with scissors.

Thus, we make moldings on the whole bunch of mountain ash, trying to repeat the contour of the picture as much as possible.

Let's start with green dough. We make rowan leaves. Our illustration is printed in close-up, so the rowan berries and leaves are large. Take a piece of green dough the size of a large cherry and roll it into a small "zucchini".

Roll the "zucchini" into a thin, oblong "cake"

Using a stack, make notches on the leaf. The leaf is ready.

In the same way as the rowan berries were glued, we glue the leaves. We apply glue to the template, and then we put a leaf. And so the whole branch.

It should look like this panel. The panel turns out to be quite heavy, because we made large moldings. Now it needs to dry well. It will take about a week to dry.

The dough dried out well. To make the panel brighter, more expressive, we will slightly tint the veins on the leaves with bright green paint. Brown paint tint rowan twigs. They will become more expressive. Let's leave it to dry for a few more hours, and then open the finished panel with acrylic colorless varnish. After varnishing, colored salt dough becomes much brighter and stronger.
Panel "Rowan in September" is ready.

PANNO № 2 "Rowan in October"

October has come. Rowan leaves acquire an amazing yellow, crimson hue. Berries become bright orange and even red. The next panel will be called "Rowan in October"
October! Autumn mature
Behind the windows of houses
Hanging rowan ripe,
Beautiful, no words.
It costs green-red,
All in the morning dew
Happy and clear
Everyone envies her.
autumn beauty,
She is not afraid of frost,
Worth pouring
The purple of their braids.

Let's do the same as with the previous panel. Insert a color illustration into the photo frame. But now I propose to work with the usual, white dough, although children love working with color so much. With the help of a brush and paints, we will make our panel truly bright, autumn. Let's collect all the colors of autumn in one panel.

According to the technique already familiar to us, we sculpt leaves. We will make moldings only on yellowed leaves. Leave the green ones untouched. Start gluing from above, slightly overlaying the leaf on the frame. This technique gives additional volume to the panel. Be sure to lightly grease the junction of the dough with the frame with glue. After gluing the leaf, bend it slightly with a stack. As if the leaves are moving in the wind. Working with this panel, we show our imagination, improvise. We no longer try to repeat the drawing exactly.

We make moldings in the form of small beads-berries on the rowan brush. Lubricate the rowan brush with PVA glue along the contour and put the berries. On each berry with a small Phillips screwdriver or a simple pencil, make dimples.

We continue to make sticky leaves. The breeze is blowing and the leaves are moving in the wind. Stack them up.

This is the panel we got. Now it needs to be dried well (7-8 days)
The dough is dry, and boldly proceed to coloring.

Nalepy - we will paint the leaves in yellow, but the veins on the leaves in brown, slightly adding a red tint. In brown, draw a branch on which a bunch of mountain ash hangs directly according to the template. She will become brighter.
Thus, we used a color illustration as a color template, a hint for creativity. Some have changed, some have remained the same. The paint is dry. Cover the panel with a colorless acrylic varnish.
Panel "Rowan in October" is ready.

PANNO No. 3 "Rowan in November"

November is the last month of autumn. The leaves on the mountain ash flew around, but it is decorated with chic clusters of heavy shiny berries. Sometimes the first snow breaks, covering the berries. Rowan becomes magically beautiful. Let's call our panel "Rowan in November"
What kind of berry is reddening there,
When it's already cool
And autumn rushes at full speed,
Sweeping leaves in the yards?
She is still bitter and knitting...
But only snow will fall on the ground,
Frost will not hit lightly
And the river will be covered with ice:
It already tastes different...
And the birds, as if understanding
Frozen pellets peck
In winter, reddening mountain ash.

We are preparing a photo frame with a color template for work (as in the previous work). Let's work with colored salt dough again. Since it is already late autumn, the berries are ripe, we will sculpt them from red colored dough.

According to the technique already familiar to us, we glue small berries from red salt dough to the template base. Thus, we repeat the drawing, only make it voluminous. In each berry, use a small Phillips screwdriver to press the crosses.

Just as we did in the previous panel with leaves, we glue the rowan berries slightly touching the edges of the photo frame. It seems that rowan berries are about to fall into your hands. Be sure to spread the frame lightly with glue, and then glue the berries.

Glue more berries on the frame.

We make moldings - berries all over the panel. Now you need to let the dough dry. You need to dry for about 7-8 days in the air, in a dry, ventilated place.

The dough has dried up, we continue to work on the panel. Just as we did with the previous panel, draw rowan twigs over the panel with brown paint. They will become brighter, more expressive. With a thin brush, put brown dots in the middle of each berry.
Let's get to the most interesting part of working with panels. We need snow. We cook "snow"
Recipe for snow
Pour 2 tablespoons of water + 1 teaspoon (without a slide) of potato starch into a small saucepan. Stir and put on low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the jelly becomes transparent, remove the saucepan from the heat and add 1 cup of Extra salt. Stir constantly. The mixture is crumbly, similar to wet snow. We immediately begin to work with Snow.
