
How to cook pea porridge quickly. Pea porridge - basic recipe

I want to tell you about a simple and very healthy dish - pea porridge. Many people have known this dish since childhood, vegetarians and athletes love it very much, because peas contain protein - the main building material for our body. How to cook pea porridge deliciously and what it is eaten with - I will share my secrets with you.

Pea porridge with bacon

Kitchenware: a container for soaking peas, a saucepan, a frying pan, a knife and a cutting board.


In order for the peas to be better digested and absorbed, I soak them overnight, after washing them well with water. For making porridge, I took whole peas. If you have split grains, it is enough to soak it for 3-5 hours.

One pea has everything our body needs: vitamins and minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, natural carbohydrates and vegetable proteins. To improve the taste and give the porridge flavor, I add bacon to it. Cooking should be in a thick-walled saucepan, it can be made of stainless steel or in a cast iron. I have a ceramic ovenproof pan.

Cooking steps

The recipe is very simple, does not require a lot of expenses, and what benefits the dish will bring to your health! In my family, pea porridge is equally loved by all family members. For children, I cook it with cream, and I serve my wife with meat or fish. It goes well with vegetables, so if you are on a diet, you can not worry about your figure. A hearty and healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner will satisfy your hunger for a long time.

video recipe

Necessarily cook porridge in a bowl with thick walls and a bottom otherwise it will burn. Who does not have such a saucepan, you can cook in the "Extinguishing" mode. I used to often cook millet and until I got a ceramic saucepan. I also advise you to soak peas, as it contains phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of nutrients by the intestinal walls. Therefore, it is necessary to leave the peas for several hours and deactivate this very acid.

Pea porridge with onions and carrots

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Servings: 2.
Kitchenware: frying pan, cutting board, knife, cooking pot, pusher.


I will introduce you to a simple and healthy dish - pea porridge, with which you can significantly improve your health. She can improve appetite and improve digestion, reduce pressure drops, and the natural fiber contained in peas will cleanse the body and satisfy the feeling of hunger.

If you want to saturate your body with useful micro and macro elements, periodically include pea porridge in your diet, and I will be happy to tell you below how to cook it correctly. But for starters a few important points:

  • I always soak peas so that they boil. First, I sort through, removing debris and low-quality peas, rinse thoroughly and fill with water so that it completely covers it. After soaking, I wash it again several times and, maintaining the proportions, proceed to cooking. I add four parts of water to one part of peas.
  • I add salt at the end of cooking, but many housewives salt porridge immediately or add it during the cooking process.
  • To enrich porridge with flavor, I'm making a blank of onions and carrots.

Cooking method

The porridge is ready. Fast, simple and incredibly useful. You can season it with butter or olive oil, drizzle with cream, serve with meat or supplement with fresh vegetables and herbs. It is delicious both cold and hot. Look how incredibly beautiful the finished dish looks.

video recipe

Split peas cook much faster, but whole unshelled grains are much more useful. In African countries they eat black-eyed peas - it has the highest protein content. I cooked such a porridge with lard cracklings and fried onions and bacon - I ate it with my husband in one sitting. I would like to ask you, how do you feel about this dish? Perhaps you have your own tricks and methods of making? I will be glad to your comment.

Pea porridge with smoked brisket

Pea porridge is not popular these days. And in vain. If you knew how many useful elements and vitamins peas contain, you would definitely include dishes from it in your diet. Pea porridge - the leader in the content of high-quality and easily digestible protein in it(for example, boiled - 8 g of protein). Often peas are used in legume diets, which allows you to quickly reduce weight without harming the body. I am sharing with you my recipe on how to cook delicious pea porridge in water with juicy meat so that the peas boil.

video recipe

If after 40 minutes the peas are not ready, I add a little water. Several of my friends who hate pea soup have changed their attitude towards this representative of legumes after my porridge. True, they add garlic and thyme, but it's not for everybody. If you do not have pots, you can add ready-made peas directly to the pan with meat and onions and warm up a little. Excess liquid will evaporate and the porridge will thicken.

A must try if you haven't tried this dish. The perfect combination and great taste. Share your impressions.

Peas are a tasty and healthy product, popular not only in our country. In the Arab countries, India and Latin America, legumes form the basis of the diet - here mashed potatoes and pea porridge on the water with various spices are a national treat. They are loved for their large amount of protein and moderate calorie content (80 calories per 100 grams of product). In this article, we’ll talk about exactly how you can cook pea porridge (pea), and also reveal some secrets with which you can quickly cook pea porridge and make the dish more useful and unusual.

Everyone knows the taste of pea porridge from childhood

Peas can be whole, chopped, green, yellow. The whole unpeeled look is more useful, but you will have to be patient - it takes longer to cook, and before cooking, you should soak the product in water for several hours.

If you need pea porridge without soaking, you should buy a peeled look in the store (in the form of small halves). It is better polished, softens faster than the whole. If you still soak it for 1-2 hours before cooking, the dish will be more like mashed potatoes.

Choosing between green and yellow grains for porridge? They have the same nutritional value and calorie content, but the taste and texture are different. The green look is tender, soft, boils faster. The yellow varieties have more dietary fiber, they will be tougher.

Principles of proper cooking

Peas must be sorted out, washed (it will take 5-6 glasses of water) until the cloudy liquid disappears. This is necessary to remove powdery dust. It gives the dish a bitter taste. In addition, if you do not wash the legumes, the dish can turn into a sticky puree.

Peas do not have to be soaked (as mentioned above - it depends on the type of legume chosen). But if you still hold it in water, then it will turn out to cook such porridge the fastest. Ideally, leave the product to swell for 4-5 hours. It is better not to keep it longer than 10 hours (it will soften and you will get mashed potatoes).

How long to cook pea porridge depends on which recipe you choose and how much porridge you decide to cook. The express option will take 40 minutes, the longer one - 1.5-2 hours.

The result depends on the quality of the peas

The recipe includes a trick - the use of thick-walled dishes. Porridge from peas burns strongly, it is correct to do it in a cauldron, a cast-iron pan with a thick bottom. You can take ducklings for cooking. The dish is cooked over low heat with constant stirring - this will protect it from burning.

Lean option

A simple and delicious recipe - lean pea porridge. To make it, you need to take:

  • 500 g chopped variety, preferably green.
  • 2 medium sized onions.
  • 2 medium tomatoes, ripe but firm
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt.
  • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

We know that it’s easier for some to look at a recipe with a photo, so let’s describe the process and add step-by-step photos:

Step 1: Rinse and Soak , changing water up to 5 times.

Stage 2: Fill with water by 1.5 centimeters, put on fire. Cooked for 2-3 hours with a half-open lid. Beans should be stirred regularly to avoid burning.

Stage 3: Fry the onion, then add the tomatoes without the skin there.

Step 4: A few minutes before cooking, put the dressing in the pan, now you need to salt and pepper. Simmer over low heat covered for 5 minutes. Then arrange on plates, decorate with herbs.

Such a dish fully reveals the aroma, it thickens and becomes saturated the next day after cooking.

Pea porridge with onions goes well with various vegetables. For example, many people like pea porridge with mushrooms - you can use champignons, boletus, porcini mushrooms, chanterelles.

Cooking method for meat eaters

The classic recipe is pea porridge with mushrooms and meat. Such a delicious dish is hearty (287 calories per 100 grams), so small portions will be required to saturate.

Done within an hour and a half. You can cook pea porridge in a fairly simple way. You will need:

  • 600 g of boneless pork, beef or poultry (pea porridge with bacon or smoked meats is also delicious).
  • 1.5-2 cups of peas
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 medium onion
  • 300 g mushrooms
  • 1.5 teaspoons Provence herb blend
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground paprika
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil
  • Salt.

Let's describe the recipe step by step. Rinse, soak the peas in water (30-50 minutes). Cut the meat into cubes 2.5x2.5 cm. Put the pan on the stove, heat the olive oil. Dip the meat in the pan, fry until light brown. Prepare vegetables: peel onions, carrots. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes, and cut the mushrooms into strips. Add vegetables to meat, simmer, stirring. Cook the meat for 5 minutes over medium heat. Sprinkle with paprika, a mixture of Provence herbs, salt.

Transfer the meat to a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the grains, fill with water 1.5 centimeters higher. Cooked yummy will be ready in an hour and a half. If you keep it on fire for a longer time, you will get mashed potatoes.

When the pea porridge is ready, you can serve with any greens, seasoned with oil. The pea porridge recipe can be supplemented with any vegetables - done with tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, onions and carrots. Meat can be replaced with fish (then the dish will turn out to be dietary), just carefully separate the fillet from the bones.

Is the dish suitable for children?

Parents will probably want to know at what age children can cook pea porridge, is it not dangerous if their son or daughter cooks a dish in kindergarten. You should not give legumes to babies under 1.5 years old, as they are difficult for children to digest. In addition, stimulation of the intestines is not always beneficial for babies, especially if there are problems with digestion.

Keep in mind that many people do not tolerate legumes. For the first time, you need to boil pea porridge in water in the same proportion as usual, but give the baby a couple of spoons to understand the reaction of a small organism. If everything is good, then the volume can be increased. In the kindergarten, you can warn that you have never given a child such a dish - so that the caregivers do not force the baby to eat unfamiliar food.

By the way, if it’s not tasty for a child to eat the usual version, then you can cook pea porridge with meat sauce - it’s checked, children like this option more, and adults eat it with pleasure.

A couple of secrets on how to diversify the dish

Let's share a couple of recipes on how to cook delicious pea porridge simply or in an original way:

  • If you need to cook pea porridge quickly, you can use the following trick: add soda to the grains filled with water on the tip of a knife. Let stand 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly. After that, the dish will cook half as much.
  • Pea porridge in the oven turns out to be more fragrant and soft, so be sure to try it. It is made according to the usual recipe (with the same ingredients, in the same ratio), only pea porridge is placed in pots, then baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.
  • Need to know how to cook a dish quickly? Pea porridge in the microwave is your salvation. It is set for half an hour in the appropriate mode for cooking legumes.
  • Oversalted? No big deal, it's fixable. You can cook an additional portion without salt, then mix with a salted dish. If there is no time for the procedure, fry more onions and carrots without salt, mix. Onions and carrots will go well with peas, add sweetness to the dish.

So, we have described the tricks that will help you cook pea porridge deliciously. If you like visual step-by-step instructions on what to do, we recommend watching the video.

Recently, I was cooking chicken for dinner and wondered what to cook for a side dish. I looked into the locker and saw a package of split peas. It was decided - there will be fragrant pea porridge on the water!

I will tell you a simple and delicious basic recipe for pea porridge on the water. You can additionally add onion and carrots sauteed in vegetable oil to the almost ready porridge, together or separately.

I love pea porridge with a consistency similar to mashed potatoes, so I cook it longer. So, put on your aprons and get to work! And I will tell you how to cook pea porridge so that the peas boil and become tender and especially tasty.

Ingredients required:

  • 2 cups dry split peas, 250 ml
  • 800 ml -1 l of water
  • 50 g butter
  • 0.5 tsp. cumin, black pepper, curry, coriander
  • salt to taste

Cooking step by step

Wash the peas thoroughly. Pour it into a saucepan or deep bowl. Fill with purified water at room temperature and leave to swell for several hours, you can overnight. If you use split peas, you can not soak them for a long time, they will cook quickly enough anyway.

If you cook peas without pre-soaking, you will need more water for cooking.

Then we will drain the water from the swollen peas, rinse it again and fill it with clean water (800 ml -1 l of water). Cover the pot with a lid and place over medium heat.

How much to cook pea porridge

When the water boils, carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the peas until soft, as required by the recipe for pea porridge on water. Pre-soaked peas will be ready in about 30 minutes, unsoaked in 1 hour.

Then, at the end of cooking, add salt (quite a bit, peas are easy to oversalt) and spices.

Also, for a gentle and delicate taste, add a piece of butter.

Mix so that the oil and spices are combined with the peas.

A few nuances

If the tasty pea porridge turned out to be liquid, it can be thickened by continuing to cook the peas over low heat. Excess water will evaporate, and the porridge will become thicker.

If you want to get a puree-like porridge, mash the peas with a potato masher at the end of cooking. An immersion blender can also be used for this purpose.

How and with what to serve a dish to the table

We will transfer the finished porridge to plates, decorate with greens and serve as a side dish. It goes well with fried or baked chicken, smoked meats, meat dishes.

Cook pea porridge from 50 minutes to 1 hour.

How to cook pea porridge

Peas dry unshelled - 2 cups
Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
Water - 6 glasses

Cooking pea porridge
1. Pour 2 cups of dry peas into a colander and rinse thoroughly with water.
2. Pour the peas into a deep bowl, pour 3 cups of cold water, let stand for 5 hours.
3. Drain off any water that has not been absorbed, rinse the peas again.
4. Pour the swollen peas into a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour 3 cups of cold water.
5. Put the pan on medium heat, bring to a boil, remove the resulting foam.
6. Reduce heat and cook porridge for 30 minutes.
7. Pour 1.5 teaspoons of salt into the porridge, mix, cook for another 20-30 minutes.
8. Ready (boiled and no longer crispy) mash the peas with a crush to make mashed potatoes.

Fuss facts about pea porridge

You can cook the peas directly in the water in which the peas were soaked.

The ideal pan for peas is thick-walled and with a thick bottom. In such a pan, the peas will not burn and will boil evenly.

Simple pea porridge can be served with fried onions or carrots.

Serve the pea porridge topped with olive oil, cream or melted lard with cracklings.

Pea porridge is eaten both hot and cold.

See all the rules for cooking peas.

Pea porridge with meat

Dry peas - 2 cups
Water - 6 glasses
Pork pulp - 500 grams
Onions - 2 pieces
Salt - 2 teaspoons
Ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons

How to cook pea porridge with meat
1. Wash 2 cups of dry peas, pour 3 cups of cold water, leave for 5 hours to swell.
2. Wash the meat and cut into cubes.
3. Peel 2 onions and cut into half rings.
4. Transfer the peas to a saucepan, add 3 cups of water and cook for 30 minutes, then add 1 teaspoon of salt and cook for another 30 minutes. Crush the boiled peas with a crush.
5. Pour 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat for 1 minute over medium heat, add meat, fry for 5 minutes.
6. Stir the meat cubes, fry for another 5 minutes.
7. Add the onion to the pan, fry, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.
8. Add half a teaspoon of ground chili pepper and 1 teaspoon of salt, mix, cover the pan with a lid, reduce heat, simmer for 5 minutes.
9. Add meat with onions to the pan with ready-made pea porridge, mix and heat for 2 minutes.
You can not mix meat with onions with pea porridge - just put it on top.
