
How to keep bananas fresh at home. How to store green bananas so that they ripen

Banana fruits have a lot of advantages. However, the fruit is not without its drawbacks. One of them is the short shelf life of fruits. Someone, not having time for daily trips to the supermarket, would like to buy bananas for future use. How to store bananas at home? Is it okay to store tropical fruit in the refrigerator? Is it possible to freeze it?

In contact with

The shelf life of bananas is directly dependent on the stage of fruit ripeness and storage conditions. Here's how long you can store, given the above factors:

  1. Professionally equipped cameras are able to provide a storage period of up to 50 days.
  2. If stored at normal room temperature, without special preservation measures, the ripe fruit will begin to spoil as early as the second day. A competent approach to the issue of storage can significantly - up to one week - increase the shelf life.
  3. Green fruits can be stored at home longer than yellow ones - up to two weeks.
  4. The longest fruit can be stored in the freezer - two to three months.

The right approach to how to store bananas at home can significantly increase the life of an exotic fruit!

This is how bananas are stored during transportation

Why do they darken at home?

Storing bananas at home is quite a challenge.

During transportation, and later - in warehouses, optimal conditions are created for the exotic fruit:

  • fruits are wrapped in a special film, which helps to achieve maximum shelf life - from 28 to 50 days;
  • inside the storage chambers, a stable temperature of the pulp is maintained in the range from +12 to +14 degrees;
  • forced systems provide continuous air circulation.

The blackening of the peel is due to the loss of moisture by the banana. Unlike other tropical fruits - such as orange, avocado, pineapple, for example - the banana fruit is not protected from the external environment by a hard shell that slows down the drying of the fruit. In view of this, the question of how to store bananas at home presents some difficulties.

Brown dots and specks are not a sign of depravity. They testify to the highest degree of maturity. The lack of aesthetic pleasure from the use of such a product is another matter. Blackened fruits are unfit for consumption!

Step by step damage process:

  • darkening of the skin;
  • darkening of the pulp;
  • loss of taste;
  • unsuitability for use.

How to store ripe bananas at home so that they do not turn black?

To delay the blackening process, it is recommended to purchase banana fruits with a green stem (tail). To preserve very ripe fruit, you will have to use some tricks. But even with a number of activities, ripe fruit is unlikely to be saved for more than a week.

How to store bananas at home so that they do not turn black? There are some secrets:

  1. The most effective way is to hang the fruits - this technique will protect them from "bedsores". Moreover, it is better to hang each copy separately.
  2. Wrap the tail of each fruit with cling film. Clogging the cells with a film slows down the process of overripe.
  3. Storage in cellophane bags is unacceptable - this is an important condition in the question of where to store bananas.

These are the basics on how to store bananas so that they do not turn black at home!

Where is the best place to store?

Since yellow fruits quickly lose their freshness, the question of where to store bananas so that they do not turn black worries many housewives. A cool, dark cellar or closet are good storage options.

Reference! The optimum humidity in the room where banana fruits are stored should be 80-90%. Water containers will do a good job of humidifying, but if you have a basement, you can store it in it.

At what temperature?

Since the temperature regime is an important condition for the storage of any fruit, it is important to figure out at what temperature bananas should be stored.

When there are few fruits and there is no need to store them for a long time, the temperature regime does not matter much.

When there is a need to keep bananas fresh as long as possible, the influence of external temperatures is very large:

  • ideal storage temperature - +13.3 degrees;
  • temperature from +12 to +19 degrees will be acceptable;
  • at temperatures below +10 degrees, the peel may darken overnight.

To summarize, for long-term storage, you should adhere to the following temperature indicators:

  • 0 degrees - unacceptable storage temperature;
  • from 0 to +5 degrees - five minutes of the fruit staying in this mode will not make changes in the tissues;
  • from +6 to +8 degrees - 20-25 minutes will also not damage the fabric;
  • from +9 to +11.5 degrees - allowable temperature storage within three to five hours;
  • +12.5 degrees - up to 72 hours of storage;
  • +13 to +14 degrees - the ideal temperature - the ability to keep fruit for three to four weeks;
  • +15 to +18 degrees - temperature for ripening green fruits;
  • +19 to +20 degrees - a very undesirable temperature regime;
  • over +22 degrees - unacceptable temperature for long-term maintenance.

Interesting! If the fruit began to darken from the cold, then once it is warm, it will turn black with acceleration!

Can you put it in the refrigerator?

Due to the fact that an exotic fruit loves coolness, the question arises: is it possible to store bananas in the refrigerator? Keeping in the refrigerator is not the best option!

Are there valid reasons to put fruit in the refrigerator? Yes, I have.

  1. The first reason is the initial darkening of the peel (brown dots, specks appeared). If you store such a fruit in the refrigerator, this will delay the darkening of the pulp, although the peel will continue to blacken.
  2. The second reason is that after the guests left, a certain amount of chopped fruits remained.
  3. The third reason - there were too many fruits, the apartment is warm enough, there is no cool place.

How to store bananas in the refrigerator?

  1. Whole fruits should be stored in paper.
  2. Place the bag in the refrigerator door, approximately in the middle.
  3. Remove the skin from cut fruits. Sprinkle them with lemon juice, put them in a container, cover with a lid, and refrigerate. Store no more than a day.

Where to keep green bananas so that they ripen?

It is not difficult to bring these fruits to a degree of maturity without losing their usual taste. What if the stores in a certain region do not sell others? How to store green bananas so that they ripen?

In the process of ripening, a number of changes occur in banana fruits:

  • starch is converted to sugar;
  • The chlorophyll in the peel breaks down and it turns yellow.

First you need to decide what kind of ripening speed is needed. To slow down the process, you will have to create one environment. For acceleration - another.

  1. Ripening will slow down at temperatures from +12 to +15 degrees and humidity of at least 70%.
  2. To ripen green banana fruits quickly, you should put them in a paper bag with ripe apples, pears or melons for two to three days.

When the speed of ripening does not matter, it is enough just to hang a bunch of bananas in a dark place, or hide it in a kitchen cabinet. After three to five days, the banana will be ready to eat. And .

Can I freeze for the winter and how to do it?

Freezing is a great option for processing overripe fruit. This product is usually used for the manufacture of chilled cocktails and dessert dishes.

The question of whether it is possible to freeze bananas for the winter may seem strange to someone. But if in some region bananas are not sold all year round, then there is simply no other option!

How to do it:

  1. Peeled bananas, cut into slices, put in zip bags, send to the freezer.
  2. Remove the peel, put whole fruits in a plastic food container, sprinkle with lemon juice, cover and send to the freezer.
  3. Make banana puree with a blender, add lemon juice to it, spread it into silicone molds, freeze.

The positive answer to the question of whether bananas can be frozen is obvious. Competent freezing extends the shelf life to two months. In addition to all of the above, bananas can also.

Useful video

The article described several ways to save bananas and whether it is worth it. We offer you to watch one more of them on the video. He does not claim originality, but deserves attention:


  1. The standard shelf life of bananas in specially created conditions is up to 50 days.
  2. In the conditions of a house or apartment, without appropriate measures, the fruit begins to deteriorate after two days. To properly store bananas at home, you need to provide the ideal temperature and the required level of humidity. This extends the shelf life of fruits by up to one week.
  3. The high temperature and low humidity in the room where bananas are stored cause the liquid in the peel to evaporate. It ceases to protect the pulp, and the fruit begins to deteriorate.
  4. To delay the browning process, bananas should be stored at a temperature of +13 degrees. The refrigerator is not the best place to store bananas.
  5. When the speed of ripening is not of great importance, then simply hanging a bunch of bananas in a dark place is enough.
  6. Banana fruits can be frozen. This is a good option to preserve overripe fruits. In the question of how best to store bananas in the freezer, plastic containers and zip bags have proven themselves to be excellent.
  7. By learning how to properly store bananas at home, you can enjoy the taste of tropical fruits all year round.

How to store bananas so that they do not turn black?

How to store bananas if they are not ripe

When choosing fruits, you should pay attention to unripe fruits, as they have a longer shelf life. Green bananas ripen within 2-4 days at room temperature. Due to the strong herbal flavor, it is not recommended to consume unripe fruits. They do not have the sweetness of ripe bananas.

If green bananas are placed in a box or basket along with ripe tomatoes, they will ripen faster.

Fruits should not be placed in the refrigerator, because the cold slows down the process of their ripening. To ripen bananas, they are kept in a dark, warm room. It is not necessary to wrap the fruit in polyethylene: this will spoil it and become unusable.

How to store bananas so they don't turn black

When buying bananas, pay attention to the peel: if it has cuts or cracks, then such a fruit will quickly deteriorate. Choose fruits without gray bloom and broken cuttings. Remember that the more dark spots on a banana, the sweeter it is.

Ripe yellow fruits should be consumed immediately after purchase or within 2 days, otherwise bananas will begin to deteriorate and black spots form on them.

Before the fruit darkens, it is impossible to store them in the refrigerator. Cold will provoke the disintegration of the pigment in the peel, and the flesh will remain unripe. If dark spots appear on the surface of the fruit, then they need to be removed in the refrigerator.

To avoid darkening of the peel, the fruits are separated from each other. Banana cuttings are wrapped with tape, cling film or a plastic bag to prevent oxygen from entering.

Ripe bananas should not be stored in plastic bags or with other fruits, as this will speed up the rotting process of the yellow fruit.

Peeled bananas are frozen and stored for up to 5 months. Sliced ​​peeled fruits are sprinkled with malic or citric acid and placed in vacuum containers. This helps to preserve the taste and color of the pulp for several days.

Banana is a tasty, healthy and nutritious product. It must be stored correctly, otherwise the fruit will turn black and begin to rot.

05/10/2018 0 535 views

Bananas mostly come to us in an unripe form. They turn yellow very quickly, so they are transported in special containers. Before being sold, fruits are treated with gas - so the ripening occurs evenly. Consider how to properly store bananas at home so that they do not turn black? After all, certain conditions are observed in stores under which they do not sing too early.

In supermarkets, you can find overripe, ripe and green bananas. In the first case, they will have brown spots, the second option is ideal for consumption. Green fruits can be stored at home in a cool place until they turn yellow. It is important to understand that the refrigerator is not suitable for this purpose. Overripe fruits are best eaten immediately or mashed by putting it in the freezer.

Causes of Banana Browning

Keeping these fruits at home is not an easy task. During transportation, while in the warehouse, they create ideal conditions:

  • bananas are wrapped in a film in which they can be stored for 28-50 days;
  • in the storage room, the temperature is always kept in the range of 13-14 degrees;
  • constant air circulation is ensured.

Skin darkens due to loss of moisture. The banana does not have a hard skin that provides protection from the environment and slows down the drying process, such as mango, pineapple, avocado and orange. Therefore, it is more difficult to store it.

It should be understood that brown dots and spots do not indicate that the fruit is spoiled. This indicates that he has reached the highest degree of ripeness. But if the fruit has turned black, you can not eat it.

The damage process consists of the following stages:

  • darkening of the shell;
  • blackening of the pulp;
  • loss of taste;
  • unfit for consumption.

Storage conditions at home

Banana is a perishable fruit, so you should not buy them in large quantities at once. Otherwise, you will have to throw it away. Basic storage rules:

  1. The optimum temperature is 13-14 degrees. Deviation from this range will cause the fruit to spoil.
  2. Humidity in the room - not less than 85-90%. The ideal room would be a cellar or a damp basement.
  3. The leg of the fruit should be wrapped in a plastic bag. This will temporarily slow down ripening.
  4. The room must be well ventilated to ensure free air circulation.

If the bananas were bought green, you can also create conditions for long-term storage for them. It is correct to leave them for 24 hours in a warm, humid room, after 4 days at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees. A nearby fruit, such as an apple or pear, will speed up the process.


Many people ask the question, is it possible to store bananas in the refrigerator? They lose their original appearance, and their peel turns black due to sudden temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it will be better to eat the fruits within two to three days.

The option with a refrigerator should be completely excluded. These fruits are stored exclusively at room temperature and in a well-ventilated area. The necessary air access is provided if the fruits are hung. Therefore, you should purchase a whole bunch.

Also, bananas should not be exposed to direct ultraviolet rays. This will help prevent harmful temperature changes and heat build-up. In a ripe state, fruits should not be stored next to apples.

Where is the best place to store fruit?

Ideal storage areas to keep fruit from browning quickly are in a dark, cool cellar. You can ensure the necessary humidity in the room by placing bottles of water, but the basement will do the best.

The influence of the temperature regime is very large, so special care should be taken here. But not if bananas are bought in small quantities and not for long-term storage.

Effect of temperature on storage:

  • 13.3 degrees is ideal for fruit;
  • 12-19 degrees is acceptable;
  • less than 10 degrees - the peel will turn black overnight.

The ratio of shelf life and temperature:

  • 0 degrees - it is forbidden to leave bananas in such conditions;
  • 0-5 degrees - a maximum of 5 minutes;
  • 6-8 degrees - the tissues will not be harmed for 20-25 minutes;
  • 9-11.5 degrees - 3-5 hours;
  • 12.5 degrees - 3 days;
  • 13-14 degrees - the fruits will retain their presentation for 3-4 weeks;
  • 15-18 degrees - green fruits will ripen;
  • 19-20 degrees - not recommended to keep;
  • more than 22 degrees - an unacceptable option.

If the fruit began to turn black from low temperatures, in warm conditions it will darken even faster.

Fruit cannot be kept in the refrigerator, but there are certain conditions under which this option is acceptable:

  1. The peel began to turn black, brown dots and spots are noticeable. These conditions will slow down the browning of the flesh, but not the skin.
  2. After the end of the feast, the fruits remained in sliced ​​form.
  3. A large number of bananas were bought, the room is warm and there are no cool rooms.

Then you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Wrap whole fruit in paper.
  2. Put in the door of the refrigerator, approximately in the middle.
  3. If the fruits are cut, it is worth getting rid of the peel. Sprinkle with lemon juice, put in a container, cover with a lid and put in the refrigerator. Keep in this form for no more than 24 hours.

In some regions, the question is whether it is possible to freeze bananas for storage. There are several methods:

  • Remove the peel, cut into circles, put in zip bags, and then in the freezer.
  • Peel, put whole fruits in a plastic container, sprinkle with lemon juice, cover with a lid, send to the freezer.
  • Prepare banana puree with a blender, pour in squeezed citrus, put in silicone molds, leave to freeze.

These methods help to increase the storage period up to 60 days. After fruit can be used for cool cocktails, desserts. They are also often dried out.

Banana leaves are used to decorate the table and cook dishes. At themed parties, they replace plates. They are used as a foil for cooking food on the grill or in the oven. Leaves give food a unique juiciness because they prevent moisture from evaporating. It is best to keep them at a temperature of 0 degrees and an air humidity of 95-100 percent.

How to properly store bananas so that they stay fresh for a long time and do not turn black?

To avoid this, temperature fluctuations should be avoided. Even short-term changes lead to negative consequences. The peel acquires a grayish tint and begins to suddenly turn black.

Do not leave bananas in plastic. Over time, condensate secreted by the fruits accumulates in the bag. Excess moisture has a detrimental effect on them, because of this they darken and soon deteriorate.

How to store green bananas so that they ripen

Making the fruits ripen without losing their usual taste is quite simple. When fruits ripen, certain changes occur:

  • the conversion of starch into sugar;
  • the breakdown of chlorophyll in the peel, as a result of which it acquires a yellow color.

First you need to determine the required ripening period. If it is required to increase it, certain conditions are created, to reduce it - others.

  1. Ripening will take longer within the temperature range of 12-15 degrees, humidity should be at least 70 percent.
  2. To speed up the process, you need to leave bananas in a bag with melon, pears, apples for 2-3 days.

If speed is not very important, you can hang the bundle in a dark room or put it in a kitchen cabinet. After 3-5 days, they are allowed to eat.

Video: how to store bananas at home so that they do not turn black?

Summing up

The following factors influence the storage of bananas:

  • In specially equipped chambers, fruits can remain in their marketable form for up to 50 days.
  • At room standard temperature, if no action is taken, the fruit in a ripe state begins to become unusable on the second day. If you approach the issue competently and follow the listed rules, the period increases to a week.
  • Green fruits at home are stored more than yellow ones up to 14 days.
  • In the freezer, it is possible to extend the life of a banana up to 2-3 months.

Storage conditions and period:

  • Green bananas should be left in a dark paper bag with an apple next to them. After keeping on a plate indoors, providing an influx of fresh air.
  • Ripe fruits are stored in a cool place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. The leg is wrapped in a plastic bag or tape.
  • Overripe fruits are allowed to be kept in the refrigerator, but it is better to eat as soon as possible.

According to scientists, a banana is considered a dietary product. It has a positive effect on the work of the digestive tract. The fruit restores potassium in the body, which is lost with other trace elements during dehydration, for example, with diarrhea. Pectin, which is in the pulp, absorbs the aggressive environment, brings it out. The body recovers on its own, without the use of drugs. But only green fruits have these beneficial properties.

Bananas are among the few fruits that are not restricted to access all year round. Both adults and children love them, so exotic fruits are welcome guests in the family menu. It upsets that you can’t buy them for the future, like apples or potatoes. But experienced housewives found a way out. There are little tricks on how to store bananas at home so that they do not turn black and spoil longer.

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of bananas for the body. The product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and kidneys, digestion, strengthens bones and improves vision. In addition, bananas contain vitamins and minerals, and protease inhibitors resist bacteria and viruses. Plus tryptophan - it generally stimulates the manifestation of the hormone of joy called serotonin. One fruit a day - and you are insured not only from depression, but even just from a bad mood.

One trouble - "exotic guests" behave rather capriciously, do not like temperature changes, they react very sharply both to direct sunlight and to harsh cold. Why then all these difficulties and notions, how best to store bananas so that they do not deteriorate? After all, you can simply buy fresh fruits every day in a supermarket, where technologists have already taken care of their condition. But for various reasons this is not always possible.

On weekdays, people are busy with work and there is simply no time to go shopping. Another example is not the fact that the nearest decent market is within walking distance, so you have to stock up on fruit for the week ahead. In the end, many are familiar with a different situation: relatives visited the child and overdid it with banana gifts ...

industrial scale

Plantation harvests of bananas are green and unripe. Only such fruits can really be preserved for 40 days and transported to their destination. Clusters are delivered to us in specially equipped holds of ships, where the temperature is kept within 12-14°C at a humidity of 85-90%. (By the way, at this temperature it is good to store bananas at home. Such parameters are in the summer on the upper steps of the entrance to the cellar, and in winter - on the glazed balcony).

Already in local warehouses, the fruits are “brought to readiness”. Clusters are treated with ethylene, a gas that is considered a "phytohormone" and speeds up the ripening process of fruits. Yellowed under the influence of aeration, the fruits are sent to store shelves.

What color and shape will tell

First of all, you should decide for what purposes you are buying a product:

  • to eat today- choose ripe, yellow fruits with a hard skin;
  • for a holiday - if it is in a few days, take slightly greenish fruits;
  • for baking - overripe, soft, with dark interspersed specimens are suitable.

The color of the peel and shape of a banana is not only the first criterion for choosing a product, but also a hint on how to properly store it.

  • Green, ribbed. The ribbed shape and greenish tint are a sign of banana immaturity. Such a fruit should not be eaten immediately, unless you are attracted by the taste of grass. But such a banana, with the right approach, according to reviews, can ripen even a week at your place.
  • With dark spots. They signal that the deadline is running out. The middle may already be sluggish, although "honey" and with a bright aroma. Due to this, it is used in the composition of dishes. Such - to have time to deliver, and immediately - in business.
  • Yellow, with a round section and a green tail. The perfect banana. Sweet, without any problems last until the morning in the fruit bowl. But further, so that such a bunch does not darken, it should be properly taken care of. There are life hacks that allow you to save the product from rotting for up to three to four days.

When buying, you should be alerted by the grayish tint of the fruit - this is a sign of storage in the refrigerator before sale. And at home you can’t prolong his life with anything. And an inexpressive yellow tint indicates improper ripening - such a banana will be tasteless. Do not buy fruits with cracked or damaged skins. In this case, we are not even talking about problems with storage, but about your health.

How to store bananas at home

Extending the life of "exotics" depends primarily on how you are going to keep them: ripe or green, with or without peel. Each case has its own rules.

Ripe with skin

Please note right away: storage in clusters in the case of ripe fruits is not welcome. Separate the bananas from each other. This will avoid the increased exchange between the fruits of ethylene, which the product releases naturally. What to do next? Proper storage of ripe bananas provides four rules.

  1. Wrap with cling film. Thus, only the legs of bananas should be closed. You can additionally stick adhesive tape on the polyethylene to keep it better.
  2. Do not use packages. Experts advise unambiguously keeping fruits without a bag: the closed space leads to the accumulation of ethylene.
  3. Put in refrigerator. Exactly. Despite all the doubts about whether bananas can be stored in the refrigerator. The fact is that at low temperatures, the circulation of ethylene slows down and, accordingly, the maturation process too. In this case, the pulp is preserved, but the peel turns brown, which, however, does not indicate the process of decay, but the disintegration of the pigment. It will not affect the taste in any way.
  4. Select a separate shelf. Bananas are kept in a dry place away from berries, vegetables or fruits. But why can't you store yellow bananas next to, for example, apples? The reason is the same: the risk of rotting increases as a result of the release of ethylene from other ripe plant products.

There is no point in freezing whole bananas. If you do not remove the skin, then when the product thaws, it will turn into a shapeless and tasteless porridge.

Green with skin

You need to store green bananas exactly the opposite. If you need the fruits to ripen longer, then you do not need to leave them like tomatoes on the windowsill. They should be sent to a dark, dry, cool place. A paper bag and pantry is just what the "doctor ordered." And the refrigerator in this case is just contraindicated. It is also advised to keep the bunches vertically, hanging them.

Separate "branches" also should not be. If you need to speed up ripening, then place the bunch in the same bag with other ripe fruits - in this case, apples or pears will “share” ethylene and bananas will turn yellow more quickly.


The storage of peeled bananas is discussed, for example, after gala dinners. There was fruit cutting - do not throw it away. There are several ways to extend the life of a product.

  • Freeze. To freeze the pulp circles, place them in an airtight container and send them to the freezer. So you can store bananas for a very long time, up to several months. And then the product will go into pies, cocktails, fruit sauces.
  • Soak. You can protect the pulp from darkening by placing them in a container with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:4 for three minutes. Then the product is placed in a container, closed with a lid and sent to a cool place. Until tomorrow, the pulp will definitely retain its appearance and taste.
  • splashing. Banana slices can be moistened with lemon, orange or apple juice. They act as preservatives and slow down the browning. You can use a cooking brush.

The darkened fruits, unfortunately, can no longer be saved. Here you can offer to turn them into banana-flavored ice cream, smoothies or bake banana bread.

To find the correct answer to the question of how to store bananas at home, you will have to try various methods in practice. And along the way, you can experiment with banana leaves, which today it has become fashionable to use to decorate the table, as plates at a themed party and instead of foil for baking. Of course, you can’t buy them in any store near the house, but you can order them on the Internet.


In most cases, bananas are imported to Russia green, and later they are left on store shelves for further ripening. Fruit is transported in a specially equipped container that meets the standards of lighting, temperature and humidity. As a rule, such conditions are not observed in supermarkets, which is why buyers run the risk of running into a product that has an acceptable appearance, but is rotten from the inside. To keep the fruits in good condition, you must have basic knowledge, which we will talk about today.

  1. Try to buy as many bananas as you need for 2-3 days. At the same time, it is not necessary to store the fruits wrapped in a plastic bag, so they will rot from the inside and turn black on the outside. Bags and cling film have a bad effect not only on the peel, but also on the fetus itself, if oxygen is blocked. You will not be able to know for sure how long bananas are stored in the supermarket, under what conditions they were transported. According to the rules, it is necessary to wrap the legs of bananas with cling film, such a move prevents them from ripening. However, where has it been seen that such requirements are observed in the store.
  2. As a rule, the overripe fruits of the hostess are put into baking, because it becomes a pity to throw them away. Many people like to make homemade banana puree or hash browns/pancakes, but they require ripe bananas. It follows from this that it is not worth acquiring green fruits so as not to suffer with their storage in the future.
  3. If you have a pantry or cellar in your apartment / house, try to store bananas in this place. Wrap the leg of fruit with cling film or a bag, wrap it with an elastic band or nylon thread on top. Put the bananas in the right place, open the door a little so that the air circulates a little. In cases where you decide to store the product in the refrigerator, set the temperature with the “+” sign.
  4. Many people argue that it is impossible to store bananas in the refrigerator, but this is an erroneous judgment. The taste, aroma and texture of the fruit will not change in any way, only the peel can turn black. At the same time, it will become darker only in conditions of extremely low temperatures, which adversely affect any fruits and vegetables.
  5. If you failed to keep the fruit in a decent form, as a result of which it turned black, make homemade candied fruits. Cut bananas into thin slices about 3-5 mm wide, then spread foil or paper on a baking sheet, dry at a temperature of 140 degrees. Constantly check the readiness of the product, it should not be half-cooked.

Fruits have an unpleasant feature of quick spoilage, this is due to their incorrect content on supermarket shelves. Many people buy unripe bananas from the start in the hope that they will last longer. However, this decision is wrong. Even green bananas can turn black in one day, so it is important to follow certain rules for storing them.

  1. Don't buy bananas that are too green. Of course, the peel can have a similar shade, but without much saturation.
  2. The optimal temperature regime is considered to be a mark in the range of 13-18 degrees. At the same time, do not put bananas close to the wall, especially if your refrigerator is tightly packed. Give preference to boxes designed for fruits and vegetables, they are airtight enough, but at the same time pass the required amount of oxygen.
  3. Put the bananas in a paper bag and add 3-5 unripe apples to them, which will absorb ethylene, which will ripen quickly. Due to this, the apples will ripen earlier, later you can replace them with new ones.
  4. If you are not of the opinion that bananas should be stored in the refrigerator, place them on the kitchen table. Take a wide saucer, separate the bunch, put each fruit separately at a certain distance from each other.

How to store banana leaves

In view of the newfangled parties, consumers are looking for bananas on store shelves that come with green leaves. Agree, this attribute is perfect for decorating Hawaiian parties, cocktails, exclusive dishes. Banana leaves are also used for baking dishes in the oven, as they completely replace the foil and evaporate a lot of moisture. For this reason, it is important to be able to store green banana leaves so as not to spoil all the glamor of a future incendiary party.

For an effective effect, take a gauze cloth, moisten it in filtered cool water (14-16 degrees), wrap the leaves in one layer. Place the product on a windowsill or other bright spot. Keep the leaves out of direct sunlight. Change the gauze every 5 hours, or wet the rolled leaves whole by lowering them into a basin of water. To store banana leaves, a special environment with at least 95% humidity is required. Also, the main requirement is the temperature regime from 0 to 2 degrees, but the rule is observed extremely rarely.

  1. The storage process itself is similar to the storage conditions for green bananas. To keep the fruits in their current form, place them in a wooden box with holes or use a cardboard box. It is important to maintain constant ventilation, otherwise the fruit will turn black.
  2. Do not stack the fruits close to each other, separate them individually, wrap the spine with cling film and place at some distance. It is important that the bananas do not come into contact with each other, otherwise one rotten fruit will spoil the whole bunch.
  3. Place other unripe vegetables or fruits with bananas, this way you will extend the shelf life by 1-1.5 days. In this case, it is necessary to put the product in the refrigerator door, in this place the optimal temperature regime for fruits of this kind is maintained.
  4. Not always blackened banana peel indicates damage to the fruit itself. For this reason, do not rush to throw away the fruit, take out the pulp, cut it in half and evaluate the edibility.
  5. If you're using bananas to make protein shakes, baby purees, or other foods that require fine grinding, peel the bananas and put them in the freezer. At the right time, remove the fruit, defrost it a little and crush it with a blender.
  6. In order to keep bananas for a period of 10 days or longer, purchase special coasters or build a device yourself. Wrap the tail with a film, carefully hang it without separating the bunch. Put in a room with a temperature of 14 to 18 degrees.
  7. In cases where it is necessary to decorate the festive table with banana slices, do not remove the peel from the fruit. Cut into thin slices, put on a plate and sprinkle with lemon juice. Such a move will help maintain the aesthetic appearance of cutting for a long period.

How to store a banana smoothie

Another common option for storing bananas at home involves making a cocktail. To avoid blackness, consume a fresh banana in the form of a liquid mixture. The product will turn out just as tasty with the preservation of all properties.

Peel the banana from the skin, break into pieces and chop in a blender. Add seasonal berries or use frozen formulations. Beat thoroughly, pour in 2 salt spoons of lemon juice per 200 ml. drink, move the cocktail into a glass container, tightly close the lid. Send to the top shelf of the refrigerator, keep a distance of 10-12 cm from the back wall. Store the drink for no more than 3 days, shaking occasionally.

To preserve all the beauty of bananas, their taste and aroma, you must initially choose a good quality bunch. If you prefer to stock up on fruits for the week ahead, opt for unripe but not too green bananas. The right temperature and humidity will help keep ripe fruits, you can also make a cocktail by adding a few tablespoons of freshly squeezed juice.

Video: how to store bananas
