
Honey mushrooms pickled recipes are delicious. We store all canned food in a cool place, on the loggia

Read, envy! Yesterday I collected a basket of mushrooms! Believe me, I went over it in one breath, marinated it for the winter. Mushroom pickers will understand me. They certainly know what a fascinating process it is. First, "silent hunting", then cooking pickled mushrooms. Even the monotonous sorting process does not tire.

I want to charge you with the energy of the autumn forest, and at the same time seduce you with recipes for pickled mushrooms for the winter. Suddenly, someone else is lucky with the stump, and mushroom advice is urgently needed.

But let's start from the very beginning. They brought mushrooms home, now they need to be sorted out, re-sorted. I think a few tips will not hurt, especially for beginner mushroom pickers:

  1. Before starting the process, decide what you want to cook - pickle, make caviar, fry. Set a few bowls in front of you in which you will debug mushrooms for one purpose or another. For canning, small mushrooms will be great. Any kind of substandard will go to caviar, to heat - everything can be used.
  2. Sort the mushrooms carefully. Without regret, part with those whose hat is distinguished by a bright yellow color, or has a greenish tint.
  3. If the mushrooms have an unpleasant earthy smell, they should also be thrown away. Honey mushrooms should have a mushroom, rich aroma.
  4. It is advisable to pour the sorted mushrooms with cold water with the addition of salt and citric acid. You need to hold forest gifts in such a solution for an hour and a half - all the garbage will pop up.
  5. After this procedure, the mushrooms should be washed thoroughly in two or three waters. And only then send for heat treatment.
  6. Two boils are required in different waters. In the first water, the mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes, then the water is drained, the mushrooms are washed.
  7. The second boiling lasts until the mushrooms begin to settle in the water. Time is min. thirty forty. In both cases, the foam must be removed. After the second boiling, the mushrooms are also washed under running water. I cook mushrooms for a long time, but I can treat them without fear.

And further. Preservation jars must be sterilized. Lids must also be sterile. You can safely take care of the container while the mushrooms are undergoing a water, cleansing procedure.

Now, with peace of mind, you can begin the pickling process.

Preparing a set of ingredients

  • Prepared mushrooms (sorted, boiled) approximately 1 kg.
  • Water liter
  • Garlic 2 - 3 tooth.
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Salt 1.5 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 9 percent 5 tbsp. spoons
  • A couple of bay leaves
  • Ten black peppercorns
  • Cloves 6 pieces

pickling process

  1. Pour a liter of water into the pan, lay all the ingredients except garlic.
  2. After boiling, put the mushrooms, cook for 20 minutes.
  3. Peel the garlic, cut into cubes, send to the marinade, boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Send the mushrooms to sterile jars, carefully removing them from the boiling marinade. Fill the container by two-thirds.
  5. Let the marinade boil already without mushrooms, fill them with jars.
  6. Close with iron caps.
  7. Put on the surface upside down, wrap warmly.
  8. Store in a cold place.

If there is no cellar or other cool place, I would advise you to sterilize jars of mushrooms for 20 minutes. This will be a hundred percent guarantee of reliable storage.

You can enjoy mushrooms and add them to salads and other gourmet dishes.

A classic recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter

A simple homemade recipe. But honey mushrooms turn out what you need - you can’t pull anyone by the ears. Pure mushroom aroma, balanced taste qualities are the distinctive features of the recipe.

Cooking a set of products

  • Honey mushrooms 2 kg.
  • Vinegar 9 percent 6 tbsp. spoons
  • Water for marinade 1.2 liters
  • Sugar 2.5 tablespoons
  • Salts 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Peppercorns 4 - 5 pieces.

pickling process

  1. Prepared mushrooms boil min. 7 - 10. Pour out the water, rinse the mushrooms thoroughly.
  2. Pour cold water over again, boil, cook for 20 minutes. Drain this decoction. Discard mushrooms, wash.
  3. Pour water for marinade into a saucepan, boil. Lay salt, sugar, pepper, Bring to a boil, add vinegar.
  4. Put the mushrooms in the marinade, cook for 20 minutes. after boiling.
  5. Arrange honey mushrooms in prepared sterile jars, filling them by two-thirds.
  6. Pour boiling marinade, twist.
  7. Send to cool under warm clothes.
  8. Store in a cool place.

You can serve such mushrooms with the addition of onions. Season with vegetable oil.

Pickled mushrooms for the winter. Recipe with cinnamon

From my notebook to yours - pickled cinnamon mushroom recipes. Amazing mushrooms are obtained, I must tell you. After all, mushrooms readily react to seasonings, gratefully absorb their enchanting aromas. So everything is logical, you need to marinate.


  • Honey mushroom 2 kg
  • Liter of water
  • Carnations 4 pieces
  • Cinnamon 3 sticks
  • Black pepper six peas
  • Bay leaf 3 things
  • Sugar 2 tablespoons
  • Salt 4 teaspoons
  • Vinegar essence 3 tsp.

How to cook

  1. Cook cleaned and washed mushrooms for 10 minutes. Drain the water, wash the mushrooms.
  2. Pour cold water a second time, bring to a boil. Add salt to taste and a little citric acid - 2 gr. per 1 liter water. Cook 30 min. after boiling. We recline in a colander, rinse, let the liquid drain.
  3. We are preparing the marinade. Pour a liter of water into the pan, let it boil. Add all spices, boil for 5 minutes. Then add vinegar essence, let it boil for another 5 minutes.
  4. While the marinade is being prepared, put the mushrooms in sterile jars. Pour boiling marinade, twist with iron lids.
  5. We direct the jars to cool under warm clothes upside down, store in a cool place.

With mashed potatoes, such a snack will be very useful.

Pickled mushrooms for the winter with mustard seeds

A very interesting recipe. Honey mushrooms will please with spicy mustard notes, will become a decoration of the table and the pride of the hostess. The attractiveness of the recipe is that the mushrooms are infused in spices for some time. They become so fragrant that it takes your breath away.

We will need

  • Honey mushrooms 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 5 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard seeds 2 tsp
  • Bay leaf 4 leaves
  • Black peppercorns 4 pcs.
  • Dill 2 umbrellas
  • Water 1 liter.

Cooking a treat

Even biased gourmets will like such mushrooms!

Recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter with onions

Adding an onion only enriches the occlusion. Our cheerful guys - mushrooms become even tastier, more fragrant.

What is needed in the process

  • Honey mushrooms 2 kg.
  • Bow 3 pcs.
  • Tablespoon of salt
  • Lavrushka leaf
  • eight carnations
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Tablespoon of sugar
  • Vinegar 100 ml.

Step by step cooking process

  1. First, as usual, boil the peeled mushrooms for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water, wash the mushrooms.
  2. Boil in the second water for 20 minutes, rinse.
  3. We clean the onion, cut into half rings.
  4. We clean the garlic, chop finely.
  5. We put spices, onion and garlic, salt and sugar, vinegar in a liter of water.
  6. Bring the marinade to a boil.
  7. We put the mushrooms.
  8. Boil no more than 5 minutes.
  9. We lay out the contents in jars, roll them up with iron lids.
  10. We put it under a warm shelter to cool, after which we send the jars for storage.

Everyone, we prepared a great snack. It remains only to wait for winter and treat yourself. And at the same time remember the funny stories that accompany us when picking mushrooms.

How to cook pickled mushrooms in a spicy marinade

And this recipe will certainly be appreciated by lovers of savory snacks. Chili peppers and horseradish present mushrooms to us in a completely new role.


  • Honey mushrooms - up to 2 kg.
  • Chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • Horseradish - 40 gr.
  • Allspice and black pepper 5 peas each
  • Salts - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9 percent 80 ml.
  • Cloves - 2 pcs.


  1. Peeled and washed mushrooms should be boiled in two waters. First time 10 minutes, second time 15 minutes.
  2. Throw the mushrooms in a colander, rinse. Let the liquid drain.
  3. Remove the seeds from the pepper, thoroughly clean the horseradish. Wash vegetables.
  4. Pour 1.2 liters into a saucepan. water.
  5. Lay all the spices, including pepper and horseradish. Only vinegar is not added at this time.
  6. Boil 10 min. after boiling.
  7. Strain the hot marinade, thereby relieving small pieces of spices.
  8. Put the strained marinade on the stove.
  9. Lay mushrooms, vinegar, cook for 10 minutes.
  10. Arrange the mushrooms in prepared sterile jars, twist.
  11. Send to cool, covered with warm clothes.

These can be mushrooms, completely unexpected. That's it for the festive feast.
I wish you a successful mushroom hunt, and more delicious pickled mushrooms on the table!

Figure out how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, and get enough of a delicious delicacy for the cold season. Mushrooms are leading as products for harvesting. The popularity is explained by the preservation in pickled or salted form, the size of the cap is 2-8 cm, which the housewives do not cut when serving.

Mushrooms are prolific, even a novice mushroom picker brings from the forest a sufficient amount for conservation. In addition to taste, pickled mushrooms for the winter boast useful properties. They help with thyroid diseases, have a positive effect on hematopoietic processes, and are anticancer agents.

Interesting: in terms of the amount of vitamin C, mushrooms are compared with blueberries, they contain as much calcium and phosphorus as fish.

The quality of the preparation and the taste of the product directly determine the composition of the marinade and the amount of vinegar, so each housewife has her own mushroom preservation secrets. Horseradish adds spice, mushrooms become spicy in the presence of hot chili peppers and garlic. Be careful with cinnamon. By increasing the amount of vinegar and adding sugar, you get sweet and sour preparations. In addition to piquancy, acid helps keep food edible and safe for health all winter.

By observing the following rules for harvesting mushrooms, you will get a pleasant-tasting and harmless winter preservation:

  • For preparations, take fresh meadow mushrooms, storage no more than the second day. Frozen products are fine.
  • The leg is considered rigid, cut off, leave 1-2 cm.
  • Choose young mushrooms, their advantages: the caps are dense, but delicate in taste and keep their shape well.
  • To remove dirt and sand, soak the mushrooms for a while in a solution of citric acid and rinse two to three times with clean water. The acid will help preserve the color and finally drive out the pests.
  • Marinated blanks are stored under metal or polyethylene lids. The latter are considered harmless; they are boiled for 3-5 minutes before covering. Closed jars are stored in the refrigerator.
  • Experienced mushroom pickers advise cooking products in two stages. The first time, put in boiling water and keep on fire for 10 minutes, drain the liquid. The second time, cook until cooked for 0.5 - 1 hour, removing the foam two to three times. For 2 liters of liquid, you need to take a large tablespoon of salt. Ready mushrooms will sink to the bottom of the container.
  • Only enamel pots are suitable for preparing blanks for the winter.
  • When preparing containers, keep in mind that the products are reduced in size. At least 1-1.5 kg of fresh mushrooms are placed in a liter jar.
  • The broth can later be used for preservation. Freeze the rest of the liquid and store it as cubes in the freezer. Add mushroom broth when cooking.

There are two preparation methods:

  1. Mushrooms are cooked in a marinade.
  2. Honey mushrooms are first boiled, and then poured with the prepared liquid.

The amount of marinade depends on how tightly the mushrooms are packed in a jar; 1 liter of water will require from 300 ml.

A simple cooking recipe

For pickling without sterilization, special skills and spices are not needed. Prepare and boil the mushrooms as described above.

Continue in the following order:

  • For 1.5 liters of mushroom broth, cut 2 garlic cloves, 10 peas of allspice, two bay leaves.
  • Pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of salt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.
  • Boil the liquid for 10 minutes, at the end pour in 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.
  • Sterilize the jars, put the mushrooms, add the marinade.

Close with pre-sterilized lids. To give the preparation an interesting taste and a richer aroma, add some of the proposed spices to the liquid at the cooking stage: cloves, currant or cherry leaves, nutmeg, cinnamon, dill inflorescences.

Honey mushrooms in a vinegar marinade

For 2 kg of product, prepare a solution of 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of salt and sugar, 7 peppercorns and 2 cloves of garlic. Step by step recipe:

  • Boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes and drain the liquid.
  • Replace the water, put the mushrooms and everything you need for the marinade. Add half a tablespoon of 70% vinegar.
  • Boil forest gifts for 15 minutes.
  • Sort by banks. Roll up. Cool down.

Wrap up and chill upside down. Store in refrigerator.

Video - pickled mushrooms with vinegar

Fragrant mushrooms: a recipe in jars

The recipe is designed for 5 kg of forest gifts. Cooking sequence:

  • Peel the mushrooms, soak in liquid and boil in two waters.
  • Prepare a solution of two cups of mushroom broth. Put 10 allspice peas, 3 bay leaves and 5 currant and cherry leaves each, 3 peeled and chopped cloves of garlic, dill umbrella and 1 glass of vegetable oil.
  • Boil the marinade for 20 minutes, add a tablespoon of 70% vinegar.
  • Place the products in sterilized jars, pour the marinade.
  • Prepare a container for sterilization. Lay a cloth at the bottom of a wide pan, place jars. Make sure that the containers do not touch each other. Pour the liquid to the level of the shoulders of the cans and put on fire. Boiling time - sterilization of the workpiece 20 minutes.

Roll up hot with sterile lids. Refrigerate wrapped and upside down.

Pickled mushrooms for the winter will add variety to the menu of the cold season, which is poor in vitamins and minerals. Such dishes are not ashamed to be served even by an experienced hostess, a novice cook can confidently serve masterpieces in the most spoiled company of friends and relatives for delicacies. Useful and tasty.

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With the onset of the season, lovers of mushroom hunting go to the forest for the gifts of nature. One of the favorite mushrooms among the people is mushrooms. And they are loved not only for their delicate taste, but also for the opportunity to pick up a whole basket of them for a short time, because they grow as a large family in one place. In the case of a successful trip for mushrooms, thoughts will certainly arise about harvesting them for the future for the winter. And mushrooms are perfect for this. And you can prepare them for the winter season in various ways.

Drying mushrooms

A simple and quick way to harvest mushrooms for the winter is to dry them. Previously, mushrooms were dried most often strung on a thread or fishing line and hung in the sun, near the stove or over the stove. This method is still used today, but much less frequently. It is much more convenient to dry mushrooms in two other ways:

  • using an electric dryer;
  • in the oven.

An electric dryer is probably the most profitable option. It is specially designed for drying vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and other gifts of nature. However, not everyone has such a convenient technique at home. Those who do not have it available can also use the oven. The drying process in this way is phased with a gradual increase in temperature:

Dried mushrooms

  • first, the prepared mushrooms are laid out on a metal mesh, grate, baking sheet, then put in an oven preheated to 45-50 degrees for 4-4.5 hours, keeping the door ajar so that there is air circulation. At the same time, mushrooms are periodically turned over for uniform drying;
  • then the temperature in the oven is increased to about 80 degrees and the mushrooms are also dried with the door ajar. At this stage, you need to make sure that the mushrooms do not burn out, turn them over regularly and take out the already dried ones.

Mushrooms for drying are selected strong and healthy. Small mushrooms can be dried whole, but for large specimens it is better to separate the cap from the stem and cut them into several parts.

Attention! Before drying, they do not wash the mushrooms, but only clean off the dirt from them, if necessary, or wipe them with a moistened cloth. To make them cleaner, you need to clean them of sand and debris as soon as they are torn off in the forest, and put them in a basket with their hats down.

How to pickle mushrooms?

To prepare mushrooms for the winter, they can also be pickled. This is also a fairly popular method. There are various recipes for marinating mushrooms.

For one of the simple options, you will need about 3 liters of mushrooms, 1 liter of water, 2 tsp. acetic acid, 3 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 bay leaves, 5 peas of black and allspice, 5 cloves, 5 cloves of garlic.


  • Place peeled and washed mushrooms in a container, filling with water. After 10 minutes, when it boils, pour out this water, boil in a new one for 20 minutes, then put the mushrooms in a colander;

Pickled mushrooms

  • to prepare a brine, pour 1 liter of water into a container, throw in salt, granulated sugar, bay leaf, black and allspice, cloves, garlic. After boiling, hold for 10 minutes;
  • put the mushrooms in the brine, cook for about 15-20 minutes, then turn off the heat, add acetic acid;
  • put hot mushrooms in sterilized jars, pour brine. Pour pre-boiled vegetable oil on top for the duration of storage, tighten with sterilized lids, wrap with something warm and keep it until it cools completely.

Advice. When spinning cans of mushrooms at home, there is some risk of developing botulism. Therefore, it is possible to close the jars not with tin, but with nylon lids, pre-boiled, and then keep the blanks in the cold.

And how to prepare mushrooms for the winter period without vinegar?

Not everyone likes pickled mushrooms. In addition, for use in the preparation of many dishes, this option of harvesting is simply not suitable. But there are other ways to prepare mushrooms for the winter, where vinegar is not required. Mushrooms can be salted or frozen, and caviar can also be made from them.

One of the methods of harvesting mushrooms for the winter period that has become widespread recently is freezing. Mushrooms can be frozen:

  • fresh - wash mushrooms, cut large specimens, dry on a towel, put on a plastic tray or bag in 1 layer and put in the freezer, setting the deep freeze mode, if any. When the mushrooms are frozen, pack them in plastic bags, preferably in portions;
  • in boiled form - put prepared mushrooms in a saucepan with poured water, bring to a boil, cook for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon, put them to boil in new water until tender. Then take out the mushrooms and dry on a towel. Once they have cooled, arrange them in plastic containers by placing them in the freezer;
  • fried - rinse the mushrooms in water, let it drain, fry without oil until the moisture is gone. Then add vegetable oil, fry until tender, then put them in a colander. When the oil has drained and the mushrooms have cooled, transfer them to containers and put them in the freezer.

Harvesting mushrooms without vinegar

Good in winter and caviar from mushrooms. For 4 liters of mushrooms, you need to take 2 onions, 4 cloves of garlic, half a glass of vegetable oil, salt and black pepper to taste.


  • boil the peeled and washed mushrooms, draining the first water after 10 minutes from boiling. Pour in new water, cook for another 10-15 minutes;
  • drain the water, wait until the mushrooms cool down, then pass through a meat grinder;
  • chop the onion, fry it to become golden;
  • add mushrooms scrolled in a meat grinder to the onion;
  • simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, then add salt, pepper, chopped garlic. Stir, keep on fire for a few minutes;
  • put hot in a sterilized jar, pouring over a little vegetable oil, previously boiled;
  • close with a sterilized lid. When cool, refrigerate for storage.

How to salt mushrooms?

You can enjoy mushrooms all winter if you pickle them. They do it in different ways:

  • salting pre-boiled mushrooms;
  • first soaked, and then salted;
  • immediately put on salting without boiling and soaking.

Which method to choose depends on the preferences of the person and established habits. If you pickle pre-boiled mushrooms, they are ready to eat in a few days. When soaked or fresh mushrooms are put on salting, their readiness will come later, only after 1.5-2 months.

Salted mushrooms in jars

There are also a lot of recipes for salting mushrooms. For example, you can consider the option with pre-soaking. For 5 kg of mushrooms, you will need 200 g of salt, 5 bay leaves and dill umbrellas, 10 black peppercorns, 10 cloves of garlic, horseradish roots to taste, blackcurrant leaves.


  • put the peeled and washed mushrooms in a container, pour water. Keep for soaking for 3 days, washing the mushrooms every day and replacing the water with fresh water;
  • put mushrooms in a selected container in layers, sprinkling each with salt, shifting them with spices, chopped garlic, grated horseradish root;
  • put blackcurrant leaves on the last layer and cover with gauze folded in several layers on top. Put a wooden circle on top, oppression is on it. Remove the container with mushrooms for salting in coolness for 1.5-2 months.

Coming from a mushroom hunt with good prey, do not forget about harvesting mushrooms for the future. You can use one of the methods to prepare them for the winter, or several different ones so that there is a variety in the choice.

Pickled mushrooms: video

Harvesting mushrooms for the winter: photo

Autumn is a generous time, it generously endows us with the gifts of the forest. One of the most valuable and loved by many is mushrooms. It is a sin not to take the opportunity to prepare mushrooms for the winter. Today we will cook mushrooms. The easiest thing to cook from them is to marinate.

Hunting for mushrooms is a pleasure. There are a lot of them at once, they grow on old birch trees or cluster next to a birch. Beauty!

Pickled mushrooms without sterilization

Ingredients :

  • Honey mushrooms - 1 kg


  • water - 1 l
  • vinegar essence - 1 tbsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 1 tbsp
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs
  • peppercorns - 6 pcs
  • cloves - 2 pcs
  • currant leaf - 2 pcs
  • dill umbrellas - 1-2 pcs
  • garlic -3 -4 cloves


Soak fresh mushrooms for 30 minutes in cold water, then it will be easier to sort them out and clean them from forest debris, leaves and specks.

We wash the mushrooms in running water, discard in a colander so that the excess water is glass.

Cooking a pot for boiling mushrooms.

Pour water into the pan, put the mushrooms in it, and set to cook for 20 - 30 minutes.

When the water with mushrooms boils, the foam that appears during cooking must be removed.

Add a little bit of vinegar so that the mushrooms do not turn black.

When all the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the pan, then they are cooked.

As soon as the mushrooms sink to the bottom, they can be removed. Throw the boiled mushrooms into a colander.

We prepare the marinade, pour one liter of water into a clean saucepan, add all the ingredients for the marinade sugar - 2 tbsp, salt - 1 tbsp, peppercorns, cloves, currant leaves, dill. At the end of cooking the marinade, add vinegar essence -1 tablespoon.

We spread the mushrooms in the finished marinade and cook them in the marinade for 10 - 15 minutes.

Preparing sterilized jars. We put garlic in them and ...

When our mushrooms are boiled in the marinade, lay them out 2/3 hot in sterilized jars and top up with the marinade in which they were boiled. Mushrooms should be completely covered with marinade. Close the lids and let them cool down. Mushrooms can be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Cook with pleasure!

The most delicious recipe for pickled mushrooms with garlic


  • mushrooms - 1 kg
  • garlic - 6 cloves


  • water - 1 l
  • coarse salt - 2.5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.
  • white wine vinegar - 65 ml
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • carnation - 5 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • allspice - 6 pcs.
  • fresh thyme - 4 sprigs


Mushrooms must be sorted out, washed. Put the pan on the fire, pour 1 liter of cold water, put the mushrooms and cook them for 10 minutes.

After cooking, drain the water, rinse the mushrooms in cold water.

We are preparing the marinade. Put all the ingredients for the marinade in a saucepan: salt, bay leaf, black peppercorns, cloves, sugar, thyme and allspice. Add mushrooms, cover with cold water and cook again for 10 minutes.

As soon as the mushrooms are cooked, we prepare sterilized clean jars and cut the peeled and chopped garlic into large cloves at the bottom of the jars.

Pour hot marinade with mushrooms into jars. Tighten the lids, they, like jars, must be sterilized. Allow the blanks to cool completely upside down. You can store mushrooms in a dark, cool place.

A day later, you can take a sample of our pickled mushrooms.

Bon appetit!

A simple recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter in cinnamon jars

A delicious spicy recipe - mushrooms with cinnamon will not leave anyone indifferent at the festive table.


  • mushrooms - 2 kg


  • water - 1 liter
  • black pepper - 6 peas
  • cloves - 4 pcs
  • cinnamon - 3 pcs (sticks)
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • salt - 4 tsp
  • vinegar essence - 3 tsp


  1. Mushrooms must be washed well and cleaned of specks and leaves.
  2. We are preparing the marinade. To do this, boil water in a saucepan, add seasonings (except vinegar) and let it boil for 5 minutes, add vinegar, stir.
  3. We put the peeled and washed fresh mushrooms in a saucepan, pour cold water and put on fire after boiling, cook for 10 minutes. When the mushrooms are boiled, drain the water.
  4. Add water a second time, salt and cook for 45-50 minutes, removing the foam. After cooking, drain the mushroom broth, put the mushrooms out of the pan into sterilized jars, pour the finished marinade over and roll up. Let the jars cool. Banks can be closed with nylon lids, then mushrooms must be stored in the refrigerator.
  5. The main thing to remember is that if the marinade in the jar is cloudy, mushrooms are dangerous to health and you should never eat them.

Delicious preparations for you!

Pickled mushrooms at home with vinegar


mushrooms - 1 kg

For marinade:

  • water - 1 liter
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar 70% - 1 teaspoon
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs
  • carnation - 6 pcs


  1. We sort out the small mushrooms in size, we will marinate, and large ones can be fried. Rinse well with running water, drain in a colander and let the water drain.
  2. Pour the mushrooms with cold water and leave for 1.5 hours. Then drain the water and rinse again.
  3. We put the washed mushrooms in a deep saucepan, fill it with water and set to boil. We cook mushrooms from the moment of boiling for 1.5 hours, we must remove the resulting foam.
  4. Ready mushrooms are thrown into a colander and let the water drain.
  5. Let's take care of the marinade, pour one liter of water into the pan, add all the ingredients for the marinade
  6. sugar, salt, vinegar 70%, bay leaf, black peppercorns, cloves.
  7. We put the pan on the fire and bring the marinade to a boil.
  8. Cook mushrooms for 20 minutes in a boiling marinade.
  9. At the end of cooking, add garlic, cut into small cubes.
  10. We lay out the mushrooms in sterilized jars.
  11. Cover with lids and set to sterilize for 20 minutes.
  12. We roll up the jars, turn them over and leave it like that until it cools completely. We store mushrooms in a dark cool place.

Delicious preparations for you!

A simple and delicious recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter

Bon appetit!

Pickled mushrooms for the winter. The recipe is very simple, and most importantly fast.

I tell you how to cook pickled mushrooms in an hour !!!
The mushroom season is already beginning and I suggest you make delicious preparations from these mushrooms for the winter, namely pickled mushrooms according to a very simple recipe. The most delicious are very small mushrooms. Crispy, fragrant, similar to cloves. How nice it is to put mushrooms seasoned with onions and vegetable oil on the festive table in winter!

You can eat them in a couple of days, but we will try to save them until winter, in order to remember summer at the table on long winter evenings.

For cooking, we need the following products:
fresh mushrooms, best small, not overgrown, with thick legs
salt, sugar
acetic acid
Bay leaf

How to cook pickled mushrooms

Honey mushrooms must be carefully sorted out to remove debris. Especially in our case, since we collected mushrooms not only from stumps, but also took those that grow on the ground. Moreover, earthen mushrooms have a thicker and softer leg, they are more pleasant to eat later.

Then rinse thoroughly under running water. We put in a saucepan, pour cold water, salt well and put on the stove.

Bring to a boil, let it boil for 5-10 minutes and be sure to drain the first water, because it contains all the harmful substances that could be in the mushrooms. Well, it just looks ugly, all black and dirty!

Again, fill the mushrooms with clean cold water and put on the stove. This time we let them boil for 20-30 minutes, after which we throw them in a colander.

It's time to prepare the marinade
Marinade for mushrooms

Pour cold water into a pot and put the pot on the stove. Add salt and sugar at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water. Add bay leaf and a few cloves of garlic. Throw in a few nails.

After the water boils, add 1 tablespoon of 70% acetic acid.

Pour the boiled mushrooms into the boiling marinade.

Let them boil a little, not for long, about five minutes.

We remove the pan from the stove and lay out the mushrooms in clean jars. Immediately fill them almost to the brim with hot marinade.

At the end, pour a little vegetable oil into each jar.

Close the jars with lids and set aside to cool. Pickled mushrooms should be stored in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.
