
Technological scheme of the pasta production line. Pasta production

Pasta is an economical and favorite dish of many people. Not only exclusive Italian brands are popular, but also Russian-made products.

Therefore, entrepreneurs who want to create a successful and profitable business in the field of production should consider organizing the production of pasta.

But keep in mind that to start a business you will need a large amount of money. If you draw up a competent business plan for opening a pasta shop and act in accordance with its points, production will quickly pay off and begin to bring good profits, since pasta always remains in demand.

Business Opportunity Assessment

Before you draw up a business plan and engage in the creation of an enterprise for the production of pasta, it is necessary to assess the market for this product in your region. It is important to pay attention to how many established enterprises already exist, what volume of production they have and whether it fully satisfies the demand of consumers. Are there any major competitors that can interfere with the full implementation of the plan?

This business is great for a small town, because there the likelihood of encountering serious pasta producers is much lower. Accordingly, if you have confidence in your abilities, you can safely proceed to the implementation of this idea. Even if there is a fairly high competition, there is no need to worry that the business will fail. If you improve the quality of pasta produced and identify all the shortcomings and errors of competing enterprises, you can easily surpass them.

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Types of pasta

Pasta is eaten by most of the population, as they are sources of carbohydrates, contain starch in crystallized form, and help the human body maintain a stable blood sugar level. Pasta also contains B vitamins, proteins and a lot of fiber.

There are a large number of different types of pasta, which are grouped in accordance with the classification of GOST 875-69:

  1. According to the grade of flour - the first or the highest.
  2. By form:
  • tubular (feathers, pasta, horns);
  • filamentous (vermicelli - tonka, gossamer, amateur);
  • ribbon-like (noodles - smooth, corrugated, wavy);
  • figured (products of any shape with a maximum thickness in the fracture of 1.5 mm - stamped and 3 mm - pressed).

Also, pasta varies in length. There are long (15-50 cm) and short (1.5-15 cm). The latter are subdivided into short-cut and stamped. Curly ones are made only short. There are also soup fillings, skeins, nests, products made using various dyes and flavors. The production of pasta is carried out according to special technologies, a certain composition of the dough is used, as a result, products are obtained, the samples of which differ from each other in quality.

Now the most in demand is a new vacuuming technology, with which you can make transparent and glassy pasta - they do not boil and do not stick together when hot.

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Finding a suitable room and registering

The first thing to include in your business plan is the search for the premises necessary for the operation of production. There are no special requirements for it, the main thing is that its area is enough to install all the equipment and arrange a warehouse where raw materials and finished products will be stored. For the warehouse you will need at least 90 square meters. m.

After the premises are rented or bought, it is necessary to carry out repairs in it and immediately proceed to solving paper issues. It will be necessary to obtain permission to use this area for food production from the sanitary and epidemiological service. Also, to start production, you will need to register with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, the Pension Fund and other government agencies.

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Sales channels

A business plan for the production of pasta should include possible distribution channels for finished products. The target audience is almost all categories of the population - both children and adults. Pasta is used as a separate side dish and is included in various dishes, respectively, a significant part of consumers - these are public catering establishments, schools and preschool children's institutions, canteens of educational institutions, enterprises, restaurants or cafes.

You can sell finished pasta products using the following distribution channels:

  • supermarkets and retail stores;
  • wholesale distributors who deliver products;
  • municipal institutions;
  • restaurants and cafes.

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Buying equipment for work

The next stage, which includes a business plan, is the selection and purchase of the necessary equipment. To do this, you need to decide which option for completing the production line is most suitable for price and quality. There are several types of lines used for the production of pasta:

  • national team;
  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic conveyor full cycle.

If there is a sufficient amount of funds, it is best to purchase a conveyor. This line performs all the work automatically and only one worker is enough for its maintenance.

If the business plan does not provide for large expenses, you can buy equipment separately. In this case, it is possible to choose relatively inexpensive options. A semi-automatic line will cost much less.

All purchased equipment must be accompanied by certified documentation. After its installation and preparation of the workshop for work, it is necessary to produce the first trial batch of products. But before that, it is important not to forget to get a special permit, thanks to which the workshop can be operated for the production of pasta.

All documents are drawn up by the local administration together with the inspection authorities. The permit is issued to the entrepreneur after the total control of the production process, which is part of the production of raw materials and its compliance with state standards. Therefore, before starting the check, you need to draw up an action plan and strictly adhere to it so as not to forget anything and take care of such moments in time:

  • determine the class of products - the first or second;
  • choose the type of manufactured food - A, B or C;
  • purchase flour that meets state standards;
  • check the technological process of dough preparation;
  • control the formation and cutting of raw pasta;
  • make sure that the drying conditions are correct, as well as the packaging and storage of ready-made raw materials.

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Optional equipment

The standard set of equipment consists of a press, a flour sifter and a drying line. High capacity lines include conveyors and stabilizer bins. The press is equipped with various special matrices, which depend on the assortment chosen for production. The service life of the matrix ranges from 500-2000 working hours.

Additionally, the business plan must include the purchase of equipment for packaging finished pasta. It can be semi-automatic or automatic - the choice depends on the volume of production. Before packaging, the finished products are kept for at least 4 hours in a dry room in cardboard boxes. Only then can the pasta be packaged.

There is equipment that works using hydrothermal pasta manufacturing technology. It contains a special cooler, which allows you to immediately pack products.

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The next item that is included in the business plan is hiring the necessary personnel. To start the formation of the production process, you will need:

  • manager;
  • technologist;
  • accountant;
  • workers (1-2 people);
  • driver.

For this type of business, the technologist is the most important employee, even more important than the manager. Taste characteristics and product quality, which affect consumer demand, depend on the technologist. Do not forget that the technologist is also the keeper of commercial secrets, which are usually of interest to competitors. Accordingly, the salary of this employee should be decent.

The manager performs his functions and is no less important employee. His responsibilities include:

  • organization of sales of products;
  • administrative and economic activity;
  • organization of logistics (if the company has its own transport);
  • marketing work.

All employees must have a specific work plan and clearly fulfill their duties. The successful development and profitability of the enterprise largely depends on this.

A few years ago, pasta was considered a cheap product for preparing simple and affordable daily meals. At the same time, their usefulness was called into question by supporters of healthy and dietary nutrition. The myth about the dangers of pasta for the figure seemed quite a natural and obvious fact, and therefore those who followed their forms tried to include them in their menu less often.

In recent years, the attitude towards this product has changed dramatically, including due to a closer acquaintance of our citizens with European cuisine. It turned out that pasta can become the basis of truly healthy, delicious and even low-calorie dishes. Today, this product is in demand by all categories of citizens, and the new segment of the "premium" class that has appeared makes it possible to make the production of pasta a rather interesting and profitable business. The competition in the elite segment is lower, and the demand for the products of this group is quite high and is growing every year. That is why now is the perfect time to jump in and start your own high quality pasta business.

The content of the business plan: the main organizational points

Pasta is consumed by everything from children who are served it for lunch in kindergartens and schools, and ending with business people who dine with this dish in restaurants. In this regard, a well-built production will definitely find its niche and will be provided with demand in the food market.

Anyone who has decided to connect their activities with pasta and make it a profitable business needs to decide on a number of important issues. To do this, you need to draw up a business plan for pasta production, and this article is designed to help with this. Key points to decide:

  1. Consumers and distribution channels for finished products.
  2. Types and technology of pasta production.
  3. The need for resources, including raw materials, to organize the production process.
  4. Equipment for the production workshop.
  5. Feasibility study of the pasta business, including investment, profitability and profitability.

The production of pasta as a business today is quite an attractive occupation that can provide a good profit to the owner. Having solved the main issues related to opening your own production enterprise, you can proceed directly to its actual implementation. Let's start studying them by identifying the main consumer of future pasta products.

Target consumers and ways to sell pasta

It is very important to clearly define for whom the products of your workshop or factory will be produced. Consumers can be found in any segment, however, the premium segment is the most profitable and cost-effective. With a sufficiently low cost of products (including the highest class), the cost of finished products is several times higher than the price of economy and middle class pasta. The stake here is not on quantity, but on quality, which allows you to increase profits by setting higher prices.

At the same time, in the elite segment (as in all others) there are several options for selling products:

  • direct sales to supermarket chains and grocery stores;
  • wholesale to large distributors;
  • delivery to restaurants, cafes (HoReCa sector);
  • delivery to the municipal sector, i.e. budgetary organizations (suitable for economy and middle class products).

An analysis of consumer demand in your region, as well as competitors already playing in this market, will help you decide on the choice of segment and distribution channels.

Making pasta: types

There is a fairly wide range of pasta varieties that can be produced within any chosen segment. They differ in the type of flour (first, category "B", and the highest - for category "A"), in shape and length. In addition, the variety of pasta depends on the composition and nutritional value. There are types of pasta:

  • filamentous (cobweb, thin or ordinary vermicelli);
  • ribbon-like (smooth, corrugated noodles, with wavy edges);
  • tubular (feathers, horns, etc.);
  • curly (different shapes).

There are also pasta with various flavors and natural dyes, nests and skeins, toppings for first courses, instant noodles. To obtain such a variety of types of pasta allows the use of different production technologies. Recently, one of the most popular, especially in the premium segment, is vacuum technology. It allows you to improve the consumer properties of pasta and get a more transparent finished product (glassy), which does not stick together and does not boil soft during cooking.

Raw materials for the production of pasta: basic and additional

Depending on the type of pasta, raw materials of different quality are used, as well as additional ingredients. Premium flour is the main raw material for the production of pasta in the middle and elite segments. It must meet certain characteristics:

Secondary products for production

In addition, for the production of some types of products, additional ingredients are used: eggs and egg powder, dairy and vegetable products (in particular, natural juices), food colors (beta-carotene, tartrazine, etc.).

Also, surfactants are used in the production, which allow maintaining the quality and external properties of pasta for a long time, preventing them from sticking together and overcooking. These nuances must be taken into account when organizing your own pasta production.

It is important to determine the channels for the supply of raw materials, especially flour, in order to receive it in a timely manner and of proper quality. Today, there are grain holdings of large producers, created to optimize raw material supplies, including the control of logistics processes and the prevention of failures. Joining them can increase the profitability of production and provide production with affordable high-quality raw materials.

Pasta production process: technology and equipment

The specific technology for the production of pasta depends on the type and recipe of the products produced. And the equipment is purchased taking into account the planned production volumes and assortment.

Stages of the production process

However, the main steps are reduced to the following processes:

  • preparation of raw materials (sifting flour and heating, mixing different batches in order to improve quality indicators);
  • dough preparation (loading flour with drinking water into a dough mixer, adding other components according to the recipe, kneading, vacuuming);
  • screw compaction and shaping;
  • blowing with a built-in fan, cutting and laying out products on a tray;
  • preliminary (on the table of a press machine) and final (in a drying cabinet) drying to a moisture content of 19%;
  • exposure of pasta in a cardboard container until a moisture content of 13% is reached;
  • examination of pasta (for the presence of condition, humidity, strength, boilability, etc.);
  • packaging using packaging machines.

In addition, there are various nuances in the technological process. So, for example, storage of flour can be carried out in a container and bulk way (pouring into a bunker). The second one is preferred as it minimizes the loss of flour during the packing process, minimizes the cost of sewing bags and reduces the use of manual labor.

Various methods of drying products before packaging are also used. The use of hydrothermal technology can significantly shorten this process: due to special equipment, the finished product is quickly cooled, after which the pasta is directly packaged and packaged.

Equipment for the organization of pasta production

The main costs of organizing a pasta business are associated with the purchase of special equipment. The production of pasta implies the mandatory presence of the following items:

  • semi-automatic or automatic line for the production of pasta (their productivity is approximately 100 kg and 500 kg per hour);
  • matrices of forms (their set depends on the range of pasta);
  • packing machine.

The entire set of equipment required for production includes a flour sifter, a press, a drying line, conveyors, stabilizing bins (they are usually supplied complete with high-performance lines).

The choice of specific types and models of equipment depends on the volume of production and the available budget. So, for packaging, you can purchase both automatic and semi-automatic equipment, and if necessary, a whole line. The same applies to matrices and other devices. Among other things, you will need carts for transporting raw materials, racks for storing finished products, knife sharpening devices, and more.

Main economic indicators related to the organization of the pasta business

Pasta production can be both profitable and unprofitable. In the latter case, this is due to the acquisition of expensive equipment for the manufacture of products that are either of low cost or not in great demand. That is why, before starting the organization of production, it is important to conduct a thorough analysis of this industry in your region, assess demand and competition in a particular segment, calculate costs, expected profits and profitability.

The cost of organizing the production of pasta

The minimum starting capital in order to start a pasta business is approximately 800 thousand - 1.5 million rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  • the cost of purchasing a complete set of production equipment (main item), as well as its delivery and installation, commissioning;
  • rent of industrial and warehouse premises, utility bills;
  • purchase of the necessary raw materials - depends on the volume of production;
  • personnel costs (wages, training);
  • the cost of registering an enterprise and opening a current account;
  • other expenses.

Of these, monthly include rent, the cost of purchasing raw materials and staff salaries, transportation costs, taxes and some others.

Profitability of production

At the same time, the production of pasta pays off within at least 15-18 months with the successful organization of the supply of raw materials and the marketing of finished products. Of course, this largely depends on the profit received from the sale. In the premium segment, it will be much higher than the average. At the same time, although the costs are higher, they do not differ very significantly with the competent organization of the production process and the establishment of relationships with reliable suppliers.

Sales revenue and net income

If the production of pasta is carried out on equipment with a capacity of 150 kg / hour, then with a 50% load and a 12-hour shift (30 days a month), you can get about 27 thousand kilograms of finished products. Determine the planned price (wholesale) of each kilogram and get the approximate revenue per month.

On average, it will amount to 600-800 thousand rubles, of which more than half will go to cover monthly expenses: the purchase of raw materials, wages for employees, rent and utility bills, tax deductions, transportation costs, etc. On average, the net profitability of such an enterprise varies in the range 100-300 thousand rubles.


In this article, we examined the main issues related to such a type of business as the production of pasta. We have covered the moments concerning the choice of the segment and types of manufactured products, the definition of technology, raw materials and the equipment necessary for organizing the production process.

In conclusion, approximate data were given on the required initial investment and monthly expenses, profitability and profitability of this type of production. We hope this information will be useful for you and will help you to approach each stage of organizing your own pasta business correctly.

The production of pasta in Russia was established only in the 18th century. It was then that the first Russian pasta factory in Odessa began to produce products. Cheap raw materials and a simple technological process allowed the business to develop rapidly and become profitable.

Today in the Russian Federation there are more than 60 large companies producing pasta, and twice as many mini-shops producing pasta for a specific consumer request. However, even this number of factories does not fully cover the market demand for high-quality pasta products. That is why, if you have 500 thousand rubles. for the purchase of equipment for the production of pasta and an understanding of some of the basics of entrepreneurial science, we suggest that you consider an approximate business plan for a small pasta workshop.

How to start a pasta making business

The technology for the production of pasta is quite simple. Coarse flour is combined with water in a certain proportion. The dough is well kneaded until a homogeneous mass is formed. With the help of stamping machines for the manufacture of pasta, products of the configurations that the manufacturer needs are formed from this mass. The finished stamping is dried at a certain temperature (65˚ C), and then packaged.

The main difficulties in this process:

  • grain properties tracking;
  • grinding quality control;
  • control over compliance with the temperature regimes of drying.

It is these three points that determine the quality of the finished product. They are easy to control in a food shop and almost impossible to test at home. Probably, for this reason, despite the emergence of automatic machines for forming pasta, such piece production at home did not take root. At home, you can cook pasta for personal purposes to eat on your own. It will be economical and healthy.

An interesting story about pasta production technology in the following video:

Production carried out for commercial purposes should be established in special premises where simple but effective devices can be installed that provide all the processes of the production cycle in the manufacture of pasta.

To organize a mini-workshop you will need:

  • registration with the Federal Tax Service as an entrepreneur (find out to help start-up businessmen);
  • rental of premises for food production (it is best to rent such premises in small towns or in rural areas);
  • production equipment;
  • contract with suppliers of grain or flour.

We purchase equipment

Today, Russian entrepreneurs show the greatest interest in Russian, Chinese and Italian equipment for the production of pasta. Chinese is the most acceptable for a novice businessman, as it shows good results and has a low cost. Italian is more suitable for the production of elite varieties of products. Russian - reliable and inexpensive.

The entire business plan for pasta production depends on the format and price of the equipment.

The cost of production equipment from different manufacturers can vary significantly.

The main opportunities for finding the necessary capacities: sales announcements in the regional press, official websites of manufacturers, online catalogs, as well as exhibitions of equipment for the food industry.

Judging by the reviews of entrepreneurs who have already achieved success in the pasta business, for 500 thousand rubles. you can purchase a complete set of original equipment and start production on it.

And you can read about the features of the grilled chicken business at this address:.

Costs for starting and maintaining a business

Equipment costs are not the only investments that will be needed at the start of a business plan for creating a pasta shop. You will also need to rent a space and renovate it. If you manage to find a room in good condition in a rural area and rent it for 50 thousand rubles. per month from the local authorities, this would be ideal.

Do not forget that the room must be spacious (at least 200 sq. M and with a high ceiling). About 500 thousand rubles. it is necessary to invest in repairs so that the workshop meets sanitary standards.

Thus, at the start, the project will cost about 1 million rubles.

The lion's share of monthly costs will be for labor costs. The minimum workshop staff is 7 people. With an average salary of 20 thousand rubles. monthly deductions for wages will amount to 140 thousand rubles.

Transport and administrative expenses, advertising costs - about 100 thousand rubles. per month.

The rent is about 50 thousand rubles.

Contributions and utility costs - about 50 thousand rubles.

Total monthly costs will be about 340 thousand rubles.

Business payback calculation

For the production of 40 tons of pasta (average output of a small workshop), about 40 tons of wholemeal flour will be needed. The total cost of flour is 350 thousand rubles, plus - about 50 thousand rubles. will go to water and food additives. In addition, it will be necessary to purchase packaging material, which will take at least another 20 thousand rubles.

Thus, the cost of the monthly volume of production is.

In recent years, attitudes towards pasta have changed for the better. It turned out that pasta can be the basis of healthy and truly delicious dishes. And, most importantly, the product can bring significant profit to those who dare to build their business on the sale of pasta. We advise you to pay special attention to the production of premium products. High quality pasta will always be in demand.

Pasta business. Organizational moments

Pasta is the basis of a wide variety of dishes, from economical options to exclusive restaurant dishes with valuable and expensive ingredients. As we can see, the demand for the product is undeniable. And thoughtful production of pasta will find its niche. If you are afraid of risks, then you can organize a mini-production of pasta. In this case, you can consider the production of pasta at home (at the same time you will save on renting a room).

If you decide to start a pasta business, it is worth putting together an effective business plan that will cover the key points and lead you to a stable profit. The main thing you need to decide:

  1. Potential customers and channels through which you will sell products.
  2. Methods, production technologies, types of pasta.
  3. Organization of the production process, raw materials.
  4. Choice of equipment.
  5. Calculation of profit, economic justification of the project, accounting for existing investments.

Target consumers and types of sale of pasta

One of the important stages of building a business is to identify potential consumers of products. Of course, consumers will be found anyway, but the most profitable segment is premium pasta. After all, the cost of even very high-quality pasta will not be high, but the price of such a product is much higher than the cost of medium and economy class pasta. In this case, we do not rely on quantity, but on quality. Several sales options:

  1. Retail sales (supermarkets, grocery stores).
  2. Wholesale trade.
  3. Sale of cafes and restaurants.
  4. The point of sale is the municipal sector (in the event that you decide to produce economy and middle class pasta).

If you are thinking about which production to focus on (economy, middle or elite class), it is worth analyzing the consumer market in your area and competitors' enterprises.

Pasta has a large number of varieties, and within any type of segment, different types of products can be produced. Depending on the type of flour, your products may have the first category or the highest. The type of flour affects the composition and nutritional value. In addition, pasta varies in shape and size:

  1. Thread-like pasta (vermicelli, thin or in the form of a cobweb).
  2. In the form of ribbons (grooved noodles, smooth, wavy edges).
  3. Tubular (horns).
  4. Various figures in one package.

There are also pasta with additives, dyes, products with fillings for first and second courses, instant noodles, etc. Accordingly, such a large selection involves the purchase of various types of production equipment. By the way, a new technology called vacuuming allows you to make the taste properties of pasta even more perfect. Such pasta does not stick together and does not boil soft. Such properties will certainly increase consumer demand.

Raw material

Depending on which class of pasta you have chosen, you need to choose raw materials and additional ingredients. If you decide to produce pasta of the middle and elite segments, then the flour must be of the highest grade, and the composition of the products must meet the following characteristics:

  1. The humidity level is within 15 percent.
  2. Gluten - from 30 percent.
  3. Enrichment with vitamins is desirable.

Equipment for the production of pasta

Most of the costs in the production of pasta will go to the purchase of equipment. Mandatory positions:

  1. Production line (automatic or semi-automatic) whose efficiency is from 100 to 500 kg per hour.
  2. Forms (the set of these positions depends on the range of your products).
  3. Packing machine.


In order to start a pasta business, you need to have capital in the range of 0.8-1.5 million rubles. This amount includes the following expenses:

  1. A complete set of production equipment, its delivery, installation, commissioning.
  2. Room rent, utility bills.
  3. Raw material costs.
  4. Training, wages for employees.
  5. Registration of IP, opening a current account.
  6. Other expenses of an unforeseen nature.


The pasta business pays off in about 1.5 years, but only if the supply of raw materials and marketing of products is well thought out. It is worth noting that in the premium segment, the payback will increase significantly. But the most important thing is to establish relationships with reliable suppliers and competently organize the production process.

Net profit

The proceeds from the sale of products average 600-800 thousand rubles, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Production is carried out on equipment that has an efficiency of 150 kg per hour.
  2. The working day of the staff is 12 hours.
  3. Working days - all 30 days.

Based on these calculations, we get 27 kg of pasta and an approximate profit. But do not forget that more than half of the resulting amount will be spent on monthly expenses: salaries for employees, purchase of raw materials, rent, taxes, transportation costs, etc. Approximately 100-300 thousand rubles remain. This is the net profit. The production of pasta as a business is a very profitable enterprise with a reasonable approach.

In this project, we will consider the possibility of creating a business for the production of curly-type pasta, which is most in demand on the market. As a basis for creating a business, we will consider equipment using vacuum technology to obtain a high-quality product at the output.


Pasta is suitable for consumption by the majority of the population, as it is a rich source of carbohydrates, contains crystallized starch, and helps the human body maintain blood sugar levels at a stable level. These products are rich in B vitamins and proteins, contain a lot of fiber.

A large number of varieties of pasta allows you to group them according to the following principle (which corresponds to the classification of GOST 875-69):

  • according to the grade of flour - the highest and the first;
  • in the form:
    • filamentous (vermicelli - gossamer, thin, ordinary, amateur),
    • tubular (pasta, horns, feathers),
    • ribbon-like (noodles - corrugated, smooth, with wavy edges),
    • curly - products of any shape, but not exceeding the maximum thickness at the break: 1.5 mm - for stamped and 3 mm - for pressed.
  • in length - short (1.5-15cm), long (15-50cm). Short are subdivided into stamped and short-cut. Figured products are only short.

Soup fillings, nests, skeins, pasta with certain flavors and dyes, and instant products are also distinguished.

Different technologies and composition of the dough allow to produce pasta of different quality. Recently, the technology of evacuation is most in demand, using which more vitreous and transparent products are obtained that are not subjected to boiling and sticking in hot form.

Consumers and sales channels

The target audience purchasing pasta is all categories of the population - from the smallest children who are offered pasta dishes even in preschool institutions - to people working in various fields, students, housewives, and the elderly. Pasta can be prepared as a separate side dish or included in various dishes, so a significant part of the target audience of products are catering establishments, kindergartens and schools, canteens of universities, various enterprises, the HoReCa sector.

The sale of finished products can be carried out through the following distribution channels:

  • retail network of shops and supermarkets;
  • wholesale distributors engaged in the delivery of products
  • sector of municipal institutions;
  • HoReCa sector (restaurants, cafes).

Production process and required equipment

The production technology provides for the implementation of successive stages:

  1. Flour preparation (cleaning and sifting);
  2. Dough preparation (ingredients - flour and water, the addition of other components makes production unprofitable), kneading is carried out using dough mixers and vacuuming;
  3. Sealing and shaping with a screw press;
  4. Preparation for drying (blowing, cutting, layout)
  5. convective drying
  6. Packing

Thus, the following equipment is required for the production of pasta:

  • Automatic pasta production line;
  • Matrices of forms of products;
  • Packing machine.

We will analyze several options for organizing pasta production.

Option number 1

Equipment of the workshop with the Makiz-Ural line

This line needs to be completed with packaging equipment. The manufacturer Makiz-Ural offers several options for such equipment, one of which is the price of 277,500 rubles.

You will also need:

  • Matrices - 35 types - from 2,400 rubles (10 types = 24,000 rubles)
  • You will also need connecting nodes, pumps, pipes, sinks and other additional equipment - about 100,000 rubles.

Total cost of completing the workshop: 1,187,500 rubles.

Option number 2

Complete set of the workshop with the line of the Ukrainian manufacturer by the company "BID"

Both equipment options allow you to get up to 150 kg of finished products per hour. At the same time, the line of Ukrainian production is a fully automatic line that requires a minimum number of workers involved in production, it can work around the clock. But its main disadvantages are the price (50% more expensive than the Russian counterpart) and the amount of energy consumed (almost 3 times more than the Makiz line). In this regard, the first option (MAKIZ-02-200) will be used as the base for economic calculations.

Feasibility study of the project

Capital investments

  • Purchase of equipment: 1,187.5 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery, installation, commissioning: 200 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials: 100 thousand rubles.
  • Registration in INFS, other expenses: 200 thousand rubles.

Total 1,687,500 rubles.
