
Healing properties of dried Jerusalem artichoke, its effect on health, preparation and use for treatment. Carrot and Jerusalem artichoke salad

Jerusalem artichoke is a unique plant with a whole range of nutrients. A peculiar pleasant nutty flavor, juicy pulp and appetizing aroma make it one of the most popular vegetables in the garden.

Against the background of rare advantages, Jerusalem artichoke has only one drawback - its poor keeping quality, the vegetable is almost not stored: soon after digging, its tubers lose turgor and deteriorate.

Unlike potatoes and other root crops, Jerusalem artichoke cannot be preserved by placing it in bags and sending it to the cellar.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke for the winter in the freezer.

Then Jerusalem artichoke is cut into flat circles, laid out on a cutting board and placed in the freezer, trying to set the board horizontally. After half a day, the blanks are pulled out, removed from the board and poured into a bag. It must be signed and dated.

Whole Jerusalem artichoke tubers are also frozen, having previously cleaned and dried them with a paper towel, this is a great way to save Jerusalem artichoke for the winter.

When defrosting such blanks, there is a secret: after freezing, Jerusalem artichoke is immediately placed in a bowl with cold liquid and placed in the refrigerator until completely thawed. Then the vegetable will be fresh and juicy.

How to save Jerusalem artichoke for the winter in the apartment.

If there is not much harvest of Jerusalem artichoke, it is quite possible to store it in the refrigerator or on the balcony, provided that there is no sub-zero temperature on it. With such storage, it is advisable to eat the crop in a month, after which the tubers will begin to wither.

To keep Jerusalem artichoke fresh, its tubers are cleaned from the ground and placed in a perforated bag. In the refrigerator, the package is placed in a fruit box.
When storing Jerusalem artichoke on the balcony, the package with it is additionally insulated, covered with an old blanket, for example.

Once a week, Jerusalem artichoke in a bag is slightly moistened with a sprayer. The tubers should be damp but wet.

How to save Jerusalem artichoke for the winter: preservation.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers are also used for preservation intended for consumption in the winter.

Jerusalem artichoke is cleaned of dirt and peel, thoroughly washed and preserved, the marinade is prepared the same as for cucumbers. The vegetable is put in whole jars, cut into slices or thick straws, garlic and seasonings are added to taste.

Assorted vegetables are made from Jerusalem artichoke, added to pickled tomatoes, the brine is prepared to taste or the same proportions are used as when preparing pickles for the winter.

Compotes, vegetable caviar and delicious jam with the indispensable addition of lemon zest are prepared from earthen pear.

They also make pickled Jerusalem artichoke, this is an interesting and tasty way to save Jerusalem artichoke for the winter. To do this, the Jerusalem artichoke is peeled, cut into circles, tightly placed in a glass container, salted to taste and poured with boiled liquid on top, a reliable load is placed on top and placed in a warm place. After a couple of days, the original snack is ready.

How to save Jerusalem artichoke for the winter in dried form.

With a generous harvest, the earthen pear is dried. To do this, cut the vegetable into slices and send it to the oven or electric dryer.

When growing an earth pear on your own in a summer cottage, there are several effective approaches to crop processing. And so that you don’t have to figure out how to store Jerusalem artichoke at all, you just need to dig out only the amount of product that will be eaten in the near future.

The remains can be collected if necessary, the root crop tolerates frost well. Storage of the product in an apartment also implies an impressive variety of options. Jerusalem artichoke can be dried, canned and frozen, which provides an impressive variety of flavors in ready-made dishes.

Jerusalem artichoke is traditionally allowed to be stored in a basement with a low temperature and high humidity, while remembering that even a slight increase in temperature can adversely affect the tubers. If there is a small plot of land available, then the storage of an earthen pear can take the following form:

  • The easiest way is to dig a hole of medium depth, in which the remains of the crop are laid out, which will not be needed throughout the winter. It is best to put them in wooden boxes.

Tip: Jerusalem artichoke can also be stored in wooden containers at home - on the balcony, but only if it is not heated and not insulated in any way. When the temperature rises to +2ºС, the nutritional properties of the product begin to decline rapidly.

  • Snow piles. The best option for outdoor storage of earthen pear. We clean the site, pour the tubers on it in an even layer. From above we lay out 10 cm of snow and again a layer of tubers. After the construction of the multilayer structure is completed, it must be sprinkled with sawdust and insulated with straw.
  • storage in trenches. Until the ground is frozen, we dig a shallow trench in it, the bottom of which is laid out with spruce branches. We install plastic flower pots on them, filled with roots cleaned of dirt. We cover everything with a layer of snow, followed by a heater (hay or branches) and cover everything with a sheet of roofing material.

The main thing to remember when using outdoor conditions for storing Jerusalem artichoke is that the skin should not be exposed to fresh air. It promotes the release of harmful components that adversely affect the state of the body. Additional prevention of this phenomenon can be the use of special non-toxic paraffin compounds.

How to dry and freeze an earthen pear?

Storage of Jerusalem artichoke at home is not limited to the use of a refrigerator, especially since the tubers will lie in it for no more than a month. And then, if you put them in an airtight container or a plastic bag. The peeled and chopped root vegetable will keep fresh for just a few days.

It is better to create homemade blanks in one of the following ways:

  • Freeze. Jerusalem artichoke root is cleaned, washed, cut into strips or cubes. We blanch the product in milk-curd whey at the maximum temperature for 5-10 minutes. Then we cool the product and store it in the freezer.
  • The use of sand. We take canvas or plastic bags, lay them out with wet sand, peat or sawdust and fill them with earth pear. It is necessary to carefully tie the container, then the product will stand without problems on a not very warm balcony or unheated loggia until the onset of heat.
  • T radiation drying. Before drying an earthen pear, it must be peeled, washed and cut into thin slices. We use only good tubers without wormholes and damage. The resulting pieces are laid out in a thin layer on a tray and kept in the open air, protecting from direct sunlight until the plates are ready.
  • Heat treatment. Jerusalem artichoke fruits can also be dried in the oven, it will be much faster. Dilute a teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of water, bring the resulting solution to a boil. In it, we blanch the tubers cut into pieces for no more than 9 minutes. Then we wait until they cool down, cut into thin slices and dry until cooked in the oven at a temperature of 60ºС. We put the finished product in a sealed glass container, otherwise bugs will start in it.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke can be ground into coarse flour. This powder can be used in so many unusual and traditional recipes.

Delicious and healthy preserves from Jerusalem artichoke

There are dozens of recipes for ground pear blanks. Moreover, the direction is not complete with standard pickles and salads. If desired, you can make delicious jam from Jerusalem artichoke.

  • Marinated Jerusalem artichoke. We will need carrots, the root crops themselves, two tablespoons of vinegar, table salt and honey per liter of water. We clean the vegetables and cut them into arbitrary pieces, put them in sterile jars. From the rest of the ingredients we prepare the marinade, with which we fill the products. We pasteurize the containers for a quarter of an hour and roll them up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke salad. For a kilogram of tubers we take half a kilogram of carrots, lemon and salt. We cut the vegetables, rub the lemon on a fine grater or chop in a blender. We mix these ingredients, add salt to taste and wait until the composition gives juice. Then the mass is laid out in jars, pasteurized for half an hour and rolled up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke jam. For a kilogram of earth pear, we take the same amount of pumpkin pulp, lemon and a glass of granulated sugar. We clean the root crops and pumpkin and cut into pieces, chop the lemon on a grater or in a blender. We mix all the ingredients and insist for about an hour. Then put the mass on the fire, bring to a boil and boil for no more than five minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. The finished product is poured into jars and hermetically sealed. During the day, the jars should be kept upside down under the covers.
  • Nutrient for boosting immunity. Mix two glasses of sea buckthorn juice with a glass of boiled or distilled water. We cut a kilogram of the root crop into cubes, fill it with the resulting liquid and fill it with a glass of sand. We put the mass on the fire and bring to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and pour into jars. Pasteurize for half an hour and roll up.

When using these methods, it is possible to preserve the maximum useful substances in the composition of the product and optimally beat its taste.

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke were known in the middle of the 17th century, when this plant was used for medicinal purposes. Later, it began to be bred as a vegetable crop. earthen pear, as this root crop is also called, is a dietary product that provides invaluable assistance in many diseases.

However, you need to know how to store Jerusalem artichoke in winter in order to preserve its medicinal properties and prevent fungal or bacterial diseases.

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant, the fruits of which are tubers of various shapes, sizes and colors. Their flesh is very juicy, has a pleasant sweetish aftertaste. Due to its enormous nutritional value, the root vegetable can serve as an alternative to potatoes.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain many vitamins, proteins, amino acids. Their use in food helps to lower blood sugar levels, remove toxic substances, increase the body's resistance to various viruses and infections.

Jerusalem artichoke is often used in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, heartburn and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Harvesting and the possibility of its storage in the beds

Due to its properties, Jerusalem artichoke is able to winter in the soil much better than in storage, both in summer and in winter. When growing a plant in the country do not dig up the entire crop at one time, it is better to do it as needed. In late autumn, it makes sense to dig up some of the root crops that you plan to use in winter, and keep the rest in the ground until spring.

Jerusalem artichoke is a very cold-resistant plant and tolerates frosts up to 20 C.

Tubers that are dug up in the fall and harvested for the winter, for example, for livestock feed, can be stored in ground piles. Burt is several layers of root crops laid on the surface of the earth or in a small depression, covered and sprinkled with layers of straw, peat or sawdust. The place for storing root crops must be chosen correctly: it must be dry and elevated. To protect the fruits from surface water around the storage, it is necessary to dig a small ditch up to 30 cm deep. It is also important to protect the root crops from rodents that can spoil the crop stored for the winter.

For residents of private houses, there is another way to store Jerusalem artichoke in the ground. For him, it is necessary to prepare a not very deep trench, the bottom of which is covered with spruce branches. The dug up tubers are placed in plastic flower pots and placed in the prepared recess. A layer of snow or sand, a layer of insulating material (hay, spruce branches, etc.) and a sheet of roofing material are placed on top. Under such conditions, Jerusalem artichoke will retain all its beneficial properties until spring and will not succumb to withering and decay.

Basement and cellar for storage

If it is not possible to leave Jerusalem artichoke for the winter in the ground, then you can organize its storage in a dark, cool place, for example, a basement or cellar. Best used for this purpose wooden boxes. It is necessary to lay out the dug out tubers of the plant in them, which can not even be cleared from the ground. Then they are sprinkled with sand, peat or shifted with moss. From above, boxes with root crops are covered with sheets of plywood.

You can process Jerusalem artichoke tubers paraffin It will also help preserve useful vitamins and minerals. Root crops are immersed in melted warm paraffin, then, when it hardens, they are sent for storage in the basement.

It is important to ensure the correct temperature for storing vegetables at home. The cellar temperature should be from +1 to +4 C, and the relative humidity of the air is 85 - 95%. Such conditions will avoid drying or rotting of stored tubers.

Storage of Jerusalem artichoke in apartment conditions

Residents of multi-storey buildings who do not have cellars should not despair, since there are various ways to store earthen pear fruits at home.

Storage on a balcony or loggia

For storing Jerusalem artichoke in an apartment, a balcony or a glazed loggia is an excellent solution. Even if the balcony is not sufficiently insulated, with a slight freezing of the tubers, their nutritional properties do not change.

Root crops must be placed in boxes or bags filled with wet sand, peat or sawdust. The fruits stored in this way are able to retain their properties for two months.

It is worth remembering that Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight, so it must be stored for storage as soon as it has been dug up.

Cold storage methods: refrigerator and freezer

Another option for winter storage of a small amount of Jerusalem artichoke fruits at home is a refrigerator. The tubers of the plant are necessary Rinse thoroughly, pat dry and pack or other sealed containers. It is best to store root vegetables in a vegetable drawer. This method of storage will ensure their safety for 2-3 weeks.

A longer shelf life can ensure the placement of Jerusalem artichoke into the freezer. Due to resistance to low temperatures, the fruits of the plant will retain their taste and nutritional properties. Before use, they must be placed in cold water for gradual thawing.

Preservation and drying of Jerusalem artichoke

Since the roots of Jerusalem artichoke are used not only in their raw form, it is advisable to think about such a method of storing a vegetable as conservation. From the peeled tubers of the plant can be prepared syrups, jams, use them for pickling and sourdough. Even in this form, its useful properties will not disappear anywhere.

In addition, it is effective to harvest the roots of Jerusalem artichoke in dried form. The vegetable, peeled and cut into plates, is dried in a ventilated place without direct sunlight or in an oven. In the future, the dried product can be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Your brownie.

Jerusalem artichoke, its second name is ground pear or solar root - is a perennial nutritious plant, the benefits of which are enormous for the whole organism. Tubers are rich in vitamins B and C, fructose and trace elements.

In order to receive all the trace elements necessary for the body from the plant all year round, you need to know how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home.

People have been growing and using the ground pear as a medicine and food for many centuries. At the same time, it is a dietary product included in various therapeutic diets.

Growing and harvesting Jerusalem artichoke is a simple task. It does not require special conditions, tolerates winter well. This culture is in one place able to grow up to forty years. From one hundred square meters you can harvest up to 250 kilograms of crops.

Before organizing the storage of Jerusalem artichoke at home or for the winter in the cellar, you need properly assemble and prepare. Harvest in early November. Jerusalem artichoke is poorly stored, therefore, you should not collect everything at once in the fall. Part of the fruit must be left in the ground. It is perfectly stored in the ground and tolerates frosts down to minus forty degrees, while saving all its useful properties.

In the spring, root crops must be dug up.

Jerusalem artichoke storage

In order to better preserve the fruits, they are dug up and, without cleaning, placed in a container or bag, where they will remain fresh until spring. Jerusalem artichoke has a very thin and delicate peel, which can be easily damaged even by rubbing it with your finger. If the root crops are thrown, carelessly shifted, then after 2-3 days they will begin to deteriorate.

There are several reliable options save root crops until spring:

  • freezing;
  • immersion in paraffin;
  • trench method;
  • drying;
  • storage in the ground;
  • basement/cellar storage.

All of the above storage options will help save root crops until spring without much loss. Jerusalem artichoke is not afraid of frost, so it can be stored on the balcony, in the refrigerator or in the pantry.

When harvesting, do not cut off the stem, you need to leave the root at least 15 centimeters long. This contributes to the preservation of nutrients in the root crop.

Having pulled out the root crop from the garden, you need to carefully wipe it. The collected earthen pears are neatly laid out in boxes. They can be put on the balcony, but on condition that the temperature there is not lower than five degrees below zero. If it is much colder on the balcony, then Jerusalem artichoke must be brought into coolest place at home, and, protecting from light, cover with a cloth.

The easiest ways

In country houses, tubers are stored in the cellar, packed in plastic bags at a temperature of +2 degrees. Jerusalem artichoke is perfectly preserved in wooden boxes filled with moist earth.

Before storing the tubers, you need dry well. If there is no cellar, then in this case, the roots are placed in containers and lowered into the pit. From above, the containers are covered with roofing material and covered with soil, sand. You can not store Jerusalem artichoke in the cellar along with potatoes and beets, this is an undesirable neighborhood.

To save basement area, root crops can be buried along with carrots, as she also loves sand shelter in winter. Some gardeners apply a mixture of clay to the Jerusalem artichoke and put it in plastic bags and tie them tightly so that there is less air left in them.

Wax as an option is pretty good to save Jerusalem artichoke for the winter. The fruit is carefully cleaned of dirt. About three hours they dry in the shade, after which they are dipped in hot paraffin. If there is no food paraffin, then ordinary paraffin, from which candles are made, is suitable for this purpose. An earthen pear is placed in cardboard boxes and lowered into the cellar.

The waxing procedure should take place in a cold room to quickly cool the root crop, since overheating affects the earthen pear negatively.

Preservation, drying and freezing

A large number of gardeners know about the beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke and therefore collect recipes for making Jerusalem artichoke for the winter. Ground pear juice and salads are good for the human immune system and treat colds well. You can prepare the root for the winter in the following ways:

  1. Jerusalem artichoke is cleaned and cut into pieces of any shape, laid out in bags and sent to the freezer, where it will be stored for a long time. Packing is recommended in small packages. Re-freezing is not allowed.
  2. To dry the root crop, it must be washed well, peeled and cut into thin slices. You need to dry in a hot oven or in the air, but not in direct sunlight. After properly dried Jerusalem artichoke fully retains its beneficial properties.
  3. A good way to store in an apartment is conservation. Jams and syrups are prepared from the root.

Storage of root crops in trenches

Trenches for storing Jerusalem artichoke are prepared in advance, before the soil freezes. A trench is dug half a meter deep, and dry leaves or sawdust are laid on its bottom.

Dried and whole tubers are placed in two layers, then covered with sand, a dense film is laid on top and pressed again with a layer of sand. Some experienced gardeners lay root crops with root in a cloth bag. With such storage, you do not need to worry about the fact that the earthen pear may deteriorate. In winter, it is convenient to get root crops from the trench by folding back the edge of the film. But mice are dangerous. There are two options for saving the crop from them:

  • Poison can be spread on straw or leaves.
  • In a trench, along with an earthen pear, burdock inflorescences are laid out. Mice do not tolerate when something clings to them and will no longer come into the trench.

So that the trench is not flooded with water, a shallow ditch is dug in a circle at a distance of about fifty centimeters from the storage. This storage method is suitable for those who live in their own home and can dig a similar trench in the yard.

Attention, only TODAY!

Ground pear, Volga turnip, sun root, Jerusalem artichoke - all this is the name of one root crop. To most of us, he is known as Jerusalem artichoke. Brought to us from distant North America, this perennial conquered everyone with its useful composition. It contains a large number of B vitamins, micro and macro elements, various amino acids (most of them our body must receive from the outside). Regular consumption of it in food will cure beriberi, remove toxins from the body, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and lower blood sugar levels. And this is not all the benefits of an earthen pear. To stock up on this useful product for the whole winter, you need to learn how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home.

Where and how to store Jerusalem artichoke in winter at home?

Jerusalem artichoke is a frost-resistant plant. If the garden is near your house, then do not rush to dig up the entire crop at the same time. Do it as needed. Moreover, since this root crop is not afraid of big frosts, that part of the crop that you do not have time to sell during the winter can be left in the ground until early spring. This method will save you free space at home, and even enrich Jerusalem artichoke with a large number of useful substances. The main thing is to dig it up before it starts to germinate.

This is important to know. The first two months of autumn are the time when carbohydrates actively accumulate in root crops, which give a characteristic taste. Therefore, you can not remove them from the garden early. It is better to cut the stems before frosts, and after a couple of weeks, dig them out from the beds.

It is not difficult to keep an earthen pear at home. The main thing is to observe two factors: temperature and humidity. The optimum temperature for its storage ranges from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius, and humidity - from 85 to 95%. Therefore, a place to store the crop can be:

  • Cellar or cold basement;
  • Insulated balcony;
  • Fridge;
  • Freezer.

Each of the methods has its own specific features that affect the duration of the shelf life. Let's look at each option on how to save Jerusalem artichoke for the winter separately.


The cellar is one of the best places to store Jerusalem artichoke, as the temperature regime, sufficient humidity and a minimum amount of light are observed. In order for the dug-out root crop to be stored longer, it is not worth completely clearing it from the ground. The following tips will also help you.

  • Find a dark and cool place in the cellar or basement.
  • Transfer the ground potatoes to wooden crates that already contain soil from your garden.
  • Sprinkle the tubers with wet sand.
  • Cover the boxes with a sheet of thick cardboard or plywood.
  • Do not place boxes next to potatoes and beets.

Paraffin can be used for better storage. It is melted, tubers are dipped into it, and after solidification, they are moved to the basement.

Helpful information. When harvesting, leave the tubers on a stem about 20 cm long. This method will save even more nutrients.

Insulated balcony

A similar method can be used if you decide to store an earthen pear on the balcony. Sandbags can be used instead of sandboxes. So the shelf life will last from 2 to 4 months. Make sure that severe frosts are not predicted in the near future, and the temperature on the balcony does not drop below 5 degrees below zero. You can correct the situation by trying to insulate the box with root crops. Or transfer to an apartment to store an earthen pear in the refrigerator.


  • Wash and dry the harvested root crop;
  • Wrap in a plastic bag or put in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • Put in the part of the refrigerator where there is minimal light.

Hostess advice. Ground pear is very fond of moisture, so before placing it in the refrigerator, wrap it with a damp cloth. So the root crop will remain juicy for a long time and will not become unusable.


Many housewives will want to know if Jerusalem artichoke can be frozen. Since this root crop is not afraid of frost and practically does not lose its taste and useful properties when defrosted, you can safely store it in the freezer for three months. For this you need:

  • Thoroughly wash and peel the earthen pear;
  • Grate or cut it;
  • Fold in a bag or plastic container;
  • Send to the freezer.

It will be more convenient to immediately package the grated mass in portions, that is, one package contains as much Jerusalem artichoke as needed to prepare one dish.
