
Date candies. Delicious coconut candies with dates (raw food)

I learned the recipe for sweets from dates with nuts a long time ago from a friend, but I didn’t make them for a very long time. And so I decided to share with you this simple and delicious recipe sweets from dates with nuts.

IN Lately I began to think more and more not only about vegetarian food, but also about the fact that it was useful. Many love various candies, but if you pay attention to their composition, it leaves much to be desired. Healthy dried fruit candy perfect replacement shop sweets. We can make them so diverse that our desires have no limits. Today I will tell you one of the most simple recipes horse from dates. And in the future I will share other recipes for sweets.

Candy composition:

  • Dates 300 grams
  • Dried apricots 200 grams
  • Seeds 50-100 grams
  • Hazelnut 35-40 pieces
  • Cardamom
  • Cinnamon
  • Any spices as desired
  • Lemon juice
  • Coconut flakes 50-100 grams

Recipe for candy dates with nuts:

1. The recipe for sweets is very simple, and if you have an electric meat grinder it will be even easier. First of all, we will rinse well and pour boiling water for 15 minutes on dried apricots and dates. After they become softer, drain the water and peel the dates from the stones, I make a cut along the length with a knife and take out the stone.

2. We simply wash the dried apricots.

3. Now we take a meat grinder, and grind dried apricots with dates into one plate.

4. Then add seeds and spices to the resulting mixture to taste. And squeeze some lemon juice.

5. Mix everything thoroughly.

6. Prepare coconut flakes.

7. And of course hazelnuts, if desired, you can first dry it in the oven, it will be more delicious.

8. Now the matter is simple, we take a small pile of the mixture, insert a nut into the center and roll the ball, after which we roll it in coconut flakes. We do this with each ball.

This is so easy to make and very healthy recipe sweets from dates with nuts, I told you. Many people will like these candies because they are sugar-free and very healthy.

Dates grow on a palm tree and are also called "berries of life". Eating a handful of dates every day, we provide ourselves with amino acids and trace elements that help the brain work and protect the body from nervous tension and stress. Dates are a powerful antioxidant, strengthen the immune system, normalize the work of the heart and reduce the acidity of the stomach.

Fresh dates are used to make salads, jams, juice and strong drinks.

In our latitudes, dates are more often used in dried form, but all useful material stored in them. Fruits are recommended to be included in the children's and adult menus.

Start a healthy "date" diet with natural sweets.

Date candies with almonds and oatmeal

Sweets prepared according to this recipe are high-calorie and nutritious, they will easily replenish strength after labor day or playing sports. If you are eliminating sugar from your diet, use honey instead.


  • dates - 20 pcs;
  • almond flakes - 1 cup;
  • oat flakes fast food- 2 glasses;
  • cocoa butter - 25 gr;
  • cocoa powder - 3-4 tbsp;
  • butter - 100 gr
  • zest of half an orange;
  • sugar - 125 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour finely ground oatmeal on a baking sheet and dry in the oven until golden color and nutty flavor.
  2. Remove the pits from the washed dates, soak them in warm water 15 minutes. Drain the water, dry the fruits and grind with a blender.
  3. mix butter with sugar, put on water bath. Add cocoa powder and cocoa butter, heat until sugar dissolves.
  4. Dried cereals add to the oil and, stirring, hold on low heat for 5 minutes. Add to oatmeal orange zest and dates, mix until smooth, cool slightly.
  5. Lightly crush the almond flakes in a mortar.
  6. Shape candy mixture into walnut-sized balls, roll in almond flakes.
  7. Put the finished sweets on a dish and refrigerate to harden.


  • dates - 10 pcs;
  • tile white chocolate- 200 gr;
  • prunes - 10 pcs;
  • dried apricots - 10 pcs;
  • hazelnut kernels - 10 pcs
  • dark chocolate bar - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse dried fruits, remove seeds from dates. Soak prunes and dried apricots in warm water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Pass products through a meat grinder.
  3. Melt white and half dark chocolate in a separate bowl, then cool. Grate the second half of the black tile.
  4. Mix crushed dried fruits with melted dark chocolate.
  5. Wrap each hazelnut with a mass, roll into a ball. Prick each candy on a toothpick and dip into white chocolate.
  6. Take a handful of dark chocolate chips and sprinkle candies with uncured icing.
  7. Leave the candies to harden in a cool room for 1-2 hours.

Chocolate-covered date sweets with coconut flakes

For sweets children's holiday use multi-colored coconut flakes. Make some candies one color and some another, or cover the sweets with mixed shavings.

Wrap chilled sweets in colored packages or foil, tie with bright ribbons.


  • dates - 20 pcs;
  • whole kernels walnuts- 5 pieces;
  • coconut flakes - 1 cup;
  • milk chocolate - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the dates, pat dry, cut lengthwise and remove the pit.
  2. Place a quarter of a walnut kernel in place of the date pit.
  3. Break the chocolate bar into several pieces, place in a small bowl. Pour water into a larger container, place a bowl of chocolate in it, put on small fire and heat in a "water bath" until dissolved. Remove the dishes from the heat and cool, but so that the mass does not freeze.
  4. Plug in wooden skewer in a date, pour over chocolate, let cool and dip in coconut flakes.
  5. Cool the finished sweets in the refrigerator.

Date candies with nuts and bananas

Such sweets can be consumed as a vegetarian and raw food dish. Add any seeds, nuts and dried fruits to its composition. Taste products during cooking, you may want to add more honey, cinnamon or nuts.

Greetings, my dear readers! Do you like sweet things? I noticed that most of my friends and acquaintances love sweets. By the way, I also belong to this “most sweet tooth” 🙂 Therefore, I decided to make a surprise for you. Today I will tell you how to make raw candy at home.

Such sweets will turn out incredibly tasty. But, after all, they say: "It is better to see once - than to hear a hundred times." I’ll clarify: it’s better to try once than hear about how delicious it is many times. Therefore, friends, you have a chance to personally appreciate the amazing taste of this delicacy.

However unique taste raw food sweets is not their only advantage. You can safely eat these tasty treats and not be afraid that they will harm your health. They are free of artificial additives and mysterious chemical ingredients. The composition of such sweets includes only the most useful and natural.

And I will introduce you to the recipe for sweets "Bliss". These sweets are made from dates with carob. Their recipe is very easy to make, with just a few ingredients. By the way, the ingredients themselves are also very tasty. Therefore, friends, when preparing sweets, try to refrain from eating the ingredients. And then you won’t get to the sweets 🙂

A little about the amazing carob

To give chocolate flavor This recipe uses carob powder. Unlike cocoa, it is sweet on its own. Therefore, you do not have to add additional honey or other sweetness.

In addition, carob is lower in calories. It's all about the lower fat content - only 0.7 g in carob versus 17.5 g in cocoa.

The calorie content of carob is 222 kcal (per 100 g). For cocoa powder, this figure is 374 kcal.

The chemical composition of carob is rich and varied. The following components are present here:

  • vitamins of groups B, C, E, PP and others;
  • mineral components (calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, etc.);
  • water;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • ash;
  • some saturated fatty acids.

And carob does not contain fromamine, so it does not have allergenicity, which is characteristic of plain chocolate. Since carob does not contain phenylethylamine (found in regular chocolate), it does not cause migraines.

Therefore, it is safe to say that carob is a worthy substitute for cocoa. The so-called "healthy chocolate".

In comparison, cocoa powder contains theobromine and caffeine (tonics) and phenylephamine (antidepressants). In general, he has a complex chemical composition. And he possesses amazing property: able to improve mood, as well as increase vitality. But there is also back side medals": cocoa powder can provoke an allergic reaction.

In addition, carob can be eaten without pre-treatment. Well, cocoa seeds must be processed and burned, and only then they become edible.

Secrets of making sweets "Bliss"

  • I advise you to use royal dates. They are usually sold in a cardboard box. These dates are large and their skin is not dried, unlike other varieties.

  • Don't like dates? Then you can make a yummy out of bananas and prunes. The amount of ingredients depends on how much candy you make. For a small amount, it is usually enough to take half a banana and grind it to a puree state. Banana puree will give sweets softness and amazing flavor. Also take a few pieces of prunes. It must first be soaked, otherwise the prunes will be too dry.
  • In general, with the choice of ingredients you have complete freedom of action. That is, you can add whatever you want. For example, figs, dried apricots, raisins, etc.

I just have a request for you. Then write in the comments what you used from the ingredients and whether you liked the sweets. And share the link to this article with your girlfriends. I bet they have a sweet tooth too. I think they will love this recipe.

And here is the recipe for raw food sweets "Bliss".


3-5 servings 20 minutes. Weight ready meal: 460 gr.

for balls

150 gr

45 grabout 3 tbsp. spoons

220 grseedless

35 gr2 tbsp. spoons


If you've been caught up in the trendy and healthy raw food trend and you're enthusiastic about trying new foods, then this article is for you! To more fully complement your diet and add as much as possible to it delicious meals, we offer recipes on how to make raw food sweets. They diversify not only the festive day, but also fit perfectly into the everyday routine. But not only raw foodists will like the recipes presented today, they will interest all the sweet tooth who are watching their figure. Having mastered the preparation of sweets, which does not take much time, you will understand how wonderful and beloved the food of adherents of the menu from plant foods can be.

Benefits of raw candy

So, before you start cooking, I want to talk about what to expect from the dish. Raw candies, the recipes of which will be presented in this article, will give you unforgettable taste, will remind you of children's sweets. The nutrients found in in large numbers in sweets, will help strengthen the immune system, maintain health in the most difficult times. They are also useful for nervous system, which is a huge plus in our time of constant worries, depression and stress. And, of course, they will be an excellent occasion to have a bite to eat, drink tea with colleagues at work. Portion serving will not get your hands dirty.

Ready for the week

It is unlikely that there will be at least one lucky person who can always have a calm and full lunch at lunchtime. At least once each of us resorted to help energy bar to satisfy your hunger and recharge for the rest of the day. This does not benefit the body, as it suffers digestive tract. But what can you do? After all, you need to swallow something on the go, and let it not be a "tarpaulin" pie bought in a shop that does not inspire the trust of a real gourmet. Let's stop at the weekend and make our own raw food candies, but we'll make them large sizes and call it bars. You will be sure of the quality of the cooked food and will not let your stomach suffer by processing the suspicious sausage in the dough.

What will we need?

I would like to note that all the recipes are simple, and even the most inexperienced amateur cook can cook raw food sweets. Made bars are perfectly stored in the refrigerator throughout the week and are eaten very carefully. To stock up on healthy ingredients and enzymes for your entire work week, you'll need:

  • 50 grams of fresh, not melted, stretching honey;
  • 100g raw nuts durum varieties, it can be walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds (if desired, all of the above);
  • 100 grams of your favorite dry fruits, dried apricots and dates are especially good.

If raw date sweets are being prepared, then less honey is needed, only the amount that will help "glue" the rest of the ingredients, since the dates are endowed with incredible sweetness, and the bars can turn out cloying.

mass preparation

To start cooking in the morning, you need to soak the nuts used for cooking in water overnight, remembering to clean them first. Soak dates or others in water, but for forty minutes. After that, rinse them well, dry with a paper towel.

Further instructions will please with their simplicity, you can involve a child in cooking, he will definitely like this! We put absolutely all the ingredients in a blender, set the speed to 500-600 revolutions and grind. If it seemed to you that the mass is unsuitable for comfortable modeling, add dry ingredients or honey in excess of the indicated measure. So, the mass is ready, it remains only to form it into neat sweets or bars!

Step by step formation

Take cling film, foil or parchment paper, gently spread the sticky mass on it. In the future, form neat "sausages" of the required width. You can wrap the future sweets with a material completely used for forming, and put it in the refrigerator, or roll the sausages in coconut flakes. Thus, you will get raw foods that will not stick to your hands. We send the "sculpting" to the refrigerator, wait until it hardens well. After that, we withdraw for portion cutting. The perfect snack is ready!

cherry sweets

We offer to prepare raw candies from cashews and cherries. This incredible taste Even the pickiest candy lover will love it! You will need a glass of cashews, a glass of pitted, a glass of dates, also devoid of bones. Take as much honey as you need to form sweets. If you like cinnamon, you can add it, you get a specific aroma and taste! Just do not overdo it, cinnamon is an insidious seasoning that can complement the dish, or maybe ruin it! In the future, follow the same cooking principle as described above!

Candy from a mixture of dried fruits with seeds

You will need a glass of any durum nuts, which are soaked in water for at least eight hours. Flaxseed or sesame seeds ground on a coffee grinder are added, in the amount of half a glass. Another - one glass of various favorite dried fruits (apples, dates, raisins, prunes and others), a well-ripened fruit (a peach, pear or nectarine will do). Take honey according to your taste.

We clean the fruit and dried fruits, put them in a blender with all the other ingredients, make bars or roll balls to make round sweets.

Truffles for the raw foodist

To prepare such raw food sweets, we do not need honey. The delicacy will turn out sweet enough, and now you will find out why.

Take a glass of hazelnuts or shelled walnuts. Other types will not work, the taste will turn out not at all what we want to get. You will also need half a glass of dates, one third of a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. It will help to mold the sweets and add extra sweetness. If you want, you can take an apple of a sour variety. For rolling, you will need carob powder.

Prepare mass in the usual way, and when sculpting sweets, use carob for "breading".

Date sweets

Offer more complicated recipe, but you get truly delicious raw food candies. Dates will be useful to us fresh in the amount of one hundred grams. Also take sweet carrot, it will need 150 grams, and also - in equal proportions, about 50 grams each, raisins and walnuts. You also need honey, no more than a tablespoon, to taste - orange peel, cinnamon, cardamom and ginger. For deboning, take coconut flakes.

Carrots will need to be grated on the most fine grater to squeeze it out of the juice to the maximum. Remove the pits from the dates. We put all the components in a blender, scroll until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We put the cup in the refrigerator, wait until the mass thickens, after that we form sweets in the form of balls, roll in shavings obtained from coconut pulp.

We are saturated with vitamins

We offer to prepare raw food sweets that will help get rid of beriberi, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, relieve any signs of colds and flu, and help cure inflammation! Anyway, they are a great sweet that will appeal to both kids and adults. For cooking healthy treats will be required following products: ginger, dried apricots, raisins, any nuts (not roasted, we practice raw food!), lemon, honey, sesame, and aloe plant, also called agave because of its healing properties.

We process dried fruits and nuts, as it is written in previous recipes(soak, peel), turn half a lemon into juice. We pack all the ingredients in a blender, except for sesame seeds. Only one leaf of aloe is useful, the remaining components should be enough to comfortably mold sweets. We grind everything into a sticky mass, roll the formed sweets in sesame seeds.

If you eat two of these sweets every day for a week, then you will certainly increase your immunity and tone, replenish your supply of vitamins. Your hair and skin will look healthy, and you will noticeably prettier!


It's raw food coconut candy that everyone will love! Beautifully decorate and serve them to guests. It doesn't take a lot of food or time to prepare. What do we need?

  • two dried or fresh banana(slices);
  • pulp of one coconut;
  • "live" cocoa;
  • orange peel.

We turn the coconut pulp and bananas into a homogeneous mass. In a coffee grinder, crush cocoa, and finely chop the zest, or make small chips out of it. If available silicone molds- Wonderful! We fill them with a mass of future sweets, sprinkle with cocoa powder and zest. We put it in the refrigerator and wait until the delicacy "reaches". If there are no forms, then form with foil or food film sausages, flatten them and cut into sweets of the required size. Sprinkle them with cocoa and zest.

Raw chocolates

If you practice a raw food diet, this does not mean that you have to forget the taste of chocolate! We offer you to cook delicious raw food sweets. The recipes, again, are outrageously simple. To begin with, let's prepare everyone's favorite cherry, from which our chocolate treats will turn out.

For ten berries, you need three tablespoons of live cocoa, one tablespoon of cocoa butter, the same amount of honey, a little ground chili. To make it more convenient for you to prepare sweets and then eat them, leave the pedicels on the berries. Cook softened in a water bath, ground cocoa (live), honey and pepper are added. Dip the berries freed from the bones in chocolate mass and put it in the freezer for fifteen minutes.

Can cook chocolate treat according to another recipe: choose any raw food sweets (recipes with a photo are available above), but in order to make them chocolate, dip each candy in chocolate made from live cocoa. For a special flavor, you can add orange juice to the chocolate.

To all raw foodists and people who care about their health - bon appetit!

Whatever names they are given: candy "Health", Energy, fitness candy.I call them healthy sweets.Judge for yourself that not an ingredient, then a vitamin bomb.

And the most important among them is the date, but it is the main one in my recipe. More often put raisins, prunes or dried apricots, by the way, are also no less useful dried fruits.

Experts claim that daily use dates can slow down aging, gives endurance and strength, has a beneficial effect on male potency, prolongs life and cleanses the body of toxins. Dates are recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women. Entire books have been written about their use. I don’t even presume to list all the vitamins and microelements contained in dates, since the entire periodic table will turn out. Contraindication is individual intolerance. 2-3 sweets are recommended per day. What's good, children like them too, because you can't force them to eat dried apricots, dates or raisins just like that.

With such healthy goodies You won't even notice when you stop using sugar.

Dates will be mixed with nuts. It is not for nothing that the Arabs sell dates stuffed with nuts - this is not only healthy, but also very tasty. I collected all the nuts that were at home: almonds, Walnut, peanut. If there are no nuts, you can replace them peanut butter. I also suggest adding granola.


  • dates - 400 g
  • granola - 100 g
  • a mixture of nuts - 200 g
  • sesame, cocoa, coconut flakes - 2 tbsp. spoons

KBJU per 100 grams: 300 / 5.15 / 9.16 / 51.46

How to make healthy sweets:

Wash the dates and pour boiling water, leave for 5-7 minutes. They will become softer and it will be easier for you to remove the bones.

Lightly dry the nuts in the oven or in a pan - it will be tastier.

Granola can be replaced with oatmeal.

Chop nuts and granola.

Puree the dates in a blender. Put everything in a large bowl to make it easier to mix.

Prepare cups of cocoa coconut flakes and sesame. Form into balls and roll them in the sprinkles.

Useful candy They keep quite a long time if you put them in a container and put them in the refrigerator.

Ruzanna especially for "Food and Figure"
