
Simple games for chocolate day. Scenario of entertainment "World Chocolate Day"

methodical what development

game program

Circle leaders

"City of masters"

Zhuravleva O.V.

Shnyrova O.V




Hello girls!


Hello boys!



You see, Klyopochka, but it’s better to say hello to me! Louder! So I'm the best clown in the world.


Boasting is not good! And why did you think that you were greeted louder? Let's believe again! So, girls, let's shout "GIRL" loudly.


And then the boys will shout "BOYS" even louder!



Well, I think that girls still need to give in.


Well, I agree! And what are we gathered here?


Honey, today is World Chocolate Day!


That's great! I love chocolate! Do you kids love chocolates?



So, Tepochka, miracles happen not only on New Year's Eve. Hot summer holidays can be magical too. Today is the sweetest - sweetest, most delicious - delicious World Chocolate Day! It is celebrated on July 11, at the height of the hot summer.


And who came up with this sweet holiday?


And the French came up with this holiday. World Chocolate Day has been celebrated since 1995.


Quite a young holiday! And I suggest today to have fun and overeat with chocolate! Do you agree?




Give me a ticket

To chocolate country

Where milk drives the wind

Chocolate Wave.


Where floats under the cries of seagulls

chocolate steamer,

And at the pier meets

Chocolate hippo.


Where they grow for a feast for the eyes

Chocolate forests.

And lays down on plants

Chocolate dew...


Where is proud of plumage

chocolate cockatoo,

chocolate reindeer

Chocolate caresses are waiting.


With chocolate eyes

chocolate kangaroo

Amuses everyone with jumping

And calls to his game.


I searched non-stop

And got myself a ticket:

Chocolate world in a box

Amazing candies!


I propose to start celebrating chocolate day with a fun competition!

Two players from each squad are invited to the stage.



And now we will tie up all the players with scarves. And the audience helps us with applause.



And now the most interesting and delicious part of the competition! We give one of the players a candy. You have to unwrap the wrapper and try to feed your friend some candy. The main thing is not to miss! We do not throw wrappers on the floor, they will come in handy.


So, I'm handing out candy, you're waiting for the team to start the contest. Spectators support their friends with applause! Music! We count: one, two, three, start.



What a delicious contest! The guys are just great! Do you know, Tepa, who was the first to learn how to make chocolate?


No, unfortunately I do not know.


This happened several thousand years ago. And in those distant times it did not look like a tile or candy. Chocolate was a wonderful drink. He appeared in Spain. The Spaniards carefully guarded the recipe for a drink called "chocolate". But still, they did not save the information and European countries received a recipe for a wonderful drink.


So interesting! But I suggest moving on to the next contest! Do you guys mind? And louder! And even louder! Two players from each squad are invited to the stage! Moreover, it must be a girl and a boy!


And now I will tell you the rules of the competition. The girl is holding a plate, where sweets lurk in the bowels of the flour. A boy without the help of hands must get a candy from a plate and not get dirty. Then he should unfold the candy with his hands and feed the girl. The girl should not touch the candy with her hands. The rules must be followed! So, we count: one, two, three, start.



And what kind of chocolate sweets can not be found now. Overeat!


And I saw real chocolate medals and paintings!


Have you seen chocolate dances?


Dancing? No.


Well, then look!

Sounds fervent sonorous rhythm

Soul jumps to the beat

And everything burns under my feet

And the hands move like this...



The guys danced so well and cheerfully. I also wanted to dance to cheerful and sweet music. Guys, do you want to dance? I invite you to have fun with us! Tepa. Let's start the fun dance!



Candy paper rustle

The cat was playing on the floor.

Hit with a clawed paw well-aimed -

And phantom like a ball in my corner!

Yes, our cat is a soccer player!

I take a candy wrapper from the corner -

Well, get up at the gate, pussycat,

Now let's continue the game...


Tepa, we won't play football with candy wrappers. We'd better let's see what crafts from candy wrappers the guys made in their squads.



And now I propose to solve riddles - chants! Are you ready to solve riddles loudly and all together?


1.Here is a crispy cookie

And milk chocolate.

You don't want jam

Only he will make you happy.

Mysterious like Mr. X

Well of course it is….(twix).

2. It has everything you can

It's impossible to pass by!

Named after one planet

And we love all white light!

He support, just class!

Everyone knows what it is…(Mars).

3. But what is this thing?

Focus is a subtle science.

He won't drown in milk

Gentle, touches the soul!

Printed out, feel fast!

Our favorite... (milky-way)

Sweet and tea riddles

On a holiday I will come to everyone,

I am big and sweet.

I have nuts, cream,

Cream, chocolates.(Cake)

He lives in his foil

It melts quickly in your hand.

Very tasty, very sweet

Rubs the muzzles of the guys.(Chocolate)

I'm in a glass, a horn,

Delicious and tender.

Made with milk

More often - snow-white.

I live in freezers

And I immediately melt in the sun.(Ice cream)

He baked in the oven swarthy,

Like a bagel, also round.

This soft bagel

Eat early for breakfast.(Bagel)

Their grandma with sugar

Baked sweets.

The first came out - like a lump,

Others are smooth.(Pancakes)

We are with raisins, almonds

We bake them for Easter.

And sculpt them in the yard

Also fun for kids.(Kulich)

Maybe it's sand

And sometimes with cream.

Sometimes happens with juicy

Appetizing jam.

And meringue happens - crumbs,

And in the glazed peel

Maybe it's a potato

Just not puree.(Cake)

Mom, honey, where are you?

Get the service soon.

There are sticky candies

They're called "kiss".(Butterscotch)

Above - rhombus patterns,

And the stuffing is inside.

Fast tea utensils

Take it from the shelf in the kitchen.

We offer them for tea

Grandfather and baby.

And in their honor we name

Often a towel.(Waffles)

Sweet Berries Granny

Made something.

And it's enough for us for a year

For tea and compotes.(Jam)

I look like jam

Only frayed.

Take me to tea

And add it to the cake. (Jam)

I'm shaking in a glass

It's like I'm afraid.

For dessert I will offer you

Your pleasant taste.(Jelly)


Well done boys! And now we invite you to dance again!



And for the next competition, we invite a certain number of participants from each squad. Be careful:


2. THUMILE- 10

3.CITRUS - 10





8. SWALLOW - 8

9. Squirrel-7

11. FIRE-6




And the conditions of the competition are:

It is necessary to add the name of the candy from the received letters and show it to the audience. So one, two, three, start!



A miracle has grown in our clearing - a tree! It is not simple, but magical! Only one candy per year ripens on it. But what a delicious one!


And what do you propose to do with it? Eat her?



Do you want to share one candy among 267 children, counselors and tutors???


YES! And you will help me with this!

They go for candy and hand out bags of candy to children.

Leading: Hello dear guys!

Do you know why we are here with you?

Do not know?

And I will advise you.

Guess the riddle

Divided into squares

wrapped in silver

How do you deploy it

Instantly you will understand

That a sweet treasure was found.

It's delicious… (chocolate)


Today we have a holiday!

Do you know what?

World Chocolate Day!

See how many different goodies are on my table.

Do you like chocolate? ( Children's answers).

Tell me how you like chocolate

How quickly everything ends, What a delicious start!

Candy would stretch

From door to buffet!

Such ordinary chocolate - And how happy his stomach is!

Already in the morning waiting, waiting,

How sweet it melts in your mouth!

If bad mood

Comes a couple of days in a row

Will help no doubt

Any chocolate of your choice!

He will be able to please, cheer up,

Give the taste of holiday and childhood!

Give a surge of energy, charge

Such is the almighty chocolate!

Who invented it - thanks to that!

It looks both appetizing and beautiful,

And smells the best

There is nothing tastier in the world!

Chocolate day contests

Greeting card.
Make a great birthday card using candy and chocolate wrappers.

Our brand!

Come up with your own name for chocolate and draw its layout.

Monument to chocolate

In the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region, the sculptor created a monument to chocolate in the form of a fairy fairy. What monument would you create? (The guys make a "sculptural composition" of the team members)

The most dexterous

There is a candy on a chair in the center of the room. Several people move around him to the music. And when the music is turned off, they try to grab the candy.

The game can be played several times - for all teams.

Choco basketball

The guys throw sweets into the cup, standing at a distance of 5-6 steps from it.

Who will hit more times?

Carry - do not drop!

You need to go to the wall and return to the team, carrying a bar of chocolate on your head.

Chocolate puzzles.

Which team will be the fastest to assemble a cut picture, with a picture of a chocolate wrapper? (you can use a real wrapper pasted on cardboard or draw it).

Who has chocolate?

The guys stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder and begin to pass each other a bar of chocolate behind their backs. The leader, standing in the center of the circle, tries to guess who has chocolate.

Who is the spy?

"Scout" goes out the door. At this time, one of the guys standing in a circle puts a candy in his mouth. When the “scout” comes in, everyone starts asking each other in chorus: “Who is the spy? Well, who is the spy? Scout's task: Guess who's got the candy in their mouth!
(The game is taken from the book by N.V. Khatkina "The bell is calling for the holiday")

Funny animals.

Team members take turns taking tasks from the chocolate tree and completing them (the tree can be drawn on the board or any branch or indoor flower can be turned into it). It is written on the sheets who the guys should portray:

An angry crow that didn't have enough chocolate;
- a determined lion who went in search of chocolate;
- a sad monkey who ate too much chocolate;
- a cunning fox who thinks where to get chocolate;
- a cheerful turtle, which was presented with chocolate.
Etc. - how much imagination the organizers have!

chocolate house relay race

Teams line up in two columns and receive a small bar of chocolate. Then, running in turn to a chair standing against the opposite wall, they try to build a house out of tiles. Whose house will stand, will not fall - he won!

Fairy tale in a new way

The children are invited to prepare and show well-known fairy tales in a "chocolate" way.

These can be fairy tales “Gingerbread Man” (for example, Gingerbread Man was chocolate, and the fox did not eat it so as not to spoil his teeth), “Turnip” (We select a chocolate bar from a sweet tooth boy with the whole family) or “Little Red Riding Hood” (We bring grandmother as a gift sweets and hot chocolate), etc.

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Game summary. Chocolate Lucky

Intellectual game for elementary school children on World Chocolate Day

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator, NAO "NSSI", Naryan-Mar
Description: I bring to your attention a game for elementary school students dedicated to World Chocolate Day. The game plays similarly to the popular TV game Oh Lucky Man!. The material can be used by elementary school teachers to organize extracurricular activities.
Target: Introduction to World Chocolate Day
Tasks: broaden the horizons of children
Learn about the health benefits of chocolate
develop attention, logical thinking,
arouse interest in the works of children's poets,
create a positive mood.

Game progress:

Teacher: Guys, each of you at least once watched the TV game “Oh, lucky!” or "Who wants to be a millionaire." Today, each of you will be able to become a member of our game, which is called "Chocolate Lucky", because it is dedicated to chocolate. Why chocolate? Because July 11th is World Chocolate Day. This is how the French expressed their love for this product, declaring July 11 as Chocolate Day in 1995. And soon their idea was picked up by other countries, including Russia.
Rules of our game: Our hall is divided into three sectors: 1, 2 and 3. I give each of you a token in the form of a chocolate bar. After my 3-choice question, you must move to the sector whose number matches the number of the correct answer. For a mistake from 1 to 5 questions, you surrender your token and leave the fight, but you can continue to participate in the game for fun. Before the 6th question, everyone who remains in the game is given 2 more tokens. This is the right to a hint, and you have two of them. One of the hints is “second try”, i.e. you can make a mistake once and change the sector, but at the same time you give away a spare token. You can refuse to answer once, but you can also give away a spare token. On the next error, you leave the game. Everyone who leaves the game after the eighth question receives a consolation prize - a chocolate candy. And the winner will receive a large chocolate bar and the title of “Chocolate Lucky”. If there are several contenders for victory, they will have to pass an additional test.
And so, we begin our game, and I wish you good luck!

1. How much chocolate did the elephant ask to send in Chukovsky's fairy tale "Telephone"?
1) 5-6 kilograms
2) 5-6 tiles
3) 5-6 pounds

2. What chocolate toy hung on the Christmas tree in the famous children's song?
1) Rybka
2) Bump
3) Bear

3. What is the maiden name of the popular children's chocolate bar?
1) Nastenka
2) Lyubushka
3) Alyonka

4. What part of the body is hidden in the word "chocolate"?
1) Mouth
2) Eye
3) Tooth

5. What is the name of the capital of the state in which in 1995 they began to celebrate Chocolate Day?
1) Paris
2) London
3) Milan

6. In which nursery rhyme did the doctor try to cure the patient with chocolate?
1) "Greedy Yegor"
2) "Glasses"
3) "There are such boys"

7. In which country does each resident eat 12 kg of chocolate per year?
1) Switzerland
2) France
3) England

8. Which confectionery factory produces its products under the brand "Generous Soul"?
1) "Red October"
2) Im. Babaeva
3) "Russia"

9. What health benefits do not apply to chocolate?
1) Improve memory
2) Strengthen tooth enamel
3) Uplifting

10. Look at the picture of the monument. This is the only monument to chocolate. It is installed in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region, and is called:
1) "Miss Chocolate"
2) "Chocolate Fairy"
3) "Chocolate Queen"

11. English writer Charles Dickens said: "No chocolate - no ...":
1) no breakfast
2) No happiness
3) No health

12. What is the name of a chocolate bar with roasted peanuts, nougat and caramel, covered with milk chocolate?
1) "Snickers"
2) "Mars"
3) "Twix"

13. What is the short name of the Museum of the History of Chocolate and Cocoa in Moscow?
1) Candy
2) Chocolate
3) Bear

14. What is the healthiest chocolate?
1) Dairy
2) Bitter
3) White

15. What type of transport in Roman Sef's poem was made of chocolate?
1) Bicycle
2) Train
3) Airplane

16. Why is overeating chocolate dangerous for children?
1) There may be an allergy
2) Vision deteriorates
3) Headache

17. How much chocolate is allowed to eat per day?
1) 40g
2) 100g
3) You can eat unlimited

Additional test: Who will be the last to compose and name a word from the letters of the word CHOCOLATE (shock, stake, code, dol, fret, school, eye, etc.)

Teacher: This is where our game ends. Today you had not only to show your erudition, but also to think, to be smart. What have you learned about chocolate? What questions did you find the most difficult?
I wish your love for chocolate to be reasonable and bring only benefit and pleasure.

photo www.chillisauce.co.uk

Chocolate ... Only with this word, the mood improves and drooling begins to flow. And if you breathe in the wonderful aroma of hot chocolate ... mmmmm ...

July 11 the world celebrates world chocolate day(World Chocolate Day), which was recently invented by the French in 1995. The idea was picked up by other countries, because chocolate is a favorite delicacy of many millions of earthlings.

However, the citizens of France were by no means the first who thought of dedicating the “food of the gods”, namely, the Aztecs called chocolate, the whole day. In the United States, there are two whole "chocolate holidays": one on July 7, the second on October 28. In addition, there is another world chocolate day who celebrate 4 September.

You can, for example, on one of these significant days, simply decorate your house with sweets and eat chocolate cakes, eclairs and massage using a chocolate bar all day long. Or head to one of the hotels like the Etruscan Chocohotel in Perugia, which has a chocolate table in every room, a shop for chocolates from around the world in the lobby, and rooms named after chocolate varieties. But it seems much more interesting to go to one of the "chocolate" countries, whose inhabitants know a lot about "black gold". It's better to call friends and arrange chocolate party! You can arrange a tea party and a chocolate table - all dishes with chocolate (cakes, muffins, pastries), chocolate games, interesting facts and riddles about chocolate.

Photo: www.visavideo.co.uk, www.countryliving.com

In 2009, on the eve of World Chocolate Day, in the city of Pokrov, Vladimir Region, the world's first monument to chocolate ! This is a three-meter bronze figure of a fabulous fairy, which is as if created from a chocolate bar. The fairy also holds a bar of chocolate in her hands. The creator of the monument, Ilya Shanin, said that he was inspired by chocolate itself: “I was inspired by chocolate: I ate it a lot, unwrapped it from wrappers and looked at it like a model. I decided to create a monument in the form of a fairy, because I wanted to bring it into mystique and mystery."

photo chocolate-love.ru

As established by modern science, there are elements in chocolate that promote relaxation and psychological recovery. Dark varieties of chocolate stimulate the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness that affect the pleasure center, improve mood and maintain body tone.

Chocolate: a brief history

At the equator, in a hot and humid climate, an amazing evergreen tree grows - Theobroma cacao. Its botanical name comes from the Greek words theos (god) and broma (food), as well as the Native American word cacao (needs no translation). Thus, cocoa is nothing but the food of the gods. And the gods know a lot about food...

The history of chocolate began over 3,000 years ago on the coast of Mexico. The civilization of the Indians - the Olmecs, who lived there around 1500 BC, left very little evidence of itself, and one of them is the word "cocoa".

Replaced by the Olmecs Mayan Indians highly valued the drink from cocoa beans, revering it as sacred. The priests prayed and made sacrifices to the cocoa god. The Maya knew many ways to prepare a chocolate drink using various additives. The Aztecs, who inhabited central Mexico, considered cocoa beans so valuable that their fruit played the role of money.

In Europe the first cocoa beans appeared thanks to Christopher Columbus, who introduced them to the table of the Spanish king, returning from an expedition to the shores of the New World. After some time, cocoa beans appeared at the court of the king of France, and then spread throughout Europe. The new delicacy quickly became popular among the nobility. Europeans prepared a chocolate drink by adding milk, sugar and vanilla to it. An unusual and unusually tasty drink was extremely expensive, and only representatives of the nobility could afford it.

In the 17th century, scientists first discovered medicinal properties of chocolate which further increased its popularity. Chocolate was recommended as a cure for many diseases, it was considered a means of causing sexual arousal and promoting longevity.

Over time, chocolate has evolved from a treat for the elite into an increasingly mass product. In the 18th century, the first pastry shops opened in France, where visitors were treated to a chocolate drink. And in England, such establishments were so popular that they overshadowed the tea and coffee houses.

All this time chocolate was consumed only in the form of a drink. Only in the 19th century did the Swiss learn how to extract cocoa butter and cocoa powder from cocoa beans. In 1819, the world's first chocolate bar was created, which marked the beginning of a new era in the history of chocolate. Manufacturers around the world began experimenting with the new product, adding nuts, honey, candied fruit, alcohol, and most importantly, milk, which led to the appearance of milk chocolate, which is so beloved all over the world.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the main ingredients of chocolate - cocoa and sugar - are rapidly becoming cheaper. Chocolate is becoming widely available. During the war, the American and European governments include chocolate in the diet of soldiers. It is thanks to the soldiers who treated the local population with chocolate rations that in the post-war period it becomes popular in Africa and Asia.

Today, for people all over the world, chocolate remains one of the favorite treats. Democratic or elite, with nuts or fruits, bitter or milky, in bars or bars - modern chocolate can satisfy the tastes of the most demanding gourmets.

Chocolate, known to mankind since ancient times, continues to win hearts. Perhaps there is no other food product that would occupy the minds of earthlings so firmly. Chocolate museums, fashion stores, chocolate phones, dresses, grand pianos, shoes, fountains and cars. In Ukraine they produce Salo in Chocolate, the British try a novelty - insects in chocolate, and in Bavaria they sell Beer in Chocolate truffles...

The human imagination continues again and again to seek the use of its favorite delicacy.

Fondue - chocolate delight

Please your guests chocolate fondue.

photo forum.amur.info

Fondue means "melted" in French. And to be more precise, Fondue is a Swiss dish cooked on an open fire in a special heat-resistant dish. Fondue is a social dish - it is designed to bring people together at one cozy table, for a pleasant, leisurely conversation, thanks to the fact that all participants are preparing right at the table. This is not only a Swiss tradition, this way of cooking has been practiced for thousands of years, especially in China, where it is still preserved. But the combination of cheese and wine in fondue is uniquely Swiss.

How is fondue prepared? Everything is very simple! To prepare fondue, you need: a cast-iron or pan with very thick walls (fondue pot), small sources of heat (electric stove, "taganka" and spirit stove - to keep the pot warm), cups for sauces and a common dish for main products, sticks or forks. A traditional fondue pot is a pot placed over a candle or an alcohol burner. You can also buy an electric fondue maker! Clay or ceramic fondue makers are most often wide and shallow, ideal for cheesy or sweet fondues that need constant stirring. Cast iron or stainless steel fondue pots are more popular for meat, fish, or vegetable fondues cooked in hot oil or broth because they retain heat better. There are many ways to make chocolate fondue.

For example, for 8 servings:

  • Chocolate-225 gr
  • Condensed milk-80 gr
  • Fruit - 250 gr

Combine in a saucepan 225 g of semi-sweet chocolate, 80 ml of condensed milk. Adults can add a little liqueur to taste for themselves.

Melt chocolate over low heat. Or you can do it in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds.

When the mixture becomes completely homogeneous, pour the chocolate into a fondue bowl and place it in the center of the table. Light a candle under the fondue pot and serve chocolate with pieces of fruit.

Ripe fruits are dipped into melted chocolate - bananas, strawberries and tangerines, and sometimes pieces of biscuit.

Chocolate fondues are made from dark chocolate or white chocolate mixed with cream. There are also caramel, coconut and many other sweet types of this dish. Warm thick fruit fondues are incredibly delicious with mini cupcakes.

For convenience and beauty, you can use sets of skewers for pieces of fruit.

photo www.chocoluxe.ru

Chocolate fountain - for children and adults!

If you want to surprise your guests even more, then chocolate fountain will be a great surprise.

photo www.weddinglinks.com

It will be an amazing element of a festive banquet, combining both chic decoration and scenario moments, entertainment for guests. Anyone will be delighted by the streams of chocolate pouring over several tiers! And when guests decide to try such a miracle, they will be truly delighted! We take a skewer, string pieces of fruit on it and, having dipped it in waves of warm chocolate, we enjoy an amazing combination of tastes, we are transported by sweet dreams somewhere into a fabulous childhood... Isn't it a Miracle?!

Your friends and guests will appreciate this highlight of the evening. The chocolate fountain is a sign of the originality of the organizer of the celebration, an element of luxury, respectability, sophistication of the festive banquet. After all, the chocolate fountain is not only a wonderful delicacy, but also a magnificent decoration of the festive table.

photo www.bartenderswaiters.com, www.smartisvoip.com

The fountain will be appreciated by both children and adults. Children love that chocolate can be warm and gooey. For adults, the chocolate fountain is associated with aristocratic fun.

Fill the holiday with warmth, brightness and unforgettable pleasure that will enliven the event, return you and all guests to childhood, to the country where miracles are possible!

Melted chocolate tastes best. Belgian chocolate or chocolate with a maximum amount of cocoa is great.

Do you want to really surprise the guests of your event? Order a chocolate fountain with colored chocolate! And be sure - no one will remain indifferent! The chocolate fountain can be bought or rented.

photo slando.ru, www.offbeatwear.com

Ideal for a chocolate fountain: strawberries, marshmallows, mini donuts, mini buns, bananas, seedless grapes, pineapple, oranges, tangerines, kiwi, apple, peaches, apricots, prunes, melon, cheese and much more.

And parents can fool around and take the test "What kind of CHOCOLATE are you?"

Fun and educational: 16 interesting facts about chocolate

Tell the kids interesting facts about chocolate.

  1. The fruit of the cocoa tree grows directly on the trunk. It looks like a small melon, and the inner pulp contains twenty to forty grains or beans;
  2. Necessary almost 900 cocoa beans to make a kilo of chocolate;
  3. Over 500 additives used to complement chocolate. The most popular of them are nuts and raisins.
  4. Chocolate contains phenamine - a substance that creates a feeling of love.
  5. Cocoa and chocolate contain antiseptic substances that prevent the formation of plaque.
  6. Use 25 g of chocolate three times a month prolongs life by almost a year. But eating too much chocolate can increase your risk of heart disease due to its high fat content.
  7. On the occasion of its 10th anniversary, the Grand Candy Armenian Confectionery Factory set a world record by producing the largest chocolate bar weighing 4.41 tons, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. A bar of record chocolate was made within 4 days, its length is 5.6 m, width - 2.75 m, and height 25 cm. The previous similar record belonged to Italian confectioners, who made a bar weighing 3.58 tons. 30 g of milk chocolate contains about 140 kilocalories. the average fat content in 37 g of chocolate is 9 g (about 55% of the total calories). The more expensive varieties have more fat.
  8. You can't buy a chocolate egg in the US. There is a law that prohibits putting inedible items in food.
  9. The first time a chocolate bar was made in Mexico in the eighteenth century. Later, two British companies, Cadbury and Fry and Sons, were the first to produce chocolate in Europe since 1840.
  10. Chocolate melts at a temperature that is only slightly below body temperature. That is why chocolate melts so easily in your mouth.
  11. Chocolate is loved the most in Switzerland: the average resident of this country eats more than 10 kg of chocolate per year!
  12. One of the confectionery companies made a huge bar of chocolate for the Eurochocolate exhibition held in Turin in 2000. He weighed approximately 2280 kg.
  13. The heaviest chocolate bar was made in Italy. His weight has reached 2280 kilograms.
  14. Research by Finnish scientists has shown that chocolate lovers give birth happy children.
  15. In February 1991, Barcelona created the highest model of chocolate. An exemplary creation towered on 27 feet (8.5 m) tall and delighted onlookers until the exhibit began to be bitten.
  16. Auction of original "paintings" made of chocolate was held at the chocolate exhibition in Brussels. Each of them, weighing 10 kg, was a chocolate handprint of some Belgian celebrity. The “painting” with the handprints of Eddy Merkes, the legendary Belgian cyclist, went for the highest price. She was bought for 12 thousand francs.

When buying chocolate for the holiday, remember one indisputable truth: when you celebrate this holiday, There can't be too much chocolate. But, of course, do not give too much to children.

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guys! After all, he is really kind, because today for children and adults,

obedient and disobedient,

Merry and sad

Our coolest

the most beautiful

A holiday called...

Who knows guys?

Let's all get together!

All together: Chocolate Day!

Sweet Tooth appears to cheerful music.

Sweet tooth: Hello kids, girls and boys! And I am a cheerful and mischievous Sweet Tooth! I love sweets, especially chocolate. Raise your hands, which one of you loves chocolate and chocolates? Oh, how many of you! Show me how much you love him.

The song is about chocolate.

Sweet tooth: Yes, the holiday will be very fun and everyone will definitely like it.Of course, for this it will be necessary to actively participate in congratulations, wishes and sweet contests.

Presenter: Then let's get started!

Sweet tooth: I propose to start with congratulations. To do this, we will divide into two teams.I have candy wrappers, but they are torn. If the halves are connected, then we will have two teams - the Little Red Riding Hood team and the Bear in the North team.

(children in halves of a candy wrapper look for a mate and unite in teams)

Sweet tooth: On signal, one team shouts“Happy day!”, And another “chocolate!”

Then we change, and in the end we all shout together:"Happy chocolate Day!"

Leading: So congratulations, so congratulations! Now we have a real holiday!

Sweet tooth: No. There were congratulations. And the wishes?

Presenter: You will also have wishes!

And you guys don't yawn.

Help together!

Presenter: Congratulations sweeties!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Presenter: And, of course, we wish!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Presenter: Grow up guys more.

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Presenter: You definitely need to be fatter!

Children: No, no, no!

Presenter: OK. Be kind and nice!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Presenter: Both loud and quarrelsome.

Children: No, no, no!

Presenter: For mommy to love!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Presenter: With a strap to beat more often.

Children: No, no, no!

Presenter: OK OK. To feed you candy!

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Presenter: Maybe stop congratulating? It's time for us to play games.

Children: Yes, yes, yes!

Sweet tooth: So be it! Let's play!

(games-competitions are held)

Game "Place the candy"

Opposite each team is a bowl of caramel and chocolates. The task of the teams is to take turns shifting only chocolates into their bowl.

The game "Bring it - do not drop it!"

Team members must go to the limiter and return to the team, carrying a bar of chocolate on their heads.

Game "Guess the Taste"

The child is blindfolded and given a small piece of chocolate to taste. The child must guess the type of chocolate - dark, milky, porous.

Game "Sweet Treasure"

On the territory of the site, sweets are hidden by the name of each team (“Bear in the North”, “Little Red Riding Hood”). The task of each team is to quickly find all their hidden candies and collect them in a bag.

Fanta game

Sweet tooth: For this game we need wrappers. And who among you will be able to explain what a candy wrapper is and what it is for?(Children's answers.) Fantik - a wrapper for candy or chocolate. A wrapper is to a candy what a business card is to a person. The buyer will look at the wrapper and immediately see what the candy is made of and at which factory. And a beautiful wrapper seems to say: “Buy me! I'm so attractive!" Now let's play! I have candy wrappers on the back of which there are tasks written, simple and fun, that must be completed as soon as you pull out the candy wrapper. Shall we start?

Presenter: Dear Sweet Tooth, it seems to me that the guys did a great job with all the tasks and earned the most delicious treat in the world!

Sweet tooth: Yes, guys, well done! You really have earned the most delicious treat in the world - chocolates, and I am happy to give it to you. And finally, I would like to do chocolate drawing with you. Who wants to leave a chocolate imprint on himself, come to me.

(The sweet tooth draws drawings on the face or on the hand of everyone who wishes, with pre-prepared chocolate paint.To prepare chocolate paint, mix together 5 tbsp. l. cocoa, 3 tbsp. l. milk, half a glass of sugar and 3 tbsp. l. butter. Mix everything, bring to a boil, and cool. You can draw with a brush or with your fingers. Water is not needed).

Sweet tooth: Until sweet meetings!
