
Curd cupcakes in silicone molds. Curd muffins in silicone molds: recipes with photos step by step

Baking with cottage cheese very popular, I honestly can’t find an explanation for what. But on the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes with it. It can be muffins in molds and in large form, pies with cottage cheese and cottage cheese casseroles. All these recipes are on the site "I love to cook", below there will be a cool selection of the best of them.

In baking, cottage cheese of any fat content is used, from zero to 18%.

For baking cupcakes in molds both iron and silicone molds are suitable. It is more convenient to work with the latter, because baking from a silicone mold flies out easily, and it is not necessary to lubricate the silicone with oil.

How to make dough for cheesecakes

Put the right amount of cottage cheese into a large container. If there is no kitchen scale at home, then you can focus on a pack of cottage cheese, if it contains 200 grams, then feel free to take one half of the pack.

Put the cottage cheese in a deep container and crush with a spoon into grains. Put chicken eggs freed from the shell on the cottage cheese:

Now, using a mixer or a regular spoon, mix the eggs into the cottage cheese. You can knead without fanaticism, so that the grains of cottage cheese remain visible.

Pour all the sugar into the resulting curd-egg mass and mix with a spoon:

Melt the butter, it is best to do this in the microwave. Just be careful, you need to close the plate with the melted butter with a lid, otherwise it can splatter the entire microwave when melting.

Pour the melted butter into the container in which the dough for cupcakes is prepared:

Stir in the oil until smooth.

Now it's time to add all the flour. The recipe says - 100 grams, if measured with a glass, then this is ¾. Pour and baking powder together with flour, they always need to be poured together - flour and baking powder:

Knead the resulting curd dough. By consistency, it is such that it flows from a spoon, but not quickly and not very slowly:

How to bake cottage cheese muffins in molds in the oven

Baking with cottage cheese will be cooked in the oven in portions, for which you will need separate molds.

They need to be put on a wire rack, and pour a tablespoon of dough into each mold. In general, the dough should not be more than half of the mold, otherwise it may try to escape during baking and the cake will be deformed:

The curd dough was placed in molds, now the grate with them must be placed on the middle level in the oven, setting 200 degrees. The cooking time for cottage cheese muffins in molds is set to 20 minutes.

And when the cottage cheese muffins are baked, do not immediately run to open the oven lid and remove the muffins. Wait 5-7-10 minutes. Then they definitely will not settle due to temperature differences. This is how the finished cupcakes with cottage cheese look like:

Remove cheesecakes from silicone molds. Decorate if desired. I did it with drawing pencils:

The most interesting thing is that the cottage cheese in the muffins is not felt at all. I noticed this many times, if I used cottage cheese in the test, now I will give examples baking with cottage cheese.

One early spring morning, I suddenly wanted something tender and airy for breakfast, moderately sweet and healthy, but fragrant and satisfying. Here the soul asks and that's it. After some thought and searching, I thought: why not bake cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds, which were bought recently under the influence of an irresistible shopping impulse in one large store. From the mere thought of ruddy pastries and the wonderful aroma of fresh muffins, which attracts all the household members to the kitchen, I wanted to turn my dreams into reality even faster. Well, who can refuse such a yummy? Nobody. Therefore, I did not postpone this plan for a long time. And whatever one may say, cottage cheese muffins are baked very quickly.

They say cottage cheese muffins were invented somewhere in France. I don’t know for sure, I won’t say that this is true, but the French were masters in baking. Why are we worse?

How to bake cottage cheese muffins in silicone molds in the oven

To bake cottage cheese muffins with raisins, you will need special silicone molds and this set of products:

  • cottage cheese - 180 grams (standard rectangular pack),
  • eggs - 3 pieces,
  • sugar - 150 grams,
  • butter - 100 grams (about half a pack),
  • flour - 200 grams,
  • raisins - 0.5 cups,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • baking powder for dough - 1 teaspoon.


1. Prepare food in the required quantity. Rinse the raisins in advance and pour boiling water over them to soften them, and leave them in the water for 10-15 minutes.

2. Whisk the eggs and sugar with a mixer or by hand with a whisk until the sugar dissolves. It is not necessary to beat them until white foam, in this recipe it is not necessary.

3. Add softened butter and vanilla sugar to beaten eggs, stir with a mixer until smooth. Margarine can be used instead of butter. At your discretion. To make it soft, take it out of the refrigerator in advance or melt it in the microwave, but do not overdo it so that the oil does not boil.

4. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl and stir it with a mixer until the lumps are loosened. For curd muffins, I used the most common cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%, which I bought in a store. You can take the one you like, but in no case the curd mass. Just curd.

Be careful with the mixer, not all models can mix thick foods, some do not have enough power. In this case, mash the cottage cheese with a fork before adding it to the dough.

5. Next, mix the flour and baking powder for the dough and sift them into a bowl. Add flour gradually, stirring it with eggs in parts so that it mixes better. If you didn’t have a special baking powder at home, or as it is also called “Baking Powder”, then you can use the old recipe for slaked soda. To do this, take a teaspoon of baking soda and pour about the same amount of vinegar into it, as soon as the foam goes, pour them into the dough. Hydrated soda is placed in the liquid part of the dough, and not in flour, do not confuse. Instead of vinegar, lemon juice will also work, then your cupcakes will also acquire a subtle lemon flavor, which is also very tasty. The main thing is that soda enters into a chemical reaction with acid, which causes the formation of a large number of bubbles. This is the only way curd muffins in silicone molds will turn out fluffy and soft.

6. Stir the dough in the bowl until all lumps of flour are gone. The dough should turn out to be of medium density, something like if you were going to bake fluffy pancakes or like very fat sour cream. Tight dough, as for pies, the dough should not be.

7. Add raisins to the dough. In order for the raisins to be well distributed over the dough and not stick together, they must be dried in advance or blotted from excess water and rolled in flour. To do this, take a separate plate, pour a couple of tablespoons of flour and put raisins there. Stir well so that the raisins are all covered with flour. Then this flour is mixed with the dough and you will not find them in ready-made cupcakes, but kneading the dough with raisins will be much easier.

8. Divide the cheesecake batter into silicone molds. At the same time, it should fill them no more than 2/3, and preferably half. Then the cupcakes will have room to rise, as they will turn out fluffy and airy.

If you are using silicone molds for the first time, grease them with oil to be sure. It won't be needed next time. Similarly, you can use disposable paper molds. Although I personally don't really like eating cupcakes stuck in paper.

If you have metal molds, then lubricate them with oil. It should be melted butter or vegetable oil, and sprinkle the molds with flour or breadcrumbs on top of the butter.

If raisins stick out on top of future cupcakes, drown them in the dough with a spoon, otherwise they may overcook in the oven and become tough.

9. Bake cottage cheese muffins at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 25-35 minutes. To determine doneness, wait for the cupcakes to brown and then pierce them with a wooden skewer or toothpick. When the cake is ready, the stick will remain completely dry. This means that the dough is baked inside.

Cool the finished cottage cheese muffins and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Believe me, you have not tried such yummy for a long time. The best breakfast in the world, as my seven-year-old daughter would say. Although in the end she told me that she did not like raisins, and the next time I had to bake cottage cheese muffins specially for her order in silicone molds with chocolate. It's just as simple as the recipe above, only instead of raisins, I put in chopped chocolate. My little sweet tooth couldn't resist these cupcakes.

Bon appetit and delight your household with delicious pastries more often! They will be grateful to you.

From the recipe, you will learn how you can quickly and easily prepare a delicious, healthy dessert - cottage cheese muffins in the oven. It will take you exactly 5 minutes to knead the dough. Another minute - to fill the molds with dough. The oven will do the rest for you - it will bake fragrant, ruddy muffins. Such a dessert will appeal to even those who, in general, do not like cottage cheese. Cupcakes can be served with sweet sauce, jam or condensed milk.


  • 200 g cottage cheese
  • 180 g sugar
  • 200 g flour
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 80 g butter
  • 2 pinches ground cinnamon
  • 1 st. l. vegetable oil


1. In a deep bowl or pan, beat three fresh chicken eggs. Add sugar to this and mix everything well with a whisk.

2. Add cottage cheese to the resulting egg mass, which, if desired, can be rubbed through a sieve, gauze, or brought to a pasty state with a blender.

3. Melt the butter in a water or steam bath, pour into a bowl with curd and egg mass. Stir.

4. Start slowly adding the sifted flour, add the baking powder and ground cinnamon here. Vanillin can also be added if desired. Once again, mix everything well - the dough is thick, like sour cream.

5. Silicone molds should be greased with vegetable oil. Then fill them with cottage cheese filling, leaving 3-5 mm from the top edge, because the muffins will rise a little during baking.

We offer baking lovers a recipe for a delicious and fragrant dessert - curd muffins. These small cupcakes with a variety of fillings have conquered many sweet teeth. After all, this delicacy is hard to resist!

Name: Curd muffins
Date added: 02.09.2016
Cooking time: 30 min.
Servings per recipe: 5
Rating: (No rating)

cottage cheese muffin recipe

In a deep bowl, mix softened aslo, 100 g sugar and vanilla. Add the remaining sugar and a pinch of salt to the mixture. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Add eggs, cottage cheese to the mass and stir again. Enter the flour with baking powder and mix all the ingredients again. Grease the baking molds with a thin layer of butter and fill with curd dough.

If the molds are made of silicone, they can be left unlubricated. It is better to use small containers. Sprinkle the muffins with sugar and place in the oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake cupcakes for 20 minutes until golden brown. Remove the finished muffins from the oven and let them cool. After 15 minutes, you can serve pastries to the table.

Dust the finished muffins with powdered sugar. You can also make cupcakes with fillings. Berries, dried fruits, chocolate are suitable for this role. Sweet cottage cheese muffins are served with tea as a tasty and healthy dessert. Unsweetened pastries are perfectly complemented by chopped greens, garlic, olives. These cupcakes are perfect for breakfast.

If you have cottage cheese in the refrigerator, and you don’t know what to cook from it, then think about cottage cheese muffins. Absolutely all family members will like this homemade cake. You can cook it with the addition of nuts, raisins, dried apricots and prunes.

Cottage cheese cupcakes

For baking we need:

  1. Butter - 150 g.
  2. Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  3. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  4. Baking powder - a teaspoon.
  5. Cinnamon, vegetable oil.

Melt the butter in a saucepan. Beat eggs with sugar in a separate bowl. Add cottage cheese and butter. And then, constantly stirring, add flour.

You can add cinnamon or nuts, dried fruits. The dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

You can bake curds from silicone. Lubricate all the cells with a brush. And then you can fill them with a test. Turn on the oven and preheat to 180 degrees. We put the molds on the stove and bake for about half an hour.

Here are the ready-made cupcakes. Delicious and fragrant, they are not ashamed to offer to guests. And all relatives will appreciate them. And you will hear a lot of compliments addressed to you.

Recipe for cottage cheese cake

We figured out how to bake curd cupcakes in silicone molds. The recipes are completely different. They differ mainly in the use of various fillings for baking. Indeed, there is room for fantasy to roam. You can take absolutely all berries: strawberries, currants, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries. Very tasty with nuts, marmalade, candied fruits, chocolates. And you should not forget about dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, raisins. All of them are perfectly combined with tender curd dough. Fresh fruits (apples, pineapples, pears, bananas) are also used. Let's remember boiled condensed milk.

They even make combined fillings, for example, chocolate with cherries, or chocolate with nuts and dried fruits. In general, there are a lot of options. It all depends on your imagination and taste preferences.

Cottage cheese cupcakes with cream and syrup

Ready-made pastries are tasty and not cloying, have a light cottage cheese flavor, they are a little moist and tender. Curd cupcakes in silicone molds are prepared quickly and easily. They are perfect for breakfast with tea or coffee. And children will especially enjoy them. They can also be called for help in cooking, because they love to fantasize and will be able to offer something original.

So, we offer an absolutely wonderful recipe for cottage cheese muffins soaked in syrup.


We start preparing cottage cheese muffins by mixing butter (50 g), sugar (180 g), salt to taste and two eggs in a mixer bowl. You can add orange zest. Beat all this well, and then add the cottage cheese (100 g) and mix until smooth.

Sift flour (180 g) through a sieve and add a bag of baking powder. Then pour this mixture into the dough and mix thoroughly.

Now put the resulting mass into molds. In each cupcake, you need to drown a strawberry, raspberry or blackberry (berries and fruits are taken according to the season). And you can use frozen products. And put them right in the cold.

Syrup for impregnating cupcakes

Delicious and juicy curd cupcakes are obtained if they are soaked in syrup. To prepare it, take half a liter of water, heat it up, add sugar (80 g) and any berry jam or puree. Bring to a boil and add 100 g of cognac or amaretto.

Pour ready-made cottage cheese cupcakes generously with syrup, because they should be well soaked. Since the baking dough is very airy, it absorbs moisture well, increasing in volume.

Preparation of cream for decoration

It remains only to decorate the curd cupcakes with cream. To prepare it, take cream (150 g), heat it up, add a little lemon and orange peel, and cocoa butter (17 g). Then put white chocolate (50 g) and cottage cheese (100 g). All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, and then beat with a blender until smooth, and add cream (200 g) again. Ready cream should be infused in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After that, it needs to be whipped again.

And now you can decorate cottage cheese cupcakes with cream and strawberries.

Another cupcake recipe

If you still decide to treat your family and guests with delicious pastries, then we want to offer you another recipe for cottage cheese cupcakes. A completely ordinary set of products and a simple technology for preparing this recipe are literally captivating.

We will need the following ingredients:

  1. Eggs - 4 pcs.
  2. Cottage cheese - 0.4 kg.
  3. Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  4. Vanillin, baking powder.
  5. Butter - 100 g.

With a mixer, you need to slowly beat the eggs with the powder. You have the right to regulate the amount of powdered sugar yourself. Then add oil to the mass, which will give softness. After that, we introduce cottage cheese, vanillin and baking powder. You can also add cinnamon. Beat the whole mass with a mixer so that the dough has as uniform a structure as possible.

Lubricate silicone molds with butter (you will need to melt the butter), and then spread the dough. If you want to get a figured top of a cupcake, then it is better to spread the mass through a large bag. Forms need to be filled not to the very top, because the dough will grow during baking. The top of baking can be greased with yolk. He will give her a beautiful color.

It is very important to put the molds with the dough in a hot oven. Cupcakes are baked at one hundred and eighty degrees for fifty minutes. In finished form, they need to be put to cool in the molds themselves, then it will be easier to get them later. You can serve pastries by pouring condensed milk or liquid chocolate.

Varieties of cupcakes

If we talk about cottage cheese baking, then I would like to remind you that cupcakes can be baked not only in the form of small buns. Large size silicone molds are also sold. And you can cook one or more large cupcakes from the same dough according to the same recipe. Everything depends on the situation. Sometimes portioned baking is convenient, and sometimes a large cupcake will look more appropriate, because it can be soaked in syrups in the same way, cut into separate pieces and smeared with cream. Makes a wonderful sweet dessert. In general, you can experiment with cupcakes and do something interesting and unusual.

A very tasty and wonderful dessert will turn out if inside a large cake there is a filling of several types of fruits and berries with the addition of grated chocolate, which will melt and soak the porous dough. In the context, such a delicacy will turn out bright and beautiful. And the taste of the finished cupcake will be incredibly tender, moist, thanks to fruit syrup and chocolate. From above it can be decorated with dried fruits. In general, simple pastries can be turned almost into a cake. And at the same time, you will not spend a lot of time and effort on cooking.

Instead of an afterword

So, we talked about how to cook cottage cheese cupcakes. A recipe with a photo will help you understand the technology of baking such products and options for decorating them. Having tried to cook such pastries on your own once, you will understand that it is not at all difficult, and you can always please your family with your own homemade muffins.
