
DIY sugar free protein bars. Making protein bars at home

During sports, our body is exposed to increased physical stress, which entails a large expenditure of energy. As a result, it becomes necessary to restore this energy through the use of various nutrients.

What are bars for?

During the post-workout period, the body absorbs proteins and carbohydrates most efficiently in order to recreate damaged muscle cells and build new ones. In order not to stuff it with unnecessary organic substances, it is necessary to carefully choose what and in what quantity to use. In this case, a full meal can easily be supplemented or replaced with protein bars, which help maintain the correct balance of amino acids in the body.

In addition to the positive impact on human health, they are also compact and have a pleasant taste. For people leading an active lifestyle, these bars become an integral part of the daily diet. Their composition is devoid of unnatural and chemical substances, so this product is absolutely safe for human health.

What it is?

The concept of "protein bars" includes all types of bars that are used in sports nutrition. They have a lot of varieties, depending on what composition prevails in them. This product can be cereal or high in protein or carbohydrates. In addition, they all contain a large amount of vitamins.

Types of protein bars

There are many types and classifications of protein bars. Here are the main ones:

  1. Cereals. Used exclusively for weight loss and fat burning.
  2. Low-calorie, containing L-carnitine. Similar to the previous ones, they are used for weight loss.
  3. High protein. They are used to increase the dry mass, or, more simply, when “drying”.
  4. High carbohydrate. Used for fast weight gain. Basically, 100 grams of this product contains at least 400 kilocalories.

There are many more types, but they are less common.

Features of use

Many people wonder: can protein bars replace regular carbohydrate and protein based powder mixes? Here are a few key points on this subject:

  1. All bars contain carbohydrates, which gives them chewy characteristics and, importantly, taste.
  2. Any kind of bars is quite high-calorie and has at least one kilocalorie per gram. In high-carbohydrate species, this figure reaches the mark of five kilocalories. Of course, the stomach will not be able to cope with so many calories.
  3. Without exception, all protein bars contain fat and sugar. There are bars with a sweetener, but it is strongly not recommended to buy them.
  4. Price policy. The cost of even the simplest and smallest bar fluctuates around one dollar. Not all people can afford such pleasure, and the prices for the best protein bars in gyms or fitness clubs will be about 20-25% higher.

Protein bars at home

Proper and high-quality nutrition is the key to the success of any person involved in sports. Protein bars are very popular and successful in this business. Today, their range is quite wide, but not everyone has the time and money to enjoy all the benefits of this product. However, to get out of this situation, you can make a protein bar with your own hands.

Step by step cooking recipe

Consider the main steps in the preparation of this dish, which in the process turn out to be absolutely simple. The result is delicious and healthy protein bars.

The recipe is pretty simple. The first step is to buy protein powder. The higher its quality, the better it will be. Visit a trusted sports store and purchase a suitable and affordable product.

At the second stage, mix the flour and the purchased powder, while adding a little milk to it. Any milk is suitable for this process, it can be cow, nut, and even coconut. The result should be a composition that is very reminiscent of dough, the most thick consistency.

After all this, at the third stage, we form bars from the dough. Their form can be absolutely any.

At the fourth stage, melt the chocolate and dip the previously formed bar into it. Chocolate will suit different, according to your taste.

At the final stage, homemade protein bars are placed in the refrigerator for about half an hour to harden. After the allotted time, you can treat yourself to a tasty and healthy delicacy of your own preparation.

The benefits of homemade bars

Having made protein bars at home, you will be completely confident in their quality, which will allow you to enjoy this dish without the slightest doubt. Protein bars prepared according to this recipe have the most positive reviews. There are also recipes that do not require special powders. They can be prepared from oatmeal with the addition of various ingredients.

Such a product can be taken with you to training, eat it at lunchtime. Bars are good because they can always be at hand. And at home, they get well, a lot.

How to make protein bars with additives?

Homemade protein bars can be varied with many additional components. For example, nuts, berries, dried fruits, honey, and more can be added to their composition. One of these types of bars will be considered below.

To prepare this dish, you will need honey, dried fruits, oatmeal and, of course, protein powder. So, let's get down to the task at hand:

  1. Put the protein powder in a bowl or other container and add some water. Thoroughly and gently mix, so that in the end you get a thick homogeneous mass without any lumps.
  2. In the resulting composition, add honey, a little salt and dried fruits. Mix well after adding each ingredient.
  3. The mass will turn out to be very viscous, but it is necessary to interfere with it all the time. Having spread the cling film, it is necessary to lay out the entire composition obtained on it. Wrap everything in clingfilm and knead well.
  4. The next step is to form the protein bars themselves. Due to the thick composition, this is quite problematic to do. For convenience, you can put everything on the kitchen board, and then press the other hard on top. You will get a kind of square, which can then be easily cut.
  5. After that, let the mass stand in a cool, dry place, but in no case in the refrigerator. Then pour a little ground nuts on the resulting dish and cut everything into portions convenient for you.

As you can see, the recipe for protein bars is simple and easy to carry out at home. In addition, made in advance, they will always be at your fingertips.

If you do not have the time and desire to mess around with the preparation of bars, then you can easily buy them in the store. But for this you need to know certain rules. Not all of them are suitable in any situation, and choosing the best protein bars is difficult enough.

Factors Influencing the Choice of Protein Bars

  1. The number of calories. Depending on whether you want to gain weight and muscle mass or lose extra pounds, you need to properly vary your choice. In order to lose weight, protein bars should contain no more than 400 kilocalories, otherwise you can get the opposite result.
  2. The number of carbohydrates. The fat layer is reduced as quickly as possible with minimal carbohydrate intake. After training and during weight gain, carbohydrate intake, on the contrary, must be increased. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to their number in bars.
  3. Presence or absence of sugar alcohols. For many people, the presence of this ingredient can cause health problems, mainly diarrhea and bloating.
  4. The study of the entire composition. In addition to the above ingredients, protein bars should have the least amount of corn syrup and fructose. It is best when the composition is described to the smallest detail.
  5. The presence of fat. When analyzing different protein bars, it is worth choosing a composition with a low amount of fat. The fewer of them, the better. Trans fats should be completely avoided.
  6. Pay attention to the proportions of proteins and carbohydrates. Fat burning bars should have these organics in a ratio of two to one. To gain muscle mass, on the contrary, you need to choose bars in a ratio of one to two. In other cases, the product loses its properties and does not bring any benefit.

The main composition of the product

Despite the wide variety of ingredients, a protein bar, cooked with your own hands or purchased in a store, does not matter, it should contain the following elements in large quantities:

  1. Protein is an indispensable element for muscles. Once in the body, it is broken down into amino acids, and they, in turn, contribute to the burning of fat, significantly stimulate the increase in muscle mass, give the right amount of strength and endurance for a full workout.
  2. Carbohydrates are the basic organic compound, the main component of cells and tissues of all living organisms without exception. They are the main source of energy.
  3. Vitamins B, C and E allow you to train more often and more efficiently. They also strengthen the immune system and prevent catabolism.


During the period of its existence, protein bars have earned only positive reviews. This healthy and nutritious food is an easy snack to take anywhere. The donuts are very tasty and filling. For lovers of sweets, this is an ideal option, because the number of calories is easily regulated, and in addition to chocolate and other goodies, they contain many useful elements. A wide range will allow you to choose a bar for every taste, the main thing is to decide on an additive that solves a specific problem, which is to increase muscle mass or lose weight. Buying such a product is not difficult, the question is only in the monetary aspect. To save money, it is quite possible to make protein bars at home. We have provided you with all the information on how to make protein bars and what is needed for this.

The crisis hit the Russians like an untimely death - abruptly and unexpectedly. Sports nutrition has skyrocketed in price. Here, as usual, culinary skills will come in handy - you can easily prepare delicious and healthy protein bars yourself! We just picked up 5 great recipes for this business;)

Protein Bar Recipes

#1 Homemade Chocolate Drop Protein Bars

The best way to get protein and add proper, "slow" carbohydrates is to eat a fitness bar as one of your daily snacks.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • 120 ml. applesauce
  • 60 gr. chocolate protein
  • 30 gr. oat bran flour
  • 10 gr. fiber
  • 70 gr. muesli without sugar
  • 2 tsp cocoa
  • 25 gr. dark chocolate (finely chopped)
  • cinnamon

We mix, from the resulting protein-cereal dough we sculpt the bars and for 15-20 minutes in the oven.

№2 Protein bars "Almost chocolate"

We take:

  • 35 g muesli without sugar
  • 35 g vanilla casein
  • 25 g chocolate casein
  • 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
  • 10 g fiber
  • 15 g walnuts
  • 70 g oatmeal
  • 120 g zero percent yogurt
  • one teaspoon of cinnamon
  • a few drops of sweetener.

Mmm, already sounds like the future tiramisu! We knead all this and make bars. Then we melt 20 g of chocolate (but, but, lovers of food, pretending to be adherents of a healthy lifestyle, we take chocolate 80%), coat this matter and send it to freeze in the refrigerator and homemade protein bars are ready! All protein!

Nutritional value per 100 gr.:

  • Proteins: 21.09 gr.
  • Fats: 8.94 gr.
  • Carbohydrates: 23.62 gr.
  • Calories: 273.54 kcal.

#3 Twix Inspired Protein Bars

Vanilla Base Ingredients:

    • 1/4 cup almonds
    • 1/8 cup rice flour
    • 1 st. l. coconut flour
    • 1/4 cup protein


  • 1/8 cup sweetener
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1-2 tsp vanilla extract

Ingredients for the special caramel:

    • 2 large dates
    • 1 tsp almond milk
    • 1/2 st. l. protein


  • 2 tbsp. l. nut butter


  • 4 squares of dark chocolate 85%

Vanilla base preparation:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a blender until the consistency of the mass resembles oatmeal. If the mixture is too dry, add more almond milk.
  2. Bake in a small round pan at 160 degrees for about 15-18 minutes. Pull them out before they turn brown.
  3. Leave in a cold place and proceed to the caramel.

Preparation of caramel:

  1. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Taste it, just don't eat the whole thing - remember the bars!

How to connect everything together:

  1. Cut the base into rectangles according to how you want your bars to be. For example, cut them into a Twix shape. And you can cut into small squares to make it look like tiny chocolates!
  2. Spoon some caramel onto each bar.
  3. Melt the chocolate and either dip the bars into it or pour over them. Lay them out on a baking sheet covered with foil.
  4. Send to the refrigerator for several hours. The bars are ready!

Nutritional information for 1 bar (total 8):

  • Proteins: 6 g
  • Fat: 7 g
  • Carbohydrates: 13 g (of which 2 g is fiber)
  • Kcal: 139

#4 Protein bars with peanut butter


    • 1/3 cup defatted peanut flour
    • 1/3 cup protein

with vanilla flavor

  • 1/4 cup coconut or almond milk
  • 1/3 cup almonds
  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut flour
  • 3-4 dark chocolate squares (85% Lindt)


  1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients, except for the chocolate, to a dough that can be kneaded by hand. If it's too wet and sticky, add more coconut flour.
  2. Shape the dough into rectangles by making corners with a hard surface.
  3. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip your bars into it. Then place them on a silicone baking sheet covered with foil or parchment (this will keep the chocolate from dripping and leaving your bars bare).
  4. Enjoy!
  • Proteins: 18 g
  • Fat: 10 g (mostly from nuts)
  • Carbohydrates: 9 g (of which 5 g is fiber)
  • Kcal: 197

№5 Protein bars "French toast"


  • 1/4 cup vanilla protein
  • 1/4 cup coconut flakes
  • 1 st. l. liquid sweetener (agave syrup, honey, maple syrup)
  • 1/8 cup almond or coconut milk
  • 3/8 cup almonds
  • 3-4 dark chocolate squares (85%)


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with a spoon or kitchen spatula until you can mold something from the dough. If the dough is too sticky, add some more nuts.
  2. Divide the dough into 4 balls and shape into rectangles (simply hitting a hard surface and flipping).
  3. When the bars are molded, melt the chocolate in a water bath (in a cup over a pot of boiling water).
  4. Place the bars in the melted chocolate so that they are completely covered with it.
  5. Place the bars in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Nutritional information for 1 bar (4 total):

  • Proteins: 10 g
  • Fat: 14 g
  • Carbohydrates: 7 g
  • Kcal: 191

More interesting

This time, the bars will be stuffed with protein, but there is a minimum of sugar in them!

Recipe number 1. Fig chocolate



  • 1 cup dried figs;
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 cup coarse oatmeal, rolled oats;
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa;
  • 2 tablespoons chopped chocolate or chocolate chips


Pour the figs with water in a large bowl and send them to the microwave at full power for 1 minute. Then let it cool for a couple of minutes and send it along with water to a food processor. Blend until smooth and cool to room temperature.

Then add cocoa, oatmeal and protein powder to the mixture. Mix well and add chopped chocolate. Mix everything again and roll into small balls. Store in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. Carrots



  • 1/2 cup raw almonds;
  • 1/2 cup raw walnuts;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • 1/4 teaspoon sea salt;
  • 1/2 cup raisins;
  • 1 cup grated carrots (about 2 medium carrots)
  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened applesauce;
  • 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil;
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest.


Put nuts, cinnamon and salt in a food processor and grind until a more or less homogeneous mass is formed. Then add raisins and grind again.

Put the grated carrots, nut and raisin mixture, applesauce, coconut oil, lemon zest into a large bowl and mix thoroughly. Transfer the carrot-nut mixture to a small baking sheet or tray lined with baking paper and press well. Send to the freezer for an hour and cut into small squares.

Recipe number 3. Banana



  • 2 tablespoons of oat bran;
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut flour;
  • 1 serving spoon of vanilla protein powder;
  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt
  • 1/2 small banana;
  • 2 tablespoons of almond paste;
  • a handful of chocolate chips or just chopped chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk.


In a small bowl, combine oat bran, protein powder and coconut flour. Then add banana, yogurt and almond paste there and mix thoroughly until a more or less homogeneous mass is formed. After that, start gently mixing the almond milk and at the very end add the chocolate chips. Form into small balls and place in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Recipe number 4. Almond



  • 1 cup almonds;
  • 1 cup protein powder;
  • 1/4 cup cocoa;
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil;
  • 6 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract;
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened desiccated coconut, plus more for topping.


Put almonds, protein powder, cocoa, salt into a food processor and grind until smooth. In a small bowl, combine coconut oil, coconut milk, honey and vanilla and then add to the protein-nut powder. Stir until smooth, add coconut flakes and mix again.

Then form small balls from the resulting mixture, roll them in coconut flakes and send them to the refrigerator.

Recipe number 5. Chocolate protein



  • 1/2 cup Nutella or homemade chocolate spread
  • 1 cup + 2 teaspoons unsweetened almond or any other milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • a pinch of salt (preferably pink Himalayan)
  • 9 scoops of rice protein powder
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal.


Put the chocolate paste, salt, vanilla extract, milk into a food processor and mix until smooth. In a separate bowl, mix the protein powder with oatmeal and gradually, stirring constantly, introduce the mixture of dry ingredients into the chocolate mass. As a result, you should get a mixture that resembles cookie dough.

Put the finished mixture into a prepared mold with low edges, lined with baking paper, tamp well, cover and refrigerate overnight.

DIY protein bars. 3 recipes. Add to the wall, .

We will need:

1 cup oatmeal

5 Scoops Banana Flavored Protein Powder

¼ cup fat-free cream cheese

2 egg whites

1 cup blueberries

¼ cup water

We do this:

First, preheat the oven to 160°C. Mix, protein and milk powder. Then, in another bowl, combine cream cheese, egg white, banana, blueberries, water, and oil. Grease the mold with rapeseed oil. Now mix all the ingredients together and beat well with a mixer. Pour all the contents into a square dish, approximately 25 cm by 25 cm and bake for 25-30 minutes.


In total, you should get about 7 bars, each of which contains:

Proteins - 18

Carbohydrates - 20

Calories - 180

These protein bars are great for a pre-workout snack due to their low fat content. For even more nutrition and health benefits, add some nuts or seeds to the ingredients before baking.

We will need:

2 cups oatmeal

4 scoops vanilla or chocolate protein powder

1 cup fat free powdered milk

1 cup wedge syrup

2 egg whites

¼ cup natural orange juice

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 teaspoons rapeseed oil for the mold

We do this:

Preheat the oven to 160°C. mix cereals, protein and milk powder. In another bowl mix all other ingredients. Grease the mold with rapeseed oil. Now mix everything together with a mixer, pour all the contents into a square shape and bake until the bars turn brown, about 20-30 minutes.


You will get about 9 bars, each of which contains:

Proteins - 15

Carbohydrates - 27

Calories - 195

Recipe - "CHARGED"

We will need:

½ cup oatmeal

½ cup wheat flour or oat bran

6 scoops vanilla protein powder

1 cup fat free powdered milk

2 tablespoons flaxseeds

2 tablespoons sunflower seeds

¼ cup nuts

¼ cup dried fruit

⅓ cup peanut butter

2 teaspoons vanillin

½ cup water

We do this:

Mixing cereals, oat bran, protein powder, , seeds, nuts and dried fruits in a bowl. Then add peanut butter, vanillin, water to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Pour everything into a suitable dish and place it in the refrigerator for an hour until the contents harden.


Following this recipe, you get about 6 bars, each of which:

Proteins - 26

Carbohydrates - 23

Calories - 304

With the help of these recipes, having spent only 20 minutes of your time, you can easily prepare your own protein bar and enjoy the benefits of your labors.

NOTE: 1 cup = 230-250 ml | Nutrients are in grams

Protein bars are a treat for any athlete. You can buy such sweets in stores, hoping for the honesty of sellers and the quality of products, or you can make protein bars with your own hands and save time on going to the store. Bars made at home will taste better and be cheaper in the long run. Also, you will enjoy the process if you like to cook.

What you need to make your own homemade protein bar

  • Take protein powder and add flour to it. Choose only flours that can be eaten raw - coconut flour, almond flour, etc.
  • Mix flour with protein, add. You can choose milk to taste - cow, coconut, nut. It will also be very tasty if you add nut butter. Your goal is to pour in enough liquid (milk) to make a thick dough-like mass that we will make into a bar shape.
  • Blind protein bars with your own hands, choose the shape you need. If after mixing you get too liquid or thick substance, then you need to add either more flour or milk to achieve the desired consistency. I think there will be no problems with this, you yourself will come to the desired proportions by trial and error.
  • After you have made the shape of the bar, it should be dipped in chocolate. To do this, it will first need to be melted. Choose chocolate to taste, someone likes black, and someone likes milk. In fact, bare chocolate is always black and slightly bitter, but we care more about the taste of the bar, so you can melt any kind of chocolate.
  • Next, we send the plate with the bars to the refrigerator for about half an hour so that they freeze. After that, the most pleasant phase will come - the use of sweets. You can take them to study, to the office, and also share them with friends - after all, this is another reason for pride.

Homemade Protein Bar Recipes

Bar with coconut flakes:

To prepare protein bar with oranges and goji berries with your own hands you will need:

Red protein biscuits:

Well, now you know how to make homemade protein bars with your own hands and you can start experimenting with improving and modifying your products. It will turn out very tasty if you add nuts, dried fruits, seeds, nut paste to the dough. Making bars with your own hands, you discover something new. Improve, gain new experience, train, protein bars will help you gain muscle mass, which will allow you to comprehend new heights of sports.
