
How to deliciously cook slices of southern apricots in syrup.

Apricots in sugar syrup for the winter are one of the simplest and most versatile preparations that can easily be prepared at home.

For harvesting, you need strong apricots; you can even take slightly unripe ones, they will hold their shape better.

Canned apricot slices can be used to decorate cakes, fill pies, or make desserts. And just enjoy delicious aromatic apricots in winter.

You can simply drink apricot syrup, diluting it with a little water, or make jelly or jelly from it.

Canned apricots sliced ​​in syrup for the winter


  • apricots are strong
  • for syrup
  • for 1 liter of water
  • sugar - 2 cups


1. Wash the apricots and shake off excess water. Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits.

2. Place the apricot halves tightly in sterilized jars up to the shoulders.

3. Add sugar to the water, bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute.

4. Pour boiling syrup over the apricots in the jars, filling 2/3 of the jar (you need to leave some space, because the apricots will still release juice).

5. Cover the jars with sterilized lids and place in a pan with warm water.

6. Bring water to a boil and sterilize jars of apricots at low boil: liter jars - 12 minutes, 0.5 liter jars - 7-10 minutes. If after sterilization there is still empty space in the jar, then add hot sugar syrup.

7. After sterilization, immediately roll up the jars with sterile lids, turn them upside down and leave until they cool completely.

8. Store apricots in syrup in a dark and cool place.

Happy preparations!

Apricots in syrup for the winter - a sweet, aromatic seedless preparation, prepared at home. Preserving fruit can often be a long and labor-intensive process. Depending on how much fruit you need to prepare for future use, preparation can take either a couple of hours or a good half of a day. Each fruit is prepared individually before rolling - some need to be peeled, cut into pieces and the seeds removed from the fruit.

This is why apricots in syrup are good - to preserve them for the winter, you don’t need to peel them, you just need to wash them and cut them into halves, which only simplifies the process of removing seeds from the fruit.

Apricots are an amazingly healthy fruit. Low-calorie apricots - each fruit contains no more than 50 kcal - are rich in vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, and have a high fiber content. That is why in the summer you need to eat as many healthy fresh fruits as possible - add them to baked goods, for example, or eat them just like that - and in the winter, not only delicious apricots, but also canned apricot halves in syrup for the winter will help to replenish your vitamin reserve.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. Having rolled apricots in sugar syrup at home once, you will never want to buy a ready-made canned product in a store again. Homemade preparation is so simple that even the most novice cook can handle it. And don’t let sterilization scare you – everything is quite simple if you follow the instructions and step-by-step photographs of the recipe.

The sugar syrup with which apricots are poured retains the natural color and shape of the fruit throughout the winter. If you have never made homemade preparations, apricot slices in syrup are a great recipe to start learning how to preserve at home.

To prepare apricots in sugar syrup for the winter, choose fruits that are ripe, firm, without dents or brown spots - the same as on. The sugar in the recipe needs to be adjusted depending on how sweet you want it to be, as well as the acidity of the apricots themselves. If the apricots are too sour, use more sugar; if they are very sweet, use less.

If you use more sugar, apricot halves in light syrup can be rolled up without sterilization - immediately after filling with hot syrup, tighten the jars. The amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe yields 8 half-liter jars of fragrant.

Preparation – 45 minutes

Preparation – 45 minutes

Calorie content – 90 kcal per 100 grams

Ingredients for canning apricots in syrup slices

  • sugar – 1-1.5 kg;
  • water – 3 liters;
  • apricots – 2 kg.

Apricots in syrup: a store-bought recipe for the winter

After opening, the product must be stored in the refrigerator. Friends, if you know other ways to preserve apricots for the winter, share your ideas and recipes in the comments!

The best way to highlight and diversify the taste of apricot is with an orange. Two “suns” will be swept away from your table in the blink of an eye. And even a novice housewife can cook it.

What it will need:

  • ripe apricots;
  • ripe orange;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • large aluminum basin or other large cooking container;
  • seaming key.

How to do:

  1. First you need to decide on the proportions of the components. The standard proportions of apricot, orange and sugar look like this: 1 kg/1 piece/0.5 kg, respectively. But the quantity of products can be varied to suit your taste.
  2. The proportions have been chosen, it's time to prepare the apricots. To do this, they are carefully sorted and rotten, broken or deformed are removed. We will close them in halves. Carefully divide them into two parts and remove the pit.
  3. Place the prepared fruits in a bowl and add sugar. Leave for several hours until the juice begins to release.
  4. While the process of juice extraction is underway, you need to take care of the jam container. It is thoroughly washed not only with detergent, but also with soda. After this it is sterilized. This can be done over steam by placing a special sterilization attachment on the pan. Or you can fry it in the oven at high temperature.
  5. When all the sugar becomes moist from the juice, it’s time to put the future jam on the fire. The temperature does not need to be high; it is best to simmer the fruit for a couple of hours on low heat. But first you need to let them boil. And remove the foam from the jam with a slotted spoon.
  6. Half an hour after boiling, add the orange to the jam. It is first doused with boiling water, dried and cut into either halves or quarters. Add vanilla.
  7. The cooking time depends on the consistency you want the final product to be. The most commonly used test is the “soft ball”. To do this, you need to drop a drop of hot syrup into a glass of cold water, and if you can get it out and form a soft ball with your fingers, then you can finish cooking. For a more viscous jam, cook until the consistency of the ball becomes firm.
  8. Pour hot jam into jars. Cover with lids and order with a special key. You can turn them upside down and leave them to cool under a blanket.

Recipe with quince

This is an amazing tandem of apricot and quince. Moreover, it can be used as an independent dish, as a decoration for desserts and cakes, and also as a base for a drink. Moreover, these can be both simple drinks and alcoholic ones.

What you will need for this:

  • apricots (washed, halved);
  • quince (washed, skinned, cut into pieces);
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • banks;
  • container for sterilization;
  • seaming key;
  • saucepan for boiling syrup.

How to do:

  1. It is advisable to cut the quince into small cubes.
  2. First you need to boil the syrup. To do this, add 200 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar. We put it on fire.
  3. When it boils, you need to remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the temperature to a minimum.
  4. Place the quince in the syrup and cook until the bubbles on the syrup become heavy.
  5. While the quince syrup is cooking, prepare the apricots. To do this, put halves of apricots in clean and dry jars up to half the volume of the container.
  6. Pour in hot syrup with quince. Fill the cans with enough to fill your finger to the hanger. This is important, otherwise when boiling, the liquid will overflow the edges, compromising the integrity of the container.
  7. Place in a container for sterilization. The procedure time is 20 minutes from the moment the water boils. This is for a half-liter container; if the container is larger, we increase the sterilization time.
  8. Carefully remove from the water, roll up and place in a blanket to cool.

"Crazy Apricot"

This is the recipe that will give you not only a tasty and healthy stand-alone dish for the winter, but also an excellent layer for a cake or pastry. And also syrup for impregnation or for a drink.

What it will need:

  • halves of ripe, firm apricots;
  • sugar;
  • water;
  • lemon acid;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • seaming key.

How to do:

  1. Prepare a thick syrup from sugar, water and citric acid. Cooking ends with a successful “soft ball” test.
  2. Place the apricot halves into the hot syrup, removed from the heat, without stirring them, but lightly pressing them into the syrup.
  3. Leave it like this for 30 minutes.
  4. Carefully remove the apricots from the syrup and place them in a container prepared for preservation.
  5. Fill the jars tightly with apricots.
  6. Heat the syrup until it boils and pour it into jars of fruit.
  7. Cover with lids and roll up.
  8. Leave to cool upside down under the blanket.

We close the remaining syrup in separate jars.

Apricots, canned: sunny halves without sterilization

One of the best fruits for canning is, of course, apricot. In the cold winter, it’s a joy to take a jar of sunny halves out of the refrigerator and brew some good tea. The main advantage of preserving apricots is their simplicity. The main thing is not to deviate from the technology specified in the recipe.

What you will need:

  • apricots (not crushed, not overripe) - 2.0 - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.400 kg;
  • boiling water for syrup - 1.2 l.

What to do:

  1. Prepare 3 liter jars. Wash them thoroughly, preferably with detergent. Steam 3 lids.
  2. Wash the apricots. Check carefully to see if they are wrinkled, spoiled or overripe. Overripe apricots will steam too much and will not make good halves. It makes sense to use overripe apricots in jam. And for canning in halves, it will be better if the apricots are even slightly unripe.
  3. Cut the processed apricots into halves. Remove the seeds. Place the apricot halves in prepared containers.
  4. Fill the containers with boiling water. Let stand for 2 minutes. Remove water.
  5. Prepare syrup. Boil 1.2 liters of distilled water with added sugar.
  6. Pour the finished syrup into containers with steamed apricots. Close.
  7. Place the jars on the lids. Wrap up for at least 6 hours. During this time, the apricots will steam well.

In its own juice (no sugar)

This is a labor-intensive, but very tasty and healthy dish. It will be an excellent solution for those who are watching their figure, because it does not contain a drop of sugar or preservatives. If desired, you can add sugar to it. This can be done during the juice cooking process or in a mug in winter.

What you will need for this:

  • apricots;
  • water;
  • container for sterilization;
  • banks;
  • covers;
  • seaming key.

How to do:

  1. First you need to prepare the juice. To do this, you can use a juicer or juicer. Or you can do it manually. Place the peeled apricots in a large saucepan and add enough water to just cover them. The water should be cold. Place on the fire and cook until the fruit is completely cooked. Be sure to mix.
  2. Then pour the drink through a sieve. Using a mallet, we grind the pulp of the fruit through it.
  3. The juice needs to be boiled and can be used further, or you can roll it up like this.
  4. Place apricot halves in clean, preferably liter jars.
  5. Fill them with juice. You need to pour, not reaching the hanger of the jar at least a centimeter.
  6. Let it sterilize for 25 minutes.
  7. Then we roll them up and leave them to cool, well wrapped.

Sweet drink: a very simple recipe

This is a very simple recipe that will delight you with a tasty and aromatic drink in winter. And preparing it couldn't be easier.

What you will need for this:

  • elastic apricot halves;
  • water;
  • lemon acid;
  • sugar;
  • 3 liter jars;
  • covers;
  • preservation key.

How to do:

  1. For such purposes, it is advisable to have a 3-liter kettle. We fill it with water and set it to boil.
  2. While the water is heating, place the clean apricot halves into jars. The amount of fruit is up to taste, but not less than a third of the container volume. Jars must be washed and sterilized in advance.
  3. Pour a glass of sugar and a teaspoon of citric acid into each jar.
  4. Pour boiling water over it and roll it up.
  5. Shake until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Let it cool upside down.

If you want a sweeter drink, add more sugar.

Delicious apricots for the winter in syrup (video)

This is how you can easily and simply stock up on delicious apricots for the winter. And your family will be grateful to you for such delicacies and the work you put into preparing them. And if you experiment, you can get amazing new, exclusive dishes from basic recipes. For example, add not only apricot to the drink, but also some other fruit or berry. And that’s it, its aroma and taste will immediately change. He will only become richer and more useful. So experiment - it's useful!

A truly luxurious preserve is apricots sliced ​​in syrup. They are prepared surprisingly easily and simply from simple products - sugar and apricot. This preparation is so fragrant and summery that when you open it you will definitely plunge into a hot summer day. How beautiful is she? It seems to us that all apricot preparations - jam, compote, jam - are truly worthy of a royal table. Every spoon, every fruit contains not only vitamins, but also aroma and excellent taste.

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for making these apricot halves. But there are still some nuances. For preservation, unripe fruits are needed, even with greens. If you take completely ripe fruits, they will spread out in your hands and you will not be able to place them tightly in the jar. And when poured with boiling water, they can cook.

You can use apricots of both medium, small and large sizes. The main thing is to carefully separate the apricots from the seeds; it is easier and tastier to cook from apricots with a dense consistency. I made it from regular sweet apricots, but my mother made it from pineapple apricots, they are larger, but also plump, and it turned out even more beautiful.

Those. You can take any fruits for harvesting, the main thing is that they are not imported “waxy” apricots. If possible, use pineapple apricots or kola. But a simple game (small apricot) will also do.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • 300 ml water.

How to cook canned apricots in syrup for the winter

Wash the apricots well. Start taking them apart into halves. If they don't split well, help yourself with a knife. The pits from the koli can be chopped and added to apricot jam. We throw away the simple bones. We set aside all spoiled fruits; they can be used to make a compote for quick consumption.

Prepare the jars - wash them with soda solution and sterilize them in a way convenient for you. The fastest is sterilization in the microwave. Pour 100 ml of water into each jar and microwave for 5 minutes at the highest power. Drain the water. Let the jars cool. We can continue.

Now comes the fun part. You can simply put the halves in a jar in bulk, or you can spend a little time and get a lot of fruits in one jar. Take the jar in one hand and tilt it almost horizontally, pour in some halves. With your second hand, fold the slices one by one while walking along the rim of the jar. To get a circle, you need to fix it in the center with a couple of slices. The photo shows that the apricots are stacked one on top in a circle, and in the center there are simply two slices.

We fold three more rows in this way (or as many as will fit into the jar).

The photo shows that we fit 4 rows into a liter jar. But the apricots were not large. So it may be different for you.

Bring the water to a boil and fill the jars to the very top. Let stand for 15 minutes. This is necessary so that the jars and apricots are sterilized and the water cools down a little, otherwise you will not be able to pick it up without the risk of getting burned or dropping it.

Drain the water into the pan. Add sugar and citric acid. You should definitely taste the syrup. If it is not sweet, add sugar. There is no need to reduce the amount of sugar.

Bring the syrup to a boil (make sure all the sugar has dissolved). Fill the jars again and immediately roll up the prepared lids (they need to be boiled for 4-5 minutes). Immediately wrap the jars until they cool completely.

As you can see, the blank looks simply amazing. Apricots will taste sweet with their own aroma. They can be added to baked goods - pies or pie, or to decorate dessert. But eating them just like that is also very tasty.

The syrup will be moderately sweet and light, like store-bought syrup. It is because of the low concentration of sugar in the syrup that I insist on sterilization. It will take a little time, only 15 minutes, but you will definitely be sure of the safety of each jar, lovingly prepared for the winter with your own hands.


for 2 cans of 0.5 l

  • pitted apricots - 600-700 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • water - 400 ml
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife

Total time: 30 minutes / Preparation 15 minutes / Servings 2×0.5 l

How to cook apricots in syrup for the winter

I wash and dry the apricots. At the same time, I sterilize the jars and lids (the optimal container is 0.5 l or 1 l). The main secret of how to make apricots in syrup delicious for the winter lies in the right choice of fruit. I repeat that apricots should not be overripe or soft. On the contrary, it’s even good if they are dense, a little greenish and elastic. The fruits should be large, with juicy and fleshy pulp, without inclusions. Now, if you find just such apricots, then success is guaranteed! You can safely roll at least 20 jars, there won’t be a single one left until spring!

In the classic recipe, apricots in syrup are pitted. It is best to remove the pit by cutting the fruit with a knife so that the halves remain whole, with smooth edges. I fill sterilized jars with slices, placing them so that the cut is at the bottom - this way more fruit can be placed, and they retain their integrity better.

Now you can start preparing the syrup. One 0.5 liter jar holds 200 ml of liquid. I pour the required amount of water into the pan based on the number of jars, immediately add sugar and citric acid, which acts as a preservative. For every 400 ml of water you will need 250 g of sugar, then the syrup will be moderately sweet, light and unsweetening (especially if the apricots are greenish). Bring to a boil and simmer for 1-2 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. I pour boiling syrup over the apricots in jars - you need to pour it carefully, in the center, trying not to get it on the glass, so as not to crack due to a sharp jump in temperature.

I send the filled jars for sterilization in a pan of hot water. I cover with lids, but do not seal. I sterilize for 15 minutes for containers with a volume of 0.5 liters (or 20 minutes for 1 liter). The countdown begins from the moment the water boils in the pan. To ensure that the preservation is tightly fixed in the pan, I recommend placing a piece of cotton fabric on the bottom. Boiling should be moderate so that splashes do not get under the lids.

I carefully remove the jars from the pan and immediately roll up the lids. I turn it upside down, wrap it in a blanket and leave it for 8-10 hours to self-sterilize.

The workpiece should be kept in a dark and cool place, shelf life is 1 year.

Canned apricots in syrup are very tasty, whole, the syrup is transparent and moderately sweet. They can be served with tea or used for baking, and children really like them. Be sure to try it!
