
Is it possible to rub strawberries with sugar. Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter

Every summer, everyone looks forward to when strawberries ripen in order to fully enjoy their sweet taste and wonderful aroma. But nothing lasts forever, and the berry season is coming to an end. And in order to please yourself with the taste and aroma of summer even in winter frosts, you can prepare strawberry jam grated with sugar for the future - a recipe for the winter.

Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter - a classic recipe

This is the fastest and easiest way to grind strawberries with sugar without boiling. It is good that it is completely preserved natural taste berries.

So, you will need 1 kg of strawberries and 1.3 kg of sugar.

But first you need to prepare the container. Ideally this is glass jars not more than 0.5 - 0.6 l. They need to be sterilized.

You can do this in the following way:

  • boil jars in large saucepan about 5 - 10 minutes
  • hold them over the steam for 10 minutes
  • calcined in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees for 10 - 15 minutes.

Set aside to cool and dry if necessary.
Boil the lids for at least 5 minutes. It is preferable to take polyethylene or screw caps; metal caps are not desirable.

Having prepared the jars, it's time to take on the berries. Strawberries must be sorted out, removing spoiled and rotten berries. Rinse 2-3 times, do not keep the berries in water for a long time, they will be saturated with moisture, become watery and lose their taste and aroma. Throw in a colander and let the water drain properly - excess moisture is useless.
Put clean and dried berries in a deep bowl. Now I need to make a puree out of them.

The ideal tool for this is a food processor or blender. It will do the job in just a couple of minutes. If there is no combine, you can use a meat grinder. In an extreme case, the good old "pusher" is suitable, but it will not be possible to achieve with it uniform consistency puree.

Further, sugar in the amount of 1 kg must be added to the strawberry mass (the rest will be used for making sugar cork in jars) and mix thoroughly. Ideally, the sugar should dissolve, so it is better to buy smaller sand for this case.
Finished strawberry puree Arrange in dry jars, not reaching the edge of 1 cm. Top with the remaining sugar, evenly distributing it over all the jars. Close the lids and put in a dark, cold place.

It is possible to store strawberries prepared in this way only at a temperature not higher than +5 degrees in a refrigerator or cellar, otherwise it may ferment and be unsuitable for its intended use. Shelf life - no more than 6 months.

Recipe with lemon or citric acid

If you take less sugar and add lemon juice, you get strawberry juice. In winter, it will be possible to make a delicious drink from it.

It is necessary to take 1 kg of berries, sort, rinse, dry. Next, mash the strawberries in any puree. convenient way and add 250 g of granulated sugar and 1/2 tsp. citric acid or the juice of one lemon. Mix everything well and arrange in sterile jars. Like classic strawberry with sugar, juice is stored in a cold place for no more than six months.

To extend the shelf life, the strawberry mass must be boiled for 15 minutes and hot packaged in jars.
Dilute the juice with water in a ratio of 1:1. If it seems that the drink is sour, you can add a little sugar. It will be especially pleasant to drink it after a bath or sauna.

Strawberries grated with sugar like jam

Read also:

This sweet, thick, slightly sour delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent. It can be spread on a sandwich or served with pancakes and pancakes,

You will need:

  • strawberries - 2 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.

So, sorted and washed strawberries must be mashed in any convenient way.
Add sugar, stir well and leave to infuse for an hour and a half.
Squeeze the juice from the lemon and, if necessary, strain it to get rid of the seeds and parts of the lemon.
Combine sweet puree and lemon juice, stir and put on fire. Cook for at least an hour until the mass thickens.
Arrange the finished hot jam in jars, close tightly and wrap it up, let it cool.
Thanks to heat treatment, jam can be stored at room temperature until the next berry harvest.

Cooking features.


You can freeze grated strawberries. Both with sugar, at the rate of 1:1, and without sugar. You can add it after defrosting.

First you need to prepare the strawberry puree. Then put into plastic containers. It is not necessary to sterilize them. The size must be chosen so that the contents are enough for one time, because after defrosting it will not be possible to store it for a long time.

Send the finished packaged strawberry puree to the freezer.

In this form, the berries can be stored for an unlimited amount of time. At the same time, they keep everything useful material and natural strawberry flavor.

It will be possible to use it to prepare various desserts, compote, jelly, dilute it like a fruit drink or just eat it - it will taste like fresh strawberries with sugar.

Without sterilization

Strawberries grated with sugar without sterilization and any other processing retain all vitamins and nutrients. She has the taste of ripe, fresh berries. It is very quick to cook - you just need to turn the berries into a puree and, pouring sugar, stir and arrange in jars.

But, despite the advantages, there are significant disadvantages.

Berries that have not undergone heat treatment cannot be stored for a long time. Besides, they need special conditions- a cold, dark room, otherwise the blanks will deteriorate.

Containers must be prepared especially carefully: rinse and sterilize jars with lids, dry them.

With sterilization

If strawberries with sugar need to be stored all winter or there is not enough space to place all the jars in the refrigerator, then the blanks must be subjected to a sterilization process.

It will take time, but not a single jar will deteriorate, it will not have to be thrown away and the work will not be in vain.

  1. To get started, you need to take large saucepan or a basin, with a flat bottom, copper, for example, or galvanized.
  2. At the bottom, install a grate on which you will need to put the banks. If there is no lattice, then lay the material, like gauze.
  3. Filled jars with strawberries put in a container for boiling, cover them with lids on top, but do not cork.
  4. Pour water over the neck of the cans and put the whole structure on fire.
  5. When it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, do not allow a strong boil.
  6. Sterilize the blanks in this way: 0.5 l - 1 min, 1 l - 15 min.
  7. When will it pass right amount time, carefully remove the jars from the water so as not to burn yourself, trying not to move the lids on them and now seal them hermetically.
  8. Put it all caps down to identify a possible leak.
  9. When the jars of strawberries have cooled, put them away for storage in the cellar or pantry.

Strawberries with sugar won't last long in your fridge. She is loved by everyone - both children and adults! The secret of this wonderful berry is that it is not only tasty, but also medicinal! It improves appetite, quenches thirst, promotes hematopoiesis, has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect. Our grandmothers also used it for diarrhea and anemia in children.

Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter

Recipe number 1.

Sort the strawberries, remove all leaves, spoiled berries and stalks. Transfer it to a colander, rinse gently. Twist the dried fruits in a meat grinder, add 1 kg of sugar, mix thoroughly. Place the resulting blank in dry sterile jars, roll up the lids.

Recipe number 2.

Dry the strawberries, put them in a bowl, pound with a wooden mortar, pour granulated sugar, stir well. Transfer the blank that you received as a result into jars, cork with lids. You can also put the strawberries in containers and put in the freezer. Banks for this blank do not need to be sterilized, but simply put in the refrigerator. You can also add honeysuckle to the dish - you will transform its taste. To keep the jam in the refrigerator long time, add a tablespoon of vodka to it.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Fill the jars with 1 kg of berries, pour a layer of granulated sugar on top to form a “sugar crust”. Store this jam on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Pureed strawberries with sugar for the winter.

The preparation of such a blank will allow you to save maximum amount vitamins in berries, since you do not have to resort to cooking. We suggest you try the "cold" canning method. So, sort out 1 kg of ripe berries, tear off the stalks. Wash thoroughly, leave to cool completely. Pour in 1.2 kg of sugar so that the fruits begin to release juice. The time will depend on the juiciness and ripeness of the berries. The process will take approximately 3 hours. It will be just perfect if you have the opportunity to leave the berries for the night. You can slightly violate the proposed "technology" and pour sugar into the already prepared strawberry puree. After picking, the berries will already have time to infuse and soften slightly. As soon as the mass starts up the juice, grind it to get a fruit puree. To do this, you can use a meat grinder, blender, potato masher, pusher. After that, you need to prepare containers. First of all, wash them, and then proceed to sterilization. To do this, put the container in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees. But the lids can only be boiled. If you sterilize them in an oven, you will melt the sealing rubber layer.

After the cans have completely cooled, spread them over sweet mass, twist and place in the refrigerator. You can store it for six months. This "living vitamin" can be served with sweet tea.

Fresh strawberries with sugar for the winter

Sort 1 kilogram of berries, tear off the tails, rinse. Transfer the fruits to a sieve or sieve, let dry slightly. The best thing to do is to fresh air. Put the dried berries in a deep separate bowl, cover with two kilograms of granulated sugar. Grind the fruits with a blender. Pour the sweet mass into a separate bowl, stir with a wooden spoon for about 20 minutes. This will allow you to get thick jam jelly-like consistency. Pack the jam in jars, close with plastic. Pre-boiled lids. Sprinkle a little sugar on top of the jam to form a "sugar crust".

You will love and.

Strawberries with sugar for the winter in the freezer

Freezing strawberries is the best way preserving the unique smell and useful properties this beautiful fruit. High-quality freezing, first of all, should be carried out with a properly installed temperature regime. There are two ways to freeze. The use of one method or another will depend on how much free time you have and how you plan to use the berries in the winter.

If you have very little time, then dry freezing is suitable for you. This option is perfect for residents of the village, as well as happy owners of summer cottages. Arrange the collected clean fruits on a tray or cling film and then place in the freezer. Pour frozen hard berries into a bag. Try to remove all the air from it, tie it tightly and store it in the freezer. There is an even simpler option - lay the fruits in several layers in any container (except glass) with the tail up. Close containers and place in the freezer.

Try to cook and.

Freezing strawberries with sugar for the winter

Select a beautiful strawberry without tails, put in a container, sprinkle with sugar. You don't have to worry about perfect drying. Let the sugar crystals dissolve a little. Close the container tightly with a lid, place in the freezer. In winter, the resulting blank can be used to decorate ice cream or eat just like that. You can also pour the fruits with cold syrup and place in the freezer. This method allows you to get whole and more beautiful berries. The syrup can be prepared according to the following recipe:

Citric acid - 5 g
- granulated sugar - 320 g
- water - 1 liter

Frozen strawberry puree is perfect for stuffing, cream, jelly, sauce. Grind crumpled strawberries and mint in a blender, stir with sugar. Pour the puree into containers or bags, rearrange in the freezer. If you used bags for freezing, then you can simply cut the puree with a knife.

It turns out quite tasty and.

Preparation of fruits for freezing.

1. Harvest early in the morning before the dew appears. In this case they will bring the greatest benefit. If you collect them in wet weather or in the heat, the berries will be tasteless and loose.
2. Do not wash the collected berries. If you purchased them on the market, then you must wash them! For three hours, a protective film of a substance that prevents the reproduction of viruses and bacteria remains on the fruits.
3. If the berries stand for three hours, then they must also be washed. They have very tender skin, so a strong jet of water will simply pierce it. Spread the berries by the tails on a soft cloth or paper towels.
4. Not all berries are suitable for dry freezing. It is better to select varieties with a dark red color. As a rule, these are remontants or hybrids with garden strawberries.
5. For taste and external qualities the defrost mode is also affected. Defrosting must be done gradually. To do this, put the fruit box on the top shelf of the microwave and set the “Defrost” mode.

How to freeze strawberries with sugar for the winter

Select 1 kg of raspberries, currants and strawberries. Wash the fruits, remove the cuttings, dry on a spread towel, getting rid of excess moisture. Be sure to wash the currants, sort out the garbage, and dry. Raspberries can not be washed. Use immediately after washing. If the berries are very large, pre-cut it in half, put it in a blender, chop. You will get excellent berry puree. Chop other berries as well.

You will also like these options for blanks.

Option number 1.

Thoroughly clean the fruits from the stalks, rinse under the stream running water leave to dry. If you start grinding still wet berries, then your workpiece will deteriorate very quickly. Select part of the berries, grind them, gradually add sugar, rub the scarlet yummy. Pour the second part of the fruit, leave to infuse for 15 minutes. The sugar is well absorbed and dissolved. Now you can decompose the sweet mass into glass jars. They also need to be prepared: inspect for cracks and chips, rinse well with soda, rinse thoroughly. Be sure to sterilize the containers. The best way to do this is in the oven. They need to be closed with metal or nylon caps. You can store the workpiece only in the refrigerator. If you leave it in a room, it will spoil very quickly.

And for gatherings with girlfriends, bake.

Option number 2.

Rinse the berries properly. Do this very carefully, as strawberries are a very tender fruit. You can do it this way: pour water into a bucket, and then load the strawberries into it in batches. She will float on top. All sand and dirt will sink to the bottom. Light movements rinse the berries, transfer them to a colander, leave all excess liquid to drain. It is better to wash in cool or very cold water, because warm strawberries become sour. Clear it of green leaves. Add sugar and remember. You can do it with a pusher, or you can do it with a blender. As a result, you will get a wonderful strawberry puree. Prepare a few plastic bags, insert them one into the other, pour strawberry puree into them. Remove the bags from the freezer.

Armenian strawberry jam.

1 kg strawberry berries sort along with the stalks, rinse under the stream cold water. Dip each berry in cognac or vodka, get rid of the stalks. Put the prepared fruits in a saucepan or bowl, pour 720 g of granulated sugar. As soon as the strawberries are infused, pour it with ready-made syrup, stir gently. Put the strawberry mass on the stove, boil over low heat. When doing this, be sure to remove the foam. Arrange the jam in jars, cork.

As you can see, preparing a decent preparation for the winter is not difficult at all. To do this, you only need two products. To enhance the taste and variety, you can also add cherries, currants, etc. to it. Some housewives also add cognac or vodka. Alcoholic drinks not only enhance the taste, but also allow the dish to be stored for a longer time.

The classic recipe for strawberries mashed with sugar involves the use of only two ingredients, but despite this, the result exceeds all expectations. Berries are not subjected to heat treatment, so mashed strawberries with regular jam do not compare! With the "cold" method of preservation, the maximum amount of vitamins, natural taste and aroma are preserved. Preparing a very beautiful bright color, it is fragrant, insanely delicious smells of fresh strawberries, as if it had just come from the garden.

You don't need to cook. The berries should be sorted out, washed, covered with sugar, and then punched in a blender, mashed with a pestle or passed through a meat grinder. And that's all, it remains only to pour into sterilized jars, seal tightly and send to the refrigerator. "Cold jam" will stand perfectly for 4 months, and if you resort to freezing, then the shelf life can be increased to 1 year.

Strawberries mashed with sugar for the winter will be well stored if harvested correctly:

  • berries are best picked on sunny days, because after rain they become watery, can rot and ferment;
  • strawberries must be carefully sorted out so that the "marriage" does not spoil the workpiece;
  • the ratio of products is 1: 1, that is, 1 kg of sand should be taken for 1 kg of berries;
  • you can extend the shelf life if you increase the ratio to 1: 2 or put a sugar “cork” under the lid;
  • puree should be poured exclusively into a sterilized container, preferably a small volume;
  • it is impossible to store the workpiece in heat or at room temperature, the use of a refrigerator or freezer is allowed.


  • strawberries 500 g
  • granulated sugar 500 g

How to cook strawberries pureed with sugar

  1. First of all, the berries should be processed, especially carefully, since the workpiece will not be cooked. I sort out the strawberries, discard the crushed and spoiled ones. Rinse under running water, remove all leaves and let dry.

  2. I add the entire norm of sugar - 1 kilogram. Mix and leave for 3 hours cool place. Time will directly depend on the juiciness and ripeness of the berries.

  3. After the specified time, the strawberries will release juice and the sugar crystals will dissolve.

  4. It remains to grind the mass until smooth. It is most convenient to use an immersion blender, which copes with the task in just 1-2 minutes. A meat grinder or a regular potato masher is also suitable.

  5. You should get a homogeneous fruit mass. beautiful color. If you used a potato crusher for chopping, then, of course, you will come across small pieces berries.

  6. I pour the resulting blank into jars of small volume, close it with tin lids. The container must be sterilized and dry! I send it to the refrigerator for storage, where the jars will stand for 4 months. If you want to extend the shelf life, then pour 3-4 tablespoons of sugar under the lid, which forms a kind of “cork” that prevents oxygen from entering the jar. Also part fruit puree can be frozen, pour over silicone molds- at low temperatures the mixture will not even completely harden, it will resemble something between marmalade and popsicles.

"Live vitamin" can be served with tea or pancakes, added to porridge or pour over ice cream. If you have frozen mashed potatoes, then before using it, it is enough to hold it for 30-40 minutes at room temperature, after which you can safely use it for its intended purpose, like fresh. Have a delicious tea party!

Such a long-awaited, but such a short strawberry season is pushing housewives to look for new options for harvesting berries for future use. What to do, if traditional jams and jams a little fed up? Prepare "live" jam - strawberries, grated with sugar.

Composition and calories

Speaking of strawberries mashed with sugar, it should be noted that in such a dessert the berry remains fresh. Not surprisingly, it has almost the same properties as strawberries, only plucked from the bush. The composition of the berry contains a lot of organic acids, which determine the slight sourness in taste.

Strawberries are one of the "garden" champions in terms of vitamin C content, so the pureed dessert has a pronounced anti-cold and immune-strengthening effect. It can be used as a prevention of flu and colds, beriberi, and also contribute to a faster recovery from illness.

Vitamin E, also contained in the berry, is an antioxidant - it binds radionuclides, removes toxins, and also slows down the aging of the body. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is another component found in large quantities in sugared strawberries. B vitamins are involved in metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, and niacin also helps to strengthen the heart.

positive effect on cardiovascular system They also provide potassium and magnesium, also found in abundance in strawberries. Potassium also helps maintain the water-alkaline balance and removes excess fluid from the body. Magnesium has an anticonvulsant effect, it is necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.

A large number of in the dessert of calcium, which is necessary primarily for the health of bones and teeth. In addition, here it is combined with ascorbic acid improving its absorption. Phosphorus “helps” calcium, which also maintains the strength of the skeletal system, and also improves cerebral circulation.

The composition of the dessert also includes sodium, which is responsible for water-salt balance in the body, helping to maintain all trace elements in the blood in the right state. This, in turn, guarantees good nutrition all fabrics.

If we talk about trace elements, then most of all in the composition of the dessert is iron, which is necessary to provide organs with oxygen. The second place is occupied by copper, which is responsible for the production of collagen. A slightly smaller amount contains selenium, which contributes to the production of antibodies. It also contains manganese.

Strawberries are rich in fisetin, a type of flavonoid that has a positive effect on brain cells, reducing the intensity of their aging.

The berry itself fresh non-calorie - 35 kcal per 100 grams. However, the addition of sugar significantly increases energy value dessert - up to 153 kcal per 100 grams of product (average value, maybe higher). BJU looks like 1.6 / 2.7 / 151.6.


Since this strawberry dessert not exposed to cooking, you need to take care of its safety for the winter. A natural preservative, which is sugar, will help in this. It turns out that in grated strawberries it is used not only for taste, but also to preserve the dessert, which means that its amount cannot be reduced.

The classic recipe suggests the ratio of sugar and berries as 1: 1. That is, for 1 kilogram of berries you also need a kilogram of sugar. If strawberries are sour enough or lemon is also included in the composition, the amount of granulated sugar can be increased to 1200-1300 gr. There may be an increase in the amount of sugar. Then 1.5 parts of the sweetener are taken for 1 part of the berries. This will help increase the shelf life of strawberries. You should not take more or less than the indicated volumes, since in the first case the berries will be candied, in the second they will begin to deteriorate.

As a rule, the recipe specifies the amount of sweetener to mix it with berries, however, another 100-150 grams is required to make a "lid" on the surface of the composition before sealing the jar.

Many housewives do not know how to determine the amount finished dessert from the available volume of berries. For example, how many berries do you need for 5 liters of such a dessert? Usually the volume of dessert is reduced by 2.5 times the number of fresh berries. For example, from a 5-liter bucket, approximately 3 liters of grated treats are obtained.

Preparing berries

Preparation of berries begins with their sorting. Despite the fact that strawberries are mashed in this dessert, damaged or rotten berries should not be used. They can provoke fermentation processes and spoil the workpiece.

Should be used ripe berries without cracks, damage and traces of insect penetration. It is important to remember that even a slight violation of the integrity of the berry indicates that pathogenic bacteria could penetrate through it. Considering that pureed strawberries are not heat-treated, this can be quite dangerous.

The next step is washing the berries. Strawberries are very tender and easily crushed and damaged. In addition, it quickly absorbs moisture. This should be remembered when preparing raw materials. Wash strawberries in small portions using a colander. No need to turn it over with your hands or a spoon, just shake the colander gently. Rinse the berries under gentle pressure and only in cool water.

In case of severe contamination, the berries can be immersed in a basin of water and left for 5 minutes. Litter, grass and insects will float to the surface, earth and sand will settle to the bottom. After "soaking" the strawberries are also washed with a colander.

Clean berries should be given 10-12 minutes to glass excess water. After that, they are laid out in one layer on a clean towel, where they should dry completely. Now you can start cleaning the ponytails, after washing your hands with soap and water.

Cooking methods

It seems that sugar-twisted strawberries are such a simple recipe that there is only one way to make them. However, in practice, everything turns out differently. We introduce you to the most popular proven recipes for this healthy dessert.

Recipe #1

1 kg of berries must be rubbed through a sieve and pour 1 kg of granulated sugar into a puree. Hand-crushed strawberry mass is denser and contains no seeds. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the mass in the pan for 2-3 hours so that the sugar is completely dissolved. This also requires periodically mixing the composition.

After sugar crystals are no longer felt in the puree, it should be distributed in sterile jars and put in the refrigerator. If the strawberry mass seems sour, you can increase the sugar content to 1200-1300 gr.

Recipe number 2

First of all, you need to turn the strawberries into a puree. You can do this with a blender or by scrolling it through a meat grinder.

Now the whipped strawberries are placed in a pre-sterilized jar, a layer of berries should be 2-3 cm thick, on top of it - a layer of sugar of the same thickness. Next, you need to alternate layers of sugar and pureed berries, but last layer must be sugar. You can slightly increase its thickness to 3-3.5 cm. Such a sugar “lid” will ensure the duration of the dessert’s storage. After that, it remains only to cork it with a lid and send it to storage in the refrigerator.

Recipe number 3 with lemon

Lemon in this recipe It is used not only for taste, but also acts as a natural preservative. In addition, its addition increases the benefits of grated strawberries, significantly increasing the level of ascorbic acid in the dish.

For 1 kg of berries, 1-2 lemons and 1 kg of sugar are required. The lemon should be washed and scalded with boiling water, and then cut into small pieces, the peel does not need to be peeled. Scroll the berries and citrus through a meat grinder.

You can chop the lemon with a meat grinder, and pierce the berries with a blender, but such processing has no tangible difference, and the complexity of the process increases. Do not try to grind the lemon with a blender, they will remain big pieces, which can be bitter in dessert.

After the strawberry-citrus mass is ready, you should introduce sugar into it, mix and wait for complete dissolution. The final stage transferring it to banks.

Recipe number 4

This method- not a recipe in the true sense of the word, but a way to freeze and store strawberries. It is necessary to grind 1 kg of berries with the same amount of sugar. Next, you will need molds or ice packs. They are filled with berry mass and frozen. When crimson ice forms in the molds, they can be removed and transferred to containers with lids or plastic bags for more compact storage.

You can use crushed strawberries as independent dish or add to tea, prepare fruit drinks and compotes. Sufficiently juicy and fragrant, the mass is suitable for soaking biscuits, making cocktails. It can be added to dairy and sour-milk dishes, cottage cheese, put on a sandwich or toast. If in the middle of winter you want to taste jam or make marmalade, just boil the mass with pectin or gelatin.

However, great taste is not the only reason for its popularity. pureed strawberries. She will help out during the season of flu and colds. It is enough to add it to tea, drink it with milk or eat it fresh. It is worth leaving a little treat at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, because it is at this time that beriberi, chronic fatigue and a decline in activity are observed. rich in vitamins and minerals berry will help to quickly get rid of these troubles.

Preparing mashed strawberries with sugar is quite simple, while recommendations experienced housewives will help make the dessert even more tasty and healthy.

  • To prevent the berry from fermenting, you can rinse it in vinegar water. To do this, 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9% should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. Use the resulting liquid to wash the berries.
  • Use for cooking enamel pots and basins. Due to the high acidity of the composition, strawberries, in contact with metal surfaces, oxidize, which affects its taste. Enamelled surfaces should not have chips or scratches.
  • Properly store grated strawberries in the refrigerator, then you can cork jars nylon lids. If you freeze the berries directly in the jar, they may burst due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the container.
  • Packaged in bags, containers or frozen in molds pureed berry stored in the freezer. Freezing should be as extreme as possible, that is, as quickly as possible.

Do not pack large portions of berries, if possible, set the maximum temperature to freezer. It is important that strawberries are not subjected to repeated freezing and thawing. It is better to pack strawberries in small batches - for one time use.

  • Storage in the refrigerator will be shorter than in the freezer. In the first case, the berries should be eaten within 3-4 months; in the second case, they can be stored for up to 8-10 months.
  • If you decide to leave the berries overnight so that the sugar dissolves better, put the container in the refrigerator and cover with a clean towel. Summer in room conditions left for so for a long time strawberries with a high degree of probability will begin to ferment.
  • An important point in the preservation of the dish is the sterilization of jars and lids. It must be carried out before laying the composition, but at the same time the banks must have time to dry. It is also necessary to sterilize the lids, if nylon ones are used - scald with boiling water.

How to cook mashed strawberries with sugar, see the following video.

So that in winter our body does not suffer from a lack of vitamins, it is necessary to take care of this in the summer. I propose simple recipes strawberries for the winter, pureed with sugar and whole, which I use every year.

Strawberries grated with sugar for the winter in the freezer: a simple recipe


  • 2 kilograms of strawberries;
  • A kilogram of sugar.

We clean the sepals from the berry, rinse thoroughly. Be sure to let it dry.

  1. Grind the prepared fruits in a blender.
  2. Pour sugar into the resulting mass in portions, and grind it until the sugar crystals disappear.
  3. Let stand for about an hour to ripen.
  4. For storage, we prepare small plastic containers with a lid.
  5. We spread the grated mixture in them, close tightly.

We place in the freezer.

Quick strawberry jam with sugar

Required products:

  • 1.5 kilograms of strawberries;
  • A kilogram of sugar.

We sort out the fruits, wash them several times, placing them in a colander, let the water drain.

  1. Grind the prepared dry berry in any convenient way until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  2. Pour granulated sugar, mix, leave for three hours. During this time, it is necessary to periodically stir the mixture so that the sugar crystals dissolve.
  3. Then we put the basin for cooking jam on the stove, bring its contents to a boil. Be sure to remove the resulting foam. From the moment of boiling, cook for 5 minutes over low heat.
  4. Pour hot mashed jam into dry sterile jars. We twist. Leave for air cooling.

After complete cooling of the workpiece, we send it to storage.

Strawberries with sugar, frozen whole

I have already offered recipes for mashed strawberries with sugar for the winter, and you can also prepare the whole one.

  • A kilogram of strawberries;
  • A glass of granulated sugar.

For freezing in sugar, it is better to take small dense berries. Rinse them well, put them on paper towels, leave to dry for a while.

  1. We put the dry fruits in a bag, pour sugar into it, gently shake it.
  2. We place in the freezer, distributing the berries in one layer.
  3. When the workpiece freezes, the bag should be tied, completely removing air from it. In this state, the berry will be well preserved.

How to fill strawberries with sugar, you already know. And in this recipe we will use powdered sugar.

Frozen berries with powdered sugar

You will need:

  • A kilogram of strawberries;
  • 200 grams of powdered sugar.

We select and prepare berries. We lay them out on trays covered with polyethylene or cling film, at a distance from each other. We stand in the freezer for an hour and a half.

Frozen berries are put in plastic containers in layers, sprinkling each powdered sugar. We send the filled container to the freezer.

I will share another recipe for preserving whole strawberries.

Strawberries frozen in berry puree

  • 1.5 kilograms of strawberries;
  • A glass of sugar.

We sort out the berries, wash them, let them dry. We divide them into three equal parts. In one we select large and whole, in the other two - the remaining ones.

  1. Two parts to sense, I fall asleep with sugar, mix. Let it stand. Remain in the crushed mass small pieces pulp.
  2. We cover the bottom and walls of the container with a film. Posting large berry in one row. Pour the puree, close the container, place in the freezer.
  3. When the puree hardens, we take it out along with the film in which we wrap the frozen briquette. We put it in a bag, send it to the freezer.

On a note! If you prefer a smooth puree, then use a blender to prepare it.

Strawberries in their own juice without heat treatment

I propose to use simple recipe cooking strawberries in own juice without cooking.

We will need:

  • 1 kilogram of strawberries;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar.

We sort out the berries, remove the tails, wash. Spread on paper towel, wait until the fruits dry out. Then they must be covered with sugar. We put the container with the berry in the refrigerator for ten hours.

In prepared Plastic container posting raw strawberries and pour in the resulting juice. Close the lid and store in the freezer.

Strawberries in their own juice with sterilization

We take the following products:

  • A kilogram of strawberries;
  • A glass of sugar.

Let's start preparing:

  1. We put whole, not damaged, washed berries in a suitable container.
  2. We cover the fruits with sugar, we insist for seven hours in a cool place so that they release the juice.
  3. After this time, we lay out the dessert along with the syrup in sterile jars, cover them with lids.
  4. Sterilize fifteen minutes. Then we roll up.

What to do if strawberries in sugar are moldy or fermented?

If the berries are covered with mold, it is not recommended to use them in the future. Even if the strawberries are boiled, the fungus and bacteria that are dangerous to humans will remain in it. Such a berry will have to be thrown away.

If the fermentation process has just begun in strawberries with sugar, jam can be made from such a berry.

  1. per kilogram sweet berry add half a kilogram of sugar and simmer for thirty minutes.
  2. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to remove the foam from the jam.
  3. We lay out the finished dessert in sterile jars. We clog.

We store in a cool place.

I advise you to watch the video recipe for harvesting strawberries with sugar for the winter.

Be sure to prepare pureed and whole strawberries with sugar according to these recipes for the winter. Such healthy dessert will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.
