
How to quickly clean a herring from. We clean herring in one confident movement

The question of how to properly clean a herring arises for every housewife on the eve of big celebrations. And this is especially true on the eve of the New Year holidays.

It is rather difficult to imagine a feast without herring and dishes made from it. It can be applied absolutely different form- How independent snack, a component of a sandwich or included in the sandwich mass.

Of course, the most popular dish on all tables there is a “fur coat”, under which a fish is hiding.

Herring has not lost its popularity for several decades, but surprisingly, not everyone knows how to properly serve it to the table, and it is not even always possible to clean it properly.

For each of the above mentioned dishes, it is cut differently. We will discuss this further.

But main feature that unites all of them is that the herring should be pitted. Many housewives do not know this and serve unpeeled fish.

How not to make a mistake with the choice

Before proceeding with cutting the fish, it must be purchased. Success ready meal will depend on the quality of the product. The herring presented for sale is of two types:

  1. Marinated
  2. Smoked

When choosing any of them, you should pay attention to the shelf life and general state goods. First of all, it is worth considering the gills.

In pickled herring, their condition can be determined by color.

If they are dark red in color and do not crumble, these products are suitable for consumption, but if you find light crumbling organs under the gill boxes, you should not risk buying such a herring.

In the case of smoked, it is difficult to determine the color, so pay attention to the condition of the boxes themselves. They should fit snugly.

If there is a significant visible gap at the place of their fit, it is worth doubting the quality of this product. Often, especially in the case of smoked herring, sellers offer fish without a head.

It should be noted right away that this is initially a dubious purchase, since it is the main indicator of freshness. If you still intend to buy it, pay attention to the color - it should be uniform.

On the trunk, regardless of the method of preparation and processing, there shouldn't be any stains. Flexibility plays an important role.

If there is no trace left on the carcass when pressed with a finger, then there is a possibility that this product is of high quality.

Buying low-quality, expired fish can cause food poisoning and ingestion of dangerous bacteria such as E. coli or botulism.

To buy quality products, do it in trusted places and pay attention to the creation right conditions for its storage.

If you are confident in the quality of the purchased products, you can start cutting it.

We prepare the tool

Cleaning the herring, regardless of the purpose of its further use, we need to get a quality fillet.

This variety differs from others in its structure. It has almost no small bones. So get finished product from a whole fish will not be so difficult.

Before you begin to properly clean the herring, you need to prepare the tools.

The most common problem that is difficult for housewives to deal with is how to get rid of the smell of the cutting board after cutting the fish.

If you carefully prepare it before work, then such problems can be avoided.

One of the common ways to neutralize fishy smell on the cutting board is to use lemon juice.

Just take a lemon and wipe the surface with it before you start. But this method has two major drawbacks.

Firstly, you want to use lemon in more useful purposes, for example, add to tea. And the acid from its juice, which can feed the finished product, is not always appropriate.

Therefore, you can use a simpler technique and wrap the board with several layers of cling film or parchment paper.

You will also need a knife. It should have a very sharp blade, which will allow you to quickly and easily get rid of fins and other unnecessary elements.

Having prepared everything necessary tools, let's get to work. It consists of two stages:

  1. Clearing out the insides
  2. Bone Extraction

This work can be done in several ways. But before you start them, take advice from experts. Before cutting, take another whole fish by the head and hit the surface of the table several times. Then the bones will be better separated.

Getting rid of the insides

The most common method of cleaning herring provides the following algorithm:

  1. Lay the fish on a cutting surface.
  2. Holding it by the body, cut off the head and tail.
  3. Cut out the lower and upper fins with the tip of a knife.
  4. Insert the tip of the knife from the side of the neck inward and cut the abdomen.
  5. Use your fingers to select the insides.
  6. Open the fish and clean it with a knife from the black film, which can become a source of bitterness.
  7. When using this method, do not deepen the knife too much, so as not to damage the internal organs, in particular, gallbladder, which can subsequently adversely affect the taste.

The second one may seem more complicated, but in fact it allows you to get best result. It provides for the following actions:

  1. Lay the herring on a cutting board.
  2. Holding it by the torso, make an incision on the neck so that the tip of the knife cuts the cervical vertebrae.
  3. Next, we make shallow incisions to cut off the head from the body, but at the same time not to separate the insides from it.
  4. We make a section at the end of the abdomen.
  5. We separate the head, behind which the insides should come out.
  6. We cut the abdomen and remove the black film with a knife.
  7. These actions will reduce the risk of injury. internal organs, which, as mentioned above, can significantly worsen the taste.

The seized entrails are considered waste. But if you come across a female and inside you find caviar, you can also cook from it great snack. Butter the bread. Clean the caviar from the film, removing the grains themselves, and put them on a sandwich.

Extracting the bones

To extract the bones, each housewife has her own secrets. Let's take a look at some of the most popular ones.

To clean the herring from the bones step by step, in the first way, follow these steps:

  1. Lay the prepared fish on the board.
  2. In the lower part of the abdomen from the neck to the tail, cut off strips of meat about half a centimeter wide, they contain small bones that cannot be removed.
  3. Make an incision along the ridge deep to the ribs so as not to damage them.
  4. Make cuts on the tail.
  5. Grasp the top of the half with your hands and pull in the direction of the growth of the abdomen.
  6. Flip over and do the same with the other half.
  7. Remember to remove the skin from each half. To do this, cut it at the neck, take the edge with your hand and pull it to the tail.

The second method is referred to as extrusion. On it, you need to perform the following algorithm:

  1. Make an incision at the bottom of the tail.
  2. Open the fish along the belly like a book and place the inside on a cutting board.
  3. Use your hand to press it along the ridge, pushing the vertebrae out of the meat.
  4. Grasp the spine separated from the meat and stretch it from the neck to the tail.
  5. Don't forget to get rid of the skin. To do this, make cuts where the ridge passed and detach the fillet with your hand.

A big mistake of housewives is to use meat along with the skin. So from not completely cut products they prepare rolls with carrots in Korean, sea ​​kale or other fillings.

They certainly come out delicious, but they are not served in the most convenient way.

Since guests, instead of eating a snack, need to take it apart and get rid of the skin on their own.

If you cook them from pure meat, it will turn out tastier and more convenient to serve as a snack.

Consider what else can be prepared from a peeled herring

Most popular delivery methods

  • Herring is served on the table as an independent snack. To do this, the prepared fillet is cut into pieces about 2 cm wide and laid on a plate overlapping each other, creating a pigtail effect. To enhance the taste, sprinkle with chopped pickled onions on top.
  • It's hard to imagine today festive table without a coat. Each housewife has her own secrets of its preparation. In recent years, its design in the form of a roll has become a common life hack. Or you can decorate ready salad mesh of carrots, creating the effect of scales.
  • We have already mentioned fillet rolls above. You can also make sandwiches with it. But in this case, it is better to use not just a fillet, but to cook minced meat from it. Cutting one part into small cubes 0.5 by 0.5 cm in size, and passing the second through a meat grinder with the addition boiled eggs, baked apple and butter. Mix all this with chopped pieces and you get a great mass for sandwiches. Its taste is especially good with brown bread.

This is not the whole list of ways to serve such a popular product.

Using this product wisely, you can surprise your household and guests with new and delicious holiday dishes every time.

New Year's herring under a fur coat is main course almost every table. And here, too, there are some nuances: in the salad there must be boneless fish.

You can always buy finished fillet in the store, but the store fillet, as a rule, is generously filled with marinade with harmful additives. Still, it's better to learn how to marinate it yourself.

cutting board
sharp knife
gloves for those who do not like the specific smell of fish on their hands
First of all, thoroughly wash the herring under running water.

Then, with a sharp knife, separate the head from the carcass. Cut the belly of the fish from the head to the tail. Get rid of the insides. If you are lucky and have caviar in your belly, you can use it for sandwiches. They turn out very tasty.

Rinse the gutted herring again with running water. Now you have to remove the skin from the carcass. To do this, first make a deep incision along the spine, in the direction from head to tail.

Immediately remove the dorsal fin. And then, gently picking up the edge of the skin with the tip of a knife, remove it from top to bottom.

Now the most important thing! Divide the tail into two parts. Firmly grasp the herring by the tail with both hands, in one hand - one part of the tail, in the other - the second. Holding the fish in this way, wrap the herring around the tail, while a small tear will already appear near the tail.

Gently, slowly, without haste, continue to separate the herring, while all, even very small, bones will remain on the part where the back is. It remains to cut off the tail and separate the spine along with most of the bones from the back. Check the finished parts of the fillet. Remove any remaining bones from them. An ordinary table fork will help you with this.

Under the remaining side bones of the herring, put the cloves of the fork, pull them towards you and remove them. If you do this carefully, there will be no bones left.

After removing the bones, the fillet can be cut into portioned pieces or use for salad.

Herring has always been considered the favorite fish of Russians. It is impossible to imagine a festive table without salted fish with onions and sunflower oil or herring under a fur coat. However, not all housewives know how to clean a herring, and consider this process to be very difficult and time-consuming. But having mastered a few simple ways to cut fish, they will be able to regularly delight their households. delicious meals from herring.

Basic rules for cutting

Regardless of which method of cleaning herring from bones the hostess prefers, she needs to adhere to the basic requirements for cutting this fish. Following them will help make the cleaning process quick and easy:

  1. When cleaning fish, you need to use a very sharp knife. This will eliminate cuts and help avoid loss of fish.
  2. To clean the herring, you need to have a separate board. This is due to the fact that the fishy smell is absorbed very quickly. That is why it is better to refuse wooden boards. Some housewives use only plastic and glass boards to clean fish. The smell in them is practically not absorbed.
  3. Using paper or cling film allows you to keep the board in its original form for several years. Newspapers should not be used as they contain a lot of ink.
  4. To get rid of bad smell hands after work can be used lemon juice or divorced Apple vinegar. Also, any glass washing liquid helps to get rid of the smell of fish.
  5. During cleaning, wipe your hands regularly. paper towel. And you should also wipe the blade of the knife.
  6. Tweezers allow you to remove small bones in a few seconds.

Following these rules will allow you to cut a herring without bones or with them in a few minutes.

To clean herring from the bone, you need special culinary scissors, a sharp knife and a cutting board. Some cooks additionally use tweezers for this purpose. There are several cleaning methods.

Classic bone removal

When looking for information on how to clean a herring quickly and without bones, most housewives find information on classic way cutting . It includes several stages:

Fillet preparation in German

In Germany, housewives use a different way of cleaning fish. A well-known blogger posted a high-quality video on his page. How to properly clean a herring from bones, says a former teacher who speaks Russian well. First you need to cut off the fins, head and tail of the fish. Then you should remove the skin with a "stocking". Then you need to cut the stomach to take out its contents. After that, the fillet is removed, starting from the head, with the help of the thumbs. The fillet must be removed very carefully so as not to damage. This rule can be neglected if the fish is needed for cutting into a salad..

In unsalted herring, it is much more difficult to separate the fillet. In such a situation, you can find a special video on the Internet. How to quickly cut a herring from the bones using a regular package, many bloggers tell.

First you need to cut the stomach and remove all the insides. Then the fish is placed in a bag and beaten off on both sides with a culinary mallet. Do not hit the fish hard with a hammer, as you can severely damage the fillet. Then the carcass should be removed from the bag, cut off its fins, head and tail. After that, it is easy to divide the fish into two parts. On one part there will be a ridge that needs to be removed. Fillets should be skinned at the last minute..

Instant separation of the ridge

There is a way to clean a herring from bones in one motion. It is suitable if the integrity of the fillet is not important. First you need to cut off the head and fins. Then you should remove the skin from the fish and remove the insides from the abdomen. The tail cannot be cut off.

With your right hand, you should take one half of the tail, with your left - for the second. Then the fish must be turned through the tail 360 degrees. After the carcass turns over, you need to pull the tail in different sides. If everything is done correctly, then in one hand there will be a clean piece of fillet with part of the tail. The ridge will need to be separated from the other part of the fish. The belly of the herring is cut off last. This method of cleaning herring is very popular on the Internet. It is demonstrated online by many bloggers and famous chefs.

It is worth remembering that herring has a lot small bones, which remain after the separation of the ridge. They can only be removed with tweezers. First you need to separate from the fillet all visible large bones. After that, the fillet should be carefully felt and inspected. Most of the small bones are located in the region of the back. By removing them, we get a clean fillet that can be eaten without fear of choking on a bone.

Attention, only TODAY!

Herring has been the most popular fish on our tables for many decades, both on holidays and on weekdays. It can be served in any form: sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfillet with onions and butter, or in salads, for example, in the traditional “herring under a fur coat”. True, not everyone likes to carve a herring; It is believed that this is a difficult and painstaking task. We will tell you about several effective and simple ways butchering herring, and this task will not scare you anymore.

Preparation for cutting

  1. The color of the gills should be dark red. A darker color indicates that the herring is already stale and unfit for food. Another sign of freshness - the gills are elastic and do not fall apart.
  2. The eyes of the fish should not be cloudy and protruding from their sockets.

Also pay attention to the smell. There should not be any foreign impurities in it (for example, bitterness or rottenness). To avoid mistakes, buy only fresh or lightly salted herring. How spicier ambassador, the more likely that with its help the manufacturer has hidden unpleasant odors.

On covers of high-quality fresh or slightly salted herring there should be no stains, cuts or holes. After the violation of the integrity of the skin inside the carcass, oxidative processes occur, which are invisible externally, and the fish begins to deteriorate rapidly.

It is better to buy whole carcasses of herring to control its quality.

So, the herring is bought, and you need to start cutting. For this you will need:

  • cutting board;
  • sharp knife;
  • tweezers or tweezers to remove small bones;
  • plastic bags for waste.

It will be better if you have a separate board for cutting fresh or lightly salted herring. The fact is that this fish has a persistent and corrosive smell that is difficult to wash out of a wooden surface. You can put a sheet of cardboard, paper, or a thick napkin on the board (it’s even more convenient to remove waste this way). But in any case, do not spread the newspaper! Printing ink will definitely get into your stomach along with herring, and this is harmful to the body.

It is also desirable to have a separate knife. Well, if you have a set of knives, among which there is a special carving knife for fish.

If you have long nails, you can easily take out small bones from a cut carcass. Otherwise, arm yourself with tweezers or eyebrow tweezers.

The traditional way

  1. Place the fish on a cutting board lined with paper or paper towels. With a sharp knife cut off the head.

    Cut off the herring's head

  2. Then cut off the tail.

    Then separate the tail

  3. Take the herring by the upper fin. Cut it off carefully.

    Cut off the dorsal fin

  4. Lay the herring carcass with its back to you. Run the knife into the abdomen, and starting from the tail, carefully cut.

    cut open the belly

  5. Now you can easily remove the insides by helping yourself with a knife. Milk or caviar may be inside the carcass. Many people love these products: they can be eaten simply with bread or cooked original dish, for example, pate. In any case, carefully clean the milk and caviar from the intestines.

    Remove the insides, helping yourself with a knife

  6. Be sure to remove the lower fins from the belly of the herring. To do this, lay the fish on its side and cut off strips half a centimeter wide along the entire length of the abdomen. Cut from the inside, on both sides.

    Remove bottom fins

  7. Clean the inside of the carcass from the black film. Rinse thoroughly under running water cold water(not warm and not hot!).

    Rinse the herring under cold running water

  8. Put the herring on a plate or board with its back to you. Make an indentation with your left thumb where the fin was cut. Move with a little effort to the top of the carcass, separating the skin, and then to the bottom, to the edge, strictly in the middle. The back is divided into two neat halves.

    Divide the back into two halves

  9. Place the herring carcass back to you again. Pick up the edge of the skin from the side of the tail and gently pull it towards you so that it does not tear, but is removed completely.

    Peel off one side

  10. Repeat on the other side of the fish carcass.

    Repeat on the other side

Ready! The herring is cleaned and you can serve it to the table.

Note! If you cut fresh rather than salted herring in this way, make sure that it is completely defrosted. So it moves away from the bones much easier and “sheds” the skin. But in frozen herring it is easier to cut off the head and tail.

Cleaning a carcass from bones in different ways

You can simply cut the peeled herring into pieces, arrange on a plate and serve as such. But it is better to spend a little time and remove all the bones from the carcass. There are a few simple methods thanks to which you can do it easily and quickly.


  1. Take the prepared carcass and begin to separate the ridge. Separate some meat near the tail so that it is convenient to grab. Grasp it, and, holding the rest of the carcass on the plate with your free hand, gently pull upwards with translational movements. The bones will gradually come out of the herring meat. The fresher the fish, the easier the bones will separate.
  2. Turn the carcass over to the other side, placing it with the ridge up. With the same movements, stretch the spine along with the bones.
  3. Starting at the top, select the remaining bones and black membranes from the inside of the fillet, and so on until the tail.

So you can prepare herring fillets for salads, especially for. You just have to cut the meat into suitable pieces.

In the same way, you can clean raw herring. True, it will be a little more difficult: the ambassador slightly softens the meat and allows it to move away from the bone more easily.

One-swipe cleaning

For this method, pre-prepare the carcass: remove the fins, skin and entrails.

Take the herring with both hands by the tail. Her side will be directed towards you. Tear the tail a little with your hands, slightly spreading them. Hold the herring very tightly, otherwise it will slip out of your fingers.

Holding the carcass in front of you with both hands, “tumble” it towards you so that the herring describes a circle around its own tail.

Now cut the fish in one motion, quickly spreading your arms to the sides. If everything is done correctly, in one hand there will be a back with a ridge, and in the other - two stripes of the abdomen. Now it remains to separate the back from the bones.

Herring fillet can be used for salads, for example, "Herring under a fur coat"

With fresh raw herring it is better not to do such a trick. It is unlikely that you will be able to remove the meat from the bones without damaging the fillet. But if in this way you want to prepare the fillet for “herring under a fur coat” or other similar fish dishes, then the method is quite suitable; The meat will still need to be cut into small pieces.

Punching method

This method does not completely remove the bones from the fillet, but it is also quite simple.

  1. Gut the fish, cut off the fins and remove the skin. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Then make an incision on the back of the carcass. Take it in your hands so that the fingers of the palm are inside the abdomen, and thumb lay in the back.
  2. Squeeze your fingers and separate the part of the fillet from the ridge with squeezing movements. Continue doing this until half of the fillet is completely separated. If you follow the process carefully and carefully, most of the bones will remain on the ridge.
  3. Do the same with the second half, but now hold the spine with one hand, and make pushing movements with the other.

This method is also excellent for fresh, well-thawed herring.

Another easy way

Place your thumb at the dorsal fin 2-3 cm deep. Carefully move it in the direction of the tail, separating the carcass fresh or salted herring in half.

Take the free part of the fillet on the tail and pull towards the head. When you separate one half, proceed to the second. Insert your finger under the spine and separate the tail of the fillet. Pull on the spine, tearing it away from the fish. Now you just have to remove the bones from the fillet.

Video: quick cutting of herring

We told you about only a few ways to clean herring from bones. Surely you have your own tried and tested method, which you constantly use. Please tell us about it in the comments. Bon appetit and comfort to your home!

    Weak salted herring, if you bought it in a store, and did not salt it yourself, you should rinse it with cold water before. how to clean it. We spread the herring on a board convenient for cutting. It is advisable that you have different boards for cutting fish, meat and vegetables - for example, fish, how not to wash the board, can leave a smell. Although it will be subtle, but why take the risk?

    We retreat from the head of the herring 1-1.5 cm and make a small incision. In the place of the incision, gently cling to the skin and pull it. So the skin can be easily removed. You need to do this on one side and on the other side of the herring.

    Cut off the head and the edge of the abdomen. We take out all the insides from the herring. You can scrape the belly of the herring with a knife. To remove everything. Very often, a dark film forms in the middle of the herring - it will be bitter, so it is better to get rid of it.

    With a sharp knife, we make an incision about 3 cm long on the back. In depth, it should reach the ridge of the fish.

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Well, now we put the knife aside - we will work with our hands. We penetrate the incision with our fingers, grab the ridge and, holding it, open the herring, as it were, dividing it into a ridge and loin. We do this with both hands - with one we hold the ridge, with the second we help to separate the fillet. This is very fast process. Believe me, it takes longer to describe than to do.
