
Apple jam transparent slices with lemon. Instant apple jam with lemon

What fruit first comes to mind when the body is faced with viruses and bacteria? Of course, lemon! It is added to tea and just to water, but you can also make the most useful lemon apple juice: the benefits, harms, composition and preparation of which will be the topic for this article. This drink is not only refreshing and tasty, but also incredibly healthy. The combination of these two fruits gives it enough spicy taste, and the vitamin and mineral composition is simply amazing!

What is rich in lemon-apple juice, what is its composition?

A few years ago, a film appeared on the screens that demonstrated all the qualities of living water. The scientist Imotu Masara from Japan was engaged in her research. Based on the conclusions after studying the composition and features structured water he said, the scientist said that it is able to rejuvenate the body at the cellular level, restore all vital functions, and simply miraculously affect the well-being and health of a person. So, a little later, scientists were able to prove another fact: freshly squeezed juices can also be attributed to “live” drinks. , for example, is almost the same structured liquid that contains vitamins, trace elements and a lot of useful things. So are many others.

The combination of lemon and apple juice is an invaluable source of iron and vitamin C, A, B and PP. Just 100 ml of fresh juice contains 2 mg of this essential vitamin. But it is very important to use this particular juice immediately after it is received, since vitamin C can quickly break down when it comes into contact with metal surfaces and on outdoors. Babies are best given it with a plastic spoon.

In addition, the composition of such a drink includes sodium, sulfur and phosphorus, magnesium, copper and boron, molybdenum, chromium and zinc, as well as folic and pantothenic acids, monosaccharides, starches, dietary fiber and pectins.

Benefits of Lemon Apple Juice

The combination of pectins with organic acids is very effective for cleansing the body of radionuclides, removing toxins and harmful toxins. The drink normalizes the production of gastric juice, thereby improving the digestive process. Thanks to malic acid, hemoglobin increases, iron is better absorbed, which is especially useful for children and pregnant women, as well as for those who are familiar with anemia.

Apple-lemon composition allows you to activate the protective ability of the body, increase its ability to resist viruses even in the midst of epidemics viral diseases. Fresh juice is especially useful for smokers, asthmatics, with diseases of the pulmonary tract and tracheitis. Usually those who smoke lack vitamin C in the body, which can lead to a number of respiratory diseases. replenish vitamin reserve need a glass of juice daily.

The drink copes well with stones in gallbladder, normalizes the work of the kidneys. It has a diuretic effect, useful in inflammatory processes in bladder.

It is useful to use such a composition for migraines: it is able to reduce the number of attacks, and eventually completely eliminate them. Before going to bed, taking this drink will allow you to calm down and tune in to a peaceful night's rest.

It is worth remembering that lemon-apple fresh is a product that is allowed in diet food. It very effectively copes with the breakdown of fats, improves metabolism. Beneficial enzymes are the catalysts in the digestive process. During the diet, the use of such a product allows you to maintain optimal water-salt and vitamin-mineral balances. To prevent and combat obesity, it is recommended to drink this juice on an empty stomach.

Depending on which varieties of apples are used for pressing, the normalization of the stool also depends. For those who are prone to constipation, it is better to use green and sweet and sour fruits along with the peel, which has a lot of dietary fiber. When squeezing a lemon, it is better to leave it with pieces of pulp.

The use of such a fresh juice allows you to normalize the work of the heart and improve the condition of blood vessels, increase efficiency and. It copes well with cholesterol plaques, improves brain activity and memory. Regular use juice allows you to normalize the psycho-emotional state and improve the work nervous system.

By the way, one cannot but mention the benefits of freshly squeezed apple-lemon juice in cosmetology. It is recommended for skin diseases, acne, inflammatory acne. Moreover, it is useful not only to drink, but also to use as a lotion for rubbing. With angina and others, you just need to use it for rinsing.

To whom is lemon-apple juice dangerous, what is the harm from it?

Young children are not introduced to his diet until the age of five in order to avoid provoking allergies and. It is worth giving up the drink and people with low blood pressure.

How to make lemon-apple juice: preparation, application

Be sure to squeeze the apples together with the core and peel. You need to choose not spoiled fruits and fully ripe. Lemons should be selected with a thin skin. It is best to use a juicer, but to prepare the composition in small quantities, you can also use a meat grinder: first twist the apples, and then squeeze the mass through gauze, getting pure juice. Lemons can also be squeezed by hand, cut in half.

The optimal proportion is considered: for two lemons, 200 grams of apple juice. You can add sugar or honey to taste. By the way, adding honey to such a composition allows you to get rid of cough. You need to take the remedy in small spoons 6-7 times during the day. And with urolithiasis, you need to add not two squeezed lemons to the apple juice, but one, replacing the second with one carrot. You need to drink 3-4 times a day.

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Without a doubt, apple jam can rightly be called one of the most popular desserts in all regions of Russia: the simplicity of the recipe and the low cost of the products used will not leave anyone indifferent. Apple jam can be prepared all year round, because the main ingredient is in the public domain. At the moment there are many various recipes cooking this dish, we will present one of them.

Apple jam with lemon - recipe

In order to make the taste of the dish more refined, it is proposed to add lemon to it. Another feature of this recipe is the method of slicing apples and lemons: they should cut into large pieces . It is better to choose an apple with a denser pulp, this will help preserve the aesthetic appearance and taste ready meal.

How to choose the right apples?

According to the statistics of scientists from Japan, apples that have an unattractive appearance can be considered the most useful. For example, wild fruits contain 15-20% more vitamins in their composition, but they cannot be purchased in a supermarket or on the market. Therefore, taking into account this fact, we determine What are the criteria for choosing apples?

Main Ingredients:

  • apples - up to 1 kg,
  • sugar - 500-600 g,
  • lemon - 1 piece (170-200 g).

According to the recipe, granulated sugar should be poured into a medium-sized saucepan. Then water is poured into it in such a way as to completely cover the surface of the sugar. The next step is to make sugar syrup, for this you need to mix both ingredients thoroughly. The syrup can be mixed by hand in a cold way, or on a stove by heat treatment which will shorten the cooking time.

This is followed by the preparation of apples: they must be thoroughly washed, then cut large slices. If a small fruit is available, then you can cut it in half. Its slices should also be carefully washed under running water and then place them in a bowl with sugar syrup. You can start cooking apple jam on the stove.

Then you need to prepare a lemon: it also needs to be washed under water, after which it is recommended to grate the zest on a fine grater. Be sure to remove the seeds to protect yourself from the bitterness of apple jam. The remaining lemon is cut into large slices. If desired, you can leave one part of it to decorate the apple dessert.

Meanwhile, the apples are cooking before acquiring a transparent tone, after which coarsely chopped lemon and its zest are added to them. Continue cooking the apple jam until all the components of the dish are saturated with the aroma of each other. The duration of the procedure at this stage is about five minutes.

So, the recipe for a dish of slices fragrant apple with the addition of a refined note of citrus, can be considered ready. It can be poured into jars hot or cold. With a beautiful slice of lemon, you can decorate the surface of the jam after filling the jar.

Then there is the procedure of clogging with sterile caps. It is also worth noting that the jars before placing the jam should be carefully sterilized. This recipe is sure to please all family members, because adding to classic recipe notes of lemon, makes it truly unique.

You can let the fruit jam brew for a day, then it will change its consistency, becoming more jelly-like, because from apple jam it might turn out great stuffing for baking. Adding lemon to a dish will give a richer flavor at the expense of a citrus note.


It is not necessary to store jam in the cellar; an ordinary kitchen cabinet or a glazed loggia is also suitable for this purpose. The only requirement in this case is the absence of excessive light and heat, that is, the product should not be placed in the cold season near electric heaters. Gourmets will appreciate this dish. By the way, for lovers of bitterness, you can add to the recipe not one, but one and a half lemons, which will give apple jam a more piquant taste.

This dish is the perfect accompaniment. light breakfast in the form of cheesecakes and pancakes, and will also harmoniously complement the taste of oatmeal with toast. It is also added to many baking recipes as a main ingredient.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking delicious and fragrant jam apples with lemon

2018-06-26 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


50 gr.

200 kcal.

Option 1. Classic Apple Lemon Jam Recipe

Apple jam with lemon turns out very tasty with delicate aroma citrus fruits. It is served with toast, or used as a filling for pastries.


  • ripe apples - a kilogram;
  • small lemon;
  • granulated sugar - kilogram.

Step-by-step recipe for apple jam with lemon

Rinse apples under running water and cut off the peel. Remove the core by cutting each fruit into several pieces. Grind fruit pulp in small pieces. Pour in copper basin some water. Put apples in it.

Rinse the lemon with a brush and wipe dry. Grate the zest, cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Add everything to the bowl with apples and mix. Cover the basin with a lid and put on fire. Warm up on big fire about a minute, then twist it and simmer until the fruit is completely soft. Stir regularly so that the jam does not burn.

Remove the bowl of apple jam from the heat. Cool slightly and puree with an immersion blender. put back on medium fire. Bring to a boil and add a quarter of the sugar. Cook the mass, stirring, for five minutes. Then add the same amount of sugar, mix and cook for the same amount of time. Repeat the process until all the sugar is gone.

Pack the jam in sterile dry jars. Seal tightly with lids. Turn upside down, wrap in a warm cloth and cool completely.

Apples for jam must be ripe, without wormholes and damage. Cut the fruit into thin small slices. So it will completely boil and the puree will turn out homogeneous. If you do not have a blender, you can mash the apples with a masher or grind through a sieve.

Option 2. A quick recipe for apple jam with lemon in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can easily cook thick, tender apple jam. Fruit slices are left overnight in granulated sugar. The cooking time of the treat is only half an hour.


  • a kilogram of juicy green apples;
  • on a sprig of rosemary and fresh mint;
  • 600 g of white granulated sugar;
  • one small lemon.

How to quickly make jam from apples with lemon

Wash and dry apples. We remove the seed boxes by cutting the fruit into slices. If the skin is tough, cut it off. Add up apple slices into the container. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice out of half. We water the apples. We put rosemary, mint and a circle of lemon.

We fall asleep apples with herbs with granulated sugar. Mix the contents by gently shaking the bowl. We tighten the container cling film and put in the refrigerator overnight. We shift the contents into a dry, clean multicooker pan. We install it in the device and start the “jam” mode for half an hour. After 15 minutes, pause for ten minutes.

Wash small jars, sterilize and dry. We spread the jam in them and tightly roll up the lids. Turn over, wrap and refrigerate.

This jam can be used to make a sauce for chicken or pork. Cool the treat by wrapping it in a warm blanket or jacket.

Option 3. Apple jam with lemon, orange and cinnamon

The taste of apples is perfectly complemented by cinnamon. Apple jam with citrus fruits and cinnamon is a delicacy that will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • two kilograms of fresh apples;
  • purified water - a glass;
  • two kilograms of white granulated sugar;
  • four oranges;
  • one lemon;
  • ground cinnamon to taste.

How to cook

We wash the lemon, wipe it dry with a napkin. We are filming sharp knife peel. Cut into thin slices and fill cold water. We hold out for two hours.

Oranges are peeled. Cut the flesh into small pieces and place in a bowl. Add water and add sugar. Here we put the peel of the lemon. Cook the mixture over low heat for a quarter of an hour.

Wash apples, dry them. Cut off the thin skin. Cut each fruit in half and remove the seeds. The flesh is cut into beautiful pieces and laid out in citrus syrup. Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 20 minutes. We lay out the hot jam in clean sterile jars. Then we sterilize them for 20 minutes in a water bath and tightly roll up the lids.

You can use a cinnamon stick or ground spice to make jam. Stir the jam regularly while cooking to prevent it from burning. If the peel on apples is soft, you can not cut it off.

Option 4. Bulgarian apple jam with lemon

The jam prepared according to this recipe has a delicate jelly-like texture. Nuclei walnut add piquancy and pleasant aroma.


  • two kilograms of ripe apples;
  • two lemons.

Per liter of juice:

  • 750 g of granulated sugar.
  • Per liter of jelly:
  • 50 g of walnut kernels;
  • 5 g of citric acid.

Step by step recipe

Wash apples, dry and cut each into eight slices. We do not cut out the core. Lemons washed, wiped and cut thin slices.

Put apples with lemons in a copper basin and mix. Fill the contents with water so that it completely covers the fruit. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until soft.

Drain the apples in a colander and strain the juice. Add sugar to it and pour it into a bowl. Bring to a boil. Cook over high heat until thickened. Adding citric acid and dried and peeled walnut kernels. We spread the jam in dry, sterile glass containers and tightly close the lids.

Dry the kernels of nuts in a dry frying pan, or in the oven, laying them on a baking sheet. Apples left over from making jam can be rubbed through a sieve and used to make pastries or drinks.

Option 5. Apple jam with lemon and ginger

For cooking, you can use any apples. The main thing is that they are ripe and juicy. In winter, apple jam with ginger and lemon will be an excellent prevention of colds.


  • two kilograms of ripe apples;
  • two glasses of purified water;
  • kilogram of ordinary granulated sugar;
  • 100 g of ginger root;
  • three lemons.

How to cook

Rinse lemons thoroughly and pat dry. Using a fine grater, remove the zest, being careful not to touch the white part. Cut citrus fruits in half and squeeze out the juice. Wash the apples, peel and remove the core. Cut fruit pulp into slices. Put in a copper basin and pour over lemon juice. Peel the ginger root and chop on a fine grater.

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, add lemon zest and grated ginger. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. Boil until sugar dissolves. Add apples, stir and simmer for half an hour over low heat until thickened. Remove foam periodically.

Wash jars thoroughly baking soda. Sterilize and dry. Pack the jam in glass containers and seal tightly. Turn the jars upside down. Wrap up and refrigerate.

If fresh ginger no, you can use dried. Be sure to sterilize the jars so that the jam retains its freshness for as long as possible. Do not use for cooking enamelware. In it, the jam will burn. It is better if it is a copper basin or a pan with a thick bottom.

Apple jam with lemon is an interesting alternative to the usual and well-known apple jam. How to cook this healthy and fragrant delicacy we will tell in this article.

Jam from apples with lemon - delicious and healthy!


Lemon 2 pieces) Granulated sugar 1 kg Apple 2 kilograms

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes

Apples with lemon for the winter: recipe number 1

To make this jam you will need:

  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 2 lemons.

First you need to prepare the syrup: pour sugar into a saucepan and pour it warm water just to cover him. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved in water.

Wash the apples, cut into four parts, then into smaller slices, remove the cores. The skin does not need to be cut unless it is too rough. Put the apples in a saucepan with syrup. Cook over low heat until the apples are transparent.

While jam is cooking, prepare jars and lids. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

Remove zest from lemons fine grater. Cut the lemon into thin slices or quarters of a circle. Remove seeds. Leave a couple of thin circles or semicircles for decoration.

When the apples have become transparent or puree, put the zest and chopped lemons into the pan. Cook no more than five minutes. Ready jam immediately carefully divide into jars. On the edge of the jars, so that they can be seen, put the slices left for decoration. roll up the banks sealed lids. Can be stored in a cellar or pantry at room temperature.

Apples with lemon: recipe number 2

This jam is cooked in two stages, apple slices are complete and transparent. What will be needed for it:

  • 3 kg of apples;
  • 2 large lemons or 3 small ones;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of water.

From water and sugar, simmer the syrup over low heat, stirring so that the sugar does not burn.

Remove the seeds from the lemon, otherwise it will be bitter. Cut it into thin slices.

Wash the apples, cut off the damaged areas, cut in half. After that, remove the cores and cut the apples into thin slices.

Put the apples in a saucepan with syrup, add chopped lemons there, boil for 7 minutes at a gentle boil, remove from heat.

Let the apples cool and soak in the syrup. Can be left overnight.

In the morning, boil the apples for about half an hour until fully prepared. Arrange the jam hot in prepared jars and roll up for the winter. After cooling, especially if put in the refrigerator for a short time, the syrup acquires the consistency of jelly.

Both recipes are easy to prepare, and the result is excellent - fragrant and very tasty apple-lemon jam.

In order to cook drink for weight loss from cinnamon, apples and lemon, it will take less than twenty minutes, but it helps to feel great all day long. If you haven't tried it yet, now is the time to discover it for yourself.

As we already know, such means by themselves do not work miracles. Taking them, you need to take care of some other things. First, you need to stick to healthy habits. Eat a varied and balanced diet and fight a sedentary lifestyle. Secondly, purposefulness is needed. Some healthy habits and natural remedies not enough, you need willpower and constancy.

It is important to keep in mind that every person is different. Some lose weight quite easily, others find it hard.

You need to be persistent and try to maximize the properties of the recommended natural remedy.

We invite you to discover the beneficial properties of this wonderful drink from cinnamon, apples and lemon.

Useful properties of a drink from cinnamon, apples and lemon

This drink requires a couple of cinnamon sticks, a couple of green apples, and the juice of one lemon. These products are very useful, and if you combine them in one recipe, they healing properties intensify.

What benefits does this wonderful drink bring to our body?

Weight loss drink full of antioxidants

And lemon and green apples and cinnamon protect the body from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. These ingredients are rich in polyphenols that strengthen our heart.

  • However, we must not forget that by themselves they do not help to get rid of extra pounds.

They contribute to the proper functioning of various systems of our body. Antioxidants protect the cells of the body and ensure the normal functioning of the liver, an organ that plays an important role in getting rid of extra pounds.

  • In addition, there is an interesting "regularity" that seems to have no exceptions: Antioxidant-rich foods are very low in fat and calories.

Cinnamon drink as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent

Foods with anti-inflammatory properties help the body, prevent kidney and heart problems, and protect us from many diseases.

Cinnamon and lemon are powerful anti-inflammatory agents that supply the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Regulates blood sugar levels

This weight loss drink from cinnamon, apples and lemon has many useful properties. It even helps regulate blood sugar levels.

  • Cinnamon is one of best products, protecting us from metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

This is due to the fact that it affects the production of digestive enzymes so that nutrients digested properly and excess sugar does not accumulate in the blood.

  • If we add an apple to cinnamon, we will ensure that sugar enters the bloodstream even more slowly. This will benefit both our health and our figure.

Fat burns better

Of course, you can’t expect instant results from drinking this cinnamon, apple, and lemon drink.

But it significantly activates our metabolism. Thanks to this, fat is burned better, of course, if we are healthy lifestyle life.

  • It is important to note that this drink contributes. It acts as a diuretic, helps digestion and, in addition, improves the condition of the cardiovascular system.
  • As a result of its use, fat is burned more easily. Especially belly fat.
  • If we take this drink regularly and remember the need for a healthy, balanced diet, the results will be visible in fifteen to twenty days.

Fat burning is promoted by enzymes contained in green apples. Therefore, in addition to taking this drink, it is worth eating green apples at least 3 times a week. They contain not only beneficial enzymes, but pectin is also a type of fiber (it is found mainly in the peel).

How to Make a Weight Loss Drink with Cinnamon, Apples, and Lemon


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 or 2 cinnamon sticks (10 g)
  • Juice of one lemon


This really takes no more than twenty minutes.

  • Take two good green apples (organically grown). Wash them well and cut into slices (no need to cut the peel).
  • Then squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix it with a liter of water.
  • The drink is almost ready. It remains only to add apples and cinnamon to this mixture.
  • Now put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • In order for cinnamon, apples and lemon to “infuse” better You can leave the drink in the refrigerator overnight.

Starting the next morning, you can drink it a little before meals. You will see that you will immediately feel better.

Well, let's start preparing a magical drink?
