
Meals for 250 kcal per serving. Calorie content of prepared meals

For people who are familiar with diets and weight loss techniques, counting calories becomes a useful tool in losing weight. The number of calories consumed gives the body a supply of energy, but if it remains unspent, it is deposited in the form of fat cells. A balanced diet allows you to regulate the ratio of calorie intake and expenditure and control your own weight.

The calculation of the calorie content of meals and products is usually required to maintain fitness, in the process of losing weight or gaining weight. The calculation of calories in products, entrusted to the computer, avoids errors and saves time.

How to use the calorie calculator to determine the calorie content of one meal or to find out how many calories you consume per day?

Using the Calorie Calculator

Table calorie content of food and ready meals broken downinto two parts - “calorie content of dishes” and “calorie content of products”, each of which contains categories of dishes and products. When you click on a certain category, a list of the corresponding dishes or products appears. For each dish, information is provided on the calorie content and the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.

We select the dish or product you are interested in - this can be done in two ways:

  • enter the name of the dish or product in the search and select the appropriate one from the pop-up list;
  • select a product or dish from the list of the corresponding category from the table

Example: you are interested in how many calories are in 200g of pea soup.

  • in the part of the table “calorie content of dishes” click on the category “first courses” - a list of first courses will open;
  • we look for and select “pea soup” in the proposed list;
  • indicate the weight of the portion in the box on the left;
  • after specifying the weight, this dish will be added to the list of selected products.

Thus, at the top above the category table, your finalcalorie table of food and ready mealsindicating the number of calories separately for each dish and the final total calorie content. In the final list, it is possible to edit the weight of the product and delete unnecessary dishes.

Such calorie calculator for ready meals and products onlineuseful in analyzing calorie intake if the goal is weight loss. During the day, you can add all your meals to the list and find outhow many calories a dayyou consume. A useful service for losing weight is also a calorie consumption calculator for various activities, you will find it

How to calculate the calorie content of ready meals?

  • summing up the kcal of each ingredient of the dish, which can be found in the calorie table;
  • by entering all the data into the calorie calculator.

The number of calories in products is indicated in the table per 100 g. When calculating, this number must be multiplied by the actual mass of the specified ingredient, so you cannot do without a kitchen scale. Since we usually prepare a dish for several servings, the amount received must be divided by their number.

To find out how many calories you consume for the whole day, you will need to add together the calorie content of all meals eaten. If you use to calculate food calorie analyzer , then all arithmetic operations are performed automatically. You only need to select a dish or product and indicate the portion eaten.

The rate of calorie intake

Each person has their own standards. It depends on gender, age and activity. Women generally need fewer calories to function normally than men. People with reduced activity are less than those who play sports. With age, the required number of kcal decreases.

Thus, if you are a man leading an active lifestyle and under the age of 30, then your bar will be the highest - 3,000 kcal per day. If you are an active young woman, then your norm is already lower - 2,400 kcal. If you are an elderly man who does not lean on sports, but is moderately active, then for you the optimal calorie intake is 2,200 kcal.

Also, when calculating the norm, you can build on the ideal weight that you are striving for. You can calculate the daily kcal intake using the following averaged formula: desired weight * 14 / 0.453. The number of calories received is your daily allowance, which should not be exceeded, but it is also not recommended to underestimate.

In addition to the norm of calories, there is an optimal amount of macronutrients consumed. Proteins make up 10-15% of the total kcal, fats - 25-30%, and saturated ones account for only 7%, the rest is given to carbohydrates.

How much do you need to reduce your calorie intake to lose weight?

If you are aiming to lose weight, then reducing the calorie intake is indispensable. It is calculated according to the above formula. But not any desired weight is considered safe. Experts do not recommend reducing daily calories by more than 20%.

You can check this by dividing the resulting value by the total caloric content consumed at the moment. If the calculated number is greater than or equal to 0.8, then the reduction in kcal will not harm the body. In no case should you reach the dangerous limit of 1,800 kcal for men and 1,200 kcal for women. To strictly adhere to this allowable level, use calorie counter for ready meals.

Ways to reduce the calorie content of meals

It is possible to reduce the calorie content of ready-made meals and products by 100 grams not only by selecting low-calorie ingredients, but also by using special cooking methods. Foods that are heat-treated already lose up to 15% of calories. A slow cooker and a double boiler help to reduce the calorie content of dishes as much as possible.

Pre-treatment of products is also important. By removing the skin from the chicken, you will get a less high-calorie dish in the end. And by ditching processed foods and opting for making your own from scratch, you can reduce the amount of saturated fat you use. Another important point is the presentation of the dish. The smaller the plate, the smaller the portion you will eat.

Caloric content, or energy value, is the amount of energy that is released when nutrients are oxidized during metabolism.

Ethyl alcohol calories 96% alcohol is 710 kcal/100g. Of course, vodka is alcohol diluted with water and therefore the calorie content of vodka ranges from 220 to 260 kcal / 100 g., by the way, manufacturers of onnoy must indicate this on their products!

Why are many people surprised, “I eat almost nothing, I only eat vodka, but I’m getting fat by leaps and bounds!”? - And all because few people know that vodka is a high-calorie product and gives a lot of energy to the body, and that half a liter of vodka contains the daily calorie intake of a skinny person, and a container of 0.75 contains the daily calorie intake of an average person! For comparison: 100 grams of vodka is 100g. pancakes with butter, 100g. beef patties or 100g. stew.

There is an opinion that alcohol calories are “empty”, because they do not contain nutrients, which means they cannot be stored in fat and therefore do not get fat from alcohol calories. It's a delusion! This only means that the calories of alcohol cannot be stored directly in fat. Alcoholic calories, the so-called "empty" ones, are pure energy that the body needs to spend. You must have noticed that under the influence of alcohol people become more active. 🙂?

The body, receiving a dose of such empty calories, immediately rearranges itself in such a way as to get rid of them in the first place, those. first, the body burns alcohol calories, and then all the rest, if there is such a need for this. Alcohol, this product, which is harmful in large quantities, the body cannot transfer to the reserve, therefore, it strives to remove it by all means as soon as possible, and switches to alcoholic fuel, ceasing to burn fat, protein and carbohydrate reserves, and the natural fat reserves prepared for burning are simply deposited for later.

Therefore, despite the fact that alcohol calories are called "empty", because. they do not contain nutrients, they still give a lot of energy to the body, and the body needs to spend this energy. And if you not only drink alcohol, but eat at least something on the same day :), then the body receives much more energy than from food without alcohol. And since it is more difficult for him to spend more energy, the calories from alcohol, as already mentioned, are burned first of all, and the calories that come from food are simply not consumed, but having a nutritional basis, they are deposited in the form of fat in fat depots.

In addition, alcohol provokes cell insensitivity to insulin. (insulin is a hormone that forms adipose tissue). More insulin is produced, and therefore more fat is formed. It should also be remembered that alcohol is a toxin that affects the liver and leads to the development of alcoholic fatty liver disease, fatty liver disease.

Therefore, do not believe the "scientifically proven facts" when they say that the calories in alcohol are "empty", and these vodka calories do not get fat. Get fat, how!

With the food we eat every day, we get the energy necessary for the life of our body. As you know, the calorie content of foods is determined by such a unit of energy as calories. Each product has its own nutritional value. It often happens that an excess of calories consumed leads to excess weight. The material exchange is also disturbed. Therefore, you need to carefully control your diet. And the table can help with this (the calorie content of the products in it is indicated per 100 g), which our article will tell about.

Calorie content of the main products

The general table of caloric content of foods and dishes consists of several sections that contain the most common types of components. We invite you to take a look at some of them. But before that, let's determine what should be the daily rate of calories consumed by a person. It is an undeniable fact that the amount of energy that a person spends depends on individual factors: gender, age, lifestyle, level of daily activity. Accordingly, taking into account these individual characteristics, the number of calories consumed per day by a particular person is determined.

For example, if a man has a moderately active lifestyle, then at the age of 19-30 years old he should consume 2600-2800 kcal per day, 31-50 years old - 2400-2600, after 51 - 2200-2400. But a woman with the same moderately active lifestyle should receive 2200 kilocalories every day at 19-25 years old, 2000 kcal - 26-50 years old, 1800 kcal - over 51.

In addition to all of the above, the daily calorie intake, which is mandatory for the human body, is affected by its own weight. If you are overweight, it is recommended to reduce the calories you get every day. And the owners of a lean body structure, in order to gain weight, should increase them.

Calorie content of fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs

In addition to calories, the human body receives a certain amount of vitamins and minerals from foods. Therefore, it is very important that the daily diet is varied. First of all, you need to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs. Consider the calorie content of these products. The table below will tell you about it. The calorie content of products in it is indicated based on 100 g.

Fruits, berries

Product name

Calories in 100 g










Vegetables, greens

Brussels sprouts

Fresh cucumbers


green onion

Green sweet pepper


White cabbage


red cabbage




boiled potatoes

Green pea

Calorie content of bakery products

The calorie table for finished products (bakery) describes how many calories are in 100 g of a product. If we compare it with the previous list, it immediately becomes clear that flour products significantly exceed vegetables, fruits, and berries in terms of calories. Although the latter have much more useful substances.

Calorie content of dairy products

There is a table in front of you. The calorie content of the products listed in it ranges from 30 to 380 calories per 100 g. Having carefully studied the nutritional value of dairy products, you can determine what is best for those who want to lose weight, and what to eat every day, for example, a child who has daily energy expenditure is very high.


Product name

Calories per 100 g

Fat-free kefir

3.2% acidophilus

curdled milk

Fatty kefir

3.2% milk

Whole cow's milk

Low-fat cottage cheese

10% sour cream

10% cream

20% sour cream

Ice cream

18% cottage cheese

Cottage cheese with sour cream

Cow cheese

sausage cheese

20% cream

parmesan cheese

Dutch cheese

Russian cheese

Lamber cheese

Curd curds

Calories in grains and legumes

The table of caloric content of food products, namely grains and legumes, is presented below. Having studied it, one can understand why schoolchildren are recommended to cook dishes from these ingredients for breakfast. Obviously, they are very nutritious and improve brain activity.

Cereals and legumes

Product name

Calories per 100 g

Peas green

oat flakes


Barley flakes


Pearl barley

Barley grits

Unground buckwheat groats

Rye flour

Wheat flour


Wheat groats


Oat groats

cocoa powder

Calorie content of poultry, meat, seafood, fish

Below is a table. The calorie content of products (poultry, meat, seafood) is very different. It ranges from 16 to 475 calories per 100 g of product. But nevertheless, you need to choose a product not only for its nutritional value, but also for the content of useful substances in it.

Meat, poultry

Product name

Calories in 100 g


Beef liver

rabbit meat

Boiled chicken


roast beef

Beef stew

Fried chicken

Boiled sausage

Pork chop

Fat lamb

Braised pork

Semi-smoked sausage


Fish, seafood

sea ​​kale

Atlantic herring


Canned food in own juice (fish)

Pollock caviar

Fried carp

Fried salmon

Keto caviar

Sprats in oil

grainy caviar

Canned food in oil (fish)

smoked salmon

Calorie sauces, fats

Nowadays, the use of various sauces and fats is very popular. But nutritionists do not recommend getting carried away with them, since these products are the most high-calorie. Therefore, sauces and fats do not have the best effect on the human body. So, what is the calorie content of products (table)? 100 grams of the most nutritious of them, namely melted fat, contains as much as 930 kcal. Agree, it would be much more useful to eat some kind of side dish, something from dairy products and, for example, fruits. Thus, the body will receive the same number of calories, and the vitamins and nutrients so necessary for the health of our body will be a bonus.

Sauces, fats

Product name

Calories per 100 g

Light mayonnaise

Sandwich margarine

For baking margarine

Cream margarine


Olive oil

Melted butter

Corn oil

Soybean oil

Sunflower oil

melted fat

Calorie content of products: table of ready meals

In the table below you can see the most popular side dishes used in everyday life. As usual, their caloric content is indicated per 100 g of the finished dish.

The table shows that the most high-calorie side dish is fried potatoes (fries), but the least nutritious side dish is mashed potatoes with milk.


In the previous article, we told you about how to do exercises at home to lose weight in the abdomen, improve the shape of the legs and the elasticity of the buttocks. In addition to physical activity to get rid of excess weight, we need to correctly compose a diet with an optimal calorie content in dishes. To start eating right and lose weight, you will need a kitchen scale. You can't get by without them. If you don’t have scales yet, we advise you to purchase them so as not to track “by eye” the number of calories of food consumed (both fresh and dishes prepared from them). Give preference to electronic ones so that you can more accurately find out the weight of ready meals and fresh products. Before buying scales in a store, you need to check them for errors. Two or three grams is more or less acceptable.

You definitely need to familiarize yourself with the table of calorie content of ready-made meals and products per 100 grams in order to be able to calculate the number of calories you consume during the day.

You can supplement the data with the calorie content of other foods in your diet if they are not listed in the calorie table. Below are lists of ready meals with calorie content per 100 gr. : side dishes, salads, first and second courses, boiled cereals and cereals, cooked fish, poultry dishes, meat and minced meat, sushi and rolls.



You will also need a food diary. It can be replaced with a convenient calorie counting program. In the diary, you need to record everything that you ate during the day, indicating the amount and time of eating.

Consider the number of calories in different food categories to create a menu for your diet:

Low calorie content (40-100 kcal) In dairy products: milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese. In fish: flounder, cod, zander, carp, pike, pollock. In berries and fruits.

Moderate calorie content (100-300 kcal) in bold cottage cheese; in lean beef and lamb, in rabbit, chicken and eggs.

High and very high calorie content (300-900 kcal and above, and these are approximate figures) in butter and vegetable oil, fatty pork, in any nuts, in halva and chocolate, in cakes with fatty creams and similar sweets; in cream and heavy cream.

Do not forget that when cooking products, they are boiled and fried. At the same time, the weight of the products decreases, and the calorie content increases. How boiled and fried products:

- meat (beef, lamb, pork) - by 40%;

Poultry meat - by 30%;

Rabbit meat - by 25%;

Fish - by 20%;

Liver (beef, pork, lamb) - by 30%;

Heart (beef, pork, lamb) - by 45%.


About twenty percent of the oil in which you fry the dish will be absorbed into the food. The rest of the oil in different parts burns, evaporates or remains unchanged.

For example, take a small piece of chicken - two hundred grams. For its preparation, we need thirty grams of sunflower oil. Twenty percent of thirty grams of butter is six grams. Based on this, we add the calories of six grams of butter to the calories of chicken meat.

1) 200 grams of chicken fillet: 116 kcal x 2 = 232 kcal;

2) 6 grams of vegetable oil: 900 kcal: 0.06 = 54 kcal;

3) 232 + 54 = 286 kcal

Let's calculate how many calories are in borscht.

Beef meat on the bone: 400 grams (110 kcal x 4 = 440 kcal);

White cabbage: 400 grams (27 kcal x 4 = 108 kcal);

Potatoes: 400 grams (80 kcal x 4 = 240 kcal);

Onions: 300 grams (41 kcal x 3 = 123 kcal);

Carrots: 150 grams (37 kcal x 1.5 = 56 kcal);

Bulgarian pepper: 150 grams (27 kcal x 1.5 = 41 kcal);

Tomatoes: 150 grams (23 kcal x 1.5 = 35 kcal);

Tomato paste: 50 grams (99 kcal x 0.5 = 50 kcal);

Vegetable oil: 60 grams (900 kcal x 0.51 = 459 kcal).

If we add up all the calories in the products for making borscht, we get 1630 kcal.

Then we will cook the borscht and weigh how much borscht we got (without the weight of the pan). This is approximately 3650 grams.

3650 grams of borscht = 1630 kcal

100 grams of borscht \u003d x kcal

100 x 1630: 3650 = 45 kcal

if we assume that your serving of borscht is 250 grams, then you can calculate: 45 kcal x 2.5 = 113 kcal


Hard-boiled eggs do not lose their beneficial properties. The longer you cook an egg, the longer it will take to digest in your stomach.

How to boil eggs properly.

Pour boiling water into a small saucepan. Take a spoon and quickly but gently lower all the eggs into the water. Make sure that the water exceeds the eggs by one centimeter. Then you need to turn on the timer and boil the eggs for exactly a minute. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cover with a lid. Set the timer again and boil the eggs for seven minutes. The protein will turn out completely cooked, and the yolk is more dense.

boiled egg

Kcal - 160

Fats - 11.6

Proteins - 12.9

Carbohydrates - 0.8


We heat the oil in a frying pan, knock out the eggs there, without damaging the yolks. Fry the eggs on the stove for one to two minutes. Then put the pan in a hot oven for three to four minutes. Watch out, as soon as the protein has become white on top, you can serve the scrambled eggs directly in the pan, or on a heated plate.

The calorie content of a fried egg is quite high - 358 kcal.

In terms of nutritional value, scrambled eggs are superior to boiled eggs. But it is important to consider that fifty kcal of the figure indicated above is contained in the protein.

The highest calorie content is in dried porcini mushrooms - 210 kcal and in salted mushrooms - 201 kcal. Then, in descending order, pickled mushrooms can be called, then fried. Freshly cooked boiled mushrooms have the lowest percentage of calories - they lose their value during processing.

If you take a mushroom like champignon, it can be used in various diets. It contains about ninety percent water, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, organic acids, many vitamins and minerals: phosphorus, iron, zinc and potassium. All these substances are very useful for our immune system, are well absorbed and contribute to weight loss. The phosphorus content in mushrooms is no less than in fish. And their calorie content does not exceed 27.4 kcal. Mushrooms can be used in salt-free diets, as they have a very low sodium content.


Kcal - 27

Fats - 1.0

Proteins - 4.3

Carbohydrates - 1.0


Vinaigrette is considered one of the healthiest salads. It consists mainly of red vegetables: beets and carrots.

Carrots are a healthy root vegetable that contains carotene and has a beneficial effect on vision and blood. With frequent use of vinaigrette, the body begins to renew the blood. It is saturated with useful trace elements, which may not be enough in our body.

One of the obligatory ingredients of the vinaigrette is pickled or pickled cucumbers. They are also very useful to eat every day. The vinaigrette recipe is extremely simple. For vinaigrette you will need potatoes, beets, carrots. They need to be boiled first. After cooling, cut the vegetables into small cubes, add pickled or pickled cucumbers, sour or fresh cabbage and season the salad with fragrant vegetable oil. If desired, boiled beans or green peas can be added to the vinaigrette.

The vinaigrette:

Kcal - 122,

Proteins - 1.4

Carbohydrates - 6.6


Pepper is rich in vitamins, which have antihistamine properties, which greatly facilitates breathing. Pepper has a high content of carotene and vitamins B1 and B2. The composition of pepper includes sugars, nitrogenous substances and essential oil. Pepper has an impressive content of minerals: phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur and silicon.

Kcal - 27,

Fats - 0.0

Proteins - 1.3

Carbohydrates - 5.7


A great alternative to store-bought mayonnaise is homemade mayonnaise - it will contain fewer calories, less harmful ingredients, and the taste will be excellent. It does not contain preservatives, which means it is healthier. Its cost is much lower. Plus, you can add various spices to it according to your taste.

Making mayonnaise at home is quite simple, and most importantly, it does not take much time.

To prepare it, you will need vegetable oil, water, milk powder, egg powder, sugar, salt, dry mustard and vinegar. Its fat content will be sixty-seven percent.

Mayonnaise homemade:

Kcal - 624,

Proteins - 3.1

Carbohydrates - 2.6


Melon is a healthy product that is rich in vitamins and minerals. The content of iron in melon is almost twenty times higher than in milk. Melon pulp contains potassium, chlorine, sodium and calcium. Melon is very useful for anemia, exhaustion, for some diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as for atherosclerosis. It is able to enhance the effect of the antibiotic, while making it less toxic.

Melon contains a huge amount of various enzymes. It is perfectly absorbed by our intestines and helps it to function normally. Melon promotes weight loss. With disorders of the digestive system, this is an indispensable medicine.


Kcal - 33

Fats - 0.3

Proteins - 0.6

Carbohydrates - 7.4

If you have just started compiling your diet menu and want to know how many calories are in certain dishes (food), ask questions in the comments below. There you can also share tips, your experience in losing weight, which diet helped you lose those extra pounds.

We lose weight without stress and harm to health - a table of caloric content of foods and ready meals. An effective technique with lasting results!

Calorie counting is a very effective way to lose weight. The main advantage of this method is the stability and longevity of the result obtained -
adhering to the recommended average daily personal calorie intake, you will not gain weight again.
The advantage is also the ability to eat your favorite food, limiting yourself only in quantity, thus diversifying your diet as much as possible without driving yourself into stress.

Determine your rate and eat in accordance with this figure, using the table of caloric content of food and ready meals.

The formula for calculating the average daily personal norm.

The result is multiplied by the individual indicator of physical activity.

  • 1.2 - minimum movements, sitting work, driving a car, no additional physical activity;
  • 1.3 - low motor load, the need to move a lot every day on foot or jogging 1-2 times / week, cycling, team sports, light physical labor;
  • 1.5 - attending a fitness club 3-5 times a week, active physical labor;
  • 1.7 - high physical activity, regular heavy physical labor or daily long-term sports;
  • 1.9 - very high level of physical activity. Usually, athletes live in this mode before competitions.

Strive to lose weight - subtract 20% from the total, if you want to build muscle mass - add 20%, your goal is to keep weight - leave the figure unchanged, this will be your daily norm.

When planning your menu, distribute the main amount of food at lunchtime, do not forget 1-2 snacks between meals.

We add, record, store information.
We calculate everything once, remember it, and then we have a pleasant time at a party or a restaurant, and do not spend it on mathematical calculations. You will definitely need a kitchen scale, if the calculations are inaccurate, there is a risk of overeating and then the body will not have time to spend the energy received, continue to accumulate reserves, or undereat, which is even worse, because, getting used to a small amount of food, the body will slow down the metabolic processes and the weight will be pick up even faster.

It is important to take into account some of the nuances.

1. The number of kcal in frozen foods does not change significantly.

2. When calculating the first courses on meat, we take the total of all components, taking into account the broth. If the meat is taken out, only 20% is taken into account, passing into the broth.

3. Boiled meat, poultry, fish, vegetables are considered raw, minus 20% loss in broth. When frying, about 20% of the fat is absorbed.

4. The calorie content of finished pasta, cereals and legumes is the same in dry form. They swell in water that does not contain calories and increase in weight and volume due to its absorption.

Calculation examples.

There are 338 calories in 100 g dry pasta. After boiling, the weight of pasta increased to 200 g, but the nutritional value decreased by 2 times. Thus, in 200 g of ready-made pasta, there are the same number of kcal.

For 100 gr. cereals account for 300 kcal, which means that the finished porridge with a weight of 300 g contains a similar amount.

The figures are approximate, everyone loves porridge in their own way: some are crumbly, others prefer viscous.

Added milk, butter and various sauces increase the nutritional value of the dish.

5. Salted, pickled fish contains 2 times more calories than raw. Fruits and vegetables do not lose their nutritional value after salting.

6. Calories in smoked meat, poultry and fish cooked at home are considered raw according to the table. In the factory, a “liquid smoke” concentrate is used, so such a product is about 40% more nutritious than homemade.

7. Do not eat fruits and berries in compote - consider only 30% of their calories. A dried fruit bowl contains 0 kcal. The calculated final nutritional value of the compote, together with fruits and berries, is distributed by the weight of the entire liquid.

Calorie food table per 100 grams.

The calorie content of the products in the table per 100 grams is taken from open, verified sources.

Calorie counting is not just another diet, but a way of life. It does not mean that you can lose weight by continuing to regularly eat fast food and lie on the couch. Choose natural, healthy food, your menu should be as diverse as possible, include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and fiber in the proper amount. Rationally distribute the daily volume of food during the day, eat in small portions every 2-3 hours, do not overeat at night! Move more, walk in the fresh air.

A convenient complete table of caloric content of products and ready meals. It is a pity that there is no calculator on the site. I'll print it. I heard a lot about this technique, they say it is really effective, I will try 🙂
